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The Multiverse

The Borealis Manor

115.75 INK

a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

Against the horizon is the Borealis Manor which stands three stories high with vines crawling up the natural stone walls. A balcony over looks the gardens and juts out from the western side of the manor on the second floor.

CriminalMinds holds sovereignty over The Borealis Manor, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,068 readers have been here.


Currently no one can enter as the house is on lock-down due to the android currently inside.
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The Borealis Manor

Against the horizon is the Borealis Manor which stands three stories high with vines crawling up the natural stone walls. A balcony over looks the gardens and juts out from the western side of the manor on the second floor.


The Borealis Manor is a part of Lady Une Drive.

11 Places in The Borealis Manor:

6 Characters Here

3619 Alpha. [96] Droid 3619 responding to Private Contract. Initiating Mission Parameters.
Cianna Miller [96] Do not mess with me or my dog will bite you.
Harmony Lily Crystalline [0] Height: 5'3" Long, waist length blonde hair. Round, transparent, light blue eyes. Clear skin. Very sweet and caring, insanely loyal. Can stand up for anyone but herself. Is a fallen angel trying to save her closest friend, Loralaia.
Gearexx [0] Anti-meta monster.
Captain talento demorar [0] A captain belonging to a planet Earth colony who works in a military/space travel company with futuristic weapons armor and a stubborn attitude makes him a Tough opponent
Raven Blackburn [0] I need people's blood to keep myself alive.

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Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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As Al set her down and told her that that was not the deal, Cianna scowled and folded her own arms across her chest. Maybe several minutes without a meltdown was too much for the little child. "We want to choose." She stamped her foot on the ground and continued to stare off Al.

"Nix says you should tell us what choices we have so that we can decide." She added as an afterthought. Sometimes Nix was too clever and a bad influence on the child. He seemed to have the thought process of someone older than a six year old - an illiterate six year old at that.

So she continued to stand there waiting for Al to give her the options so that they could chose, mimicking his pose as much as she could without losing her own balance. Nix sat down beside her watching the showdown and in the end she was leaning slightly against him and not the table. Even though it was only slightly at an angle, logic dictated that at some point she'd topple over because she was just resting against thin air, right? But she seemed to have good balance as she wasn't toppling over.

"Nix and I are waiting..." She added impatiently.

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Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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#, as written by Guest
He tilted his head slightly in acceptance, making a note of the time so it could be reviewed later. The ability of the child to restrain her temper when it suited her was definitely worth noting, and would doubtless influence the therapeutic route that would be handed down in time. He doesn't move from his place at the counter, and instead meets her gaze without flinching. After all, the social niceties of looking away from the eyes of another were almost entirely a human creation.

"Oatmeal, or cereal, fruit and yoghurt." The choices were weighted of course, but if she was going to push her luck, then he was going to adapt appropriately. The child would gain the necessary nutrition, whether he had to drag her kicking and screaming to it or not. A small alert popped on his internal screen, reminding him that when appropriate he should administer the vitamin cocktail that had been prepared for her. He acknowledged the notification, and refocused himself on Cianna.

Perhaps it was the slight distraction, or perhaps she had moved in that time, but he does note the odd angle of her body and the stability that came with it. The image is logged, tagged and stored away in his separated processor almost immediately as he waits, in turn, for her move.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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0.00 INK

Cianna quickly went back to the negotiation with Nix once the choices were given to her. She was impressed that her way had held. "We want yoghurts. Nix has three and I have one." She added, nodding her head as she stood upright and unfolded her arms. The scowl had now left her features and Cianna nodded for Nix to go and take watch of what code Al put into the fridge.

Nix knew what to do. Just like he knew how to distract shop keepers while Cianna took things from their market stalls. Often reports had come in of something unknown distracting them before things were taken. And 90% of the time in the last two years Cianna had been in the vicinity.

Now that she thought she'd gotten her way, she was happily back to playing around the kitchen, this time actually pretending to be playing with Nix while he was, in fact, by Al's side and waiting for him to put in the code.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Guest
Al shook his head. "You'll have equal amounts. You still need more nutrients."

That said he turned and paused. It was only for a handful of nanoseconds, while his processor pushed it's way through the line of thought. If, as he now suspected, the 'Nix' creature was in fact, in some manner, 'real', then... He looked to Cianna and her sudden acquiescence...

