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In an ancient Terran language long forgotten, Ĭtpraṽmår meant something like "rugged mountain range." Ironically, the prison with this name is located in the middle of a flat plain, in a tidal basin. It belongs to the Terran National Government, which for all its reputation as a government of a relatively lawless world, perhaps fittingly operates very few prisons across the planet, no more than two in each region. The prison is a sprawling complex surrounded by three walls, and confines about a thousand people at any given time. It is magically fortified. The land around it is not entirely desolate, as outside the walls the wardens saw fit to cultivate at least some farmland.
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Ĭtpraṽmår Prison

This prison lies several hours outside of Wing City in the heart of Aslund. It lies in a flat plain with nothing visible for kilometers in any direction.


Ĭtpraṽmår Prison is a part of Caldonia.

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Arianne Drulovic [143] "Call me what you will, Ms. Shaw," said Drulovic, inclining her head almost dismissively... "I imagine I could be called almost anything, and it would be, at least partially, true."
Hokushin [126] Warrior-Monk from the order of Raizen, and member of a secret elite unit.
Aeka Takayama [78] The youngest princess in the Takayama family, snobbish and proud.
Keiko Takayama [45] Former Taiyou Empress, thought dead for nearly a quarter century.
Carlossss [1] Friendly

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12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Aeka Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Hokushin Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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At Drulovic’s words, just about everyone in the room craned their necks to look at her, some of them looked at her quizzically, some of them raised an eyebrow, Yukiko however didn’t seem to react at all, she agreed with Drulovic, she knew something was wrong the day he became heir presumptive.

Kendra however looked to the ground, or rather, her tea as she offered a deep frown. “That is my fault, I didn’t raise him right, I didn’t teach him any values, as soon as he was old enough to speak, Nobuo wanted him whisked off to schools so he could learn to rule, and live a just, and noble reign.” Kendra began to shed a single tear, heaving a sigh.

“I don’t know where he went wrong, he was such a sweet boy growing up, but after Nobuo passed he became twisted, and evil.”

At that remark, Gouda turned to look at the screen, but otherwise said nothing.

“I’d put a bullet in him myself if I thought i could get away with it.” Yukiko remarked. The kill had to be a clean one.

“Several shoguns have stopped fighting amongst eachother a few days ago.” Yukiko added, before Gouda spoke up.

“Intelligence has them meeting in some kind of convention, which cannot bode well for us, or young Shimizu.”

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Aeka Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Hokushin Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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#, as written by Ylanne
"His troubles began far earlier than that, you know," Drulović said, her tone calm, her gaze steady. "The Emperor, it seems, did not die a natural death. Of course, your son, would-be despot that he was, must have ensured the destruction of any obvious evidence. It was like to have been some type of poison, carefully chosen to mimic natural illness, but that he had been in good health and far younger than when he ought to have passed." The old woman shook her head, though the movement was lethargic and enervated. "You did no wrong. He was long lost to you. Had he known his half-brother Yosho yet lives, I'm certain he'd have ensured his untimely demise too. Even now, I have no doubt in my mind he plots and schemes still. Enough shoguns must unite to have a chance at ending his reign. Else, he'll make sure of all of our deaths." Drulović brought her hands up to the table, only the one with three fingers moving, the other still and atrophied. There was never much of a point to handcuffs, she'd thought. Not now. "But let him try. I've proven quite difficult to kill."

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Aeka Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Hokushin Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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“If this fails, we could all be put down for treason.” Aramaki remarked. “Or worse, the fate that could befall Terra, I don’t think he would stop at simply killing a few people he doesn’t like.” The Director added, while the Minister of Defense nodded in agreement.

“He could bring the Soja here, he could bring it to Niihama.”

Yukiko shook her head. “Shimizu is not that foolish, but we have to catch him off the Soja, off balance, if he is aboard the Soja, he is invincible.”

“We suspected that Tatsu died from some artificial means, but we had no way to prove it to the Shogunate Committee, and the International Courts, our courts lack jurisdiction to do anything to a member of the Royal Family, it is up to the shogunate, or the Imperial Diet to investigate such matters.” Gouda explained.

Kendra frowned, and kept her gaze fixed on the screen.

“How can we overthrow him? I’m afraid finding Yosho is only part of the equation.” Kendra asked, while Gouda paused a moment. “He’s on Langara, I believe getting knee surgery.”

