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Riko Murasaki

I'll do whatever it takes... because I've got nothing else to lose.

0 · 1,790 views · located in Ouran Academy

a character in “The New Host Club REBOOT”, as played by KaelaKatastrophe



“I'll do whatever it takes... because I've got nothing else to lose.”
Riko's Theme~ You know you're curious!


Image|Name| Riko Murasaki

|Age| 15

|Grade| 1st Year

|Sexual Orientation| Heterosexual

|Height| 5'1''

★ Playing Violin
★ Playing Guitar
★ Manipulation
★ Acting




Image |Likes|
✓ Writing (especially Fan-Fiction)
✓ Listening to music
✓ Schemes
✓ Singing
✓ Playing Violin

✗ Physical contact
✗ Being alone
✗ The Host Club
✗ Love
✗ Horror Movies





[Riko and a younger cousin, attempting to reveal her secret wish to pursue music.]

Riko was the only child born into the Murasaki main branch. The Murasaki are a rich family who owns one of the largest technological institutions worldwide, a very convenient world to live in, but Riko isn't exactly as ecstatic as one should be. The company has multiple branches in which each family member is responsible to run, but Riko isn't interested in the family business. From a young age she has enjoyed playing music and singing. The family business as been setup to where, from smallest to largest, each individual from the Murasaki Family will have a task somewhere among the branches. It is quite obvious the bigger the branch you ran the higher respect you gain as a member of the Murasaki family. Due to her family being the head of the institution, Riko is expected to be the successor of the institution. Riko hates the idea that all the pressure is on her shoulders. She never has spoken of her concerns, seeing as her parents are rather strict and would not hear out her plea. She hasn't even told them of her dreams of becoming a musician, they would never have it. Even if Riko could find the bravery to tell her parents that she isn't going to join the family business, they aren't home enough for her to break the news to them anyhow. Their absence led to Riko's arguably unhealthy hatred of the Ouran High School Host Club. Everyone in it...they were just far too perfect.

Riko switches between the Hosts occasionally as she grows bored of them, seeing as becoming a fan girl over the hosts is not her real reason for being there. She's actually invading the inside, looking for a way to shut them down quietly without being suspected as the culprit. She PRETENDS to be a nice and charming girl, but honestly she's a lot more calculating and manipulative than many know. Riko's parents are perhaps the only people who are aware of Riko's true nature. She doesn't like physical contact, at all and often overreacts when touched by anyone. It wouldn't be beyond her to slap someone for even slight physical contact.




Determined || Yes || "Quite. I'm not a quitter!"

Opinionated || Yes || "It is how it is."

Proud || No || "I know how to apologize, and I can."

Stubborn || Yes || "No! ..Maybe a little..."

Quiet || No || “I don't think it's physically possible..”

Friendly || Yes and no || "She's friendly to those she likes, but she's also good at faking it.

Affectionate || No || "No way, it's weird."

Curious || Yes || “Curiosity may be my undoing one of these days.”

Emotionally Controlled || Yes || "For the most part I am pretty good at keeping my emotions in check...when it's useful."

Charismatic || Yes || “I believe myself to be rather great with people, narcissistic maybe, but rather true..”

Fearless || No || “C-cats...Vampires...and Love.. They're scary! Don't make fun of me!”

Defensive || Yes || "No!" (Me: *Snickers*)

Sarcastic || Sometimes || "I try to use it as little as possible.."

Charming || Yes || “Of course. Charm opens a lot of doors.”

Grudge holding || Yes || “Why let people off the hook!? That's crazy!”

Persuasive || Yes || "I can be sometimes, with the right situation...and the right mood."

Calculating || Yes || “Uhm...n-no! I could never...” (Me: *Again, snickers*)

Intelligent || Yes || “I know stuff." (Me: Homework.) *Face plants* I didn't say school! I...I want the writing first...

Insecure || Yes || “.....No...." >.>;

Humorous || No || “I couldn't make a hyena laugh...”

Secretive || YES || “....Why keep secrets? Who does that...?”

Honest || No || “....Of course I am! I mean, why tell lies! That's mean...”

Blunt || Yes || “Yes.”

Loyal || Yes || “Now and forever.”

Serious || Yes || "Yes...for the most part.."

Romantic || No || “Romantic? Is that a new ocean I should know about?”

Flirty || No || “....I'm not good at that...”

Sympathetic || No || “Sympathetic...? I can be sympathetic... H-honest!”

Brave || Yes || “As long as it's not vampires or cats!”

Optimistic || Yes || “I will pry apart the host club if it's the last thing I do!”

Independent || Yes || “I can do it by myself.”

Dependent || No || “I can look after myself!”

Logical || Sometimes || “I can get carried away sometimes..”

Kind || Sometimes || "I can be... I can."

Jealous || Yes || "I just don't like those boys...they think they're all so perfect.. they pretend life is SO easy!"

Childish || Yes || “N-no... I-I swear! Quit laughing!”

Hostile || Yes || “Don't stand in my way!”

Argumentative || Yes || “I'm right! Shut up!”

Demanding || No || “I don't have to be, there are other ways to get what you want.”

Protective || Yes || “I'll protect the other Ouran girls from those creeps!”

Possessive || Yes || “No!”

Social || Yes || “I like to talk to people, a lot. It's nice.”

Active || Yes || "I love sports.”

Impersonal || Yes || “I'm not very good at ”

Competitive || Yes || “Only when it comes to games..”

Amoral || Yes || “...What's that?" *innocent blink*

Artificial || Sometimes || " I-I'm always true to me...! *pouts and gets defensive*"

So begins...

Riko Murasaki's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riko Murasaki Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Erai Yukanan
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Riko just made it up the third floor staircase in time to watch Erai waltz into the 3rd music room, and her eyes widened. Boys only went into the Host Club for ONE reason! She ran behind, standing in the doorway as she watched the next events unfurl. The guy dramatically put the spotlight on Walker, which she was certain that the Prince would definitely adore. He always loved being center of attention. She fought the urge to roll her eyes, but instead smiled. Erai on board would help her cause. She had to back him up.

"Walker! I wish to join this Host Club!!"

She approached with a friendly smile on her face, walking a circle around Erai, "Prince~ He has potential, right? He could be the Dark type? Is that a thing?" She offered with an innocent blink, then pretended to get a wonderful idea, though she got the idea the second that Erai stated that he wanted to join the club, "I'll take over as Lady Manager and teach him the trade of Hosting~?" She offered in an energetic manner. The Murasaki family, RIKO's family, was very influential. If their only daughter was their manager, they could expect a wealthy donation. As far as anyone in the room could see, accepting Erai, despite his known hatred for the club could be a great win for the club, especially since Riko offered to sponsor the club as an added bonus for his acceptance.

No one knew Riko's true nature, she never showed how much she hated the club. She kept herself close the entire time, so she could see their weaknesses up front. They dropped their guard around girls, especially girls who complimented them. The position she put herself in was ideal, because unlike Erai, she's been in the circle for quite some time. As far as Riko was concerned, the only competition she had for Lady Manager was Nemui Yonkoma, and that's because her family owned their own fashion industry. Though she apparently wanted nothing to do with her family, or their fashion advice for some reason. It was a pity really, Nemui was pretty homely in Riko's opinion. She never wore clothes that fit, did the girl even have a figure?

She was practically jumping in excitement as she awaited Walker's answer, "What do you think, Prince-sama?" She asked, sweetening the pot with honorifics, there was little reason to doubt her intentions, when she was Walker's customer she ALWAYS called him Prince-sama. Walker was the first Host she EVER requested, though she doubted anyone remembered that. She looked to Erai, giving him a warm smile, before returning her puppy dog eyes to Walker. She knew that she was putting a lot on the line, if anyone discovered her true reasons for aiding Erai, her whole cover would be blown.

