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"Alright you stupid monkeys! Let's get this show on the Road!"

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a character in “The New Mage Guild; Draco Edge”, as played by ZombieGil


Loritova: Master, Boss, Captain; 52 year old Male
The Fire Dragon, Draco Edge Guild Master

~ Physical Info ~

Loritova stands at a towering 6'10" with a bulky, muscular build. His hair burns a bright red embodying his blazing spirit. Loritova is always found wearing his signature breastplate and armored skirt. Each, uniquely designed to resist intense flames that are emitted from Loritova's body. Loritova was born with the natural trait of intimidation. His height and build are easily distinguishable from far distances. His robe was made from a fine silk and embedded with gold, fire proof embroidery. The embroidery often glistens when illuminated by fire. When ignited, his armor becomes hot enough to melt any standard weapon upon contact. His sandals also bear the similar traits of being fire resistant and ignitable.

On his Chest, over the location of his Heart. It burns a crimson red.

~ Mentality ~

Loritova is a lighthearted, and comedic man. Jokes and care-free speeches are something you don't expect from a mighty wizard. Especially one with Loritova's appearance. But, he can be quite the boss character. Any unnecessary tension in the guild, is prone to be pummeled by the man's fist. Or to be more precise, the amazing humor that comes from stopping pointless brawls with his slowing magic.

Still, he is the guild master and therefore knows when to keep a serious attitude. Although he might not act like it at all times, Loritova is still to be feared for his skill in the magic he has. It is why he was chosen to be the Draco Edge guild master, his natural charm and leadership has brough him and many others far in life. And the man hopes to accomplish the same with his band 'monkeys'.

{Likes} {Dislikes}
o Dragons Darkness (hates those who hide in the shadows) x
o Treasure Hunting The Ocean (simply annoyed by water altogether) x
o Alcohol Admitting Defeat x
o Burning Passion Confined Spaces (for combat purposes) x
o His Robe Cold Weather x
o Monkeys Weapons (During Combat) x

{Quirks} {Phobias}
% Often refers to the Guild Members as Chimps (or the like). Sailing on Boats @
% Lighting things on Fire Mountains (Essentially Heights) @
% Often refers to the Guild Handbook

~ Ability Statistics ~

~ Fisticuffs Magic ~ Fire Magic ~ Crash ~ Slowing Magic

{Signature Spell}
Draco Claw - Elemental (usually Fire) Augment to Loritova's Fist; takes shape of a Dragon's Claw, can crush most defenses.

{Spell List}
~Knock Off, Iron Fist, Vacuum Charge, Piercing Thrust, Sonic Pummel, God's Smash
~Scorching Fist, Blazing Wallop, Inferno Slam, Searing Lunge, Combustion Strike, Infernal Crush, Bellow of the Flames
~Crash Blast and Crushing Evil, Spreading the Truth: Empyrean
~Dying Flame and Fire Drive (Slow Foes and Attack)

{Non-magic Skills}
# Natural Leader
# Incredible Endurance
# Manly Charm
# The Courage of a Lion
# The Chivalry of a Knight

~ Personal Background ~

The story of a legend. You've heard of it, haven't you? The Fire Dragon. A man who was said to rival the strength of the large scaled beasts that went missing so many years ago. A high told tale of one who was rumoured to be the Fire Dragon slayer. But, it is just a tale, eh?

It begins as a young man named Loritova, a then unknown fire wizard, joins the magic council's military. He hungered for adventure, thirsted for danger. As a pawn of the military, Loritova proved himself resourceful and fearless. A perfect soldier. And soon, his skill as a wizard, would soon spread far and wide...

Years would pass, and Loritova would earn more renown with each completed task. He'd soon earn the name, The Fire Dragon. For that was all his adversaries would see, a large figure towering above them as he roared. Rumours would spread, claiming that the fire wizard was not just any fire wizard. They'd whisper of his possible dragon slayer heritage...

Until, many years later. Another rumour was spreading of a so called 'Salamander'. A young boy who was said to be a true fire dragon slayer. Tension rose as this rumour became more and more true, and the people who once believed Loritova was, now shunned him for the lies. Even though the fire wizard never claimed to be anything.

At a certain point, the once proud soldier decided it was time to retire and make way for another generation. Years would pass, before anyone else would once again, hear the name 'Fire Dragon'. The council wanted Loritova as the guild Master of a new guild located in Obshibana town. Draco Edge, a protectorate for the (resuming) Regular Meeting for Provincial Guild Masters. The man accepted, and has now been monitoring a guild that stands as a guardian for what once was, and now is.

So begins...

Loritova's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Leiss Character Portrait: Anachayla Kaylorn Character Portrait: Morien Morningstar Character Portrait: Chowa Kyoku Character Portrait: Cassadin Kayleth Character Portrait: Shae Anne Ramine
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"Here in Fiore, in the small Oshibana Town, lies the Guild; Draco Edge."

Loritova; an exceedingly tall man, with muscular build and flaming red hair. His stark appearance is dwarfed by the pan around to room below, a large gathering hall where many people can be seen conversing, eating, and bickering. Loritova appears to be standing on a balcony that overlooks the massive hall below. His crimson brown eyes look down upon the people that he's so hastily recruited in the past three months. They carry the future of Draco Edge with them, the future of a Guild founded by the Magic Council itself. They were chosen, by Loritova, to become the new leaders of this aspiring guild and they will mold it's future.
The man finally speaks, only lending a voice loud enough to be heard by himself.

"Ah. Today marks the day that Draco Edge becomes three months old. It's significance is to mark the day that Draco Edge is finally recognized as an official Guild of Fiore." Loritova pauses, takes a deep breath and continues. "These children, no, these selected few will carry this guild to its downfall or its greatness... hopefully the latter, obviously." He chuckles lightly as the group down below doesn't pay any mind to Loritova's existence. "Ah, this group is something!" He chuckles again. "Charlotte and Anachayla bickering as always; Seibi and Chowa trying their best to avoid getting dragged into the silly rivalry. Kacie always being the one who cleans up the mess they make, then there's Akumu and Fumiko who sit together munching on piles of sweets. The two young girls; Elysia and Haruka, are always running around, enjoying their lives... that always brings a smile to my face." He smiles the laughs abit. "Akio is always the one who tries to woo the women, usually taking his pick of Shae Ann or Eliza, although they always reject him." Loritova ruffles his beard a little before continuing. "Ah, I can't forget our little prodigy, Sotofu! He has a tendency to stay away from the loud noise and sit alone. There's also Theo, he's one you don't want to bother too often... he's just like Dimetre... well not really, Dimetre will at least socialize with the other members." He pauses to take another breath while taking a brief walk over to the window overlooking the Training Grounds. "The ever so gentle and kind Cassadin had a tendency to take care of the various plants found around the grounds, and Morien the valiant swordsman always diligently practicing his swordsmanship." He returns to his overlook of the main hall. "Ah yes, there is Draco Edge's newest member Kuroi Lightblade, although he hasn't quite settled in quite yet, he chooses to remain inside trying to be social, which is rather good... But of course we have our elite... Mordecai and Chayton, our own duo born from Mother Nature herself. Those two are arguably our strongest members, well at least Mordecai is, since he is our Guild Ace. Those two are definitely reliable mages, ones I put some of the deepest trust into... But... There is one other, Sandra. She is my most trusted fighter, although she is usually off doing the most dangerous and complicated of missions. Given that she's our top S-Rank Mage, she tends to be the one who watches over everyone, making sure all mischief is kept to a minimum. She is my most trusted Mage and she has deemed all my respect as a fine warrior." Loritova cracks his neck, then his fists, then takes a deep breath. "But enough of this! This is a day for celebration! We are now recognized throughout the Kingdom as a Magical Guild! Now, once Mordecai and Chayton return from their errand, our feast shall begin." Loritova hunches over the railing of the balcony again, looking down at his Guild, admiring the great growth that he has witnessed in the short three months.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mordecai Cezaero Character Portrait: Loritova Character Portrait: Chayton Ciqala
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Mordecai Cezaero

The air was stiff, the scent of blood lingered. A large burlap sack swayed with the morning breeze, the sack soaking in the red hue of blood. Although the stench grow stronger and the gusts blew against him, Mordecai continued his hike. He had to rendezvous with Chayton so they could finish their hunt and return to Loritova with their spoils. Chayton, the east forest was rather large, full of numerous creatures. Where was Chayton, although he could easily handle himself he still wanted to ensure his ally's safety. So, again, was exactly was Chayton. Anyways, he had another hour or so before they agreed on their rendezvous.

