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Alexandra Deliatore

"That sounds like a good plan. That was sarcasm. Get it?"

0 · 783 views · located in The Town of Linston

a character in “The Mysterious Plague”, as played by AmbrosiaVAC



Full Name: Alexandra Victoria Deliatore
Name you'd like to be called: Alex, Lexi

Age: 22
Gender: Female
Weapons: Armed with only a Smith & Wesson 1911 Custom and a Bundeswehr-issue Swiss Army Knife.
Job: College student. Past her studies, Alex has worked as a mechanic most of her life. Not specifically to automobiles, either. She just seems to have a certain gift for machinery. Whether it's in her blood or taught from years upon years growing up in a male-dominated family, she will never know and quite frankly doesn't care.

Special Skills: Alex can easily fix a good variety of machines. Cars and firearms, though, are her specialties. The latter more out of necessity than as an occupation. She is also fluent in multiple languages, not that that helps her much post-Apocalypse.

Personality: Alex is a fairly easygoing person. She's often sarcastic and joking, always in a light mood and never one to let a bad situation put a damper on some humour. Which comes to another point- she has a soft spot for puns. To get to know her is to be like you've known her for her entire life. She's just that type of person to be able to form such relationships with people. Loveable but not so cuddly. Because if she doesn't want to cuddle with you and you try, expect a quick punch to the throat. She's the bad-girl type. Relatively good with a gun, loves the roar of loud engines, hates wimps, has a strong attitude, and an all-around badass. Respect.

History: While she was born into a very wealthy and upper-class family, you would not have been able to tell by looking at Alex. That's because for most of her childhood she was taught to not rely on money. Her family was very hard-working and into the whole physical labour deal. Starting at her early toddler years, Alex had the interest of machines almost impressed upon her. It was her father's hobby. As it was the hobby of her older brothers. Her father, a former military man turned success-story, didn't want his daughter to grow up so... weak. No. She was to be strong. And still is to the day. Beautiful, Athletic with a love for cars and the knowledge to go with it, Alex had more than a few suitors among the male crowd. She was what many a man dreamed of. Unfortunately for them, one of her favourite pastimes was leading them on. Throughout high school she wasn't your typical popular girl. She wasn't the social princess that the cheerleading captain was or the opposite social pariah of the "Nerds". She ran with her own crowd and that, to say in the least, was a large crowd. One that she was at the center of. She graduated High School with flying colours and went on to go to the local community-college before the eventual move to one of the many Engineering Universities around the country. With her oldest brothers, all three, off fighting a world away she was left to be the badass and hot older sister for her younger brothers. Well, the badass part for them. The hot part for their friends that seemed to come over at least every day. Her family had secrets. Ones that weren't exactly abiding to the law. These are the ones she chooses to keep to herself, and with good reason. In the right places the Deliatore name is all you need to either have everyone at your feet or a target right on your forehead. This was her life. Amazing.

So begins...

Alexandra Deliatore's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandra Deliatore Character Portrait: Liam Connors
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Lexi lifted her head from under the hood of the restored 1968 Chevy Camaro that had occupied much of her free time for the past week or so. Taking a deep breath she threw her head back towards the ceiling. She reached a hand back behind her head and pulled out the band that had been keeping her hair in a ponytail and out of her way while she worked. She looked around. The updated Automechanic garage was a decent size and family owned. Owned not by her family but by one very close to hers. Her face was marred by a few splatters of black oil. Funny. She actually almost looked like the stereotypical mechanic. Would have, probably, if it weren't for the fact that she wasn't wearing the typical jumpsuit. Instead she was clad in a tight black tank top and jean shorts, completed by a pair of black hiking boots.

She stepped out of the garage into the nicknamed "Rec Room" of the building. It was a completely separate room, a decent size and outfitted with a pool table, vending machine, a leather couch, several chairs around a table, a widescreen plasma television mounted on the wall with an Xbox system hooked up to it, and a large speaker set up that was currently blaring out Flo Rida's "Club Can't Handle Me". The rest of the "Gang" of mechanics was hanging around the room. Alexandra was the second youngest of the group of five. The youngest would have been Sean O'Shays. The two currently lounging out on the couch were James Colone and Chris McCoy. The second oldest of the group, Dominic DeSilvio, could be found sleeping in one of the chairs. The oldest of them was standing by the vending machine and currently trying to figure out how to make it drop the snack he had been attempting to get. Liam Connors.

