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The New Teen Titans

Jump City


a part of The New Teen Titans, by UltraVioleta.

Jump City is haven for villains now that the city's fame heroes have moved on. Will it's young, new heroes and heroines be able to free it from evil's grasp or has it fallen too far to be rescued?

UltraVioleta holds sovereignty over Jump City, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,831 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Jump City is haven for villains now that the city's fame heroes have moved on. Will it's young, new heroes and heroines be able to free it from evil's grasp or has it fallen to far too be rescued?
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Jump City

Jump City is haven for villains now that the city's fame heroes have moved on. Will it's young, new heroes and heroines be able to free it from evil's grasp or has it fallen too far to be rescued?


Jump City is a part of The New Teen Titans.

17 Characters Here

Sprouse Evans [74] "Lightning doesn't strike twice, but I do."
Meliore Amura Hadaim [74] "I think, therefor I am. Or at least, I was..."
Pulse [58] "ALLOW ME TO PLAY YOU THE SONG OF MY PEOPLES M*****************"
Aurora Kender [58] "Now you've made an enemy of me."
Ryan O'Connell "KrĂłtos" [44] "There is no light anymore. My whole world is stained black."
White Greatmountain [44] "I am the king of this metal forest!"
Alice Vasquez [32] "Check Mate. I win"
The Railgun [15] "You should run."
The Night Watcher [9] This is my city to clean!
Abaddon Gizem [7] "Death can not destroy the flames of revenge"

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Character Portrait: Kokoro
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She passed over very tall buildings; the sound of gunshots caught her attention so Kokoro jumped smack dab into a gun fight. At her sudden appearance the gun fighters gawk at her wondering how a girl managed to survive a 20 foot drop. They raised their guns at her and fired, of course Kokoro had no idea as to what they were but the moment one hit the ground around her feet she was startled but began to think this was nothing more than a game. "Nya! Yay people want to play with Kokoro!" she smiled dodging the bullets with ease, almost like she was playing with them. The gun fighters kept shooting at her only to find their target was no longer there "THE HELL IS WITH THIS GIRL!" Kokoro laughed in delight but soon an expression of pain flashed across her face and she yowled. "Nya! that hurt Kokoro you big meanies" her tail puffed up and spiked, now her grin turned to an angry frown as she ran at the men taking them out with simple kicks and punches to the head which sent them flying.

Kokoro huffed angrily and started to climb, her claws dug into the wall. She quietly muttered to herself about meanies and playing. She passed an open window which caught her attention, so she crawled in without making a sound. Once inside Kokoro noticed a doll like boy sleeping in the bed but he had a weird way of sleeping, just staring up at the ceiling motionless and for a moment Kokoro thought he was dead. Crawling over to his side Kokoro stood over him. Her body blotted out the open window, only two red eyes to be seen in the darkness almost floating. "Hey you’re not dead dolly are you? You can play with Kokoro." she poked his cheek with a single claw mistakenly drawing a bead of blood. "Woops Kokoro cut you sorry" whispering, a small rattling sound came from his nightstand and she bent down to look at a round object (a strange magical bullet). It rattled again and she grinned, picking it up between two claws Kokoro brought it to eye level to get a better look at it. The bullet moved which surprised Kokoro so she dropped it but picked it up again. "Nya! a new toy for Kokoro maybe they will like to play with this with Kokoro!" her voice rose excitedly.

The bullet started too ricocheted off the walls making Kokoro laugh in excitement. She pounced around the room trying to catch it, but failed each time but that smile never left her face. " Nya! Kokoro likes this play thing so much fun! It’s the best at tag!" she said happily ignoring everything around her. Kokoro then got to all fours, her butt in the air wiggling a little. Even with her hoodie you could see her muscles tense then she pounced right on top of the bullet.

The room became dark without the light but Kokoro could see just fine in the dark. Opening her paws just a little the bullet shot right out but Kokoro by reflex pounced on it again. "Nya! Kokoro wins she caught you!" her grin widened even more before she opened her mouth and bit down on the bullet. By biting down on it careful not to loosen her jaw Kokoro managed to trap the bullet, despite the light it gave off you still couldn’t see her face. Only those eyes could be seen, they shone eerily in the contrast of different lights and she jumped up on the window sill.

"Chochoro wichst bescht takisch thischt" her words sounded foreign as if she were speaking anther language thanks to the bullet in her mouth. And with that Kokoro jumped out the window, climbing upwards then jumped to the other building. Her claws created sparks from stopping her descent, Kokoro soon climbed up onto the roof from before to pick up her things. Soon enough Kokoro was running along the rooftops giggling happily to herself at her newfound toy that continued to pull away from her but she only clamped down harder on the bullet. The boy watched as she went, wondering who the hell it was that just stole his magic bullet oh well not like I was gonna do anything with it in the first place. Though now that I think about it, whose bullet does it belong to? shrugging his shoulders the boy rolled over onto his side as sleep finally took him.

