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Chayton Ciqala

"Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides know they are playing."

0 · 419 views · located in Fiore

a character in “The New Mage Guild; Draco Edge”, as played by Skylite


Kaitaychayton Ciqalakai: None, but he goes by Chayton, 25, Male, Hunter Killer, A Rank Draco Edge Member

~ Physical Info ~

Chayton is tall, with skin the color of light milk chocolate, and a strong physique, toned by his many years of hunting. He has a jagged scar across his back, and a smaller scar under his right eye. His eyes are ice blue, and his hair is stark black, running to the base of his shoulders, and just past his neck. He often wears either a large black cloak, a t-shirt and shorts, or Native-American style clothing.

It is green in color, on the back of his left hand.

~ Mentality ~

Chayton is somewhat cold, and a bit distant. he has a hard time talking to people, and a harder time being nice to them when he does.

{Likes} {Dislikes}
o Hunting People who disrespect him or his guild x
o Meat Loud and annoying people x
o Nature Dragon Slayer magic usersx
o Peace & Quiet

{Quirks} {Phobias}
% Studies each person he meets, to find the best way to kill them if needed Missing @
% Whistles a lot.
% Never buys things with Jewel, he always trades for them.

~ Ability Statistics ~

Strike Magic ~ Tracking magic ~ Re-equipment magic: The Hunter

{Signature Spell}

Howl of the Western Wind - Chayton summons several tomahawks, enchants them with a damage-enhancing aura, then throws them in a barrage at his enemies.

{Spell List}
~Cry of the Southern breeze, Roar of the Eastern Gust. Chill of the Nothern Current, Tailwind
~Track Magic, Track Scent, Track Sound
~Re-equip: Tomahawk, Knife, Bow, Arrows, Hunter's Cloak

{Non-magic Skills}
# Excellent senses
# Swimming
# Deadly aim
# Survival skills

~ Personal Background ~

Chayton was born and raised in the village of Kai. As a member of the legendary clan of hunters; the Kaitay clan, he is trained in the ways of tracking and killing his pray, and is one of the only in his tribe to practice magic. He learned when he was a child, as a traveling wizard would visit their village, and Chayton became fascinated with her, and her magic. She agreed to teach him, and he left with her to travel for a while, and practice the magical arts. She taught him Re-equipment magic, and showed him how magic could be used for hunting, developing a powerful tracking spell. After a few years of travelling with his master, he returned to his village, but soon learned that he was no longer satisfied with hunting animals for trade. After a few years of being miserable, he set out to join a Wizard Guild, and the rest as they say, is history.

So begins...

Chayton Ciqala's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Leiss Character Portrait: Anachayla Kaylorn Character Portrait: Morien Morningstar Character Portrait: Chowa Kyoku Character Portrait: Cassadin Kayleth Character Portrait: Shae Anne Ramine
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"Here in Fiore, in the small Oshibana Town, lies the Guild; Draco Edge."

Loritova; an exceedingly tall man, with muscular build and flaming red hair. His stark appearance is dwarfed by the pan around to room below, a large gathering hall where many people can be seen conversing, eating, and bickering. Loritova appears to be standing on a balcony that overlooks the massive hall below. His crimson brown eyes look down upon the people that he's so hastily recruited in the past three months. They carry the future of Draco Edge with them, the future of a Guild founded by the Magic Council itself. They were chosen, by Loritova, to become the new leaders of this aspiring guild and they will mold it's future.
The man finally speaks, only lending a voice loud enough to be heard by himself.