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Aeka Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Hokushin Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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#, as written by Ylanne
"I'm retired - involuntarily, I'll add - and imprisoned," said Drulović, her tone light, even in Taiyou. "It'd be no small matter to prosecute war against Terra over suspicions about what I might have done or whom I've aided. While of course he has the military capabilities to do as he wishes, he'd lack sufficient support amongst his putative allies." She looked about the room, reflecting momentarily on how much of her latter life she'd spent in rooms just like this one - austere, plain rooms where the real work of governance happened. "Shimizu hardly ever departs from the Soja. He's loathe to so much as set foot on Niihama. Of course the Taiyou courts lack sufficient power to pursue him for his crimes, as against his father, his mother, his sister, and his brother. He depends on sovereign immunity. But the court of public opinion has no such limitations, nor is the truth subject to legalistic evidentiary requirements. His family knows what he's done - or ought to. They are the witnesses of his crimes even after usurpation." She nodded toward the screen. "You hardly need imagine how the shogunate would take to the revelation of his perverse and pathological proclivities." The old woman sighed though, fingers curling up. "But Yosho requires protection - and the support of more than a single shogun - if he is to survive long enough to outlast Shimizu." She looked directly at Kendra. "You realize that it is entirely within the realm of possibilities that Shimizu may be so adamant about his tenuous hold on power that, though I do not wish this for you, nothing short of death will sever him from it."

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Aeka Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Hokushin Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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“The Crew of the Soja is hand picked, but a small team could infiltrate the Soja, and take him out, we’ll have to get the sword from him, though.” Aramaki remarked. “I could send in my team, I have the utmost confidence they could get it done.” Both Kanou, and Gouda nodded in agreement.

“The only scenario where we can take him into any kind of custody is to involve the Galaxy Police.” Aramaki commented, turning to Drulovic.

“We can’t rely on the Shogunate, many of the shoguns have their own ambitions, and would take advantage of the situation, and there are some who are far more brutal than Shimizu.” Yukiko said, peaking up. “Any claims of what he’s done can be denied, so we need to find evidence, catch him.” She turned to the screen, and Kendra frowned, bringing up a finger to touch her eye, she remembered the screaming, the yelling, and eventually, the strike, he punched her square in the eye, and threatened to have her shot.

Yukiko briefly cast a glance to Andrijana, and frowned, and then Yukiko turned her gaze back to Drulovic.

“He was here, wasn’t he?” She asked.

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Aeka Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Hokushin Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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#, as written by Ylanne
"He paid Dr. Krstevska a visit while she was speaking with Mr. Hokushin, about ten days past," said Drulović with a short nod. "I was not there at the time. He traveled from here to Langara. Of course, it was an odd choice for him too to visit a Terran national prison in passing." Drulović looked toward Hokushin on the screen. Andrijana had immediately glanced at Drulović at the sound of her name, raising an eyebrow in question. "Dr. Krstevska, what was it, exactly, that Shimizu wanted of you?"

"He knew his sister had come to visit, about his mother," Andrijana replied, a bit bewildered, but with growing anxiety knotting in her stomach. "He knew one of the ... Mazoku? Mr. Hokushin. He knew that Hokushin was here, posing as an inmate."

"He does not yet know the precise wheels turning against him," Drulović said then, "but he will soon. Mr. Gouda, I'd suggest that you and Mr. Miyagi go and find your evidence, and quickly." Something indecipherable flickered in her eyes. "I don't imagine Shimizu will take kindly to the prospect of such an ignominious fate as arrest by the Galactic Police. Besides, he fancies himself rather irreplaceable. Fortunately, in my line of work, I've not harbored such illusions." She looked at Aramaki. "He's much more vulnerable while on Langara for medical treatment, than ensconced in his haven aboard the Soja."

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Aeka Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Hokushin Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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Yukiko, and just about everyone else in the conference room whispered among eachother at the news that he had stopped by. Both Aramaki, and Gouda looked at each-other, but said nothing.

Gouda slowly stood up from his seat, and nodded to the rest of the group. “Time will be working against us, once we’re finished here, we should go to Shintenchi so we can find Yosho, ideally we should get the process of getting him installed before Shimizu finishes his treatments, we can seize the Soja in that time as well.”

The rest of the group nodded in agreement, while Kendra frowned, and looked to Andrijana on the screen, and then back to Drulovic. “One last thing before I fade into obscurity, I was hoping to clear my name, but I don’t think your justice ministry would allow it.” Kendra said with a hint of sadness.