Kokoro giggled excitedly as she reached her newfound home. It was really only a few days ago that she woke up here, a bunch of strange children were poking her with a stick calling her a "hobo" Kokoro wonders what "hobo" means. Jumping through a large window, Kokoro landed in the middle of the circle of light. Kokoro let out a mewl and many feline eyes blinked open and a chorus of mewls returned. Kokoros tail swished behind her with satisfaction as she dropped her things for her little friends to eat. looking at one of them Kokoro crouched down besides them as they ate and played around wrestling with one another. Finally Kokoro spit out the bullet into a crate and told one of her friends to sit on top it so the bullet wouldn't fly away. "Nya! Kokoro has a new toy! she wonders if this one will last longer maybe little dolly will come play with us later!". With her her usual cat like smile Kokoro went to a pile of clothe and settled down for sleep. And soon all one could hear was the sound of soft snoring and a rather large snot bubble forming at the tip of Kokoro's nose. While she slept her little friends ran about messing with one another and played with Kokoros tail.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: The Railgun Character Portrait: Ryan O'Connell "KrĂłtos"
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Melanie, carrying Ryan, was rushing back to the tower. Her energy was running low and she had mantained damage from the battle, namely her neck. Though breaking her neck wouldn't kill her, it did damage the wiring and her vision was flickering slightly and her sense of balance was slightly off. Getting home and getting it fixed was a main priority. Her second priority was less based on her and more based on the figure in her arms.

Ryan, formerly known as Krotos, was very still and very cold as far as her sensors could tell. She was eager to get him back to the tower and check all his vital signs and make sure that he was truely okay. He'd exerted a lot of his energy to divert the blast into the air so that no one would be hurt and in return he'd been accepted into the Teen Titans. Of course, the others didn't know it yet. She hadn't had the chance to tell them yet and didn't know how they would react.

At the moment though she couldn't be worried about them. Ryan's life was probably hanging in the balance and Melanie was going to do all in her power to make sure he recovered quickly, even if it meant her friends might disagree. It only took a matter of minutes before she was back at the tower and made her way to the medical room, gently laying Ryan on one of the beds. Mentally she issued the tower's built in system to start checking his vital signs and give an estimate on the damage that had been done to his body while she hurried back to her room.

Quickly she plugged Mel's body in and re-entered the tower's mainframe, updating on the statues of the tower and her friends. Someone had attempted to hack into her but the defense system had blocked it while she was out. Ryan was in bad shape but not irreparable. And... there was someone unfamilar in the living room? This could be a problem.

Melanie created two hollagrams, one who walked into the room Ryan was recovering in and the other into the living room. The first with Ryan opened the door quietly, smiling, eyes noticably blue and not gold. "Hey," she said, softly closing the door behind her and walking up to his bedside, "How do you feel?"

The second hollogram of herself walked into the living room, blue eyes narrowed slightly as she examined the figure on the couch from a safe distance. She didn't seem hostile and had gone as far as to register herself in Melanie's system, kind of like a greeting, which was probably why Melanie hadn't been alarmed. Plus if she was hostile she probably wouldn't be calmly sitting on the couch watching TV. "Well hello there," she said, not hostile but rather with uncertain suspition as she walked around infront of the couch, just out of reach, smiling slightly, "I don't have guests all that often. Might I ask who you are?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Ryan O'Connell "KrĂłtos"
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"You'd better made it out of this alive... Ryan." She said, her voice full of unnecessary concern.

"I hope I do too..." The villain thought to himself.

Diverting such force, such energy, and such raw destructive might was like nothing Ryan had ever done before. He felt as if his whole body had been put between a pair of vises and stretched. His skin was on fire, and crawling like he'd just watched the scariest movie of his life. His limbs felt like jelly, and he could barely keep his head up straight; he felt like he'd been sat on by an elephant. All weakness, inequities, and personal shame aside, he'd done it. Ryan had saved the lives of hundreds of innocent people, even if he was the one endangering them in the first place. At long last, he was beginning to mend. His shattered perception of reality was becoming whole once more. As the last vestige of fire had slipped out into the atmosphere, Ryan smiled, then collapsed. His vision was becoming blurry and he wanted nothing more than to sleep. That's when he heard a noise. Footsteps.

Sprinting down the stairs She came into the room and stopped for a moment. Ryan could tell it was her from the weight of her footsteps, and the pattern she walked with. Her footsteps were odd, erratic even. It seemed as if she were shifting her weight from side to side, as if looking around the room for something. Then, all motion stopped, a voice breaking the silence. Speaking, as if into some form of communicator, she said, "Good work Titans. Make your way back to the tower; I'll meet you guys there." before flipping the device closed. Slowly she walked up to Ryan, kneeling beside him. Something about him must have seemed funny, because she laughed. More of a childlike giggle than anything really.

Gently, ever so carefully, Melanie picked him up. As she spoke her voice was gentle, "Welcome to the team, Ryan O'Connell." Ryan's eyes widened in shock. How could he be made a Titan? After all he'd done, Ryan would have locked himself up in jail for sure. And yet, it seemed so natural. H smiled, lifting his arm up to his face, and using the last bit of strength he had left to remove his mask and clip it to his belt. At that, his energy completely spent, Ryan allowed himself to slip into unconsciousness, a wide smile still on his battered face.


