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Zedai Xari Aklen R'Alek

Passionate, curious, mildly confused, and apathetic alien stranded on a planet she does not belong to.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by damnationfromafar


Species: Axakirenii
Home-World: Maenali
Age: 80 Earth-Terra Years/20 Maenali Years
Physical Age Appearance: 22-25 Earth Years

Appearance Forms: Zedai has two forms of appearance. The first being one that resembles earth beings very closely. The second form being more other-wordly. She can chose which form she is in.

Appearance 1: Pale white skin with minor pink undertones, no blemishes, soft and smooth. Blue eyes, light pink or pale lips, sharp cheek and jaw bones, blonde hair. 5'10", slender body, small breasts. Double jointed in the elbows, and knees.

Appearance 2: White skin but with more intense pink undertones, patches of red scales along her cheekbones, jawline, collarbones, hip bones, and more obscure patches along her arms, torso, and legs. Gills are also along her cheekbones. White irises, purple tinted lips, very bright blonde hair, pointed ears, ridge along top of skull from widows peak to the back of her head. reddish/translucent webbing between toes and fingers, with the ability to transform hips down into red tail. 5'10", but 8ft with tail
from end of fins to the top of her head. Double jointed in elbows, knees, ankles, with extremely flexible spinal vertebrae that extends down from her back into her tail when she has it.

Handedness: Ambidextrous

Relationship Status: Widowed

Sexuality: Heterosexual presumably.

Personality: Zedai is very curious, intuitive, creative, passionate, and kind hearted. Though she also has a tendency to be less empathetic towards the human race, is a little apathetic towards illness, or emotional pain, because on her planet they are raised not to feel grief, or extreme happiness, or even love really.

Abilities: Breathing under water, tail formation, fast swimming, extending another beings life-span, flexibility, agility, strength, her hair grows at a faster rate than humans. She can also hear at a level higher than human beings. She also has the genetic ability to know the language of any planet she is on.

Weaknesses: Very dry hot places with no waters. Knives, and guns with also injure her, however it is very difficult to kill her as she heals herself. Faster when she is in second form, slower when in first.

Zedai R'Alek was born to her mother Skusa and her father Centri 20 years ago on Maenali. She is the species Axakirenii which is one of two original Maenali species, and is a pureblood. Zedai has two younger sisters, one older sister, three younger brothers, and two older brothers, as well as a twin brother, giving her nine siblings. Zedai had a fairly good childhood, excelled at an average rate in school, taking an interest in literature more than anything else.

Axakirenii's espeically are raised and have always been raised not to feel grief, or severe happiness/sadness, or even romantic love. Most serious emotions other than strength, or bravery are considered weakness, or unimportant. Due to this, Zedai does not really know what is it like to feel loved, nor what it is like to truly love someone. Though it does not seem to bother her, because she doesn't know anything other than how she was raised, and can't possibly imagine how good love feels. It is not really known why they are this way - though it is heavily linked to fear of weakness, as well as seeing the mind as more important than the heart.

As stated in the history on the previous page Axakirenii's as many other species on Maenali only have sex for reproductive purposes, one to three times in their life usually - and females do not often feel sexual pleasure, because males are focused on impregnating them, which does not take very long, and there is no focus on pleasure for the female.

Zedai has only had sex once in her life-time, but failed to get pregnant which is considered a very shameful thing on Maenali, driving her to no longer desire to attempt to have a child, as she felt ashamed, and broken due to how she was treated by others. These feelings of shame, and sadness also bringing her more embarrassment, and being seen as weak.

Zedai got married to Edain when she was fourteen years old, attempting to have a child at sixteen years old. Her husband was killed unintentionally during a robbery when she was eighteen years old, leaving her widowed. Zedai never felt like he loved her, and to her this was normal, or she at least felt it was normal. However, Zedai cannot deny feeling something more for Edain at one point or another. When he died, she was forced to push back any feelings of sadness over the loss of him in order to keep what little respect she still had from her family, and those around her.

Many of her siblings moved to other planets over the years for their own reasons... When Zedai was seventeen a war between species broke out, causing many people to leave the planet to keep their families alive, or sending their youngest children to other planets so they could continue the bloodline safely.

Zedai is currently twenty years old, and after her twin brother, and her younger sister moved on to other planets, she did not want to leave her parents. However, they insisted she leave, and forced her into a pod. They did not care where she went as long as she got away from Maenali alive.

Maenali/Axakirenii History:

Maenali: Maenali is twice the size of earth. It's landscape is very lush with forests, plains, but the planet is 80% water. Freshwater, and saltwater oceans making up a great deal of the planet, many of it's inhabitants live almost solely in the water. The planet has two moons, which they call Zoveta, and Luyana, whom are also the Goddesses they worship. Maenali is estimated to be two hundred thousand years old, the first known intelligent species having appeared one hundred thousand ninety years ago.

