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The Multiverse

Hera Prime

115.75 INK

a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

Hera Prime, a sparsely inhabited planet relatively close to Misrana in a nearby star system. The few settlements on the planet bear siginificant influence from Misranan culture and technology, though have grown to be unique as well.

Saarai holds sovereignty over Hera Prime, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,729 readers have been here.


Despite being settled upon by Misranan travellers nearly one-thousand years ago, the planet known as Hera Prime is barely inhabited due in part to it's wildlife and affairs of it's sister planet of Misrana.

It's biggest and most bustling city, Aether City, is the home of most of the planet's Misranan based culture and citizens. Most Herans describe themselves, thanks to having a very unique culture heavily influenced by settlers bringing with them Greek history while retaining their Misranan roots, as being different from their brethren on the distantly close planet of Misrana.

Herans have been known to be much bigger and more reliant on their natural abilities due to Hera's dangerous wildlife and the enigmatic Sirens who plague the smaller towns.

The planet itself is mostly temperate planet, though because of it's two suns making night nearly non-existent the planet is a little hotter than other temperate planets. Because of this the planet has a large desert region known as The Badlands.

The Badlands is known for it's vastness and hazards. Hazards that are both natural and man-made. The Badlands is home to the largest numbers of Sirens, many of which take part in attacking the small towns.

Because of The Badlands' lawlessness, many of the attacks go unanswered by the government. This usually leads to bands of vigilantes, enlisted mercenaries, or would-be lawmen to combat the Sirens and criminals who find a home in the desert.

Also located in The Badlands is Castle Tartarus, a prison meant to keep prisoners in for the rest of their lives, be they immortal or not. It's earned a repuation fro being impossible to get into or out of without authorization from the prison's elite staff.
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Hera Prime

Hera Prime, a sparsely inhabited planet relatively close to Misrana in a nearby star system. The few settlements on the planet bear siginificant influence from Misranan culture and technology, though have grown to be unique as well.


Hera Prime is a part of The Onyx Galaxy.

7 Places in Hera Prime:

9 Characters Here

"Glint" Nil Sha'hem [48] A murdrous changling.
Falkenwrath Bloodsword [36] "We are many...We are eternal...This is our curse..."
Evangelos Noi [8] Siren
Iata Kononne [8] Siren
Remæus [2]
Nicoleta Eryna Kirusen [0] This may suck for you, but it'll be hella fun for me.
Eduard Garner [0] Weapons Expert and lead manufacturer of Chiron Tech.
Psylocke [0] Looking for your teleporter? This challenge is to the death, remember? So how 'about we see just how good you really are?

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Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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A sole eyebrow was raised at the man who saved him. This was incredibly awkward, really. From start to finish. This "Orka" was just some slime-sucking native who more or less got in the way of his bounty, and now he was giving orders? Well. The guy did save him, so Epathus sighed and nodded. "Right. My suggestion? Do whatever you're going to do fast. This is about to get a whole lot more interesting!" He didn't even realize it, but he was laughing as he finished his statement.

Straightening himself out he took a moment to use his psychic abilities to nullify his bodies ability to feel pain. It was a hasty job, it'd only last an hour or two tops and then he'd be flat on his back most likely, but. The now seemed more important. Besides he needed the clarity of mind being pain-free brought. This was quite the do or die situation, despite how many of the Sirens the marine cleaved, or all the shots Glint could fire. No. These creatures were native, and well equipped. This was a hunting party, maybe even a scouting party, and all this noise? This would all act as one giant beacon to the nearest Siren groups around. Everyone but Orka seemed too involved in their slaughter to notice.

Epathus' face contorted into a huge smile. "Perfection.." Examining the battlefield included the two corpses in front of him. They both had a small string of what appeared to be grenades. With a quick flick of his wrist the two corpses flew at the Siren's nearest to Orka, detonating just as they got in range to shower them with bone and cartilage and blood in spades. He also began to seek out and pull the pins, or press the buttons on any living Siren's grenades.

"Now THIS is a party people!" Hopefully it was enough of a garish sight it would draw away from Orka.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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Falkenwrath turned to the siren that had decided to challenge him to a sort of duel, even striping off his armor to show that he was serious. The man was brave but ultimately foolish, trying to attack a man that took out a group of his allies with one strike. Falkenwarth glared at the man that was walking up to him, he then raised his sword and placed it on top of his shoulder getting ready to strike.