Ryan was in a strange place. He'd never been there before, or at least, he didn't remember it well. It was simply blackness. There was no light as far as the eye could see, simply pitch black. Yet, one couldn't say that the place was dim. It was filled with a kind of brightness one doesn't see often. It was a darkness full of light. "Wait a minute... wasn't I just... Oh, this is a dream. It's been a long time since I visited this place. Hasn't it Mother?" Ryan said, although it was directed to no one in particular. Smoke drifted up from the ground, shaping itself into a likeness of his mother. After a moment, it solidified, and became real. She ran forward and threw her arms around his neck, embracing him.

"My Little boy. My precious son, oh how you've grown. It's been so long since we've seen you here. Why is that I wonder? We've missed you so much Ryan." The Not-Mother said. "I discarded you." Ryan whispered solemnly. "I was ashamed of the weakness that allowed you to die. I hadn't forgiven myself. I didn't think I deserved your love." Ryan explained. "Why do you think you're back now?" His Not-Mother asked. Slowly, Ryan lifted his hand to grasp his mother's; tears began to form in his eyes. "Because I forgot about you mommy. I needed to be reminded what I was living for." Ryan said, now crying freely. For a moment, all was still. Ryan sobbed as if he were a child once more. Growing up without a mother's love had changed Ryan. It made him vulnerable to a city full of greed and evil. It twisted him. It made him who he had become, not who he was supposed to be. Who he was supposed to become.

"Hey!" Came another voice, breaking the silence. "What's the big idea?! Big brother's aren't supposed to cry. What happened to the strong older brother I had when I was alive?" Yet another voice still calmed the angry voice, it's tones were soft and gentle. "That's enough Marie, big brother hasn't been here in a long time. We should be nice to him." At that, two more smoky forms condensed and then solidified; both were little girls. The first, who had yelled at Ryan, was wearing an orange skirt and had her mother's brown hair tied up in a side ponytail, she appeared to be six years old. The second, who was older, was wearing a school uniform and had their father's black hair in twin tails. She was twelve, only a year younger than Ryan on the day she died. "I don't get why we should be nice to him. He's being a little baby." Marie said, running up to her mother and standing next to her. Unconsciously, she took her mother's hand.

"Well Marie, big brother's been by himself a long time. You'd be lonely too, wouldn't you?" The older sister said, walking up to Ryan and hugging him. "We've all missed you, but you can't stay for long. Can you?" Carrie asked. "You've got a job to do now, don't you." Carrie said, and his mother and sisters all nodded in agreement. "I'm so sorry." Ryan said. "If I could, I'd stay here forever. I love you all so-" Ryan was cut off by the sound of a hand slapping his back. It had hurt very much. Ryan cringed and wheeled around to yell at the man responsible, his own father.

"What the hell dad!" Ryan yelled. "What kind of idiot just takes off and smashes his kid in the back? Read the situation damnit!" Ryan said, konking his father on the head. "Yowch! Now that's more like it!" Ryan's father said with gusto, rubbing the lump on his head. "Now THAT'S the kid I raised. Lift your head, don't look back. Your life is your own, live it how you want. However," Ryan's dad paused for a moment, his tone completely serious. "Don't live a life of sorrow trying atone for the things you've done in the past. Apologizing is all well and good, but if you spend your whole life on your knees begging for someone to forgive you, you'll regret it till you die. Enough talk, you've got a job to do! Get out of here and wake up you idiot son of mine! Perhaps that robot chick can teach you some good manners." Ryan's father yelled after his son as he was whisked away to the land of the living. The family embraced once last time before their bodies dissipated into smoke and Ryan woke up


Ryan's eyes snapped open. He slowly rose, feeling refreshed and well rested. He raised his hands and wiped the tears from his eyes, noticing the IV drip in his arm. Where was he, the hospital? No... he could hear waves. Further, the bed he was in was far too nice for a hospital bed. Was Ryan... in Titan's tower? As if on cue, the door opened. Ryan turned his head to face the one who had come in, though he couldn't see who it was. Oddly, there were no footsteps, just the sound of the door opening and closing and then a voice. "Hey," she said, her voice becoming closer as she approached him. However, when she entered his range, she wasn't there, but there was most certainly a voice coming from the end of his bed, as if he were sitting on it. "How do you feel?" she asked. Ryan smirked before looking at where the voice was coming from. "Like a million bucks." Ryan chuckled. "Am I where I think I am? Is this Titan's tower? I'm not upset you're taking care of me, rather, do I belong here? And where's your body? Aren't you an android? This is so strange, I can't see the impacts of air against your frame, but I can hear your voice. This is quite peculiar." Ryan admitted, reaching out and trying to touch something, but his hands simply slid through the hologram as if it weren't even there, feeling nothing.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Ryan O'Connell "KrĂłtos"
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(OOC I know this roleplay is pretty much dead, which is tragic, but I felt the desire to post one last time. It was nice while it lasted you guys :) Thanks)

"Like a million bucks." Ryan chuckled and Melanie smiled in return. She'd never quite understood that analogy but she knew it was a positive one and she was glad to hear it. "Am I where I think I am? Is this Titan's tower? I'm not upset you're taking care of me, rather, do I belong here?" Melanie held up her hands, gesturing for him to slow down but then remembered that he was blind and mentally face palmed. Ryan continued his barrage of questions, "And where's your body? Aren't you an android?"

