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Catherine Grimmoire

"A charm for you, and a charm for you... Charms for everyone! ...Except you. You get a hex."

0 · 1,040 views · located in The One Stop Psychic Shop

a character in “The One Stop Psychic Shop”, as played by SolanaNight


Catherine Grimmoire






The Basics

ImageGender: Female

Position: Resident Enchanter

Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Cat, Cathy, Charm Queen

Age: 21

Birthday: October 17th

Face Claim: Ksenia Solo


The Visuals

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 140 lbs.

Build: Tall and thin

Hair Color: Naturally brown, but she dyes it a number of different colors. The default is black.

Eye Color: Greenish Hazel

Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: She has a tattoo of the Magician Tarot Arcana on her right thigh, the Libra constellation on her left forearm, a sprig of lavender and a bird skull on her ankle, and a ram skull covered in flowers on her back. She has multiple ear piercings: two sets of ear lobe piercings, three rings in her upper left ear, and an industrial through her left ear as well.

Description: Cathy is a tall and thin, and before she found the Psychic Shop, did a tad bit of modeling. She wasn't happy with this career path and only did enough to make some extra cash. Her hair is medium length with straight bangs. Her hair is typically dyed black, but on occasion she's been known to add colored highlights. Catherine will put her hair in a number of different styles, but most of the time she'll keep it down. She typically wears a heavy amount of eyeliner and mascara. She almost always wears makeup, but there are rare instances when she is not wearing any.

Preferred Clothing: Catherine prefers... black. She isn't comfortable in anything else. She is under the strong impression that clothing should represent who you are to an extent. Cathy is not a cheery, upbeat person. Therefore, she feels it is misleading to wear bright iridescent colors. Plus she finds primary colors tacky. Catherine can often be seen sporting black lace and leather, but as likely as she is wear an elaborate steampunk outfit, she is equally as likely to wear a simple long-sleeved shirt and jeans. What determines these outcomes? Quite simply her mood.


The Outer Workings

Psychic Abilities:
Enchantment: Catherine since a young age has been gifted with the ability of enchantment. She can take relatively any small object and instill raw energy and emotion into it. She has a natural affinity for the elements, so she can draw upon them with ease. Now, such a skill can be learned by anyone, but Cathy's enchantments in particular have a little extra kick. Her charms' effects are more noticeable and also last longer. She can make a large variety of spells and charms for anything from good health to focusing. She can even make more advanced charms such as love charms and even ward evil spells. However, for as many "good" charms she can make, she can also make charms that have... not so good intents behind them: hexes. She tends to avoid making such objects simply because nothing positive ever comes out of such objects. However, at the request of the store management, she is sometimes forced to making evil charms. She doesn't like it, but she doesn't dare oppose the management.

Tarot Card Readings: Although not nearly at skilled at fortune telling as the resident fortune teller, she can read tarot cards. She almost never reads them for other people however, she only ever consults them for herself.

Other Skills:
Arts and Crafts: Cathy is very good at making simple jewelry such as rings, bracelets, necklaces, chokers, etc. She can also make little key chains and decorative cards. She also knows how to make little rag dolls and stuffed animals.


The Inner Workings

Oddities: She has a tendency to stare at people

Likes: Charm-making, arts and crafts, coffee, alcohol, classic literature, interior design, most animals, and organic food options.

Dislikes: General stupidity, Mexican food, loud obnoxious dogs, and bright colors.

Hobbies: Arts and crafts, Netflix, some gardening, sewing/knitting, people watching, and a little photography on occasion.

Phobia(s): Suffocation

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Catherine is comparable to a mirror with a sarcastic filter. She tends to reflect back what is given to her with a dash of sass. For example, if someone says something sweet to her, she will in turn say something kind, and depending on how well she knows the person, a light teasing remark. On the other hand, if somebody were to say something insulting and stupid, she'll in turn throw back a cutting sarcastic remark. She tends to keep to herself for the most part. She enjoys being in the presence of other people and will speak in group conversations, but she doesn't actively seek out socialization. She would rather quietly observe people while keeping her hands busy with her work.


