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Xander DeLeon

The love of family...

0 · 1,356 views · located in Wing City Hospital

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by FizzGig


Alexander DeLeon

rights belong to Linda Bergkvist of


Mister...Cellophane shoulda...

Been my name...mister...cellophane, cuz

You can look right through me,

Walk right by me...

And never know I'm there.

So begins...

Xander DeLeon's Story


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Character Portrait: Xander DeLeon
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#, as written by FizzGig
It was the hour that invited fewer visitors and more trouble than it was worth. Main Street was relatively quiet, save for the sole pedestrians that wandered the concrete paths. Buildings loomed, casting shadows across an already darkened street, and shaded windows threw occasional slices of orange light across Xanderā€™s path as he walked with purpose towards one building in particular.

Heā€™d been told by a local that this place was a gentlemenā€™s club. Heā€™d been told that he could perform there and earn his keep while he stayed in Wing City. Heā€™d only come in early the previous afternoon, and had yet to find a place to stay the night. Unfortunately, no one would even look at him twice when they heard heā€™d used the last of his funds on the bus ride here. There was no buying on credit, apparently.

So, frustrated and more than a little hungry, heā€™d set off to do the near-impossible: seek out a job in enough time to pay to keep a roof over his head, even if it was only temporary. These thoughts and more pounded through his head in time with his footsteps, and it wasnā€™t long before he was ducking inside the darkened doorstep of Lady Lestrangeā€™s.


Fifteen minutes after heā€™d disappeared into the aromatic atmosphere of the club, strong hands were caught up in the front of his worn leather jacket, nearly picking him clean up off his feet before tossing him roughly towards the sidewalk. He rolled over his shoulder once, landing in a semi-crouch as he hissed painfully.

ā€œF-f-fucking bastards,ā€ he growled as the man and his companions laughed openly.

ā€œConsider us entertained, princess.ā€ He called before slamming the door shut. Xander lowered his forehead onto a clenched fist, and mentally debated the wisdom of walking. His ribs hurt like hell.


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Character Portrait: Xander DeLeon
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#, as written by FizzGig
The moment he heard the strangerā€™s feet approaching, his first instinct had been to bolt back to his feet. But his thoughts, muddled from the fall, had been too delayed for him to act on it. And that was how he found himself standing, favoring his left side, with his arm laced through the jacketed limb of the young man at his side.

His face flushed, and he pulled his arm back as the words tumbled from Casperā€™s mouth. It was so easy, wasnā€™t it? Xander found himself immediately envying the other.

ā€œN-not dancing,ā€ Xander insisted, trying to sound sharp. But the stutter, his fucking speech impediment got in the way of the delivery, as always. He glanced back towards the door, looking more than a little sheepish.

ā€œM-meant to play,ā€ he added, twiddling his fingers in front of him, as if he were playing on an invisible piano. ā€œThink I, uh, m-missed something.ā€

That much was obvious. And yet, even though the apprehension shined in his dusky grey eyes, he couldnā€™t deny the fact that he hadnā€™t eaten decently in a couple days, and there wouldnā€™t be promise of any kind of food or shelter until he got his act together and paid attention to the kind of establishments he wanted to work at. This other, who reminded him painfully of one of Michelangeloā€™s portrayals of an angel, had swooped in at just the right timeā€¦

His heart pounded with indecision.

ā€œYā€™donā€™t have to d-do that.ā€ He muttered, averting his gaze.


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Character Portrait: Xander DeLeon
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#, as written by FizzGig
Xanderā€™s eyes flew wide at the implication, and he rapidly shook his head no. His dark hair fell in front of his face, which he quickly flicked aside with an impatient gesture of his hand.

ā€œN-no! I m-m-mā€¦ā€ There was a pause. His eyes fell closed as he sucked in a deep breath and heaved a sigh.

ā€œTook a b-bus, Iā€™m m-moving here. R-ran out of cash and f-fucked myself over.ā€ His expression was wry. It wasnā€™t like he had that much money to begin with, and desperate times tended to call for desperate measures. Besides all that, what Xander said was the truth. Half-truth. He didnā€™t think it necessary to explain that he was not only running from someone, but looking for another. He also didnā€™t think the lad would have the patience to listen to him try.