She did her best to keep her persona solid, pretending the best she could. Though it was nauseating alwyas playing the role of an excited, host-loving adolescent. She really wanted to bring the Host Club down as quickly as possible, but she couldn't without destroying her own reputation. If she was known as 'The girl that brought down the Host Club' she knew she'd receive numerous death threats, and that the hate mail would be endless. She'd have to change her name, address, and school just to FUNCTION normally.

She had to be careful, and she had to be strategic. She couldn't let anyone think for a MINUTE that she was involved, so teaming up with Erai would be perfect. She could give him information, and he would be the poster child, not her. In the end it would all be blamed on Erai, and they both would still get what they want; The PERMANENT disbandment of the Ouran High School Host Club.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riko Murasaki Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Erai Yukanan
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Walker's conversation with Hikari was brought to a quick halt as a student who Walker had never really paid attention to before, but at least knew of his distaste for the club burst into the room and asked to join. Walker smiled gently and dismissed Hikari with a quick nod, whispering "We'll talk about this later." into her ear, then turning and motioning to the possible recruit to come and sit in the chair across from him. Rats aplenty he smelled, but Walker was the Prince, and a Prince must always be open to others. Once the fellow was properly seated, Walker poured two cups of Japanese Sencha, a personal favorite, and offered a cup to... Erai, Walker believed his name was, his eyes flicking up and down as he gave Erai a quick once-over. The look in his eyes was rather disconcerting, almost evil, he could use that for a dark and edgy kind of angle. He was about to start talking when Riko began talking to him, acting like she had an actual opinion. Sighing, Axel placed his hand on his head and sighed.

"Riko, I wholeheartedly refuse to let a first-year student take ANY position of power in my club. On top of that, the fact you assume you can teach him the intricacies of hosting without any personal experience of your own, while a pleasant gesture which I appreciate, is in no way a good idea. At the end of this year, I'll think about you being manager depending on how much effort you've put in helping out with different things. Tsuki joined the Host Club as manager that way, you can too. Til then, my opinions are mine alone and no attempt to look like you have sway here shall be made. Are we clear? However," he said, taking another sip of tea, "I do agree with you on him possessing the look for the Dark and Brooding type, which we're in desperate need of." Having denied Riko, he turned back to Erai and spoke.

"So, Erai, was it?" Walker said, keeping his voice at a gentle tone so as to make the meandering eyes of the other Hosts and their clients return to what they were doing. "I'm game for you to join. First things first, however, I'll have to ask you a few questions, you understand. And for each one, I want your complete honesty. My questions are, and this is what I ask anyone I haven't scouted, so don't feel insulted, why did you want to join, what traits do you have that could draw in potential clients, and why would someone who is known to actively dislike the Host Club want to join us?" he paused for a second, closed his eyes, took a sip of his tea, and spoke again, his eyes opening to a piercing gaze. "Guess I lied about all the questions being the same for everyone. Two out of three ain't bad, to pull a quote from a family friend. But your answers, please. And again, honesty." Walker nodded for Erai to go on, awaiting his answers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riko Murasaki Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Erai Yukanan Character Portrait: Nemui Yonkoma
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"Riko, I wholeheartedly refuse to let a first-year student take ANY position of power in my club."

She kept her bright smile, but it slowly faded into a sad expression. On the inside she was stabbing the Ouran Prince with a thousand daggers. THIS arrogance was why she would stop at nothing to dethrone him. He seemed to think that simple good looks and charm could take him anywhere, which was not the case. She would prove to him, and all the other boys in this club that in the end, intelligence was the most important attribute when it came to business.

"On top of that, the fact you assume you can teach him the intricacies of hosting without any personal experience of your own, while a pleasant gesture which I appreciate, is in no way a good idea."

Now THAT was laughable. He didn't even realize he was being played the entire year thus far, so in her opinion, it was Walker who had no experience. For someone who claimed to be such an esteemed actor, he had no idea that she was planning his ultimate demise. If anyone could teach someone to host, it was definitely Riko. Though she forced a weak laugh, "I-I guess you're right about that... I-I don't know anything about Hosting. I-I...I just offered because I was so close to Tsu-chan..." Her voice was shaky, and she kept her head down. She wasn't embarrassed by this, actually things were going BETTER than planned. Walker was coming across as narcissistic, arrogant, and cruel. He was judging her capability based off being a first year? What did that say about the newly recruited hosts? . Surely this offended plenty of his young customers. Especially the feminists. Go on, keep talking Walker. Her shoulders shook, showing that she was growing quite upset as Riko forced tears to her eyes. She bit the inside of her cheek to make the waterworks flow, seeing as she was not truly hurt by the Prince's refusal.


"I-I....I will not accept ANYONE so narrow-minded and biased as Ouran's Prince!" She snapped in a hurt tone, finally lifting her head. The tone was one she used several times with her parents when she didn't get her way, she'd had years of practice doing this. It felt good to express her disgust for once. Too bad she had to do it in an acceptable way. She was pretending that the Prince's words hurt her feelings, but all in all...she just hated him. Her whole body was trembling as she continued, even her lip as she forced herself to get upset. She felt the eyes of customers falling onto her as she put on her show, "T-Tamaki Suoh, the REAL Ouran Prince did not judge people based on their age." she informed the room, fists clenched as she feigned an attempt to keep her cool, when in fact she was doing just the opposite, "Renge Houshakuji, the FIRST Host Club Manager; she was a first year." She had tears streaming freely down her face now as she shouted. She knew her words would stir up a little controversy, plus many would feel bad for her. She approached Nemui, seeing as she was a second year student and handed her the money she was going to pay to see Ryuu, "G-give that to Ryuu..." She shook her head, flashing Nemui a look of guilt as she continued to speak in a low tone. The younger girl not making direct eye contact with the older blonde female, "I-I apologize to everyone for my behavior, but it's not right to judge people... P-please tell Ryuu I won't be visiting t-today." She was beginning to hiccup due to getting so worked up, and she wiped her eyes with her sleeve as she ran off, swinging the door open and fleeing from the music room in a fit of tears. She made it down the hall and around a corner before sliding down the wall. She put her hand on her chest, trying to calm her beating heart. The tears kept flowing, seeing as she used personal experiences to affect her mood, she truly was feeling sad now, just not over Walker, or his words.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riko Murasaki Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Erai Yukanan Character Portrait: Nemui Yonkoma
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Walker closed his eyes and sighed again, letting himself take a moment as he set down his tea. Afterwards, he stood up with a brief apology to Erai, and spoke to those watching, switching back to his princely manner so as to ease the girls watching.

"Everyone, allow me to explain myself, so you see where I'm coming from. Renge was a first year, yes, BUT SHE PROVED HERSELF by doing things without asking and basically managing the club before she was even named as such. Riko essentially walked in after seeing us work and assumed she could handle the group, and her immediately breaking down after my saying no is proof she wouldn't be able to handle the task. Secondly, to assure those who question my decision, I don't judge based on age, gender, race, or sexuality, I judge based on experience and good personality, which Riko just showed me she currently lacks. It would be an insult to both myself and her to place my judgement on anything less. And since Riko was so kind as to remind me we need a new manager, I believe now is as good a time as any to make my decision." he said, pausing just enough drag out the suspense.