The Past


Personal History: Catherine's parents were both free spirits and "hippies", and as such they always encouraged Catherine and her siblings to do whatever they wanted to do with their lives. Of course, this style of parenting ran into obstacles when one of her siblings said they wanted to kill the neighborhood bully and never wear clothes. So, when they discovered she had the ability of enchantment, they were instantly supportive and urged her to fine tune her gift. Despite the happy family atmosphere, growing up was still difficult due to the fact her parents refused to get normal paying jobs. So it was often living from paycheck to paycheck which can be hard for a family of five. All the same, she made it through high school and left the house to pursue her own path. She didn't have enough money to afford a college education not that that lifestyle appealed to her in anyway. She did modeling for a couple years because she was pretty enough and had the right body type, but she still felt so... lost. Finally, after consulting the tarot cards and making a charm of direction for herself out of an arrowhead, she stumbled upon an ad for the One-Stop-Psychic-Shop. Feeling a deep sense of belonging and purpose, she filled out an application. She has been working for over a year now.



So begins...

Catherine Grimmoire's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elias Quinn Character Portrait: Catherine Grimmoire Character Portrait: Justin Bell Character Portrait: Jaede Akuchi Character Portrait: Licia Ferri Character Portrait: Samuel Barker
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As Samuel was walking down the sidewalk towards the Psychic shop, the area of grass next to him was sprouting up flowers. He breathed in deeply and thought to himself What a wonderful morning. hope I can get a job at that shop. His walk down to the shop was coming to a close and he could feel the spiritual energy coming out of the shop in massive amounts.

He wondered for a second, what kind of shop has that much energy pouring off of it , before dismissing the thought as he knew the shop was one for psychics mediums and other supernatural things of the sort. As he got even closer to the shop he could make out several signatures. A few humans, a demon, a spirit, and something else that was very strange.

He walked up to the front of the store, and Samuel stopped for a second right outside of the shop composing himself before he walked in. He stood looking at the bright neon signs in the shops windows. He thought to himself nervously just breath Samuel you got this. He pushed open the door and the bell above it rung rather loudly. Samuel worked up his confidence for a few seconds just standing there looking around, fidgeting with his hands, and he then loudly spoke so everyone in the shop could hear it "who um could I uh speak to to get a job at this shop."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elias Quinn Character Portrait: Catherine Grimmoire Character Portrait: Justin Bell Character Portrait: Jaede Akuchi Character Portrait: Licia Ferri Character Portrait: Samuel Barker
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0.00 INK

As Samuel was walking down the sidewalk towards the Psychic shop, the area of grass next to him was sprouting up flowers. He breathed in deeply and thought to himself What a wonderful morning. hope I can get a job at that shop. His walk down to the shop was coming to a close and he could feel the spiritual energy coming out of the shop in massive amounts.

He wondered for a second, what kind of shop has that much energy pouring off of it , before dismissing the thought as he knew the shop was one for psychics mediums and other supernatural things of the sort. As he got even closer to the shop he could make out several signatures. A few humans, a demon, a spirit, and something else that was very strange.

He walked up to the front of the store, and Samuel stopped for a second right outside of the shop composing himself before he walked in. He stood looking at the bright neon signs in the shops windows. He thought to himself nervously just breath Samuel you got this. He pushed open the door and the bell above it rung rather loudly. Samuel worked up his confidence for a few seconds just standing there looking around, fidgeting with his hands, and he then loudly spoke so everyone in the shop could hear it "who um could I uh speak to to get a job at this shop."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elias Quinn Character Portrait: Catherine Grimmoire Character Portrait: Justin Bell Character Portrait: Jaede Akuchi Character Portrait: Licia Ferri Character Portrait: Samuel Barker
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0.00 INK

Catherine immediately dived back in to charm making. With only a few hours left before the shop closed up, she was determined to get at least somewhat ahead in her work with the disaster of last week looming over her head. She was making decent progress when the doorbell rang. Cathy glanced up and immediately buried her face in her hands. Bow-Tie Guy A.K.A Michael A.K.A creepy asshole who special orders weird hexes. Looking to make this as painless as possible, she stood up and gently nudged Jaede away from the counter.

