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Minerva (Minn) Darv

What? Did I leave flour on my face again?

0 · 2,066 views · located in The Nightwing

a character in “The Nightwing's Voyage”, as played by EKRonnie


Minn is a Shariva with rosy skin which makes her look absolutely human in low lighting. Her hair is reddish to go along with her skin but has a violet tinge in direct sunlight. Her eyes stand out as green, irises extra large due to the Shar within her blood. She stands at 5'2" and is 20 years old. Her attire consists of a number of baggy slacks with bead designs along the pockets and short tops that end just under her breasts. She also is fond of jewelry, necklaces in particular.


Minn loves cooking, particularly for other people. If someone tells her a dish is good, she carries a high chin the rest of the day. She is very optimistic and kind, empathic to all situations and gives people multiple second chances. Minn doesn't like talking about herself much, more interested in keeping conversation on others, or food. Always thinking of new concoctions and dreaming about a new line of restaurants within the center planets, she puts on a smile and hopes for the absolute best.


On her person is always a wooden spoon to keep her hands busy and draw out shapes in the air as she thinks. Minn also is always seen wearing a purple pendent around her neck, her mother's.


Shariva are half-breeds, half human, half Shar. Shar, a used to be well populated and popular race "back in the day," have slowly died out due to its females not being about to bear children. When the Shars discovered they could mate with human females, the numbers have begun to grow again in recent days.

Shariva have tinted skin, ranging from blues, purples and pinks. Their hair usually matches their skin tone. Shariva are average height, though this is seen as short to most species. They are known for great metabolism and their mixed blood has created a very attractive race.

Because of Shars needing human females for mating, female Shariva have been practically thrown aside, Shar and Shariva families without a son to carry on the name, living in shame. Therefore, female Shariva, because they cannot bear children, have formed a prostitution culture in the darker parts of the center planets, the money not bad at all.

Minn has grown up with a Shar father and human mother, father disgusted with her because she is not a boy and mother distant, having been forced into her role at a young age. Minn felt ashamed of herself for a long time, her younger years friendless and dark. However, once she discovered a cooking class in school, she bonded with a few of the students and found a love for chopping, dicing and baking.

Minn has a natural curiosity and loved her history classes as well. She boards the Nightwing now in hopes of keeping a steady gig with her dishes satisfying a large crew and discovering what is left out of the human histories. Perhaps even picking up a few of their old recipes along the way.

So begins...

Minerva (Minn) Darv's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eddie Ackers Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Saein Vernig Character Portrait: Bond Mason Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris
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Saein wanted to say something about that “nice view” being a person with points of view of her own, and perhaps also to brag a little about having arranged to have that view when she woke up, but Bond was still talking when the captain announced they would take off soon.

"To the bridge?" Bond asked.


Saein laughed with Bond about Minn being so dedicated to kitchen work she would miss take-off for it. It was cute. “Bond is right, it’s better to see it while sitting in a chair than it is to fall over trying to clean dishes during take-off.”

On the bridge, Saein chose a seat next to the one Bond had put Minn in. Talking to everyone and nobody in particular, she commented “You know, when you’re used to moving spots meaning emotion, it’s difficult not to become religious at launch time. It’s like jumping into someone’s arms or something. Good thing She seems to like me.” It sounded like she was half serious, half making a joke. A moment later the engines produced a noise that sounded like music to her (heavy metal of course). “Nice work, Bond.” In the minimal crews back when she worked for RMEE, the mechanic and the engineer were the same person, so she knew exactly what a well-tuned engine should sound like, and she could tell Bond had improved it from well-tuned to perfect.

Next to her, Minn was scared and Bond wasn’t helping though he was trying to. Saein smiled at Minn. “After a few times, you’ll love this.” After a bit of searching through her pockets, Saein found a small black stick shaped object that she stuck between her lips. She didn’t light it or switch it on or anything like that, one simply breathed in through it. “I’d share, but it probably won’t help your nerves and I’d want to ask the doc if you’re allergic first” Saein told Minn. She had heard bad things about other species having such allergies, now wasn’t a good time to repeat them. Death probably already was on Minn’s mind anyway. Saein relaxed in her chair and enjoyed the view. She felt bad for humans not being able to drink their tea during take-off.

