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Issabella Esther Carrington

"Don't worry - I'll be quick."

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a character in “The New Mage Guild: Amaranth”, originally authored by Temperance, as played by RolePlayGateway


Issabella Esther Carrington: Izzy, 19 Female
Reaper S. Rank Amaranth Member

~ Physical Info ~

Issabella stands six foot tall, with a thin yet curvacious figure. She has pale skin, with light blue eyes and medium brown hair that falls just passed her shoulders. Though not muscular, she is physically fit, as she needs to be as a wizard of her type. While out on missions she wears nothing but the minimum. Half the time people think she is walking around in her underwear. She would claim it helps her to move around faster and requip easier. While within the guild, she is always barefoot, and usually wears short loose dresses or flowing tops with short shorts.

Left side of her abdomen; Darksalmon

~ Mentality ~

Izzy is very mellow, calm, cool and collected. She tends to always have a blank or serious expression on her face and is usually quite serious in demeanor. She's very quiet and you really never find her talking out of turn unless she does not agree with something. Izzy, though mellow is very driven and stubborn. Whenever she sets out to do something, she will get it done, and because she is so stubborn she isn't satisfied with anything but perfection. Izzy is very judge mental and people often have to earn her respect and trust. She's not too trusting and is weary of most if all strangers, always sizing them up and trying to figure them out. She will pick people apart mentally figuring out their strengths and weaknesses. Izzy is actually very intelligent with a photographic memory of sorts, she uses this to her advantage a lot and can easily be that person to get you in trouble. Because of how she carries herself she floats under the radar easily, but she is a sneaky one when she wants to be. Izzy is a very caring and loyal individual, though it might not show unless you got to know her. She is that person who will stand up for you whenever the situation calls for it. However if you are not someone she favors she would sooner than later let you die without caring. There is a part of Izzy that is quite cold, but you pretty much have to get on her bad side to see it.

{Likes} {Dislikes}
o Music Conceited people x
o The rain Closed minded people x
o Reading Seeing people in pain x
o Nature Being talked down to x
o Singing Failing at anything x
o Sparring/Improving her skills Losing x
o Snow
o Her bone creatures and summons
o Sweets
o Unique weapons
oWhen people smile

{Quirks} {Phobias}
% Tilting her head when she is fascinated by or interested in something
% Saying nom nom nom when eating something she really likes (usually sweets - still doesn't know she does it)
% Randomly doodling during conversations things she remembers Being unable to prevent the death of a loved one. @
% Biting her bottom lip when she's thinking Spiders, she will run away screaming and strip her clothes off - she really hates spiders. @
% Singing when she thinks she's alone
Complete silence@
Being unable to see & complete darkness@



~ Ability Statistics ~

Requip: The Digital Assassin ~ Arc of Embodiment ~ Telepathy ~ Copy Magic (Unknown about by others thus far)

{Signature Spell}
Demon Blade Crimson Sakura -The user forces all of his/her Magic into a sword for one attack. This attack discards all defense for a massive full powered attack

Digital Empress Armor - This armor is perhaps one of the strongest an one of the most dangerous armors (to the enemy and herself) which Issabella has. The armor summons a massive amount of weapons which attach to the user's body, which then the armor then takes control. The armor sucks all the magical energy out of the user to use in order to fire off the weapons, after the user runs out of magical energy, it will then start sucking their actual life force, until the user them self is dead. While the attacks are strong, it has a high potential to kill its own user should they not be skillful enough to use it, or not use it sparingly. (Seldom used)

{Spell List}

Unlike most requip magics, The Digital Assassin, more specifically Digital requip is a little different. This type of requip allows the armor to function with a mind of its own, it allows it to adapt to the user depending on the environment or situation. The user's armor may change mid combat to give the user more protection or more speed when they need it. If the user were about to be knocked into the water it might change them into water armor right before they hit the water. This however often takes more magical power. This type of magic relies on the user to have the upper hand to work without tiring them out quickly. Therefor if the user is quite wounded and exhausted, the 'smart' requipping may become delayed and slowed or stop altogether. The user may requip on their own, but this forces more magical power. This armor additionally, has a pixelated look on the edges of the armor, often having pixels continuously fly off and float away (which doesn't effect the armor itself at all.) Unlike normal requip armors, digital armor doesn't appear like armor at all, and appears as if it would not give any useful defense.

~ Pentagram Sword, Flame Slash, Photon Slicer, Blumenblatt, Circle Sword
~ Armor of the Dark Princess, Stealth Armor, Deaths Kiss, Aquatic Armor, Burning Stars Armor, Hurricane Armor, Ethereal Armor, The Reaper

Armor of the Dark Princess: This armor increases physical defense, as well as physical strength, and overall fighting prowess, its special trait is that it allows one to attack one single person, but give same effect and attack to those surrounding them without ever having been touched, also allows slight levitation for short periods of time.

Armors weapon of choice: Large black crystal ring

Stealth Armor: This armor extremely enhances ones agility, reflexes, senses, and stamina. This also enables the use of poison magic.
Gained poison attack: Touch of venom: Grants poison to the users blades, which poisons the enemy it touches and is fatal if not removed.

Armors weapon of choice: Dual daggers

Death's Kiss: This armor gives resistance against shadow and darkness elements and attacks as well as greatly enhances ones strength making them able to do critical hits often.

Armor's weapon of choice: Large double edged sword

Aquatic Armor: This armor allows one to use the element water, and renders water attacks useless, while in this armor, one gains a natural grace within their movements, and is able to breathe under water.

Armor's weapon of choice: Two one handed swords
Gained water attack: Water Force, an attack which the water takes the form of a circumference that pushes the target away

Burning Stars Armor: This armor gives one the ability to use the element fire, and gains resistance against it. While in this armor ones speed is greatly enhanced as is their general athletic ability.

Armor's weapon of choice: Dual katanas
Gained fire attack: Red shower, user uses Fire Magic to shoot multiple flame bullets at the enemy.

Hurricane Armor: This armor has the ability to reflect elemental attacks, and enhances magical attacks by 25%, while in this armor, Izzy is able to gain the element in which last hit her, and manipulate it temporarily. Once hit by any other element, said element changes.

Armor's weapon of choice: Short sword and shield

Ethereal Armor: This armor makes one light and airy, it also gives one the ability to fly. While giving practically no defense, it greatly enhances one's movement speed, accuracy, and depth of field.

Armor's weapon of choice: Large black feathered longbow
Gained Attack: Fierce arrow, Allows Issabella to shoot an arrow or arrows from a very far distance, with three times the natural force.

The Reaper: This armor is more or less where Izzy got her nickname. It allows her to summon two extremely oversized scythes and dual wield them. This is possible because both scythes are weightless to the user, and only the user. When in reality, they couldn't be picked up by another soul, they simply wouldn't leave the ground, they are that heavy. This armor allows the user to have a short range version of teleportation magic, gives the user a large boost in strength, and highlights injured or currently vulnerable areas in both enemies and allies. Often used as a finishing armor, hence called reaper due to the instantaneous defeat and/or death of many of its victims.

Weapons of Choice: Dual Scythes
The scythes also have writing on them which isn't able to be read by anyone but Izzy, said writing appears to be ancient characters, that at first are black, but as the scythes are used, the scythe's writing starts to appear as if full of human blood. The more the scythes hit an enemy, the more letters fill up. There is a certain...'special' effect Izzy has only seen once when all the letters are full.

~ Arc Of Embodiment:

Silver Eagle: Creates a silver eagle in which Issabella can share eyes with. Its purpose is to scout enemies or areas for her, however it serves no battle purposes, at it is not tangible.
Mirror Wonderland: Creates a large area of mirrors around the enemy or enemies which is used either as a distraction or a get-away method.
Wings of the Phantom: Creates large wings on the caster's back, which appear to be made of black flames.
Shadow Clone: This creates a clone of Issabella, which has her knowledge and general fighting ability. The clone shares her exact appearance and clothes at the moment she summons them, while they have her fighting ability, the clone does not have her magical ability.
Bone Fiend: This summons a bone fiend or bone fiends of various variety. Issabella has a fire, wind, earth, and water bone fiend as well as a neutral non magical bone fiend. {{Appearance}} They all look the same (except for the neutral version, but glow their element of choice. Each of them only has one elemental attack.
Chuckles: Chuckles. A black skeleton which has a great amount of strength and massive amount of durability. His delicate skeletal figure is greatly deceiving. His strength can rival that of Izzy's within her armor. Additionally he is able to conjure up his own skeleton creatures. Said skeleton creatures have different abilities that range from; (elemental) ice, lightning, sand, smoke. (Physical) Ranged = physical bone ranged attacks, speed = quick swift attacks. Though the summons chuckles has aren't as durable as himself, they are all extremely fast little bastards. The can be one place at one moment, and one place at another. Issabella named him chuckles because of his odd laugh.
Universal Bone Key: This creates a key that molds to any key hole, allowing Issabella to open any door without magical spells preventing her from doing so.
Kit the cat: Useless in a battle, this is an oversized kitty that Issabella often has out during her leizurely time in the guild, he appears to be something of a small leopard, he is friendly but can be a little 'smart' or 'sarcastic - oh yes, he talks. He is very protective of his owner.


Group communication: This allows the Issabella to communicate to other people from any area, speak to them, and allow them to speak to others from other areas as well.

~Copy Magic:

Copied person 1: Pending
Copied person 2: Pending

{Non-magic Skills}
# Outstanding Swordsmanship
# Gymnastics / acrobatic abilities
# Photographic memory / able to remember vast amounts of information, does not forget anything
# Agile and quick
# High stamina

~ Personal Background ~

Issabella grew up like any other kid. Sold to the highest bidder, tied to a post, shackled in chains - actually, Issabella didn't grow up like most people. She was born to what could have been a loving mother and father, had it not been for her being the cause of her mother's death during child birth, causing her father to not only hate but resent her. Due to them lacking currency of any kind, he decided to sell her, to the highest bidder. He went on a drunken rage one night and sold her to a wizard who paid him enough to live off of for the next ten years. Issabella, for many many years grew up thinking the man whom she lived with was her father. All her days were spent in what was either a cellar or a basement, in chains, a prisoner of her own home. She was fed only enough for her to survive, but not enough to keep her healthy or her stomach satisfied. Most of her years she spent malnourished and starving. The area was dark and painfully silent, causing the days to pass ever so slowly. At the time, she was incapable of reading, writing, and proper dialect - only knowing the words she had heard her father repeat many times. At first it wasn't clear what his intention for her was, why she was in chains, why she was secluded, and it didn't really matter to Issabella because to her this was perfectly normal. That was until she was joined by a second person.

A girl, perhaps ten years older than her was thrown into the cellar one day. She, unlike Issabella was clean, distinguished, and had an unusual marking on her left hand - a tattoo. The girl tried to communicate with Issabella time and time again, however she was unable to understand a majority of what the girl was saying - until she taught her. The girl taught her every word of English she knew, she taught her about wizards and guilds, and told her she was most likely a wizard herself. That her 'father' was collecting wizards that showed the most potential to become some of the strongest mages in the future - she wasn't sure the reason herself. She said things like collecting energy for himself, creating some kind of army, and the list went on. She spoke of the outside world and how great it was, how lovely magic was and how it could be used for amazing things, Issabella's eyes would always light up when the girl would talk, she found her fascinating. When she was ten years old herself, she started showing signs of magic, as she watched more and more wizards brought into the cell, she also watched more and more people die. She watched as they turned into corpses, which turned into bones. Bones. Bones. They were etched into her mind, although she would one day turn into a strong requip mage, she developed Arc of Embodiment first. She would have nightmares of bone creatures, and one morning woke up to some next to her. After screaming in horror for several minutes, her comrade, the girl which she had grown fond of got her to calm down. She told her it was not going to harm her and this creature was her own. It was disturbing at first, but the creatures (which at the time weren't all too big), didn't wish to harm her and seemed more like curious pets.

As her nightmares increased, so did her amount of creatures. Along with this, so did her curiosity for the outside world. And so, she decided she was going to escape. She came up with the plan that she would escape while she was brought food, that she would unleash her minions on the man who kept her and set herself free using her new universal key. But she was young, and she was naive, she had not considered the strength of this person's magic. The man had some sort of dark magic, along with a possession magic that rendered her creatures useless. This allowed him to turn the creatures on their creator, in addition, he beat Issabella until she lost all consciousness - but not before pushing her by making her watch him torment the girl she so cherished. Several years passed with Issabella being beaten everyday, she had since been continuously blind folded and gagged. It would be one fateful day when she was thirteen, that someone else would try to escape - the girl. she heard a bunch of commotion and screaming amongst the others, one of them being a familiar one. By the time she managed to get her blind fold off, the girl was as good as gone, out of sheer rage she was able to requip for the first time. She broke out of her shackles and having took the main completely by surprise, killed him. It wasn't something she had realized she did until he was dead. Till this day she doesn't recall the actual moment a dagger appeared in her hand or the moment she stabbed him. Just the moment he died. When she turned to release any other living people, she saw that there wasn't any. And the girl she had pretty much fallen in love with, looked at her and smiled, and that was the moment she truly died.

And so she ran, she ran out of the house and into the world - for the first time. Covered in blood, and completely unaware of her surroundings she was horrified. It turned out she was in such a secluded area that all she really had to be afraid of was the wild around her. There was not a soul around for days. So Issabella set on a mission, to get stronger. She didn't ever want there to be a time where she couldn't protect the one she loved. She blamed herself for being unable to protect the girl, or any of the other wizards. She was supposed to have some sort of great magical potential? She wanted to test that. Along with that, she wanted to educate herself, so for years she lived just outside the city in a deserted area with nothing but her books, her bone minions, and her new cat 'Kit'. It was all she did, educate herself on magic, reading, mathematics - anything she could think of. Additionally, she would force herself to practice and train until the moment she passed out from either exhaustion or overuse of magical power.

Years later, after hearing so much about guilds, she decided she wanted to join one. She felt as if she was ready. She finally came across a promising new guild Amaranth. When she joined she remained quite quiet, she didn't really talk to anyone and just took missions - everyday. Whenever she got back from a mission, she would do another one. Because she didn't really live anywhere, she always donated some of the reward money back to the guild. To her surprise, she moved up the guild ranks quite fast. However, she never made any really close friends. She did have Freya, which she thought of as a friend and was protective over yet really really competitive with. However, that was basically it for her, she didn't have a team like the others, and always worked alone. Not really because she wanted to, but no one really wanted her as part of their team. Either way, she loves Amaranth, and considers it her only home, her first home. She would pretty much give her life for anyone within the guild.

So begins...

Issabella Esther Carrington's Story


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(Amaranth: Bar area)

October 16th 8:00 AM


Located in the center of the bar at Amaranth, was Izzy, still as stone - statuesque even. She had been sitting there since six in the morning, replaying the events of the night before in her head, and stressing over the next mission in which she was about to embark on. Due to the mysterious new man's presence she had stayed at Amaranth instead of retreating back to what she called her home. The fairy in which accompanied him proved to be more of a nuisance than she anticipated. There was a reason Izzy never did trust anyone, she should have thought the creature a threat in the first place. After the creature merged with it's master, or so she had to assume due to the odd amnesia the man had, she was forced to attack the man until his body could no longer withstand the pain canceling out the merge. It was not one of her proudest moments, but more a reflex to a general threat to her guild mates.

After the merge was broken, the fairy had refused to give up her intention to attack, in which Amaya took the initiative to put the fairy in its place. Even so, the creature refused to accept she was outmatched. Additionally, Browen used his tiny little cage to capture the fairy, though he had to be told multiple times that they were not selling the thing, nor it's master. It took longer than it should have to get any kind of information out of the fairy about its master, and all they were able to get out of her was that her owner had been asleep for a hundred years - after that she uncooperative. The guild managed to keep the fairy under control, while she shouted at and threatened everyone. Meanwhile, her master, Cedar was taken to the recovering wing of the guild, given food, real food and not a human being - Izzy still had yet to wrap her head around that.