Once he was prepared, Falkenwrath charged at the man with inhuman speeds almost as if he had just teleported right in front of the man with his blade raised into the air. He would then bring it down and if the man was not quick enough the blade would easily sever the man in two from the middle down. With as much effort as it took to breathe.

While the battle was going on, back at the pile of corpses that was dragged around behind Falkenwrath began to stir. One figure at the top of the pile began to move his fingers before slowly pushing himself off the grounds and onto his legs. This man that had previously been killed had just come back from the dead. Once the legionare soldier stood back up, he ran at inhuman speeds just like Falkenwrath did, dragging his sword along the way and channeling a small orb of ice in his other hand. Not that long after several more figures slowly stood back up only to begin rushing towards the battle, but unlike the first two that charged, these two were actually clashing swords with each other.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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#, as written by Saarai
The Siren warrior narrowly avoided the Legionary's attack with a swift roll, he drew his handgun and began to open fire on Falkenwrath. He made sure he was putting distance between himself and his larger opponent, that sword wasn't something you wanted to be close to if you could help it.

The first explosions prompted the Sirens to keep their distance, some drawing their firearms to fire at Epathus. That was until their grenades became armed, the Sirens found themselves quickly trying to shed the explosives before they were blown away.

Orka meanwhile pulled a crate from the back of his truck, he opened it to reveal an explosive device. A big one.

"We were going to use this for something else, but this will have to do." Orka said, casually arming the device. He undid two wires, pulling them as far as they would go. His wounded teammate pulled herself over to the bomb and grabbed hold of the wires.

The discarded grenades began to go off, the Sirens running and jumping to avoid the explosions. It was time to move, "Let's go." Orka called out to Epathus, starting his own sprint away from the bomb and the native warriors.

Orka's eyes found a ship in the distance flying towards the scene. He could only hope it was someone friendly and not more Sirens or raiders.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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Falkenwrath felt the bullets impact his body, although his plate armor helped to deflect some of the rounds, the rest of the rounds found their mark and penetrated where his armor was the weakest causing blood to shoot out from each wound made. However the man seemed to ignore the bullets that had just entered his body, almost appearing unaffected by such an attack. In retaliation Falkenwrath channeled a orb of fire is his hand and put his sword through the orb. The sword began to burn, flames surrounding the blade. He would then lunge at the man, sword position right behind him and as he closed the distance swung his sword in a wide side arc.

For the other legionaries, they soon began to combat the other remaining sirens easily dispatching them with ease. Just like their leader they appeared just as capable as him. Soon more legionaries soon rose from the pile until 12 legionaries were back on their feet and charging at the sirens. Many of the legionaries also began fighting among themselves as well, taking opportunities to stab each other in the back, cut down another one who had just finished dealing with a siren, and one even ignored the sirens completely focusing on the other legionaries. Many of the legionaries kept on fighting, even when stabbed, impaled or shot at they continued to fight on. They were almost like machines built for one purpose, but they were not machines, they bled like a human and died like a human. Whatever these legionaries were they were not normal.

For the sirens it was a bloodbath, the legionaries easily cut them down like dogs. No matter how hard the sirens tried they would meet their brutal deaths. Some were impaled to death by swords, some were engulfed in flames, some were electrocuted, some were even frozen stiff. It was clear that the sirens stood no chance against these strange legionaries.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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#, as written by Saarai
"Hurry up, magic man." Orka called out to Epathus, what was happening behind him was something he didn't want to be part of. His team was dead or dying, the Sirens, the magician and what he could assume were undead monsters saw to that. That bomb was going to buy some time for a real escape.

The wounded female mercenary waited until she thought Orka was far enough before slowly starting to bring the wires she gripped together. A Siren dropped down next to her as he was cleaved by one of the Legionnaires, reaching out to grab the woman as he succumbed to his wounds.

"See you all in Hades." The mercenary said, slamming the wires together to force a detonation.

The explosion was huge, pure energy. Weaponized plasma in a can that was going to incinerate as much as it could in short amount of time before it was just as quickly gone.