And then he stepped close enough to the fridge, and the lock, that the padlock was pinned firmly between himself and the fridge, leaving only enough room for his hand to slide between and, with the motion safely hidden, he typed in the code at a speed that only an android could contemplate. There was a whirr, a click, and half a second later he was stepping back as though nothing had happened. He pulled out a large container of vitamin-enhanced yoghurt and closed the fridge firmly behind him. The fruit was similarly fetched from a cupboard, and cereal followed.

In the end, he delivered two equally sized portions, one, however, was presented in a wide, flat bowl. If he was to admit that Nix was a manifest... something... then he'd have to adapt appropriately.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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It was moments after the fridge had closed that Cianna had stopped pretending to play with Nix and was sulking in a corner. Her eyes darted from Al to Nix with a frown on her face. He hadn't managed to get the code and so while Al was preparing their breakfast Cianna was back on a stool and messing with the code, getting Nix to tell her what the next numbers were that she had to put into the box.

The numbers from 0021 to 0030 didn't open the fridge though and the system was locked until she'd eventually try again at lunch. Breakfast had been served though. And with the fact that the code hadn't been seen, Cianna was in a bad mood. So much for the good mood lasting.

She made it to the table and took their bowls, putting Nix's on the floor with hers and examining it closely. When she deemed that it had the same amount in, she took her bowl and spoon and poured half into Nix's bowl. Along with giving him all the fruit and cereal.

"I only wanted yoghurt. And Nix needs three. I have one." She told Al, her tone showing her change of attitude. With that done (which Cianna knew she wasn't going to get away with it) the pair sat and ate. Nix's disappearing at some point and Cianna finishing the yoghurt and leaving any stray bits of fruit.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Guest
3619 took one look at her attitude, and put himself back in the seat he'd adopted before, leaning back and getting comfortable. At least, that was what his body language was meant to broadcast- in reality, the alignment of his torso the the rest of his body had a limited amount of effect on his functional capacity.

He ignored her behaviour, sending the silent signal for the House computer to secure the door and windows. There was no point in fighting her yet, and he wanted to see how much she understood consequence anyway. It was a late developing skill, and given her interrupted development... well, the analysis wasn't clear on her ability.

When she finished, he looked at her over his folded arms and asked, simply;

"Do you think you kept to our deal?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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0.00 INK

Cianna didn't answer Al straight away. She sat there stewing over everything and trying to calculate another way out as Nix lay lazily next to her. If only she decided that there was no Nix, and that she was eating both bowls, it would have gone a lot better. But Cianna wasn't smart. It was Nix helping her. And he hadn't told her that because he hadn't thought of it himself. Yet.

"We didn't make a deal today. That was the other day we made the deal. And you're not my dad so you can't tell me what to do and you can keep me locked up in this room all day if you want. Nix and I can still play and we won't eat!"

Cianna nodded to herself, a smile on her face as she stood up and pushed at the invisible Nix to get himself up so that they could run around, trying to prove a point to Al that this time she'd win the battle. Not him. She didn't want him winning this time.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Guest
3619 said, simply "Hn."

And with that, he pulled up the previous files of the occurrences of 'Nix'. Or at least, the occurrences he had already flagged. If it was real, and manifest, then there had to be a way of locating an algorithm that would allow him to perceive it. And if he could, he might be able to delve into the nature of the creature in time. It may take hundreds of processing hours, but realistically he wasn't likely to be removed from this case until she was more stable.

And for the moment... that seemed some way off.

So he lent back, and seemed to stare out of the window, completely ignoring Cianna while his internal processing clunked through the files, analysing each frame and time segment for... well, anything, really. And without a good idea of what to look for, it took time.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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0.00 INK

Just like Al was ignoring her, she was ignoring Al. A tantrum had been missed by him not saying anything further and she was just happy to play around with Al. They managed to do quite a lot in the kitchen. They went hunting through a jungle; they flew to Australia (though Cianna didn't pronounce the name correctly). They even ended up in the corner doing what appeared to be nothing at first. Cianna was lying on her stomach, her head resting on her hands and her elbows against the floor as if she was looking at something in front of her which was just... well, the floor.