"Ah. Today marks the day that Draco Edge becomes three months old. It's significance is to mark the day that Draco Edge is finally recognized as an official Guild of Fiore." Loritova pauses, takes a deep breath and continues. "These children, no, these selected few will carry this guild to its downfall or its greatness... hopefully the latter, obviously." He chuckles lightly as the group down below doesn't pay any mind to Loritova's existence. "Ah, this group is something!" He chuckles again. "Charlotte and Anachayla bickering as always; Seibi and Chowa trying their best to avoid getting dragged into the silly rivalry. Kacie always being the one who cleans up the mess they make, then there's Akumu and Fumiko who sit together munching on piles of sweets. The two young girls; Elysia and Haruka, are always running around, enjoying their lives... that always brings a smile to my face." He smiles the laughs abit. "Akio is always the one who tries to woo the women, usually taking his pick of Shae Ann or Eliza, although they always reject him." Loritova ruffles his beard a little before continuing. "Ah, I can't forget our little prodigy, Sotofu! He has a tendency to stay away from the loud noise and sit alone. There's also Theo, he's one you don't want to bother too often... he's just like Dimetre... well not really, Dimetre will at least socialize with the other members." He pauses to take another breath while taking a brief walk over to the window overlooking the Training Grounds. "The ever so gentle and kind Cassadin had a tendency to take care of the various plants found around the grounds, and Morien the valiant swordsman always diligently practicing his swordsmanship." He returns to his overlook of the main hall. "Ah yes, there is Draco Edge's newest member Kuroi Lightblade, although he hasn't quite settled in quite yet, he chooses to remain inside trying to be social, which is rather good... But of course we have our elite... Mordecai and Chayton, our own duo born from Mother Nature herself. Those two are arguably our strongest members, well at least Mordecai is, since he is our Guild Ace. Those two are definitely reliable mages, ones I put some of the deepest trust into... But... There is one other, Sandra. She is my most trusted fighter, although she is usually off doing the most dangerous and complicated of missions. Given that she's our top S-Rank Mage, she tends to be the one who watches over everyone, making sure all mischief is kept to a minimum. She is my most trusted Mage and she has deemed all my respect as a fine warrior." Loritova cracks his neck, then his fists, then takes a deep breath. "But enough of this! This is a day for celebration! We are now recognized throughout the Kingdom as a Magical Guild! Now, once Mordecai and Chayton return from their errand, our feast shall begin." Loritova hunches over the railing of the balcony again, looking down at his Guild, admiring the great growth that he has witnessed in the short three months.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Leiss Character Portrait: Anachayla Kaylorn Character Portrait: Chowa Kyoku Character Portrait: Cassadin Kayleth Character Portrait: Mordecai Cezaero Character Portrait: Kacie Fienmal
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#, as written by Skylite

"Oh, you look like you need some more water little guy!" Said the man, or rather, the boy, kneeling down in front of a small sunflower outside of Draco edge's main headquarters. He lifted the green water jug up, sprinkling a generous amount of aqua on the Sunflower. He adjusted the soil around the plant, wiping his dirty hands on his white shirt as he finished, smearing it with earthy color. "There, all done." Said Cassadin, entering the main building, wearing his dirty gardening clothes. He entered, the main building, waving too and greeting his fellow guild members as he headed to his room, to put his equipment away.

He entered the room, with its calm green and soil brown walls, and opened a large blue chest, where his put his watering can, spade, and seed packets away, removed his dirty shirt, and plopped down on his bed, sighing. Today marks the two-month anniversary of the Luna incident; the day in which Cass was kidnapped by the sinister cult, and his former teammates were slaughtered in front of his eyes. Cass was no stranger to violence and death, and being a mage, you take certain risks, but he still hadn't quite recovered from the horrible disaster that was his first mission.

Today was also the three-month anniversary of the guild's conception, and a day for celebration. Mordecai and Chayton had gone out previously, to hunt game for the feast, he assumed, and would most likely be back soon, so Cass decided to put on some decent clothes and socialize with his guild-mates. As he buttoned-up his black collared shirt, he wondered was his teammates were doing. Chowa was most likely tending to the library, or sitting about in the tavern-floor, and Charlotte, as usual, was most likely bickering, or having some sort of silly contest with her mortal rival, Anachayla.