"Let me handle this one, sweetheart. Pulling the hex out of a special box under the counter she braced herself for Ass-Tie as he approached her.

"Hello, Michael. What brings you in today?" she said with as much civility as possible. Michael proceeded to smirk looking down at her.

"Ah well, I came to see if that order I placed was ready. I know I said it didn't have to be done till next week, but knowing how on the ball you are about your work, I had a hunch it was done. Is it?" he leaned in closer with one arm propped on the counter as he spoke, and like an opposing magnet, Cat leaned back and away as much as her spine could bend.

"As it turns out, it is." Cat placed the velvet bag onto the counter top next to the cash register. "Allow me to ring that up real quick..." She pressed a few buttons before turning back to Ass-Tie. "$30.73 is your total."

"Aw, why so cold Cathy? Are you free after work? I can take you out my treat..." As he gave his sales pitch, Catherine had to resist the urge to openly scowl at his suggestion.

"Sorry. I have plans. Are you paying with cash or card?" Ass-Tie begrudgingly pulled out his wallet and plopped a fifty dollar bill down onto the counter.

"You must be a fairly busy woman to have plans after work the last three times I've asked." Cathy silently made the change ignoring his comment. She printed his receipt and handed him his change.

"Have a nice day," she dismissed him with a obviously fake smile. Ass-Tie smirked before strolling out the door like he owned the place. After the store bell rang and closed, a faint muttered Ass-Tie could be heard under her breath.

Ugh, I could really go for a drink... she thought wistfully.

"Hey Licia, after work you want to hit up that jazzy little bar down the street? We could convince Elias to go too. After a shit day like today, I could really use a nice shot of tequila." Licia had been sour all day. Surely she wouldn't turn down a drink. Elias would be a little more difficult to convince due to his aversion to alcohol and reluctance to leave the shop, but surely he wouldn't turn down a chance to socialize. She was about to head back to her desk when the doorbell rang again. Cathy looked up and spotted an unfamiliar face.

"Who um could I uh speak to to get a job at this shop." Cathy's eyebrows raised. We hadn't had fresh meat since Justin. She raised her arm and flagged him down.

"I can help you out. My name is Cathy. The manager will be with you shortly. For now, here's an application. You can start filling that out while you wait." Cathy handed him a printed application along with a pen and left him at the corner of the counter to fill in the blanks.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elias Quinn Character Portrait: Catherine Grimmoire Character Portrait: Jaede Akuchi Character Portrait: Licia Ferri Character Portrait: Samuel Barker
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0.00 INK

#, as written by LazyBug
"I'm guessing they want to put it out back. For all her hatred of spiders, Cat probably wouldn't want a random passerby stepping on it. Enchanters are always so superstitious. I wouldn't be surprised if she thought it would bring bad luck on the shop." Jaede hummed in agreement, realising it made quite good sense. She herself would never want a creature to be hurt intentionally, but caring if it was stepped on once released? She thought it a little overkill, but it also warmed her heart to know Catherine cared so much. As another customer entered, she watched quietly as Licia interrupted her and took control of the situation. Jay couldn't help but stare; confronted with an abrupt reminder of the woman's psychic powers. It struck Jay that she viewed them all so normally, but in reality they were anything but. Did that make her normal? She didn't like that thought. A sour expression passed over her face but as she felt an arm lock round her shoulders it was wiped clean.

