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Val Salah As Tallan

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a character in “The Nightwing's Voyage”, as played by RolePlayGateway


Among his species, The Tourain, Val is at most, ordinary. Standing just below 6'3" with dark brown skin. The thickness of his pale yellow head plate, encompassing the extend of his skull, signifies his age of 26 Earth years. In the Tourain culture the lifespan is a only little longer then Homo Sapiens, while their years may not be the age is comparable. Pale green eyes hide on the sides of his head, offering only little view of what is before him. He wears the dull grey suits favored by his race after their arrival to the stars, producing a harder plate over their soft chest. The head plate and the hollows within it are the race's main form of communication and sense. Like vocal cords, muscles produce vibrations amplified by the bone and produce sound. In this way they can produce almost any language, seeing as they are not so constrained by biological issues. The mouth can also be used to produce sounds but they are very simplistic and crude, the orifice's main use is consumption of food and drink. The plate also acts as a receiver, acting upon a sonar like system where received sound and such can create a rough imprint of their surroundings, with the assistance of their eyes to produce color and higher detail.



Val is a usual Tourain; Obsessed with details and intricacies, an unusual genetic and cultural trait of his kind. He is what many races would call obsessive compulsive. His dressing sense is impeccable and even his grasp of the human language leans towards formality. He tends to engage in conversation only if there is purpose and intention behind it, as idle chit chat is a waste of time. This perfection makes him almost unbearable to deal with sometimes and many an argument has sparked. Yet Val almost seems to have a deadened emotional range, he does not particularly experience any extreme feeling; joy, anger, sadness. As a worker though his skills are something to be desired. He has a incredible grasp of technology and ship board systems, both mechanical and electrical. He can upgrade, maintain, repair or replace almost anything with a speed that many other races lack in the same vocation.


Other then the basic maintenance kit he keeps in order to fulfill his duties there is not much that Val bears on regular occasions, other then the hard shell of his clothing. Of course he has personal belongings, memories of home, his qualification of training, skull oil for cleaning his suit and head plate to a sheen.


The Tourain supposedly joined the galactic scene only a little earlier then the Humans. In many way the races were alike in cultural and technological development and bipedal forms. Although there was notable biological difference. To the others races predominant the two were often grouped together which led to real alliances between the two young races. Sharing technology, abilities and population. As Humans grew more prolific however, the Tourain did not. While they required similar conditions the alien race had lower resiliency and couldn't easily populate more planets. Now the Tourain, while still historically joined to the humans, were very much on the sidelines. Now days the Tourains are very much equal to humans, yet most of the elders still idolize the other race, and influence the young so.It was in this society that Val Salah grew up in. He did not see this as a problem, more as an opportunity. To be a member on a human vessel, as many were given much grandeur, was his dream since he was young.

He passed through schooling and further education in Space Vessel Systems, completing it comfortably at the age of 22. Almost immediately he applied to the human fleet, where his problems first began. With particulars over non-human crew the paperwork was cycled around and around with no particular response. Eventually, after the bureaucratic journey, Val was designated to a Tourain ship. The crew were dropouts and almost criminals, the ships was an outdated piece of junk that was only kept flying but an stubborn, cheap military official and Val's skill at repairing its systems. Eventually his skill was acknowledged, after a year and a half of service. He was transferred to a human vessel, already he was disillusioned as to his dream being reality. It was proven so, the human ship, while better then his previous station, was still an awful posting. After another year he resigned, turning his skills to freelance. Taking up crew offers for private craft. He eventually found that this was far superior to serving on the fleets and has been going from job to job, acquiring a rather decent number of referrals.

So begins...

Val Salah As Tallan's Story


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Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris Character Portrait: Colin Seartjik Character Portrait: Val Salah As Tallan
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The bar, inn, hospitality establishment wasn't a very upbeat sight, nor were the surroundings. It seemed most human ship owners, who were hiring at least, preferred such an locale for their meetings. Val partially understood the attraction, such a place was homely and comfortable in a way. The best situation to test a crew if there is going to be a manner of social interaction desired. The Tourain didn't mind, the quality of the meeting place did not correlate directly with the quality of the vessel. It was irrelevant as to the quality of the craft, as long as the trip was reasonable and the crew bearable. The young adult had long ago lost any pretense that space travel was glamorous. So he allowed himself to step inside the inn. At first the place appeared rather empty. Evidently it was mostly empty, as these places often seemed to be. A few aged humans and the inn's attendee, with a few others accumulated together. By common sense it seemed that these were the party that was to be the crew.