He stepped out of his room, heading to the main floor, to see what was happening in Draco Edge.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mordecai Cezaero Character Portrait: Loritova Character Portrait: Chayton Ciqala
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Mordecai Cezaero

The air was stiff, the scent of blood lingered. A large burlap sack swayed with the morning breeze, the sack soaking in the red hue of blood. Although the stench grow stronger and the gusts blew against him, Mordecai continued his hike. He had to rendezvous with Chayton so they could finish their hunt and return to Loritova with their spoils. Chayton, the east forest was rather large, full of numerous creatures. Where was Chayton, although he could easily handle himself he still wanted to ensure his ally's safety. So, again, was exactly was Chayton. Anyways, he had another hour or so before they agreed on their rendezvous.

Finally, Mordecai had caught traces of a wild wooly boar. "Ahah! Found ya' rascal!" Mordecai quickened his pace, flying through the forest towards the origin of the scent. He could feel the scent growing thicker, it's distinction easily overpowering all other scents. That was the trademark of the wooly boar, it's incredible scent. "You're mine!" He lunged into the small clearing only to find his partner, Chayton finishing up his fresh kill. "Chayton! Good find, my friend!" Mordecai chuckled light heartedly, elbowing Chayton. "With that boar, we should have enough for the feast, let us return!" Mordecai faced towards Oshibana Town, gesturing for Chayton to follow him. Both men carried large burlap sacks filled with fresh meat, ready for the feast.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Leiss Character Portrait: Chowa Kyoku Character Portrait: Cassadin Kayleth Character Portrait: Mordecai Cezaero Character Portrait: Chayton Ciqala Character Portrait: Kuroi lightblade
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#, as written by Skylite

Cass made his way over to where his teammates, Charlotte and Chowa, were sitting, and took a seat at the table.

"Hello, how are you two doing today?" he asked pleasantly, fiddling with the black button on the end of his sleeve. He looked around the bar, and spotted Eira, Charlotte's doll, slumped down in a chair, it's crimson gaze almost meeting his. Cass almost swore it was staring at him, but he reassured himself that that was stupid. The doll had always creeped Cass out, but it definitely produced results in combat, and although it kind of scared him, it had a certain intrigue about it, like an untold story behind the cream-colored cloak.

"Oh, and Chowa, that's the new recruit, his name is Korderoy Lightbulb, or something like that." he said, hearing his green-haired teammate ask about the new mage a few moments earlier.


Chayton stalked the brown beast, staying low to the ground, a razor-sharp Tomahawk in each hand. He had left with Mordecai earlier, and, in preparation for the three-month anniversary feast, they were tasked with hunting down the days meal. Chayton stopped dead in his tracks; he had slipped up in his thought and stepped on a large twig, alerting the beast to his presence. Without warning, the boar whirled around and charged at Chayton, intending to gore the mage with it's tusks. Chayton waited until the exact right time, and sidestepped the boar, lodging the axe into it's throat. The creature ran a ways further, and collapsed on the ground, writhing and kicking. Chayton slit the beast's throat with his knife, and marked a large triangle with a smaller circle inside with it's blood on it's side, as was customary in his village. He said a quick prayer, honoring the beast, and noting it's bravery, until his was approached by his teammate. He quickly finished cleaning his boar and smiled when Mordecai complimented him on his kill. He nodded, and began following the mage back to the guild house.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Leiss Character Portrait: Chowa Kyoku Character Portrait: Cassadin Kayleth Character Portrait: Elysia Avari Skylar Character Portrait: Chayton Ciqala
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#, as written by xKyrie
Elysia Avari Skylar

Chowa raised his head and looked at the person seating across him. When he saw a grinning Charlotte Leiss, he found himself instinctively smiling back. Flowers and sunshine sparkled, a picture of the horizon and a setting sun was promptly pasted behind them. Lost in each others eyes. Charlotte stared at her teammate's face. His emerald colored eyes and hair were a sight to see. Those long lashes and long hair and his Draco Edge tattoo on face, Chowa is unbelievably an eye-candy to the opposite gender's eyes. Charlotte is not exempted from this rule. Still beaming, Charlotte opened her mouth and spoke, "Still as handsome, I see."


