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Xever Grimslottir

"Every citian in Spelheim deserves Mercy. My only wish? That I may deliver it to them."

0 · 344 views · located in Vixi High Orbit

a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Crooked Thoughts, as played by RolePlayGateway


Xever Grímslóttir


Male | 28

"A plague sweeps across this land of strife and magic.
No doctor can cure it and no amount of prayer will save you.
But do not fear it, instead embrace it and Mercy will be thrust upon you."

-Theme Song: Hurt by Johnny Cash-

Being a man of 6 feet and 4 inches can put many men off guard, and having an agile muscular build would only lend to the daunting visage. To look upon the face of this towering individual, might spawn surprise due to the lack of skin and bone. Instead, a metal helm possessing a seemingly scowling expression replaces what should be a human face. But behind the mask are cold blue eyes, long black hair, and the Facial Features of a young man. The young man has been growing a beard for a few weeks, still though, it amounts to nothing more than gruff stubble. Most noticeable are the scars however, stemming from his lips and spreading out like the roots of a tree. Similar wounds from battles passed dot his sun-deprived body along with Strange Markings covering the entirety of his arms, none of which can be seen when his usual clothing is worn. The Voice this young man resonates within the soul purely from the conviction and pain felt in his words.

Secretive and Reserved, everything you expect from a shy loner. Socially, Xever is closed off; he hasn't opened up to anyone since he was a child. Even to comrades, he is a stranger shrouded in mystery. He speaks only in brief, cryptic messages and is evasive of any prying questions. He generally displays the comportment expected of a teenager: arrogant, defensive, and critical of anything he is discordant with. Nevertheless, penetrate his gruff exterior and you will find him affable. Yet, you would never think this was the same man planning the mass murder of an entire race and country.
Xever is surprisingly apathetic and placid. His life is a never-ending cycle of war and death that has deadened him. Arousing emotion is difficult, and getting him to laugh or smile is nigh impossible, but both can be done given the right environment. Xever seemingly wanders the world in a listless depression, but this is not so. However, his pessimistic and cynical outlook on life does little to sway other's perception of him. Xever has found it’s easier not to care. Even if he wanted to, he isn't sure he could get past Spelheim's corrupt ways. Magic has clouded their judgment, their selfishness has all but guaranteed a dark and foreboding future, which has finally been made reality and may very well mean the end of the human world.

Ironically, Xever is no saint or upstanding citizen. At best, his integrity can be described as: slipshod, manipulative, and deceitful. He has been shown to give his reliability to only one person, though the Grey Manes and Iron Bay receive similar treatment.

Xever isn't easily distracted from a task. Focused and controlled; he would never allow his impulses and desire for revenge to cloud his judgment. Albeit he is bold and intrepid, which is often construed as reckless behavior, every action taken is deliberate and calculated. Once Xever sets his sights on something, he is steadfast on getting it. He is adaptable; able to think on his feet and make the tough decisions when required. But, he’s also stubborn and will not be shaken from a path once descended. It’s this ego-driven attitude that makes him intractable. He uses a strategic method of thinking which eliminates any falsities and uncertainty, thus any conclusion derived has to be correct.

Overall, Xever is a distant person that prefers to walk alone, for he believes that you are the only one to be completely trusted. He has a sharp tongue, is sarcastic to the core, and appears often arrogant in his behavior. There is no doubt that he is very self-confident and strongly believes in what he is doing, though he is mostly driven by revenge. This is partially the reason for his cold attitude that doesn’t allow anyone too close. However, if one might take the time to get to know him and prove that they are worth his time, he will reveal himself as an intelligent person with a silver-tongue. He may also show that he can be a very loyal, protective companion, though only few will ever be able to gain his friendship like that. In the end, Xever is nothing but a bitter person.

The life of Xever Grímslóttir, son of Tiberius Grímslóttir, is a dismal story of tragic loss, cursed magic, and deep-seated revenge. A cautionary tale, telling how ill-gotten power can bring about misfortune. And like all great tragedies, the story begins innocently enough, with a little bit of hope and a dream...

