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Alekzander Konig

"Power is my mistress. I have worked too hard at her conquest to allow anyone to take her away from me." - Napolean Bonaparte

0 · 276 views · located in Voss

a character in “The Old Republic”, as played by kharaa


Alekzander Konig


Class, & Race place an x in the box

[]Twi' Lek
[]Kel Dor
[]Mon Calamari
[]Mira Luka

[]Tech Specialist
[]Bounty Hunter
[]Crime Lord
[]Elite Trooper
[]Starship Officer

I am only going to allow 4 Jedi Masters in the Story Line.
[]Jedi Master
[]Jedi Guardian
[]Jedi Consular
[]Jedi Healer
[]Jedi Ace

[]Force AdeptI am only allowing 4 Sith Lords in the Story Line.
[]Sith Lord
[]Sith Marauder
[x]Sith Assassin
[]Sith Warrior
[]Force Adept

Choose your starting planet
[]Ord Mantell
[]Dromund Kaas
[]Nar Shaddaa

[size=90]An assassin for hire



Appearance Description
He stood just over 5'9", weighing in at only 150 pounds, he was a smaller young man. Draped in robes of white, a cruel mockery of the purity of the
'light side of the force' His face was handsome, yet corrupted, a tell-tale sign of his fall to the dark side.


Alek is a quiet and brooding character, a well corrupted individual that hangs on to his last shreds of humanity, often performing random acts of good, in contrast to his overwhelming acts of evil.


Like most Sith, he carried a pair of lightsabers, with crimson red blades.


He carried a variety of other equipment and tools necessary for his trade


Alek was once a promising young padawon from the planet of Kamino, taken by the Jedi Order when he was just a young boy. He excelled in a variety of subjects, including saber combat, and history, he had always had a natural knack for machinery; as the planet he came from was a technological wonder of a sort; constantly raining, with no real way to travel between cities other than by ship. His youth was a relatively uneventful experience, and his training went rapidly. Upon reaching the age of 16 he was granted the title of Jedi Knight, by his master and the council. He was one of the youngest Jedi thus far to have been given such a position.

He completed a multitude of tasks and missions for the Jedi Order, with out exception. His Master, whom the name of has been lost to history during the Great War. But it was not long after this that things began to go downhill for him, always a logical thinking individual, he often had questioned during his training, as to why certain things were forbidden. To him it was not the power in question but how it was used; this turned to be one of his fatal flaws. He began to delve in to things that were considered taboo, and forbidden by the Order, searching out knowledge and information that led him down the path of the dark side. But despite this, he stayed on the path of light, until an event took place that forever changed him and warped his vision of what the Jedi Order had stood for.

On a Mission to the inner territories of the galactic core, there was an increasing level of extremism coming from the order. It was rumored that a transport carrying civilians coming from Corelia carried a renegade Sith Lord upon it. Him and his master had arrived aboard an asteroid base nearby in which the transport had stopped to pick up more passengers. Among these passengers were the two Jedi, it became quickly apparent that there was something amiss upon the ship, and the two had split up to search separately trying to find this Sith Lord. Despite searching his side of the ship, he could not find any evidence of anything on the ship. Going back to find his master, he overheard him speaking with an unknown individual over a holo-com device. The unseen man ordered his master to scuttle the entire ship, rather than allow one of the Sith to escape.

Shocked Alek, could not beleive what it was he was hearing. Audibly he gasped in horror at what it was his master was being told to do. Immediately the hologram disappeared and his master turned on him. An argument between the two broke out and Alek stormed off, furious at his Master for even considering such an act. Brooding silently in one of the public areas of the ship, a young girl approached him. She was jubilant over going home to Alderaan to see her father, after he had been a way for a number of months. He smiled at the young girl and listened to her story and her tales of her father. Suddenly the warning Klaxons sounded, they had found a number of incapacitated guards down near the hyper-drive; and with those guards they found an explosive device attached to the hyperdrive. The call was for a ship wide evacuation, the young girl clung tightly to his hand as he began to search for an escape pod to put her in to. Finding one he placed her inside, and told her that everything would be alright. How wrong he actually had been, as soon as he launched the escape pod; one of the republic star cruisers exited hyper space, and began to open fire on the fleeing escape pods. A laser bolt struck the pod carrying the young girl and vaporized it right in front of him.

He sat there a moment completely dazed and in shock, he turned away from the window and mindlessly ran towards the last place he had seen his master.. He needed answers, and he had to know what this was all about. He arrived at the engineering deck and saw his master walking down the walkway. Calling out his name, his master turned, but it was not peace in his eyes; as he turned he could see the hard eyes and set jaw of his master. A small metallic object appeared in his master's hand, igniting it was revealed to be his lightsaber. Confused Alek took a step back in caution and questioned what it was his master was doing exactly, "You're too curious Alek.. for your own good," His master spoke with a sad voice. "I'm Sorry" He said with finality.

It was then Alek snapped, his mind could no longer comprehend or deal with the betrayal and tragedy being presented before him. He let out a Visceral scream from deep within and a burst of pure unmitigated force erupted from him, deforming and warping the entire hallway, throwing his master up against the wall and turning him in to a unrecognizable pile of flesh blood and debris.

It wasn't certain as to how he escaped the doomed ship, but from then on a new man took the place of the bright and promising young man.

Darth Merikel was born

So begins...

Alekzander Konig's Story