Since the two were quite absorbed in their conversation, they had failed to see the arrival of their teammate. Cassadin Kayleth, who despite changing still had specks of dirt and evidence of his earlier activity painted in his face. Cassadin is always the kind and polite gentlemanly guy. Aside from being usually seen to tend to plants, the brown-haired and green-eyed man is well known for being a gentle soul. The three complete one of the well-known team in Draco Edge, Team Bittersweet.

She really can't comprehend how the team's name came to be, but now seeing their interactions instantly changed her mind. Staring at the bittersweet smile in Cassadin's face as he stared at the two, she can definitely now say that the name fits them just right.

There is a drama, not obviously spoken about but still present at them three. Letting out a wistful sigh, the white-haired teen hoped that Charlotte must decide who she liked more. Though she's not close with either of them, Elysia Avari, or Ely did not wish any of them to get hurt. It would be really a mess if.. if ever Charlotte continued to let this thing between them go longer than what is appropriate. Sure Charlotte is a pretty girl, and though she is loud and has amazing character still-


Elysia was suddenly and forcibly dragged out of her romantic bubble when she saw in her peripheral vision, a familiar man entering the bar. The sparkles and spotlight disappeared out of view and her eyes darted towards the whole room as she searched futilely for a place to hide. Still staring at the renowned Hunter Killer, Ely gulped. She didn't actually hated him, in fact Elysia deeply respects Chayton Ciqala. But there is something in him that truly scares the Sky Dragon Slayer.

She was about to leave and seek the confines of her room when she remembered the reason she had been staying at the bar. The master told them today was a celebration for the third month of the guild. Supposedly everyone was waiting for Chayton and Mordecai to come back. Being the active dreamer that she is, instead of focusing on her surroundings, Elysia found herself daydreaming without care.

She just can't help it, it was one of her hobbies and her mind just instantly forgets everything around her and focuses on different stories it can come up. She would usually imagine different scenarios with various members of the guild as the protagonists. More often than not the story is romance. Though she had actually cooked up a horror story between Chayton killing each one of them dragon slayers in the guild with a tomato. It had left her several sleepless nights and being more edgy whenever she crosses path with the older guy. She never ate tomato after that too.

Flushing at her very recent musing, Ely looked around and bowed her head afterwards. She really hoped that no one in the guild knew how to read minds. Charlotte, Cassadin and Chowa would surely kill her for her imagination. She also wished that the master would start soon with the festivities. She had been itching to go into her room, with the number of people here, she's having a hard time hearing the sound of the air around.

((Sorry but this post assumes that Chayton had already arrived at the guild together with Mordecai. I can wait to post again when they actually arrive at the guild. :] ))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mordecai Cezaero Character Portrait: Sotofu Katsu Character Portrait: Theo Castille Character Portrait: Loritova Character Portrait: Elysia Avari Skylar Character Portrait: Chayton Ciqala
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Sotofu Katsu

Sotofu was having a ball reading another new novel that he snatched from the Draco Edge archives. It was an old tale based in another dimension, Edolas, where magic wasn't a common occurrence. Actually, in this world, magic was very limited and the king of Edolas took control of the magic source and greedily kept it all to himself. "Greedy jerkface." Sotofu oftentimes spoke aloud when reading tantalizing stories, he would simply get enthralled by the text, and man that was imminent. Anyways, he continued... He was at this part of story where a group had arrived in Edolas from Earthland, they were mages and couldn't believe that magic was so rare. They had actually just found out that Edolas was a parallel dimension to Earthland, since they stumbled upon their Edolas selves. The hero, Theorie, had just stumbled upon his parallel self and learned about Edolas itself.

(OOC: Like what I did there? ^^)

~Suddenly~ Sotofu's ear itched intensely. "Hmph, someone's talking about me again..." He hated that, just because he had various magic, including Disassemble and Gravity under his belt, people found the boy to be some sort of prodigy, nicknaming him 'The Rising Sun'. It was all just a tacky overlay of his actual diligence that his father coined so he could become famous. "Stupid Fairy Tail Mages..." Sotofu knew full well that not all Fairy Tail Mages were like his dad, but jeez, his dad was a man who loved money. Anyways~ Sotofu decided to bunny-ear the page he was on and put the book down. Looking up he noticed that Loritova was staring right at him, after roughly two seconds a large bead of sweat trickled down his face, he shrugged and gave Loritova that 'What did I do this time?' expression.