After a minute her fingers found a loose screw on her chair, which she immediately fastened. “Hey Minn, you know what? After a few times you’ll love take-off, but after a few hundred times a screw in a chair becomes more interesting.” She laughed at her obsessive urge to fix things. “Relax, hon. You trust Eddie, right? I trust Eddie.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Saein Vernig
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The take-off shook her chest unlike anything she had ever experienced before, like thunder rumbles continuously rolling over her skin and shivering her bones. Her fellow crewmates seemed at ease and she herself felt the sting of anxious tears behind her eyes. But she put on a brave face. There had been a reason she had wanted to stay in the kitchen. Here, back stiff like a board, she could hardly allow her gaze to stray from where she looked straight ahead at the stars turning into lines among the blackness.

Saien spoke to her. What had she said? Trust Eddie? Minn barely knew him. Suddenly she felt terrified to even blink. If she missed any mistake and couldnt act accordingly, she would die... calm down. You trust these people. You agreed to this. Adventure right? New beauties, new places, stars, planets...

As soon as the speed slowed, she unbuckled and hurried off the bridge, hyperventilating and finding an empty hall to collapse in. How had she not thought this through? Why was she here?

The vastness of space suddenly felt like a mouth of impending doom, ready to swallow her into shadowed nothingness and chaos all at once. Pink fingers curled into her pink hair, she slid down the wall, forehead pressed to her knees. She had to calm wasnt so wasnt...but...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Cassandra Lassion
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Cassandra was still in her 'office' when the ship took off. She felt a pressure in her chest, the result of not being properly strapped in, but she ignored and it and tried to manage standing upright throughout her search for more books on the history of the planets where they were headed. Sure, it was all on her datapad, but she preferred reading from books with this sort of thing. She managed to find yet another buried in a stuffed closet, and with a cheer of success, she threw it into the growing pile. However, that was the last place she could possibly look. Sighing, she decided to retire from her search, and left the room, instructing MAC to lock the door behind her.

She was off to find the bridge, humming a merry tune, when she passed a crumpled pink form. Minn... She crouched down next to her. She tilted her head to make sure she was awake, and not dead, and was glad to see she wasn't unconscious. Scared, maybe? She wasn't very good at reading expressions. She racked her mind for something calming to say, when she simply went back to old-reliable.

"Hey, you okay? You look a bit... Shaken." She said, looking over the girl with her bright teal eyes. She put a hand on her shoulder, and sat there rather awkwardly. Sure, she was trained in running at top speeds, and she could yell at you in twenty or more different languages, but helping somebody mentally? Not easy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eddie Ackers Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Saein Vernig Character Portrait: Bond Mason Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris Character Portrait: Delw Night
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Reggie watched how Minn reacted to the take off. It wasn't for everybody, and the first one was always the worst. After a while, she would get used to it. If she didn't run off when they docked at their first stop. Which would no doubt take Saein away as well, Reggie recalled back to when the mechanic had said all she wanted was a good chef.

Sighing and shaking her head, Reggie let the slowing pressure wash over her, the feeling so comfortable and normal. She pushed off her chair, walking towards the cockpit. "Dlew, make a change in the planned route. We're stopping at the IDA first. Coordinates should be in the system already."

She spun and took a look at the crew members on the bridge with her. "MAK, what is Minn's location?"

"Just outside the bridge." MAK responded. "Dr. Lassion is with her."

"Good, maybe Cassandra can calm her down." Reggie said tapping her finger on her chin. She was tired, her knee was throbbing. She had been moving too much, too much action. It was time to take a rest.

"Colin, you're in charge. I'm retiring to my quarters for a while." Reggie explained looking to Colin. "Please, don't break my ship."