And here was his own masterstroke. He was way too genre savvy to know when someone was actively trying to sow dissent in his club, and Riko was more obvious than a man tossing a finger in his burger at Wendy's. The cheekbiting WAS a nice touch though, he had to admit, if a bit overkill where a simple hand to the face and tear pod could have done the trick. Regardless, Walker would choose her outright shooting him rather than try to take his club down from the inside. But she'd made a fatal mistake. She left in tears rather than smiling and accepting her closer position in the club by helping with activities. That allowed him to prove to everyone she failed the secret test they would all think he'd had for her. And so, in need of a manager so as to avoid controversy, he chose the one person he knew would refuse to bend to anyone but the Host Club, shy as she may be.

"Nemui," he said, noticing half of the girls turning to see her, the other half still watching him, "you've been with the Host Club long enough for me to see how you work, and while you might think you aren't good enough, I see a manager to surpass even Tsuki. Let's make tomorrow a more beautiful day for our wonderful ladies, and today one to be a challenge to top!" With that said, he sat down and turned back to facing Erai.

"I'm deeply sorry for that, Erai, if it is okay to call you that, but as head of the club, I must sometimes make decisions that are painful for one for the better of the club. As a show of goodwill, forget the questions, you're in, if you want to stay after seeing that escapade. I can start teaching you the basics, if you so desire, or we can first finish this tea before it goes cold."

Was Erai probably also trying to bring the club down? Most likely. Was he going to do so in ways that Walker could mitigate easier while in the club? Walker'd put his singing career on it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riko Murasaki Character Portrait: Hikaru Inoue Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Erai Yukanan
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"I probably won't decide on what I wear until the day of, and I can guarantee that none of you will expect it."

Hikaru nearly shivered, but chuckled at the Prince's words. She knew he had an uncanny way of making a statement. His outfits were questionable, and most of them even SHE wouldn't wear, for example, his Halloween costume. She would have never been caught dead in something that embarrassing, yet Walker strutted in it like it was no one's business. She respected that aspect of him, despite how much it creeped her out.

'As for your situation, I can only present two real options. One, your mother isn't informed and you go as Hikaru, downside being her heart is broken if someone tells her."

"N-not an option!" She blurted out. She lied to her mother enough, she had to give the woman a single night. Regardless of how the event went, she had to leave home in a dress. Her mother's life was hard enough, she didn't need her rebellious daughter complicating it any further. She blushed a bit, seeing as this topic was pretty personal, and she'd never shared it with anyone. Well, other than her cat, "I can't do that to her. She's always wanted to see me go to a dance."

"Two, "Hikaru" has to go visit family in the country the day of the ball, your mother and I help you with a dress that's halfway passable, and "Fumiko" is invited by me as a friend so I don't have to play favorites with the clients, stay as Fumiko for one day so you can pretend to leave, then you "come back" the day after to keep your half believable. Downside, you in a dress is the thing we're trying to avoid, much as I'd love to see that. Upside, your mother is happy and nobody can tell it's you because of my skill with makeup."

For a moment, Hikaru found herself completely on board with the plan, until Walker mentioned the two of them going as each other's date. Her golden eyes blinked at him, completely taken aback. Date..? I know he said friends, but no one else would see it that way! She thought to herself, mentally freaking out as she let him continue. She had a look of stupor on her face, and eventually tilted her head. He said something else that completely baffled her and only brought up more questions in her head, "It's really not a good sight, I assure you." She informed him, speaking about her in a dress, not his skill with makeup. She was completely oblivious to his interest, so his words only brought her confusion.

"Every other option I can think of seems rather silly, even by MY standards. Any questions? Comments? Snide remarks?"

"One question. Are you CERTAIN you want to actually claim "Fumiko" as your date?" She asked with an inquisitive brow, one hand on her hip. She was beginning to think that Walker was coming down with some sort of sickness. She messed up her violet hair as she tried to figure out what his angle was, but she never received clarity on that. Finally she just came out to say it, "Why do you want t-."

"Walker! I wish to join this Host Club!!"

Hikaru turned her attention to the newcomer and was taken aback by the next events. One thing led to another, Walker told a customer off, the girl ran out crying.. She really felt bad for the poor girl. She actually even ran to try and catch her, but the girl evaded her by a few inches, "Riko-chan...!" she looked down to her own hand, a little depressed. Sure, she didn't know the girl very well, but she stood by her in several arguments since the Halloween event. It hurt seeing the girl upset like that. A single tear fell down her face. It was the first time Hikaru cried in front of anyone since elementary school. This club...It wasn't designed to make girls cry..

"Everyone, allow me to explain myself, so you see where I'm coming from. Renge was a first year, yes, BUT SHE PROVED HERSELF by doing things without asking and basically managing the club before she was even named as such. Riko essentially walked in after seeing us work and assumed she could handle the group, and her immediately breaking down after my saying no is proof she wouldn't be able to handle the task. Secondly, to assure those who question my decision, I don't judge based on age, gender, race, or sexuality, I judge based on experience and personality. It's wrong to judge them on anything less. And since Riko was so kind as to remind me we need a new manager, I believe now is as good a time as any to make my decision."

"I'm sorry Walker, you know I got off to a rough start as well...and I am grateful to you for a lot of things...but I disagree with you on that. She looked humiliated.." It was a personal shot to Hikaru really... Hikaru always lost her temper.. To hear someone's emotions being used as proof for their character.. it stung. If Riko was irresponsible for getting upset...what did that make Hikaru..? She made a horrible accusation, almost made the entire club out to be thieves, yet she was given a chance.. She shook it off before her emotions got the best of her as well, rubbing the back of her neck, "I-I like Riko-chan." she stated, which caused a lot of whispering among the customers, but Hikaru only blushed a bit, realizing that her words sounded TOTALLY different than she'd meant them. Now everyone would assume she had feelings for Riko.. One thing was for sure, Hikaru was definitely convinced by Riko's act. She never was a good judge of character though, it was a flaw she'd come to accept one day.

Hikaru approached the exit and didn't look back, shaking her head. She had to go look for the girl, "I'm going to go look for Riko-chan. I won't let her cry all alone like that..." Hikaru ran out, going down the stairs that led to the second floor. How could Hikaru know that Riko went the other way? She kept running down the stairs, calling out for the girl, "Riko-chan!" she shouted, sprinting down the halls of the second floor, "Riko-chan!!" She could barely feel her feet hitting the floor anymore. She didn't understand why, but she just couldn't let another person be in that kind of pain and stand by idly doing nothing to help them, Where is she? I can't find her. She's crying... all by herself... I know that pain..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riko Murasaki Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Nemui Yonkoma Character Portrait: Orochi & Raion Inuhoozuki Character Portrait: Hideki Akiyama
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"I-I will support you, regardless of who you choose.. as long as they're not like twenty-five..." She tried to assure Hideki with a soft smile. She wasn't sure if she understood what he was insinuating, but she had a decent idea. She wasn't about to say it out loud. This was Hideki's secret, and she wasn't about to out him, especially since she wasn't even certain she understood him properly, "The Hosts would support you as well. Ask whoever you want, Hideki-san." She told him, then her eyes widened a bit. She was giving him this advice, but she was too frightened to take it herself. How could she tell him to be brave, when she didn't have an ounce of bravery herself? It was kind of hypocritical, but she hoped the boy would take the advice she couldn't. She knew he'd be happier for it.

"Prince~ He has potential, right? He could be the Dark type? Is that a thing? I'll take over as Lady Manager and teach him the trade of Hosting~?"

