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Vincent Chess

"Am I the only one who dislikes it when people mix DC and Marvel superheros?"

0 · 356 views · located in Land of Faliz

a character in “The Neighbors Grimm”, as played by HOLYCRAPAGHOST


Vincent is 24 with blonde hair and light gray eyes. He is a bit more built than most geeky people, but only because he spends every morning running five miles around the block. He chooses to do it as a way to wake himself up in the morning. Also, it makes him feel less guilty about sitting around for the rest of the day.


Vincent is, in so many words, a nerd. His apartment is a nerd's wet dream. He has a comic book collection to rival all stores combined, he has memorabilia from his favorite shows and games. He is a game tester, and spends most of his days sitting on his couch or in front of his computer playing new games that have never been played before. He dislikes people, thinking them incompetent and finding happiness in the most shallow things.


He usually has his cell phone on him, and some portable game device.


Vincent was always a nerd, but when he was younger he was more of the typical nerd. He had braces and large glasses. He was never in style. But around when he got into college he started growing into his cheek bones and finally began buying his own clothes. He went to school for game development and is hoping to one day create his game. He is room mates with Ollie. They had become great friends during college.

They spend a lot of their time on their computers. But often times, Ollie will play video games with him to see how the multiplayer function works. After years of living with her, Vincent couldn't help but develop feelings for the foodie. He wants to tell her, but he is unsure how.

So begins...

Vincent Chess's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Olivia (Ollie) Cross Character Portrait: Vincent Chess
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Ollie Cross
Room 306

Ollie pushed into her apartment, kicking off her black shoes, throwing her keys on the table, and peeling off her coat. "Morning Vince," She called, obvious exhaustion in her voice.

She worked for an IT company, and was technically a customer assistance rep, but she was often asked to come in for an overnight shift to upgrade all forms of technology. And fix things that have been causing problems. After an eight hour shift, Ollie was almost too ready to sleep. But her need for food outweighed her need for sleep.

She spotted her roommate Vincent, gearing up for his five mile run. She thought he was crazy. He thought he was healthy. "I thought you would be gone by now." Ollie remarked digging through the cupboards. Vincent laughed and said said something back before finally leaving the apartment.

Ollie stared into the pantry before finally grabbing a snack cake. She was too tired to take the time to make something, so peeling off the plastic wrap, Ollie stuffed the chocolate treat into her mouth. She dragged herself to her room, peeling off her work clothes. She changed into her Star Wars pajama bottoms and pulled on a white t-shirt.

She loved her pajamas, and was so happy to be out of the tight clothing. She crawled into bed, so happy to finally sleep, when she heard someone knock on the door. She groaned running a hand through her brown hair. "Dammit," She cursed climbing out of bed. "This better be good," She called.

She pulled open the door, ready to yell at whomever was waiting, only to find nobody there. She looked down the hall before finally looking down at her feet. A small teddy bear sat on the doorstep. The small creature had a purple ribbon around his neck. Ollie picked it up, smiling at the small thing.

She took it with her into her room and climbed back into bed. Ready for sleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Olivia (Ollie) Cross Character Portrait: Vincent Chess
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Vincent Chess
Room 306

Vincent smiled at Ollie as she slumped into the apartment. She looked ready to pass out, which wasn't surprising. She had been staying up with him until at least 4 in the morning helping him get through a new video game. Now throw in an overnight shift, and Ollie has probably been awake for more than 24 hours. She looked about ready to kill.

"I thought you would be gone by now."

Vincent simply laughed, not wanting to say anything to set her off. In this state, she was vulnerable to sudden mood changes, and Vincent often suffered the blunt of it. He left her alone in the apartment as he left the apartment building. He waved hello to his neighbors, as he pushed the buds of his headphones into his ears, turning on his music.

The city was still waking up, the quiet songs of birds echoing throughout the town. He took in a deep breath, before beginning his jog down the street. Five miles later, Vincent was back at his apartment building, covered in sweat. He took in deep gulps as he climbed up the stairs. He took down gulps of water from his water bottle as he climbed up to her floor.

He dug through his pockets for his keys, when he spotted something sitting in front of the door. Staring at it confused, Vincent picked it up. Tilting his head to the side he realized it was a jar of jelly. "What?" He questioned out loud.

He stepped in the apartment, kicking off his shoes. He was about to yell for Ollie, to see if she knew anything about the substance, but figured she was sleeping. Opening the jar, Vincent dipped his finger inside and licked the substance off. It was grape. And delicious.

Promising to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with it later, Vincent screwed the top back on and went to his room to shower.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harrison Aiken Character Portrait: Olivia (Ollie) Cross Character Portrait: Vincent Chess
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Ollie Cross
Room 306

Ollie sat on the couch, hugging the small teddy bear to her chest. She couldn't keep her eyes off the storm raging outside their window. The lights had long since gone out, and Vincent was in the process of finding candles or flashlights to help light everything. She kept the small toy clutched to her chest as if it was the one thing that could save her from the storm.

She was terrified. Absolutely horrified as to what could happen. "Vincent, can you hurry. I'm really scared." She called not wanting to be alone for too long. She was about to get up and find him, when the small teddy bear starting glowing. She stared down at it, her eyes widening.


And just like that, she was gone.

Vincent Chess
Room 306

Vincent stumbled through the small storage room, digging for their flashlights. Why they didn't keep them out in the kitchen was a complete mystery to him. He cursed as he smacked his leg against something hard. Finally, he grabbed hold of one of the flashlights he needed. He could her Ollie out in the living room, calling for him to hurry.

She was terrified of storms. Always had been. Now, with the aid of the flashlight he had just found, Vincent would be able to find the others quicker. He turned it on and let the light light up the entire space. He found the last one easily, standing on top of the top shelf.

"I'll be right there Ollie," He called turning on the other flashlight to check the batteries. Worked great.

He made his way back to the living room to find the space completely empty. He called her name, searching for her through their entire apartment. "Ollie!" He called again.

Suddenly, his stomach started glowing.

He dropped the flashlights, shocked by the sudden light. "What?" He cried lifting up his shirt. He glanced around his apartment trying to see if there was something shining on his stomach, but there was nothing. The light was definitely coming from within.

He cried out, but he was already gone.

Harrison Aiken
Room 302

Harrison was too engrossed in his piano music to notice when the lights went out. Too focused on the beautiful sounds mixed with the thundering storm, to notice the charm around his neck.

The purple gem had glowed gently, almost pulsing with the music. He was at the very crescendo of his piece when the charm glowed bright than ever, engulfing Harrison in a pool of light.

The music stopped, no sound except for the raging storm. The apartment, for the first time since Harrison had moved in, was completely silent.