If that hadn't been enough for the night, an urgent letter was sent to the guild, a mission which required a large group of people. The mission was stated it was recommended for S ranks, but had no real rank requirement. A group called the Seven Virtues had taken over a small town named Umi, which had discovered a jewel called Aozora, which was said to control the heavens and was found somewhere deep within their mines. The whole town was being held hostage, though somehow a small group was able to get away to bring the message. The mission in itself hit close to home with Izzy, having been a hostage for a good percentage of her life, so she volunteered herself for it immediately. However, Amaya also chimed in to take the mission, eager for something for her and her team. She wasn't fond of going with a whole other team, she didn't like having people to worry about and people who could betray her. She also did not like working with new people in general, people had to get used to fighting together - it was a recipe for disaster. And Sidney, she was so worried about Sidney, not only was his magic not developed but she didn't see this as something he would like doing.

She was so worried for his well being it prevented her from sleeping for a while that night. If that wasn't enough people to put into harms way, the guild had threw the new guy, meat boy into Izzy's hands. He didn't have the clearest reasoning behind it, she thought perhaps a test of strength, then she pondered if he was trying to put him on her big team of one. She came up with about ten additional reasons but decided to let them go. So now she had Sidney and Sikes to worry about, along with Amaya and Browen. It brought back memories she had forced herself to forget. When once upon a time there was a group of young mages who she watched die in front of her eyes because she was to useless to protect them and too stubborn to do what was sensible at the time.

Izzy hadn't noticed it, but she had bit her lip raw, causing it to bleed. She licked her lips, trying to be more conscious of what she was doing, it was a habit of hers, biting her lip when deep in thought, and she was now stressed enough to pierce through her own skin. Sikes had been acknowledged as a new member of the guild, whereas the new guy's status was slightly in limbo, as was any useful information about him. Their only hope was to get to the fairy, and she was a little spitfire - one Freya needed to take responsibility for now. Freya was cute sometimes, and then sometimes she was just a handful. She did trust her to take care of the situation however, and she was strong enough to take care of herself. She often forgot that, as much as she reminded herself, she couldn't help treating her like the fragile and beautiful creature she appeared to be.

It was around the time that Izzy and the others were to set off to Umi and Izzy had made up enough scenarios to eat her mind and take her sanity. She had no problem putting herself in danger, but she didn't want to bring Sidney into it. Should a situation arise where all that was left to do as flee, she wasn't sure what she would do. Izzy's head started to protest the rampant thinking she was doing, her head was pounding. She decided to ignore it, still frustrated with the situation. She pondered this jewel's ability, it wasn't made all too clear. Which brought up the subject of the Seven Virtues, she had heard of them but had never come into contact with any of its members. She felt like she was leading everyone to their deaths. In that moment, she hoped Sikes was something special, reliable.

After much talk about the mission they were to embark on the night before, Izzy had went up to one of the empty dorm rooms and slept there on the floor. However it took her quite a while to do so. It was very clear Izzy, Amaya, and perhaps Sikes would be the front runners of this mission and Browen had good support magic, Sidney she worried about. She'd never actually seen him in a fight. She didn't want him to be in one. No harm should ever have to come to Sidney. That night she told herself if something happened to him, she would bury whoever was behind each and every scratch on him. Unfortunately, Amaya would be included in the many deaths bringing him to such a dangerous mission. Though she had the utmost faith in Sidney, her mind wouldn't let her rest.
Izzy had drilled everyone going about their magic spells and abilities, but Sikes held out on her, simply only stating himself a use of shadow magic. He seemed like the type of person who didn't share information about themselves, who held secrets they didn't want people to know. She would know this, she was one of those people. But it wasn't the right time to withhold information, she had wanted to know what each person was capable of and what she could expect. She mentally noted each person's abilities. In addition to her requip, arc of embodiment, and telepathy abilities, Izzy was capable of copying magic. This was something not known from any of the guild members, as it worked to no one's advantage without the element of surprise. In a way, she was guilty of what Sikes had done.

Finally, Izzy slid off the chair which she had been stationed for two hours and looked for the others in which she would soon embark her mission. Today she wore a white version of the previous days outfit, which varied slightly with its semi transparent gloves and semi transparent thigh high boots. Her expression was indifferent, which was the complete opposite of her current feelings. She would keep everyone alive, everyone. She thought about the people within the village, the children, she would not let this go wrong, it would haunt the rest of her days. She had never had an unsuccessful mission before, she would have done this mission even if she went alone and for free.

Priority in cases like these was always the children, secondly the elderly and women. It was bias but it was logical thinking, she would like to think. Those who could not fend for themselves. They had yet to discuss a plan of action and would need to do so on the way, and they needed to head out now, while there was still something to rescue. To her knowledge there were two people there already, wizards in which the village sent back out of their few who escaped. Their status was unknown, but one had to hope for the best though expect the worst. Which, was usually what would end up happening. Izzy never traveled with any kind of belongings, neither food nor water. It was habit from living alone in what one might consider the wild, and she liked to travel light. In case one needed to run, was always her reasoning.

There was much going on in the guild now, most people were already awake, and it was breakfast. However, for those leaving soon breakfast was much earlier. Some of the members were in the lounge, many sitting in the dining area, a few at the bar - though she hadn't noticed any of them until now. She had been rather entranced in her own thoughts, and having been the first one there, she didn't notice who joined her. She was growing impatient, if the others weren't ready now, she was leaving without all of them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ravenna Character Portrait: Issabella Esther Carrington Character Portrait: Freya Hirane Character Portrait: Murmur Burns Character Portrait: Kiev Draginua Character Portrait: Zagreus Argent
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#, as written by Layla
Ravenna ~ Crimson Blade


"You bloody idiot..." were the first words that left Crimson Blade's master's lips as she awoke. The images from last night poured into her mind like an oil slick in a teacup. She considered never moving from her fetal position but was rudely shoved into full consciousness by the sound of crashing. She was not going to pay for another toaster - the little babies could do that themselves if they insisted on destroying everything the guild owned.

"The bloody idiots..."

Cursing, she shoved the blankets and swivelled her legs over the bed, wincing at the spike of pain on her left side. The wounds insisted on reminding her of her utter failure the night before and the scars they would most likely leave would be another set of ugly, humiliating network of marks on her back. Ravenna rubbed her hands over her chilly arms, utterly naked now that the Blood Magic had faded. Although some wishes she made, such as healing and the return of a lost object lasted infinitely, things like armour and weaponry did not.

Ravenna tried to not think too hard about how she'd ended up in her bed from the seat by her cello.

Tip-toeing to her closet, she opened it roughly with a bang, ripping clothes off hangers. She scrutinised the frilly red bra she held in her hand, wondering where the Hell did this come from? It looked like what a prostitute would wear if she made lingerie out of the little mermaid's red hair. With a huff, she clasped it over her chest, anyway, it wasn't as if anyone would see it any time soon. If ever. Pulling on a matching set of suspiciously innocent red panties, she grunted again. Who the Hell shops for this stuff? Ravenna shrugged on a striped black and blue top, the bagginess of it hiding the worst of her scars. Everyone in the guild knew their master was having a worse than usual day when she covered up so much, that or she was hiding non-intended injuries. Or both. Ravenna didn't know this of course. After all, as far as she was concerned, everyone in her guild was pathetically unobservant. Maybe except Murmur but what did she care what he thought?

Wiggling into black tights, Ravenna snatched a bright blue scrunchie from her dresser, keeping it between her teeth as she hopped out her bedroom door, tugging on her brown boots while simultaneously pulling her hair into a ponytail. She pushed the large, mahogany, double doors of the guild's common room open with her butt, skipping about as she pulled her boots on. Glaring pointedly at one spot, she somehow managed to glare at everyone. She had the uncanny ability of making one feel as if she were seeing into their soul without even looking anywhere near their vicinity. Ravenna had always been one to rise at around 3am due to the wretched nightmares that plagued her head, waking up any time past 4am was as good as sorcery. Waking up past eight was the end of the world.

She'd rather look disheveled and unorganised than later than she already was.

"Unnnghh," she grunted, as good of a greeting as anyone would ever get.

Crimson Blade's common room was perhaps, not unusually, very Draconian. Perfectly neat rows of heavy tables filled the large space - it was a really, really large space - flawless except for the clear signs of vandalism and battle. The numbers of bodies that had been crushed against those tables were uncountable. A stage stood in the far right of the room, facing the tables. An intimidating throne of obsidian sat imposingly on a raised dais on the stage. It was portable - with the labour of a dozen men - very practical, as far as the guild master was concerned.

A lengthy pole sat in the middle of the space, a circular hole sliced around it to allow one to slide down to the bottom floor. A wall of the common room was made entirely of glass and it overlooked the training space on the bottom floor. Ravenna liked to remind her mages to get their useless butts moving by having the sparring swords stare at them as they ate.

Even with her raven hair pulled into a high pony tail, Ravenna's black locks touched her shirt mid back. The loose fitting article of clothing slipped off her left shoulder, revealing the mark of Crimson Blade peeking over the edge of her unnaturally girlish bra. Shrugging the shirt back into place, Ravenna strolled over to the metal pole, wrapping her legs around it and sliding down. Landing quietly on her feet, Ravenna walked purposefully over to what looked suspiciously like a set of monkey bars.

Gripping the bar, she swung her body upwards, hooking her legs over a bar. Letting go of her hands, Ravenna swung upside down - pursing her lips when her shirt fell right over her head. Pulling her shirt, she tied a tight not at her waist to keep it from flipping over again. The muscles in her stomach tightened as she pulled her body up, doing upside-down sit-ups - successfully glaring at everyone in the common room with her eyes shut.

Pulling her legs from the bar, she dropped into a hand stand before flipping around and going on to Chin-ups.

'Come,' she ordered Kiev using her telepathy. A blue and red flame nudged at her peripheral mind-vision but she did her best to ignore it. She didn't want to be anywhere within Murmur's mind today.

Moving away from the monkey bars, she pulled two curved twin blades from a rack of dangerous weapons, gesturing vaguely for Kiev to 'Get your feminine ass over here before all the little screaming, pooping, babbling things grow old and die.'

Twirling the swords in her fingers, Ravenna slashed at Kiev without a warning. The knot on her off-shoulder shirt released and her long hair slipped from its pony tail, making it look as if Kiev were fighting a very fashionable teenage girl. She certainly did not fight like one, however. Sweeping her swords with deft, thoroughly practiced motions, Ravenna pushed forward, reenacting what she did the day before with Chastity, fixing the faults in her footing, wrists and body. Pressing the back of her palm against Kiev's wrist, she hooked her sword around his and smacked it to the ground with her other sword.

She pressed the her blade against the side of Kiev's neck. Yes, she would decapitate Chastity the next time they met. Nodding, she bowed ceremoniously. Though, to be honest, Kiev put up a good fight - better than Chastity in her opinion. He was undoubtedly very skilled with swords and physical combat in general. It gave his lady-parts a sprinkle of respect in her book. Perhaps she would tease him less - for five minutes.

Ravenna placed her weapons back on the rack. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, Ravenna patted the space next to her to indicate Kiev do the same. 'Come,' she called to Murmur and Melinoe. Pausing, she told Zagreus, 'Smurf.' Meaning 'come if you wish' in Ravenna-tongue.

When they were all there, she began. "There is a mission in a village by the name of Umi. Seven Virtues will be there," she said evenly. Her aqua eyes seeming to be looking at no one, yet staring deeply beneath their skins nonetheless. "It is rumoured that within the mines is a powerful crystal that allows one to control the skies. Aozora," she said simply, as if that explained it all. Although, it most likely did.

"I do not wish for Melinoe to come but if she must, you will guard her with your life," she said with quiet warning, her eyes focusing briefly on the men that sat before her. "We will depart today." Ravenna paused, looking over everyone's heads and something only she could see. "I am bored and I like shiny things."

Her lips twitching slightly into a frown, Ravenna narrowed her lids, her thick lashes falling over her eyes to cover most of her glassy gaze. "I like trees. Do you like fishing poles? What would a sword made of potatoes do? Are watermelons real? Why is the sky purple? What does it feel like to lay an egg? Have you seen a cow before?" Her eyes glazing over, Ravenna announced with wide eyes as if the single word explained all the mysteries of the world - "Foo."

Freya ~ Amaranth


"Oh holy fish sticks!" Freya said with a little too much enthusiasm as she abruptly sat up from her unconsciousness. Skipping from the bed, Freya leaped into her massive walk-in wardrobe, twirling like the ballerina she was on the way.

"I'm a princess!" she yelled at the top of her girly lungs. An endless row of clothes lined both her walls, ending with a rotating Rack of Glory. Clothes of all cheerful colours filled the massive room, all of them held together by intricate ribbons the light mage had no clue how to tie. Freya was terribly late - considering she was usually to first to awaken, spreading shrieking joy throughout all of Amaranth. She did love sunlight! It was sunny, oh yes it was. "Fun, fun, fun in the sun~ Pun-pun, I'm wiggling my bum-bum, wiggling my bum-bum."

Then, it hit her.

Sudden inspiration.

Grabbing the nearest dress - no, not really. She took another half an hour searching for the perfect dress but she usually took two hours. Pulling the sapphire blue dress over her head, she struggled to force it over her full chest as usual. The lace criss-crossed front and back, meaning, Freya would never manage to make it work alone even if she'd tried. With her wavy blonde hair flying behind her like a cape, Freya raced out of her room, her cute pair of strappy white gladiators clipping on the wooden boards. Her dress, thankfully, covered most of her parts. If not for the multitude of fluttering ribbons on her back and the bareness of it all, she might've looked properly dressed.

Last night was chaotic. Potato and his mini-potato friend had gone quite mad and Izzy was forced to hurt them. Freya was greatly maddened by that, having not understood why Izzy would've wanted to hurt her little Potato simply because he was glowing a little. Okay, a lot. Luckily, the S-Class mage was not one to hold grudges and as such, didn't dwell too long on things of that sort. Optimism was always the way to go! One should never think of things past and Freya never did. At least, when she could help it.

The ring of amethyst, rose quartz and moonstone that rested on her right ring finger felt tighter than normal but Freya shook thoughts of them away. It was always best to live in the now. One had to learn to control the negativities of their minds and keep it to a minimum if eradication is not possible. It was easier said than done, of course, and harder for some than others. But it was the way Freya wished to live. Freya Hirane. Freya Hirane, she repeated to herself. It was her mantra when she felt her thoughts wander to darker places. She had to remember who she was now and she was Freya Hirane, a mage of Amaranth.

The mark of the guild rested proudly between her shoulder blades as she slapped the double doors of the guild's common room wide open.

"TAKING OFF MY PANTIES!" she sing-songed. Yes, she would greet the world with the ultimate song -I Can Take Off My Panties!

"By myself I can," Freya began singing before the entire guild, making an odd head-knocking motion with her fists as she danced round. "Take off my panties, take off my panties, take off my panties, alright! Once I’ve taken them off I’ll be an adult, I’m sure it’s a wonderful feeling of freeeeeddoomm~"

Skipping and leaping over to Izzy, Freya stood in front of the greatest person in the entire worrrrld, waiting for Izzy to tie up the complicated network of ribbons on her back while she wiggled her butt from side to side. Shaking her head to invisible music, Freya pretended to drum roll as she pointed invisible sticks at everyone in the guild, simultaneously yelling -

"Take off my panties, take off my panties, take off my panties for me!" I think I got the lyrics wrong, Freya thought cheerfully, bobbing up and down. "I'll show you how to take off my panties! Take off my panties! TAKE OFF MY PANTIES, ALRIGHT!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issabella Esther Carrington Character Portrait: Sikes Keller Character Portrait: Freya Hirane
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0.00 INK

After the commotion of some guy that was asleep and his "little bug" friend, Sikes finally managed to get accepted into the guild. The moment he had the mark placed onto his left shoulder and neck, he gave a cheeky grin at being able to join after his eating frenzy. After that, he didn't remember much, to fixed on his new guild mark to really pay attention, but he remembered some talk of a town that was being held by bad people, or something like that. As one by one, the members left the bar, it ended up with Sikes laying across one of the tables in the large empty room. Pondering in his thoughts as he placed his hands behind his head and looked up at the ceiling.