"Are you sure Nix?" She asked.

No answer would be heard.

"I don't think it'll work. It doesn't look like this house."

There was another pause. "What do you think is in the rooms on the second and third floor?"

Cianna's face lit up at some point before she shouted. "Monsters! The doctors and the bad helpers are going to get us. They're hiding and waiting!" She frowned before looking at Al and then back at Nix. "They're not going to get us. We can run away again. I bet I'm small enough to fit through the fence. You can fly over. Or maybe you can fly with me on you. Like last time!"

Nix seemed to say something.

"I'll be good. He'll let us out then and we can try."

In Cianna's mind, the doctors and psych people that she'd been forced to see were the bad guys, the monsters. They weren't there to help her. They were there to take Nix away in her eyes and she wasn't going to have any of it. Not now, not ever. And now having looked at a 'map'. And having Nix insinuated to what could be behind the doors, Cianna was hell bent on leaving again.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Guest
3619 didn't move. In fact, apart from the automated slight rise and fall of his chest, imbedded deep within his programming to provide some semblance of humanity, he was almost statuesque.

It didn't change when Cianna started speaking, either. Nothing on his face indicated that he'd heard her plan, even though she'd spoken it more than loudly enough for his sensors to register. Immediately, he began the internal dialogue program in place and contacted the Extor mainframe.

3619 -> Extor. Initiate Icarus protocol. Flight risk acknowledged.

Extor -> 3619. Forward related files. Protocol initiated. Tag Drop 0200 hours, confirm.

3619 -> Extor. Confirmed.

Given Cianna's pattern of behaviour within the foster system, it was no particular surprise that she'd take to running. The tendancy to engage out loud with her invisible companion had been highlighted in her file, and as 3619 forwarded the file he made sure to indicate it's accuracy. She might try and run, but Extor was no bumbling social services, they would find her and the caretaker they assigned after 3619 would likely be less forgiving.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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0.00 INK

It took only moments to get the little girl from one extreme to the other. She hated everything. She hated this place. The doctors. Al. Everything. She decided. It was just supposed to be her and Nix. She turned to watch Al for a bit before moving to the door and trying to open it, only to find it locked. No surprise there.

So Cianna moved onto her next plan.

"Nix and I are ready to eat properly now." She told Al sitting at the table.

Cianna knew that after that she'd be allowed to play outside. All she had to do was eat the meal to get outside then she could run away! So she sat herself down at the table and waited to see if Al moved to get her some food.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Guest
3619 paused a long moment before he finally turned his head to look at her. "Nix ate enough." He said at last, watching her with the utter still, expressionlessness that could only come from someone who was able to completely detach their internal workings from their external feed.

He knew she'd likely dislike this answer, but at this juncture he cared very little. The Icarus protocol locked down the outer doors for anyone who wasnt 3619. As her flight risk had increased so had the levels they were willing to take to keep her safe, though 3619 wasn't briefed on the next set of protocols. It sat in the file, ominously labelled Lethar 1, and did nothing more than that. He idly ran his language protocol over it and came up with no full words that Cianna would appreciate.

But that was the decision of Extor, and they had enough psychological profiles that their decisions would at least be... informed.

So he watched her, and waits.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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0.00 INK

Cianna frowned. "He's still hungry. And I bet it's lunch time. You have to feed him. You can't let him starve." She frowned. "That's not very nice of you. If you had a friend you wouldn't let them starve, I bet. It's lunch time. Now feed us!" Cianna demanded.

She continued to sit there mumbling to Nix though unhappy before glancing at Al again. "What are you waiting for? When are you getting us food?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Guest
Two responses warred it out deep in the coding, before blue eyes focused upon her, and he says simply, precisely...

"Work it out."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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0.00 INK

If Al wanted a tantrum, then he sure knew how to start one.

"Work what out?" Cianna's frown deepened and she spoke with Nix before looking back at Al. "You can't let Nix starve. He's hungry. If you don't get him food I'll start screaming and shouting again. It's lunch time!"

Cianna had no idea what time it was or wasn't. She was six. She didn't care. If she said it was lunch, it was lunch. She actually hadn't related it to the fact that she'd broken the deal and Nix only got food if she stuck to the deal. She was relating it to the fact that she'd given more than half of her breakfast to him and that was it.