“They don’t understand the position you and I have been in, where we must do, or die. They sit in their lofty halls and debate the strictures of law ad nauseum.” Kendra added.

“Do you know what happened aboard that Reverence, that day, Arianne?” Shaw asked in Common.

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Aeka Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Hokushin Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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#, as written by Ylanne
"Remember that Yosho Takayama may yet refuse coronation," Drulović cautioned Gouda. "He retreated to a shrine for a reason, you know." She'd long wondered what that luxury might be like, but never had time to wonder long. Terra demanded all of her attention. Terra asked for her life - and now her freedom.

The old woman watched Kendra with little expression when the younger woman spoke, first in Taiyou then Terran common. "I've suspected, certainly, but I don't suppose it matters much now," she replied. "Legality be damned - morality too, along with it. Terra has never recognized following orders as a defense to crimes against humanity or crimes against sentience." She pressed her thumb against a smudge on the table's surface, rubbing at it until it began to fade. The most serious charges laid against her had been dismissed, not because of any defense she'd raised, but because the judge had decided that acts taken before the TNG's formation could not be prosecuted on Terra. It had been almost comical, except to the families of the dead, and the survivors still living. "Make no mistake, Ms. Shaw, I know well what I have done in my life and why - and I've paid a terrible price for it. I can't remember when last I slept well at night. They haunt me, as well they should." Drulović ceased moving her thumb, sighing heavily, and blinked up at Kendra's image on the screen. "But tell me, if you'd like, of what happened to you - of what you did."

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Aeka Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Hokushin Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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“My father has been grooming Yosho for the throne, for almost his entire adult life, He was the next in line to ascend to the throne, it was a total fluke that our family was uprooted the way it was, I can say with confidence that he will rise to the challenge.”

Yukiko paused, and looked to the table, before she heaved a sigh.

“If not, I will challenge him, his tainted blood will be to his disadvantage, but you raise a valid concern.” Yukiko said to Drulovic in Taiyou, while Shaw worked up the courage to speak.

“Our tactical officer refused the order, you know.” Shaw said, taking a sip of her tea. “So Cain asked him for his sidearm, and shot him in the head in front of the entire crew.” The Aschen Empress Dowager explained, settling her gaze on Andrijana for a moment, and then back to Drulovic.

“She then turned to me, and asked if I would carry out her order.”

Shaw heaved a deep sigh, and continued. “Your government doesn’t understand the intricacies of how some of these other societies function, to refuse an order in the Aschen military, is to invite an immediate death, I know you understand the position I was in, otherwise I wouldn’t be here.”

Kendra frowned, and shook her head. “I don’t justify what I did, nothing ever can, I just wish they would understand, we do what we have to do, to survive.”

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Aeka Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Hokushin Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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#, as written by Ylanne
"Few outside our kind of work ever could understand it," said the old woman after a moment of pause. She remembered how she'd been abandoned abroad, far from home, after years of imprisonment, denied any request to return. Isolated even from others in the agency. Maybe he'd hoped she would have died. "But if you cling to it, this resentment of their ignorance, this desperate desire to be absolved if not quite forgiven, then you'll never move forward - you'll only grow bitter, and bitterness never ages well." Drulović's gaze was steady even if her hands and knees were not. "You remember what happened. You know who you've become. In the end, that's all that matters - if indeed any of it does." Her chin came up ever so slightly, something flickering momentarily in her eyes. "Besides, there are some who'd say I ought not to have survived - that my death now is long overdue, that justice must call for an account, that even my presence here is but a pitiable, contemptible consolation, the smallest measure of the full price I owe, the judgment come due. Who are we to say that the survivors are yet wrong? We do what we must, yes. And in the end, we all pay what is due."

The old woman nodded toward one of the paper cups half-filled with tea, now room temperature and thoroughly unappetizing. "Dr. Krstevska, if you wouldn't mind too much, I think I'd like something to drink."

Andrijana started, as if surprised that she'd been addressed. She'd been staring at Kendra's image on screen, her face taut, her gaze hard. But she glanced now at Drulović, then reached for one of the cups, placing it in front of the old woman so she could bring it, slowly, cautiously, to her lips. The old woman had been thin when she'd arrived, thinner than most of her earlier images in the press - even more striking in person than in the photos from the trial. She'd never complained. But she hadn't seemed to recover much from whatever had happened to her that past year. That year had not been kind.