"Dis you see that?" The distant ship's pilot asked his passengers, "What? No." Andarta answered, getting up from her seat to join the pilot in the cockpit. All she saw was smoke, no one could have survived that. It wasn't worth checking out.

"I'm reading high energy levels. One of our weapons, I think." The pilot told Andarta.

It was worth checking out.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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#, as written by Shpleem
Jordyn staid in her seat for the moment, not wanting to do anything too foolish, at this point. Still she looked out the window at the smoke below. The pilot wasn't kidding, the amount of energy released in that blast was great.

"Plasma detonation." she said from the passenger area. She couldn't tell what kind but her HUD was telling her it was some form of plasma that had exploded below them. She hoped they wouldn't be going into a firefight or something, she wasn't exactly dressed or equipped for such an event at the moment, still in the bodysuit from her stasis pod and unarmed.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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Blood poured from Epthaus' nose, ears, eye sockets and even the nail beds of his fingers. His vision was nearly gone, mostly just bright white, but he could still make out his fingers, sort of. The nails were clean gone. His lips creased into a smile, the bitter taste of copper and rust let informed him that blood was gushing from his mouth, too. "Th.." His lungs felt like they'd been burned, and he spluttered blood with every wheeze while attempting speech. "This is...Emperor....This is wh...Why you don't take b..Bounties, Merc...They never end...Worth shit.."

It wasn't really the bounty, though. Sure the sirens would've probably killed him be he likely would've escaped that. It sure wasn't Glint he was complaining about, that man probably saved him by accident, those weird soldiers too. No, it was the bomb. His new "buddy" Orka didn't really have a good internal clock. Couldn't keep seconds for shit, probably not great with rhythm either. There was no way they could've possibly made it out of the blast zone in time. In fact they hadn't.

They made it out of the immediate death zone, but when the futility of running dawned on Epathus they were still in a lot of danger, and running wasn't going to change that. He'd turned around and erected the best Telekinetic shield he could, pouring every inch of focus and will into it. It was enough to stave off the outer force of the blast that otherwise would've killed them both, although in the end. The strain of it, of how intense and haphazard it was, just might've killed him after all.

Frankly it was a miracle he didn't pop every vessel in his brain. "We..ll...Now what..Smart guy? I think I...I think....I'm just gunna la..y...Here, and...Ya know...Blee..d..O...ut.."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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0.00 INK

While the Legionaries were busy butchering the Sirens, the Plasma Bomb went of causing the nearby Legionaries to be ripped apart from the blast. The ones further away from the bomb only suffered less major injuries. However when the bomb exploded that meant that there were no more enemies to fight.

The remaining Legionaries that survived the blast began fight among themselves again, unfazed by the bomb that went off or the death of their fellow allies. But one figure, Falkenwrath stared at the ship in the sky. There were survivors from the battle and he was going to get them one day. But before he could finish thinking, he leaned to the side to avoid a Legionnaire who tried to bring his sword down on him and in return Falkenwrath cut him down in one swipe.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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#, as written by Saarai
Orka looked back at Epathus, "I'm getting on that ship before anyone else shows up to ruin my party." He told him, "You're welcome to die here or help me take it through either force or bribery." He continued, waving his arms to flag down the ship.

"I'm getting life forms on my HUD. What's the plan?" The ship's pilot asked, "Take the ship down. Let's see what in the name of God is going on." Andarta answered.

"Turning on artificial gravity in... three. Two. Now. You can stand." The pilot said, his words prompting Andarta to quickly unbuckle herself and stand. The woman stripped off the robes she wore to reveal her sleek dark blue armor and two handguns holstered on her sides.

"Take this." Andarta said to Jordyn, extending her handgun to her. "There's an armored vest toward the back in a footlocker. Put it on and cover me."

Orka watched as the ship began to descend, his hand finding his pistol just in case the people on the ship weren't friendly.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shpleem
Jordyn hesitated to unbuckle for a moment before she stood up, strangely away of the 'fakeness' of the ship's gravity. "I'll do my best." she murmured, accepting the gun before going to find that vest that Andarta mentioned. She was back before they reached the ground in their descent, checking over the handgun she'd been given to use.