She smiled to Bond and Saein, waved goodbye to Eddie and Dlew and made her way to her quarters. Her room was on it's own floor, just above the bridge. It was large and spacious, although Reggie never knew what to fill it with. The room was a dark blue color, that immediately calmed the captain down. Her bed sat in the middle of the room on it's own platform. Reggie flopped onto it, immediately removing her tight pants.

Her knee was yellow and discolored, the replacement piece has shifted and knocked out of place. Usually, it left Reggie unable to even walk, but with the amount adrenaline that had been coursing through her most of yesterday and today, it was understandable why she would force her way through the pain.

Reggie contemplated heading down to the infirmary and having the good doctor fix her knee, but she decided against it. There was a good chance she wouldn't even make it that far before collapsing.

Grabbing her pants from the floor, she bunched it up and stuck a thick piece in her mouth, immediately clenching down on it as hard as she could. Placing her fingers in the appropriate locations, she applied pressure to the edges and pushed the cap back into place. Of course it never just snapped back into place. Often times it would get stuck, the metal piece not meant to be moved.

And the pain. The pain was greater than anything Reggie had ever felt. The pain of slipping the metal piece back into place was far greater than when Reggie originally got the injury. She screamed into the cloth as she forced herself to push the piece back into place.

Finally, she felt the cap shift and the pain cease. The captain collapsed, her jaw slacking and the pants falling into her lap. She took in deep breaths and fell back into her sheets.

"MAK!" She called. "I need a drink."

[Ignore Cassiopeia's Tag]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Saein Vernig Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris Character Portrait: Cassandra Lassion
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Well, that went well. Minn was more scared than Saein had thought. Her first impulse was to run after the girl, but she let her training overrule that: when someone panics, don’t panic about them panicking, that will only make it worse. She calmly unbuckled, greeted the captain who was already standing - there seemed to be something wrong with Reggie’s knee, but that was something to worry about later - and walked off in the direction Minn had gone.

Cassandra had already found the girl, but seemed unsure what to do. Saein could smell the fear on Minn. How had she missed that? Oh right, she had been too busy inhaling something tasty. Now what to say? “It’s only take-off”? No, don’t make Minn feel like a fool. “It’s safer than walking on a planet”? No, don’t remind of accidents now. She knelt in front of Minn. In her heart she knew what to do, it was obvious, but her brain disagreed. Her eyes flashed back and forth nervously, her hands tried to strangle each other, and of course her skin also showed her inner conflict. In a moment, she made a decision. The wrong one.

The moment their cheeks touched, Saein knew she had done something incredibly stupid. She had embraced a member of a different species right in the middle of a moment of intense emotion. The feeling of contradiction, wrongness, emptiness, cold, pain, confusion... so many words that didn’t begin to describe it, it was overwhelming. All her muscled cramped, she couldn’t breathe. Minn began to notice something was wrong, she tried to get out of the embrace but Saein was much stronger. At least Saein wasn’t suffocating her. That was one of the last coherent thoughts that went through Saein’s mind. “Focus” she told herself. “Relax. Focus. Focus on what?” She couldn’t tell how time was passing, it seemed to be minutes more than anyone could hold their breath until the world finally went dark. Unconscious, she let go, her shoulder and then her head hit the floor with a thump and a slight bang.

She was breathing again, but wouldn’t wake up for the next few minutes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Saein Vernig Character Portrait: Cassandra Lassion
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Cassandra was trying to comfort the best she could and it did help, but Minn's mind played and replayed images of horror to her, as if it wanted her to cut her own eyes out. She shivered and suddenly felt cold, but then a hug overtook her and her eyes popped open. Seeing the real world helped greatly, her mind's pictures hardly realistic in nature, but something was wrong. Minn could feel it as Saein, as she figured from the hair, tensed and then fully collapsed in front of her.

"Saein!" Minn cried, leaning over her friend with a newfound worry that plaugued her fears of flying completely. She held the pink haired girl's hand tightly, wondering what could have caused such a thing. Then she looked to their touching skins, peachy white on bland pink. She released it, shaking with guilt and remembering Saein's comments about handshakes and touching others. "Wake up," minn whispered, feeling tears form. She faced Cassandra. "Get the doctor. Hurry!"