Melanie was taken back a moment, and would have gasped if she actually had the need to breath. "Well, just hang on a moment, I-" "This is so strange, I can't see the impacts of air against your frame, but I can hear your voice. This is quite peculiar." Ryan continued, unaware of Melanie's discomfort, and then did something that near blew a fuse in Mel's mainframe. Before she could react Ryan reaching out with both hands towards her body. But instead of stopping they simply passed right through her hologram body, making her glitch uncontrollably.

This time, Melanie did react.

The hologram blipped out of view so there was no longer a person standing in the room with Ryan, then reappeared at the door. Her face held the expression of horror and fury as if she'd just been insulted in the worse manner possible. It took a few moments of silence before Melanie was able to reason herself into calming down again. 'He's blind,' she thought, 'He couldn't possibly have known, he was just trying to understand plus he just had a brush with death AND he's your new team mate...' Melanie took a few deep breaths to give the illusion that breathing exercises had helped calm her down before she spoke again.

"Let me try to explain, Ryan." She began with exaggerated patience, "Yes, you are in the Titan's Tower. You are having to recover from your actions the other day where you risked your life to save the life of others. And because I promised that, if you survived the feat, you would be allowed to become a Titan." She took another quite breath and it was clear by the edge in her voice she was uncomfortable when she next spoke.

"As for me...." she trailed off a moment, "I do not possess a body of flesh like you or the others, and I would greatly appreciate it if you did not touch the one I DO have. Additionally, as you can probably tell, I do not care to have others know about my... wavering existence, and would also appreciate it if you could refrain from telling the others as they do not yet know." The way she phrased everything was very careful and she hesitated before speaking. "Understand, Ryan?" It was clear from the way she spoke that, though these sounded like friendly suggestions or favors, they had much more weight behind them than that.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Ryan O'Connell "KrĂłtos"
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Feeling nothing, Ryan allowed his hands to cross on his lap. The sensation of hearing someone without seeing their body was quite odd. However, something was wrong. Something bad had happened, Ryan knew instinctively. Melanie took a few deep breaths, as if very agitated. However, Ryan heard her from the doorway. He tilted his head sideways as she spoke.

"Let me try to explain, Ryan." She began, with a tone that belied exaggerated patience. "Yes, you are in the Titan's Tower. You are having to recover from your actions the other day where you risked your life to save the life of others. And because I promised that, if you survived the feat, you would be allowed to become a Titan." She took another quiet breath and it was clear by the edge in her voice she was uncomfortable when she next spoke. Ryan bowed his head. He'd messed something up again, he just knew it.

"As for me...." she trailed off a moment, obviously choosing her words carefully. "I do not possess a body of flesh like you or the others, and I would greatly appreciate it if you did not touch the one I DO have. Additionally, as you can probably tell, I do not care to have others know about my... wavering existence, and would also appreciate it if you could refrain from telling the others as they do not yet know." Ryan drew the obvious conclusion and hung his head deeper. Ryan was pretty sure he'd just gravely insulted the girl who'd carried him back to the Tower and was currently taking care of him. The way she phrased everything was very careful and she hesitated before speaking. "Understand, Ryan?" It was clear from the way she spoke that, though these sounded like friendly suggestions or favors, they had much more weight behind them than that.

Ryan shook his head slowly, "Of course." He replied simply. "I'm very sorry. I... I didn't mean any..." Ryan sighed. Words were never his strong point. "I'll keep your secret with my life. I owe you everything." Ryan said, completely unabashedly. "Thank you." He added, in a voice barely a whisper. "It's been so long since I felt anything other than pain. Gratitude is a welcome change. I won't bore you with the particulars of my sob-story, but I do feel obligated to tell you why I did what I did." Ryan started. He felt a strange connection to this girl. The kind that you didn't often find. It may have been that she saved his life, maybe it was her proximity to him after such a pivotal moment in his life, or maybe Ryan was just bored, but he needed to speak. He felt like what he said next could change the rest of his life here. "I lost my family when I was young." Ryan started, stuttering. His fists were clenched, and his eyes were shut tight. The words themselves seemed to cause Ryan physical pain. He started again. Slowly. "A madman visited my elementary when I was just about to switch to high school. My parents were coming to pick me and my sisters up from our after school activities when he came. He killed everyone. Worse yet, I hid like a coward and watched as he murdered my family and friends before my eyes. Even though I was small, I regret not fighting him. I regret not ending his life with my own hands." Ryan's body shook with rage. For a moment. He was silent once again. Finally, after he was calm, he spoke. "The idiot blew up the gas lines with his misfires, giving me the scars on my face, neck, back, and shoulders. Luckily for him, it also ended his life. I spent the next six years, eight months, and sixteen days training for the day when I would take over the city, right all the wrongs, and end the hold that sick fucks like the one that destroyed my family had over Jump City." He chuckled. "It's funny, I used to see you as a hindrance. Someone I'd have to beat in order to get my way. Now, if you're willing, and I know it might take some time, I'd like to call you friend." Ryan said, finishing simply. Once he was done, Ryan stood. "Enough reminiscing. Where have you out my gear?" Ryan asked.