Her retinal display scanned over the weapon as she turned it one way or another in her hand before she slipped out the magazine to check its capacity and slid it back in after a cursory count of the rounds it held. With a soft click the safety was undone and with another a the slide engaged and the gun primed. It seemed she knew how to use it, even if she was blinking a bit more than was normal, distracted by a display of the weapon's line of fire wherever she moved it within her vision.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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0.00 INK

Glint" Nil Sha'hem"

The explosion was large enough that glint felt the concussive force through the ground despite being nearly a mile away.
An impressive amount of firepower those guys had brought, wonder what on earth they had planned on doing. If there had been anyone left alive, he might have to sift through their brains and figure that out. Speaking of minds Was Epathus still alive and kicking? Sure enough stumbling like a sorority girl at a frat party Epathus was still up. Good , I kinda like that one alive.

Shifting his gaze glint counted the dead bodies , and the living corpses of what ever those things with swords had been and the numbers seemed to match up, granted some of those " bodies" had been no more than two right feet near one another or a pair of matching limbs. Granted there was going to be some margin of error when even the damned vehicle was nearly unidentifiable.
Glint's stomach soured a bit, ten to one that his target had been vaporized, he'd have to go down there and scan for fragments of her dna, or get lucky and find her head. They liked when you brought in the head, made a good show of " Yep, they dead." and made you look like a nut job.

Glint noticed one of the "dead" sirens starting to crawl away and promptly fired the last round he'd shoot for a bit. The figure , the trail of the round lanced over the figures back, it didn't stir after that.

Glint crawled away from his position to the location of his speeder bike , a small , sleek hover craft that could fit two people comfortably. The engine fired to life CCR's " Run through the Jungle" blared as the speakers flared to life. And with that he was racing towards the killzone. The shapeshifter frowned as he watched a ship grace the battle field as well...

Glint brass checked the battle rifle that was sitting across the front of his bike, should there be more things to kill, he'd happily oblige.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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Blood dribbled out from chapped lips as Epathus attempted a laugh. It was a very painful thing to attempt. He could even hear fracture ribs creaking inside his chest. He started to shake his head but stopped with an agonized hiss. His brain felt like it was being bounced around with a sledgehammer. Fitting, he thought. Considering how often he made other people feel that exact way. Karma or something, right?

Epathus closed his eyes for a moment, focusing his warp energy into his body to once again numb the pain. It was more than a gamble since he was a heavy sneeze away from his brain hemorrhaging, but at this point he was going to die either way. As annoying as the mouthy bandit was, he had a point. Die here, or maybe make it. " fuck..Ya know that?" breathing was proving hard. Too hard. He couldn't feel the pain anymore but he was relatively certain one of his broken ribs had punctured a lung.

No time for it to matter, though.

He placed a hand on Orka's shoulder and nodded to the man. "I'll..Use...Ever..y..last..Ounce..Of strength..I got..Credit..Too..We're get...tin'" He started shuffling forward, an arm raised towards the craft as well. It was time this shitty day ended.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
The ship hovered just above the ground a short distance away from Orka and Epathus. A door on the side of the ship slid up and a ramp extended itself out towards the desert sand. Andarta took a few careful steps down the ramp, a small leap allowing her armored feet to land hard on the planet's surface.

"That was you?" She asked the two approaching men. "Me. My bomb. I'm Orka. Mercenary." Orka said, "And your friend?" Andarta asked him, raising her gun to gesture at Epathus. "We just met. He's useful. Mind magic." Orks told the woman.

Andarta nodded, her opaque visor glimmering in the light. "Is this true? Are you useful?" She asked Epathus.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shpleem
Jordyn stood in the doorway of the ship, leaned against the frame with the handgun and vest she'd been given. She'd cover Andarta as best she could though these two didn't seem like they posed much of a threat. The second one looked heavily injured and even from this distance her display was pointing out the damage visible on him.