"So far it doesn't seem so bad. Could Sis really have been wrong all this time?" He lifts one of his arms, looking at it as he remembered what he did to show his magic to the Master. He only showed his "Shadow Molding" turning his arm into the usual demonic clawed arm. He felt a bit bad, hiding the rest of his ability from them all. But he still feared what they might do if they were to learn that he wasn't "normal". "I didn't lie..I..just didn't show them everything." He says to himself in the empty room, reasoning with himself to try and put be at ease. He then looked past his arm, up at the ceiling, as he caught sight of the beams that support the ceiling. "Well, I guess I better get rest. Got a job tomorrow and all." He mutters to himself as he then gets onto his feet and lunges at one of the pillars that held up the ceiling. Leaping between two of them, he managed to reach for the support beam and climb on top of it.

Looking at the plain wooden "bed" of his, he places his hand against his chin, thinking on what he could do to improve it. Snapping his fingers at an idea, he removes his coat, setting it down behind him, and then lifts his shirt off, folding it and rolling it to make himself a sort of pillow. Once his shirt was off, the many scars all over his body could be seen. Marks from stabbing, cutting, dissecting, everything that was done to his body all those years ago. Laying down to rest his head on the shirt pillow, he reaches for his coat and pulls it over him as a bed sheet. Silently laying there for a bit, the sound of light snoring then filled the empty hall.
The next morning, as everyone slowly started to enter the room, way up in the ceiling, Sikes was still snoozing away above everyone without them noticing. He was a heavy sleeper, so even as the noises began to increase little by little, he still remained soundly asleep far above But then, a loud "song" suddenly jolted him from his sleep.


As the girl, Freya, barged in singing that strange song, Sikes was rudely woken up as he jolted on his "bed" up above. But then, he didn't feel his bed underneath him as he just kept a "WTF" expression on his face as he plummeted down from the ceiling, right onto a table next to where Izzy and Freya were at. The crashing sound echoed the room, as his coat slowly floated down after him, landing right onto Sikes's head as he laid there, head first into the now broken table.

"...ouch..." That was all he muttered as he stood up slowly from the pieces of the table gripping his coat to pull it off his head as he picked up the rolled up shirt pillow of his. That fall caught the attention of a number of people, of course, as he just looked around, eyes still trying to process what had happened, before he begins to unroll his shirt. As he did so, the many scars on his body could be seen by the Izzy and Freya before he finally placed his shirt on and then his coat. "I really hope I don't have to wake up like that again." He mutters, finally starting to get fully awake, looking at the girls and lifting his hand in a wave as he yawned out a, "Morning" to them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ravenna Character Portrait: Issabella Esther Carrington Character Portrait: Sikes Keller Character Portrait: Freya Hirane Character Portrait: Sidney Allen Character Portrait: Murmur Burns
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0.00 INK

Sidney Allen

The world of dreams was an oddly serene place, considering the places it contained. The air around him was thick, it made his movements feel sluggish at times, other nights he felt like he was floating. It was a place where his body felt hallow, his skin nothing but paper, blank and colorless. Pictures around him moved like silent films, no mattered where he visited his dreams were always the same in that single respect - there was never any noise. Even when there were scenes of people yelling, slamming doors, crying, there was not a single break in the pattern. There was no background music, or black screens that held the dialogue in white text, only moving pictures with him standing on the outside.

Lately Sidney's dreams have been a lot happier than that, not performing such despicable events. His unconscious mind was replying memories over and over again, he had never once had a dream that was false, or fake. It scared him, sometimes he wasn't sure which side of the mirror was his reality. Was he the person who stood amongst the members of Amaranth? Or was he the faceless entity who watched from a third person view? His hand reached out, begging to come in contact with the image before him, but it only met with an invisible wall. It rippled underneath his touch, like fragile, penetrable water. Yet no matter how much pressure he put on the wall his body could not break though. He was took weak, unable to dive into the depths. Or was he trying to resurface?

The realm faded into darkness, the curtains drew over the final act and his eyes fluttered open. Numbers on the digital clock read as three in the morning, twenty one minutes past, fifteen..sixteen..seventeen seconds. Sidney brought the covers over his head, he continues to count. Three in the morning, thirty minutes past, twenty one seconds. Three in the morning, fifty six minutes past, one, two, three. Four in the morning, six minutes past, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen seconds. He sat up from the bed, eyes traveling over the darkness of the dorm room, and his feet met the floor. He was good at seeing in the dark, or so he thought. It wasn't very scary to him, sometimes he even enjoyed it - the world around him being obstructed and simple.

Sleeping was a bother, he would avoid it for now. Besides, he didn't feel tired at the moment, not any longer. He found himself hidden and tucked away in Amaranth's attic instead, it was a peaceful place. There was dust, cobwebs and spiders, be he didn't mind any of those things. There was a single window, allowing the light from the moon and stars to pour in, though the boy held a lantern in his hand that filled the space not touched by the luminescent light. He had carried a large quilt with him, another souvenir from his time with Judith. Squares the displayed images of nature, sewn together to navy material wrapped around his body as he huddled against the wall. His fingers and hands moved, knitting together a striped item, the task being so much easier with the help of his magic.

Two hours, eleven minutes, thirty six seconds later he fell asleep. One hour, two minutes, thirty seven seconds after that he woke up. Willing the drowsy feeling that had come over him to vanish, he forced himself to gather his things and descend back to his dorm room to get ready for the day ahead of him. A feeling of nervousness had settled in his bones, this mission being difficult and dangerous was an understatement and he wasn't sure if he was quite ready for something like this. But he was expected to improve, move forward and gain experience. Besides, who was he to refuse to at least try and help those people? Izzy and others much stronger than him were going to be with him, he didn't think they would bother with him if he would only get in the way - perhaps he really could help somehow. Zipping up his tattered backpack he tried to convince himself that they would be alright.

Sidney attempted to follow the rest of the morning like usual. He took a shower, dressed in a maroon and gold striped sweater, which was pulled over an off-white button down. His trousers were black, not tight against his frame but not loose either. His shoes were tattered, tied up sloppily, and there was a gray zippy jacket thrown over it all. Lastly he was wearing a solid brown scarf, worn both to keep him warm and hide the scars on his neck from the times doctors would poke holes in it to force him to eat, or to keep him alive. Regardless, Judith would have told him to dress for the weather, so that's just what he did. Even after getting cleaned up stains of color still marked his skin. There was a smudge of lilac across his right cheek and a line of green going across his left wrist, not to mention the numbers of colored stains on his clothes. He had no excuse, it was simply too tempting to play with his chalk while packing up, leaving his duvet with several fresh stains as well.

By the time the young boy had arrived at the main hall there was already a commotion. First there was the panty song, which he had heard while walking down the steps. It was an interesting tune, though he didn't quite understand it. Why did Freya want people to take off her panties? Was there something wrong with her fingers? He frowned, he sure hoped that wasn't the case, if that was so poor H'mong would have to fulfill their mission all by himself. How lonely. A crash interrupted his pondering thoughts, and when he walked into the room he spotted three people of interest. First there was Freya, the songstress. Then there was Izzy, who looked troubled. Lastly there was the new guy, who was actually not named 'New Guy' and was 'Sikes' instead, who seemed rather disheveled.

"Good morning." He greeted, now making his presence known around the small group. Despite doing the smart thing and saving his magic power, he decided that some of the members were in great need of cheering up. Using a little bit of hocus pocus, Sidney controlled two small stuffed animals to crawl out of his backpack, which was used to carry items he often used during jobs. Plush toys, yarn, and similar objects could prove to be quite useful regardless of what other people assumed. A small material made tiger and bear climbed out, their colors far from what nature may have intended, and previously they were without faces. Though, when his magic was used on them expressions were bestowed upon them; wide smiles and round eyes moved as if they had a mind of their own.

As the objects made their way onto his shoulder he grabbed them, placing the pink and aqua tiger on Sikes head, and having to stand on his toes to reach he placed the purple and yellow bear on top of Izzy. "Cheer up." Sidney smiled as the animals clung to the mages, but it soon faltered. They didn't quiet seem happy enough, and there was only one answer for that! More animals! So one by one the boy began taking enchanted plush toys of obnoxious color combinations and placing them on his two comrades. He didn't stop until there was ten on Sikes, thirteen on Issabella, and three on Freya, since he figured she deserved a little more cheer even if she acted to already have plenty of it. "There." He sounded proud of himself, watching as the toys clung and moved around their posts. "It's a good look."

Murmur Burns
(Crimson Blade)

Murmur's morning routine was flexible, but it rarely deviated from it's norm. The man got up at five, did a basic morning working, cleaned himself up, and prepared morning tea and a decent breakfast. Afterwards he would use his archive magic, the night before he had stored everything new he had discovered, and the morning after he reviewed the recent entries. Then he would contact some of those that worked for him, a type of employee. They were on a payroll in exchange for information and jobs that he needed them to fulfill, the only unbalanced aspect was that they could never quit. However, being fired was still a possibility, though he wouldn't pay for funeral costs.

His closet was made of outfits that were mostly similar, looser-fitting, robe-like clothing made out of smooth, thick material that was hard to penetrate with just an ordinary weapon. A type of cloth armor, if you will. Today's colors of choice was black, with hints of gray and white. Not very colorful, but his pallet was never anything striking or flamboyant. Like usual he arrived at the guild at seven in the morning, to which he noticed that Ravenna was not yet present. He should have figured as much, even a devil of a woman like her needed rest to recover, and he couldn't really argue against a morning that held a more relaxed atmosphere.

It wasn't long for her to grace them with her presence, their mistress arrived and began a morning workout of sorts. It started with a flash, in the shrewdness of definitions. Murmur was sure some people may call her choices in lingerie 'sexy', but to the blue haired man it was more amusing than anything. He drank another cup of tea as he watched the match between her and Kiev, by now making the beverage and drinking it was more of a task to occupy himself more than anything. The taste of green tea was a lovely one though, it would be impossible for him to not enjoy it.

'Come,' They were back to this point, being treated like dogs. Murmur would like to speak against it, but smartly chose not to. He wouldn't continue to push the envelope - not with what happened yesterday. Ravenna might even skin him alive, and that would be most unpleasant. So like the loyal dog she wanted him to be he did as he was told, stood and walked over to their Queen. Acting obedient and playing fetch could be irritating, but at least she didn't wish for them to roll over and play dead for her as well.

"There is a mission in a village by the name of Umi. Seven Virtues will be there," Oh, was that what this was about? Was she still ever so sore after her match with Chasity? It was just like her to go running after them without collecting any real information like this. If she was looking for a rematch she may not get it, there was no surefire way to know if their scantily dressed enemy would be there. Though, it was possible that after her loss she wished to destroy all of Seven Virtues. That too was all too much like her.

Of course, obtaining the legendary stone could be part of her motivation. It was enough for Murmur though. He had heard the legends, and perhaps he didn't previously thirst for power over the sky, but he felt desire for it now. It would aid him in his goals undoubtedly, every little thing helped. "I do not wish for Melinoe to come but if she must, you will guard her with your life," He was really grateful for his near perfect poker face, Ravenna's fondness for the female dragon slayer was almost touching, albeit a bit foolish. The girl wouldn't get any stronger if their mistress insisted in sheltering her so often, it was probably a factor in the reason why her brother had achieved the A rank before her.

Well, he would rather all of his team be with him during the mission, but if they had something else planned then he may let them do as they pleased - so long as it was important and would be beneficial. They would know that, he had already stated how he felt about such a thing long ago. Seven Virtues was a strong guild though, and they should bring with them a versatile team if they wanted to defeat them. "Foo." His eyebrows twitched upwards, curious. "Was that a joke?" Murmur hummed as if thinking it over, assessing how funny it truly was. "Not your strong point." His mouth twitched into a slight smirk and he stretched his arms above him, before letting them fall to his sides. "Your humor might as well be a rotten as your attitude." So much for playing it safe today.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issabella Esther Carrington Character Portrait: Sikes Keller Character Portrait: Freya Hirane Character Portrait: Sidney Allen Character Portrait: Browen Northwind Character Portrait: Amaya Tanaka
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fencer
The morning had come after series of unexpected events of the last night, the fairy merged with the pale guy confirming Vark's history that fairies ate brains and controlled the bodies of their victims or at least so it seemed to Browen, the boy watched as Issabella beated the poor guy consumed by these wicked fairy until the little creature left his body then Amaya intervened and helped with the capture after that Browen seized the moment to lock her in the cage, unfortunately nobody liked his idea of ​​helping finances of the guild by selling the mythical being, Browen clearly remember how they told him so many times that the being wasn't for sale, not even the brainless body of her victim, after that the fairy and man were in the custody of a member of the guild and everything calmed down momentarily.

Browen resumed the search of his hat and guitar his guitar was exactly where he thought: leaning against a wall of the hall, the problem came with the hat that didn't appear anywhere, Amaya started to drink when the others discussed something about a mission and she signed up the team in a more than insistent way, apparently the fight and the drink made her forget the original goal of choosing the mission between all members of the team, but well it was her turn to choose a mission so Browen didn't care but even so showed some apprehension about the difficulty of the mission and the safety of Sydney, Dark Guilds don't play, that's something Browen knows too well.

His hat appeared when Amaya went to her room once decided she had drunk more than enough, Browen stayed there eating the leftover of the feast before going to prepare for the next day's mission.

Once she woke up he was in a dilemma, what instrument bring?, He could create various wind instruments but the strings were a problem and one of his few offensive magic could only use it with one of those, he eventually decided to carry a guitar, the same he lost and found at the feast the day before, then Browen left his room but returned after a few moments and started to dress without really worrying about his outfit, a blue top hat, a white shirt with black buttons and a brown sleeveless vest with black lines, plaid pants on the way to union with guitar on his back looked at her reflection and thought it really looked like a clown after shoulder encojerse kept walking.

There were many people in the differents sectors of the guild, it didn't take long locate Issabella and the others, the S-rank mage had somewhat reddish lips, as if she had been hurt or something besides didn't seem very happy, on the contrary Freya was finishing to singing and dancing a funny song near them was the new guy, the blue haired boy just remembered that there was a new person in the guild and also he would come with them to the mission, Sidney was there too for some reason everyone had plush toys, to Sidney plush toys were the answer to everything, Browen approached the group and bowed taking off his hat "Good morning", Then began to laugh before the amusing situation and he felt like a song would be appropriate for the moment, in the same way that Sidney and the toys for Browen music was the answer to everything, the boy sat in a chair and tuned the guitar once was ready he started to play and sing.

When the song ends Browen would go to wake up Amaya, considering what she drank last night most likely that she would still be asleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issabella Esther Carrington Character Portrait: Sikes Keller Character Portrait: Freya Hirane Character Portrait: Sidney Allen Character Portrait: Browen Northwind Character Portrait: Gawain Harlen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Eyliel
Gawain Harlen

One should never underestimate the power of habit. Despite having gone to sleep an hour after midnight, Gawain still woke up at five in the morning without any problems. With the exception of one case where Sleep Magic had been used on him, he had woken up at five for forty years straight. No matter how late he went to sleep, he would always wake up at exactly five o'clock.
Getting up from his bed, he walked over to the wardrobe on the other side of his room. He didn't really know why he had bothered even buying the thing. Maybe because he had gotten a discount for it. He didn't need it, since he didn't really own a lot of clothes: As he opened it, he saw less pieces of clothing than he could count with his fingers. A shabby white shirt, just like the one he'd worn yesterday. A slightly less shabby black one. And a fancy blue one. One pair of shabby black trousers, almost an exact copy of the ones he'd worn yesterday. And a fancy pair of trousers. Black. That was it. Or that was what Gawain hoped would be it. In fact, he also had something that no man should ever have to wear, an absolutely horrible waste of good fabric. He glared at the ornate white robe with disdain, hoping that whoever had decided to send it to him would spend the rest of his life as a Forest Vulcan's pillow. The robe was made of very fine material and was excellently made. It had the symbol of Amaranth on the back. Gawain absolutely hated it. It practically screamed 'official'. What kind of man would wear something like that in public?
Turning his eyes away from the robe that should not exist, he took the shabby shirt and trousers, putting them on quickly, without bothering to be very careful. Though they looked the same as the clothes he'd worn earlier, they were not the same. The ones he'd worn at the party were lying in a basket of laundry, if they hadn't been washed already. At a party like that, clothes were bound to get dirtied somehow -grease from food, a stain from some drink. Or just falling down onto the floor when someone bumps into you. After throwing some clothes on, the Guild Master went over to his desk. First, he grabbed the bottle standing on it. He opened it and took a sip. Then he closed it again, grabbed his bag from where he'd left it, on the chair in front of his desk, and left the room.