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Character Portrait: Kokoro Character Portrait: Pulse
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Melanie had taken the Krotos back to the tower, and RĂ©nard had taken it upon himself to do a bit of guard duty on the city. He hoped that the other Titans knew where he was, but had left a note in the refrigerator just in case. It read as such.

"Dear Lad, or Lass who finds this here note. I am off doing some very fair swashbuckling, and if ye wish to be communicating me, ye have two options, of grand eloquence. Ye can wait for me to return to the Tower, or call me on this nifty Device that looks like a T!"

He had left it next to the Diet Soda, only because that was where he was sure the first hand would reach. He himself couldn't stand the stuff.

Strolling down this foreign landscape downtown in the evening, he walked past many an interesting sight. He had no money himself, only spices back on his satellite. The only way to get them down would be to drop them, and He didn't want to make a scene. Like anybody would accept them as payment anyways. Continuing down the sidewalk, he came upon a large golden glowing M on the side of a building. It was interesting enough, but still the fact of having no money was pretty annoying. Those small red boxes looked like they held something precious food, or drugs. He still wasn't quite sure of the Earth Culture, looks like he had some late night reading to do.

After a while, he had reached the seedier part of town. Walking past broken windows and telephone wires where shoes were hung over them, it was not unlike the slums of many other planets, but it did seem a bit grittier. Humans did seem to be a bit more malicious than other races, but not by much. A sound of mewing perked his ears, and he peeked into a house. There seemed to be a glistening orb of something growing and shrinking, accompanied with some rather large snoring, and some mewing. Hoping not to cut himself or otherwise injure himself, He ambled into the room, and slipped, falling into a room of small, furry animals. Hopefully they would not eat him alive.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Ryan O'Connell "KrĂłtos"
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"Of course." Ryan responded respectfully to Melanie's request and she relaxed, slightly relieved. "I'm very sorry. I... I didn't mean any..." Ryan sighed and Melanie simply nodded, understandingly. "It's alright. Some one was bound to make the mistake." She reassured him, "But please don't let it happen again, especially with the others."

"I'll keep your secret with my life. I owe you everything." Ryan said, completely unabashedly. "Thank you." He added, in a voice barely a whisper. "It's been so long since I felt anything other than pain. Gratitude is a welcome change. I won't bore you with the particulars of my sob-story, but I do feel obligated to tell you why I did what I did." Ryan began solemnly, and Melanie didn't have the virtual heart to tell him she'd already looked up everything about him. Besides, stories were always different from the storyteller's own point of view.

"I lost my family when I was young." Ryan started, stuttering only slightly. She took note of how his fists were clenched, and Melanie could see that his eyes were shut tight. It was almost as if the words themselves seemed to cause Ryan physical pain and it took him a few moments before her could continue. "A madman visited my elementary when I was just about to switch to high school. My parents were coming to pick me and my sisters up from our after school activities when he came. He killed everyone. Worse yet, I hid like a coward and watched as he murdered my family and friends before my eyes. Even though I was small, I regret not fighting him. I regret not ending his life with my own hands."

Ryan's body was shaking with a silent rage Melanie knew all too well and she had the unnatural urge to reach out and touch his shoulder in a gesture of comfort, but she knew it would do nothing and instead had to stand there in silence as he calmed himself down again. Once he was calm again, he spoke. "The idiot blew up the gas lines with his misfires, giving me the scars on my face, neck, back, and shoulders. Luckily for him, it also ended his life. I spent the next six years, eight months, and sixteen days training for the day when I would take over the city, right all the wrongs, and end the hold that sick fucks like the one that destroyed my family had over Jump City."

Melanie nodded understandingly, and he chuckled. "It's funny, I used to see you as a hindrance. Someone I'd have to beat in order to get my way. Now, if you're willing, and I know it might take some time, I'd like to call you friend." Ryan said, finishing simply. There was a moment of brief silence where Melanie found her vocal speakers and said, "A friend huh? Well I'd much rather be seen as your friend than a hindrance." she chuckled, then added solemnly, "And I am sorry for all that time you spent grieving." Ryan seemed to think a moment than, apparently done, said, "Enough reminiscing. Where have you out my gear?"