Leaning over Saein, Minn felt two tears fall, the stress of the last few minutes culminating, but her focus remained on the pink girl on the floor who she dared not touch. "Wake up please," she begged. She couldnt stand it, wondering what sort of pain Saein had suffered just to give Minn a hug. It shouldnt have been needed. If she had been braver and not reacted so childishly to the take-off... "Please."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Saein Vernig Character Portrait: Dr. Alexander Greenhaven
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It felt like they hadn't been docked for two minutes before something happened. Alex was mindlessly reading through a medical book when a loud beeping echoed through his office. He jolted and immediately stood from his chair, covering his ears.

"MAK!" He called. "What's going on?!"

"One of the crew members needs medical attention." The AI explained calmly, even though it felt like all hell was breaking loose. "Ms. Saein Vernig, she is just outside the bridge."

Alex hissed and rushed out of his office. He grabbed his stethoscope, wrapping it around his neck, and his medical kit, and bolted out of the infirmary and into the elevator. "MAK, can you make this move any faster?"

"Of course."

Without any form of pause, the elevator shot upwards towards the bridge. Alex pressed his free hand to the wall to keep himself balanced. It stopped shortly after on it's appropriate floor and Alex rushed it, immediately finding Saein passed out on the ground. He rushed over, Minn already trying to help the mechanic up.

"What happened?" He questioned putting the ear buds of his stethoscope into his ears and pressing the metal circle to Saein's chest. He could still hear her beating heart, it was unwavering; steady and strong. Minn was explaining what had happened, but Alex was only vaguely paying attention.

"MAK! Get the stretcher. We need to take Ms. Vernig down to the infirmary." Alex called out. He looked up at Minn, her features striking; she looked so worried. "Don't worry Minn." He said placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "She's going to be just fine. Just needs a little rest."

The stretcher had zoomed to them under the control of MAK. Alex lifted Saein up easily and slid her onto the stretcher. "MAK, take her downstairs, I need to inform Regina of this."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Saein Vernig Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris Character Portrait: Delw Night Character Portrait: Dr. Alexander Greenhaven
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Dlew woke as the ship came into the docks, and listened to the Captain who said anyone who wanted could tag along if they so wished. Thinking why not, Dlew decided accept the offer and followed her into academy. Stepping into the large building, Dlew took in the scenery, and at once brought out his notebook and pencil, then began to draw.Settling for rough outlines for now, Dlew decided he’d finish later and continued on further into the maze of halls and endless corridors. Along his way, he continuously stopped to draw what he saw, so much that he had lost track of time, as well as direction. Glancing around, he located an IDA officer who kindly pointed him back towards the docking bay, and awaiting ship.

Boarding the ship once more, Dlew made for the bridge, intending to start preparations for the next takeoff by pre-plotting the course. On his way, he just happened to catch a glimpse into the medical bay, and heard the commotion within. Quickly, he located Alex, and found that Saein was unconscious.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” he asked, a hint of emotion escaping through his dull tone.

Dlew looked to Minn who was watching Saein with a very worried look, and decided he should stay as well. He wondered what would be appropriate to say, what could possibly comfort or relieve Minn, but couldn’t come up with anything. So there he sat, waiting patiently until the doctor would need his services.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Saein Vernig Character Portrait: Delw Night Character Portrait: Dr. Alexander Greenhaven
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One by one, the grey spots returned on Saein’s skin. She frowned, and groaned “Verdul limmeh”. No translation was needed, these words were obviously obscene. She opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Alexander. “Did someone hit me on the head?” she asked. No, that wasn’t it, the sore spot on her head didn’t hurt quite enough for having been knocked out, and her shoulder also felt like she had bumped into something. Then it came back to her. “Never mind, I’m an idiot.”

Saein tried to sit up to look around, noticed the facts that she was on a stretcher and that her head didn’t just hurt on the outside, then decided to stay down. From where she was, she couldn’t see much, she hoped the people around her weren’t the whole crew. Where was she anyway? The infirmary, probably.

