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The Old One

The Old One


The person that matters the most to you has been taken. The Old One has lured them into her web of lies and keeps them with her. Will you be able to save the one you love the most?Welcome to Bane Manor my dears.

1,448 readers have visited The Old One since Demented created it.


Will you walk into my parlour?" said the Spider to the Fly,
'Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy;
The way into my parlour is up a winding stair,
And I've a many curious things to shew when you are there."
Oh no, no," said the little Fly, "to ask me is in vain,
For who goes up your winding stair can ne'er come down again."

"I'm sure you must be weary, dear, with soaring up so high;
Will you rest upon my little bed?" said the Spider to the Fly.
"There are pretty curtains drawn around; the sheets are fine and thin,
And if you like to rest awhile, I'll snugly tuck you in!"
Oh no, no," said the little Fly, "for I've often heard it said,
They never, never wake again, who sleep upon your bed!"

Said the cunning Spider to the Fly, " Dear friend what can I do,
To prove the warm affection I 've always felt for you?
I have within my pantry, good store of all that's nice;
I'm sure you're very welcome -- will you please to take a slice?"
"Oh no, no," said the little Fly, "kind Sir, that cannot be,
I've heard what's in your pantry, and I do not wish to see!"

"Sweet creature!" said the Spider, "you're witty and you're wise,
How handsome are your gauzy wings, how brilliant are your eyes!
I've a little looking-glass upon my parlour shelf,
If you'll step in one moment, dear, you shall behold yourself."
"I thank you, gentle sir," she said, "for what you 're pleased to say,
And bidding you good morning now, I'll call another day."

The Spider turned him round about, and went into his den,
For well he knew the silly Fly would soon come back again:
So he wove a subtle web, in a little corner sly,
And set his table ready, to dine upon the Fly.
Then he came out to his door again, and merrily did sing,
"Come hither, hither, pretty Fly, with the pearl and silver wing;
Your robes are green and purple -- there's a crest upon your head;
Your eyes are like the diamond bright, but mine are dull as lead!"

Alas, alas! how very soon this silly little Fly,
Hearing his wily, flattering words, came slowly flitting by;
With buzzing wings she hung aloft, then near and nearer drew,
Thinking only of her brilliant eyes, and green and purple hue --
Thinking only of her crested head -- poor foolish thing! At last,
Up jumped the cunning Spider, and fiercely held her fast.
He dragged her up his winding stair, into his dismal den,
Within his little parlour -- but she ne'er came out again! "

And now dear little children, who may this story read,
To idle, silly flattering words, I pray you ne'er give heed:
Unto an evil counsellor, close heart and ear and eye,
And take a lesson from this tale, of the Spider and the Fly.

The Story : Basically you arrive as whatever kind of character you wish, supernatural or non, to Bane Manor looking for the person you lost. The Old One (whose race and true name will be secret for a while) has stolen your precious person and has lured you as well into her den. Message me if you have any questions or concerns and yes I will be adding more info to the storyline soon. I need probably about five or so main characters !!

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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The Old One was feeling rather giddy. The boy has ACTUALLY thought to attack, something most people feared to do."Ahh the innocence of youth, so so innocent."She said to herself as she continued to move along the Manor, always hiding in the shadows. She watched both Maria and then Michaline head off, thinking it was rather silly of them to be apart."Don't they know it's easier to hurt them....while away from eachother..."

The Old One first however, decided to target Kurt. He had killed a boy simply because he believed he had a gun, and for this he would be punished. The Old One smiled her brittle and sinister smile, right before taking the form of the bloody and wounded boy Kurt had shot, moving to step out of the shadows.

"I was still a child, I had people who loved me...."She whispered , her voice now masculine and clearly in pain. Blood dripped onto the floor, staining it. This was real, and she wanted Kurt to see it.


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Out of the corner of his eye, Kurt saw a figure move sluggishly towards him. He spun around quickly and froze when he saw the boy. Eric Parker stood bleeding from a bullet wound to the chest.

"No... Theres no way..." He whispered in amazement.

The boy he had killed so many years ago was standing several feet away, calling out to him. Kurt backed away slowly until his back touched the door behind him.

"You're not real" He cried. "Eric is dead! I watched him die! I held that boy until the ambulance got there! You aren't Eric Parker!" Kurt yelled, taking a step towards the apparition. "You're just an old woman who took the only thing I had left in this world!" He continued stopping a few feet away.