The Guild Master's quarters had been built into a separate building from the main hall, although the two buildings were connected by a breezeway. No need for all those oh-so-important documents to get wet if it happened to be raining. At the moment, however, Gawain was neither carrying any official reports nor was it raining. The weather was clear. Both things were good.
Instead of heading into the main building, Gawain left from under the breezeway, heading to the open space behind the Guild. It was a training ground perfect for Mages. A wide area, surrounded by tall, strong walls that Gawain had Reinforced to be even stronger. No stray spell from training would break get out into the town from here. Of course, the members' strongest spells could probably break them, but using things like that for simple training wouldn't be very smart, just a waste of magical energy. There were also several things that could be used as aids for one's training. A target range, training weapons, and things like simple weights for muscle training.
He was rather proud of this place. Originally, this training ground hadn't been a part of the land that came with the building. He'd had to buy some land around it and demolish the houses that had been there in order to clear enough land. After that, he'd also had to build the walls that protected the town outside from all the magic used in the Guild, and then Reinforce them. It had been a lot of work, and had cost him a pretty penny, but it would be worth it in the long run.
Gawain began to do his morning training, starting with push-ups, and proceeding onto other things once he was done with that. He didn't consciously think of what he did. He had done this training for decades, and his body could do it automatically without any input from his brain. Therefore he let his mind fall into thoughts of yesterday night as he did the training.

It had been a bit (more) chaotic (than usual), with the newcomer suddenly jumping in and Potato appearing at about the same time. Potato had been the more urgent matter, what with the fairy -whose tail or lack of one had not been confirmed yet- 'merging' with him, apparently wanting to kill them all. Issabella had resolved the situation easily enough, though, while efficient, her method had been a bit lacking in refinement. Gawain could have probably cancelled the merge himself, as long as someone had restrained Potato while he'd studied him. Well, Issabella had saved him the trouble of doing that, so he was grateful to her. Most of him actually caring about Potato's well-being was because Freya seemed to do so. Well, he was also curious about the fairy, if it was one. He'd have to check the tail thing later on.
And then there was Meat. After the thing with Potato had been temporarily resolved, he had had to do his job as Guild Master, interviewing the newcomer briefly and making him show his magic. As always when someone joins, the Guild Master had used Analysis when Meat had shown what he could do in order to get a good grasp on his magical ability. Of course, there was another reason for using Analysis -it was a good way to get accurate information on a woman's proportions- but since Meat wasn't female, that one didn't apply, so he'd concentrated on the magical side. He hadn't really expected anything before, but the results had been somewhat interesting. When the boy had covered his arm with the dark substance, changing it, Gawain had sensed something. The change had seemed almost too easy -natural might have been a good word for it. It had been somewhat odd at the time, but not enough to make him really curious. It had been only later, after the actual feast had ended and he'd turned the newcomer over to Yuliana that he had realized something else that he'd sensed, but failed to actually notice. There'd been a 'pulse' of some kind running though Meat's body. Not that of blood. Something else. He had spent an hour or so thinking about it before losing interest. There were all kinds of mages in the world. It wasn't that strange to find an odd one or two every now and then. So there was no real reason to give any special attention to Meat. He wasn't even a she. So he'd given up and gone to sleep.
Of course, before he'd gone to his quarters, where he'd actually started thinking about what he'd sensed about the newcomer, there had been some more chaos. An urgent request for help had arrived to the Guild. Some ancient lacrima or something had been discovered in a mining town, after which a dark guild had proceeded to take the people of the town hostage, clearly being after the lacrima. After taking a good look at the request, the Guild Master had decided that it was worth paying attention to, and had done some thinking. He had ended up giving the job to Amaya's team and Issabella, along with Meat. It had been a gut feeling, having Meat pair up with Issabella. He rarely acted on something like that, instead preferring to think things through analytically. However, even before he'd realized the existence of the 'pulse', he had been curious about the boy. He might actually turn out to be something good for the Guild. And if he was actually useless, there would be few better companions for him than Issabella. Even if he couldn't do anything useful, she could handle the work for both of them if need be.

At some point, Gawain realized that he had finished his training. He was standing in the middle of the training grounds with his quarterstaff, Azure, in hand, having finished a rather advanced kata. The sun had risen above the horizon, so he judged that a couple hours had passed. He quickly checked the condition of his body. No sweat. No sore spots. It seemed like the training had gone well. He returned Azure back to the pocket dimension Re-Equip Mages used.
He headed over to the main hall, judging that most people would be awake by now. He soon found himself correct, hearing the boy with the guitar playing. As he arrived into the hall, he also saw the people in. Freya, Issabella and Meat were there too, and a few other people. A friendly smile appearing on his face, the respectable Guild Master was about to head over to Freya and Issabella. He still had to talk to Freya about her small misunderstanding regarding the money, and he'd wanted to spar with Issabella for a while. But then he also saw the Creepy Kid, and, worse yet, several of his even creepier dolls. He shuddered lightly as he looked at the dolls crawling over the members of his Guild.
Gawain was about to head away from the dolls, when he suddenly noticed something, his face becoming a bit more serious. One of the tables had been broken. Well, that was nothing new, but it still wasn't something he could ignore. Even if it meant having to face the demon-spawn that the Creepy Kid commanded.
Taking a moment to gather confidence, Gawain headed over to the broken table. He kneeled next to it, and activated Analysis.


Information began to flood the Guild Master's mind, which then began to process it into a form that he could understand. In actuality, he got a lot more specific information than just 'wood' when it came to the material, but that was the word his mind compressed the information into. He gained a thorough and complete understanding of every string of organic matter in it, every little crack in the table's surface.
Soon, he had, using the information on the edges of the broken area, formed an image in his head of what the table had been like when it had been intact.
"Repair", he uttered silently, and touched the table. The wood instantly began to form on its own, molding itself into the shape it had within Gawain's mind, the exact same as it had had before someone had smashed into it.
In ten seconds or so after Gawain had knelt next to it, the table was in perfect condition again. Or, well, as perfect as it had been before this morning. The Structure Magic Insurance didn't cover damage done by fireballs dropped onto things, beer stains, or being eaten. Gawain still hadn't found out who had bitten off a lump of wood the size of his fist from the side of the table. And it had been eaten. He could still see the bite marks.
Sighing from having had to do something like that again, Gawain stood up and turned to face the members of his Guild. "Good morning, ladies. And the others."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issabella Esther Carrington Character Portrait: Sikes Keller Character Portrait: Freya Hirane Character Portrait: Sidney Allen Character Portrait: Browen Northwind Character Portrait: Cedar
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0.00 INK

Amaya Tanaka
(Amaranth; 8:42)

Amaya cracked her eyes open with a groan, starring into the gloom of her dorm room with blurry eyes. She had a headache. Well, actually, she often had a headache when she woke up. If she didn't it meant she hadn't drunk anything, and if she hadn't drunk anything then it'd been a bad night. She threw off her remaining blanket, the others already clumped on the floor. She was a bit of a messy sleeper- or she at least kicked a lot- though otherwise, she looked dead, or so Amaya had heard.

The Dark mage hastily through her bed together, not bothering to straighten or flatten the sheets, so now, it was basically a ball of sheets sitting upon the mattress. Good enough.
She was about to leave when she realized she was naked save her bra and hot pants. Rolling her eyes, she padded softly across the plush black carpet of her dorm, throwing open her wardrobe to several similar, if not identical , outfits to what she was wearing yesterday. She grabbed one of the steel and leather dresses then pulled boots from the shelf of the wardrobe. After sliding them on, she pulled a pair of of black leather gloves and strapped on her katana. These were more mission appropriate clothes, she thought gleefully. Totally bad ass.

As she scooped her hair into it's usual ponytail, Amaya was excited. Once word had come in of a mission for some stone or whatever, she'd hastily volunteered her team from the bar, throwing aside her wish to pick the mission with Sidney and Browen. Oh, well, it was her turn any way, they'd live. Besides, Izzy and the new boy were coming too, so it'd be pretty exciting. She smiling happily at the prospect of action- then glanced at the clock. her smile dropped immediately and her purple eyes
blinked a few disbelieving times. She was late. Well, not late in her mind set, but everyone else would be awake by this time and ready to go since it was nearly 9:00. She groaned and quickly left her room, glad her headache wasn't too bad.

She rushed into the main room, pausing to glance around. First she noticed Potato, since he was in a corner, and corners were always the first place she looked, because they always held people who didn't want to be seen. So naturally, Amaya wold see them.
Then she spotted her team members.... well, she wasn't sure what they were doing exactly. Just that Browen was playing a song and Sidney's army of stuffed abominations were crawling all over everyone.

And then there was the new boy, what was his name, Spike? Anyway, he seemed to have ruined the table though the master was quickly fixing it up.

Amaya took the long was around the room to them pausing by Potato to assess the damage Izzy had done to him the night before. She'd watched amused from the bar while the S-Mage beat the fairy merged boy to a pulp. Surprisingly, he didn't look to bad.
Not knowing if he was a member now or just a captive of some sort, Amaya gave him a little smirk and a nod as she walked by.
"Morning Potato."

She moved over to the group of the others, noting that Freya had yet to tie her dress, not that it was anything new. She never seemed to tie her clothes on her own. She had arrived just in time to hear Gawain greet everyone.

"Good morning, ladies. And the others."

"Morning old man," Amaya greeted back. "Morning to you too girls- having some clothing trouble again Angel?"
Being in a general good mood because of the oncoming mission, Amaya plucked a stuffed animal from Freya and quickly laced up her back with practiced hands. Though the girl usually asked Izzy, everyone in the guild had had to do her clothes one time or the other.
Then she glared slightly at Browen and Sidney.
"Way to wake me up guys, I appreciate it. Oh, welcome to the guild," She added to Spike- or was it Sikes?

She created a small shadow arm by the bar to toss her a bottle of wine.
"Let's get going everyone, villages don't save themselves."

And with that she was fully ready to walk out the door


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issabella Esther Carrington Character Portrait: Sikes Keller Character Portrait: Freya Hirane Character Portrait: Sidney Allen Character Portrait: Browen Northwind Character Portrait: Amaya Tanaka
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(Amaranth: Bar area)

October 16th 8:50 AM


Izzy was just about to step out of the door by herself, when Freya burst into the room singing a song about panties. The song did have Freya written all over it, she was a tiny ball of randomness and she loved it. The girl ran up to her and turned around, shaking her behind and shouting the absurd lyrics. Izzy always had the task of zipping up Freya's clothes, buttoning Freya's clothes, tying Freya's clothes. Who else but for the princess. As she was about to grab the ribbon in front of her, she heard a loud crash from beside her. It was meat boy, rather, it was Sikes. He had went head first into the table in which she had been sitting, and it appeared he was previously asleep. She looked towards the ceiling for a moment, I'm slipping, I have to stop I can't let everything effect me like this. Normally she would have noticed, but she was too wrapped up in her own thoughts and worries. As the boy sat up and said good morning to them, she saw them. The scars all over his body, so deep and even layered over one another. She had seen people with scars but these were among the worst, he was hiding so much more than she thought. However, she knew everyone had their demons that they didn't want to share with others, for some people it was just to painful to think of. Other times, it was just not necessary to bring up. It would be inappropriate to comment, as curious as she was. It'll never happen again, whatever it was. She thought to herself, mentally promising to watch over the boy.

She found it cute that he slept in such an unusual place, she unlike most found people's quirks and habits to be adorable - most of the time. They made people unique and different. Hopefully he was okay though, landing on his head. She eyed him over a few times to see that he was functioning properly. All he had managed to say was ouch. "Good morning." she then heard. Already she knew it was Sidney, Sidney whom she had done nothing but worry about even till now. "Good morning." she responded, though looking elsewhere. She wondered, if there was something more to the guild head having Sikes go with them. She really did hope there was, her heart sank for a moment. "Cheer up" she heard. As she turned her head she saw Sidney in front of her - right in front of her, placing what turned out to be stuffed animals on her head. She was surprised for a moment, and as she felt the animals move around on her head her expression softened. How adorable was he, on his toes, with his stuffed animals.

As he proceeded to put more and more stuffed animals on her, she decided to grab one. It smiled back at her, moving its arms and legs, and it reminded her of her own plush toy she once had. The stuffed animal was also yellow, however it was a cat - which was where she got her inspiration for Kit one of her creations. She had gotten it from a little boy, no more than three, whom had come across her while walking with his mother. This was the time when Izzy had just escaped where she had been kept all of her childhood and was sleeping mostly wherever she passed out at. When she was cold and shivering, crying one night, the boy walked up to her and handed her his plush toy - he was then pulled away by his mother and that was that. Several years later her precious stuffed toy was set on fire by another stray wizard whom she was fighting for food.

Izzy hugged the yellow stuffed bear close to her chest. "It's a good look." Sidney said. She was now practically dressed in animated stuffed animals. Browen then started playing a lovely tune, starting to sing. How festive. She thought. But they were all getting to comfortable, they had to leave now, they had a mission to finish, people to save. But how could they all get there fast enough? Izzy always had multiple ways of transportation. She could fly, she could fly on her bone creatures, or - she could teleport. However this would require her using copy magic, but perhaps it was necessary. She couldn't imagine all of them flying on her bone creatures, or her creatures not attempting to kill the as they tried. The shop keeper next to the guild was a teleportation wizard, and she had copied her magic a month ago to teleport closer to her previous mission. She had never been to Umi before, but perhaps the shopkeeper had. She was a traveling wizard that sold magical artifacts from all over the world. Thinking about the situation she was in years ago, she made up her mind. "Thank you." she said softly to Sidney, as she placed all the stuffed toys on the floor. Izzy then walked out of the guild and next door. "Ah hello Issabella, how may I help you." The shopkeeper was a lady in her mid thirties, with long red hair and brown eyes. She wore a white spaghetti strapped shirt and blue shorts, which was her usual attire. "I just need to poke you a little." she said.

Several minutes later, the 'shopkeeper' popped into the guild, right where Izzy had been standing. "I'll make this quick." the woman said. But first... Izzy looked at Freya for a moment, and managing to keep a straight face walked over to her. She had begged her to take off her panties earlier, she was shouting it to the world. Izzy, take off my panties! Take them off now! "Okay." she said. With that, she put her hands up Freya's dressed and pulled her panties down to her ankles. "It's a good look." She made sure to take a mental snapshot - before she turned around, pushed everyone from her so called group together, wrapped her arms around them and disappeared. Amaya, Sikes, Sidney and his stuffed toys, and Browen and his guitar. There goes that, she thought to herself. She was happy however, the woman had once traveled to Umi. Perhaps it was worth it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issabella Esther Carrington Character Portrait: Sikes Keller Character Portrait: Freya Hirane Character Portrait: Sidney Allen Character Portrait: Browen Northwind Character Portrait: Amaya Tanaka
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0.00 INK

Before anything else could happen, a guild member by the name of Sidney suddenly place a stuffed animal on Sikes' head. Standing still, confused, he looked up at it on his head as he noticed it moving around a bit, clinging to his head. He opened his mouth, about to ask what it was about, when he answered already for him, "It's a good look." Thinking on that, he looked back up to it as more were suddenly placed all over his body. Staring off with stuffed animals all around him, he wondered if they were even stuffed as he did notice them moving. Zoned out from the rest of the things happening around him, he curiously grabs one of them, looking at it intently, and then suddenly begins to chew on it's head. Answering his questions, he pulls it out of his mouth, looking at Sidney, "These are stuffed not real. How do them move?"

It was then that he saw the Guild master walk up to them as he stiffened up like a solider. He noticed how he payed attention to the broken table he caused and repaired it with ease. Impressed by his ability, he loosened up as he watched how he does it, only to stiffen back up again once he turned to them and spoke, "Good morning, ladies. And the others." Replying quickly, "Morning, Sir! Sorry about the table, I fell off my bed! I promise to do a good work on my first job, Sir!" His nerves causing him to remain as stiff as a tree as he held his arms by his side.

It was then that he finally noticed two the additional people that would be going with them. The first was a guy by the name of Browen, taking out a guitar, as the second was a girl by the name of as she spoke while getting wine, "Let's get going everyone, villages don't save themselves." Nodding to her remark, he was about to follow her along out the door until Izzy suddenly grabbed him along with the others as they vanished.