Finally, Mordecai had caught traces of a wild wooly boar. "Ahah! Found ya' rascal!" Mordecai quickened his pace, flying through the forest towards the origin of the scent. He could feel the scent growing thicker, it's distinction easily overpowering all other scents. That was the trademark of the wooly boar, it's incredible scent. "You're mine!" He lunged into the small clearing only to find his partner, Chayton finishing up his fresh kill. "Chayton! Good find, my friend!" Mordecai chuckled light heartedly, elbowing Chayton. "With that boar, we should have enough for the feast, let us return!" Mordecai faced towards Oshibana Town, gesturing for Chayton to follow him. Both men carried large burlap sacks filled with fresh meat, ready for the feast.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shae Anne Ramine Character Portrait: Sandra R. Lecarde Character Portrait: Akio Kakudo Character Portrait: Loritova
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#, as written by Byte
Sandra R. Lecarde

Oshibana Town.

The crowded streets of Oshibana town, as always it would remind Sandra that she was not far from her home. A gentle breeze and the morning sun greeted her as she made the first steps into the colourful town. It was a warm welcome that made the swords-woman smile, every time she'd return from a job. Just like today...

How long has it been? A few days, maybe even an entire week since the young woman had last been inside the guild's house. Her mind wandered off to what might have changed in that time. During these three months, Draco Edge had grown rapidly. Wait, three months already? Today was the eighth of October, right? The guild master had planned a celebration because of Draco Edge's third month as an official guild.

How could she forget? Loritova himself had reminded the S rank wizard of today's feast...! With a realisation in mind, Sandra quickened her footsteps while making a mental note that she should try to bring something with her. No can do, to arrive without any contribution to a feast. The metal-plated boots began stomping on the pavement as they kept up a decent pace.

Lucky for Sandra, she had some money to spare for a few bits and pieces of edibles. It wasn't much, but at least she had contributed a bit to the feast. And that was all that mattered.

Draco Edge Guild House.

She had taken her sweet time strolling through Oshibana. The feast had most likely started, and she was the one arriving late. Though content on returning home, Sandra couldn't shake the feeling that a certain old man would want to talk about her absence for the majority of this 'important' day. Still, it would be great to see everyone again, plus maybe a new member or two.

The gravel crunched under the heavy weight of the swords-woman's footwear, until they came to a halt. Two large eyes glared from underneath fringes of oak-brown hair, admiring the sight of the Draco edge guild house. Sandra released a deep breath from her mouth, the warm feeling of home once again embracing her entire being.

“Shae.” Sandra lightly bowed her head, acknowledging a fellow guild member, and S rank. The two never really talked much. Even though they are of the same rank, and practically live under the same roof. Giving the flirty fellow; Akio a hello as well, the young woman continued her way into the Guild house. A large tavern-like layout but twice the noise welcomed her. 'Twas a party after all. Every member, old and new was having a good old time. Talking out loud, eating and drinking all they can...

A light chuckle left the woman's mouth, nodding at anyone who greeted her as she approached the bar. Sandra didn't know if Kacie was even here (Although it was rather unlikely she wasn't.), but she had to place the bag of edibles somewhere. And with all the commotion going on, there was no way anyone would be trying the nick the bag from the counter.

“Welcome home, Sandra.” Her mind and body began to wander through the hall, observing as she spoke with no-one. On the balcony that granted a wide view of the bar, stood the guild master; Loritova. As high and might as ever, the old man certainly knew how to organize a feast. Sandra gave the man a nod. Of course to greet him, but mostly just to let the old man know she had returned. Nothing appeared to be out of place, and Sandra made herself comfortable by seating near the bar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Leiss Character Portrait: Anachayla Kaylorn Character Portrait: Chowa Kyoku Character Portrait: Cassadin Kayleth Character Portrait: Kacie Fienmal Character Portrait: Loritova
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Chowa Kyoku - a corner of the bar section

'It is annoying...and noisy...' was Chowa's first thought as he entered the guild. Everyone was all noisy...everything was so annoying...why couldn't they appreciate some quietness? would certainly make his life easier...God knew he hated noises. One hand clutching his book tightly and the other hand swaying back and forth in a lazy manner, Chowa's eyes immediately scanned the entire bar section and tried to find the quietest corner so he could read his book in peace. Well, it seemed luck didn't like him today. The teenager's frown deepened and he walked to a corner and sat down on a wooden chair, his footsteps barely created any noises. He looked at the empty table he was sitting...This table hadn't been taken yet...thanks god! He put the book on the table and sat in a low tone of voice to the bartender "...Miss Fienmal...would you mind making a cup of black coffee for me?...thank you very much..." He nodded his head and acknowledged several members as they waved their hands...He hated being sociable...Sighing deeply, Chowa opened his book and began reading, completely ignored everything else.

'Water is a chemical substance with the chemical formula H2O. A water molecule contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms connected by covalent bonds. Water is a liquid at ambient conditions, but it often co-exists on Earth with its solid state, ice, and gaseous state (water vapor or steam). Water also exists in a liquid crystal state near hydrophilic surfaces.'

Apparently, Chowa was reading about his element - Water...You might wonder what the hell was Water element or why the hell was he reading it...well, we would have to look back at his history to know about this. You see, Chowa was not a normal person. He was a B-rank mage of the Draco Edge Guild. And not just any mage...he was a dragon slayer - the water dragon slayer to be exact...the only one on this Earth. The knowledge cut him deep and made his wounded heart start bleeding again...He wasn't supposed to be the only water dragon slayer...His sister was supposed to be one, too... His inability to save his sister, to protect her had caused him this loneliness...if only he hadn't had that stupid promise...if only he hadn't promised not to harm humans using his power...if only...If only he had broken his promise sooner...He would have been able to save her...But he hadn't...that's why he had lost his only family...He was useless...He did not even have the strength to protect her...Chowa's breaths hitched and his hands began to shake slightly...Taking a deep breath, Chowa began to close his eyes, putting the book on the table. 'Don't think of that, happened a long time ago...stop blaming yourself and pull yourself together,'re a B-rank Dragon Slayer!...' Chowa opened his eyes, his shaking stopped and his eyes took on an indifferent look as his face set in an impassive mask...but inside, he was still pretty shaken...He hadn't prepared himself for a flashback like that. He rubbed his eyes tiredly...He couldn't read the book now even if he wanted to...He had to calm himself and let his mind rest first.

Looking up, Chowa was greeted with a familiar figure - The Guild Master - Loritova. He had known the man long before he joined the guild...and the man used to be the only connection with the human world that he had...if it was not for him, Chowa was sure that he would become a crazy serial killer or just a mindless zombie...He looked at Loritova like a father, an uncle and a guild master - someone who could guide him through his darkest hours and help him get up even after Chowa had given up. A faint smile escaped the teenager's lips, well...he guessed he wasn't alone after all. He had Draco Edge...even if he just only knew them for about three months, he had already felt a deep sense of connection with each of them, some were fainter than the others but it was there...

His eyes shifted slightly as he turned his head and looked at the members of the guild...suddenly, he found himself didn't mind their noisiness as much as before...after all, they were just having fun. This was a three-month anniversary after all... Chowa picked up his book and tucked it into his pocket carefully...well, he obviously couldn't read why bother trying? He might just as well try to have some fun like Master Loritova had suggested days earlier...

The door opened and Chowa's attention changed again as he looked at a dirty Cassadin as he stroke into the guild, his clothes were covered in dirt...He had spent time in his garden...again. Chowa shook his least he could have dusted it off or something...Well, it was sheer luck that Chowa had water element then, right? So he could shoot water out of his hands and clean up the other teen...He raised his hands but stopped himself at the last second...well, it would be rude of him to do so...He would just have to endure least the teen was quiet...unlike his other teammate.

Oh yes, speaking of other teammate...where was Charlotte? Usually, she would be here right now, bickering with her eternal rival - Ana - He didn't hate both girls...he thought they were...self-motivated persons...but sometimes, their... enthusiasm got the better of them and each time like that, they tended to hurt his eardrums a little too much...It was quite annoying in some ways, but quite relaxing in some other gave him a sense of belonging...even if he did belong in a guild with many, many immature people...He gave a short wave and gestured Cassadin toward the empty chairs next to him, inviting the other teen to sit down.

And with that, Chowa looked at the new guy...He had strange hair and strange eyes...Chowa didn't see this one yesterday...maybe this was a new recruit?...It was a possibility...He didn't even bother turning his head as he whispered his question "...hey, who's that guy?..." Well, if Cassadin didn't take up his offer and sat somewhere else, he could always explain that it was his habit of talking out loud...He did have strange habits after all...Closing his eyes brieftly and reopened them after a minute or so, Chowa turned his head and looked at his side.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mordecai Cezaero Character Portrait: Sotofu Katsu Character Portrait: Theo Castille Character Portrait: Loritova Character Portrait: Elysia Avari Skylar Character Portrait: Chayton Ciqala
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Sotofu Katsu

Sotofu was having a ball reading another new novel that he snatched from the Draco Edge archives. It was an old tale based in another dimension, Edolas, where magic wasn't a common occurrence. Actually, in this world, magic was very limited and the king of Edolas took control of the magic source and greedily kept it all to himself. "Greedy jerkface." Sotofu oftentimes spoke aloud when reading tantalizing stories, he would simply get enthralled by the text, and man that was imminent. Anyways, he continued... He was at this part of story where a group had arrived in Edolas from Earthland, they were mages and couldn't believe that magic was so rare. They had actually just found out that Edolas was a parallel dimension to Earthland, since they stumbled upon their Edolas selves. The hero, Theorie, had just stumbled upon his parallel self and learned about Edolas itself.