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Aeka Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Hokushin Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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Shuichi took a moment to reflect on what Kendra said, before he opened his mouth to speak. “There is no need to seek absolution from this government, they cannot touch you, and if the Aschen grant you amnesty, then you would be safe there too, Terran courts lack any jurisdiction in this matter.” Shuichi remarked.

Kendra heaved a slight sigh, and then she nodded in agreement.

“Even so, it seems it won’t stop them from trying.” Kendra said, while Taro shook his head.

“The Terrans wouldn’t risk an international incident, not over you.” He added, before he cast his gaze over to Andrijana first, and then Drulovic.

“They are not that foolish.”

The woman nodded for a moment, and tried to force a smile. “Perhaps, you are right, there is no sense in it, I am not who I was those years ago, hopefully soon I can find peace.”

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Aeka Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Hokushin Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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#, as written by Ylanne
Careful not to drop the cup, Drulović sipped slowly at the cold tea, the flavor ordinary and mediocre. She supposed Andrijana lacked enough funds to pay for better, even for the staff. "Mr. Kano is right on this - Ms. Khayyam wouldn't bother herself with pursuing your arrest," Drulović said with a dismissive tone, sighing as she spoke. "She can ill afford to withdraw the indictment or the warrant, for Terra would crucify her if she did so. But she won't sent armies for you, not while you remain away from Terra. You see already that she never has before either." The edges of the old woman's lips turned slightly upward in an ironic smile as she set the cup down again, now empty and listing to the side. "It seems I paid that price in your stead for what small part I paid. It was all she could do, now, besides, to prove her mettle in the matter. Of course, I've always despised these petty political games." Drulović nodded to Andrijana. "Thank you for the tea, Dr. Krstevska."

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Aeka Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Hokushin Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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“I will admit.” Shuichi remarked. “Your Legal situation with this government has strained our efforts to normalize relations, however, we stand on principal that the royal family is above the jurisdiction of the courts, any court of law, except for those willingly entered into, in the case of the international AXIS courts, lack all jurisdiction.” Shuichi stopped short there, looking towards the cooled cup of tea in front of him, he picked up the styrofoam cup, and brought it to his face, though he caught the aroma of the tea, his nose twitched and he placed it back on the table.

“The fact that somebody prosecuted Her Majesty.” Kano said, referring to Keiko. “To the extent that they did is a travesty in of itself.” His eyes turned to the screen. “Why did you not reveal your status? We could have intervened on your behalf, spared you imprisonment.”

Keiko shook her head from the spot which she sat.

“I was not confident that Nobuo had succeeded, and that any revelation would put my life, and the lives of my captors in danger.” Keiko replied, in Taiyou. After Aeka quietly translated his Terran common words for her.

“She was the reason His Majesty was so focused on this world, why he expended so many resources here, I think were it not for Coalition, and Aschen meddling, we would have found her.” Kanou added.

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Aeka Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Hokushin Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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#, as written by Ylanne
Andrijana decided in that moment that she was going to avoid mentioning anything at all about this incident with Keiko Takayama to anyone in the central office, lest they decide that any diplomatic fallout was somehow her fault in particular, or worse, that she was to blame for facilitating an inmate's escape. Even though she knew damn well she had nothing to do with whatever the old woman had orchestrated. Besides, Andrijana had absolutely no idea whatsoever what kind of consequences there were - career, personal, or even planetary - for risking the ire of an entire interstellar empire by not functionally permitting an escape. She closed her eyes, massaging her temples for a moment, before looking out at the room again. Never had she ever envisioned her job responsibilities including welcoming a veritable phalanx of Taiyou dignitaries to her conference room.

"I'd wondered before about his interest," Drulović remarked. "I suppose now I know." The old woman tilted her head a bit to the side. To Kano and Shuichi, she said, "I no longer speak for this government, you understand. Ms. Khayyam demanded my resignation, after all." Nonetheless, there was some undercurrent in her voice - one that seemed almost dangerous - that suggested otherwise. In Taiyou, for Keiko's benefit, she added, "I'm glad to know you've returned safely home, though of course it's been far too long coming for you. I hope the journey was an easy one."

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Aeka Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Hokushin Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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“I never quite got that, you served your government dutifully, and then they turned on you.” Yukiko remarked. “I suspect the incident with Kendra was only half the battle. I don’t think we will be able to have normal relations with Khayyam’s administration, even if we manage to sort our own problems out.” The Princess added, looking down at her own cup of tea.