Magic was to be the Grímslóttir's wings of ascension, the one thing that could return them to grace. You see, being blessed with magic -- and no matter what you've heard or seen, magic is a blessing -- meant a comfortable life behind the secure walls of Paragam. Otherwise known as the City: the impenetrable paradise of magicians and nobles. Many had seen the outside of its walls, but only the chosen had seen the other side of them. Believe it or not, the Grímslóttir's were once among those select few. It was a plush life, one that was violently ripped away because of Tiberius Grímslóttir and the bridges he burned in his ambitious climb to the top. There were accusations made, a trail juried, and when the dust settled, the Grímslóttir's were exiled and forced to leave the place they once called home. But Tiberius wouldn't leave it at that. He would take back everything he lost and more; he would extract revenge against those who wronged him. And the first step in his plan for retribution, was to obtain magic. It was the law of the land for anyone with magic to immediately be relocated to the City. With that in mind, Tiberius knew his children would be the key to everything, and so he would prepare them to be his harbingers. Yet, after raising seven kids, not one of them had the gift of magic... or so he thought.

Years had gone by and Tiberius's desire for vengeance still burned with the intensity of the ten suns. But progress had been slowed to a snail's pace. Fortunately, Tiberius didn't spend the last decade or so idly sitting on his hands. Whether it was directly made aware to him or discerned through subterfuge, his time in the military had made him privy to certain knowledge. Of all the secrets he learned, the one most prosperous was the rumored whereabouts of an underground carven blessed by the maker. This piece of information fueled countless trips in search of holy lands and artifacts. Tiberius was no believer, but magic and religion was synonymous in Spelheim. Meaning, anything priests thought to be sacred may also have mystic properties. Eventually, his research produced results and he discovered an underground temple with a large statue erected in its center. The mythos that followed the ancient temple said: "Only thee chosen shall drink from the blessed well. Thy soul shall thence be awakened and the world's energy be at thoust beck and call." The mere existence of such a place was enough to convince Tiberius of its truth and rid him of any doubts. What would happen to those who weren't worthy, never crossed his mind.

Not more than a week later, the Grímslóttir family arrived at the temple in their full entirety: 3 girls, 4 boys, their mother, and of course their father. The family knew what they were there for and was eager to receive the gift of magic. It had been decided or more accurately, they were told that only children could drink from the well and once they had, magic would be awakened from its slumber within their souls. One-by-one the children approached the well and drunk goblets full of the mystical elixir. After that was done, they only needed to wait... for what though, they didn't know. It wasn't until the eldest, whom was the first to drink, collapsed to ground only to be followed by the others. A panicked inspection revealed they weren't breathing, their heart had ceased its beating, and their bodies were cold as ice. The wails of the dead children's mother filled the air while her husband was paralyzed with regret and dismay. But the sound of desperate gasping tore both of the grief-stricken parents away from somberness and towards hope. Xever, their middle child, had apparently survived. Nearly decapitating him as they did so, they hugged what was now their only son. Something was amiss however, turning the bittersweet moment sour. Holding their son seemed to drain them, inducing a sensation of seeping strength. Pulling back revealed a darkness spreading across their body. Xever nor did his parents know what was happening, what was apparent was that it didn't affect Xever. So he sat and held his parents hands as he watched them be consumed by the darkness and express their dying wishes.

Hours passed and still Xever sat, tears ducts dry from constant crying. He thought, hoped, someone would wake up, or maybe, just maybe, his parents might still be alive somehow. But neither of those things happened. Eventually, he decided he would go get help, despite knowing there was nothing anyone could do. Looking back, Xever isn't sure how long he wandered or even how he survived. Hours, days, searching for just one person, ignoring his aching body, hungry stomach, and dry mouth... Eventually, he did find what he was looking for, but fainted before he could speak a word. When Xever awoke for the second time, he was among strange faces, but faces he would come to see as his new family in the next two years. Xever had been discovered by a traveling caravan that decided to take pity on the boy and make him one of them. Nevertheless, the nightmare that was reality, was just beginning. That darkness... somehow Xever knew he had caused it. He knew it was magic and it was because of that, he'd lost everything. This gift, this blessing as his parents called it, was a curse in disguise; a weight he must bear alone. Loneliness, a concept he would have to familiarize himself with, along with this new existence of his.

During Xever's stay with the caravan, he learned many things. The most important of which, was that he wasn't alone. Amongst the travelers, were two individuals who would become his only friends. An adolescent by the name of Darius was one these individual. Who after discovering he shared a similar past with Xever, befriended him and became a pseudo-brother. Stratmere was the other person, he was the caravan master and a traveling scholar. Together, the two ensured the caravan was Xever's home and a safe haven. While the others knew nothing of Xever's secret origins, Stratmere and Darius knew everything and still agreed to help him. That kindness kept humanity alive inside of Xever, which deterred him from a much darker path.