"Riko, I wholeheartedly refuse to let a first-year student take ANY position of power in my club. On top of that, the fact you assume you can teach him the intricacies of hosting without any personal experience of your own, while a pleasant gesture which I appreciate, is in no way a good idea. At the end of this year, I'll think about you being manager depending on how much effort you've put in helping out with different things. Tsuki joined the Host Club as manager that way, you can too. Til then, my opinions are mine alone and no attempt to look like you have sway here shall be made. Are we clear? However, I do agree with you on him possessing the look for the Dark and Brooding type, which we're in desperate need of."

Nemui instantly found herself shocked. Sure, Riko was a bit forward, but she was only trying to help. He didn't have to be so cruel about it. Effort? She just offered to attempt to help train Erai, and she was shot down... Nemui had a feeling regardless of Riko's efforts, Walker would never allow the girl to become manager. Why? Nemui had no clue, it was completely beyond her, but she did know the sight of Riko so upset was clawing at her insides. She never saw Walker behave this way, and she had to admit, it wasn't radiant. In fact, Nemui didn't even feel like she knew this person. The girl was in tears and Walker didn't even seem to care.

"I-I....I will not accept ANYONE so narrow-minded and biased as Ouran's Prince! T-Tamaki Suoh, the REAL Ouran Prince did not judge people based on their age. Renge Houshakuji, the FIRST Host Club Manager; she was a first year."

She...has a point. That is true.. I just want to hug her, she looks so sad.. Nemui thought to herself, chewing on her nails now. Her own eyes began to water as this went on. Though she didn't have long. Before she knew it, the upset girl approached her, and handed her some money. Nemui opened her mouth, but no words came out. Why is she...?

"G-give that to Ryuu...I-I apologize to everyone for my behavior, but it's not right to judge people... P-please tell Ryuu I won't be visiting t-today."

"I'll tell him...I'm not mad at you, Riko-chan." She reassured the girl, but she quickly ran off before Nemui could attempt to calm her down. She closed her eyes, calming herself down, listening to Walker's next words. He seemed rather emotional as well, but why wouldn't he be? Obviously the girl hit a nerve in him somehow, and now he was stuck cleaning up a mess. He let his anger get the best of him, and now he looked like the douche in the room. Nemui was still unsure about why Walker disliked Riko. She didn't understand what that nice girl did to him, but she knew he was holding something against her... and now he was struggling to return from it.

"Everyone, allow me to explain myself, so you see where I'm coming from. Renge was a first year, yes, BUT SHE PROVED HERSELF by doing things without asking and basically managing the club before she was even named as such. Riko essentially walked in after seeing us work and assumed she could handle the group, and her immediately breaking down after my saying no is proof she wouldn't be able to handle the task. Secondly, to assure those who question my decision, I don't judge based on age, gender, race, or sexuality, I judge based on experience and personality. It's wrong to judge them on anything less. And since Riko was so kind as to remind me we need a new manager, I believe now is as good a time as any to make my decision."

Something didn't seem right... based on Riko's personality, what Nemui had seen of it, she was sweet, confident, energetic... all traits Tsuki had.. She began chewing harder on her nails as she tried to make sense of it. Even Nemui would have caved in that situation. Honestly, she wasn't sure she could have stood up to Walker as Riko had. She really did look up to the girl for that ability. She had spunk, and despite Walker's clear dislike of Riko, Nemui was beginning to idolize her. She wanted that kind of confidence. Though why did this girl get under his skin..? It was maddening that she didn't understand.

"Nemui, you've been with the Host Club long enough for me to see how you work, and while you might think you aren't good enough, I see a manager to surpass even Tsuki. Let's make tomorrow a more beautiful day for our wonderful ladies, and today one to be a challenge to top!"

Nemui just stared for a moment, but instantly froze. Walker seriously...put all eyes on her? Manager? Eh? What!? She felt like fainting then and there.. Even though most of the Hosts weren't looking, too many people were. It was almost suffocating. Not to mention she was just handed the job that Riko wanted, without even asking for it. She really didn't want it, she just wanted to make up for giving the customers the idea to faint for a cheap thrill of getting to touch the Hosts. Due to being shocked, she quickly walked over to Orochi's and Raion's station, staring into blank space. She didn't know one thing about hosting...not to mention her parents would have FAR too much involvement in her life once they caught wind of this. Me!? She was in a complete state of panic. She was practically mentally shutting down from the pressure. She didn't even seem to notice the chatter of the nearby girls or Orochi's presence at all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riko Murasaki Character Portrait: Hisoka Fujimori Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Erai Yukanan Character Portrait: Nemui Yonkoma Character Portrait: Madoka Hanikamiya
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"I-I will support you, regardless of who you choose.. as long as they're not like twenty-five... The Hosts would support you as well. Ask whoever you want, Hideki-san." Hideki turned to Nemui as she spoke, feeling grateful for her support even though she didn't really know what she was supporting. "C-Can I tell y-you a s-s-secret, N-Nemui?" Oh, god. Why does this make me so nervous?? It's just Nemui.. He looked away from her and down at his hands that were in his lap. "I-I guess s-some people would c-c-call this a c-conf-f-fession? B-But anywa-way.. I-I k-kind of s-s-struggle with y-you can p-p-probably t-tell.. I-It's not something I r-really k-k-keep secret on p-purpose. I-It's nothing t-t-to be a-ashamed of, a-as far as I kn-know. B-But..I-I-I have f-feelings f-for b-b-both g-girls and g-g-guys.." He spoke softly, attempting to make sure that Nemui was the only one that could hear him. He could feel his cheeks becoming hot as the slight embarrassment began to set in. He gripped his hands together awkwardly, trying to relieve some of the stress telling Nemui his secret was beginning to cause.

Suddenly a bunch of commotion began to happen. Walker was completely turning Riko down as the new Lady Manager, and he seemed to practically attempt to interrogate Erai but seemed to decide to let it go and let him in the club. What the hell is going on in this Club....? But I guess it wouldn't really be the Host Club without a bunch of weird crap happening, right? And then Walker decided to give the Lady Manager position to Nemui, which made Hideki look at Nemui with a surprised glance, but before he knew it, she was walking away toward the Twins' station. He sighed, as he'd wanted to tell her who he wanted to ask to the dance, but he guessed it would just have to wait or be a surprise.


"'re right. This relationship isn't real....." Hisoka sighed and moved her arm from around Madoka. " doesn't have to be. I like you Madoka. You are the only one who has been able to break through to me." Hisoka took Madoka's hand. "I was selfish in making you do this. I know how you feel about me yet I asked you to act as if it was real. I sorry." Hisoka smiled softly. "Madoka Hanikamiya. I would greatly appreciate if you would do me the honor of attending the dance with me." Hisoka leaned forward to whisper into Madoka's ear. "And then we can see if this can be real." At that, Madoka's heart skipped a beat. She leaned away from Hisoka and attempted to wipe the tears from her flushed face. She couldn't manage any words, so she just nodded. Of course I will go with you..

Madoka had been ignoring all of the commotion that was going on within the Host Club, as she could really only focus on Hisoka even though words were escaping her completely.