Melanie grinned, much more comfortable with this kind of conversation than the more... emotional... stuff... Anyways, she snapped her fingers and a small click was heard and a drawer slid out of the wall. "All of your equipment is in there. I apologize if I was prying but I went ahead and scanned all the weaponry and repaired what had been damaged in battle." Turning to the door she puts her hand on the handle, "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go check on all the others. It's become... just a little bit too quiet... Anyways, please come out when you're done." With that she gives a small smile and walks out.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Kender Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Ryan O'Connell "KrĂłtos" Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans
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Ryan was finished with that conversation, she offered words of consolation, but they did nothing to dull the aching throb of hatred in his heart. His hands were still shaking and he felt sick to his stomach. He held himself together long enough to inquire about his gear. Hopefully, a change of subject would make him feel better. As he asked, the girl grinned, or at least it sounded as if she had, apparently she had been waiting for this question as he tone indicated relief and professionalism that was not present within the words of comfort she had previously issued. She snapped her fingers, the signal producing a drawer which slid out of the wall along with a small click as it locked into place. "All of your equipment is in there. I apologize if I was prying but I went ahead and scanned all the weaponry and repaired what had been damaged in battle." RYan simply nodded. While her help was unnecessary, he was glad she'd offered it. As an android, her idea of maintenance would have been far superior to his. Ryan managed a weak smile of thanks. Turning to the door she puts her hand on the handle, "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go check on all the others. It's become... just a little bit too quiet... Anyways, please come out when you're done." With that she gave Ryan a small smile and walked out the door.

Ryan sat for just a moment. Without warning, he slapped his hands on both sides of his face, hard, as if to wake him from a haze. It was something his father used to do to him before his soccer games. It helped to focus him, it also provided a crude map of the room he was in. He jumped out of bed, the only thing covering his nearly naked body was his compression shorts, a white tank top, and a hospital gown. As his feet his the floor, the vibrations caused from his impact brought the room into his view. Ryan threw the gown off of his body and walked to where he sensed the drawer had slid out of the wall. Ryan slid into the augmented jumpsuit. The stiff plates of kevlar and treated ceramics covering the vulnerable parts of his body as well as his primary striking surfaces. He felt better in the suit. It felt like a second skin to him. He strapped the utility belt around his waist and loaded the gadgets he hadn't used into their respective pockets. Next, he slipped on his boots and laced them tightly. The featherlight black leather felt supple, and supportive. No shoes would ever compare to such boots. Next were his weapons. The staff found its way to his right hip holster, the knives his left, and finally, the kukiri was stored in its sheathe located at the small of Ryan's back. Lastly, Ryan reached down and lifted the mask to his face. Even though he was a Titan now, it wouldn't have felt right. The mask defined him, made him feel safe. Regardless, if his new teammates didn't like it, he could care less. As he walked out of the room, he left his jacket there. He didn't need it any longer. He felt like the jacket hid him, shrouded him in doubt. He wasn't immodest or anything like that without the jacket, as he was fully covered by the thick belt and the black jumpsuit. Further, he no longer felt the need to hide his strength anymore. It would serve, instead, as a warning to those who would challenge him. I am a defender of this City. Test your might against me if you dare. Ryan thought to himself. He smiled weakly to himself. Sounds pretty good for only being true a few minutes ago. Ryan walked over to the door. Reaching for the handle, he hesitated for a moment. Would the others accept him? Would they reject him? Would they fight him? They had every right to despise him. However, Ryan would get no where by waiting. He shook off his fear and opened the door. Ryan, "looked" everywhere, but could feel no vibrations in the floor. He walked over to the wall and tried again there, but no such luck. This was one of the few times he hated his powers. They provided no leverage here. Frustrated, Ryan banged his hand against the wall, creating vibrations that would tell him the general layout of his immediate area. His fist left a dent in the wall that he didn't care about. He could fix it later, for now, he either needed a guide, or a plan. Since android/hologram girl was no where to be found, Ryan's second idea seemed better.

Ryan sat on the floor and focused. He allowed himself to achieve perfect silence and stillness. From there, he pushed his sensory input to the max, allowing his Tremorsense to reach it's way around half of the tower. Sweating, and breathing hard, Ryan found a central point where a large TV and couch were. This appeared to be the living room/kitchen as there were also cooking facilities. Ryan relaxed, bringing his senses back to his immediate area, a twenty foot wide circle, centered on his feet. He got up and walked to the room, following the mental map of the tower he'd created. He sensed footsteps. "So, am I in the right spot? This place is way bigger on the inside than I imagined." Ryan inquired, asking the whole room. Not being able to "see" past twenty feet made social situations such as these quite odd.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Kender Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Ryan O'Connell "KrĂłtos"
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The trip back to the tower was just a large blur. Aura wasn’t sure if she was carried or she brought herself, but all she remembered was dragging her exhausted, battered body to the couch and passing out as soon as her head hit the leather.

Aura didn’t get to sleep long. Her ridiculously empty stomach plagued her, even in sleep. With a light, high pitched moan, Aura rolled to the other side of the bed. Only she realized that this was a couch and not a bed. And there was no other side. She squeaked and dropped to the ground with a grunt. “Oh what a terrible way to wake up
” Aura complained quietly. She pulled her sour self to her feet. They instinctively moved towards the refrigerator, where food is usually held. Throwing it open, to Aura’s demise, she noted it was open.

 what’s a girl got to do to get some grub around here?!” Aura snapped silently to herself.

"So, am I in the right spot? This place is way bigger on the inside than I imagined."