So, no. He wasnā€™t a vagrant, or homeless, or a druggie. He was just an unprepared idiot.

He glanced sideways nervously, towards the door to the club, then back to Casper. ā€œS-sorry, but c-can we go?ā€

He didnā€™t know where, or particularly care, so long as it was away from here.


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Character Portrait: Xander DeLeon
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#, as written by FizzGig
Thatā€™s not the first thing I thought when I saw you, Xander thought quietly to himself, keeping his eyes down and resisting the urge to look at what Casper was doing with his hand. Biting down on his lower lip, he thought long and hard about how to answer. This, usually, made it harder for him to talk normally. Thinking too long made him get nervous about speaking, which made him stutter. It was a vicious cycle.

ā€œW-wing Cityā€™s got s-something Iā€™m looking for.ā€ He managed, pleased with how that sounded. ā€œB-besides, I was in a b-bit of a r-r-rā€¦hurry.ā€ Ugh.

He slipped his hands into the pockets of his jacket, looking at Casper out of the corner of his eye. Was he an addict? It would be rude to ask, but what was that old saying? Takes one to know one? Unwilling to run the risk of losing the first friendly acquaintance heā€™d found since stepping off the bus thirty-nine hours ago (not that heā€™d counted or anything), he wisely kept his council and took a moment to relax.

ā€œIā€™m Xander, b-by the way.ā€ He said, finally.


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Character Portrait: Xander DeLeon
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#, as written by FizzGig
ā€œChicks d-dig it. At least, th-thatā€™s what my m-mom says.ā€ He replied, daring a small smile. Still, his cheeks were burning with embarrassment. Usually, people danced around the subject, or hid smiles when he struggled through sentences. Casper had justā€¦asked, not for any reason other than to clarify. Xander marveled at that for a moment before glancing away from his eyes.

ā€œItā€™s n-natural for me. Used to be real b-bad, though.ā€

His hand reached for Casperā€™s to shake, his grip surprisingly firm.

ā€œHands d-donā€™t stutter, though.ā€ He managed.


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Character Portrait: Xander DeLeon
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#, as written by FizzGig
ā€œTh-thatā€™sā€¦ā€ he didnā€™t even know what to say. His wide eyes turned away from Casper as his steps hesitated, his mind spinning as he tossed the pros and cons of this arrangement around. Going to a strangerā€™s house could mean good and bad things. Perhaps Casper was just as friendly as he seemed, and he had a family back at his place that wasnā€™t fucked up and dysfunctional.

Or maybe Casper was planning to sell him into some crazy sex ring. Theyā€™d put him on display for his stutter and there would be some big, sweaty man who was into that sort of thingā€¦

There was a long pause.

ā€œWh-why are you d-doing this?ā€ he asked softly. ā€œYou donā€™t know m-me from Adam.ā€

He probably thinks youā€™re no threat, Xander. Youā€™re not exactly intimidating with that jabber-jaw.


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Character Portrait: Xander DeLeon
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#, as written by FizzGig
He shook his head silently a few times, whether to Casperā€™s question, or to the sheer disbelief at the question, it couldnā€™t be said. He bit on his lower lip, tasting a peculiar, metallic flavor on the tip of his tongue. Blood. Heā€™d bit his lip on the inside when he fell.

Swallowing, he lifted his hands to put them behind his head, the fabric of his jacket bunching up around his shoulders as he once again looked Casperā€™s way.

ā€œS-something happen?ā€ he asked then, his voice tentative. Casperā€™s sudden aversion hinted to Xander that the topic wasnā€™t a pleasant one. He wouldnā€™t pry, if that was the case.

ā€œI m-mean, sorry. You d-donā€™t have to say an-nā€¦much.ā€ He let his head roll back into his hands, frowning delicately as he stared at the sky. ā€œSo th-thereā€™s others? Kids?ā€


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Character Portrait: Xander DeLeon
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#, as written by FizzGig
Moment of truth, Xander.

This was the reason why heā€™d left home. He wanted to get out from under his fatherā€™s thumb, get away from the anger and the hatred and go out into the world to see if he could be better than his old man said heā€™d be. Xander was going to prove him wrong about everything: about his success, about who he was as a personā€¦and about his sister.