"Jay can you do me a huge favour? Can you cover the cash register while I run and get a coffee and have a smoke break?" Jay nodded as Elias spoke, wondering if something particularly bad had happened, or if he was just tired; it was a very rare occasion when he asked her to cover for him. She didn't mind though—on the contrary, she actually liked it. It made her feel useful, and she didn't have to feel guilt about not doing her own work because she was doing someone else's. "Oh and when you see Cat, could you please tell her the order's for the really tall guy with the bow tie if he comes in?" "Yeah, for sure. No problem." She wandered over to the cashier, looking it over and reminding herself how to use it.

Jay was about to call over to Cathy and tell her what Elias had said, but she became distracted as the man in question walked in, and Catherine nudged her away, seeming to know what she was doing. "Let me handle this one, sweetheart." Jay hummed her affirmation, very happy to hand over control of the counter to Cathy—she did not like the look of that one. She watched their interactions from the side and almost threw up when he asked the charm-maker out. Jay hated people like him, but never knew how to deal with them. She'd never been strong with standing up to people, but as she watched Cathy deal with him in her own way she felt a bit of respect for the woman.

As the man left, she gave a sigh of relief and stepped back behind the counter. Now that it was over, she realised she didn't have a whole lot to do behind the counter, and gave Elias some credit for being able to cover it all day. Then again, he probably had other stuff to do as well, being the manager… Regardless, it would be nice if we had some customers. She started picking at her nails, absentmindedly trying to remove the dirt under them.

Just as she felt her attention start to wander, she heard the door bell ring. Eyes flicking up eagerly to see who it was, she saw a guy walk in. Must be a customer, right? Right? Jay was secretly happy to be able to serve someone, but as he spoke she felt that drain away. "Who um could I uh speak to to get a job at this shop." Wait! she realised as she listened. He's asking for a job! she thought. That was even more interesting, she decided. But as Cathy handed him an application form, she also remembered what a pain it was. He might not even be accepted. Though, the shop tended to take in almost anyone who had some form of psychictry. Or would it be called psychicness? Psychosis? She almost laughed at that one. Oh well, she thought with a smile. I wonder if he's got abilities like the rest.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elias Quinn Character Portrait: Catherine Grimmoire Character Portrait: Jaede Akuchi Character Portrait: Licia Ferri Character Portrait: Samuel Barker
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0.00 INK

She had finally finished her reading when the doorbell rang out again. Licia looked up over the brim of her glasses but saw Cat already en route to deal with a returning costumer– a creep whose name she hadn't bothered to learn, who's emotions made her throat go tight whenever he came nearby. It wasn't so much the emotions themselves as the sheer shameless way in which he felt them– how he wore them on his sleeve as a badge of honour everyone else should just work with and accept. She hated him intensely. Though the number of people Licia didn't hate could be counted on one hand, and most of them were in the shop.

She caught his gaze for a moment as he exited the shop, and smiled brightly at him– enjoyed the slight pang of fear that went through him as she did. Michael had asked her out once. Once. When he pressed the matter, she'd told him how his best friend would die the following weekend. The side of her lip pulled into a cruel twist as she looked back down at her deck, and put it away with renewed energy for when the next costumer would arrive.

"Hey Licia, after work you want to hit up that jazzy little bar down the street? We could convince Elias to go too. After a shit day like today, I could really use a nice shot of tequila."

"Make that a row of shots and you are on," she said. "You can tell me all about the spider."

She'd not noticed the suspicious jar that Elias had appeared with earlier, and was for the moment distracted as the bell went of yet again. She was picking up her jacket for a smoking break when Samuel appeared, and she remained standing for a moment with a puzzled expression as he came in. She was used to a wide range of emotions when people came in; apprehension, embarrassment. Even a strange sort of determination of a person who'd spent a long time mulling their purchase over before coming in. With Samuel there was a safety– a knowledge. She knew of very few people who would have the powers to pull that off, and Licia counted herself as three of them.

"Who um could I uh speak to to get a job at this shop."

"Preferably a local priest," she quipped. "If not, I can recommend a good psychologist."