(OOC: Like what I did there? ^^)

~Suddenly~ Sotofu's ear itched intensely. "Hmph, someone's talking about me again..." He hated that, just because he had various magic, including Disassemble and Gravity under his belt, people found the boy to be some sort of prodigy, nicknaming him 'The Rising Sun'. It was all just a tacky overlay of his actual diligence that his father coined so he could become famous. "Stupid Fairy Tail Mages..." Sotofu knew full well that not all Fairy Tail Mages were like his dad, but jeez, his dad was a man who loved money. Anyways~ Sotofu decided to bunny-ear the page he was on and put the book down. Looking up he noticed that Loritova was staring right at him, after roughly two seconds a large bead of sweat trickled down his face, he shrugged and gave Loritova that 'What did I do this time?' expression.

Their brief stare down ended with Loritova turning his attention to the entrance of Chayton and Mordecai. Sotofu eyed the men, he didn't particularly like either of the two, they were heavy carnivores... and Sotofu wasn't, in fact, Sotofu's nickname throughout the Guild was 'Tofu' for his odd obsession with tofu. "I sure hope we have more tofu for tonight..." He slumped a little while rubbing his tummy and walked over to sit next to his not-so-good-pal Theo, the epitome of a loner... or at least the spitting image of 'The Silent Guy', and man he hated that. Why couldn't Theo, his teammate, at least get along with Elysia, she was essentially a harmless butterfly... or a giant dragon... but the butterfly made much more sense. While these thoughts plagued his mind he approached the ever-so-quiet Theo. "Hey Theo, how are you today?" Sotofu tried to plaster a welcoming smile to emphasize that he was only here to check up on him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anachayla Kaylorn Character Portrait: Shae Anne Ramine Character Portrait: Mordecai Cezaero Character Portrait: Seibi Kikaijin Character Portrait: Loritova Character Portrait: Chayton Ciqala
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(OOC: I'm gonna bring Mordecai and Chayton back to the guild, now :D)

Mordecai Cezaero

He ran. Everything was blurry; everything seemed to simply stand still, especially the trees. Mordecai didn't even consider looking back at Chayton, ensuring that he was keeping up, he simply assumed that he was right behind the bulky man. An odd scent seemed to take the air, but he couldn't afford to waste his time with trivial matters, he had a mission. Mordecai continued his hasty return to Oshibana Town, to Draco Edge. After a few short minutes, the duo reached the end of the forest.

Mordecai stopped for a brief few seconds as to admire the view; the gentle breeze, the rolling hills, and the lush green grass that took span over this region. "Simply lovely." He couldn't refrain from taking in this view every time he left East Forest, it was really humbling, at least to Mordecai. In an instant he lept into the air, landing on both feet and sliding (yes, sliding) down the hill. The wind caught his braids as they fumbled around his breaded face. He was at ease, the vibrantly green rolling hills appeared to him as some of the greatest sights of nature. As Mordecai reach the bottom of the hill he began to sprint up the next hill. This hill lead into a small valley which lead into Oshibana Town. "Almost home, Chayton!" Mordecai knew that Chayton knew their location too, but he just felt like giving him the heads up. They reached the valley, taking a brisk pace as to reach the Guild as soon as possible.

After running through the Valley, Mordecai was a little winded; the rocky terrain wasn't his forte like a forest was. The duo reached Oshibana Town, finishing their short journey by reaching the guild entrance where a few members stood. "Hello fellows!" Mordecai was always a tad bit out of touch with society, many of his conversations included old formalities and occasionally archaic terminology. He expressed his relative happiness with a simple grin and the wave of his right hand, has left hand was occupied with the large burlap sack. He didn't even bother to wait until they all greeted him before walking into Draco Edge.

(OOC: Skylite, do whatever you want with Chayton and his catch. They've stopped being conjoined at the hip. XD lol)

Upon entering the tall building, Mordecai looked up to see Loritova looking directly at him with a look of satisfaction, almost saying thanks on its own. Mordecai nodded and took to the kitchen, where he'd drop off the fresh catch and head over to his room to wash up. He didn't pay much mind to anyone or anything and found himself bumping into two tables as he stumbled into the kitchen. Once there, he couldn't help but crash into a counter-top where many pans lay, awaiting to be stashed away in their proper shelves. Without realizing it, Mordecai had knocked over roughly twenty pots and pans without so much as stopping his senselessness. He simply placed the sack on the counter, near the sink and stumbled out of the kitchen to his room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morien Morningstar Character Portrait: Roady Domene Character Portrait: Shae Anne Ramine Character Portrait: Mordecai Cezaero Character Portrait: Sandra R. Lecarde Character Portrait: Loritova
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Roady Domene

Roady continued his voyage through the front yard of the guild, until suddenly, a woman, who seemed fairly older than him walked up to him.
"Hi! My name is Shae, and I am a member here at Draco Edge, may I assist you with something? Sorry if it's a little loud in there, just a little bit of...festivities I suppose." She said to him. Roady gave her a blank look, completely drained of expression, and merely blinked in responce to her. He then noticed the woman, as it appeared that she began taking a closer analysis of him. He felt a tinge of irritation as she looked upon his hair with a strange look in her eyes. He felt like yelling at her. He didn't have to pay attention to notice her reaction to his chains. Especially since she mentioned them aloud.
"If you don't mind my asking, what kind of magic is requiring you to use those?" The woman asked him with a hint of inerest in her voice.

Roady opened his mouth to respond, but suddenly a man came out through the already opened guild doors. Roady didn't notice how much the noise intensified when they were open until now. The man appeared to be just slightly younger than Roady, probably around the same age, and clad in armor. He had a slightly darker skin-tone than Roady was used to seeing. 'He's been out in the sun too long.' Was his internal thought.
"Hey you, you with all the stupid chains and zippers. You think your hot stuff because you're the new guy and you're receiving attention from S-ranked mages like Shae who I've never seen with a man but that's besides the point, but guess what? No one cares, What matters is your ability to produce results for the guild. I hope you don't end up on my team. I have enough weight I'm carrying." The man all of a sudden started ranting at him. Roady maintained his deadpan expression, as not to give away any signs of weakness. He began walking up to the man, almost threateningly, but decided he didn't want to cause any trouble before joining the guild. He left the woman to deal with her own issues, taking the man's appearence as an excuse to evade her question about his chains. He took some interest in her. As for the man, he would have to deal with him first.
He walked into the guild, intentionally bumping Morien as he went. "As if I could care in the least if a high ranking member acknowledged me. I was actually going to ask if she was the guildmaster, seeing her power." He then took Morien's arm in a swift motion, staring intensly at the outline of it. "You're not nearly as strong as she is. I could see her magical power outlining her body without even looking closeup. Your's is pretty thin compared to her's. You're nothing but a waste of my time. And join your team? You don't have to worry about that. I work on my own, anyway. I couldn't care the least for the guild's funds. All I'm here for is making my own living off of solving other people's magical problems. If I get some useless item as a reward, I could definately donate(sell) it to the guild. See you around, "bastard." Roady gave him a michevious grin, as he finished walking into the guild.