“Doc, now I’m here anyway, you may want to copy my complete medical file from my datapad. Pretty sure the least healthy ten years are missing from the one you have.” As if that was important. Burns, broken bones and radiation poisoning had nothing to do with what had happened before she passed out, and all had been fixed long ago. “No hurry. I never abused my nerves before.” Her file wasn’t important. What was important?

Minn appeared next to her. Ah yes, that was important. The girl looked so worried... “Sorry I scared you, hon.” She reached for Minn’s face, but the girl moved away from her hand. “Don’t. I’ll be fine” Saein said, and stroked Minn’s cheek. A surprised smile appeared on Saein’s face. “Hey, that’s neat...”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Saein Vernig Character Portrait: Bond Mason
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Minn, fearful of a repeat of before, was reluctant to approach Saein, guilt coursing through her faster than the blood in her arteries and veins. But the pink haired mechanic assured her it was okay, and cautiously she stepped forward. She was terrified when she lifted her hand and froze as their skin touched, but Saein broke out a smile. "Hey, that's neat..."

Eyes widening, Minn attempted to make sense of it all, but failed, not knowing precisely what caused the collapse before. But Saein was obviously all right and Minn's pink lips grinned broadly, her excitement wounding her tiny frame with bottled energy and she hurriedly hugged Saein on the stretcher, happy tears coming to her eyes. Saein, out of all the crew so far, was her favorite and she desperately wanted a friend. Nothing could happen to her.

"Are you really okay?" she asked, taking Saein's hand in both of her own as she used to do with the other girls at her last job. When a night wasnt going well, they held each others hands for strength. Suddenly a deep longing to find her 'sisters' erupted with Minn's chest, but her focus was Saein. She had to be sure she was truly okay.


Standing in the halls of the academy, Bond smiled at the uniformed portraits lightly, remembering faces, parties, girls...He did note that the headmaster had kept his word upon Bond's departure; his photo was nowhere to be found. It made him laugh a little, his name on the metal framed list beside the photos, but his face never to be acknowledged. The headmaster's logic was that Bond had lacked proper social skills because he relied on his appearance. It was true. The handful of girls in his class had each told him he was handsome, even sexy (while drunk of course) so it easily went to Bond's head back then.

"Wouldn't have it any other way," he had told the headmaster those years ago. "I'll be on my way, I suppose."

"You are a strange fellow, Bond," the headmaster replied. "One of the best our school has seen...yet you get yourself expelled three weeks before graduation?"

Bond smiled and shrugged, keeping his military stance perfect somehow in the process. By the looks on the headmaster's expression, he truly didn't want to see the boy go.

"I have a job lined up already," he assured the older man. "I'm all set. Don't worry about me."

"Worry? Who said I was worried?" the headmaster snapped, never one to reveal his true emotion. He had caved though moments later, giving Bond a hug and an encouraging pat on the back. "Perhaps we'll see you again someday."

"Perhaps," Bond had allowed.

And here he stood, no picture and on a crew with graduates from the same academy. Strange indeed, yet bond was glad as he turned and smiled to his surroundings. He had missed the place.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Saein Vernig Character Portrait: Cassandra Lassion Character Portrait: Dr. Alexander Greenhaven
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Cassandra was surprised at how suddenly things could happen. One second she was trying to comfort Minn, and the next Saein was on a stretcher and off to get treated by Dr. Greenhaven. She sat there for a second, still kneeling in front of where Minn used to be. They had all gone to go visit the injured, of course. And then there was the adventure of the Academy, but she wasn't in a mood to head back to that place at the moment. She frowned slightly and allowed herself to stand, taking another look around the now empty hallway. She was a bit curious to see what had happened to Saein, so she turned in the direction everybody else had headed off in, and went off to find the others.