The Old One was playing games with him, and though he felt guilt for killing Eric, the boy had done it to himself. Kurt had ordered him to stop reaching for the phone. Eric had raised it quickly like a gun hoping to scare the detective away. Parker had also put an elderly woman in the hospital days before. Kurt had ever right to pull the trigger.


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((Assuming Jonah can't see what Kurt is seeing...))

The teen swallowed back his tears, cursing himself for being such a wimp. Morgan needed her older brother to be strong, now more than ever. At this point, her life could very well depend on it. "Right," he murmured more to himself than to Kurt as he slipped the necklace into his pocket with the greatest possible care. He was going to find her and get her out of this mess. No matter what it took, no matter what he had to go through, Jonah was going to set things right.

The sound of panicked cries finally pulled him out of his musings, drawing his attention to the normally cool, calm, collected officer of the law. The man now looked like he was having a nervous breakdown, backed up into a door, staring into the shadows, shouting in terror trying to convince himself it wasn't real. Which, in fact, it wasn't. "Kurt?" No reply. The detective didn't seem to hear him. Jonah moved closer, hoping to draw the older male's attention. "Kurt, what--"

He froze a few yards away from his target, though not of his own free will. Somehow his legs had simple decided to start doing an imitation of a statue, rendering him unable to move. "What in the hell...?" It didn't take a genius to figure out what was happening here: The Old One had chosen her first victim. And apparently she didn't want anyone to interfere with his punishment. Struggling to move, Jonah continued yelling out to the detective. "Kurt! Come on, snap out of it, it's not real! You can beat this thing, Sam's counting on you! Kurt!!


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Jonah's voice echoed through the space between Kurt's ears, and when it finally hit the brainstem, it sounded like it had been traveling for thousands of years. He blinked, and he remembered why he had come to the manor in the first place - To save Samantha. Kurt clinched his fist and swallowed hard, trying to connivence himself the vision of the dead boy wasn't real. Finally, he uttered the words that would be his first step to recovery.

"No. Sam needs me" He mumbled.

Kurt opened his eyes, leering right through the ghost of Eric.

"You aren't Eric Parker. He died years ago - A mistake that we were both responsible for!" Kurt cried, stepping forward.

He extended his hand, hoping Jonah, who he couldn't even look at, would grab hold of him and bring him back into reality.

"I never wanted to hurt that boy! I thought he had a pistol! It was a mistake I made, and have been forgiven for! His parents have forgiven me and I know Eric would have forgiven me too!" He yelled at the vision. "I stayed with him to the very end, and if I could change it, I would! But there's nothing that can be done now! Eric is gone, just like my wife! All I can do is keep living! I have to keep living for Sam!" Kurt screamed at the ghost, collapsing to the floor.

He buried his face in his hands, first praying the madness would end, but finally accepting it was up to him to finish the torture. Kurt's mind cleared, and the death of Eric Parker vanished from his conscious. Sam was his prime concern, as well as Morgan. Jonah needed his help too, and as an officer of the law, he had a duty to uphold. Kurt could only hope The Old One would see he truly was sorry for his crimes...


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The cries again reached Michaline's well trained ears. She bolted back into the house. Kurt was on his knees, hands buried in his face, and Jonah was a few paces away from him, looking mad. There was no one else in the room. Or at least, that's what anyone normal would have thought. You couldn't see her, but Michaline smelled her just fine. The Old One...aparently had chosen to punish Kurt first. Then it hit her. Of course! Why hadn't she thought of it sooner? She practicaly ran over to Jonah.

Jonah, Kurt! Do you have anything that belonged to Morgan and Sam? I can find them by their scent! I am part wolf, after all! Being so excited, Michaline was actualy wagging her tail, quite a funny sight to see, since she was a wolf.


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Kurt listened to Michaline call out to them, his face still buried in his hands. He slowly raised his stare to where Eric had been to find The Old One had vanished. At least, he assumed she had. Maybe she was just giving him a break before trying to destroy his mind again. Whatever she was planning was now the last thing he was worried about. Michaline had come up with a possible solution, and even though he didn't have anything of Sam's that'd work, Jonah was holding that pendant. Kurt stood and smiled at Michaline, trying to forget the horrors he had just been subjected to. He was good at hiding his feelings when he needed to.

"I don't have anything except a picture of Sam, but Jonah found a necklace that belonged to Morgan, I think" He told her, pointing at the boy's hand.

Having a werewolf around wasn't so bad. He had actually grown to accept Michaline by now, and just ran with it. Kurt wasn't one to judge, and Mickey seemed like a nice person.