It was ironic that the girl Casper mentioned was also named Gabby. For a moment, Xander wondered, but then pushed it aside. What were the odds, after all? He wouldnā€™t be surprised if his older sister was dead, or knocked up in some half-way house, or stoned out of her mind in some back alley. It was so unlikely that she happened to be here.

But if she was, he was going to help her, heā€™d decided. And maybe they could both go back and rub it in their fatherā€™s face how good they could be, how different they were from him. And then theyā€™d leave forever, and let him die alone and angry.

His thoughts returned to the new friend at his side, and Xander found himself idly wondering how long his good fortune would last.

ā€œIā€™ll come.ā€ He said with a finality that made his words perfectly clear.

The setting changes from Main Street to Lady Une Drive


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabby DeLeon Character Portrait: Casper Harpert Character Portrait: Sky Evans Character Portrait: Xander DeLeon
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0.00 INK

On came a knock on the door. Trouble for the both of them, presumably enough.

It was Casper. Casper, with another behind him. The same kid from before; the one who had been thrown out of the joint, where people danced and some played, some payed cash, and a lot of people drank. He felt bad for that. But he was paying Casey's favor forward, then. He was bringing Xander to his own home, for now. Xander, who reminded Casper of himself, and still reminded Casper of himself, past the niceties.

"It's just me, Gabs. I'm coming in." he said, strangling the doorknob and opening it wide. He turned to gesture to the boy. "I brought a friend. He's gonna be staying the night! Alright?" he called out.

The young blond gestured to his 'friend's shoes, and started to unravel his own. As ever, he threw them into a corner of the room. Casper started toward the living room, head down and hands up.

"Xander, Gabby. Gabby, Xa..."

He stopped, then, his eyes darting up to the winged stranger on the couch. Almost vacantly, he lifted a hand, gesturing to the boy.

"Who the fuck is this?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabby DeLeon Character Portrait: Casper Harpert Character Portrait: Sky Evans Character Portrait: Xander DeLeon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FizzGig
Xanderā€™s anxiety had eased somewhat during the walk to Casperā€™s house. The neighborhood hadnā€™t seemed too dangerous, much to his relief, and the house that they walked up to appeared to be perfectly normal in its appearance. He took a deep breath, preparing himself to meet more new people, hopefully as pleasant as Casper had been in the few short hours heā€™d known him. As Casper reached for the front door, the young man was struck once again by the familiarity of the name rolling off the otherā€™s tongue. It twisted his gut.

He followed the blonde tentatively, taking his cue and bending to unlace his tennis shoes before reaching to set them off in the corner, just as Casper pushed further into the house to perform the introductions. When Xander straightened, he slipped his jacket off of his shoulders, draping it over his arm as he turned finally to look at the occupants of the couch. His attention was stolen by the winged lad on the end, and for a moment he found himself wondering if heā€™d simply been shanked back at the club, and ended up going to some kind of purgatory filled with angelic males.

But then the second occupant, the one closer to them, turned to look back at the boys with wide, dark brown eyes. She seemed surprised at Casperā€™s ā€¦ well, it wasnā€™t exactly an outburst, but it certainly was abrupt.

ā€œOh!ā€ the girl chirped, in a voice that had Xander freezing in place, his face paling a few shades as he stared. ā€œOh, Cas, this is Sky. Heā€™sā€¦he was going to be staying too.ā€ She sounded more amused than sheepish, and not the least bit intimidated by the young man. Thenā€¦then her eyes shifted to Xanderā€™s, and her whole body went rigid with tension.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabby DeLeon Character Portrait: Casper Harpert Character Portrait: Sky Evans Character Portrait: Xander DeLeon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Sky blinked as the door opened, pushing himself into an upright position to greet the new arrivals. He recognised Casper from the photo, but the other boy was new to him, and apparently to Gabby too. Looked like everyone in this house had a habit of picking up random people off the streets.

The half-angel offered both Casper and Xander a smile, putting enough effort into it to not look like he wasn't genuine because of fatigue. "Heyy!" he offered, meekly waving a hand. "I uh, just dropped out of heaven and needed a place to crash, y'know?" he joked, stretching his wings slightly. One hand went to the bruising on his face, "Hit a few branches on the way down, unfortunately..."