It took her a couple of minutes to find the office, but now she was leaning against the door frame, tying a tricky knot she couldn't seem to get into her rope. Saein looked a bit overwhelmed with all the attention, and she decided to leave the girl alone for now. She needed to rest, anyway. Well, mentally. She wasn't tired in the least physically. Her mind reeled back to the mission they would first attend, which MAK had informed her and told her was somewhat of a secret. She pursed her lips as she continued to try and find a possible entrance that wouldn't be dangerous in the least, but she couldn't figure out anything. I hate not knowing things...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Saein Vernig Character Portrait: Dr. Alexander Greenhaven
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“Hey hey, not too close” Saein told Minn when the girl gave her a hug. “It wasn’t a miracle cure, and I’m pretty sure the doctor will not like it if I get shocked twice on one day.” It seemed Minn didn’t understand the change completely, which was only normal because she didn’t live in the same body.

"Are you really okay?" Minn asked as she took Saein’s hand in both of her own.

“Better than okay, I think. It’s easier to touch you now. But that’s a question we should ask the doctor. All I know for sure is that I have a headache.” She put her other hand on Minn’s hands for a moment, then took her hands back, she needed them to sit up.

She did manage to sit up this time, now she was completely awake and Minn smiling at her gave her energy. “What about you?” she asked. “Will you be okay?” Saein looked into Minn’s eyes. She hoped her botched attempt to calm Minn hadn’t been for nothing, the Shariva would have to get used to take-off or else Saein would have to make difficult choices. Even more than that, she wanted Minn to feel happy. That had been worth an uncomfortable hug. Things had gone a bit worse than uncomfortable, but things looked promising now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eddie Ackers Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Saein Vernig
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Unlike a few of the others, Eddie decided against departing and looking upon the academy. It brough... unpreferable memories back just being here, and if he had seen a familiar face.... it was better if he didn't. So, he left the comfy seat in the cockpit to walk around for no real reason in general besides just walking. However, it wasn't too much longer after he had started when an annoying loud beeping decided to destroy his eardrums.

He cupped his hands over his ears and waited for the siren to eventually die out, his heart was beating just a bit faster due to the surprise ear rape, and he was a bit worried. Judging by the fact they were docked at the IDA, he was completely and without a doubt sure they weren't just attacked, so... was someone hurt? He frowned, stopping his walk for a minute to remember where the infirmiry was.

A bit longer than it should have taken him later..... he arrived to the scene. Saein was on a stretcher, Minn looking happy and worried at a same time. Eddie couldn't exactly place what happened with just a simple scan of his eyes, so he'd no doubtedly have to sate his want for knowledge on this situation by asking. He took a bigger breath in before exhaling and making his presence known. He didn't want to interrupt for the sole reason that he might seem a bit too worried for someone he just met, but it was in his nature and he couldn't help it.

"Did we have a party while I was piloting the ship? Damn, I miss all the fun ones...." there was a slight uneasiness in his tone that showed the joke didn't roll off his tongue as easy as they usually did. Figuring that the one hurt in all of this was Saein (yeah, he's a genius), he looked at her and spoke again. "What happened? Are you alright?....If it's okay to ask...."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eddie Ackers Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Saein Vernig
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Minn was ready to question the doctor if Saein was truly okay and why she could touch her fine, almost fine, now, but then Saein asked if she was okay. It was incredulous! "Of course I'm okay!" she exclaimed, worry creasing her face in all sorts of places. "You were the one who collapsed because of me! I'm completely fine." Part of her wanted to hug Saein again, but she held back, wringing her fingers together. She didn't have her wooden spoon to play with. Bond had dragged her from the kitchen too quickly.

Eddie made his presence known with a loud exhale and he stepped inside, cracking a semi-joke and asking if Saein was okay. Minn smiled to him. She liked him as well, and hoped they could be good friends. His jokes were enjoyable, but he also had a deeper side to him that Minn couldn't fully see and was curious to find. Over their trip together, she would be happy if he proved to want to be friends as well.