"Oi, Lex. Take a look at this," McCoy called out to her from the couch. She jumped over the back of the aforementioned couch, landing in a sitting position between Colone and McCoy. Liam watched on with carefully veiled interest as Chris turned the volume up on the television while simultaneously turning the volume down on the stereo. He was watching the news. Large flashing text next to anchorman read "Breaking News!". The anchor appeared visibly shaken as he began to speak. ""It turns out that the "antidote" that scientists have been working on have actually posed a new threat! No need to worry though, they say it's just a small plague that they can most likely keep under control. They will be starting testing tomorrow."

Sean made a inquisitive noise. Alexandra, Chris, and James rolled their eyes in sync. Dominic snored. And Liam gave a light hmph. He licked his lips. "If that antidote was for STDs, I'm gon' be pissed. Ain't been feelin' right since my night with that blonde last week."

"You haven't been feeling right since you were frickin' born, Li-li," Alexandra pointed out, using her self-made nickname for the older man. Once again Liam merely grunted.

"'Least I wasn't dropped on mah' head as a baby," He retorted. Their bantering was something of a pastime for the rest to watch.

"You're just jealous 'cause I'm sexier than you," Alexandra childishly stuck out her tongue and smiled. Liam merely gave a smirk and returned back to his worthy opponent, the Vending Machine of Evil.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Scott Character Portrait: Alexandra Deliatore Character Portrait: Liam Connors Character Portrait: Alexander Jones
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Angelina Scott


Sitting on the hard concrete sidewalk in disbelief, Angelina slowly got herself up off the ground. She had fallen after that creature was pushed of her by Alex. Angelina looked over to where Alexander was on top of the dead mutant. She tried speaking but nothing was coming out. It seemed she was still in a shocked state. After regaining her balance and snapping back into reality, Angelina knelt down and turned to Alex.

"What happened?! What is that thing?! Why did it try killing me?!" Angelina had a variety of questions running through her mind. Unfortunately only a few were said. Before Alexander could answer she heard a car engine roaring down the street. Eventually an SUV came tumbling down the road. Without even thinking about it, Angelina got up and started after the car. Maybe these people could know something about what was going.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Scott Character Portrait: Alexandra Deliatore Character Portrait: Liam Connors
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"James, stop the car," Alexandra's velvet voice shot through the silence in the SUV. She racked the slide on her handgun, holding it for a moment to peer inside. Satisfied that a round was in the chamber she released it. The metal clicked into place with a very menacing sound.


"Someone's tailing."

James looked into the rear view mirror to see the form of a girl chasing the car. "It could be one of them."

"They don't run, you know that. Now stop the car," Alex's voice became more stern to reinforced her previous statement. James grumbled something but complied. The SUV jolted as it came to a halt. Opening the door, she disembarked but was followed by McCoy and Liam. McCoy holding his trusty Bowie Knife and Liam with a hunting rifle. They had more weapons in the car. None of them actually legal, considering the connections that the Irishmen had. It didn't take a genius to figure out what that connection was.

Alexandra raised her pistol at the figure, holding the girl in her sights. She recognized her. Angelina Scott. She had seen the girl in the shop more than a few times whenever her father brought his car in after busting it up again somehow. "I'd appreciate if you'd stop there."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Scott Character Portrait: Finn White Character Portrait: Alexandra Deliatore
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Angelina Scott


Angelina had to glance down at the ground after losing her balance from chasing the SUV. When she popped her head up a pistol was pointed directly at her. "I'd appreciate if you'd stop there." Putting her hands up in surrender she looked over her shoulder to see one of Finn's men coming towards her. It seemed his name was "Peter." Angelina turned back to the woman holding the firearm, she recognized her. Alexandra always knew exactly how to fix her dad's old beat of Volkswagen.