Erai sat quietly, watching as everything happened. He'd been asked a few questions, but with everything that was happening, he hadn't gotten a chance to answer. Then, the Prince turned back to him. "I'm deeply sorry for that, Erai, if it is okay to call you that, but as head of the club, I must sometimes make decisions that are painful for one for the better of the club. As a show of goodwill, forget the questions, you're in, if you want to stay after seeing that escapade. I can start teaching you the basics, if you so desire, or we can first finish this tea before it goes cold." Without a second thought, Erai smiled softly and picked up the teacup in front of him and sipped at it, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible and like he really did want to be a part of this Club.

why did you want to join, what traits do you have that could draw in potential clients, and why would someone who is known to actively dislike the Host Club want to join us? "To answer your questions, regardless.. I wish to join the Club because you guys seem to have a lot of fun together and I don't really have many friends. I'm not exactly sure what traits I would bring to the table, though Dark and Brooding were mentioned by the one girl.. And I don't hate the Club. Really, I'm just jealous of all that you guys have," Erai said smoothly, finishing the last bit of his tea and looking up to smile at Walker. All lies.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riko Murasaki Character Portrait: Seiji Shirokawa Character Portrait: Hikaru Inoue Character Portrait: Erai Yukanan
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Seiji stood in the boy's bathroom, tugging at his tie and fixing his hair rather obsessively. Everything had to be perfect... he never chose a date after all. He was going to ask Ryuu or Hideki but he never got around to it.. Oh well, he'd dance with the customers, hang out with the hosts, and maybe get to sneak a dance or two with one of the hosts. It was really suffocating, not really being able to be honest about his sexuality, though he knows many of the girls would go on an angry rampage the second they found out he was solely interested in boys. It would crush their slightly questionable dreams, and questionable or not, he couldn't be the reason a girl cried. Whether it was unintentional or not, he'd hate himself if he hurt a girl's feelings. Finally, once he felt he was ready, Seiji stepped out into the Host Club music room, noticing only Hideki, Erai, Madoka, and Nemui. He waved to Nemui and Hideki with enthusiasm before approaching Erai. He was the fresh face of the club now and Seiji wanted to say hello. He never got a proper chance before now, and as the previous newbie, he felt it was only right to welcome him as well, "Hi, I'm Seiji Shirokawa, 4th year. I joined the Host Club a few months ago to fill the gap of Boy-Lolita, how're you liking it here?" He knew that Erai hated the club, but he assumed the guy had his reasons. Perhaps he was giving the club a chance? Regardless of Erai's motives, the boy wasn't passing any judgments today. He sat down across from the taller male, serving himself some cake and tea, "Would you like some cake with your tea? It's delicious." Seiji didn't even think of checking his sugar, since he was trying to make friends... he'd just have to be mindful of how much cake he consumed tonight, seeing as he didn't have his sugar strips or blood glucose meter on his person. In his rush to make it on time, he forgot both at home.


Riko didn't show up to the Host Club the entire week, but decided to go to the dance anyhow. She'd just avoid Walker if worst come to worst. She knew she'd get some weird gazes, from those who chose to believe Walker's princely speech instead, but she knew she had a few people in her corner as well, especially Hikaru. She heard the boy run after her, but she chose to remain silent. He was ruffled the entire day, and even came to check on her the next day at school. He was rough around the edges, but overall seemed to be a great guy. She couldn't wait to see Ryuu and Hikaru. She began to wonder if they'd like her dress? She bought it specifically for the Valentines Day Dance. She couldn't wait to show it off. Not to mention she had a new mission. Of course her crying act made her appear immature, but that really did help her in the long run... because she had a certain girl in mind that could be her Senpai... and that would get her closer than ever to the Hosts. All she had to do was get close to Nemui and the whole club would crumble. That girl couldn't detect a bad person if they wore neon lights around their neck. She was the perfect candidate. Riko strutted into the room, smiling at a few of the customers she'd grown close with and waved to them and their dates before approaching a girl she wasn't quite familiar with, in fact despite Riko not knowing her, she seemed oddly was something about those golden eyes.. Little did she know, she was talking to Hikaru.

"Hey.. I'm Riko Murasaki, First year. What's your name? Where's your date? A cute girl like you should definitely have a date.."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riko Murasaki Character Portrait: Hikaru Inoue Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Erai Yukanan Character Portrait: Nemui Yonkoma Character Portrait: Hideki Akiyama
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Walker was sitting at his table feeling completely worn out. One of the people he'd had come to get the room ready ended up breaking their arm last night, so he'd had to fill in and do his job instead, pulling almost an entire night's worth of work and being lucky enough to have the teachers give him the day off so he could get in a few hours of rest. However, he'd also taken the time to get ready for the ball, and his outfit would take anyone who saw him in it off guard because... it was relatively normal. He had gone for simple black dress pants and a purple dress shirt, complimented by a leather vest that was perfectly tailored for his body shape and a dark blue tie. In his vest pocket, he had a small, square bulge that was the necklace. He clenched his fist and smirked to himself. Tonight would be the night. After all, if he never asked, the answer would always be no, wouldn't it?

He saw the doors open and everyone arriving. Erai was surprisingly one of the first people to get there, despite his obvious distaste for the whole celebration thing. Walker stifled a laugh at the irony of it all. He was sure Erai was up to no good, but the mere mentioning of "Dark and Brooding" had brought more girls than ever to the club, and while Erai was getting most of them, the girls who weren't able to get to his area in time would usually end up sitting with another host, who they would invariably start to like. Besides, he was starting to like Erai, his whole attempt to look and act evil made him look absolutely adorable in Walker's eyes... No homo. Maybe some homo. But only if Erai was a girl. He was more like a brother to Walker anyways. Hideki was also among the first few, and Walker's chest swelled with pride when he saw the first-year walk in, already seeing slight changes in the lad's posture as he gained more self-confidence by being around people who liked talking to him. Nemui was talking to him, and Walker was rather impressed at the effort her family had put into making her their walking talking mannequin for the night. He adored the design, and made a mental note to see into co-oping with them for an Arctic Rush line, through his agent, of course. Aside from that, he was interesting in how Nemui would handle tonight, what with her now being a part of the family.

Then the crown jewel of the ball walked in. He could tell right away it was Hikaru, the way she moved was just too... her. As he stood up and walked over to her, he felt his step gain a bit more spring and his smile grow wider.

"Ah, good evening!" He said with a sweeping bow he would normally deliver to one of the clients, with an extra glint in his eye as he cocked an eyebrow at her. "I was wondering if you'd be able to make it, Fumiko! When I'd heard your flight had been delayed, I was terrified you wouldn't be able to enjoy tonight!" As he straightened himself out of the bow, his smiled softened as he looked her over, trying his hardest to not squeal at how cute she looked, and almost letting it show on his face, though he caught the look in time and gave it a thorough talking-to. "And you look every bit as beautiful as expected, but it's missing something... Something a certain two someones were kind enough to let me borrow from their room without my asking." As he spoke, he pulled the box out of his pocket and opened it to reveal her grandfather's necklace. "Now, it's only a loan for tonight, since my dear friend Hikaru has been worried sick about it, but since he's not here to get it, he can wait." After he finished, he motioned for her to turn around so he could place the necklace on her. "Here we go... Perfect." he said once he got the clasp in place, allowing her to register the situation. As he did so, he turned his head to Riko, who had just approached, and smiled.

"Ah, good evening, Miss Riko, I do hope there are no sore feeling about my decision? As I said before, I'm more than willing to put forward a good word for you as a manager next year or even hire you this year if you feel like putting the effort to earn it forward!" He wouldn't, of course, but that was simply something she wouldn't, or rather, couldn't know. It would throw off his entire plan, and he rather liked this one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riko Murasaki Character Portrait: Hikaru Inoue Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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"Hey.. I'm Riko Murasaki, First year. What's your name? Where's your date? A cute girl like you should definitely have a date.."

"E-Etto.." Hikaru froze in a stupefied manner, what was she supposed to say? She felt so out of her element that she'd completely forgotten the name that Walker helped her pick out. Not to mention Riko looked absolutely gorgeous, as always. It was incredible how the girl always had all eyes on her, well, aside from female attention, that attention was taken by the hosts, but all the males in the room were staring at her. It made Hikaru feel a lot better, at least they weren't watching her if they were paying attention to Riko.