The next thing he remembers, they were somewhere else. Frantically looking around in an almost panic, he now saw trees around him and the others as Izzy, Amaya, Sidney, Browen and him were now all in what looked like woods. "Who the...What the...How the...Huh?!" He mutters out in confusion as he starting stepping around in circles as he tries to figure out just how they suddenly appeared somewhere else. Since it was Izzy that grabbed them, he turns to her, wondering if she had something with it. "Wha-What just happened?" He asked her, hoping to figure out at least something of how they got there.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issabella Esther Carrington Character Portrait: Sikes Keller Character Portrait: Freya Hirane Character Portrait: Sidney Allen Character Portrait: Browen Northwind Character Portrait: Amaya Tanaka
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fencer
Before he knew he was in a place completely different to the bar area within the Guild, for a moment he thought that maybe was sleeping and it was a dream but he had never dreamed something like that before, the boy looked around and saw team established to fullfill the mission of some of them as confused as him for the sudden change of environment, Browen was too focused on his music to realize what had happened before coming to this place.

Perhaps the S rank mage knew some magic capable of transport the group to the point where they would begin the mission which was a relief, Browen feared having to go flying or by train, one was too tiring and he had no money for the other, the boy breathe deeply several times, it was showtime and he couldn't afford to let his delayed reactions endanger his teammates that's why in the risky missions he used that kind of self hipnosis,with his eyes still closed the young mage used Wind Magic to soar through the skies, when reached the sky above his blue eyes found a mining town, at least so it seemed to Browen, the streets were empty with the exception of some suspicious-looking guys and others few who seemed nervous and scared, the wind dropped his hat, "Gravity Pull" he said quickly and the hat went back to his hand.

The blue haired boy descended where the group was, Browen adjusted the guitar on his back and his hat on his head, "It seems that the mission is real" he said, in his mind there was a possibility of a bad joke, then he informed what he saw from the height "There are some people don't seem to belong to the town and a few people are extremely scared, Any idea how to enter without attracting attention?" Browen don't know the details of the mission, he just knew there were hostages in a village and a dark guild, being honest the boy hoped they could save the hostages without involving in a large scale with the Dark Guild but wasn't so naive to believe that would happen, he sighed and prepared for the worst possible outcome.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issabella Esther Carrington Character Portrait: Freya Hirane Character Portrait: Cedar Character Portrait: Gawain Harlen Character Portrait: H'Mong Loor Halibatore
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#, as written by Layla
Freya ~ Amaranth

They disappeared.

Freya laughed at Izzy's failed attempt at - well, she wasn't sure what - but it was funny. She stepped out of her pastel blue panties, a row of miniature gems encircling the rim. Picking up the small piece of cloth, Freya flung it at the nearest person, chuckling at everything and nothing at all.

Holding her spine upright was becoming rather tiring so Freya crawled onto a table, lying her small back on the cool wood. She grasped the magical teapot in her hands, putting the long stout in between her lips into her mouth. The blissful liquid burned down her throat, filling her stomach with a familiar heat. With her blonde hair sprawled across the table, falling over the edges, Freya moaned. Lovely, lovely tea.

She pulled her legs up, planting her feet on the table but lifting her thighs and knees - god knew what she was flashing to the entire world. Freya didn't quite understand the concept of decency and the inappropriateness of some of her actions. Such thoughts were unnecessarily complex and irrelevant as far as she was concerned.

Turning her head toward Gawain, Freya pulled the teapot from her mouth, her lips painted a deeper red from the wetness of the liquid. "I'll go soon, master," she mumbled.

Drawing her leg slowly over the table, she planted one foot on the bench - she was too short to touch the floor from this height - while her other leg remained sprawled on the table. Turning her body at a rather uncomfortable angle, the young woman tried to step onto solid ground. But balance and coordination were not her strong points and she ended up rolling onto the floor, slumping her body onto the hard wood.

Freya groaned, dragging herself upright and jumping to her feet. "Let's go!" she yelled, snatching H'mong's hand and planting a quick kiss on Gawain's cheek as she continued on her merry way.

Her ears tingling as her small feet raced across the wood, Freya frowned. The room to her left felt strange. The soft floating sounds of the particles indicated a person had disturbed the silence until not long ago - the tapping of her feet echoing against the hollowness and the fewer particles of dust - in the shape of a male. Yes, the emptiness sounded rather tall with a slim build.


Wiggling the handle, Freya found that it was locked. "Open," she commanded H'mong.

It was empty.

Running back towards the guild, she skidded to a stop as her lips parted to ask Gawain where they'd put her baby. The question stopped at her mind when her eyes found the mid-length blonde standing by the food.

Dashing across the room, Freya dived onto Potato and enveloped him in a bone-crushing hug. For such a small girl, she gave killer embraces.

"Potato! Oh, my poor baby - did the mean people lock you in there? My poor, poor Potato," Freya cooed, planting kisses all over the ex-corpse's forehead and hair. "I'll take care of you, little guy!" she purred, taking Potato's hand in hers as she raced back toward Gawain.

"Master," she called, waving her arms about and shaking her new toy's hand in the air. Freya beamed, "Look what I found!"

Turning to her fellow blonde, she asked, "Would you like to follow H'mong and I on our mission, Potato?" Freya frowned, giving Gawain a sideway glance as if to ask 'Why in the Heavens must I be on the same team as H'mong?' as she continued, "Or would you like to keep master Gawain company? He's a very nice man. You should learn everything you can from him. He treats women with unparalleled kindness and respect. Gawain is a great man." Freya nodded, as if speaking to herself.

Then, turning to H'mong, she pursed her lips and wiggled them from side to side. "I guess we should go now. Amaranth needs money, you know."

Turning on her heel, Freya raced to her room, snatched of her many quivers with its bow and arrows and raced back to H'mong, Gawain and Cedar, jumping up and down in excitement.

"We're going on a trip on our favourite rocket ship," she sang. "Zooming through the sky! Little Einsteins!"

Giving Gawain a sudden farewell kiss on his lips - she didn't quite understand the meaning of kisses but she liked them and figured everyone else did, too; Freya ran out the door.

"We're running all the way there!" she announced, her short legs surprisingly fast.

Then, stopping abruptly, she tapped her chin and laughed. "Silly me." Meteor. Shutting her eyes for a long blink, her body began to glow. A warm light of gold shone from her skin and when she snapped her eyes open, two orbs of Suns replaced the blue of her irises while an invisible wind picked up the locks of her thick blonde hair. Turning her head around, Freya grinned, her teeth very literally sparkling. "Race you there."

And off she went - disappearing into a blazing zig-zag of golden light.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issabella Esther Carrington Character Portrait: Freya Hirane Character Portrait: Yuliana Lumina
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#, as written by Eyliel
Yuliana Lumina

While she wasn't exactly a morning person, Yuliana never slept late, either. She didn't have morning training, nor did she leave for missions early, but she did have her unofficial job as the cook, so she woke up early to make the other members breakfast. Many members knew how to cook for themselves, but just as many didn't. And those who could cook were often busy. Therefore, Yuliana made breakfast for several people every morning.
The instant she heard the noise of her alarm clock, she created a bright white flame on her palm and threw it onto the ceiling so that it would light up the entire room. She didn't like darkness. Even though the sun had already risen, her room was always quite dark in the mornings for the simple reason of being on the wrong side of the building. Sunlight shined in only after noon.
Yuliana took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the bright light of the flame. Once it no longer made her squint, she slowly pushed the covers aside and sat up onto her heels, with her knees near the edge of the bed -or rather, a simple mattress laid on the floor. She reached with her hand to the low nightstand, turning the alarm clock off. She let a yawn slip out. Despite her love for festivities, she wasn't used to staying up late, and was always very tired if she slept less than eight hours. And with how hectic last night had been, she had only slept... How long was it? Yuliana glanced at the clock. Six. She had gone to sleep at two hours past midnight, meaning that she had only slept four hours. A ridiculously low amount of sleep. She couldn't understand how some people could stand sleeping so little regularly.

Yuliana reached for the nightstand again, pulling out a hairbrush from the drawer. She then began the ritual of taking care of her hair, spending a rather large amount of time at it, her hands moving with great care. Many people didn't bother with their hair, but Yuliana was fond of hers. It was the one thing about her appearance that she actually liked. Other than her hair, she looked bland, if you asked her. Her eyes, even. Though most people thought they were green, since that was their usual color, they were actually a simple brown. The patterns on the iris weren't particularly interesting, either. She had never been able to stand her eyes, and had bought the magical lenses that changed how they looked.
After she was finally done making her hair tidy again, she put the brush back into the drawer and stood up. Next up were the clothes. She walked over to her wardrobe. First she took off the negligée she had worn to sleep, folded it neatly and put it aside. Then she browsed through what she had. There was a wide selection; while her collection of dresses was nowhere near as massive as, say, Freya's, she still had gathered a significant amount of different options. Most of them were a bit small, though. After her family had arrived into this country, they had steadily become less and less wealthy, and thus less able to afford buying Yuliana new dresses. Yuliana hadn't earned much herself after joining a Guild, with her not-so-useful magic when it came to the jobs usually offered to mages. Therefore, most dresses she owned were a bit old. She had been lucky, in a way, that she hadn't grown as much as some other girls. While the dresses were a bit tight, they still fit. Had she grown as much as some other members of Amaranth, the dresses definitely wouldn't.
After some time, she finally decided on a brilliant blue dress. She had heard that some members were involved in a mission regarding a lacrima called 'Aozora', meaning 'blue sky'. Wearing a dress of a sky-blue color was appropriate, then. A good luck charm, of a kind. It would hardly affect the outcome, but she liked doing such a thing, for some reason.
It was a simple enough a dress, casual yet beautiful. This was a normal day, unlike yesterday, and thus there was no need to wear anything too fancy or complex. It did not take very long to put it on. After that, she picked a pair of shoes, which were rather simple as well.
Yuliana turned to look at the large mirror in her room, giving herself a look. V286-S500-Y449-W320-L019-B731-6 and V911-S502-Y122-W387-L049-B034-1, the red of her hair and the blue of her dress. These particular shades looked rather good together. She nodded in approval at what she saw in the mirror.
And then it was turn to return to her hair. Yuliana closed the wardrobe and went to a chest of drawers close to the bed. Since today's color was blue, she opened the left drawer on the second line of drawers from the top. It was full of blue ribbons, of dozens of different shades. The one on the right was full of green ones, the one above it full of red ones, and so on. These ribbons were Yuliana's treasure. Not only had getting all these rare colors been expensive, but they also held emotional value to her. That was why she had gone so far as to request the Guild Master to Reinforce the drawer, so that the ribbons would be safe. She didn't like asking any personal favors from the old man, since, unlike Freya, she wasn't very naïve. However, these ribbons were very important to her.
She looked at the ribbons for a while. They were not organized in any way, since there was no need for that. Her eyes could instantly recognize any shade. After a moment of thinking, she took out three ribbons. She closed the drawer for blue ribbons, and then took one ribbon out of each one of the other drawers.
Yuliana went back to her mattress serving as her bed and sat on it, in the same position as earlier, with her legs underneath her and her buttocks resting on her heels. She carefully laid the ribbons onto the bed, and began to arrange her hair. Rather soon, she had tied it into a rather complex pattern using two of the blue ribbons. Most of her hair hung in front of her, over her right shoulder. After she was done, she looked to the mirror on the opposite side of the room again. The distance was longer than most people would use, but Yuliana's eyesight was excellent. After a moment, she nodded in agreement again and stood up. She gathered the other ribbons and put them into a small, soft case, which she then put into a small, tight pocket within her dress. Yuliana straightened the covers on the bed after the ribbons were off it.
And then there was only one thing remaining before she could leave the room. An important thing. Yuliana went back to her nightstand and opened a small case sitting on top of it. Inside were two lenses. Carefully, she took hold of one and put it on her eye, doing the same with the other one. She closed her eyes over the lenses and said 'blue', while thinking of the exact shade she had in mind. When she opened her eyes, they were blue.

When Yuliana arrived at the Amaranth main hall, it was half past seven. She had taken a bit longer than intended. She went straight into the kitchen. Not many people had arrived yet, anyway. Issabella was sitting at the bar, and there were a few others here and there, but it was mostly empty. She didn't have time to greet them. She could do that after she was done with making breakfast for those who wanted it.
Putting on her apron, she began breakfast preparations. There were many different people, with different tastes, in Amaranth. Some wanted only something light for breakfast, while some preferred more full meals. She had to take everyone into consideration.
First she brought some sandwiches onto the tables, quickly disappearing back into the kitchen. She came back in a moment, bringing some drinks. Those should hold the hungriest off for a moment. Soon afterwards, she came again, bringing something more substantial. Soon everything that the early wakers might want was done, and it was turn to start making something for the people who wake up later.
At one point, it suddenly became much more lively in the main hall. She heard someone start singing about panties -Freya. Soon afterwards, she heard a loud crash. Worried, she would have gone to investigate, but she was in the middle of some delicate cooking. Besides, Issabella was there. It wasn't likely anything serious, but if it was, the S Rank mage could handle it. While she wasn't too sociable, she was reliable. As for Freya... Well, she was more likely to be a source of trouble than someone who would solve it.
After that, it seemed like more and more people began to gather. Soon, Yuliana could hear people talking about something, though she couldn't make out what it was. The conversation outside kept going on, until it suddenly became quiet. After that, she could clearly hear Freya laughing at something.

It was lively, like always.

Suddenly, Yuliana realized that she had begun making a dish she hadn't intended to make. Potatoes. The red-headed cook frowned, wondering why she had suddenly changed her breakfast menu. Then she shrugged. Well, she had started it, so she might as well finish it. Stopping midway would be wasting the potatoes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ravenna Character Portrait: Issabella Esther Carrington Character Portrait: Sikes Keller Character Portrait: Sidney Allen Character Portrait: Murmur Burns Character Portrait: Browen Northwind
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#, as written by Layla
Ravenna ~ Village of Umi

"Why in Hell is it sunny?" Ravenna grunted, scrutinising the sun as if it were a deformed toddler as she shielded her gaze with her hand. She heard a groan and flicked her eyes briefly to the ground to find the Kiev doubled over. She raised a brow before returning her gaze to the stupid sky - who gave it permission to be blue? Certainly not her.

“DON’T TOUCH ME!" Why would I want to touch a lady-man? "Let's get this over with," he said, rising to his feet.

With one brow raised, Ravenna put a comforting but immensely chilling hand on Kiev's shoulder. Patting his back, Ravenna nodded in understanding. "Period cramps, huh?"

"Pssst," whispered a young voice. "Pssst." Ravenna rolled her eyes, slapped a worried look on her face before turning to face the little boy - who was eight or nine years old - with short brown hair. "Come, come," he called 'quietly.' The entire world can hear your 'whispering,' dumb ass. Ravenna made a show of looking left and right before she tip-toed like a ninja over to the boy. Diving behind the bush the boy was currently hidden amongst, Ravenna rolled expertly onto her feet. If she was going to convince everyone she was a Chicken-Liver, she'd have to act like one.

Bowing, Ravenna painted a practised smile on her face - her eyes tended to give her away, though. Having a permanently tragic glaze to them but she could've been sad for many reasons. Like the malady of the villagers. Oh, yes, of course she cared. "How may we be of service, m'lord?" she asked, forcing the sarcasm from her voice.

The small boy giggled, muffling his sounds with his hand. Then, his eyes widened as he grabbed Crimson Blade's master's and began to run. It was awkward - running in the hands of someone half your size. Stumbling initially, Ravenna finally managed to run relatively normally, if rather bent over. It was terribly uncomfortable - oh woe is me, she thought with another one of her terribly popular eye-rolls. They stopped at a medium-sized hut, after the kid stopped and looked around for his captors, she assumed, several times. The boy put a finger to his lips and Ravenna nodded solemnly, resisting the urge to roll her eyes, again. You're the loud one, little muffin-top. Yes, Muffin would be his name. Muffin nudged the door open and quickly ran in, gesturing widely for everyone else to do the same. No, kid. We're just going to stand out here and sun tan.