The world is much more advanced than earth. On Maenali, transportation portals, ray guns as well as other advanced weapons, holograms, and other more advanced technology exists. Four earth years is one Maenali year, many species on the planet age much slower than human beings, while others age quicker.

On Maenali there are two original species, but many other beings from other planets have taken to living there as well. The two main species on Maenali are Axakirenii and Zrov'ont. Zedai is Axakirenii.

On Maenali, there is currently a terrible war occurring between the two species, dragging other species along with it. Many families are sending their youngest children to other planets to start new lives, to keep them safe.

Axakirenii: Axakirenii are a more aquatic species, that tend to spend no less than half of their time in the water. They tend to live near the shore, or near lakes. Others chose to live in areas with less water, have fish-tank like pools often inside their homes. This is also common even in the homes of Axakirenii who live by the water. Some Axakirenii do live solely in the water, however, they more often than not were raised by a generation of Axakirenii who lived solely in the water, and the life-style has been passed down, or ingrained. They have the ability to know the language of any planet they are on.

Axakirenii have two forms. The form they usually take on land resembles the earthling appearance. They have varying shades of skin tones ranging from pale white to very dark brown. Their eye-colors they have are: blue, green, purple, and black; very rarely will they have brown or hazel eyes. Their lips are often either light pink or pale white, but darker toned Axakirenii's have cream and brown colored lips if not pink. Their jawbones and cheekbones are prominent. Axakirenii's range from many heights, and body types, from very slender to plus size, and very short to very tall. The average height for a female Axakirenii is 5'9, and 6'5 for a male. Hair colors are normally blonde, red, or black, brunettes are rare. They are usually double jointed in the elbows, and knees, and generally very flexible and fast swimmers.

Their second form, one they usually take underwater but may also take on land for a short amount of time is one that might resemble what earthlings think of as mer-people, mermaids, mermen. Their skin remains about the same color, however the undertone of their skin is more intense, giving those with pale skin, a less pale look. Scales of every possibly color are on their body, however they usually only have one color with different shades of that color. The scales are in more set patches along their face, and chest, while the rest of their body is more obscure, some Axakirenii have more scales than others. Gills are also along their cheekbones for breathing underwater. Their eye-color is usually white, yellow or gray, and very luminescent. Their hair color brightens significantly. They also have pointed ears, and a bone ridge along their top of their head. Between their toes and fingers is translucent webbing tinted the color of their scales. They also maintain the ability to shape shift a tail from their hips down, which is also the same color as their scales. With their tales they are 2-4 feet taller/longer than without. Double jointed elbows, knees, and ankles with extremely flexible spinal vertebrae that extends down from their backs into their tails when they have them.

In both forms they maintain the ability to swim fast, extend other human beings life spans with a chemical transferred through their saliva that is luminescent when activated, flexibility, agility, and hearing at a level higher than humans. They are stronger than humans, and their on their head hair grows much faster than human beings. At a rate of an inch to two inches a week.

Only in form two do they have the ability to breathe underwater, or form a tail.

Axakirenii age very slowly, and very well. Even at their average maximum life span they look younger than most earthlings do at 80-90.

The average lifespan for an Axakirenii of either sex is 200's years old, which is 800 earth years. Even at 200/800 years old they generally do not look any older than a 60 year old earthling.

It is possible for an Axakirenii to slow down their aging even further if they are from a pure bloodline, of only Axakirenii that has not been bred with any species. A pure Axakirenii will live even longer, and age even slower. Zedai is of a pure bloodline. Axakirenii's aging slows down significantly around age 20-25, leaving them looking the same age until they are 60-70 years old, and only then do they start aging again.

Axakirenii need food and water much the same as earthlings, however they tend to eat and drink much more than humans do.

Children on Maenali are generally in school from age 3 to age 13, and then they are able to chose whether or not to continue with school, going to what on earth would be considered College. Maenali graduate first school at age 13, with an education level that would be comparable to a 4 year college education. However, because history is different on earth, than on Maenali, is is language, science and mathematics, it is difficult to compare them. Most Maenali do not know very much about earth. They focus more on the important planets around them, Earth is considered one of the lowest level planets.

Axakirenii's espeically are raised to not feel grief, extreme happiness/sadness, or even romantic love. As are many of the beings on Maenali. It is not entirely sure why they are this way, but, it is tied to the fear of weakness, as well as believing the mind to be of more importance than the heart.



So begins...

Zedai Xari Aklen R'Alek's Story