After a moment, Gouda noticed that something seemed to trouble Andrijana. “Don’t trouble yourself over Drulovic’s hand in freeing Her Majesty. This was the best possible outcome for all parties.” The Cabinet Intelligence Director explained. “We would have had to demand her immediate release, and depending on how your government processed that request, resorted to military action, we have the capacity to conduct raids from Shintenchi anywhere on this planet within a twelve hour period.” Gouda said, casting a brief glance to Drulovic.

“This way, avoided unnecessary bloodshed, and unnecessary hard feelings. Your jane doe is dead, our Majesty is returned to us.” Gouda said as Yukiko nodded with a smile.

“All is in balance, and everyone gets what they want.” Yukiko said, while Keiko smiled through the screen.

“All things considered.” She said, looking to Kendra. “I will be eager to return to Niihama.” Keiko remarked in Taiyou.

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Aeka Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Hokushin Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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#, as written by Ylanne
"This is ... well. It's a bit out of my wheelhouse," said Andrijana, smiling with a nervous edge. She glanced at Drulović, then quickly away again. "I'm only responsible for what happens here at Ĭtpraṽmår, not for anything involving foreign affairs. I don't even know what I'd say if someone else asks. I guess ... I'd say nothing. I didn't know."

"A wise response to be sure," Drulović nodded to Andrijana, her tone reassuring, in an odd way. "Besides, you hadn't known that Keiko Takayama had even been here in the first place. That she's now left had nothing to do with your capabilities - or lack thereof." Something soured a bit in her voice but her face remained neutral, impassive. Her gaze drifted back toward Yukiko. "Perhaps you may see it as a turning," she said. "Certainly, you wouldn't be the only one to hold that impression of things. I see this, too, as a service. My government now asks of me that I serve by remaining here for a time. Of course, some would like for me to die here. I'm old enough. But I mean to outlive such trifling grudges against me. This ought to be my last service now."

But the old woman had acted to ensure Keiko's freedom, and even now, Andrijana seemed to defer to her despite their positions. This could not be her last means of serving Terra.

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Aeka Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Hokushin Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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"We must all do as our governments ask, to serve our people dutifully." Yukiko remarked. before she turned to the rest of her group, as Kendra smiled from the screen.

"Again, I owe you my life, Director." Kendra said over the feed, before she offered a smile, while one of the Shogunate officers came into view, and whispered something into the Shogun's ear.

"I wish you well." Kendra said with a soft smile, before she turned, and nodded to Gouda. "We're going to find Yosho." Kendra said, in Taiyou this time, as Sato stepped up beside her, with Keiko, and the three of them offered Drulovic a bow.

Gouda nodded, and reached for the laptop, pausing for just a moment to see if Drulovic had anything else to add.

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Aeka Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Hokushin Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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#, as written by Ylanne
The old woman returned the bow as best she could while seated. She'd long extolled the importance of manners - how it was equally important to know how to wield them as a weapon, and when to deliberately flout them. She'd gained infamy for that, in the leaked recordings of those early meetings with the Aschen, though those recordings had long been overshadowed by the events in the decades that followed. "Take care, Ms. Shaw," said Drulović, in Taiyou now. "The road on which you now embark is treacherous and lonely - and the ghouls you fear - or ought to - much more like to be your own than some other conspiracy or ambush. I hope you can find your peace." And to Keiko, "Please send my regards to your son Yosho as well." She smiled faintly, sadly, pain evident along her jawline and in her eyes. There was no use trying to hide it now. "Perhaps we'll be able to share in a meal together one day. I think I'd like that very much."

She was surrounded by people - but so rarely had friends come to visit. Everyone else had their own needs - emotional, political, it all became the same thing in the end. Hers were so easily forgotten.

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Aeka Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Hokushin Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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They all offered one last smile, and bow, before Gouda entered a series of commands into the computer, and disconnected the display. He then moved to unplug the signal transceiver, and place everything back into his briefcase, while Yukiko looked to Andrijana. Then she turned back to Drulovic, offering a smile, and a brief nod.

“Minister Minamino has some business to attend to in Wing City, and then we will all be off to Shintenchi to reunite with my brother, hopefully afterwards, we can head to Niihama and see if we can deal with our Shimizu problem.” Yukiko said with an audible sigh, the demands of her station never giving her even the slightest break.