Years passed, Xever learned what his magic was, how to control it, and many other things like: combat training and horsemanship from Darius, which improved upon everything he had learned from his father. Stratmere also helped, assisting Xever with his studies as that was his field of expertise; Xever always preferred books to blades. But, Xever had learned all he could and over time came to realize the one thing he needed to do. It was time he stopped endangering the innocent lives around him and their goals he wanted to pursue. He decided to leave and once he had, Darius had decided to do so as well.

Xever and Darius became mercenaries of the land, working for various armies and doing what conscripted soldiers wouldn't or couldn't do. They were battle-brothers, and soon the duo formed a band of mercenaries as more men devoted their life to their leadership. Their life was one of adventure and peril, but rarely did they want or need for anything. Xever was never sure if it was the life Darius wanted, but he himself had bigger plans. He made sure Darius was privy to them; he would never risk his battle-brothers life without him knowing why. So Darius was made aware of his daily need to kill, the moonlighting as an assassin, and he even eventually told him about his quest.

Magic was responsible for the life Xever had and the person he had become. More so, it was the reason he no longer had a family, and for that someone would have to pay. Why give forgiveness and seek love when it was so much easier to hate and get revenge? Xever would see to the destruction of Spelheim, the death of all magicians, and the end of magic. It was an ambitious goal and he didn’t know how he would do it, but he would see it achieved or die trying. He had all the tools he needed: hate, vengefulness, grief, bitterness, and regret; his cause would not be deferred. Some might say his parents were to blame, though he couldn't fault them for wanting a better life for the family they created. Xever held Spelheim, magic, and even the god(s) if they existed responsible for every life taken by his hands or otherwise by the taint of magic. For years Xever bided his time, waiting for the perfect moment. And with the advent of the disappearing veil and eve of war, timing couldn't be better...

Soul Magic: It wasn't until after the events he suffered as a child that Xever discovered he was a soul magician. In layman terms, this means that Xever's mana seal was incorrectly or incompletely broken which resulted in a unique apparition of magic within his soul. What the magic allowed him to do is leech life-force from targets, but there are flaws and complications. Apparently, soul magic is highly inefficient and Xever's is certainly no exception. Unfortunately, his magic was inherently broken. Nevertheless, Xever continues to train in order to hone and improve his abilities.

[High] Mana Capacity: The mana well that holds Xever's excess mana, is larger than average. What this means, is that Xever can go a day or two at max without casting a spell. After that time, his reserves will be full and unless depleted he will begin suffering from the effects of mana fever.

[Slow] Mana Recharge Rate: All magicians naturally regain lost mana over time, what varies from person-to-person is the amount this takes. For Xever, this process is slow, which can be good or bad depending on the situation. In battle this would be a problem, but outside combat it becomes a blessing. To sum it up, it would take around 36 hours to completely recharge.

[Medium] Magical Output: For Xever this aspect of his magic is reversed. Instead of how much magic Xever can discharge in a single attack, he measures how much he can take in. Xever's only talent is the absorption of life-force energy, so the statistic is based upon two factors: absorption rate and spread rate. Currently, his overall rate is medium, with the latter slowing after absorption has ceased. Depending on the targeted area, rate of abortion can be hasten or slowed. For instance, the chest is a prime location while limbs are not. To sum it up: at full capacity, Xever could completely drain two adult humans in a matter of minutes given the right scenario.

Plague Touch: The one and only talent Xever can use with soul magic involves leeching life force. There are many stipulations and limitations of this ability, in addition to after effects. Below is the detailed explanation of how his magic works.

ImageFirstly; in order to drain his target, touch, which is not restricted to direct physical contact, is required. Contact isn't limited to certain limbs, Xever's entire body is capable of performing this action. Touching also works both ways; meaning Xever can drain life from who he’s touching as well as whose touching him. During later stages of mana fever, Xever's magic will automatically respond to outside stimuli.

Secondly; as life is drained necrosis, the premature death of cells in living tissue, begins to spread from the area of contact. Even after contact has ceased, the necrosis will continue to spread, but at a slower rate. The spreading will only stop, if the necrosis has been treated or the infected area has been amputated.