She grinned and winked at Cathy before putting her jacket on and heading for the door– cigarette already in mouth. Then she stepped outside and lit the cancer stick between her lips as she leaned against the wall.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elias Quinn Character Portrait: Catherine Grimmoire Character Portrait: Jaede Akuchi Character Portrait: Licia Ferri Character Portrait: Samuel Barker
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0.00 INK

Samuel had just finished speaking when he saw a woman flag him down."I can help you out. My name is Cathy. The manager will be with you shortly. For now, here's an application. You can start filling that out while you wait."

Cathy handed him an application and another woman spoke from across the shop "Preferably a local priest," she quipped. "If not, I can recommend a good psychologist." Samuel chuckled, but didn't retort as the woman was already walking towards the door with a cigarette in her mouth.

Samuel started to fill out the application rather anxiously. He started to think I wonder what the manager is like. I still cannot figure out what that one strange spirit signature is, although it is apparent that much of the spiritual energy in the shop is coming from the strange signature.

While he was filling out the application Samuel decided to take a quick look around at all the people in the shop. He saw Cathy at a desk near the back working on what looked and felt like charms of some sort, he saw a blonde haired man at another desk in the store and he could feel a spirit floating right next to the man. He could feel the woman from before outside the building, probably smoking . Another woman was manning the register , he could tell this one had no supernatural abilities. Samuel decided he could ask her later about her place in the shop.

Samuel started to fill out the application again and his mind began to wander to thoughts of the people who had powers from the best he could tell It seems that the blonde man is someone who can communicate with spirits, Cathy is obviously an enchanter from the charms she's making, the woman who spoke to me earlier may have been a psychic of some sort based on her leaving from a tarot table earlier. It looks like the shop usually has someone different manning the register though.Samuel refocused on the application to finish filling it out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elias Quinn Character Portrait: Catherine Grimmoire Character Portrait: Justin Bell Character Portrait: Jaede Akuchi Character Portrait: Licia Ferri Character Portrait: Samuel Barker
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0.00 INK

Elias let out a sigh of relief when Jay answered him with a "Yeah, for sure. No problem.". He was desperate to take a 5 minute walk and even more desperate for his coffee. He was just about to turn to walk out the door when he was accosted by Justin who dumped a book into his arms.

"Found it. Fucker is a possession demon." He said with his usual matter of fact manner. He glanced down at the book scanning over the entry. It wouldn't be an awful exorcism if it was just a possession demon. Sure, it wouldn't be a pleasant experience, but it was simple enough to get done. He continued scanning the page and caught faint murmurings from Jason. "Like's to primarily hide in toys and puppets and the like." Added Justin. Slightly more tricky, especially considering the shop could be a playground for it. Elias shook his head, he'd deal with it later.

"Good going Justin, you are a life saver" He grinned, passing the book carefully back to him "I'll get rid of it later, should be fine in the jar if you can keep an eye on it. You're probably the person with the most knowledge on demons and spirits after... well me" He gave Justin a thumbs up, conscious of the boy's aversion to physical contact. "Make sure it doesn't get loose"

He gave a wave to the rest of the staff as he grabbed his coat from the rather old looking coat stand in the corner, shrugging it on before pushing out into the cold. He rooted around in his pockets for his wallet, pulling out a few tiny bottles of salt and other random protective herbs before he found his wallet. He made his way into the café, wincing at the bright lights. Elias ordered a coffee and a sandwich, shoving the sandwich into his pocket and wrapping his hands around the cup gratefully. He paid for his stuff, taking his time as he made his way back to the store.

He was halfway down the street when he was nearly knocked down by his least favourite customer.

"Elias! There you are, I was wondering where you had gotten to!" Michael grinned wolfishly. The man gave him a serious case of the creeps. He hounded after poor Cat, constantly asking her out. Major bad vibes.

"Ah Michael, did you get your item?" He asked, attempting to sound cordial despite the slight nerves. "I got my item, don't you worry" He held up a velvet bag and shook it "Cathy's customer service is as frost as always though... you'd think she would have taken me up on my offer by now!"