Their brief stare down ended with Loritova turning his attention to the entrance of Chayton and Mordecai. Sotofu eyed the men, he didn't particularly like either of the two, they were heavy carnivores... and Sotofu wasn't, in fact, Sotofu's nickname throughout the Guild was 'Tofu' for his odd obsession with tofu. "I sure hope we have more tofu for tonight..." He slumped a little while rubbing his tummy and walked over to sit next to his not-so-good-pal Theo, the epitome of a loner... or at least the spitting image of 'The Silent Guy', and man he hated that. Why couldn't Theo, his teammate, at least get along with Elysia, she was essentially a harmless butterfly... or a giant dragon... but the butterfly made much more sense. While these thoughts plagued his mind he approached the ever-so-quiet Theo. "Hey Theo, how are you today?" Sotofu tried to plaster a welcoming smile to emphasize that he was only here to check up on him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anachayla Kaylorn Character Portrait: Shae Anne Ramine Character Portrait: Mordecai Cezaero Character Portrait: Seibi Kikaijin Character Portrait: Loritova Character Portrait: Chayton Ciqala
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(OOC: I'm gonna bring Mordecai and Chayton back to the guild, now :D)

Mordecai Cezaero

He ran. Everything was blurry; everything seemed to simply stand still, especially the trees. Mordecai didn't even consider looking back at Chayton, ensuring that he was keeping up, he simply assumed that he was right behind the bulky man. An odd scent seemed to take the air, but he couldn't afford to waste his time with trivial matters, he had a mission. Mordecai continued his hasty return to Oshibana Town, to Draco Edge. After a few short minutes, the duo reached the end of the forest.

Mordecai stopped for a brief few seconds as to admire the view; the gentle breeze, the rolling hills, and the lush green grass that took span over this region. "Simply lovely." He couldn't refrain from taking in this view every time he left East Forest, it was really humbling, at least to Mordecai. In an instant he lept into the air, landing on both feet and sliding (yes, sliding) down the hill. The wind caught his braids as they fumbled around his breaded face. He was at ease, the vibrantly green rolling hills appeared to him as some of the greatest sights of nature. As Mordecai reach the bottom of the hill he began to sprint up the next hill. This hill lead into a small valley which lead into Oshibana Town. "Almost home, Chayton!" Mordecai knew that Chayton knew their location too, but he just felt like giving him the heads up. They reached the valley, taking a brisk pace as to reach the Guild as soon as possible.

After running through the Valley, Mordecai was a little winded; the rocky terrain wasn't his forte like a forest was. The duo reached Oshibana Town, finishing their short journey by reaching the guild entrance where a few members stood. "Hello fellows!" Mordecai was always a tad bit out of touch with society, many of his conversations included old formalities and occasionally archaic terminology. He expressed his relative happiness with a simple grin and the wave of his right hand, has left hand was occupied with the large burlap sack. He didn't even bother to wait until they all greeted him before walking into Draco Edge.

(OOC: Skylite, do whatever you want with Chayton and his catch. They've stopped being conjoined at the hip. XD lol)