"Listen, I'm not one of those things. I haven't even seen one until now! I don't even know what they are!" Angelina cried with a fearful look in her eyes. She didn't want to die at the age of 24 and she knew that one pull of that trigger and she was gone. Angelina also feared for Finn. Even though Finely was military trained and extremely strong and independent, Angelina was almost certain she'd never faced anything like these creatures.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Scott Character Portrait: Finn White Character Portrait: Alexandra Deliatore Character Portrait: Alexander Jones
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"Damn!" Alexander shouted when the military girl knocked him over, she had scared the living crap out of him, not that he would let anyone know about it. "I was just about to do that" Alexander murmured and grabbed her hand. "But thanks I guess... now I got another shirt to clean" He said with a normal tone as he used her for support to get back on his feet, almost pulling her down on purpose. Alexander looked down on his arms, which had a gotten allot of blood on them from the zombie, the singlet itself wasn't that bad, just a few bloodstains on the white clothing. Then he turned around and saw the guy named Peter run towards Angel. "Whats going on over there?" Alexander asked the girl with a tone that hinted more about curiosity than worry. To be honest the black SUV and the black haired girl didn't scare him that much, the world couldn't have gone that crazy already!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Scott Character Portrait: Finn White Character Portrait: Alexandra Deliatore Character Portrait: Alexander Jones Character Portrait: Kellan Moore
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#, as written by DyLAn:D



Finn glanced over at Angie and the SUV, her protectiveness spiking as she saw a dark haired woman point a gun at Angie. Something alike to a growl escaped Finn throat and she readied her gun and walked over.
"May i ask why you are threatening another living person? No one has been bite so lower your weapon" Finn snapped. This woman looked familiar but Finn didn't have time to focus on that at the moment. Moving forward she took a slight step in between the two other's and glared down the dark haired woman her gun ready and at her side.

Finn will never admit this to anyone but the first time she saw when of these....things, she was scared shit-less. It bugged her greatly that she had no control of it and no idea how to stop it and in the end she had to kill one of the people she swore to protect.

But she wouldn't let that happen again.

Kellan Moore


Something scratching at his door made Kellan's eyes pop open. He rolled slightly until he could see his door, the light noise and soft moaning coming from outside his door.
".H..H..Hello?" he whimpered and the scratching turned into a banging and the moaning grew louder as something tried to smash its way through his door. Kellan let out a soft cry and he shot out from his hiding spot and to the window.


All of the maid's and waiter's car's were gone, the only car left was an old ford truck that belonged to the maid he had hear talking before he fell asleep. As quietly as he could Kellan went over to the pad-locked door and unlatched the lock on the little doggy door that they had been passing him food by. Once it unlocked Kellan let out a loud scream as a bloody arm shot through and tried to grab him. He shot back just in time as the face of one of his maid's came through the doggy door.

Her face was bloody and scarred, her teeth jagged and snapping at him.

"Z...Z..ZOMBIE!!" Kellan screamed and rushed away from the door and went into his closet grabbing his emergency backpack and some form of weapon. Then he went to his huge window and opening it, grabbing the rope ladder he had from his 'pirate' phase as a young child and latched it into the window sill and started climbing down. He was half way down when he heard the door give away. He climbed down fast and shot off towards town.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Angelina Scott Character Portrait: Finn White Character Portrait: Alexandra Deliatore Character Portrait: Liam Connors Character Portrait: Alexander Jones
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Alexandra heard a clack behind her and she knew that Sean had brought out the AR-15. He'd made sure to take his and brother's stash, IRA-issued, with them when they'd bailed. They were loaded down with weapons but not so much ammunition. She lowered her weapon at the sight of the other two. Clearly none of them were bitten or wounded or else they most likely wouldn't be so protective.

She turned her head around towards Sean. "Lower the gun, McCoy."

At the sound of Alex's Italian-accented voice, the Irishman lowered his weapon. Liam grunted and lowered his handgun but remained with his finger over the trigger. He grunted and took a few steps back towards the SUV.