Elias fought the urge to pull a face "Uhuh, I see. Well, Cathy is very busy and she has a lot to do" Elias shrugged, which earned a laugh out of Michael. "Mhm sure Elias, i'll see you around" Elias nodded, taking a sip of his coffee as he slipped by Michael. What a slimy git.

He finally made it back to the shop, nodding to Licia and waving his coffee in her direction "Smoke break already?" He laughed as he passed "I'd join you but i've already took my first break to get a sandwich, oh and we need to talk at some point about the... spider Cathy found" He stopped to take a swig of his coffee before smiling "Nothing major though" He gave her a small wave as he made his way into the shop. Everything looked the same, nothing was on fire and no one seemed injured.

"I'm back!" He called reaching into his pocket to find his sandwich "I met our favourite customer on the way back Cat. He-" He stopped himself.

Everything was almost the way he had left it. Almost.

A boy, probably around his age, was hunched over the counter filling out a form under Jay's watchful eye. He frowned slightly, giving Jaede a look as he pointed to her.

"Uh, Hi, Can i help you at all? I'm Elias, the general manager" He said, stepping towards the mysterious form-filler-outer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elias Quinn Character Portrait: Catherine Grimmoire Character Portrait: Justin Bell Character Portrait: Jaede Akuchi Character Portrait: Licia Ferri Character Portrait: Samuel Barker
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0.00 INK

Justin nodded at Elias his expression never betraying his emotions, though he couldn't deny a small part of him was glad to be of some use. Once Elias had left the Fucker in his charge he rolled his eyes slightly but nodded all the same."Sure thing. I'll make sure it doesn't go anywhere." Once Elias made his way out of the store Justin looked back at his work space, glad to see Fucker was still in his jar. He sighed looking at his brothers direction, which for some strange reason was directly above his head near the ceiling. "Why am I always the one left babysitting ridiculous spirits and vile looking demons?" Jason simply gave a mock pout and an exaggerated noise of upset at being called ridiculous, eliciting a small smile from his breathing twin. It occurred to Justin he must have looked strange always talking to his brother, most people could not see him after all. But here at least most of those who frequented this shop were at least passingly familiar with the world of spirits and the supernatural, to most of them at least, he hoped he didn't look as odd as he imagined.

Not too long after Justin's head jerked towards the distinctive ringing of the door. He sighed with relief when he saw it was finally his fist appointment. Justin quickly made his way over to the woman, eyeing her over for a moment. "There you are Ms. Adams. Late again I see. So you want me to try and channel your guinea pig again I'm guessing?

Ms. Adams nodded enthusiastically. She was a young woman, attractive in the traditional sense, at least that was what Jason had said. She wore a copious amounts of beads, jewelry, and makeup that seemed to reduce her pleasing visage."Oh yes! and I know you haven't been able to do it the last few times we tried. But I'm confident this time it'll work! I even brought something that might help you actually do it right this time!" She exclaimed happily as she pulled out a necklace seemingly made of bones. Small bones, crudely tied together on a string. Justin went wide eyed when he saw it." Are those um. Your guinea pigs bones? You um actually dug up Lenny's grave and made a necklace out of his bones. How......"He struggled not to back away at the sight of them, they were filthy after all. He almost uttered a scathing disparaging comment until Jason whispered reassuring words in his ear. Instead he pushed himself to speak differently when he next opened his mouth.[/color=red]"How very nice. Lets get you to my desk and see if I can reach him this time."[/color] Almost immediately after speaking Ms. Adams happily grabbed the boy by his shoulders towards the desk, Justin glared at the woman upon his release an acidic burning glare, that seemed to entirely fly over the woman's head.