Upon entering the tall building, Mordecai looked up to see Loritova looking directly at him with a look of satisfaction, almost saying thanks on its own. Mordecai nodded and took to the kitchen, where he'd drop off the fresh catch and head over to his room to wash up. He didn't pay much mind to anyone or anything and found himself bumping into two tables as he stumbled into the kitchen. Once there, he couldn't help but crash into a counter-top where many pans lay, awaiting to be stashed away in their proper shelves. Without realizing it, Mordecai had knocked over roughly twenty pots and pans without so much as stopping his senselessness. He simply placed the sack on the counter, near the sink and stumbled out of the kitchen to his room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Leiss Character Portrait: Anachayla Kaylorn Character Portrait: Chowa Kyoku Character Portrait: Roady Domene Character Portrait: Cassadin Kayleth Character Portrait: Mordecai Cezaero
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Loritova stood as a monument of the Draco Edge. He didn't even bother with participating in the pre-feast banter, it was all in good fun, or so he thought. He was honestly just waiting for Mordecai and Chayton to return, along with the numerous others who had still be out and about. He heard some commotion at the entrance and noticed that Mordecai and Chayton had entered the Guild with what appeared to be their spoils. He simply gave the duo a look of satisfaction that would say 'Good Job' all by itself. They both responded with a simply nod and continued. He also noticed that Ana and Seibi had returned from their recent mission. "Ah, everyone is slowly reuniting." The giant man smiled a hearty grin. Next thing he noticed was the large ruckus that Mordecai was causing in the kitchen, "Oye, that ape..." Loritova was joking as always, but still, he found that man to be something else. He continued to eye the room as he could noticed Sotofu walking over to Theo and the rivals, Charlotte and Ana bickering again. He even noticed the quiet day-dreamer, Elysia, creating her little fantasies in her head. 'So innocent...' He again grinned.

He again noticed how, quite literally, all the little chimps were gathering in the hall. He, as always, loved to watch the rivalries burn, it just lit his own fire. He chuckled quietly as Sotofu and Theo seemed to argue in their corner, and how Ana approached their new Dragon Slayer, only to be intervened by Charlotte. He laughed quite loudly as the duo began fighting. "It's good to have rivals such as that..." He faintly had a recollection to his own past; where he had his own rival on the battlefield. He noticed that Cassadin and Chowa seemed to join in on the fun of the girls' rivalry. "Oh fools." Loritova knew it was better to stay out of these little arguments those two girls started, after all, it was their way of training.

Alas, Loritova noticed that the vigilant Sandra stepped into the growing bout between Bittersweet and Ice Breaker. "Was that such a good idea, Sandra...?" He knew at this distance she couldn't even remotely hear his words, but still, the thought lingered. 'These little skirmishes that these little chimps make are part of their training... Without constant rivalry they'll never improve... Why not let them fight their issues out?' He began bellowing a stout chuckle as a new figure had seemingly entered the guild and presented himself to Loritova. "My name is Roady Domene. I am a former apprentice of the Caliber Mage and fugitive, Raith Kaleheister. I wish to join your guild and make a living for myself!" Loritova looked rather inquisitively at the small boy. "Raith Kelheister, as in the THE Raith Kaleheister, the Head of the 2nd Infiltration Sabotage Unit? That baffling ape is still alive?" Loritova was rather surprised at the news and laughed rather loudly as he stepped away from the balcony as to sneak out of the sight of the guild. "So you, Roady, are the apprentice of the Caliber Mage? I'd doubt that old fool would take in an apprentice, especially a young monkey as yourself! Anyways, pardon me, I just haven't heard from the old man in ages." He shrugged and recomposed himself. He hunched down, bending his legs so he could check out the boy rather effectively. He got face to face with the kid, eyeing him down. "You're welcome to join Roady, apprentice of Raith!" He released a hardy laugh as he gave the boy a firm pat on the back. "Welcome to Draco Edge, now go talk to Kacie to get introduced."

Loritova was always glad to check out new monkeys to add to his Guild. He just couldn't ever turn anyone down, it was virtually impossible, but he would always keep his eyes and ears peeled, just in case. He took his place, again leaning on the balcony rail. "I do believe it's almost time to start the feast, Kacie." He looked down at the bartender, grinning as he could easily see down her shirt, hopefully she wouldn't realize his precarious view.