(OOC Note: As I was describing in my 1st post, Roady's master Raith uses the word "donate" actually meaning sell. This is another habbit of his, that Roady has picked up in his lifestyle. Good influences, right? I will also edit Roady's profile to make it to where Raith taught him how to see other mage's magical power. Oh. And Roady called Morien a bastard, because as you should be able to tell by now, he tends to curse at the end of alot of his sentences. Not because of Morien's past. But it'll be fun to see how Morien reacts to being called that. Oh! And his reaction to Shae looking at his hair, is because she stated that it looked cute in her post, and Roady could sense it somehow. xD)

He looked around, noticing many strange, and weird residents occupying it. He saw the woman from earlier who now seemed to be tending to her own business in the guild. He decided to look for the strongest magic outline, and ask if they were the guild leader. He saw a variety of different outlines. Some were on pair with his, and even slightly more powerful. Others he had to get a closer look to make out. He even took notice of a small brunette girl, who seemed to be acting fairly mature for her appearence. Her magic power was very close to Shae's, as Roady remembered. He then looked through a window that must have led to the kitchen, notcining a well-built man. He was particularly impressive. As soon as he was about to enter the kitchen, something almost horrifyingly amazing caught his perithrial vision. He quickly turned his head to a large man, who seemed to be about as muscular as the one in the kitchen. But there was a kind of finesse that practically just screamed, "I'm the boss!!!!!!!" about him. Roady almost began shaking at the intense magical flow immeating from the man. Not only was it huge, but it actually seemed to continue spreading throughout the guild. It gave off a pressure, that was almost suffocating. 'How can these people stand this?! Are they somehow immune to his magic?! Just how powerful is this man?!' Roady thought, his eyes wide with surprise, and a small bit of fear. He quickly came to his senses, and shook his head. He took a deep breath and began walking towards the man, strolling cautiously. Once he finally made it to him, he spoke up.
"My name is Roady Domene. I am a former apprentice of the Caliber Mage and fugitive, Raith Kaleheister. I wish to join your guild and make a living for myself!" Roady yelled the last part out. He had been gradually getting louder as he spoke to the man. He was trully afraid of him. Roady had only witnessed power such as his from the dragon 2 years earlier. He had never thought to find it in a human.

(OOC Note#2!: I'm just making it to where Raith is somewhat wellknown, being a rogue mage and all that.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Leiss Character Portrait: Anachayla Kaylorn Character Portrait: Chowa Kyoku Character Portrait: Roady Domene Character Portrait: Cassadin Kayleth Character Portrait: Mordecai Cezaero
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Loritova stood as a monument of the Draco Edge. He didn't even bother with participating in the pre-feast banter, it was all in good fun, or so he thought. He was honestly just waiting for Mordecai and Chayton to return, along with the numerous others who had still be out and about. He heard some commotion at the entrance and noticed that Mordecai and Chayton had entered the Guild with what appeared to be their spoils. He simply gave the duo a look of satisfaction that would say 'Good Job' all by itself. They both responded with a simply nod and continued. He also noticed that Ana and Seibi had returned from their recent mission. "Ah, everyone is slowly reuniting." The giant man smiled a hearty grin. Next thing he noticed was the large ruckus that Mordecai was causing in the kitchen, "Oye, that ape..." Loritova was joking as always, but still, he found that man to be something else. He continued to eye the room as he could noticed Sotofu walking over to Theo and the rivals, Charlotte and Ana bickering again. He even noticed the quiet day-dreamer, Elysia, creating her little fantasies in her head. 'So innocent...' He again grinned.

He again noticed how, quite literally, all the little chimps were gathering in the hall. He, as always, loved to watch the rivalries burn, it just lit his own fire. He chuckled quietly as Sotofu and Theo seemed to argue in their corner, and how Ana approached their new Dragon Slayer, only to be intervened by Charlotte. He laughed quite loudly as the duo began fighting. "It's good to have rivals such as that..." He faintly had a recollection to his own past; where he had his own rival on the battlefield. He noticed that Cassadin and Chowa seemed to join in on the fun of the girls' rivalry. "Oh fools." Loritova knew it was better to stay out of these little arguments those two girls started, after all, it was their way of training.

Alas, Loritova noticed that the vigilant Sandra stepped into the growing bout between Bittersweet and Ice Breaker. "Was that such a good idea, Sandra...?" He knew at this distance she couldn't even remotely hear his words, but still, the thought lingered. 'These little skirmishes that these little chimps make are part of their training... Without constant rivalry they'll never improve... Why not let them fight their issues out?' He began bellowing a stout chuckle as a new figure had seemingly entered the guild and presented himself to Loritova. "My name is Roady Domene. I am a former apprentice of the Caliber Mage and fugitive, Raith Kaleheister. I wish to join your guild and make a living for myself!" Loritova looked rather inquisitively at the small boy. "Raith Kelheister, as in the THE Raith Kaleheister, the Head of the 2nd Infiltration Sabotage Unit? That baffling ape is still alive?" Loritova was rather surprised at the news and laughed rather loudly as he stepped away from the balcony as to sneak out of the sight of the guild. "So you, Roady, are the apprentice of the Caliber Mage? I'd doubt that old fool would take in an apprentice, especially a young monkey as yourself! Anyways, pardon me, I just haven't heard from the old man in ages." He shrugged and recomposed himself. He hunched down, bending his legs so he could check out the boy rather effectively. He got face to face with the kid, eyeing him down. "You're welcome to join Roady, apprentice of Raith!" He released a hardy laugh as he gave the boy a firm pat on the back. "Welcome to Draco Edge, now go talk to Kacie to get introduced."

Loritova was always glad to check out new monkeys to add to his Guild. He just couldn't ever turn anyone down, it was virtually impossible, but he would always keep his eyes and ears peeled, just in case. He took his place, again leaning on the balcony rail. "I do believe it's almost time to start the feast, Kacie." He looked down at the bartender, grinning as he could easily see down her shirt, hopefully she wouldn't realize his precarious view.

Mordecai Cezaero

Mordecai knew he hadn't much time to cleanse himself of the blood of his spoils. He entered his room without causing too much ruckus. He grunted, looking around to a rather clean room. He took cautious steps towards the sink, hoping to avoid getting blood on anything. He rinsed his hands a grabbed new garb to cover his bare chest, knowing the everyone would appreciate his fresh change of clothing. He only had the one wardrobe for all occasions... his semi-transparent brown shirt that was already too small for him, it didn't do much except keep him a little cleaner than not wearing it. After replacing his bloody shirt with a new one, he decided to polish his lovely polearm. He immediately grabbed a rag and soaked it for a few seconds. Once it appeared sopping wet, he began cleaning off the thick red liquid from his spear, some of it having dried already. "Hmmm" Mordecai let out one simple grunt, not needing many words at this time. He finished removing the traces of blood from his spear and threw it onto his bed. Having completed everything he found necessary, he found himself presentable, as always, and walked out of his room towards the hall. He entered that bar only to find the end of some rather large... fight? He couldn't quite figure out what exactly happened, and to be frankly honest, it didn't mean much to him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roady Domene Character Portrait: Kacie Fienmal Character Portrait: Loritova
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Roady relaxed a bit as the man seemed surprised by his statement. Perhaps he isn't as intimidating as I thought.
"Raith Kaelheister, as in the THE Raith Kaleheister? The Head of the 2nd Infiltration Sabotage Unit? That baffling ape is still alive?!" Roady immideatly began shuffling around his opinion of the guildmaster in his head. Surely the mention of a name couldn't have this big effect of someone. That was until he comprehended the word 'alive'. He felt something die inside him as he thought about the word. The guild master than continued on to talking, and laughing. He made his way over to the balcony behind him, perhaps to step away from the rest of the guild for a somewhat private conversation. Although, Roady thought that might be impossible, as the guild leader was a noticably loud person.

"So you, Roady, are the apprentice of the Caliber Mage? I'd doubt that old fool would take in an apprentice, especially a young monkey as yourself! Anyways, pardon me. I just haven't heard from the old man in ages." The man said to him, seeming to have calmed down a bit. Roady clenched his fists as he was about to reply, but was interupted as the man turned to him and bent down to look him face-to-face.

"You're welcome to join Roady, apprentice of Raith!" Loritova said brightly to Roady, as he patted him on his back, and told him to make his way towards a woman named Kacie. For the entire conversation, Roady hadn't gotten a single word in. He had finally completely his analysis of the guild master.
'He's loud, a little irritating, compares everyone to monkeys, and annoyingly talkative. Are all guild masters like this?' Roady returned his deadpan expression and continued starring at the man in dissapointment. He expected someone more strict, fairly reserved, and intimidating. Not this.

Roady sighed to himself as he walked over to the woman Loritova had pointed out before. He then noticed that he hadn't even gotten the guild master's name. Not that it mattered too much. 'He dosen't seem to focus very much on himself as he does towards others.' Roady thought, who decided to continue taking note on the guild leader's personality. Once he had reached the woman known as Kacie, Loritova called out to her. Roady couldn't help but notice the juvenile glare in his eyes. He then turned his head to where the man was looking, while making one final analysis. 'This guild leader is a complete pervert. I might reconsider choosing a different guild at this point.'

"I was told by the guild master up there that I should come to you in order to officially join the guild. Is this true? Speak quickly!" Roady asked the woman, although it seemed more like an order. He had his arms crossed, with his Fauchard leaning against his shoulder. Roady was very anxieous to get out of here and start a job. He wasn't sure where he was going to sleep tonight, but money was a neccisity.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Leiss Character Portrait: Morien Morningstar Character Portrait: Chowa Kyoku Character Portrait: Roady Domene Character Portrait: Cassadin Kayleth Character Portrait: Shae Anne Ramine
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#, as written by Byte
Draco Edge: Bar

Today was the day. The day he had been preparing for all month, which was short considering it was only the 9th of October. But yes, today would be a rather special event. The old man was fond of such things, especially the ones that involved every member to run around like a dull sheep such as this one. “Mission Impossible.” The thrill of excitement crawled through his whole being as he muttered them.