Thirdly; any life force absorbed isn't beneficiary to Xever, instead it nourishes the necrosis. In this sense, Xever's true ability allows him to manifest necrosis on living beings. His magic serves as its creator and through mana, he’s able to accelerate the spreading.

Lastly; death is not instant, but a very likely outcome. Targeting specific areas, such as vital organs, can deliver death nigh instantly, however. Otherwise, any other attack serves as a severe injury which can lead to death.

Xever is able to perform his plague touch as long as he has mana, but just because he can, doesn't mean he will. But it isn't a last resort as much as it’s a death sentence. If a situation meets certain requirements, he then sanctions himself for its use. Because there is no preparation or give away, opponents are always caught off guard and a kill is guaranteed. For that reason, keeping his abilities secret is of the utmost importance.

Weapons: In Xever's own opinion, he considers himself to be more of an intellectual adversary. But since he can't kill his enemies with knowledge alone, a tool or weapon is also needed. This is why Xever put effort into acquiring proficiency with weapons as well as his hands. His preference and mastery is with anything that can be thrown. He has developed precision aim and enough strength to hurl the projectile a decent distance. As an assassin, Xever has ensure the death of his enemies. In the event he cannot do so directly, he laces the blades of his weapons with a deadly venom that can cause death in minutes.

His primary weapon is a custom Soliferrum designed for close combat, but still can be thrown up to a range of 30 meters. For that reason, he sometimes carries multiples. But out of all the duplicates there is one with a unique shape and blade, of which never leaves his side and so he affectionately calls her Mercy. A fun fact about Mercy: there are four notches on the blade, each represents a magician who has been shown Mercy.

Xever's secondary weapon, is a Daggertail Chain Whip that is often dual wielded along with Mercy. The chain is made of sharp blades designed to lacerate and even severe depending on the force and speed of the pulling during constriction. In addition to its combat use, the daggertail can be used as a long distance tool of various applications.

As a support weapon only, Xever will carry Throwing Knives and Throwing Stars. If nothing at all, Xever will ensure he has a few these stashed away on his body. Their ability to be concealed make them ideal for assassination attempts or simple self-defense. Normally he will carry several knives hidden on his waist and/or a few throwing stars in a slot under his gauntlet.

Armor: Light armor is worn in combination with Xever's clothing. At a default, this consists of: a steel helmet, iron arm braces, leather shoulder guards, steel chest plate, and iron leg guards. This combination doesn't hamper his mobility or agility and still manages to protect vital points on the body. However, if given time to prepare for major battles, Xever will wear a chainmail suit for extra protection.

Equipment: Excluding basic supplies like food, water, and money; Xever can always be seen with a small leather-bound book. The book was given to him by his father at the time of his death. He was told to keep it close to him at all times and never lose it. Xever did as he was told, but didn't attempt to read until days later. But because it was written in shorthand, he couldn't read it until he later found the key. Once he had, Xever discovered the book was basically a guideline detailing his father's plans of revenge. A plethroa of information was held within its pages; names, dates, locations, plans, etc... Since reading it, Xever has treated it like holy scripture; constantly studying and reading it. He has even begun writing on the unused pages with a pencil (charcoal, graphite, lead, whatever).

ImageName: Shriek
Species: Horse
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Height: 5'2 feet
Weight: 1000 pounds
Eye Color: Hazel
Coat Color: Gray
Mane Color: Black
Description/Info: Xever and Darius had only traveled together for two years when he had finally amassed enough gold for his tuition. Once he was ready to depart, Darius presented him with this horse as gift. The horse had been tamed, trained, and cared for by Darius himself. Xever also played a crucial role in raising the horse. He took pity on the horse for they both shared a similar history and like him, she preferred to be alone. They were a perfect fit as horses were wary of Xever and Shriek didn't care to be ridden. Thenceforth, they were an inseparable pair.

Shriek was never a strong horse and though she’s fearless, she wasn't fit for heavy Calvary. But where she lacked in strength, she made up for in spades with speed and agility. There is no horse or any animal faster in Yclea; a boast Xever is willing to wager his life over. That is the reason behind her original name, Streak. However, Xever felt the name was lacked character and began calling her Shriek for her striking appearance and the shrill sound she makes when at top speed. Like Xever, Shriek is always [url=
]armor-clad in a black, lightweight metal and leather combination[/url] that doesn't weigh her down or strain her muscles.