Mordecai Cezaero

Mordecai knew he hadn't much time to cleanse himself of the blood of his spoils. He entered his room without causing too much ruckus. He grunted, looking around to a rather clean room. He took cautious steps towards the sink, hoping to avoid getting blood on anything. He rinsed his hands a grabbed new garb to cover his bare chest, knowing the everyone would appreciate his fresh change of clothing. He only had the one wardrobe for all occasions... his semi-transparent brown shirt that was already too small for him, it didn't do much except keep him a little cleaner than not wearing it. After replacing his bloody shirt with a new one, he decided to polish his lovely polearm. He immediately grabbed a rag and soaked it for a few seconds. Once it appeared sopping wet, he began cleaning off the thick red liquid from his spear, some of it having dried already. "Hmmm" Mordecai let out one simple grunt, not needing many words at this time. He finished removing the traces of blood from his spear and threw it onto his bed. Having completed everything he found necessary, he found himself presentable, as always, and walked out of his room towards the hall. He entered that bar only to find the end of some rather large... fight? He couldn't quite figure out what exactly happened, and to be frankly honest, it didn't mean much to him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Leiss Character Portrait: Morien Morningstar Character Portrait: Chowa Kyoku Character Portrait: Roady Domene Character Portrait: Cassadin Kayleth Character Portrait: Shae Anne Ramine
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#, as written by Byte
Draco Edge: Bar

Today was the day. The day he had been preparing for all month, which was short considering it was only the 9th of October. But yes, today would be a rather special event. The old man was fond of such things, especially the ones that involved every member to run around like a dull sheep such as this one. “Mission Impossible.” The thrill of excitement crawled through his whole being as he muttered them.

It was an event that would test the skills of the little monkeys that were gathering underneath the balcony. Well, sort of. It was mostly an event for the guild master's own amusement. Watching his followers squirm as they tried to complete an almost impossible task. He scratched the red hairs that held onto his chin while anxiously waiting for every member to gather in the bar.

When the last monkey had gathered with the rest of the guild members, Loritova rose his muscular arms above him announcing with a deep and loud voice: “Welcome everyone!” He paused, walking closer to the steel railing that was part of the balcony. “Today, is the day. No doubt you have all heard of 'Mission Impossible', and are most likely eager to hear what I have planned for it.”

Loritova rested both his arms on the railing, eyeing each member with a content expression. “First, let me explain the basic rules. Each of you is split in teams of two, whatever team completes the task first is the winner, and will receive a special reward that I will announce after the contest.” Another pause followed, the old man was now slowly walking along the steel railing, eventually meeting with his followers downstairs, at the bar.

“Anything goes in this event. Should a teams cross paths, they are allowed to disable one another in combat. Whoever loses the battle will forfeit the contest, and is to return to the guild-house and wait for the others to finish.” The red-haired man paused again, slowly walking towards a basket made out of straw that contained the names of Draco Edge's members. “You will each pick a piece of paper. One this paper you'll find two names. One is your own, the other will be your partner's name.” Magical appearing words, yay!

As he continued speaking, Loritova approached each member to let them grab a piece of paper. “Do not, under any circumstance, reveal your paper while still in this house. Failure to do so, will automatically mean you forfeit the contest.” He paused, tossing the straw basket onto the counter. “At precisely 12 O'clock, you will all be transported to a path assigned to your team. There, your task will be revealed.”

“That will be all. Good luck, and I will see you all when you return here.” The guild master went back to his usual place, and patiently waited for every member to be transported to their assigned path.

It was time, one by one, every Draco Edge member was transported to their starting position. It had begun, Mission Impossible...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roady Domene Character Portrait: Shae Anne Ramine Character Portrait: Loritova Character Portrait: Chayton Ciqala
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Roady awoke to what appeared to be the Guild Master's loud, booming voice. He grumbled incoherently and then kicked the tent's exit flaps open.
"Who the hell is making all of that noise?!" He stuck his head out and yelled, seeing nothing but dirt. He then finally remembered where he was, and sighed before going back into the tent. “Welcome everyone! Today, is the day. No doubt you have all heard of 'Mission Impossible', and are most likely eager to hear what I have planned for it. Loritova announced as soon as guild members started gathering before him, as he stood at his usual spot overlooking the guild.
"Are all guild masters this loud in the morning?" Roady complained, as he slipped on his red coat and buttoned it up. He then proceeded to brushing his teeth, stepping outside the tent to do so. 'And what is Mission Impossible anyway? Does whoever accomplishes it get some kind of reward? I need to start making some jewel soon. I can probably rent a room here if I do. Tche. Why did I have to agree to go with that girl on the hunting job? I could have just gone on my own." Roady scrolled through his thoughts before spitting out the residue that resides in his mouth onto the open dirt. He then got what was left out by gargling some water and spitting that onto the dirt as well. He then went back to take down the tent that he had borrowed from the guild and stored it in his pack. He had been camping in the unused land area behind the guild.