It was an event that would test the skills of the little monkeys that were gathering underneath the balcony. Well, sort of. It was mostly an event for the guild master's own amusement. Watching his followers squirm as they tried to complete an almost impossible task. He scratched the red hairs that held onto his chin while anxiously waiting for every member to gather in the bar.

When the last monkey had gathered with the rest of the guild members, Loritova rose his muscular arms above him announcing with a deep and loud voice: “Welcome everyone!” He paused, walking closer to the steel railing that was part of the balcony. “Today, is the day. No doubt you have all heard of 'Mission Impossible', and are most likely eager to hear what I have planned for it.”

Loritova rested both his arms on the railing, eyeing each member with a content expression. “First, let me explain the basic rules. Each of you is split in teams of two, whatever team completes the task first is the winner, and will receive a special reward that I will announce after the contest.” Another pause followed, the old man was now slowly walking along the steel railing, eventually meeting with his followers downstairs, at the bar.

“Anything goes in this event. Should a teams cross paths, they are allowed to disable one another in combat. Whoever loses the battle will forfeit the contest, and is to return to the guild-house and wait for the others to finish.” The red-haired man paused again, slowly walking towards a basket made out of straw that contained the names of Draco Edge's members. “You will each pick a piece of paper. One this paper you'll find two names. One is your own, the other will be your partner's name.” Magical appearing words, yay!

As he continued speaking, Loritova approached each member to let them grab a piece of paper. “Do not, under any circumstance, reveal your paper while still in this house. Failure to do so, will automatically mean you forfeit the contest.” He paused, tossing the straw basket onto the counter. “At precisely 12 O'clock, you will all be transported to a path assigned to your team. There, your task will be revealed.”

“That will be all. Good luck, and I will see you all when you return here.” The guild master went back to his usual place, and patiently waited for every member to be transported to their assigned path.

It was time, one by one, every Draco Edge member was transported to their starting position. It had begun, Mission Impossible...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roady Domene Character Portrait: Shae Anne Ramine Character Portrait: Loritova Character Portrait: Chayton Ciqala
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Roady awoke to what appeared to be the Guild Master's loud, booming voice. He grumbled incoherently and then kicked the tent's exit flaps open.
"Who the hell is making all of that noise?!" He stuck his head out and yelled, seeing nothing but dirt. He then finally remembered where he was, and sighed before going back into the tent. “Welcome everyone! Today, is the day. No doubt you have all heard of 'Mission Impossible', and are most likely eager to hear what I have planned for it. Loritova announced as soon as guild members started gathering before him, as he stood at his usual spot overlooking the guild.
"Are all guild masters this loud in the morning?" Roady complained, as he slipped on his red coat and buttoned it up. He then proceeded to brushing his teeth, stepping outside the tent to do so. 'And what is Mission Impossible anyway? Does whoever accomplishes it get some kind of reward? I need to start making some jewel soon. I can probably rent a room here if I do. Tche. Why did I have to agree to go with that girl on the hunting job? I could have just gone on my own." Roady scrolled through his thoughts before spitting out the residue that resides in his mouth onto the open dirt. He then got what was left out by gargling some water and spitting that onto the dirt as well. He then went back to take down the tent that he had borrowed from the guild and stored it in his pack. He had been camping in the unused land area behind the guild.

Roady then made his way around the guildhouse, turning right again until he was in front of the guild doors. 'You can just leave and never see any of them ever again.' Roady thought to himself, before he pushed the guild doors open and strolled inside. "First, let me explain the basic rules." He saw an empty seat at the bar and took it, before returning his attention to Loritova. 'Great. Now there are rules? Fantastic.' Roady thought to himself as Loritova went on.
“Each of you is split in teams of two. Whatever team completes the task first is the winner, and will receive a special reward that I will announce after the contest." Loritova announced before walking down to where everyone else was. “Anything goes in this event. Should the teams cross paths, they are allowed to disable one another in combat. Whoever loses the battle will forfeit the contest, and is to return to the guild-house and wait for the others to finish... You will each pick a piece of paper. On this paper you'll find two names. One is your own, the other will be your partner's name. Do not, under any circumstance, reveal your paper while still in this house. Failure to do so, will automatically mean you forfeit the contest." Loritova finished explaining the rules. 'Fighting eh? That makes things a bit more interesting. But teams? Whats with this place and teams? This is going to be annoying. Maybe I can just ditch whoever I'm with and get the reward for myself. Then again, if I end up in a fight and have a strong partner, that could help me get further to his chances of completing the task.' Roady pondered how he would play things out when it was time to begin. Then Loritova began to speak once more.

"At precisely 12 O'clock, you will all be transported to a path assigned to your team. There, your task will be revealed. That will be all. Good luck, and I will see you all when you return here.” Loritova announced as he began putting the basket in front of everyone for them to draw from. When it was Roady's turn, he seemed a bit hesitant at first, but snatched one up. He then tooked towards the clock. 'It dosen't look like I have to wait long.' Roady thought as the clock was already about to hit 12. "Here I go." Roady said right as the clock hit 12.
Roady wasn't the least bit surprised when he was suddenly teleported from the spot he sat. He decided to ignore the surrounding area for now and find out who he was paired up with. He saw his name, and a different one right next to it. 'Chayton? Who is that? Is he strong?' Roady thought as he turned to see if his teamate was there. Roady hadn't exactly gotten to know very many of the guild members on his first day. But thats all fine and dandy, unless he has to spend time with them and dosen't even know their name.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morien Morningstar Character Portrait: Shae Anne Ramine Character Portrait: Loritova
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#, as written by Fallen
Shae Anne Ramine

Today was the day. Shae stood in the middle of the room, awaiting the information of Mission Impossible. All she knew, was it was a team event, for some almost impossible, or even impossible mission. While she had made up the idea, she was not allowed to make up or know the details, she was just happy she could participate. Shae was wearing one of her usual quest outfits, one of the most minimal she had, but it allowed for quicker movement due to the way it hugged her body. She had holsters however, for her swords, which she just had to bring. She was versed in swords, daggers, and bows - however she couldn't see herself shooting an actual arrow at her guild members, and daggers would fair good against those whom weren't accustomed to weapons though she would rather have a sword against another sword bearing user. Shae was often underestimated, and undervalued in terms of the higher ranked mages. At times, she liked that people thought less of her, though at other times it got on her nerves. But those moments, those sweet moments when she could prove someone wrong and throw it in their face, when she could surprise them - she lived for those moments.

The day before, she had taken a new mage, Roady on an A ranked mission with her and Eliza. She had the impression the whole time that he didn't want to be there, or at least with them. She figured he was one of those I would rather do it alone and I don't need you type of people. Either way, she saw that Roady was a very powerful mage to say the least, perhaps he didn't need her there or Eliza. She did enjoy herself though, something about being around the water, something she had so much control over, the sea bastard wouldn't have stood a chance either way. They completed their mission successfully and Eliza got her half, and she forced Roady to take hers. The three of them made it back in decent time, enough to sleep well for the impossible mission of sorts. Shae looked up and saw Roady make his way down, smiling to herself, it looked like he'd been woken up and he didn't look too happy. She wondered to herself if he was a night person, or if he just preferred the quiet.

"First, let me explain the basic rules." Loritova announced. The biggest grin appeared on Shae's face, she was getting impatient, she just couldn't wait. “Each of you is split in teams of two. Whatever team completes the task first is the winner, and will receive a special reward that I will announce after the contest." Loritova announced before walking down to where everyone else was. “Anything goes in this event. Should the teams cross paths, they are allowed to disable one another in combat. Whoever loses the battle will forfeit the contest, and is to return to the guild-house and wait for the others to finish... You will each pick a piece of paper. On this paper you'll find two names. One is your own, the other will be your partner's name. Do not, under any circumstance, reveal your paper while still in this house. Failure to do so, will automatically mean you forfeit the contest."
Shae was curious who she would get, there were several people in the guild she would rather end up with, a few she didn't want anything to do with, and maybe several she knew absolutely nothing about. She hoped, for her team to bes sake that they were strong, and that they could adapt to having a teammate thrown at them that they had never fought along side before, assuming that was the case.