"Ah, good evening!"

Instantly Hikaru's face exploded into a blush as Walker gave her full on client treatment, accompanied with a shiver that trembled up her spine. Also the expression on his face, something about his eyes, she was mentally freaking out. C-cool it.. It's just Walker, he's always like that.. She wasn't sure why it was so embarrassing, but she blamed it on the fact that being girly, going on dates, that it wasn't her scene. She was simply out of her comfort zone, and it was awkward. That's all, right? Yeah. That had to be it. Her golden eyes shifted between Riko and Walker, bowing politely to each, "It's nice to meet you, Murasaki-chan.." She stated with a dark blush lingering on her cheeks. She was certain that no one would fall for this. Her hair and eye color was exactly the same, the only difference was a bit of eyeliner, mascara, fake lashes, lip gloss, and a wig.. There was no way these simple tricks would fool her classmates. She chose short heels, mostly so she wouldn't walk like a newborn calf, but she still felt like she was walking on beginner stilts.

"I was wondering if you'd be able to make it, Fumiko! When I'd heard your flight had been delayed, I was terrified you wouldn't be able to enjoy tonight!"

"It was a small matter, honestly, there was an error in landing times. Two planes were scheduled at the same time. My mother drove me, she's such a nitpick.." She laughed, an image of her mother with a curling iron stuck in her mind. It brought a second tremble to her form, the thought of a makeover now rang fear through her entire being. Hikaru never realized just HOW much she hated dressing like a girl. Makeup was disgusting, it was so heavy and hot.. not to mention the skin toned thigh high stockings. They were horrible. She thought that she'd never get them on right.

"And you look every bit as beautiful as expected, but it's missing something... Something a certain two someones were kind enough to let me borrow from their room without my asking."

Her eyes instantly widened as the box opened, unable to stop one of her hands from clasping over her mouth. It was the only thing keeping her from tears. She doubted that Walker was aware the trinket also was a lighter, but she was simply glad to have it back in her possession. Well, not yet. He motioned for her to turn around, and she did so.. but not without twitching once neither Riko or Walker could see her face. It wasn't until after she was aware that he'd called her beautiful. EH!?!?

"Now, it's only a loan for tonight, since my dear friend Hikaru has been worried sick about it, but since he's not here to get it, he can wait."

H-he's enjoying this!!! She thought in a displeased manner, though she felt a smile creep back onto her face shortly after. She was just happy to have her necklace back, she couldn't hold it against him. He could say whatever he wanted right now, well, almost anything. Now she could throw away the cheap lighter she'd been using since it had been stolen. She couldn't help but appreciate the effort, "Arigato, Walker."

"Here we go... Perfect."

She cupped the small circular necklace in her hand, smiling a bit. It was nice to have it back. She finally felt comfortable in her own skin now that she had something familiar to cling to.

"Ah, good evening, Miss Riko, I do hope there are no sore feeling about my decision? As I said before, I'm more than willing to put forward a good word for you as a manager next year or even hire you this year if you feel like putting the effort to earn it forward!"

Hikaru took the moment to look around the room. She noticed Seiji conversing with Erai, Nemui with Hideki.. though she was fairly certain that Nemui was Orochi's date...speaking of, she didn't see the troublesome twins anywhere.. It was strange. Usually they were at the center of all drama and mischief. She overheard a bit of what Walker had said to Riko, smiling a bit. He worded it a lot better, she was glad he decided to fix things with her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riko Murasaki Character Portrait: Seiji Shirokawa Character Portrait: Hikaru Inoue Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Erai Yukanan
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"I like it just fine.. Walker seems pleased about my presence in the far as I can tell anyway."

"Ehh.. Gomenasai. I didn't mean to startle you." Seiji rubbed the back of his neck, shooting Erai an apologetic look. He really just didn't know where to put himself. Most people were just arriving, so he really couldn't even begin dancing with the girls quite yet. Most people were just conversing to be quite honest.. He wouldn't have chose to bother Erai if Ryuu was present, but luckily for Erai, Ryuu was running late. He was beginning to feel like he was bothering Erai, until he accepted his offer for cake.

"Uhm, sure. I don't normally eat sweets..but I guess I can make an exception."

Energetically, Seiji took no time at all. He immediately got to work, cutting Erai a piece of cake and carefully placing it on a plate for him. He extended it within Erai's reach, a napkin tucked under the plate as well, because accidents always happen. He had quite a few mishaps with strawberry glaze and colorful icing, "I don't get to eat as much as I want, being diabetic and all.." He responded kindly, then looked to the other man curiously. He was sitting by himself as well, was he here alone or did he ask someone. Curiosity eventually consumed Seiji, but he attempted to silence it by eating more cake. After a minute or two, it became uncomfortable to hold his question to himself, "Did you ask anyone to the dance Erai-san? I came alone, because I don't understand how someone just plucks a random girl from the crowd.. I wouldn't be satisfied with that.. Who would?" He asked his fellow host, tilting his head. He didn't really care about dances, he just enjoyed dressing up, hanging out, and eating cake.


"I was wondering if you'd be able to make it, Fumiko! When I'd heard your flight had been delayed, I was terrified you wouldn't be able to enjoy tonight!"

A familiar voice rang through her ears, but at the moment it sounded like nails on a chalkboard. She wasn't in the mood to start her night off by running into Walker. Though she just 'luckily' chose to converse with his date, apparently. Though that was complete sarcasm. She wanted to punch herself for choosing to talk to this... Fumiko. If it wouldn't be considered rude, she would have walked away from the pair immediately.. Just great..

"It was a small matter, honestly, there was an error in landing times. Two planes were scheduled at the same time. My mother drove me, she's such a nitpick.."

The girl began talking to Walker, apparently they knew each other fairly well, because she wasn't exactly a squealing fangirl in his presence, it made her like the girl a bit more, but the mere fact she was interested in Walker made her judge the girl rather harshly. In fact, any girl interested in the host club boys was considered mindless garbage as far as Riko was concerned. These guys didn't fool her, they didn't TRULY care about their customers, clients, whatever they wanted to name the girls that payed them to be nice to them. She couldn't stand a club that got paid to be charismatic and romantic... it was just gross.

"And you look every bit as beautiful as expected, but it's missing something... Something a certain two someones were kind enough to let me borrow from their room without my asking. Now, it's only a loan for tonight, since my dear friend Hikaru has been worried sick about it, but since he's not here to get it, he can wait."

She watched Walker put something around Fumiko's neck, and could only assume it was the necklace that Hikaru had been yapping about for months. How did Walker retrieve it without Orochi and Raion noticing? She wanted to gloat towards the two, but they were apparently not present thus far. The only time I want to see them, they're not here.. Figures

"Ah, good evening, Miss Riko, I do hope there are no sore feeling about my decision? As I said before, I'm more than willing to put forward a good word for you as a manager next year or even hire you this year if you feel like putting the effort to earn it forward!" He wouldn't, of course, but that was simply something she wouldn't, or rather, couldn't know. It would throw off his entire plan, and he rather liked this one.