Aura let out a small yelp and whipped around, shutting the fridge behind her. A light blush spread across her cheeks. This was not her home and she was in someone else’s fridge. Whoops. Aura suddenly remembered that this boy was blind. She sighed with relief and slunk away from the fridge and made her way back to the couches. She sat on the back of the couch and looked at Ryan. “I have to agree with you. This place is massive!” Aura marveled momentarily, looking around. “I believe you are standing in the right spot. Where you aiming to stand somewhere special..?” Aura asked seriously, tilted her head to the side. She wanted to find Melanie and ask if she had anything to eat

(OOC: I assumed that Melanie didn’t have food because, well, she’s a robot. Tell me if I’m wrong


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Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Kokoro!
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Kokoro had been sleeping quite nicely; she rolled on to her side tail flicking side to side lazily. A figure came into the room but slipped, falling g right into a mass of cats. The cats simply made room for him but some hissed at his appearance. " Kokoro wants to catch fishys!Nya! Fishy! Fishy in my tummy!" she stretched onto her back her arms in the air slightly as if she really was trying to catch some.

A small kitten went up to Kokoro and began pawing at her stomach mewling a few times. Her ear twitched then both until finally Kokoro's eyes were open and she sat up. Looking around she looked for the intruder among her cats. Upon finding it she got up quietly from her bed and began to cautiously walk towards him. He couldn’t really see her if he tried seeing as she was in the rafters but Kokoro could see him just fine.

With a grin on her face Kokoro jumped down land on her hands right on his shoulders. Grabbing hold of them she threw Pulse across the room while getting back to her feet. “Nya! Kokoro found a theif! Are you here to take back Kokoro’s things cuz I already ate it all! Nya!” she skipped happily about swinging her arms about until she was face to face with him. “Kokoro doesn’t know you so what are you? Can Kokoro eat you!?”

With those few words she lunged forwards ad took and bit his head. Suprisingly her whole jaw managed to open wide enough to bite down on the top part of his head but that wasn’t really the gross part. It was her tongue that began to lick his head drool dripping down into his face. After a moment of nibbling on his head Kokoro let go spitting out a few strands of hair, “Yuck you don’t taste good at all! Does that mean Kokoro can’t eat you!?” she asked tilting her head slightly to the side waiting for an answer.

(OOC: Sorry if I took too much liberty in moving your character Pulse. I'll change it if its a must but I won't be on until Sunday-Tuesday)


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RĂ©nard had mixed feelings about his situation. On one hand, the small warm, furry creatures did not seem bloodthirsty. However, the Alpha female, who was capable of speech, seemed to be, in an oddly adorable, yet horrifying way.

"Nya! Kokoro meowmoewmoewmeow Kokoro’s meowmoewmoew ate it all! Nya!”

wait... what
This didn't correctly translate to his translator. Was this human?

“Kokoro meowmeomewemoewmoew? meowomewomew Kokoro eat you!?”

The damned thing must have bugged out in his fall cheap piece of...wait, Eat You?

He bit his lip, not wanting to make a scene. His back ached from falling onto the Didgeridoos, so he couldn't really put up a good fight against this, Kokoro.

She lunged forward, arcing in a perfect leap with her jaw hanging open like a reverse video of a flower blossoming. The mixed feelings really kicked in after she made contact. The teeth were pretty sharp, and he winced into the wall. Something was massaging his head, something rough, but it felt rather pleasant. More pleasant than the teeth. A wetness started to flow down his face. It was her saliva. Perfect. Absolutely perfect. Soft nibbles continued for a moment, then she released. He rested back onto the wall, trying to get a good look at her face.

“Yuck mewomewomeow taste good mewomeow! Meowmeowmeowmewo Kokoro can’t eat you!?”

He had to stay calm. He was vulnerable after being bitten, and he needed time to heal. He whiped the saliva and blood from his face, and used it to slick his hair to the side. The stainy mess reminded himself of a crueler time, before he decided to play hero to annex this planet. He could easily lash out at her, then bide his time to strike again. Or he could be himself.


He held his head and tried really hard to stop the bleeding. He manipulated his Didgeridoos to make a small structure to seperate himself from the rest of the room, and the cats. After the bleeding had stopped, he tried to get a better look at the girl. Definetly not a human girl, this one was an alien to earth, just like him. He Could only hope to get back to the tower, and fix his communicator. Meanwhile, he would try to make a case to this Kokoro, and get her off of his tail, heh, she actually has a tail.

He might not be able to actually speak proper human, but if his father's name meant anything to the Galaxy, then she would get the gist of it.

"Ura'reg von Regethul" he said as he patted his chest with an open palm. "Regethul T'Iural." Hopefully it was working, and she could understand him. If not, he could always tap the... Communicator.

"Kisshvron thren... Lass" He asked for a second, and fumbled around for the communicator. He pulled it out, and knew very well that they might not understand him either. Maybe they'd understand something though, he knew enough human to ask for aid.

He flicked the phone open, and the scren lit up, showing a cam into the Living room, a perfect perspective from where the TV would be. The reception must of been horrible, since he couldn't see which three titans were there.
"Help, scary girl, I'm"

"Help! "


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Kender Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Ryan O'Connell "KrĂłtos" Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans
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Melanie's hologram, upon turning the corner, vanished as she no longer had any use for it. Instead her conscious was transferred to her room, scattered here among her most beloved and powerful technology. From her room she could control the whole tower and keep an eye on everything that was going on.