Roady then made his way around the guildhouse, turning right again until he was in front of the guild doors. 'You can just leave and never see any of them ever again.' Roady thought to himself, before he pushed the guild doors open and strolled inside. "First, let me explain the basic rules." He saw an empty seat at the bar and took it, before returning his attention to Loritova. 'Great. Now there are rules? Fantastic.' Roady thought to himself as Loritova went on.
“Each of you is split in teams of two. Whatever team completes the task first is the winner, and will receive a special reward that I will announce after the contest." Loritova announced before walking down to where everyone else was. “Anything goes in this event. Should the teams cross paths, they are allowed to disable one another in combat. Whoever loses the battle will forfeit the contest, and is to return to the guild-house and wait for the others to finish... You will each pick a piece of paper. On this paper you'll find two names. One is your own, the other will be your partner's name. Do not, under any circumstance, reveal your paper while still in this house. Failure to do so, will automatically mean you forfeit the contest." Loritova finished explaining the rules. 'Fighting eh? That makes things a bit more interesting. But teams? Whats with this place and teams? This is going to be annoying. Maybe I can just ditch whoever I'm with and get the reward for myself. Then again, if I end up in a fight and have a strong partner, that could help me get further to his chances of completing the task.' Roady pondered how he would play things out when it was time to begin. Then Loritova began to speak once more.

"At precisely 12 O'clock, you will all be transported to a path assigned to your team. There, your task will be revealed. That will be all. Good luck, and I will see you all when you return here.” Loritova announced as he began putting the basket in front of everyone for them to draw from. When it was Roady's turn, he seemed a bit hesitant at first, but snatched one up. He then tooked towards the clock. 'It dosen't look like I have to wait long.' Roady thought as the clock was already about to hit 12. "Here I go." Roady said right as the clock hit 12.
Roady wasn't the least bit surprised when he was suddenly teleported from the spot he sat. He decided to ignore the surrounding area for now and find out who he was paired up with. He saw his name, and a different one right next to it. 'Chayton? Who is that? Is he strong?' Roady thought as he turned to see if his teamate was there. Roady hadn't exactly gotten to know very many of the guild members on his first day. But thats all fine and dandy, unless he has to spend time with them and dosen't even know their name.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shae Anne Ramine Character Portrait: Mordecai Cezaero Character Portrait: Akio Kakudo Character Portrait: Chayton Ciqala
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Akio would drop down to one knee breathing heavily as he says to himself " After all these years i still remember dad's regimen by heart." He makes it to his feet he looks up as the sun breaking through the tree branch's. He stands in the middle of the forest just out side of Eisenwald where Mordecai and Chayton when hunting the day before. As he wipes sweat from his forehead he mumbles to him self "i will show ann who is out of shape". As he begins to walk back to town " i will win the Mission Impossible". As he makes his way into town he would reach inside of his shirt and pull out the locket and uses his thumb to open it reveal a picture of his mother and father on there wedding day. He would look at the picture a bit before closing the locket back up as he makes his way into the guilds main hall. he made it just in time to catch the rules of the Mission Impossible. As the basket of paper made it to him he would pick one and immediately press it against both of his hands (in a praying way) and mumbles. "Please be a pretty girl , please be a pretty girl , please be a pretty girl , please be a pretty girl" until he was teleported to his starting arena.