Then her thoughts zipped back to the kitchen and all the dishes that had yet to be taken care of. Anxiety had her face heat up, but no color change could be seen, the thrill of being the color she was. No one could truly see her emotions based on blushes. But one look back to Saein told her she had to stay with her, make absolutely sure she would be okay. So she remained beside Saein, smiling kindly and sending only positive energy out to the room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eddie Ackers Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Saein Vernig Character Portrait: Delw Night Character Portrait: Cassandra Lassion Character Portrait: Dr. Alexander Greenhaven
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Thank goodness thought Dlew as he watched Saein wake up finally, he looked at the scene with a blank stare, watching Minn lean over her, hugging her again and holding her hand when Eddie came in, somewhat baffled by the events he seemed to have missed. Dlew, satisfied everything was okay finally decided to continue to the bridge, and said a few goodbyes to everyone in his usual dull tone.

He made his way to the bridge successfully, and took his place in one of the chairs before opening up the charts, and beginning to tap the screen, inputting coordinates for their next course and destination. When he finally finished, as usual he produced his little note book and pen, and flipped through the pages, opening up to where he had left off on the sketch of the academy. A few thoughts ran through his mind as he drew finished up the picture, the most prominent being a curiosity of who is to come aboard the ship.

Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted as his pen failed him, refusing to continue any longer as it ran out on ink.

“MAK,” said Dlew, “where can I get another pen?”

“Most likely in one of the offices,” responded MAK.

Dlew contemplated this and finally decided to talk another walk in an effort to find a new pen. After a few moments of walking, he came across Cassandra’s office. He doubted she’d mind if he intruded to snatch a pen, so he entered. Looking around he found the room covered in books strewn across the floor, along with the desk drawers still open. Dlew ignored the mess and made his way to the desk, then found himself looking through some of the books atop it. After a few moments of reading and finding nothing of interest, so he returned to his search, locating a pen quickly and taking it before returning to the bridge.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eddie Ackers Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Saein Vernig Character Portrait: Dr. Alexander Greenhaven
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0.00 INK

Saein gave Minn her hand again. It wasn’t a spoon, but she figured it would do. “I don’t mean are you okay now. I mean will you be okay next time we launch.” She glanced at Minn’s hand squeezing hers and smiled. “With me holding your hand and distracting you of course.”

Eddie joined them, jokingly asking if there had been a party, then seriously and a bit hesitatingly asking what had happened.

Saein now treated Minn’s hand like a spoon. She didn’t like to admit she had done something stupid, and on behalf of Minn she would rather pretend nobody had been scared. On the other hand, Eddie would hear about it one way or another, and he was someone she could explain things to in clear technical terms, as if it was a mathematical formula. To begin, she continued the joke. “It sure was one hell of a party. Bond brought the music, I danced with Minn and it took my breath away and knocked me out. But seriously...” She took a deep breath. “Minn didn’t feel well, so silly me gave her a hug. I thought the difference with a handshake would be proportional to the surface area, I didn’t think of the intensity of the emotion my subconscious was expecting to share being a factor. And Minn was... pretty upset. So I froze, stopped breathing and passed out. Oops! But hey, look what I can do now!” Grinning, she hugged Minn and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Maybe that kiss wasn’t such a good idea in front of Eddie. Too late. Her thoughts drifted to to the same idea she might have reminded Eddie of, her kissing Minn with a different kind of love. It wasn’t something she could do yet, and she certainly didn’t want to right now (not with that headache), but she could feel her face get warm. Quick! Think of something to distract everyone! She held her hand up to Eddie “it doesn’t feel normal yet, but, high five?”. It didn’t make any sense to high five Eddie at this moment apart from it being something she suddenly didn’t mind anymore, she hoped it wasn’t a too obvious distraction.

Saein sighed. “Doctor, it’s awfully nice of you to let everyone visit me first, but if there’s anything you need to check before giving me something against my headache, could you please do that now?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eddie Ackers Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Saein Vernig
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0.00 INK


The kiss Saein planted on her cheek was a friendly one and Minn smiled in reply, receiving many such affections before with her 'sister' before. She did wonder where Eddie's mind was off to though, remembering his discomfort from the last time something between herself and Saein was brought up. But Minn only smiled and listened as the other pink-haired girl asked the doctor for medication.