He glanced awkwardly between Gabby and Xander as the two's eyes met and the former went rigid. "I'm kidding, obviously. It's nice to meet you both... Is everything okay?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabby DeLeon Character Portrait: Casper Harpert Character Portrait: Sky Evans Character Portrait: Xander DeLeon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FizzGig
She was lying on her bed, staring listlessly at the ceiling with the tourniquet still draped behind her bicep. The old needle was clasped in her hand, and her fingertips idly played with it as she drew in a deep breath, exhaling with a smile. This was a good batch, a good, clean batch, and the high seemed better than ever before. Yet, her musings were interrupted by the door opening, and soft footsteps followed. Her little brotherā€™s shadow touched her first, before the boy came to stand at her side, his eyes wide as his longish dark hair brushed against his lashes.

ā€œGabby,ā€ he said softly, tentatively, reaching to touch her shoulder. She lazily swatted him away, the needle falling to the ground with a clatter.

ā€œGo the fuck away, Alex. Iā€™m in the middle of something.ā€

In her haze, she hadnā€™t seen the bruise on the high side of his right cheek. In the haze, she hadnā€™t cared. She thought she might have heard him crying in the next room, crying for their mom, even crying for her, but she couldnā€™t bring herself to go to him. Sheā€™d never cared about anything more than herself. In fact, sheā€™d cared so little that sheā€™d gotten up, walked away from him and their father and their old life, falling into a pit so deep she didnā€™t think she could ever be saved. She didnā€™t think anyone would want to save her.

Her pupils were constricted tight, skin pale as she slowly rose from the couch. Behind Casper, Xanderā€™s expression had turned to horrified surprise, pink splotches appearing on his cheeks as he tracked the girl with his eyes.

ā€œG-g-g,ā€ He couldnā€™t bring himself to say her name. Gabby could only stare, slowly beginning to shake her head

ā€œAlex,ā€ she finally managed, her eyes widening as the larger boy suddenly started for her, threatening to push past Casper.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabby DeLeon Character Portrait: Casper Harpert Character Portrait: Sky Evans Character Portrait: Xander DeLeon
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Casper's eyes flitted to Sky, in surprise and empathetic fatigue. He glanced between the three, only catching Gabby's rigidness after Xander had retorted, and it was a little bit too late. Xander had pushed past him, narrow as the corridor was, but Casper instinctively reached out to grab his wrist and give him a hard yank backwards.

Instinctively. They'd been put through hell too many times.

"Hey, what the hell, dude? Now's not the time to go fucking predator, alright?" he hissed, though gritted teeth.

"Jesus! You two know eachother, or something?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabby DeLeon Character Portrait: Casper Harpert Character Portrait: Sky Evans Character Portrait: Xander DeLeon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FizzGig
His first instinct was to turn and lay one right between Casperā€™s eyes, but flashes and images of his father played in his mindā€™s eye, the ugly look heā€™d get right before heā€™d hit Xanderā€¦and somehow he managed to stop himself. He was jerked back, yes, and part of him prayed that Casper didnā€™t let go. He needed restraint, especially when he looked from Casperā€™s bewildered glare to Gabbyā€™s frightened eyes.

She was afraid of him. The thought startled him as though heā€™d been struck.

ā€œM-m-my sister.ā€ He breathed, staring towards the young woman. Gabby looked like she was about to be sick.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabby DeLeon Character Portrait: Casper Harpert Character Portrait: Sky Evans Character Portrait: Xander DeLeon
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#, as written by Script
Sky pulled himself to his feet, hesitantly standing somewhat between Gabby and the stranger. He was not an imposing blockade, his slight figure and short stature anything but threatening (not to mention the broken finger and obvious fatigue) but it was the thought that counted, right?

"Let's just... can we like, chill, or something?" he asked lamely, running a hand through his hair with a confused sigh. He shared a glance of 'what?' with Casper, despite not knowing the other boy, because it was clear that they shared in the fact that neither of them had any idea what was going on between their companions.