"Now. Food. Please." She added please forced, just to try and get food.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Guest
3619 reached behind him and picked up the book, planting one ankle over the opposite knee before he looked at her.

"Work out why I have said no, and work out why I wont give you lunch yet."

And with that, he fell silent once more, setting his eyes to a 'reading' pattern even as his actual processing power reverted to the internal systems. Given he had provided the amount of food she had desired, even if not in the portions she had asked for, he had no actual fear. His monitoring systems assured him that she, herself, even with her poor nutrition was far from suffering and so he was content to wait- not least because his clock read 10:58:01 at the time of her assurances that it was 'Lunch' and he had no intention of allowing her to move the schedule so drastically.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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0.00 INK

"You said no because I gave Nix half of my breakfast. But it doesn't matter because you gave him food all the other times." She told Al. "And you won't give me lunch because you're being stupid. We're hungry! Nix is starving. It's lunch time." She frowned.

Instead she got herself up from the table and moved over to the fridge typing in the codes and trying to work it out. They got up to 0040 now and most likely still had a long way to go. The fridge locked itself up and Cianna sat back down at the table.Finally she started to bang her hands down on the table.

"Give us food." She started to yell over and over at the top of her voice.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Guest
3619 looked at her calmly.

"You're right. You broke the deal. Well done, that was good thinking." He said it entirely without sarcasm, but as she decends into little more than insults he simply looks back to his book.

Reduce noise input by 75%

And he waits, setting his internal clock to register midday. He could wait, and while he had limited how much sound was registered internally, actual conversation lower than that would alert him perfectly.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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0.00 INK

"I never broke the deal!" Cianna shouted when the words registered. "That was a different day stupid!" She growled.

Finally, Cianna grew tired of shouting and glared at Al. "You're mean. Just like the other adults. I hate you. I thought you were nice but you're not!" She frowned, before starting to bawl her eyes out at the table.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Guest
Without appearing to break his concentration at his book, 3619 reached behind him and picked up a box of tissues, sliding them over the table to the child. Her jibe about hating him passes without significant note- it was, after all, impossible to harm the feelings of an android who, broadly speaking, didn't have any.

He waited for a break in her caterwauling before his eyes flicked up to her and he spoke. "If I cannot trust you, then you will not get your way. How can I trust you, if you don't do as I ask?"

The question was presented calmly, clearly, and with absolutely no indication that he was taking the slightest bit of notice of her fierce temper, or her crying. Whether it was legitimate or false mattered little to him, or to the Client. Her psych profile was clear that manipulation was her main tool towards getting what she desired, and so it had been decided that only straightforward dealings with the child could be categorised as ideal.

And he had forever, after all.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cianna Miller Character Portrait: 3619 Alpha.
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0.00 INK

Cianna continued to wail even as Al spoke. "Y-y-you d-don't do as I ask either. You all just think I'm lying." Cianna managed to stop the wailing while she spoke. "You all think I'm lying and I'm crazy. That's what the doctors say. Nix says that's what you're telling them. And none of you believe he's real and you never call me by my name and you don't give me the food I want. You were nice last night but now you've gone back to being mean."

Cianna was just making it all more dramatic than it was. Using whatever information her six year old underdeveloped brain could think of and having Nix help her too. She stayed silent for a moment though her concentration was obviously on her friend.

"Nix says that if you don't trust me then I shouldn't trust you. I'd be good if you helped us chose the food for our meals instead of telling me no all the time and choosing for me. I like oranges. The ones that you can peel. You never give me oranges. You never ask what I like. You don't know me. You just know what those stupid doctors tell you. And they wonder why I run away, wouldn't you run away if everyone called you crazy and a liar?" Cianna was repeating Nix's words now. He was giving the six year old the information she needed to fight back. It was obvious that Nix had the mental age older than a six year old.

She was upset and angry. But instead of screaming and shouting, Cianna got up from the table. "I want to go to my room. Let me out the kitchen." She spoke as she made her way over to the door.

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Character Portrait: Amabel Kosher
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

Omna?manus materializes from the void.
Omna?manus vanishes into nothingness, but you get the feeling they are heading somewhere else.