"Should we leave you alone?" Minn asked, hardly thinking about answering Saein's question about her own mental state about the take-offs. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable." To make her intentions clear, she let go of Saein's hand, feet directed to the door, but she lagged, wanting to know exactly what Saein wanted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Saein Vernig Character Portrait: Dr. Alexander Greenhaven
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0.00 INK


Glad that the doctor's blessing of good health was given, Minn relaxed considerably, smiling to the learned man. It truly wasn't sufficient enough though and she followed him around to the counters of supplies and serums, happiness brightening her expression. "Thank you," she said lightly, touching his shoulder for a moment to get his attention on her. "I know it wasn't too serious but...I'm glad you kept calm. I...I'm not sure how doctors really can stand to be so...calm. All the time." She giggled slightly then glanced back to Saein, seeing her relax a bit too, knowing she would be here for a few hours.

"Thanks again," Minn added and nearly leaned into the kiss his cheek she was so elated, but thought against it. She wasn't with her sisters anymore and the gesture could be seen as more than friendly. So she waved slightly and turned back to Saein, smiling broadly.

It was so strange being around the pink-haired mechanic. Comfortable and easy, like they had been old friends for years. Minn brought up a stool beside the bed and thought of what to talk about. "So for our room was I wondering what side of the bed you preferred to sleep on. I don't have a preference at all, so the decision is up to you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eddie Ackers Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Saein Vernig Character Portrait: Dr. Alexander Greenhaven
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0.00 INK

Eddie sighed after Saien gave her explaination on the situation... the true one, at least. He looked over her, and then Minn and then back again. "So you overdosed on feels?" he asked simply, keeping the question simple. However... he turned to Minn and frowned. Something was wrong with Minn? What happened, he wondered as he looked at her for a minute. Before he could open his mouth to speak, Saein placed hers on Minn's cheek and the thoughts from before might've started back up. The way Eddie's cheeks turned red a bit made this obvious.

Needless to say, Eddie was in his own sort of daze as the doctor informed them of Saein's condition. She's to stay in here for a few hours which might not be too fun and Eddie'd stay just... maybe she'd just prefer to be with Minn. Girl time or the sor-- and the thoughts resurfaced. Damn he was too vulnerable to those kinds of thoughts! Some how, he was doubting his own standing as a professional, especially when Minn began asking about their sleeping arrangements.

Ackers began grinding his teeth, actually pissed at himself that he could be so immature. He was also still blushing, but that's besides the point. He looked down upon Saein and offered a smile that might've looked weird with his blush. "If you two are discussing important matters, than I can leave," he told them both as he fought the urge to punch himself. Just something about these two set him off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eddie Ackers Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Saein Vernig Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris Character Portrait: Delw Night Character Portrait: Dr. Alexander Greenhaven
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0.00 INK


Alex was busy prepping for a few of the tests. Nothing to extreme. Just a blood sample, a few checks of blood pressure. Although the machines could tell Alex everything he needed to know, he preferred to get the results himself.

He jolted, however, when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. He looked down to see Minn smiling up at her. She was thanking him for being so calm, and he smiled back. She was very sweet.

"It's important to remain calm." Alex explained. "If a patient sees the doctor freaking out, can only imagine. By panicking, I can get confused and discombobulated. I could mess up, and cause even more problems."

"I don't have the option of panicking." He added. He smiled down at her, hoping to lighten the glum mood he put the conversation in. She smiled back, and Alex couldn't help but blush. She looked just like his old girlfriend, except for the pink skin.

She thanked him once again, waved at him, and walked back to the mechanic. Alex let out a breath, his shoulders sagging. He continued prepping his paperwork and the instruments he needed. He could hear Minn and Saein talking behind him, Eddie chiming in every now and then.


Reggie was back on her ship and it didn't take her long to find Dlew back up on the bridge. Everything was rather quiet, she hadn't bumped into anyone on her way up. They were probably off doing their own things. She limped her way over to Dlew and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Sorry about the delay," She said with a smile. "Let's get you downstairs to fix that gear." She helped him out of his chair and they walked together to the elevator. "Meet me in the infirmary. I have to get my tools and the gears. It'll take me a few minutes."