The residual energy of the detonation was making it hard for her to detect any other potential threats at the moment however. "Andarta...shouldn't we make this quick?" she asked, hopefully loud enough for the woman to hear her from where she stood.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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0.00 INK

As the Legionaries battled among themselves, they would notice a figure closing the distance. They were not sure what it was but six legionaries turned to face the new threat and began to charge directly at him, swords at the ready and spells ready to cast. Falkenwrath looked at the ship as it was hovering, he and three Legionaries charged at the ship at blazing speeds. The remaining Legionaries continued to fight among themselves.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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0.00 INK

Epathus shook his head, his frustration mounting which was a rather dangerous thing for a Psyker. It was just one thing after another and though the slow suffocation didn't hurt it still wasn't that you'd call pleasant. He really needed some rest. That's the problem with Psykers, especially ones of his level. The damage and destruction they could hand out is unreal, but they are not built for drawn out engagements.

He forced himself upright, taking on some semblance of posture and locking his eyes with the newcomers. People in armor made him uncomfortable but he wasn't about to show it. Instead he clicked his tongue in contempt and summoned up the most commanding tone he could manage in his state. "My...My lung...Is..Collapsing, I...I think..Punctured..At least..And yet...Here I am..If I wasn't..Damn near dead..I could bisect your ship..You tell me i...if...It's usefull.." He sounded more dying than commanding, but still at least he tried.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saarai
"You could. I could shoot you." Andarta told Epathus, "Or I could leave you for them." She said, tilting her head towards the approaching Legionnaires. She was playing a dangerous game by waiting around, one that would usually prove to be costly.

"I'm not looking for someone that can brag. I'll help you, but you'll do what I say until I don't need you." She told the Psyker, "Come on." She said, moving to help Orka lift Epathus up onto the ramp.

She'd wait until the Psyker was firmly aboard before pressing her pistol to an unarmored section of Orka's leg. She fired a shot and watched him fall back into the sand in pain. He was the distraction, it seemed.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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#, as written by Shpleem
Jordyn was in shock for a moment at what just happened, seeing Andarta cripple a man when they could have just as easily taken him with and escaped. When the woman turned around, Jordyn's gun was no longer pointed to cover Andarta, but rather right at her.

"Why? Why did you shoot him Andarta?" she asked. Her arms had only the slightest shake, perhaps from the shock of what she had witnessed, but it wasn't the same kind of shake as that in the hands of a person afraid to pull the trigger they were holding.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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Glint" Nil Sha'hem"

Seeing the six figures start heading in his direction, if only because they seemed to separate from the main force that had begun brawling among itself again. Having seen how they had simple shrugged off the explosion Nil had no intention of engaging them, at least not to the death, as hard as he was to kill these things seemed to be made of tougher stuff.
The shrill pop of a distant pistol round being fired wormed it's way through the music still blaring over the speakers.
Odds were whom ever was shot was going to be his only lead as to what on earth had happened here, and why these mercs had enough explosives to level a city block. I mean they had already cost him one pay day when they vaporized the Siren's body,
Shouldering his battle rifle like a lance he laid onto the throttle and began speeding towards the ship that had been pulling off.

He had no concern at the six figures that had started racing towards him, he'd have about 90 seconds before they were ontop of whom ever had been shot , likely Epathus he always enjoyed getting shot it seemed, but those three racing towards the victim were going to be an issue.

Quickly Nil chose a plan of action. He'd exit the hover bike with the utmost haste and drag the poor fellow back while providing his own cover fire, those things might be immortal , but they were far from indestructible from what Nil had seen. Well placed rifle fire to the pelvis or legs would slow them long enough for him to drag his target onto the bike and race off without being close enough to those things for their steel to reach him, 3 targets each would receive 3 rounds, leaving 16 to deal with the other should they be faster than he expected , and to suppress that damn ship. Not a whole lot of room for error, but then again that was half the fun...

Nil's plan was put into effect the moment he lept from the speeding craft, He came rolling to a stop near the injured man.
5 well placed shots at the loading ramp at the ship would likely send anyone up there diving for cover.

He began targeting the three legionaries as he moved to the victim,
" GET ON THE BIKE! " He shouted over the gun fire and ship's engines, seeing that it was not Epathus changed little of Nil's plan.
He grabbed the large fellow by the back of his vest and started dragging him through the sand towards the bike as he fired.