She gave her best smile, waving it off, "It's water under the bridge." She stated, shrugging her shoulders, "No blood no foul, or so they say." She added, looking between Walker and Fumiko. This girl seemed familiar, but she couldn't place her finger on it. She tilted her head, but no names came to mind. She knew she'd never met why did she feel like she knew this person? It was really unnerving, it was getting irritating, "How long have you two known each other? You're cute together. If I was your customers, I'd be jealous right now." Riko giggled with a genuine smile. They did seem to fit rather well, seeing as they matched fairly well and all. Though she wasn't being entirely nice, she honestly figured one idiot was suited for another.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riko Murasaki Character Portrait: Hikaru Inoue Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Walker smiled and leaned towards Hikaru, the tale coming to him as if it were an actual event. "Fumiko was one of my first friends when I came here to Japan, actually! She was sitting in the seat next to me on the flight coming from the States, and, chatterbox that I am, we ended up talking and becoming pen pals after we touched down and parted ways. I didn't want to cause tension between the girls fighting to be my date, so I asked her if she'd be willing to attend." he chuckled a bit, and continued, "And now we're here. Anything else to add, Fumiko? I'd hate to be the one to put the words in your mouth!" he asked, his smile staying gentle and warm as he placed a hand on her shoulder and pulled her to his side like the guy you know who is just generally a friend to everyone, not in a sexual way, just a motion of camaraderie rather than anything pervy. Walker may have been trying to keep his heart from bursting out of his chest with the action, but he'd be damned if he let his sexuality get in the way of giving EVERYONE a good night. He'd let it out later when he finally told Hikaru how he felt. Again, not sexual. She's 15, for Christ's sake. That could wait a year.

As he awaited her answer, he took a look around the room, taking joy in the fact that there were so many clients attending. Judging from the headcount, there were at least one hundred girls there already and more coming in. He figured he'd make the welcoming announcement at around one hundred and fifty people, or by the time the next few people posted, whichever came first. (Breaking the fourth wall in character, seriously?) (Tamaki got to do it, why can't I?) The orchestra he'd hired was playing a gentle waltz, a light melody to greet those who entered, and the spread of foods he'd taken the joy of helping to prepare, OH! Mousse, cakes, candies, assorted meats, sushi, and, in honor of Haruhi, one platter of fancy tuna. He'd heard the stories. And watched the anime. Seriously, Kyoya was brilliant to make an anime of their time in the Host Club, the girls bought it like hotcakes even now that the old Hosts had all gone on to do their own things.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riko Murasaki Character Portrait: Hikaru Inoue Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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"It's water under the bridge. No blood no foul, or so they say. How long have you two known each other? You're cute together. If I was your customers, I'd be jealous right now."

Her eyes widened a bit as Riko said her and Walker were 'cute together'. Couple!? She thought in an instant state of shock, blinking several times to make sure she heard the girl right and wasn't actually imagining it. She stayed silent for quite a bit, wondering what Walker would say in response. He would say something, right? He wasn't interested in her, she just was another type useful to the club, like Hideki, Hisoka, and the other guys... Just because he knew about her being a girl, it didn't change anything.. He just sees me as one of the guys... that's why he felt comfortable asking me to go with him.. besides, he's eighteen... why would he ask someone so much younger than him if he was serious..? He's not! Don't over think it. You mess things up when you think! At least that's what Hikaru had convinced herself. She couldn't fathom any guy having a crush on her, nor had she put a lot of thought into her own feelings, she had never experienced a crush, and therefore she had no experience to go on.

"Fumiko was one of my first friends when I came here to Japan, actually! She was sitting in the seat next to me on the flight coming from the States, and, chatterbox that I am, we ended up talking and becoming pen pals after we touched down and parted ways. I didn't want to cause tension between the girls fighting to be my date, so I asked her if she'd be willing to attend. And now we're here. Anything else to add, Fumiko? I'd hate to be the one to put the words in your mouth!"

"I think you covered the jist of it. It happened so quick, I barely remember it." She replied, reaching to rub the back of her neck, but felt that was a bit weird for a girl, so she resorted to twirling the loose curled strands of hair near her ears around her finger to keep her nerves at bay, "I'm just passing through for a few hours, They will have their prince back before tonight is over, I assure you. I have a flight to catch tonight or I'll miss out on school and ruin my attendance. It's a long ways away to where I live." Hikaru's cheeks immediately burst into a vibrant shade of red the second that Walker clung her closer to him, regardless of it's friendly nature. She was fine being a host, scooping up girls when they 'fainted' like Nemui, brushing strands of hair from her customer's faces, no matter how much she teased and flirted with the girls, it was never embarrassing like this was. It just so happened to be exceptionally more embarrassing because she actually dressed the part as a girl. She didn't feel comfortable being on the receiving end of a host's touch, her stomach churning nervously, making her very glad that she hadn't ate the entire day.

She couldn't stop herself from glancing over at him, she understood the motive behind pulling her closer, it kept the act going, but it didn't help her flushed cheeks lighten up. She looked away just in time to see Seiji's cake about to go into Hideki's mouth and she immediately giggled, covering her mouth with her hand, "How cute, Walker, look. Don't miss it!" she chimed, tapping Walker on the shoulder hastily, pointing in their direction, hoping he wouldn't miss the gesture between the two hosts. She never saw Hideki as the bold type, but she was proud of him for going after what he wanted. She'd cheer for him, regardless of who he wanted to date. She'd have to tell him that later, when she was finally in her own comfort zone, men's clothing. She'd have to switch clothes during the second half of the night, and to be quite honest, she was looking forward to it. Dresses and heels were really annoying.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riko Murasaki Character Portrait: Seiji Shirokawa Character Portrait: Hikaru Inoue Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Erai Yukanan Character Portrait: Hideki Akiyama
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"And why is it seemingly necessary to pluck a girl from the crowd on top of it. We should be allowed to bring whomever we wish.."

Initially he was shocked by this statement, seeing as most guys were not so bold about their preferences, but a warm smile crossed his lips once the surprise factor wore off, "I was kind of implying the same thing..." He mumbled a bit, staring down at his cake, picking at it as they spoke. He thought it was a bit ironic, but simply smiled at Erai in return to his statement. Seiji was about to admit something he'd never done before, mostly because Erai was the only person to ever bring up such a topic to him. Most people felt he was asexual simply because of his child-like attitude and appearance, but it wasn't the case. Albeit his "I'm only attracted to guys... but flirting with girls is nice, plus I really do like them, in a friendly way." He informed his fellow host, finally dipping his fork in his cake, snaring a piece and was about to put it in his mouth, but alas, his attempt was sabotaged when someone seized his hand and motioned it to themselves.

Seiji's green eyes widened, causing him to turn his attention to the culprit, first a little sad that his cake had been stolen, but his spirits perked up as he caught sight of Hideki, "Hideki-san! You look spiffy." He complimented, looking the other guy over for a moment. Though his attention turned to Hideki's words that justified how his cake had been stolen.

"Oh my. I-I'm so sorry, Senpai.. Your cake just magically made it's way into my face.."

Seiji knew better than believe in magic, but smiled, nodding his head, "I don't mind sharing my cake." He stated in a happy-go-lucky tone of voice, offering Hideki another bite. Honestly, one piece was all Seiji could eat, but he didn't like discussing the maturity of his disease. He preferred to just follow the primary rules. If Hideki wanted to share cake, he'd sacrifice not being able to get another slice, especially since he noticed Hideki was dateless as well.

"I apologize if I've interrupted your chat.."

Seiji grinned, shaking his head, "No, no. We were just talking. I don't mind if you join us, do you Erai-san?" Seiji inquired, tilting his head innocently. He didn't grasp the full gravity of this situation, but that was mostly because he didn't like being a serious person, he was chosen for that exact trait. He was not inherently innocent like Eri-kun, but he was good at enjoying his own innocent side nonetheless, "We can be the three bachelors, kind of like the three musketeers, without the outfits and weird hats!" Seiji stated, seeing as there were three of them, and all three were linked by the fact they didn't have dates.