When Xander spoke, Sky resisted groaning. Family drama. Oh great. He had the best timing ever.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabby DeLeon Character Portrait: Casper Harpert Character Portrait: Sky Evans Character Portrait: Xander DeLeon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FizzGig
She didnā€™t know what to say. She didnā€™t know how she could alleviate the rage that burned behind her little brotherā€™s eyes. Sheā€™d known he had a temper, of course, but never had she been in a predicament when the anger had been turned on her. He was bigger now, much stronger, taller and broad in the shoulders like their father had been. She knew if he had the mind to do it he could seriously hurt her.

And she wouldnā€™t blame him one bit.

Holding up a hand, as if to protect herself from his anger, she looked from Alex to Casper to Sky, and then back to her brother.

ā€œWe canā€™t do this here, Lexi.ā€ She said, her voice trembling. ā€œIf you want to talkā€¦weā€¦we can, we canā€™t just do it like this.ā€

Xanderā€™s forearm grew stiff and hard as he clenched his fist in Casperā€™s grasp, and he turned to stare at the blonde.

ā€œI n-need to l-l-leā€¦go.ā€


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabby DeLeon Character Portrait: Casper Harpert Character Portrait: Sky Evans Character Portrait: Xander DeLeon
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"I didn't know." Casper said, looking between Xander and Gabby. His confused anger dissolved into slight regret. "That what you were looking for...?"

He side-stepped, to move in front of the door. He'd seen the boy's fist, and felt his muscles tense up in his hand. He shared a look with Gabby, who had been bracing herself for Xander, and Sky, who had come between them.

Sky, who had wings. Who was an angel. In their house.

"Yeah, you know, I'd like that, Angelboy. Let's just chill."

Casper felt another slight pang of confused anger. Without realizing it, he tightened his grip.

"Where are you going to go? You said you were broke."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabby DeLeon Character Portrait: Casper Harpert Character Portrait: Sky Evans Character Portrait: Xander DeLeon
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#, as written by FizzGig
ā€œI th-thought she was d-dead.ā€ Xander said sharply, in a way that stung Gabby worse than if heā€™d hit her. ā€œD-didnā€™t th-think Iā€™dā€¦of all th-the p-placesā€¦ā€ He started breathing hard, tears burning at the corners of his eyes as his eyes turned red.

ā€œTh-this it? N-new family?ā€ he directed to her, sounding more hurt now than angry. ā€œL-leave without a f-fucking wordā€¦ā€ He shook his head, leaning against the wall of the corridor with his arm still in Casperā€™s hand. He glanced again to the winged boy, taking deep breaths as he struggled to keep a handle on his emotions. So many different feelings raced through him: anger, hatred, anxiety, hurt and elation and reliefā€¦

ā€œD-doesnā€™t matter.ā€ He directed to Casper. ā€œI c-canā€™t b-be here with..with her.ā€

Gabby looked hopelessly at a loss for what to do. Her look was apologetic to every single one of the men in the room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabby DeLeon Character Portrait: Casper Harpert Character Portrait: Sky Evans Character Portrait: Xander DeLeon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
Sky resisted the urge to mumble something grumpily about being called angelboy, but decided now wasn't the time. But seriously, did everyone have to call him that? Grumble grumble.

The half-angel stayed quiet, glancing between the others awkwardly. He didn't really have anything to say at this point that wouldn't come across as either assholeish or redundant.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabby DeLeon Character Portrait: Casper Harpert Character Portrait: Sky Evans Character Portrait: Xander DeLeon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by FizzGig
ā€œI should just go. I can stay with Viktor for the night.ā€ Gabby told Casper, mostly. If Xander needed time to chew over her being here, alive, with a lot on their plate to talk about, then she could just go elsewhere. She didnā€™t want him kicked to the street anymore than Casper wanted him to leave.

ā€œJustā€¦to let him get used to the idea.ā€ She insisted. It seemed like the wise thing to do, considering all that would predictably come of this in the end. Whether it be a huge fight or a call to the police stationā€¦well, that depended on how well Xander could control his temper.

ā€œItā€™s ok.ā€ She insisted. ā€œIā€¦I want to talk this through, but nowā€™s not the time.ā€

Xander was simply glowering now, his chest heaving as the emotional turmoil burned him up on the inside.