( ooc: Hasty post, sorry for any grammar or tone issues, I've only got 30 mins)


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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The six Legionaries charging at Nil tried to catch up with him as he decided to change his plans. For the three other Legionaries, as they rushed at the ship, Nil would be opening fire at them, crippling two of them however the leader seemed to react quickly to the attack, using his sword to block some of the bullets and dodge the rest, however he had no intention of attacking the wounded man. Leaping high into the air, he jumped high enough to grab one of the wings of the ship and began to make his way to the loading ramp of the ship.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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#, as written by Saarai
"Think long and hard about what you're doing." Andarta told Jordyn, "Consider those things approaching and the fact that I can leave you here with him." She continued.

She opened her mouth to speak further, but the nearby gunfire and the sound of Glint's bike took the words from her. There were more pressing matters. "Take him into the ship!" Andarta barked at Jordyn, gesturing to Epathus. She aimed her pistol at Glint, but it quickly found itself on the legionary jumping onto the ship.

"Gotta go!" Andarta's pilot said, "Get inside!"

Orka thought about taking a shot at Andarta, but he was too injured and she was too armored for him to take that risk. Instead he listened to Glint and forced himself onto the back of the bike. Anything to survive the day.

"Andarta raised her weapon at the legionary on the ship, firing off several shots she hoped would knock him off the ship. Or at the very least off-balance before they left.

The creature, whatever it really was, didn't need to be lead where Andarta was planning to go. She was already breaking rules by bringing two strangers, a hostile monster would only make things worse.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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#, as written by Shpleem
Jordyn's grip tightened on the pistol's trigger, but not enough to fire. She lowered her weapon only for it to snap back up again as some creature jumped onto the front of ship. She was about to shoot at it as well but the order's got her moving. She tucked the pistol into one of the vest's straps and hooked her arms under Epathus' own, having to drag him into the ship. She was in good shape, and surprisingly strong, but he was still a bit of load when he couldn't help himself much due to his injuries.

Once she got him and seated as best she could she strapped him in and grabbed a medkit if there was one. "Where's the worst of it?" she asked.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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Glint" Nil Sha'hem"

Not bothering to continue shooting at the hulking beast that leaped onto the ship, Nil moved to the hover bike and sped off.
Twisting in the seat Nil inspected Orka's wound best he could, and offered him a pack of combat gauze, It would stop the bleeding well enough until they could get someone better, one way or another Nil was going to get the information he wanted, but you really can't get a whole lot from a fresh corpse.

Using the terrain to cover his withdraw Nil deftly maneuvered the small craft through various crags and gullies. After he was out of the line of sight of the craft he flicked a switch on the handle bars, and two canisters shot out from the back of the bike; plasma and magnesium chaff, to help avoid being tracked by the ship.

After a short while He laid off the throttle and turned down the music that had been blaring the whole time.
" I've got a place set up about 3 miles out, are you good til then are do we need to stop and patch you up better?" He asked leaning into another turn.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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Epathus had struggled against the woman who basically carried him to a seat. He'd damn near died to save Orka and the stupid space-trash of a bandit had been helpful. It's not that he actually cared about the bandit, it was the principal of it. He knew his limits though, and his attempts to buck the woman didn't even seem to be noticed so he gave in.

His Psy-block on his pain was fading too, he hissed and winced as he was lowered into the seat because of it. The seat belt was agony too, although nothing hurt quite as much as the woman's stupid questions."" It hurt too much to snark and insult, even that short sentence left him gasping for air. For once he'd have to suck up his ego and be nice. Or civil, at least.

"S..Sorry..In..t..Internal..Lung..Punct..Pun..Pu.." He gave up and just gestured for the belt to be taken off. Hell, he wasn't even feeling well enough to pay any attention to the stupid marines. Although he half wished the one he felt on the ship would come put him out of his misery.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: "Glint" Nil Sha'hem Character Portrait: Jordyn Amathea Character Portrait: Andarta Heller Character Portrait: Falkenwrath Bloodsword Character Portrait: Epathus Medland
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The round would fatally strike Falkenwrath causing him to let go of the ship. The round had managed to all hit him in unprotected areas of his armor. As he fell a black mist surrounded him and the Leginaries that had all died while fighting among themselves. As the mist surrounded them all they all vanished from sight.