He didn't expect them to be surprised that he was here, after all a Tourain was not the rarest of species to be seen in human company. Although he found their quirks a little irritating at times, Val Salah could deal with the other race. Having plenty of experience with those that could be labelled as the worst of their species. Taller then them, the alien made little effort to hide his form. Instead approaching what seemed the most likely target for . He tilted his head sideways, bringing each member of the group into his narrow vision before addressing them. The sound that emanated from his skull was hollow, deep and resounding. While he attempted to lower the volume, the unusual noise still caught the attention of the older gentleman. The pair glanced up from their conversation, pausing for a moment. The slight silence and the motion of their heads through the sound waves reflecting off every surface revealed as much. Yet it was irrelevant, his attention was centered on his potential employer.

"Captain Oris?" He queried in general, unsure which one was the captain. "Formally I am named Val Salah As Tallan." His name, while pronounceable by humans, had an entirely different inflection when amplified by his voice chambers, reaching multiple levels of resonance. "I understand I am here to apply for the position of mechanic aboard your craft?" He waited for a response, whoever was the captain may have already claimed a mechanic, in that case he would have to find another job. Although he wasn't low on assets, he preferred a comfortable living.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris Character Portrait: Val Salah As Tallan
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"Captain Oris?"

Reggie jumped in her chair, shocked by the sudden yelling of her name. She glanced up and saw a Tourain in front of her. The Tourain, them and the humans were the same in the sense that they were still new to galactic travel. They were always looped together in every situation. "Formally I am named Val Salah As Tallan. I understand I am here to apply for the position of mechanic aboard your craft?"

He seemed to be addressing no one in particular, just saying his two cents in between the Reggie and Colin. Reggie stood from her seat walking around the tall alien. "A Tourain..." She questioned. Although Tourains were a bit more serious than she would be comfortable with, she couldn't deny that they were good at their jobs.

"So, tell me Val Salah, how do you feel about working under a female human?" She questioned. No matter what, the Tourain would have to be hired. The last two mechanics who came for interviews had turned the position down right away. Both because they refused to work under a human, a female human at that. If the Tourain had no problem with her, she would have no problem with him.

The crew might have to work together to loosen this guy up a bit, but nothing she couldn't handle. She plopped back down in her chair, looking up at Val.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris Character Portrait: Colin Seartjik Character Portrait: Val Salah As Tallan
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Colin touched the womans hand and felt the familliar shiver roll through his body. The shiver of new DNA. He grinned. "Thank you" he had never copied a Shar before. Should be good times. Reg left with the pastries. She attempted to draw him over with them. Demeaning him like a pet, guess he deserved that. He grumbled. He turned back to Minn. He shrugged. "I'll see ya."

He decided to test out his new "Skin." He shifted as he stood and his Morphsuit shifted with him. He stood equal height with Minn. The only differene between the two was gender. Colin could copy every single aspect of the subject except gender. He winked and walked away as a Shar. He arrived at Reg's side just as the Tourain arrived. He smiled. A mechanic? Thats exciting. He changed once more and became a Tourain. His Tourain was just a little shorter than Val. He took a seat next to Reg and tried to smile. He then remembered that he was a Tourain. It wouldnt have the same affect.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eddie Ackers Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris Character Portrait: Colin Seartjik Character Portrait: Inqueta To'avuor Character Portrait: Val Salah As Tallan
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Inqueta was watching everyone as they came in for their interviews. She watched the failures, and felt Captain Oris's annoyance and disappointment. She understood that this had to have been extremely frustrating. She opened up her ears to listen to the conversations between Oris and Colin. It wasn't that she didn't like Colin, but she was already wary of him. He was a metamorphite, and undoubtedly, he would try to touch her, to be able to mimic her capabilities. She also listened to the conversations Oris had with everyone that was interviewed. A man named Eddie was to be their pilot. Captain Oris seemed to liked him well enough, and his files looked good. Inque nodded, satisfied with who was going to be flying the ship. Next came the cook. She was a beautiful girl with a look of determination on her face. Her red hair matched her gorgeous rosey skin. The food Minn had prepared looked delicious, and Inque's mouth watered enviously as she watched Oris eat them. The girl was a Shar, and seemed pretty harmless. The blue girl's suspicions of Colin proved to be right when he shook the cute girl's hand. His skin turned the same shade of red as hers was when he turned into a Shar. Inqueta watched him walk back over to the Captain.