She watched Roady pick his piece of paper, and smiled at him as he walked back - but she didn't think he saw her. She then made her way up to grab her piece of paper, and immediately looked upon it, seeing that Morien was her partner. He was the one that had barked at Roady the other day, she didn't know too much about him personally, just him regarding his abilities and similar. The teams were to be transported at twelve o-clock, and it was to be twelve soon. One thing about Shae that many of the mages didn't know about was her possession of lost magic - this was because she usually only used it on S ranked missions. The only people that had knowledge of this would have been the only other S ranked mage, and her lone teammate. She closed her eyes and pondered to herself what she would have to do for this mission, eventually, Shae was then transported.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Loritova Character Portrait: Kuroi Lightblade
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Kuroi Lightblade

kuroi scathed his head as he awoke. Looking around he saw that his new room was rather bland. The only thing of note was the few book's he own lying on the ground. As he pulled himself out of bed he remembered the party last night and how wild it was. he had not gotten the chance to prove himself to his new teammate's because of the feast witch was probably the most wild event's that he had ever attended. He stretched as he walked into the main floor and saw the guild master Loritova standing in front of the main of the guild. It was rather easy to determine than he was about to speak to the guild so Kuroi thought it would probably be best to head what he was going to say. “Welcome everyone!” The man paused, walking closer to the steel railing that was part of the balcony. “Today, is the day. No doubt you have all heard of 'Mission Impossible', and are most likely eager to hear what I have planned for it.”

That's right Kuroi thought as he walked out to the crowed to get a better view. Ana was talking about how she would compete mission impossible tomorrow and rub it in her rival's face. but what was mission impossible? what is it? Kuroi never got a strait answer out of her or the other member's.“First, let me explain the basic rules. Each of you is split in teams of two, whatever team completes the task first is the winner, and will receive a special reward that I will announce after the contest. Anything goes in this event. Should a teams cross paths, they are allowed to disable one another in combat. Whoever loses the battle will forfeit the contest, and is to return to the guild-house and wait for the others to finish. You will each pick a piece of paper. One this paper you'll find two names. One is your own, the other will be your partner's name.”

"So I am going to be given a random partner and I need to work with him to do a unknown task and fight my way threw the guild so win some sort of ""special reward"". This is going to be fun i hope i get to fight a some strong guy's Kuroi walked up and got his peace of paper and walked out out the guild. he proceeded to head to a tree he found earlier and climbed up into it. he liked the shadow's it cast and the coolness of the dark it provided by blocking out the sun. pulling the paper out of his pocket he looked at the paper deciding whether or not to look at it. "Na it is more fun to just see who my partner will be when i get transported" Kuroi closed his eye's and waited for the selected time to come "Well i hope at least whoever it is will be able to work with me"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theo Castille Character Portrait: Loritova Character Portrait: Eliza V. Hellsing
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Theo Castille

The sun rose slowly that day. Theo had already woken up long before the lazy, glowing disk first showed the faintest glimmers of its awakening. Attempting to be on his best performance for Mission Impossible, the obsidian-haired mage was pouring over his studies like one possessed. His blue eyes were highlighted with dark eye circles from his state of exhaustion. But still, he pushed on, drawing rune after rune in the air. As was common sense to everyone who had a brain, the little ceremony yesterday was a waste of time. He had to make up for it with far more harried work on his part, due to that lenience. Picking up the black dictionary in one hand, he flipped through the well-thumbed pages. “What is that rune for ‘deliverance’ again?” he muttered to himself. Scanning down the pages, he found the looked-for word, and with a murmured curse - he knew this one - added it to the glowing, floating symbols in front of him.

Engrossed in his work, he didn’t realize it when the sun had reached the zenith of its daily travel. Hours later, when he next glanced through his window, he was in for a shock. Theo leapt out of bed - just remembering to lock up his dictionary and check his appearance - before making his way out of his room. His stride was long and unhurried, and to him, at the very least, he looked every inch the nonchalant persona that Theo had crafted for himself. He was wearing his customary clothing, as such an affair was not worth the trouble.

Perambulating down the stairs, he mentally ran through the magic that might come in handy throughout this ‘adventure’. Hopefully, he would have someone useful as a partner, not like the C-rank or D-rank idiots that currently made up his team. Theo noticed that about everyone had ambled into the bar by the time that he arrived, but instead, positioned himself calmly at the edges of this gathering. While he wasn’t as antisocial as he appeared, the fact that he was here to listen to someone else speak greatly grated on his mood.

The guild master’s voice was every inch as loud and obnoxious as he had remembered. “Welcome everyone!” came his booming voice. While Theo was actually listening, he was paying more attention to the other members in his guild - those that he would, with great pleasure, be thinking of enemies. Here was the time to pay them back for all of those days they were too loud, and Theo would be taking quite perverse joy in taking down his own teammates. There wasn’t a chance for him to really
 allow his annoyance at them to show for much of the time, so this was a gift from heaven. That is - if he wasn’t paired with one of them.

When the straw basket came around his way, he carefully plucked out one cream-covered paper, before folding it into halves without glancing at its contents for the time being. The guild leader then took the chance to warn them about the consequences, before giving yet more instructions. He inwardly rolled his eyes - the guild master seemed to love hearing his own resonating, deep voice.

Theo, leaning against the nearest wall, surreptitiously unfolded the paper to see the name of his partner. ‘Not Sotofu. Not Elysia.’ he inwardly chanted, while his face remained emotionless. There were two names on the paper - of course his, and one that started with the letters ‘El’. With as much haste as he could muster, he continued to open up that maddening slip of paper - to give a sigh of relief when seeing that his new partner was a “Eliza Victoria Hellsing”.

So, had this person, he vaguely knew it was a female, done anything to irk him in a few weeks that he had been a member of the guild? Truly speaking, the only fact that he truly knew was that she liked white feathery wings and had a dislike of killing. That, and she was an A-rank. He gave a mental shrug. If she couldn't, he would do the ‘disabling’ himself. It wasn’t as though he had any qualms or morals to trip him up in combat. Whether or not they would be able to return to the guild-house intact or not was their problem.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sotofu Katsu Character Portrait: Loritova
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Sotofu Katsu

Sotofu stood, eyes gaping at the black mass that engulfed half of his room. "What..." He couldn't help but look in complete awe at its destructive power and the fact that it simply remained stationary while slowly rotating. "There's no way I did that..." Then it hit him, the sphere was just there... stationary... having eaten half his room... even his bed. "Damn..." He knew power such as this existed, be it in fairy tails very punny, he could tell just by its sheer destructive power that it was some form of intense gravity magic, or at least that what it appeared to be. He had some awkward urge to grasp the sphere and so he did. "This is a great idea." Sotofu's expression was that of a baffled genius, 'What is this, and what am I doing!?' Quite frankly, he had no ghastly idea, but he proceeded. Upon coming into contact with the mass he awoke.

The ever shining sun glared down at Sotofu, blinding him as he sat up and walked over to his mirror. "What in the..." He didn't even feel the need to try and explain his dream. The only thing that was truly bothering him was that he had that dream before. But when... he couldn't even begin to recall when he had that same dream. "Maybe when father disappeared... hmmm." Either way he couldn't let it bother him now, it was October 9th, the day deemed 'Mission Impossible'. He slipped on his traditional maroon garb and checked his braid. "Perfect!" Sotofu then merrily skipped collectedly walked towards the bar, knowing Loritova was awaiting the arrival of all the guild members.

Without warning Loritova had taken control of the group as they all gathered. “Welcome everyone!” His voice resonating through Sotofu's very skeleton. “Today, is the day. No doubt you have all heard of 'Mission Impossible', and are most likely eager to hear what I have planned for it.” Loritova then paused for what seemed to be no apparent reason. "First, let me explain the basic rules. Each of you is split in teams of two, whatever team completes the task first is the winner, and will receive a special reward that I will announce after the contest.” Sotofu listened intently, as he was determined to win this competition and win the 'special reward'. “Anything goes in this event. Should a teams cross paths, they are allowed to disable one another in combat. Whoever loses the battle will forfeit the contest, and is to return to the guild-house and wait for the others to finish.” Sotofu thought as Loritova explained some of the rules, 'I'd better get someone who'll listen to me, I'm not getting held back by some idiot...' “You will each pick a piece of paper. One this paper you'll find two names. One is your own, the other will be your partner's name.” Sotofu made a quiet chuckle, "I love random roulette!"

Even though Loritova kept speaking, he was inviting the group to grab little slips of paper. It appeared that everyone was beginning to tune him out, but Sotofu listened intently just so he knew all the rules and could use them for his advantage. “Do not, under any circumstance, reveal your paper while still in this house. Failure to do so, will automatically mean you forfeit the contest.” 'Don't reveal my partner... I shouldn't look then... I'll spoil it immediately.' Sotofu followed his thought with a smug look of complete mockery, almost like he was laughing at some old joke, just without the actual laughing sound... awkward. “At precisely 12 O'clock, you will all be transported to a path assigned to your team. There, your task will be revealed.” He took a brief breath and continued. “That will be all. Good luck, and I will see you all when you return here.”Loritova had finished and Sotofu turned is attention to his stomach. "But noon is when I eat lunch..." He groaned childishly hoping to earn some pity from Loritova to change the time of the event... '"guess I should eat soon..." It was all for naught, at noon, Sotofu followed the others and seemingly vanished from the guild.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Leiss Character Portrait: Loritova
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Charlotte Leiss; The Bar

Oh how Charlotte hated the sunlight in the mornings. No matter what she did, it found a way to torment her. The red curtains of her window were too sheer to keep it out, and pulling the blanket over her head only made it too warm to sleep. With a frustrated groan, she rolled over and buried her face into her pillow. It took a few moments for her to recall exactly what day it was
 seeing as her birthday was now five-day-old news, it must have been October 9th, or more fondly referred to as “Mission Impossible.”