"Fumiko was one of my first friends when I came here to Japan, actually! She was sitting in the seat next to me on the flight coming from the States, and, chatterbox that I am, we ended up talking and becoming pen pals after we touched down and parted ways. I didn't want to cause tension between the girls fighting to be my date, so I asked her if she'd be willing to attend. And now we're here. Anything else to add, Fumiko? I'd hate to be the one to put the words in your mouth!"

Good for them, it's almost so cliche that it makes me want to throw up. She thought to herself, but feigned interest, nodding along, smiling when she should, and giggled as he mentioned the tension between the customers. That brought another thought to mind, but she'd save it until after Walker finished and Fumiko had her own chance to speak. She wanted them both to listen.

"I think you covered the jist of it. It happened so quick, I barely remember it. I'm just passing through for a few hours, They will have their prince back before tonight is over, I assure you. I have a flight to catch tonight or I'll miss out on school and ruin my attendance. It's a long ways away to where I live."

"That's a relief.." Riko said with a hand on her chest, eyes closing as she let out a long sigh. She wasn't lying for once, but she assumed Walker would believe she was, "Some customers have a violent streak when they get jealous." She warned 'Fumiko'. She'd watched Nemui getting picked on for weeks, but she didn't plan to let on she's known this long, that would hurt her own reputation after all.. "I have seen Nemui struggle the last few days... has she mentioned it to you, Walker? I thought I'd keep it as discreet as possible, but now that she's standing alone, I couldn't help it, I had to tell someone." Now there was the lie, she wasn't concerned for Nemui at all, she didn't care about what happened to those idiots that supported the club. For all she cared, those girls could push Nemui down a flight of stairs, "Someone trashed her locker yesterday and right after she had that fainting spell, one of the customers hid her glasses from her.. I thought it was over, because it didn't happen again, well, until now..." She gave another bit of truth, seeing as she had to keep her act believable. She had to bury lies within the truth, it seemed like a much better tactic than those she's used before. She looked to 'Fumiko' with concern, reaching out and cupping the girls hands in her own, I wouldn't want to see you get subjected to bullying.. That's not what this school is about, I hope you have a nice visit her at Ouran." She said, dropping the girl's hands and giving her a reassuring smile, the best she could offer at least, looking over to Nemui for a second, then back to the current conversation.

"How cute, Walker, look. Don't miss it!"

And now there is boy love... Great, just like a shounen-ai manga... Someone kill me...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riko Murasaki Character Portrait: Hikaru Inoue Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Nemui Yonkoma
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Walker snapped instantly from his lovey "act" to focus on Riko the second she brought up Nemui, letting go of Hikaru with a stunned look on his face. Any thoughts he had on the ongoing yaoi(which were mainly "eh, go backstage at The Producers and then we'll talk about man-on-man") or his want to talk to Hikaru(which were mainly going to have to wait until later anyways) were gone in a heartbeat as he spoke in a slow, measured, tone, as if he was seconds away from going on a one-man crusade to find out who was ruining the ideals of the Host Club.

"Riko, I want you to be very clear with me. Are you saying that you KNEW one of the Host Club, no, ANOTHER HUMAN BEING, was being bullied and you hesitated to take any form of action? Especially Nemui, who, I might add, is one of the people who will finally decide if you become a manager or not? If she can't handle her job because of bullying, it'll be a disaster."

This was his own act, of course, which, unlike hers, was flawless(Seriously, why does a hormonal high school girl think she can out-act the guy who LIVES for the stuff? I mean, I know the script calls for me to fail at least ONCE, but come ON, man!) (...Cuz she's a hormonal high school girl that thinks she's capable of anything and everything, and the audience needs to see that you aren't just the Gary Stu of lie detecting and acting?) (...Derp. Right.) Unlike Riko, he'd been around when the Host Club was, and knew that Renge's role of manager was not only unofficial, but relegated to suggestions and advice rather than any ACTUAL form of management, which Kyouya(And now currently Walker himself) was handling, he'd chosen Nemui because he'd wanted to see her family's designs and was calling it a disaster to troll Riko. The part that WASN'T a lie, however, was his concern for Nemui. He'd known Nemui was being bullied as well(and considering he'd basically made it so she would be in the company of the hot young men known as Hosts almost every day, he expected it), but as the club president and a Host, he could not take action until he either had evidence or Nemui came to him, and Riko had just given him evidence to act upon. Although, knowing her, she was probably the bully in question.

"No matter, do you know the names of any of the girls involved besides Nemui?" he asked, making sure he kept looking like he was chomping at the bit to punch someone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riko Murasaki Character Portrait: Hikaru Inoue Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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"Riko, I want you to be very clear with me. Are you saying that you KNEW one of the Host Club, no, ANOTHER HUMAN BEING, was being bullied and you hesitated to take any form of action? Especially Nemui, who, I might add, is one of the people who will finally decide if you become a manager or not? If she can't handle her job because of bullying, it'll be a disaster."

"Yes, I knew." She stated in a calm and collected tone, not showing even a shred of regret. She didn't regret not blabbing before, mostly because she didn't care, but she couldn't say that out loud. It would blow her cover, even if it was only Walker and his date. So far, the only person to suspect her was Walker, and no one seemed to believe him, especially his gay lover Hikaru. Those two were getting a little too close and she found their relationship to be the creepiest. Why did the prince have to show an interest in the rebel? It was almost gag worthy to see those two boys show interest in each other.

"And I'll make a point to add that Nemui asked me directly to not tell anyone. Why would I go against another human being's personal request? If you don't believe me, then ask her. She said she had it handled, and I actually thought she did. It didn't happen again, so she told me it was under control. It was done, until recently so I fessed up." She stated in a confident tone. She wasn't going back on her beliefs, and she wasn't going to let the prince make her feel like complete and utter sh-t. Regardless of what he thought of her, she knew her actions were by the book. No one physically harmed Nemui, and Nemui requested to handle it herself... so Riko had to let the girl attempt to fight her own battle first.

"No matter, do you know the names of any of the girls involved besides Nemui?"

"Chisaka Nakamura and Minako Kuranami. Why does it always sound like you're out to get me? Placing special emphasis on the words human being and going out of your way to state that I failed to act when of course the choice should be Nemui's on how she wants to approach the bullying the first time around, and no one else's." She decided to call him out, though showed zero contempt or hatred in her voice, only a questioning glance and a tilt of her head this time. She HATED Walker, and she wasn't going to slip again. She was going to rip apart his words, no matter HOW sugar coated he spoke them... this time he DID in fact speak condescendingly towards her. You can say 'I hate you' as nicely as you want, it still means the same thing.

"I did the right thing by coming to the club this time, I wasn't going to take someone's rights away. No one likes people jumping into their private matters without giving them a chance to handle it themselves. I have not nor will I betray Nemui's trust just because you deem it okay to do so. I'm truly sorry that we never seem to see eye to eye, have a nice night, Walker." She didn't say any of it with malice, but she did walk away with quite a bit of sass. Well, Riko did say she would no longer accept him as prince, so she added no honorific to the end of his name, nor did she call him his club nickname. Also, she hoped his date would realize what she was saying because it was quite obvious he was subtly attacking her. Maybe, just maybe, the girl standing next to Walker wasn't a complete imbecile. If she would have paid attention to the words, she would realize that Walker had a vendetta against Riko.

She spotted Ryuu from across the room and ran over, "You look really nice Ryuu-kun. Is something wrong..? You seem a little exhausted.." She said in a concerned voice, tilting her head. She wasn't going to allow Walker to spoil her night, in fact she'd continue to have a pleasant night REGARDLESS of what he chose to say or do.