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The Old One backed up, merely giving a bow of her head before shivering once more and transforming into her hooded self."Well....done......."She gave a quick smirk before she revealed her face, taking off the red hood. Her face was indeed beautiful, her eyes a deep green , her skin a pure untouched ivory, her lips a rose red.Though one thing might have made this beauty less of a thing to admire. The cold dead look in her eyes.

She stepped towards them and twirled around them a bit."Do you like what you see? Beauty such as this should be fleeting....but because of this Beauty of mine I am now the punishment will continue for both you and me...."


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Without warning, the invisible hold on Jonah's legs vanished, leaving him free to move. The first thing he did was run straight to Kurt, grabbing him by the arm and helping the detective to his feet. "You alright?" Stupid question. Of course he wasn't alright, he looked like he'd seen a ghost! And judging by what he'd said while in his trance, he probably had. "You've got guts, old man," he admitted with a smile. "I'll give you that much."

The teen blinked and turned around suddenly to find a wolf standing a few feet away, tail wagging a mile a minute. Michaline. When had she--? Oh, right. She'd probably heard them shouting and came to investigate. What really got his attention was what she'd said. Almost reluctantly, he drew the butterfly pendant out of his pocket. For the past three years since he'd given it to her, she'd almost never taken it off. Would Mickey be able to...?

That would have to wait, apparently. As it turned out, Jonah's theory had been correct: what he'd just seen had been the Old One's method of punishment. A shudder ran down his spine as he had to force himself not to image what he might have to face when the time came. As their sadistic host appeared from out of the shadows, the teen was more than a bit surprised to see the face beneath that hooded cloak. She was beautiful. But in an intimidating sort of way. The woman's face was too perfect, too flawless, making her look more like a marble statue than a living, breathing... whatever the hell she was. His thoughts immediately went to the sparkling vampire he'd jokingly referenced to himself earlier. Two points for untapped psychic abilities.

As the Old One spoke, Jonah felt himself growing more and more angry. That's what this was all about? She was being punished with eternal beauty, and so she felt the need to make others suffer? Where was the logic in that!? It literally took every ounce of self control and common sense to keep his mouth shut. He had to remember that one false move on his part could land all of them in a load of trouble. Not to mention what could happen to Morgan.


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A growl emmited from deep within her as the Old One appeared to them. Yes, she was beautiful, but old....very old. The stench of death was on her, yet she apeared to be alive and well. It confused Michaline. Right now, she needed to focus on her task at hand. She trotted over to Jonah.

Here, let me see... She stuck her nose near the necklace. It was a pretty little butterfly, and heavy with scent. Female, short, only about three feet and five inches, young too, maybe six. Definately Morgan. Michaline then took to the ground, sniffing everywhere, her tail now still. Then, near the door leading to the hallway, her tail began wagging again.

Over here! I've got something...She sniffed again. Yeah, it's definanely Morgan!


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The teen jumped a bit in surprise as a cold, wet nose brushed against his hand and almost pulled away. Jonah had never been much of an animal person, especially not after what had happened to his parent. Not only were the scars on his arm still visible after all those years, but the mental wounds would never heal over. He was able to r'emain still, though, reminding himself that Michaline wasn't going to attack him. At least, he didn't think she would. Either way, this was his best bet of finding Morgan. He could stifle his fears for her sake if nothing else.

Jonah's heart gave a tremendous leap when the wolf picked up on his sister's scent. Unfortunately, suspicion came right after. There was no way finding his sister could be this easy. The Old one had already proven what she was capable of. He glanced at the woman in red. What if it was a trick? What if he was walking right into a trap and he would be the next to be puished? But then again, what if it was Morgan? His sister could be right within his grasp, and choosing not to go after her could very well be the same as letting her slip away. He'd have to take the risk, just in case. He had to be sure.

Sighing in defeat, he turned to Kurt. "You alright to keep going?" He'd hate to leave the detective behind, but that might just be what he had to do if the older man wasn't fit to continue. And if they found Morgan, chances were good that they'd find Sam, too. Either way, Jonah intended to follow Michaline's lead.


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Something bothered Michaline at the back of her mind. She had registered Jonah's jump, and her eyes had picked up on the scars on his arm. What had done that...? Suddenly, the flashback came without warning.