 Meaning that it was time to get out of bed.

However, the idea of actually crawling out of her blanket and facing the blinding light of day to change clothes, wash her face, and all that was far too troublesome. Conflicted, Charlotte grumbled something unintelligible and decided to instead do what she did best: abuse her magical abilities. Despite her languid nature, the young mage was a surprisingly organized individual, so much that she didn’t need to see to know where everything was. While she clung to her blanket, aiming for just a few more moments of peace, Eira arose from its chair in the corner of the room. Although Charlotte could manipulate any of the numerous dolls and stuffed toys lining the shelves and in the pile of the room, there was no doubt that her ability was strongest and best used with Eira.

So as Charlotte savored her last moments in bed, the large doll busied itself, collecting the clothes that the girl had laid out the night prior as well as gathering everything needed for the day – mainly a good few bars of her personal stash of bittersweet chocolate – and slipping them into its pockets. Charlotte learned long ago that such important things were safer with a doll than on her person. Unfortunately once that was all done, there was nothing left for the girl to do except get out of bed and get ready herself. Lovely.

With a stretch, Charlotte slipped from her sleepwear, a comfortable knee-length nightgown, into her usual wear – the brown dress with shorter skirt. Still barefoot, she dragged her feet to the bathroom to wash her face, the cold water rinsing away the last remnants of sleep. Seeing as she had already taken a bath after all the cleaning last night, another one wasn’t necessary. Then after pulling on her usual stockings, she stepped into her shoes. With that done and grabbing her long coat, she set off for the main hall of the guild. She slid into one of the remaining empty seats, Eira taking one across the table.

With everyone gathered, Loritova began to speak from his usual point on the balcony. “Welcome everyone!” he began, his voice resounding through the guild. Charlotte listened intently throughout his explanation – the event seemed about as exciting as she’d hoped it be – but the words that stood out the most to her were “teams”, “contest”, and “reward”. Interesting. So she would be paired with anyone within the guild and they’d have to work together

When her turn came around to pick a paper from the basket, there weren’t all that many left
 but just for the fun of it, she put a hand over her eyes and turned away, knowing that it didn’t make a difference, before taking up a slip of paper. She glanced at the fold in her hand, wondering whose name would be written along with hers. This partner would likely decide her chance for the prize
 She was curious, but decided against looking just yet. ‘A little suspense’ll make it all the better,’ she thought with a grin, tapping the folded paper to her lips.

Glancing at the clock, rapidly approaching noon, Charlotte shifted and latched her arms around Eira – after all, if the doll didn’t teleport, she wasn’t getting any chocolate for the rest of the day. She briefly wondered who her teammates had been paired up with and had time to hope it was anyone but a certain ice mage before she, like the others, was teleported.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Loritova Character Portrait: Akumu Hoshimi Character Portrait: Fumiko Gato
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As Fumiko got to the guild she looked around. She knew today was suppose to be mission impossible. What that was she didn't know, however, she did practice with Akumu the day before. She was all hyped up about this that Fumiko almost jumped with excitement when Loritova started to speak. He said stuff about the basic rules and about splitting into teams. She also picked up on him saying something about being teleported a 12 O'clock and that is you revealed your paper before then you would be disqualified.

Fumiko then got her piece of paper and refused to look at it. She decided that if she did then she would probably reveal who it was and get disqualified. That wouldn't be any fun. She quickly whipped out a blueberry lollypop and started to suck on it until 12. She didn't know if other people already knew their partners, but they didn't seem to show it. Then when the time finally came Fumiko was telleported.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sandra R. Lecarde Character Portrait: Loritova Character Portrait: Elysia Avari Skylar
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#, as written by xKyrie
Elysia Avari Skylar

"Remember my words, my darling... You will come back to me soon, Elysia."

Sitting up abruptly from her position at the edge of the green-covered sheets of her bed, Ely woke up in a snap. Still remembering the lingering traces of her latest nightmare, she suddenly felt a shiver run through her spine. Looking around in a frenzied haze, her eyes were wide and alert. "My darling..", the air seemed to whisper around her and it took all of her control to stop the scream that was threatening to come out of her mouth. She quickly dived under the sheets and grabbed the pillows around her, as if making a barricade out of those.

She tightly hugged herself and covered her face with one of the big pillows. Even while wearing her modest nightgown, a pale sky blue-colored pajamas set, she still felt totally exposed. Due to her good memory, she can vividly recall every facet of her dreams. Seeing the sneering smiles and calculating leers, she found herself revisiting her life before becoming a member of Draco Edge Guild.

Those white walled rooms, well-ventilated and equipped for everything a person may need but thoroughly designed to keep someone locked indoors...
The topnotch security system and various rooms filled with bustling people always busy with either new tests or checking around for suspicious activities...

Without a doubt, just thinking about it scares her wits off.

She stayed that way for quite some time, crouched in her bed and tightly hugging the pillows. Her amber-colored eyes roved around every particular direction of the room she can see from her position and her ears totally alert and ready for all the sounds or noise she may hear.

She didn't knew how long it passed, since she was roused off her sleep, but she didn't care. Staying still and chanting words in her mind are the only ways she can do to get the bad pictures out of her head.

Experiments. Laboratories. If there are two words that can solely terrify the white-haired Sky Dragon Slayer into oblivion, it would be no doubt these two. Since childhood, she feared this particular facility not only because of the intimidating paraphernalia but also mostly because of those who usually reside and control the place.

Shaking her head as if to make the thoughts go away, she slowly but surely started to calm down. She knew that mean time, this fear of hers is illogical and superficial. It had been quite a long while since she ran away from 'home', and ever since then there had been no sign of her parents' shadows. She knew full well that Lacey and Lyse would not be able to get hold of her now that she's here at Draco Edge. Aside from being a licensed Guild and managed by such person as Loritova, she's certain that her mother and father are not stupid enough to let themselves be in the center of attention by attempting to get her back.

She deeply sighed and looked at the clock near her bedside table. Aside from the basic necessities such as a bed, a table, a drawer, a bookshelf, a chair and some odd knickknacks here and there; one can see that Elysia's room is somewhat nearly bare. She had been planning to decorate her room, however since she is currently working on a small flower garden at her room, this idea had been put on hold.

She looked around and smiled warily at nothing in particular. It wouldn't do her any good if she will continue to let herself be tortured by a nightmare. After all, she should have been used to it by now. In fact, ever since she had left her parent's influence, she had been having these horrific dreams in varying degrees, every night.

Sometimes things end happily for her, where she was finally able to avenge the death of her real parents and their guild mates. Though most of the times she will always also dream about being captured and made as a guinea pig by her beloved mother once again.

Removing the covers away from her body, she shakily stepped both of her feet at the ground and aimed to go towards the direction of the bathroom. Passing over a marked calendar on her way, she noticed then the date for today. It was the ninth of October and is without a doubt the dated day for that Mission Impossible, the master had informed them about.

She let out a small smile as she remembered the fire magic user, opening the door of the bathroom, she entered inside. It will be best for her to just forget about the worries and focus on the task today.

That is if she can help it.

â–ș = ♀ = â™Ș = ♫ = ◄

“Welcome everyone! Today, is the day. No doubt you have all heard of 'Mission Impossible', and are most likely eager to hear what I have planned for it. First, let me explain the basic rules. Each of you is split in teams of two, whatever team completes the task first is the winner, and will receive a special reward that I will announce after the contest. Anything goes in this event."

As she heard the master started to explain about their activity, she hastily snapped herself into focus. Vanishing the remnants of her most recent daydreams, she turned to the large stature of the guild master and listened closely to his words.

He had informed them that they will be divided into pairs and will be assigned a specific task later on. Pouting a little and fighting the urge to groan out loud, she settled on placing both of her arms into one of the many tables in the bar and leaned on it.

It wasn't as if she hated the other members of the guild. She actually liked each and everyone of them. Not only because they are such nice individuals but also because based on her three months stay here, she had known how much of interesting people they all are. The thing that she actually disliked though-- aside from hearing anything about someone's love for science, will be teaming up.