An old woman sat hunched over a baby that was cradled in her arms as the door shut quietly behind them. The hut was filled with old people and children - the people who couldn't work in the mines as well as the adults, she supposed. It smelled of new life and death. She hated the smell of new life.

The old woman who'd been cradling the baby ran over to Ravenna - well, hobbled, which was basically old-people running. "You must be the help," she said, the relief apparent in her voice. "Thank the Heavens!" Ravenna's right eye twitched a little at the mention of 'Heavens' - 'no, I am from hell,' she wished to say but did not. They probably didn't use sarcasm in outback Fiorre - or wherever they were - not that she would've been being sarcastic, of course.

"Yes. We are Carrot Blade," Ravenna said with the best poker face the world had ever seen. "We are here to assist you in your troubles for we are kind Samaritans. We do not care for the mystical crystal you hold in your village - oh no. We are good to dog people."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," murmured the entire room. Shut up, shut up, shut up, Ravenna sing-songed in her head. "We are in desperate need of your help," the old woman continued. "Seven Virtues took my kids and all these children's parents. They're treating them like slaves!" Ravenna narrowed her eyes a fraction of a millimetre at the mention of the word. "You have to help us. We don't know what to do."

"Do not worry, wrinkled woman. We will free your people," Ravenna declared. Maybe. "Just point us in the direction of the mines that hold Aozora."

"Oh! I forgot to introduce everyone!" Oh no... OOooohhh no. "I'm Margaret. That's Lenny," she said, gesturing toward the little boy who'd brought them here. "This is Kathy," she introduced, looking down at the newborn in her arms. Fascinating - absolutely fascinating. They bothered to name it. After a million other names, Ravenna just about forgot them all as she kept an interested gaze and smile on her face.

"We must leave before your family dies," Ravenna announced, rushing out of the hut. "Farewell, my friends!"


She didn't glance behind her to see if her Crimson Blades had followed - she knew they would, assumed they would. Pressing her back against a particularly humongous tree, Ravenna sliced her wrist open with the small dagger she kept under her sleeve. "Illisia," she whispered and an rippling veil fell over everyone in her group, rendering them invisible. They would still be able to be touched but they would not be seen. Ravenna hoped the veils would last long enough for-


They would certainly run into them some time or if they didn't, Ravenna was always one to prefer being safe than sorry. Her bloodied wrist would attract too many questions should it be seen and she couldn't heal it now because she had to continuously offer the Demons blood for her spell to stay in place. Although, if asked, she'd say she was a depressed teenager with daddy issues. Her concentration flickering, the spell began to fade; her blood no longer evaporating into thin air like fireflies into night. Vaguely moving her hand towards a random person - Murmur in this case - she slapped her wrist into his mouth. Her blood did not taste like blood - being not quite blood. It flowed like warm honey and tasted like it, too, with saccharine vanilla undertones and a bittersweet aftertaste; smelling faintly of sugared roses and jasmines. It gave those who drank it strength and power but she never offered her blood. As far as she was concerned, it was hers and not some rare delicacy but it'd be a waste to let it drip tastelessly into the dirt. Using her teeth, Ravenna lifted up her sleeve and pulled an aqua coloured cloth from the inside lining like she'd done so so many times before. Somehow managing to wrap it around her wrist, Ravenna tied a knot with her tongue and tugged at the cloth to tighten it. It was a special cloth that Naciel had had made for her, it would keep her blood flowing for her offering without allowing the blood would show through.

Straightening her clothes, Ravenna checked her hands and everyone else's - her spell was solidly invisible once again. She turned towards Amaranth and analysed the competition. She spotted Issabella Carrington the Reaper immediately. If her skimpily dressed body wasn't enough indication, her red and green flame was. What was it? Christmas? The size of her flame was equal to K'brak's and Murmur's but whilst her flame shone with a purity, Murmur's was rather dark. K'brak's was just weird. The next person she noticed was the little girl covered in paint. Apparently she missed the memo of it being art class. From the crazed-dazed look on his face and his terrible taste in fashion, Ravenna gathered that he used Doll Play Magic or was a particularly weird pedophile. The next was a red-haired girl and with her knowledge of Amaranth, she would either be Wraith or the lady who, apparently, cooked like a Goddess. She hoped she was the latter because now that Ravenna thought about it - she was hungry. The next was a boy with blue hair whom, other than his hair colour, looked nothing like Murmur. She had no idea who he was but he looked like a tree and so that would be his name. The last was a dark hair that she didn't recognise - Another Liver would be his name.

'Come,' she ordered her Blades telepathically, gesturing towards the mines as a war general would. Except instead of code words, all she ever said was 'Come,' they weren't worth any more effort than that. Stepping soundlessly, Ravenna moved toward the entrance of the deep mines - closer to Aozora, to Blue Skies.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issabella Esther Carrington Character Portrait: Sikes Keller Character Portrait: Sidney Allen Character Portrait: Browen Northwind Character Portrait: Amaya Tanaka
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Amaya Tanaka

Amaya was able to let out a peel of laughter at Izzy's trick on Freya. Well, the girl had asked for it! Her chuckles broke off as the S-Mage shoved their mission group into a tight cluster- then suddenly the red head was struck with a gut wrenching feeling. Before she was forced to close her eyes from the spinning sensations, she glimpsed the scene around them close like that of a zipper being pulled shut. Amaya had experienced this before.
Of course Issabella would have teleportation hidden somewhere up her sleeve. Of course.

As soon as she felt the air stopped spinning, Amaya detached herself from the others to lean against a tree and heave air, not liking how the Teleportation was sitting with her alcohol.
"Glory, Izzy, warn us next time, yeah?" She complained, probing her dry mouth with her tongue then spitting into the trees. She turned back to the others, eyes blinking fast in annoyance, a quirk she didn't realize she had but everyone else did. She saw Browen take off into the air using some form of his magic and decided to wait to pose her questions until after he returned.

Instead she turned to the new boy- maybe his name was Spike!- who was wondering around in shock. "Wha-What just happened?"

Amaya sauntered over, enjoying knowing something he didn't, slinging her arm across his shoulder. "Well newbie Spike, , Izzy here is a special little mage, mkay? She can copy other people's magic when she needs it- and I'm guessing she duplicated our guilds neighbors magic," She raised a quizzical eyebrow at Izzy. "Am I right?"

Browen was soon descending back into the group, so Amaya plopped down onto the forest floor in the midst of them, crossing her legs out in front of her.

"There are some people don't seem to belong to the town and a few people are extremely scared, Any idea how to enter without attracting attention?"

Amaya glanced up at Izzy, guessing the S mage was probably going to take leadership. After all, she was stronger and more experienced. But before she could, Amaya decided to add her input. That way, she could sit back and take orders, being satisfied she'd contributed.

"We should probably get closer and stake out who the enemies are before we create any plan of attack, no? It'd be bad to march in outmatched," She glanced back to Izzy for approval.
"Also, if it's a mining town, theres probably two main exit slash entrances to the town. One towards the mine and one the opposite. I'd say a distraction by one entrance could open the way for a recovery team." She paused. "Or, we could even split into two teams, one to get the stone, one for the villagers."

She shrugged then popped open the cork on the wine bottle she'd pocketed on her way out, taking a decent sized sip, but not over doing it. Oh how she envied Freya and her ability to never get drunk. That or she was always drunk, but hey, either way.

She reclined onto the light pine needle and leaves covering of the ground, taking another sip. This didn't seem to be to hard of a mission.
Recover the kidnapped villagers and maybe get their hands on a powerful gem? Piece of cake.
Well, of course there was the minor block of Sevem Virtues, the rumored powerful guild of only seven members, each at least an S-rank or higher powered. They might serve a bit of a problem, depending how many had decided to make an appearance in Umi. Enough at least to over see the villagers and the mine, so maybe three or four.

Amaya looked at every member of the entourage in turn.
Izzy was more then capable. Spikes, well, he seemed to be a decent practicer of shadow magic if her own skills were anything to judge by. Sidney, well, Amaya wouldn't dwell into her concern about Sidney, she just hoped he'd learn from this. And Browen, well if he focused he'd be fine.

All in all, she couldn't wait for action.
Speaking if which-

Amaya cocked up slightly. She had the distinct impression someone was watching them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issabella Esther Carrington Character Portrait: Sikes Keller Character Portrait: Sidney Allen Character Portrait: Browen Northwind Character Portrait: Amaya Tanaka
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His state of confusion was settled when the red haired girl called Amaya suddenly placed her arm over his shoulder, as she explained to him. "Well newbie Spike, , Izzy here is a special little mage, mkay? She can copy other people's magic when she needs it- and I'm guessing she duplicated our guilds neighbors magic," Sikes looks at her with an annoyed look on his face as he replies back. "My name is SIKES."

Looking over at Izzy, after getting the explanation of her magic, he starts to see her with awe. "That's pretty cool. So you can do almost any magic?" But his question planned list of questions was interrupted by Browen floating down, almost missing the fact that he floated up just a bit before. "There are some people don't seem to belong to the town and a few people are extremely scared, Any idea how to enter without attracting attention?" After that Amaya started speaking about a plan of action.

"We should probably get closer and stake out who the enemies are before we create any plan of attack, no? It'd be bad to march in outmatched. Also, if it's a mining town, theres probably two main exit slash entrances to the town. One towards the mine and one the opposite. I'd say a distraction by one entrance could open the way for a recovery team or, we could even split into two teams, one to get the stone, one for the villagers." With what he understood, a town was held hostage, there was a mine with special rocks, and bad guys behind it all. The plan, from the looks of it as well, was one team to go to town and the other to go to the mine. A mine meant caves, and caves meant dark. Connecting those dots in his head, he suddenly gives a snap of his fingers at an idea of where he can go. "If one group goes to the mine, I'll be part of it!" He tells them with a grin as he lifts his hand to point at his eyes and his nose. "I can see perfectly in the dark and have a great sense of smell. I can easily find my way though there."

It was then that he smelt something, a scent that felt a bit odd. Sniffing the air as he suddenly looked in a direction, his expression got a bit serious for a moment. " almost smelled like there were others nearby..." But because he didn't recognize the scent, he just took it as a normal scent in the area and turned back to the others. "Anyway, you can't count on my for the "Mine Squad"." He grins, feeling himself to be useful to the group.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issabella Esther Carrington Character Portrait: Sikes Keller Character Portrait: Sidney Allen Character Portrait: Browen Northwind Character Portrait: Amaya Tanaka
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(Village of Umi)

October 16th


The teleportation had been a bit rougher than she anticipated. The shopkeeper next door had the magic capacity and skill of an A ranked mage, however, it was possibly because she had never teleported more than herself that it ended up harsher this time. She had teleported them into a forest like area, which she knew to be next to the town, thanks to her ability to see memories of those whose magic she had copied. Had she chosen to go into town directly, they had the possibility of landing in the middle of the commotion. Copy magic only lasted so long, five minutes to be exact. She always looked at it as a positive and a negative at the same time. She didn't like staying away from her own magic for too long, but sometimes she wished she could stay in the mindset of those which she copied, having the knowledge they had.

When she looked around her, she noticed Sidney. Sidney was staring off into space, observing and studying the scenery. He looked so dangerously innocent with chalked smeared all over his face, innocent. And he wasn't focusing, unlike Browen who had taken to the air using wind magic. She hoped he wouldn't do this throughout the mission. This was just how Sidney was, but this wasn't the time or place. "Sidney, I need you to focus, please." she said softly. From behind she could hear Amaya complaining about the transport, and explaining to Sikes what had just happened. She picked up easily on the copy magic, Amaya had such potential. "Yes, copy magic, It allows me to copy people's magic and appearance, I am also able to see any knowledge and memories they have within that time period." she made sure to say this to them through telepathy. That was an ability she tried so desperately to hide.

"There are some people who don't seem to belong to the town and a few people are extremely scared, Any idea how to enter without attracting attention?" Browen said as he returned to the ground. It was a bit of a predicament, they more or less could not get to the area they had to be without getting noticed by a number of people, if not everyone on the way. Shadow magic would be used to hide oneself, but she doubted it could be very convincing with so many people. She saw Amaya glance up at her, figuring that was her way of waiting for some kind of direction, without actually having asked for it. "We should probably get closer and stake out who the enemies are before we create any plan of attack, no? It'd be bad to march in outmatched," She glanced back at her again, Izzy was not used to this kind of situation, but she had people relying on her and people that she needed to protect, and people to rescue. She would have to manage.
"Also, if it's a mining town, there's probably two main exit slash entrances to the town. One towards the mine and one the opposite. I'd say a distraction by one entrance could open the way for a recovery team." She paused. "Or, we could even split into two teams, one to get the stone, one for the villagers."

Split into two teams. It was the logical thing to do. Logical...but she didn't want to. She glanced over to Sidney, even with anyone on this team paired with him, had they run into any of the Seven Virtues she doubted he would come back unscathed. You would think that there were two entrances or exits, however, that is not the case. It is also probably why so few escaped in the first place. Our priority is not to retrieve the stone at this moment, while we can split into two teams we do not know what we are up against, it may not be too wise until we are sure." She made sure only to speak with telepathy, one never knew of there was someone around who could overhear your conversation. Izzy had to stop treating the people around her like they could not take care of themselves, or they would never get anywhere. They mission did not state how many of the Seven Virtues were here, but she had to assume there were several.

Izzy caught sight of Amaya, who seemed to respond to the same thing she did. She heard not only movement but voices, none of them familiar. They were close, but seemed to be getting more and more distant. Because she could hear them, she had to assume they had in turn been seen, especially since Browen took to the air - which was an extremely rookie move on his part. At least, when you were trying to do anything stealthy in manner. The element of surprise had been lost, splitting into two teams at this moment was out of the question, at least until they cleared some sort of path to the mine. Browen said he saw individuals which did not seem to fit in with the rest, the Seven Virtues perhaps? "We can't stake anyone out now, we have to assume we have been seen, perhaps heard." Izzy caught a whiff of a very floral scent, it was very faint, though different from the delicate fragrance the surrounding plant life had been giving.

As if her armor had heard her thoughts, she was requiped into her Ethereal Armor. It was an armor that provided no defense, but gave the gift of flight, speed, and depth of field. Her armor sent of hundreds of pixelated squares, which disappeared into the air. The edge of her armor itself looked pixelated. Her armor was unique to other armors requip wizards had, it worked on its own accord but was also synchronized with her thoughts. She took several steps forward and positioned herself to see between the gap in the trees. She could now see the town laid out in front of her, but there was one problem, she didn't see anyone. She did catch sight of several individuals, whom Browen must have spoken of, and several towns people which coward in against the walls of buildings, and at the feet of said individuals. But that floral scent was now gone, therefor so was the person it belonged to. Gone from sight, at least. In the distance, she saw a what appeared to be the mine, the mine would be their ultimate destination after securing the towns people. She guessed that the floral scent had disappeared into the mine. They were more or less closer to the jewel, she wondered if any of the towns people were inside. If any miners had been held hostage there. Any commotion from fighting the people outside, would attract those within the mine - should they want to show themselves.

"Whoever it is is going straight for the Aozora. I cannot be certain they are alone, I was unable to see them. We have to make the assumption there are more. In the distance was a male, blonde hair, she had to guess some age in his twenties. He was in the middle of the few villagers which were out in the open, or cowaring by any nearby building. While she didn't catch his words, he appeared to be threatening anyone and everyone that moved. A few people. appeared injured, the picture she painted in her head was that some people were brave enough to try and attack him head on and he had bested them. "If one group goes to the mine, I'll be part of it!" Sikes shouted as he lifted his hand to pointed at his eyes and his nose. "I can see perfectly in the dark and have a great sense of smell. I can easily find my way though there." Surely he would be the one to rely on within the dark, she was unsure about Amaya in that aspect, thought their magic was somewhat similar - at least the magic she knew of.

Izzy hadn't taken her eyes off of the male, and it seemed they were spotted from the enthusiastic shouting of her teammate. "Anyway, you can't count on my for the "Mine Squad"." he continued. So much, there was so much that they had done wrong already. However, being spotted was among one of the worst things that could have happened, inevitably, they might have to split up. However, it would be more in their favor to do so after the blonde wizard was defeated, leaving him to anyone within this team was not in her agenda. "Just ahead is one of the Seven Virtues, I think perhaps they also split up, one is keeping the villagers here while another - or more, are in the mine." Izzys armor then changed to her stealth armor, as more pixels flew wildly from the original swap between armors. The male looked in her direction, catching sight of all of them, he hurled a fireball their way. "Look out!" Acting fast, she grabbed Sidney and his spacey self, and dodged the fire. As she did so her armor changed to burning stars armor as if anticipating to be hit. When she let go of him, it seemed the others had avoided the attack as well. "We don't have time to plan anything anymore." she thought to them, as she looked over the area of ash which they currently stood, the rest of it set aflame.