Alexandra let out a "hmph". She eyed the three people in front of her. "Interesting group."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Scott Character Portrait: Finn White Character Portrait: Alexandra Deliatore Character Portrait: Liam Connors Character Portrait: Alexander Jones
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Angelina Scott


Angelina looked over at Finn standing next to her and then back at Alexandra finally putting her firearm down. She looked Alexandra right in the eye. "I swear I'm not here to start trouble. I just want to know what the HELL is going on!" Angie wiped some tears from her cloudy eyes. Before she could open her mouth to speak again her father busted out from the house.

"What is going on here?!?" He hollered obviously looking at Alexandra, Finn, Alex and the others. He drew a quick a smile to Finely as he remembered his former solider. "Why are you pointing weapons at my precious little girl and Finn! How nice to see you again hun! It's been forever!" Angelina felt her cheeks burn red as her father called her his "precious little girl." She'd guessed he didn't realize that Angelina was 24, not a little girls age.

Angelina's father examined the outside area. Many sluggish figures wandered around Linston with out noticing the group in the center of the street. "God, I guess this place really has turned to hell." He muttered under his breath.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Scott Character Portrait: Finn White Character Portrait: Alexandra Deliatore Character Portrait: Liam Connors Character Portrait: Alexander Jones
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"Uhmm" Alexander started and walked up to the rest of the group after looking at the dead body for a little while. "I think we should get inside and continue or little chat" he said and walked passed them towards the dinner. "Ya'll welcome inside if you want, its safer than outside" He turned around and walked backwards as he spoke. "But I'm locking the door in 10 minutes, so I suggest that you decide quick." Whit that Alexander turned around and quickly walked into the restaurant. Luckily there was no zombies inside so he closed the door after him and walked straight into the kitchen.

"I'll need this, and this and this" Alexander mumbled as he opened a shelf and started to take out knife after knife, his sword was back home, that had to wait for later. A small suitcase made of metal was where all the knifes was putt.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Scott Character Portrait: Finn White Character Portrait: Alexandra Deliatore Character Portrait: Liam Connors Character Portrait: Alexander Jones
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#, as written by DyLAn:D



"A pleasure to see you again sure, but may i suggest we take this conversation inside?" Finn asked polietly, resisting the urge to hug the man she had looked up to for so long, when her father got sick Angie's and her dad helped Finn through alot and pointed her in the right direction. In her heart they were her second family and she wasn't going to risk their lives.

"PETER! secure the truck and give these people some ammo, we got shit loads we can spare some" Finn order, handing him the keys and Peter nodded before heading back to the truck. The grumble of the truck roared to life as Peter moved it closer to them parking it right behind Finn, then he hopped out with a duffel bag of gun's and ammo, they had about 6 more of those then belt's full, they were all good.

"Here" Peter handed Alexander the bag, a slight blush covered his cheek's as he took in her appearance but he quickly turned around and stood beside Finn again, arm's folded behind his back.

"Shall we?" Finn asked Angie pointing to her house with one hand and to the dinner with the other.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Scott Character Portrait: Finn White Character Portrait: Alexandra Deliatore Character Portrait: Liam Connors Character Portrait: Alexander Jones
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Alexandra watched the chef, who she knew shared almost the same name as her, walk off back into his restaurant and she frowned. Shaking off a questioning thought she turned her attention back to the girl dressed in military garb in front of her.

She saw the old veteran whose car she had fixed up come out. And then watched the man who had been with the blonde women drive a large truck towards them. She took a step back, as did the two men flanking her, and watched as the man (whose name by now she had deduced as being Peter) hop out of the back with a duffel bag. He walked right up to her and handed it to her.

As she watched him blush and retreat she couldn't help but smile. It was really quite funny how men had that reaction to her. Feeling the bag's hefty weight she handed it off to Liam. The much stronger Irishman took it and peered inside, giving a satisfied grunt before closing it up again.

"Dope and beer," He said in his usual gruff tone, knowing that Alex would understand the terminology. She smiled. "How much?"

"Enough to take down an old-time Buffalo Herd."

"Then I suppose I owe you a thanks for your generosity," Alexandra stated bluntly, turning her head back to Finn.