It wasn't anybody else fault though. There is just something in her that doesn't sync well with regards to working with others. More often than not, it had something to do with her inherent inability to be focused and keep on a steady track when doing a particular task.

She went over through the list of her options of possible partners silently in her head and slightly lowered her head. Ely noticed that aside from her, everyone else seemed to be skilled and talented, especially in their own area of specialization. Unlike her. She only knew how to heal and when in a group battle or anything of sorts, she's usually the weakest link in the team. Such thinking made her unintentionally remember her mother's last words. "Of course! Your true parents have been a so much of a failure so it is just to be expected that you also turn out as one."

Pushing the negative thoughts once again, she raised her head and studied the others around. The straw basket was now being passed and having seated near the counter, she was one of the first people who immediately got a piece of paper from it. Holding the paper in front of her chest, she then motioned to open it with silent trepidation.

She truly wished that her partner had the patience far longer than what is normal or else even from the start they would surely lose this. The thirteen year old girl is undeniably rather bad at accomplishing tasks in hasty and rushed manner. She usually takes certain amount of time to finish particular activity and that is with all of her maximum effort present.

Slowly opening the paper, she held a mix of impatience and fear as she turned to look for the name of her temporary partner.

She literally felt the wind got knocked out of her as she stared dumbfounded at the words she read. Feeling that same hyperventilating experience creeping over her senses, though this time with a different reason, Elysia is torn between jumping out in joy or hiding into the comforts of her room.

It seemed as if winds are blowing in her favor; stopping herself just in time for the incoming shriek, she decided on beaming widely at the master. She sneaked a look at her partner and waited for the moment that she will transported. It wasn't long before she too, like the others, had been transported to the path they are assigned.

"I'll do my best, Miss Sandra!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seibi Kikaijin Character Portrait: Akio Kakudo Character Portrait: Loritova
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Seibi Kikaijin

The day started off much like any other. The Sun, which had slowly crept over the mountain range to the northeast, was now halfway to its peak and its rays shone quite brightly. The citizens of the town could be heard know as they made their way though the streets below, mingling together with others and chatting up a ruckus. The combination of the both the newfound heat and sound was enough to wake Seibi from his sleep. Raising his arm in a futile attempt to rid himself of the heat, he cracked his eyes just enough to see that morning had come. With a stretch and a yawn he sat up from his perch and starred at the city below.

Yes, perch. Rather then sleeping in the room he pays for like a normal person, Seibi finds it much easier, and relaxing, to climb up onto the roof of the dorm and lay down there instead. He often found himself sleeping more fulfilled there then in his bed, so now it has become a sort of habit. That and every time he walks into his room and has to stay in there for longer then a few minutes, he starts to feel a bit uncomfortable. After an hour, the feeling get unbearable, so sleep is a near impossible task.

Speaking of ‘impossible’, Seibi chose just then to remember what exactly today was. Hmm, Mission Impossible. He thought to himself as he stifled another yawn. Better get going. Personally, he didn’t want to join in the first place. An event on this scale normally led to in-fighting, and that was something he wished to avoid the most. Unfortunately, Loritova had made it mandatory that everyone available in the guild to show up. Sighing, Seibi unhooked his feet from their location so that physics took over and started to pull him down. Just before he cleared the edge he spun around sideway and cupped his hands on the end of the roof, using the momentum to swing himself through the open window of his room with no effort on his part. He made sure to land in a crouched position so that he landed with a soft thump instead of making a loud noise.

Seeing as how he still had a few minutes to kill, he decided to wash himself off a bit and put on some fresh clothes. Taking off his old ones, he tossed them in a corner and slipped into the shower. After a quick rinse off he made his way to the closet and pulled out a clean set of clothes. Slipping into his new attire, Seibi was making his way to the door when he noted that he was forgetting something. Moving towards the end table by his bed, he swiped the glove off the table and pulled it down over his left hand. Finishing that, he opened the small box next to the clock and retrieved the rings inside slipping them over the fingers on his right hand. Now he was ready. Pulling open the door, he walked outside, but not before tugging on his coat that hung on the end of it, taking it off and closing the door behind him in one movement. Slipping it on and his hand into the pocket, he made his way downstairs to the Guild.

He walked in just about when Loritova was beginning to explain the rules. Not bothering to pay attention to the small details, Seibi made sure to log the most important things in his memory. As he thought, in-fighting was not only allowed but expected. When the basket came to him, he quickly picked out a slip of paper and jammed it into his pocket, switching it out with a small ball of candy, which he popped into his mouth. He didn’t bother checking who his partner was because, truthfully, it didn’t matter to him. He’d still just do whatever was needed so he could get this over with. After a bit of waiting the clock struck Twelve and he was overcome with the weightless feeling that came when someone was being teleported.

Once he felt he feet make contact with the ground instinctively he crouched down. It was in attempt to make sure he didn’t lose his balance after landing, an unneeded action since he was teleported quite accurately. A small voice in the back of his head questioned who magic could do this on such a large scale, but he ignored it. Instead he scanned the area of where he landed. He recognized it as the border between the mountain range and forest southeast of Clover Town and near Akane Beach. He remembered the area because he had passed through it before with Ana during a mission.

Feeling he spent enough time taking in the scenery, he decided to move on with the mission. Taking the first step he turned and looked back over his shoulder to see who his temporary partner was gonna be for the day. Admittedly, he was a bit surprised at who it was. Akio was probably one of the last people he ever expected to be teamed up with, not because he didn't want to get to know him, he didn't, just because he felt that their fighting styles differed so much they wouldn't be able to work well together. Well, thinking about that know was useless so he just waved at him and mumbled out a greeting. Once that was done, he wanted to move on to the next step, but to do that he needed to know what to do next.

"Loritova mentioned that we'd recieve a task when we got here," He started aloud, mostly to himself but he said it in a way so that Akio knew he had at least acknowledged their partnership. "But what exactly did he mean by th-" He was cut off by the sudden feeling of something being imprinted into his mind. "Your and your partner are tasked with hunting and taking down the members of Team 2; Chowa Kyoku and Charlotte Leiss. Be warned, you're being hunted too..." Once the message was finished Seibi starred blankly ahead, blinking a few times. Really? He thought to himself. Instinctively he pulled out the piece of paper he had recieved earlier and unfolded it. Sure enough, both his and Akio names were crossed out and placed to the side, the center of the page being replaced by the same message. You've got to be kidding me. Ana would probably kill for a chance like this, and here he is having to face off against two people from their rival team. Sighing, he pulled together a plan. Instinctively, living things move towards water, He began to himself, switching to an outward thought to finish up. "So lets cut through these forest and make our way to the river connecting Akane Beach and Clover Lake." He said aloud, taking off through the trees without awaiting a response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Leiss Character Portrait: Chowa Kyoku Character Portrait: Loritova
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Chowa Kyoku - The bar

Chowa opened his eyes abruptly as the first sunlight hit his face. It was a skill he had learnt when he was younger. 'Always be prepared...for the danger could come anytime, anywhere...' He pushed himself up as he looked around, studying his room carefully to see if anything had been changed while he was sleeping. Nodding slightly as he deemed nothing important had been changed and there was no sign of something out of place, Chowa stepped out of his bed and stretched himself, ready for the day. Today was 'Mission Impossible' or something along the line, Chowa had not paid much attention the first time he heard it...maybe he just deemed it...unimportant or maybe he was just distracted. Either way, Chowa did not know much about the mission. He closed his eyes and sighed tiredly, yesterday event was still fresh in his mind and liked it or not, Chowa knew he had acted...harshly and 'out of character' regarding the event. He supposed he would have to apologize to his teammates when he saw them today.

With that thought in mind, Chowa proceeded to go through his normal morning routine in less than 20 minutes. Time's money, after all. He suppressed a yawn as his hand covered his mouth and he looked at the wall clock. He still had 10 more minutes before he had to do anything. Grasping his backpack, Chowa put in a book, some chocolate, a notebook and a pen before checking the clock for the second time. 'it's time to go' He thought with a slight nod. Closing the door behind him and carefully locked it with a soft 'click', Chowa stretched his hands, he was ready for the day.

'...or maybe not' Chowa thought as he listened to the guild master explained what they had to do. He did not care about rewards or fame...He only wanted to have a nice and easy-going mission. It had been a little while since he took part in easy missions and maybe he was starting to miss it. He dutifully picked up the folded paper and walked out of the guild. Whoever his partner was, he depressedly hoped it was not some kinds of fangirls. He shook his head...maybe he was just over-thinking. He stood on his destination - the Akane Beach, waiting for his other teammate to arrive, trying hard not to let the curiosity take over him but at last, he admitted defeated as he unfolded his paper and read the name "Charlotte" He mumbled, blinking at the ironic of it all...He only hoped she would forgive him so they could work together. But then again, hopes and reality were two different things.