She tried to think out the best pairings, but there was no denying the fact almost everyone here was outranked. It was true that that didn't always have to do with magical power - but where to put Sidney. If he was with her, she could defend him, perhaps. With the team outside the mine, he could be of help and rescue the others assuming his team held their own. Assuming. She didn't like assuming. Amaya and Sikes were useless on the same team so they would need to be split up, Browen was capable of both offensive and defensive support magic. If they all stayed together, the Aozora could dissapear and those in the mine could lose their lives. "Amaya, your team needs to stay out here and rescue the villagers, if anything buy us time until we get back with that wizard out there." It hurt her to say those words, to leave them, she took one last painful look at Sidney. "I will keep the telepathy link open, we may all speak amongst each other. Alright Sikes, lets go." Large black wings appeared on Issabella, "Sikes, we're headed into the mine, I'll maneuver us around and when we get in there you're my eyes, ready or not, here we go."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ravenna Character Portrait: Issabella Esther Carrington Character Portrait: Sikes Keller Character Portrait: Sidney Allen Character Portrait: Murmur Burns Character Portrait: Browen Northwind
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Murmur Burns
(Village of Umi)

It was all going well, they had made it to Umi without attracting the wrong type of people to them. The villagers already trusted them, under the wrong impression that they were the protagonists in this setting, and Ravenna was working hard to make sure her plan had moved smoothy, using her magic to make the invisible. When she shoved her wrist into his mouth he had licked her wound, if only to see her squirm a bit. Doing so was starting to turn into a routine, and it was not necessarily a wise one. Her blood tasted odd, more like sweet food than what carried oxygen throughout the body. More important than that was the strength it would bring him, and he was truly a greedy person at heart.

Without her body distracting him he was left to study their competition; Amaranth. There was The Reaper, or Issabella Carrington. Such a person was both exciting and concerning. She was strong, but troublesome, smart, and he hoped she wouldn't catch onto who they were so quickly, if at all. If it came to the worst of it they would have to wipe Amaranth away too. Then there was the Wraith, Amaya Tanaka, who's dark based magic shouldn't be a match for Zangreus. There was Browen Northwind, who didn't threaten Murmur in the slightest, though he wouldn't overlook his presence and abilities, and there was also a person he didn't recognize. A black haired boy who must of been new to Amaranth, as he had at least a little information on all their members.

But out of all these mages, his eyes focused on one. A brown haired kid who had a paper thin body, Sidney Allen, none other than his loyal informant. Murmur's eyes narrowed, the action going unnoticed by him. What was he doing here? The boy's magic was too weak, nothing special, and his mental and physical state wasn't anything to boast about either. He would be in danger here, there was no doubt about it, and he really didn't like what was his to be damaged, or permanently broken.

From there their situation started to become less than ideal to him. Murmur looked between the members of their team. Kiev obviously wasn't at his prime, there was something wrong. Was he sick? He didn't doubt that he couldn't hold up his own during the mission, but one did not underestimate the power of infection. There was a reason why pestilence was a sign of the apocalypse, it could take down even the strongest of men, and though Kiev was more than exceptional - he wasn't one of them.

He wasn't worried for Kiev himself though, but his ability, and what burden he would turn into if his illness did more than persist. He had grown fond of the man, though he had long ago stopped looking at people with what could be considered true companionship. If anything, people were tools, and too often they were less than that. But Murmur was happy to play the role of a concerned friend, and laid a hand on the other man's shoulder momentarily. The action that could be considered comforting or worried didn't last long, as his hand soon returned to his side.

Murmur always looked after his team, he never wished them to be hurt, but keeping an eye out for all of them would prove to be difficult. Though in this case Kiev was more or less impaired, and they were under Ravenna's strict orders to protect Melinoe, though he personally had a little more faith in her than that. There was also Zangreus, who he didn't have much work experience with, and not knowing exactly what to expect out of him was unsettling. Along with this there was Ravenna, who didn't need taking care of, yet he would look over her regardless as she was such a rash human being. Then there was Sidney, his connection to Amaranth - who gave surprisingly good reports, especially when Murmur convinced him to sneak around and read important documents. He couldn't let his little pet get hurt, but if he acted recklessly that connection would be severed. If that was the case, he'd have to end the young Allen's life himself, which he didn't necessarily want to do.

'Come,' This wasn't out of his ability range though, he could handle it, and Murmur wordlessly followed their leader towards the mines. Thanks to her spell they weren't seen by anyone else, but they could see just fine. His eyes landed on a girl, lounging on a large boulder at the entrance of the mine. She didn't look very old, maybe sixteen at the oldest, if her looks were deceiving. There were people walking in and out of the mine, and only a few looked at her, the rest focusing their fearful gazes to the ground.

So this was one of the feared members of Seven Virtues, just a child. He knew they had a specific rank, going from strongest to weakest, and automatically assumed that she was near the bottom, if not the weakest of the seven. There was a long, dark sword in her hand, and he could sense there was something off about it. The people who dared look at her moved their line of vision to her, towards the sword, as if it had personally offended them. Murmur glanced over to Ravenna, then to the mine. They certainly couldn't slip in without being noticed, even when invisible, as someone could easily run into them and break the illusion. That would leave them with the underhand. No, he looked back over to the girl, if they used the element of surprise getting rid of her should be easy enough.

(Village of Umi - Mines)

She was small, short, but anyone believing her to be weak would meet an unfortunate end. The girl brushed her short blonde hair back, a trait shared amongst her master, and most of her siblings. Only the odd ones deviated from the patter. Honestly, the twins presence upset her, there was just something about them that made them different from the rest of them. Industria leaned back, but she wasn't around them right now, they were busy on another mission, something to do with a dark guild that had yet paid their debt to them. She didn't envy them, they had to do all that fighting and work, and while she didn't mind combat she also wasn't fond of it. Around her were the poorer people of Fiore, miners, who were currently under her and her brothers control, lest they disobey and meet the consequences. This was much more preferred, she barely had to lift a finger to get them to work.

A feeling tugged at her chest, it told her of danger, Temperance was fighting an enemy right now. The girl did nothing but roll her eyes and sit back up on her boulder. "How annoying." She yawned, stretching. He could handle killing them off himself, he didn't need her help. If he did then she'd ask master personally to kill him off for being weak, pathetic scum; though she knew he would just bring him back after he died. That was even more bothersome, she wished her loud mouthed younger brother would just stay quiet. Maybe she would cut off his tongue again after he was done slaughtering the opponent. Better yet, she would tear apart his vocal cords this time, and replace them with metal shards so they could never heal.

Industria stood from her seat, tightening the grip on her sword as she did so. If there were nosy people fighting Temperance, then she had to assume that they weren't the only ones worming around. If she was attacked, she had to be ready. The girl glanced to her sword, which held the abilities of fire, lightening, ice and wind at her disposal. The blade was also changeable, being able to be made shorter, or longer, curved, spiked, anything. Electrocuting people was the easiest, it was her biased way for attacking, but she could be flexible. Anything to get rid of the opponent fast and quickly, she wasn't second to the twins power and strength for nothing. If they weren't such a unit, she was sure that she'd even be regarded as the deadliest member of Seven Virtues.

Sidney Allen
(Village of Umi)

"Sidney, I need you to focus, please." The words snapped him back to reality. A town being held hostage, and a dark guild trying to obtain a weapon that would give them great power. Right, he couldn't afford to space out anymore. Sidney forced his finger nails to dig into his palms, not hard enough to puncture the skin, but the pain helped him focus. It was more of a habit than anything, he had done the same thing when listening to the tutors his parents had hired. Only back then it was just his education that would suffer, this had not only the lives of the villagers at stake, but the lives of his team mates, and his own life being threatened as well.

The people around him began discussing a battle plan; what would be the best course of action? It was clear that they needed the villagers to evacuate, get them out of here safety, because once a fight burst out then there was no guarantee that bystanders wouldn't be hurt in the crossfire. The thought of someone getting hurt if they weren't successful settled into his stomach, making him feel sick. On the other hand they couldn't let Seven Virtues get Aozora either, because once they had it the chance of defeating them plummeted. It was one thing to fight against a small number of high ranked mages, but with their abilities along with the one from a legend, it may as well be nearly if not completely impossible to defeat them. Either way, Sidney kept quiet, assuming it would be better to let those more experienced handle this.

"Our priority is not to retrieve the stone at this moment, while we can split into two teams we do not know what we are up against, it may not be too wise until we are sure." Izzy's voice echoed in his head, the word burning into his mind. Telepathy was still an odd thing, it worried him that she could dig into his mind, and such concerns mirrored on his face. It was the sensible thing for her to do, and Sidney was almost positive that she wouldn't do such a thing even if she could, so he bit down on the inside of his cheek to keep his mind at what was happening around him - not on his own insecurities.

He watched as their leader changed her armor, his mind automatically counting the pixelated squares that surrounded her. She was looking past the trees, and Sidney gripped onto the straps of his backpack, trying to prepare himself for any form of action. If anything, he could possibly distract an enemy, or use his magic to lead away villagers and use himself as a distraction. Though, nothing he made could stay animated at a large distance, he'd have to keep that in mind. Perhaps if he had the chance, he could even use Joffrey the red and gold lion to retrieve the Aozora, if it was ever left unattended that is.

As he was pondering, foolishly letting his attention be divided, a bring ball of flames flew towards them. For a moment Sidney had thought his feet to be sewn to the floor, yet someone had grasped him, yanked him away before the fireball could do any harm to him. "We don't have time to plan anything anymore." The words seemed far away, his heart was pounding and blood roared in his ears. He clutched onto the the skirt of Izzy's armor, it being the closet thing to him, and his knuckled turned white. Breath. Inhale, exhale; he couched himself mentally, the worst thing he could do is fall apart so quickly.

The boy was able to get himself together rather quickly, the attack had been a surprise, but it wasn't the worst that could happen. The adrenaline moving through his body would help him stay alert, especially when it increased later. "Amaya, your team needs to stay out here and rescue the villagers, if anything buy us time until we get back with that wizard out there." Izzy was looking at him again, her expression and body language was painful, as if she wasn't confident in her decision, always worrying. His eyebrows furrowed, his hands let go of her skirt, all that worrying was starting to rub off on him.

Brilliant black wings sprouted from her back, he took a few paces away from her as she spoke more orders. They would be fine as long as they listened to her, right? It was hard to think otherwise, in his eyes she was nearly idolized. She was leaving now, both her and Sikes, to the mine, even though she didn't know who or what waited there. The situation was complicated, but he could describe it in one simple word - scary. "Be safe." Sidney finally spoke, despite the words not being in anyway useful. To him it was admitting that he was worried as well, and that he wanted to see them again in one piece.

In the background there was approaching footsteps, moving closer and closer to where they stood. The figure had decided that they would check out the disturbed area, where pesky insects were loitering around. Besides, the villagers would not dare try to escape, or run away, by now they were too afraid to. Fire was sparking from his fingertips, he would let himself have a little fun with this, as there was nothing more exciting than seeing the life being burned from another person's eyes.

Though such sounds were not heard by Sidney, too focused on the splitting of the two teams. He could feel his magic, ready to be pulled or tugged at any moment, every bit of it under his skin. Its full potential was yet to be obtained, but he was prepared to move, and do what he could to help the others. His teeth stopped biting down on his cheek, leaving a slight taste of copper in his mouth. He would do all he could to help, even if it put his own well being at risk. After all, it was better him than anyone else.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issabella Esther Carrington Character Portrait: Sikes Keller
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Having avoided the incoming fire attack, Sikes had given off a smirk at the flames he just avoided. Fixed on nothing but the fact an enemy has finally shown up. "Finally a fight!" He thought to himself as was ready to lung in the direction the attack came from.

But he couldn't feel his feet touching the ground as a surprised look formed on his face when he realized that he was now hovering in the air and heading in the opposite direction. Looking up, he saw Izzy with black wings, carrying him off. "H-hey! What are you doing?! The fight is that way!" He complaints to her as moves around.

"I will keep the telepathy link open, we may all speak amongst each other. Alright Sikes, lets go." Large black wings appeared on Issabella, "Sikes, we're headed into the mine, I'll maneuver us around and when we get in there you're my eyes, ready or not, here we go."

Hearing her orders, he defiantly stops moving around and just crosses his arms with an annoyed look on his face, like a little kid that just got scolded. "Fine..but there better be some fighting there at least."

As they made their way closer to the mines, Sikes still in his grouchy pose while being carried by Izzy, he suddenly picked up a scent from where the mines were closing in. "Yes!" Was all he said as slipped out of his coat, making Izzy hold onto it instead of him as he let's himself fall down among the trees. "Hold onto that for me!" He tells Izzy with a grin, showing his excitement, as gripped against a close by tree he was falling next to and used it as a platform as he stuck his hand into his own shadow that shown across the trunk. Kicking himself off of it, he pulls his arm out of the shadow, now with the Shadow Molding on it in the "Demon Fist", using it's weight to pull himself farther ahead as he kicks off the tree and into the nearby clearing of the mine entrance.

Once in sight, the wild Sikes gives off a grin as he's rocketed toward the young girl with the sword sitting at the mine's entrance. The large thick fist of his aimed to impact over where she was at. If it were to miss, it would surely give the boulder she was sitting on a few cracks.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ravenna Character Portrait: Issabella Esther Carrington Character Portrait: Sikes Keller Character Portrait: Sidney Allen Character Portrait: Murmur Burns Character Portrait: Browen Northwind
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Sidney Allen
(Village of Umi)

Could a carrot ever become sharp enough to really be used as a blade? Sidney titled his head to the side, there was no way that could be true. The news of another mage guild being here with them was a good one though, right? If they were here to help Umi as well, then their mission would surely be a success. That was two forces joined against one, and a small portion of the nervous fear inside of him was lifted. As long as this 'Carrot Blade' would cooperate with them so they could work together, everything would be fine.

The village had been in worse shape than he imagined, there were many buildings that had been reduced to ash, and others still burning. It was clear that the people were twice as afraid as he was, and their bodies looked frail, clothes tattered and dirty. A pang of sympathy rang through him. He didn't understand how people could do this to others; violence was such a terrible thing. Sidney forced himself to look away, keeping his eyes focused on the back of Amaya's head and her brilliant red hair. This was making him nauseous, the suffering of the innocent surrounded him like a thick smog, and he had to bite the inside of his cheek to will it away. Keep alert and focused, that's what he had to do right now. Do not let the feelings of others cloud your judgement.

There was more fire, his body turned around to see it burn against Amaya's shadows. He gulped, looking towards the man wearing such an exuberant expression. A man that had the flames of a dragon, could they truly stand against it? Someone that was so ruthless, not batting an eye as he put the lives of even children in danger - it was like he had came straight out of a twisted fairytale. His heart sank as fire rain down across from them, watching in horror as it attacked houses that held people, living people inside of them. Sidney could feel himself go pale, there was no way they had the time to get everyone to safety. Their lives were not only in danger, but they were in their hands.

A rustle came from his bag, and an animal crawled out from the bottom and plopped down beside him. The boy looked down to the animal - an extremely fluffy white cat with gray splotches. "Stamps." He practically hissed at the animal, scolding him. When did that happen? He certainly didn't put Stamps in his bag while he was packing, but the animal was awfully insistent in being around him at all times. It wasn't impossible for Stamps to have climbed in while he wasn't looking. Despite how large he looked, the cat was quite light, and a heavy sleeper.

The animal sent him a look, a twinkle in his eyes, as if he knew something. Sidney blinked, yeah, what did a cat know anyways? Don't be stupid, it wasn't as if...He watched as the animal ran off to the left, pausing to look back at the group. Or more specifically, him. That was pretty odd, wasn't it? Honestly, Sidney couldn't tell, he wasn't good at figuring out what was normal and wasn't. For all he knew this was a perfectly normal cat thing, and not a weird cat thing where the animal actually knew what was going on and what to do about it.