“I don’t want to keep you guys much longer, we have so much to do, what is the quickest, easiest way out of here?” Yukiko asked.

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Takara Sato Character Portrait: Kendra Shaw Character Portrait: Aeka Takayama Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Hokushin Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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#, as written by Ylanne
Andrijana finally spoke again, nodding as she rose from the table. "Yes, of course, I certainly don't mean to keep you," she said. "If you head out from the administration building, you can depart through the main gates, which I'm assuming is how you arrived earlier too. You'll just head back downstairs to the lobby - the elevator's still broken, unfortunately, but it's just down one floor at least." The goddamned elevator had been broken the day Andrijana had arrived, over ten years ago, and it had never been fixed. Budget shortage. A suspiciously larger budget shortage with each passing year. "I hope this has been ... well. Glad I could help." She sounded a bit dubious, though she was doing her best to be polite and courteous as the ostensible host of this impromptu meeting.

The old woman watched the others carefully, her eyes tracking each of them as they stood from the table too. Until she could convince someone in medical to finally approve the request for a cane, she'd need help. She could stand on her own, but she needed her hands free, unencumbered of the handcuffs, to do that. And she'd need her knees to stop screaming internally at her, which was the bigger problem most days since Andrade had unleashed his fury on her. She'd made the mistake of trying to escape that basement with its mildew and blood from women who had been like daughters. They were all her daughters, really, her daughters, her sons, her children, every one of the Terrans she'd sacrificed a lifetime to protect and defend. And as with her own children, the children of her blood, they'd now abandoned her.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Yukiko Takayama Character Portrait: Daisuke Aramaki Character Portrait: Kazundo Gōda Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska Character Portrait: Tarō Kanō Character Portrait: Keiko Takayama Character Portrait: Shuichi Minamino
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The group of Taiyou all stood up from their seats and offered Andrijana a bow, almost in unison, with Yukiko leading them out, the group of Taiyou began to move, one by one, out of the conference room. No one had anything further to say, so they all left without incident, and would follow the path out of the Prison, leaving Andrijana, and Drulovic to their devices.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianne Drulovic Character Portrait: Andrijana Krstevska
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#, as written by Ylanne
Once the Taiyou delegation had left, Andrijana remained standing, hands gripping the back of her chair so tightly a vein visibly throbbed just beneath the skin. She waited until she'd heard each of their footsteps recede in a muted percussive cascade. Then she looked at Drulović. The old woman returned the stare. Andrijana saw that the old woman seemed exhausted and frail, the effect accentuated now that she sat alone at the large conference room table.

"Have you finished gawking yet?" The old woman's tone was biting. "It's rather rude, you know. You'd think you were but a child at the fairground gaping at seeing a costumed bear or half-drunken rodeo performance for the first time."

Andrijana shook her head. "I wasn't trying to stare."

"But you were, in fact, staring, Dr. Krstevska," said Drulović, one eyebrow slightly raised. "You've been doing so for the past two minutes, which is a surprisingly long time by most people's reckoning - and staring is rather impolite. What now, were you raised in a barn?"

"Look. I'll call down to have someone take you back to the unit," Andrijana said, trying to ignore the old woman's comment, though her cheeks flushed. "You've had your meeting. I hope it was what you wanted. And no, I'd really rather not know. You're not - we're not supposed to be allowing this kind of thing."

"Yet here we find ourselves," Drulović said, half-shrugging, her tired eyes bemused. "I imagine a great deal of things happen here that officially ought not to be possible or permitted. It's simply the way of things." She nodded toward the door. "Please."

Andrijana gave the old woman a sidelong glance, but dialed down from the phone by the door to the conference room. "... So you want to be a kingmaker, then. Decide who should sit on the Taiyou throne next. Is that it for you now?" Damn.

"All I'd like right now is a good cup of tea - something better than whatever that poor excuse for tea might be," Drulović indicated the now-cold cups of tea on the table that no one else had touched, "and a good book, in front of the hearth at home. I don't suppose you could arrange that."

Andrijana sighed. She leaned forward against the closest chair, then abruptly let go, pacing the length of the conference room. The old woman scoffed, quietly, but made no further comment until two officers appeared in the doorway to return her to her cell. Nearly all kings and emperors could die. But for a twist of fate, one could so easily end up in the same predicament in which she now found herself. How little did Andrijana know.