She ran nimbly through the woods, following the car easily. Four people, two male, two female. Two adults, two children, one barely a toddler. The adults were her target. She watched as they pulled up to a house, pulling into the driveway. As soon as the man driving stepped out of the car, she made her move. The wolf overcame the man before he had time to react, a great gash torn out of the side of his face. Jumping on top of the car, she had a good angle at the woman, who stared in horror as her husband fell to the ground, holding his heavily bleeding face. She screamed, slamming the car door, trapping her children inside, trying to insure their saftey. Not that it mattered. She wouldn't bother trying to hurt them. She lept from the car, forcing the woman down on the ground, and within seconds, she silenced the woman's screams, tearing out her throat. Her ears twitched. She turned, the young boy staring at her in horror, the man trying to tell his son to get his sister and run. The boy wouldn't listen. Stupid boy. He wanted to atack her? Fine. He would die too. Her eyes flickered to the man, who lay still. He had bled to death. She refocused on the boy. Tears streaming down his face, no weapon of any sort, he ran at her, screaming. She retaliated, but couldn't bring herself to kill him. She bit down into his forearm, and jerked back, tearing a very long gash in his arm. She then started back towards the car, the boy screaming in pain. Then she heard him shout, "No! Leave Morgan alone!"

Michaline snapped back into reality, Jonah's voice bringing her back. He was talking to Kurt. She was panting. No, it couldn't have been had been someone else...another girl named Morgan. Even as she thought this, her ears flattened on her head, because she knew in her heart that it wasn't true. She had been the one who had given Jonah those scars, and she was also the one who had killed his parents.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: The Old One
Character Portrait: Kurtis Thompson
Character Portrait: Maria Talbot


Character Portrait: Maria Talbot
Maria Talbot

"Your a monster..."

Character Portrait: Kurtis Thompson
Kurtis Thompson

"I won't lose Sam too..."

Character Portrait: The Old One
The Old One

"You can catch more flies with honey then vinegar"


Character Portrait: Maria Talbot
Maria Talbot

"Your a monster..."

Character Portrait: Kurtis Thompson
Kurtis Thompson

"I won't lose Sam too..."

Character Portrait: The Old One
The Old One

"You can catch more flies with honey then vinegar"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Maria Talbot
Maria Talbot

"Your a monster..."

Character Portrait: The Old One
The Old One

"You can catch more flies with honey then vinegar"

Character Portrait: Kurtis Thompson
Kurtis Thompson

"I won't lose Sam too..."

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Re: [OOC] ~The Old One~

Aw... :(
Should I PM Liar and Death to see if they're still on board with this?

Re: [OOC] ~The Old One~

I may remake this rp later on since it seems several people -cough- Maria and Kirk haven't posted. So I might close it and make it later on>..<

Re: [OOC] ~The Old One~

Yeah, I'm wondering the same thing...I'll message Demented. If we can still get the old one, the three of us can still continue

Re: [OOC] ~The Old One~

4 days and no new posts. Is it just me and Twili now?

Re: [OOC] ~The Old One~

Dun dun duh! Well, solr, I put what happened the night Jonah's parents died. Can't wait to see what happens. Michaline knows, but Jonah doesn't yet. Oh, this is eating her up now! >=)

Re: [OOC] ~The Old One~

Sorry guys been so busy>.< catching up today so I'll post

Re: [OOC] ~The Old One~

Does anyone know if she is even still in this?!? We haven't heard from her in a while...

Re: [OOC] ~The Old One~

XD im waiting for Maria to catch up and post lol

Re: [OOC] ~The Old One~

Gaaah, I'm in suspense!! Somebody post something!!

Seriously, though, I'm loving this! The characters are all great and the story flows so well! :D

Re: [OOC] ~The Old One~

Hahah I'm glad :P.

Re: [OOC] ~The Old One~

I love this RP so much ahha its such fun!

Re: [OOC] ~The Old One~

Hahah It is rather exciting isn't it? :P

Re: [OOC] ~The Old One~

:O I like how our characters are going to be....*punished* DUN DUN DUN!

Re: [OOC] ~The Old One~

I love that we all have such different characters ahah

Re: [OOC] ~The Old One~

We can actually start now XD another person joined so I think we have a good amount! :D Btw TY ALl FOR JOINING<3

Re: [OOC] ~The Old One~

Hmm... Then I guess I shall wait :3

Re: [OOC] ~The Old One~

Well...we could right now but I was hoping to get a few more characters in XD

Re: [OOC] ~The Old One~

When are we starting, Demented?

Re: [OOC] ~The Old One~

I do like him! I think hes a very good character so APPROVED! :D