A Tourain stood by the captain, and no sooner than Inque saw him, Colin had changed into his own form of one. She didn't have to open her ears more to listen to him speak. In fact, she closed a few of the micro-slits, because his voice was booming. Captain Oris seemed impressed with him, so Inqueta didn't feel the need to pay attention anymore. She directed her focus to a red-headed girl and a man who had just introduced himself as Dr. Weiss. She assumed he was there for the position of doctor, but she wasn't sure if the girl was there to apply or not. She assumed, once again, that she was, just because the bar was pretty much empty of anyone else. She made a small clicking noise with her tongue and slid from the booth she had been hiding in. She silently made her way up to the Captain's table, knowing no one could hear her. If they weren't too engaged with the Tourain, named Val Salah As Tallan, they might have seen her, considering she made her skin blue as she walked over there. She intended to stay a few steps away, close enough to make her presence known, but far enough to give them space and not be rude, interrupting Val's interview. She practiced what she would say in her head.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris Character Portrait: Colin Seartjik Character Portrait: Val Salah As Tallan
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Val assumed that the one who gave the most response was the captain and the other probably a member of the crew. He bowed his head slightly in acknowledgement and respect. He found it curious that she spoke out loud to repeat his race. There was no cause for it, other to reaffirm her thoughts if she had doubts. That would make no sense, Tourain were as recognizable as almost any race. Yet another curious human trait, it did not matter to him.
"So, tell me Val Salah, how do you feel about working under a female human?"
Yet another curious comment, one that Val could understand this time. He did not turn his head to keep the employer in view, he knew her every step regardless. Instead his sick green eyes focused on the details of Colin. A Metamorhpite, quite unexpected. It had also taken on a the shape of his kind. Although Val could not help but wonder how it would feel adorning such an alien body. Most likely the alien was used to it, although an attempt to replicate a smile indicated otherwise. It was next to impossible for their features to produce expressions. The circular, tooth-lined mouth wasn't particularly mobile.

"I have no concern with acting under your command Captain." The tall beast's attention once again turned to the female. "I have served within the Human Naval Forces as well as a large number of private employers, both male and female. I would be content to serve under anyone with competence of leadership. Do you require credentials? He was even content to serve under someone not so competent, as long as there was some sort of respect and not a disability to command. It seemed that this woman had the ability.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris Character Portrait: Colin Seartjik Character Portrait: Inqueta To'avuor Character Portrait: Val Salah As Tallan
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0.00 INK

Colin's eyes shifted to the blue creature who approached from the bar. A large, blue, thin, humanoid creature apporaced silently, without making contact with anyone. Colin had not encountered a creature like this before. How exciting. He assumed she was there to apply for some position, and while Reg was otherwise occupied, he would take care of this one. He stood and headed or the creature. He had changed from the Tourain form back into his human form.

Her eyes were... interesting. They were flat gray. Pupiless, fascinating. 'I wonder if shes colorblind?' He dropped the thought.

He arrived and held out a hand. "Good evening, I am Colin Seartjik, Second in command of the Nightwing. Are you here to apply?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris Character Portrait: Colin Seartjik Character Portrait: Inqueta To'avuor Character Portrait: Val Salah As Tallan
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"I have no concern with acting under your command Captain. I have served within the Human Naval Forces as well as a large number of private employers, both male and female. I would be content to serve under anyone with competence of leadership. Do you require credentials?"

"That is alright Val," Reggie said leaning back in her seat. She smiled. "I know that Tourians can do whatever job they apply for. Have a seat. Or if you would like, we rented out rooms. Do whatever you like, just be back here tomorrow morning."

Val nodded and walked off away from the table. Reggie checked his name off the list. They still had several people to see and several of them had shown up. She could see them all, crowded around tables and the bar. So many alien races in a human Inn. They had to be there for her crew. She smiled noticing Minn laughing at something Eddie said.

She liked Minn. The Shariva was bright and bubbly, which is what Reggie needed to balance out the seriousness of the rest of her crew. Especially that Tourian. Reggie looked over at Colin ready to say something, when she noticed him talking to someone.

A Schael. How fascinating. Reggie could tell by the light blue skin and pupil-less eyes. Her sensory glands were a big give away as well. Regina leaned on her elbow and watched the two. She signaled for another glass of alcohol and continued to watch. It was nice to take a small break and watch her Second handle all the questioning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Val Salah As Tallan
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0.00 INK

It was gratifying that the Captain could recognize the abilities of the Tourian. Many species had difficulty coping not find his kind's perseverance, perfectionism and stubbornness. No doubt the human and her crew may have problems with in but at least she understood he could make the correct choices. With luck he could be left to his work. Yet he doubted that with the range of crew that she seemed to be recruiting. He took his leave after she confirmed his placement.
"Thank you for accepting my application Captain."

With that Val was left at an impasse, there was no call to retire as of yet. It was kind of the human to provide rooms. Not every employer would be so generous. Obviously this one seemed to foster the intimate crew style, with the location, offers and the entire method of meeting and greeting the applicants. No he would possibly attempt to involve himself with his future crew mates. If only to get to know them, although sorting a means of mutual efficiency would be useful too. Val moved his way to find a seat nearby. While human food was palpable by his kind he would rather not consume the fare in such a establishment. There was a possibility of unsavory products. Instead he attuned his hearing to receive snippets of conversation as well as to observe the movements of the others.