Writing Sample
While on a midnight stroll through a dark alley, or a forest road, your character sees a faint silhouette on the road ahead. The person approaches at a relaxed pace, holding an object that might be a sword, or a walking cane, or even a tree branch. You are not sure you have been seen, but the chances are fair.


Code: Select all

So begins...

Xever Grimslottir's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issachar Remaeus Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Xever Grimslottir Character Portrait: Azul Character Portrait: Javed Chaudhary Character Portrait: Archangel Remiel
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#, as written by Remæus
 “ Welcome, traveler. What brings you to this realm? ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issachar Remaeus Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Xever Grimslottir Character Portrait: Azul Character Portrait: Javed Chaudhary Character Portrait: Archangel Remiel
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 “ "Where am I? I'm lost." ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issachar Remaeus Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Xever Grimslottir Character Portrait: Azul Character Portrait: Javed Chaudhary Character Portrait: Archangel Remiel
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#, as written by Remæus
Issachar Remaeus paused for a moment before responding.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issachar Remaeus Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Xever Grimslottir Character Portrait: Azul Character Portrait: Javed Chaudhary Character Portrait: Archangel Remiel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
 “ You're in orbit over Vixi, one of the old worlds. How did you find yourself here? ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issachar Remaeus Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Xever Grimslottir Character Portrait: Azul Character Portrait: Javed Chaudhary Character Portrait: Archangel Remiel
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Prince Niku III shrugged. "I fled from a tyrant. I did not know where I was going, but I had to get away. I must train and return to defeat him. Are there many people on this Vixtri?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issachar Remaeus Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Xever Grimslottir Character Portrait: Azul Character Portrait: Javed Chaudhary Character Portrait: Archangel Remiel
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#, as written by Remæus
Issachar Remaeus nods understandingly.

Trillions, but I'm not so sure it's your destination of choice today.

Remæus thought for a moment.

I'll be right back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issachar Remaeus Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Xever Grimslottir Character Portrait: Azul Character Portrait: Javed Chaudhary Character Portrait: Archangel Remiel
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Prince Niku III raised a brow. "Why not? Is something wrong down there?" he inquired. He waited as the individual retreated.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issachar Remaeus Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Xever Grimslottir Character Portrait: Azul Character Portrait: Javed Chaudhary Character Portrait: Archangel Remiel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
 “ Ah, that's much better. ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issachar Remaeus Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Xever Grimslottir Character Portrait: Azul Character Portrait: Javed Chaudhary Character Portrait: Archangel Remiel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
 “ You get to choose any location across the 'verse, lucky sir. ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issachar Remaeus Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Xever Grimslottir Character Portrait: Azul Character Portrait: Javed Chaudhary Character Portrait: Archangel Remiel
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0.50 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Issachar Remaeus exclaims,
Oh! Almost forgot.

Remæus pulls out a small orb from the folds of his cloak, which unfurled a holographic display of the entire Multiverse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issachar Remaeus Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Xever Grimslottir Character Portrait: Azul Character Portrait: Javed Chaudhary Character Portrait: Archangel Remiel
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Prince Niku III blinks at it, his nictitating membrane flickering in curiosity. "What is that?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issachar Remaeus Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Xever Grimslottir Character Portrait: Azul Character Portrait: Javed Chaudhary Character Portrait: Archangel Remiel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
 “ This here is a Navigator. It's a device designed by the Ancients, and I happen to have one. ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issachar Remaeus Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Xever Grimslottir Character Portrait: Azul Character Portrait: Javed Chaudhary Character Portrait: Archangel Remiel
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0.00 INK

The Ancients? How do I use it? I need to find powerful combatants to test my strength against.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issachar Remaeus Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Xever Grimslottir Character Portrait: Azul Character Portrait: Javed Chaudhary Character Portrait: Archangel Remiel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
 “ Ah, I know just the place. Follow me. ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issachar Remaeus Character Portrait: Prince Niku III Character Portrait: Xever Grimslottir Character Portrait: Azul Character Portrait: Javed Chaudhary Character Portrait: Archangel Remiel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Azul
Azul needs to find somewhere to go, he had been standing there daydreaming for only God knows how long. There were people around, although due to the blurriness of his visor he couldn't truly discern what was happening. Swords sheathed, mind somewhat at ease, he walks forward kicking a piece of metal on the ground.