He really didn't like his mouth tasting like blood, he forced his teeth to stop digging into his cheek. Why was making decisions so hard? Sidney glanced over to his teammates, and then at the man who was throwing fire towards them. Well, it was now or never. "I think there could be, possibly..uh.." He struggled with his words and made a noise from frustration. This was not going well. "I'll be back before you can recite the national anthem, backwards." Actually, Sidney wasn't sure if Fiore had one of those.

With one last moment of hesitation, he ran off as well, moving behind Amaya's shadows and towards Stamps, who was on the move once more. There was the guilt of ditching his teammates, but he didn't say they couldn't follow him. He followed the cat behind a few building, watching as people scrambled out from the burning ones in panic. A feeling of dread spread throughout his body. "You better have a good idea, Stamps..." The cat didn't make any action to tell him that he had understood what was said, and instead turned a corner, and lead Sidney down to an old fashioned water pump, right between the burning wall of buildings and the side that was yet to be effected.

The cat turned around and sat down next to the contraption, and at that moment Sidney felt like screaming, which was something he didn't feel very often. What was he supposed to do with this? Don't tell me that the cat was only thirsty! Stamps waved his tail in the air, wearing an almost smug expression, before looking down at a leak at the base of the machine. Within a few more moments everything seemed to click in place. So that's it. Smart cat, stupid human.

He knelled down next to the leak, looking inside of it. He couldn't see much, but it was easy for him to see the minor details where machinery was out of place and jammed. Sidney stood up and leaned against the handle, no water came out, and the gears were turning in his head, no matter how wonky and colorful those gears may be. "You're a comet, Stamps." Of course, the correct phrase was 'You're a star', but the cat didn't seem to mind. Sidney retrieved a small metal alligator figure from his backpack, quickly adding some magic to it, giving it a face and a moveable mouth that was at least sharp enough to do some damage.

The alligator was soon set on the floor, and it crawled into the leak. Stamps stood and started walking away, but Sidney stayed put, focusing on remembering what he had seen, and controlling the figure's movements. It was hard to stay focused in these conditions, especially since he could see the enemy from where he was standing, but he persevered. A harsh noise rang through his ears, and soon hissing filled the air. His eyebrows furrowed and he took a few steps back, watching the water pump with caution. Had it failed?

Just when he thought that, the metal tore away from water pressure, and the liquid shot in the air. Sidney shrieked, watching in shock as water flew up into the air. Five feet, ten, fifteen feet! That was a lot of water, and what comes up must come down. It cascaded downwards, filling a radius of about ten feet, taking care of the flames closest to him. But the area soon started to flood, and his shoes starting sinking into the mud as water pooled around him. Drops of water soaked into his clothes, and even Stamps had gotten wet. So the cat was a genius after all. Not only could the flooding extinguish some flames, but it would prevent the fire from spreading - at least to an extent.

However, Sidney looked over to the buildings that were still consumed in fire, it wouldn't completely solve the problem. Stamps was walking again, this time towards the fire and the sounds of panicked people. He pulled onto his scarf, nervous, this was almost too much and now the cat wanted to go even further away from Amaya and Browen? It was too dangerous, right? If that man showed up, he'd be toast, literally! Stamps paused and sent him another look, and the thought of innocent people dying filled his head again, making it pound. He couldn't just stand around either, and there wasn't time to go back. Sidney forced his legs to move, until he was running towards the chaos. This really wasn't a good day for him at all.

(Village of Umi - Outside the Mines)

"How loud." Industria was looking towards a tree, which had met an unfortunate fate of being attacked by a young man who was making quite a ruckus. He was making too much noise, had he really intended to fight her like that? So headstrong and direct - it reminded her too much of her younger siblings. Both Chasity and Temperance found thrill in theatrics, always trying to stir something out and gather the attention of the whole world. The short haired girl clutched onto her sword, holding it in front of her in a battle ready position, but the rest of her body stayed relaxed.

The thing about her younger siblings though, they could never defeat her. If they were to attack like the ocean she would be the mountain, if they moved like shadows she would become the light. No matter what way people approached her she was able to become their perfect opposite, using their weaknesses to rip them to shreds. People have seen her as weak because she never attacks first, those were the ones that were actually fun to kill. All the others just blended in, an endless path of faceless bodies that rested in her mind.

He was rushing towards her, his hand a large, dark fist. Yet she stood without blinking, sword raised to the ready. The best way to fight an opponent was to let them attack first, study their magic, techniques, and to counter that so they could never leave a scratch on her. "Ανάπτυξη." The sword twisted at her command, the heat-treated steel moving away from it's center, spreading out in the air. The metal moved outwards like a shield, protecting her from the oncoming attack. The material would be too strong, not only by natural means, but from enchantments as well.

Her eyes peeked out from a hole in the steel shield, her grip on the sword's hand steady, holding it all in place against the boy's strength. Her feet had moved backwards on the impact, though only moving back by a few centimeters; she had to admit, it was impressive. Perhaps she would have a lot more fun fighting, and killing this enemy than she had first assumed. Industria's face didn't show a hint of emotion, contrasting greatly with his excited one. "σπίθα." Her mouth spoke another command, and the weapon responded - sending a thousand electric sparks from it's metal towards the boy and the appendage that dare touch it.

Murmur Burns
(Village of Umi - Mines)

They wouldn't be the ones to make the first move after all. Nor would they have to worry about Amaranth's current location, at least two of them were already here - no even aware that a group of villains stood in their midst. Issabella and the boy he didn't recognize had made quite a grand appearance. The lady was wearing a pair of dramatic wings, and the boy hadn't hesitated in squirming away from her hold and falling down to the tree below. Well, the boy wouldn't be so much of a mystery to him now. Murmur watched as shadows pulled around him, forming a large first, before he sent himself flying towards the Seven Virtues mage. Not an approach he would vouch for, being the strategist he was, but you had to get the job done somehow.

Inwardly he felt a form of glee, satisfaction from the latest turn in events. Not only could he catalog the girl's techniques, but he could learn more about this mystery boy as well. His eyes were moving between them, studying their movements, their offenses, defenses. The girl was relaxed, almost too much so, she held the sword with her arms, her legs steady against the boulder, but the rest of her seemed...bored. Even her eyes looked heavy, as if they would fall and bring her into a slumber any moment now.

The next actions were imminently burned into his memory, stored away for later use. From this distance Murmur couldn't understand what she was saying, but her sword quickly formed a barrier around her. The metal spread and stretched, making sure that the attack would leave her uninjured. He watched as her eyes opened back up, and he could tell she was suddenly interested - though he couldn't tell why. The young mage did seem to have an interesting type of magic, something beyond simple dark magic, but perhaps that was the paranoia talking.

Well, this was their chance, they might as well take it while their opponents are distracted. "Let's go retrieve the Aozora." It was the most sensible action to take. The Seven Virtues mage, or mages, would be focused on fighting Amaranth. He had never been so happy to see a light guild before, they had just made their mission so much easier. They could have used the fighting to improve themselves, but if he's patience a conflict will arise - there was no reason to throw themselves into battle at the moment.

He sent his team a glance, expecting them to follow. They still didn't know if this was the only Seven Virtues mage around, or what lurked in the mines either. He could always go it alone, but it was best to have his team at his side. They didn't know what kind of firepower they would need to retrieve the Aozora, and the more eyes and ears they had the better. Ravenna and Zangreus on the other hand, he didn't particularly care what they did at this point - so long as they didn't act recklessly. He didn't think they would though, they were too smart and experienced to make rookie mistakes.

Slipping into the mine had been an easy task, both thanks to the distraction outside and the invisibility enchantment. That had worn off by now, leaving them visible to the few men that lingered in the dark. There were lights overhead, floating in the air and guiding the way. The people looked at them with fear and apprehension, not sure if they were friends or foes, and ultimately didn't speak a word. Seven Virtues truly was a brutal guild, they had no mercy for others, no matter how young, old, or sick. Murmur guessed that to them that anyone was fair game, anyone that was breathing was a potential target.

"Look what we have here." Oh. He recognized that voice, though he didn't expect to hear it again so soon. A woman appeared in front of them, wearing the same armor that allowed her to disappear, just like last time. Her claws however, were different, being shorter and bulkier this time. He wondered what their ability was. Last time she had used poison, perhaps she had a pattern of using weapons that would effect the human body by similar means? In a flash her armor changed as well, being mostly black cloth. He rather disliked requip magic, it always left him in the dark about their abilities.

Murmur didn't want to honor her with a greeting, she had been too much trouble last time, he wasn't going to let her get away a second time. He summoned a card to his hand, flipping it over to reveal The King of Pentacles - granting him the ability to use both strong fire and earth magic. A smirk crossed his face, he was a lot more luckier this time. Unsurprisingly, since it was a lucky day for Capricorns. His lucky item made sure to double that luck too, all he had to do was bring along a package of salt, which was stored in his pocket. This would be over in no time at all.

With a flicker of movement the pieces of earth beside Chasity hurled upwards, their surface hot and ends pointed, but when they made contact with her body the material just passed through her. His eyebrows shot up, oh he really hated requip magic. The image in front of them that was 'Chasity' vanished into smoke, and her manic giggles echoed around them. "Illusions in an unfamiliar mine, not bad.." It really was a clever choice, who was to say that where they were standing actually looked like this? He glanced behind them, a wall suddenly blocking what was once a path leading to the entrance. He chuckled, there was no sure way to tell what was real or not now. "Be careful," He warned, taking a few steps forward. "She likes to appear out of no where." Just like an animal, and it was really starting to bother him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issabella Esther Carrington Character Portrait: Sikes Keller
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(Village of Umi: Front of the Mines)

October 16th


He fell. After Izzy had taken off, maneuvering her way through several trees, and then quickly above them once they had passed the dragon slayer of fire. But as soon as they got near the mine, Sikes started squirming this way and that, making him hard to hold onto. He had already fought her the moment she grabbed him, though was momentarily quite defeated, pouting like that of a child. She had told him to stop over and over, but the boy was stubborn. And so he plummeted into a tree below. Of course, not without leaving his coat with her, demanding her to hold it. Izzy was not his coat hanger. She was glad to see he was fine however - too fine. As soon as the boy stood up, he darted forward with a shadow attack. As she landed, her eyes immediately caught sight of what he was running to. It was all wrong, everything was all wrong. She would never, go anywhere with Sikes again. Instant hatred grew within her, but it was replaced with concern. The person, who appeared quite young, stood there - unwavering. Izzy knew all too well how deceiving appearances were. And a lesser wizard would more likely, jump into action just like Sikes had. No, she must be one of the Seven Virtues. There was something about that girl that worried her, that amount of confidence, it was almost cocky.

She also saw people passing the girl, people she didn't recognize, but she could feel their magical power. Just as she could the girls. S ranked wizards maybe a few lower ones. There were some differences in power within the second group. She overheard one of them speak about getting the Aozora, before disappearing into the darkness. Izzy ran towards Sikes and into the caves, the girl had made no movement until now, and that was never a good thing. The one who attacked first, never had the upper hand. That was unless, attacking by surprise, attacking an opponent of lower rank, or someone whose magic and patterns you know enough - still. As a massive amount of lightning shot at Sikes, she jumped in front of him, her armor changing to hurricane armor the pixels burst out and flew every which direction in the mine, lighting it up for several seconds. Quickly, almost as if by natural reflex, she blocked the attack with her shield and flung it to the side, causing a wall of the mine to crumble and sparks to fly about. The young girl had an enormous amount of power, which she was able to feel from the amount of force in the attack alone. Additionally, as she gained the girl's lightning ability, she could feel it's potential for damage. Sikes was worthless to her now, he was worthless if this was what he would continue to do. "I don't intend on letting anyone die today, so stop trying to kill yourself." she said through the telepathy line. Izzy stood defensively in front of the boy, there was something else she wanted to add. Wanted to.

Her attention focused on the girl in front of her, her magical energy, rivaled her own - no. Her magical energy was stronger. It wasn't impossible to defeat someone stronger than oneself, but it wasn't a simple task. How they would get the Aozora with more people after it was beyond her at the moment. The girl in front of her held a sword, one which seemed to mold itself into a protective shield. Wizards with magical weapons were rare, as were requip wizards, but this wasn't requip magic. Nonetheless. When fighting another individual which wielded weapons she often turned to her Armor of the Dark Princess. Her armor immediately changed as soon as she pondered the thoughts. As the shield and sword vanished into mere pixels, a large black crystal ring appeared in her right hand. Such a weapon often baffled her opponents, it looked ridiculous and hard to use. This was true, in the beginning. She was almost sure Sikes would come rushing in at any moment, this would complicate the battle in itself. "You need to need to understand what we're up against. Her magical power is greater than any S ranked wizard." Izzy dashed at her opponent, whom was still shielding herself with some kind of enchanted sword. As she grew closer, she swung her arm backwards, only to flip over the girl and attempt to attack her from behind. It was important to Izzy, to test her reaction time and overall defense.

And then she saw it, as if it was in slow motion, right before her eyes. The girl's sword broke into two; one large blade and one dagger. Her left arm held the sword, which Izzy watch bend backwards and contort in the most grotesque manner that she wasn't aware the human body was capable of doing. As it did so, the girl's arm managed to pop out of its socket, yet still blocked her oncoming attack, her ring's metal clashing into hers. As Izzy landed steadily on her feet, she now blocked incoming attacks from the girl, her right arm held her hurricane shield, while her Dark Princess armor was still intact. It didn't surprise her, that the girl's wounded arm, started to heal itself. That it had literally popped itself back into place, only to quickly swing into action as the girl turned around walking towards her. But it seemed that the girl did not intend to cut her with her blade. Izzy quickly dodged the many wind gusts which came her direction, reflecting several to the side. However, the girl was faster, stronger, and overall - no Izzy did not accept this. Izzy noticed a strand of her hair had been caught in the fire, and drifted slowly to the floor. How ironic it was, such a match up on different circumstances, might have been fascinating. Different circumstances.

It wasn't unlike many other battles, and yet it was so different. Behind the stone expression, so controlled, were racing thoughts. They bounced from the front to the back of her mind, the same subject kept repeating itself over and over. Sidney. Sidney. What about Sidney? History could not repeat itself, but this haunted feeling taunted her, telling her that it would. She stared through the creature, only one obstacle in this mess which had been created. Her priorities were hanging by a thread. Underneath it all, the broken expression, the composure. Izzy was a lost girl, who was scared. She had many fears, and losing someone was among them. In addition, Izzy was very selfish, there was also only so many layers to Izzy. When peeled and prodded, and pushed to far, Izzy would temporarily lose her sanity. Or so she always assumed.

Izzy changed into her Stealth armor. It wasn't for the poison, but for the speed. For the lightness of the blades, for the stamina. She ran at her enemy before doing a chain of attacks, pentagram sword, circle sword, photon slicer. Each attack was blocked. She took mental pictures of every movement. The girl always changed her stance as she attacked. They were always on opposite ends. She watched the girl's sword change into a shield, two shields, two swords. She had succeeded in doing nothing but pushing her backwards, or into a wall. As she planted her feet firmly on the floor again she pondered to herself, how to defeat someone who regenerated like she did, it even crossed her mind whether or not she was able to be killed at all. She never really went for killing a person unless she had to - but they didn't call her Reaper solely because she had a cool looking armor with scythes. Several thoughts came to mind, all of which were quite unsettling. Izzy and the girl continued to spar, this time the girl landed several attacks on Izzy, her now blade freezing over Izzy's arms until her armor changed burning them away. But likewise, Izzy several of Izzy's combinations of fire and sword attacks landed on the girl, but to no avail, the wounds quickly disappeared.

What is it like to be you sweetheart? She thought to herself. The two once again faced each other, the girl now holding two swords, one which possessed the element of ice, one which possessed lightning. Izzy watched the girl swing her swords, directing them to attack her, now surrounded by lightning and beams of ice. But it all stopped. After a large explosion which shook the mine itself, or rather, destroyed the front of it, the girl stood unscathed. Now staring at - herself. Izzy, now the mirror image of the girl, was flooded with memories, knowledge, and all of the girl's current thoughts. She as well, held double blades, one of ice and one of lightning.