Checking the cameras she located the two most active Titans in the Tower, Aura and Ryan, who had meet up in the kitchen and were discussing something. By the look on Aura's face Melanie would only guess it had something to do with food. Mentally she snapped herself. 'Idiot! You forgot people need to eat! Ugh, you've been virtual for so long you forgot the need other's have to eat.' and made a mental note to pick up some food, or send one of them out to get some, at the soonest opportunity that arose.

Just as she was about to check up on the other Titans the Titan Communicator rang and she activated it, listening to the voice of Pulse from the other end. "Help, scary girl, I'm not..." he hesitated, obviously searching for the appropriate word to use, "safe." He sounded distressed and Melanie could hear a lot of odd sounds in the background, sounds she identified as... cats meowing? Odd. Perhaps however he had a fear or allergy to cats. Either way, Melanie activated the speaker in the tower.

"Titans, Pulse is in trouble. I've activated the location tracking device on your Communicators to find him. Now move out!"

Before shutting off the speakers and transferring her consciousness into Mel's body, moving around a little, pleased to see that all necessary repairs had been made, before walking out of her room and heading out towards Pulse.


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She watched him with hungry eyes swaying a bit in a rather odd and creepy manner. Something behind him moved and little constructs moved as if blocking her way to him. Not that she cared Kokoro didn’t want to eat him since he tasted disgusting but he was pretty interesting.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" his sudden yell made her jump as well as scare her. “NYA! WHY DID YOU YELL? THAT HURT KOKORO”S EARS!” she yowled right back at him. Kokoro held her giant paws over her ears, her tail was puffed up a bit and her eyes looked teary in a rather comical way.

He then continued talking but she didn’t know what he was talking about. Of course she understood what he had said just not the meaning of it. “Nya! Kokoro understand Mr. Argh but what does Ura'reg von Regethul and Regethul T'Iural mean? Kokoro thinks perhaps you are trying to say you’re hungry. Is Mr. Argh hungry? Kokoro is confused and doesn’t understand what you’re saying.”

She pouted putting on paw close to her face as she sulked wondering why she can’t remember anything. The words he said were familiar she just didn’t know what they meant. He then pulled out a device and said a few more things to it which piqued her interest. “OH! What does Mr. Argh have in his paw? Nya! Kokoro wants to play with it to!” she chirped happily as if her earlier mood swing never happened.

She climbed up into the rafters with ease and swung low above his head. Kokoro reached forwards trying to take the device but failed to as she could not reach. So she unsheathed her claws and tried to grab the device out of his hands again. Whether she got it depended on whether or not Mr. Argh pulled it out of the way but his face was in more danger than the device.


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Sprouse had, of course, fallen into a light nap upon reaching a secluded spot at the top of the tower. Although many would consider him 'outgoing' or 'sociable', he was not one to feel comfortable when he was sleeping next to others. Years of falling asleep alone in the streets had even made it somewhat of a nuisance to bother with what most found 'comfortable', and even if he did manage to clean himself up and look and smell like a respectable human being, he didn't necessarily sway away from dirtiness like most others. Thusly, the dirty roof on top of Titan Tower, away from the noise of the other inhabititants, was the perfect place at the moment.

It was nice on top of the tower, but his peace was short-lived. A ringing from his pocket coming from the item that the woman from before had given him was the culprit, and he only figured he should look at it.

"Titans, Pulse is in trouble. I've activated the location tracking device on your Communicators to find him. Now move out!"

...Already? Jeesh. Give a man a decent break.

Lazily, Sprouse got to his feet and descended the stairs to his other teammates, offering an expression similar to his mood. "Yo, lets go save the day and what for"


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Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Kokoro!
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Party tricks weren't going to work on this girl. Regethul had to pull out a hail mary. He had one trick left up his sleeve. The Cyclic Modulator, or as it had been christened in some archaic ritual, Circular breathing. He slowly took off his glove, throwing it the opposite direction of the electrical socket.

Good lord this was going to hurt. The thought of being eaten alive was only dismissed because he couldn't live to tell the tale of it. The prongs in his hands that connected to the control panels of his Mech were highly conductive, as they usually sent neural commands into the hardware, the excess energy being supplied through a socket in his neck. Sometimes the plugs had a problem with attracting currents to them too easily, so there was a defense system installed to keep him from "straight up dying" as his sibling Magnus would warn. 'I'm going to tear Mag a new one if i get out of this fix' Reg schemed. The malicious ambition drove himself toward the next move, jamming his hand onto the socket.

It stung like all nebular hell. A feeling only described to him by sad pirates on black nights when he Light drive was under maintenance.

He removed his had. The system was aware of a danger, and was now primed. The surge tickled his entire body, and he couldn't wait for it to be over. He slammed his palm against the cheap plastic, but couldn't hear the cracking over the loud fizz that emanated from his mouth along with a white-hot bolt of raw electricity. Lazer breath.