"Right, so you know the drill. Take my hand please"As he said that Justin not so subtly pushed the hand sanitizer closer towards the woman who didn't seem to get the hint."and concentrate I will try to channel the spirit of your dead guinea pig"The woman did so being sure to slide the grim necklace into Justin's hand. He shuddered slightly at that but closed his eyes and attempted the reading. Despite his relatively recent discovery of his own psychic talents, and of his employment at the shop Justin had managed to become quite good at this process, over the past few months, eager to learn, and studious as he was. He began searching, trying to call out to the guinea pig's soul, though not especially hard, as this was about the fourth attempt. After about ten minutes of finding nothing, and about nine minutes too long of prolonged continuous contact with this woman he opened his eyes and looked at her pointedly."Ms.Adams. I found nothing. Again. for a fourth time. In three months. I really don't think he's listening, or even here anymore. Maybe he's moved on. Maybe he just doesn't want to talk to you. I don't know but I do know my readings aren't working." Ms. Adams merely shook her head in the negative her myriad pieces of jewelry and beads swaying madly from side to side.No that can't be. He's just lost I'm sure. But thank you for trying again I guess. So how much do I owe again?"

"That would be...." A loud crash permeated the area, glass spreading upon the floor. Justin looked sharply towards the jar containing Fucker no longer present upon the work space. Jason had floated back in alarm, previously having been staring at the confined demon. Justin gave the spirit a look of alarm and annoyance entirely forgetting about Ms. Adams."Jason what the hell did you do?"
"Nothing! I was just looking at it. It was looking back too I think it can see me, but the next thing I knew it struggled and hit the jar strong enough that it went off the edge. It probably didn't appreciate being stuck in there."

With a heavy sigh Justin looked at the debris for any sign of Fucker. He quickly went about carefully picking up the glass pieces and looked at Ms. Adams.[/color]"I'm sorry ma'am but I really should take care of this. If you just head to the register I'm sure they'll get you all sorted out."[/color]With that Justin went about looking for the beast with no luck.

Realizing that finding a possession demon in a store like this would be next to impossible alone Justin quickly made his way over to Elias who was currently talking to a boy that previously had gone unnoticed by the twins."Elias. We have a problem. It's Fucker. He might have escaped.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elias Quinn Character Portrait: Catherine Grimmoire Character Portrait: Justin Bell Character Portrait: Jaede Akuchi Character Portrait: Licia Ferri Character Portrait: Samuel Barker
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0.00 INK

"Make that a row of shots and you are on. You can tell me all about the spider."

"It's a date then," Cat winked at Licia and chuckled at her harmless jab at the new guy. Classic. She slowly got back into a rhythm occasionally glancing up to monitor new guy's progress on his application. She was in the process of sewing button eyes onto a rag doll dressed like a punk maid when Elias came strolling back in.

"I'm back! I met our favourite customer on the way back Cat. He-" Cathy scowled knowing exactly whom Elias was referring to, but her venom faded as she watched him catch sight of the new potential employee. Eyeing him, he seemed to be at least fairly competent in the supernatural. Cat really couldn't tell what his area of expertise was not that it really mattered. It wasn't that uncommon that the shop got a stray quack who claimed they could talk with spirits, but in all honesty were just high off their asses. It was up to Elias to sort through the fakes. Catherine was about to settle back into her sewing when she remembered the bar. Carefully setting down her needles and thread, she made her way over to Elias and tapped his shoulder.

"I know you're busy with the newbie, but I just wanted to let you know that Licia and I are going to hit up that little bar down the street after the shop closes. We'd like you to come. Surely you can separate yourself from the shop for an hour or two?" Knowing Jaede was sitting nearby she turned towards her and grinned.

"When you have your next birthday you are more than welcome to come Jay." Next thing Cathy knew, a loud crash of glass scattering on the ground echoed throughout the store. Hoping it wasn't one of the nice glass figures on display or- Cathy froze when she saw Justin searching around his work area.

For all that is holy, please say that wasn't the little Fucker. Lady Diana, I beg you please-

"Elias. We have a problem. It's Fucker. He might have escaped. " Before Elias could respond, she whispered to him.

"On second thought, our little bar trip is not a suggestion. It's essential."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elias Quinn Character Portrait: Catherine Grimmoire Character Portrait: Justin Bell Character Portrait: Jaede Akuchi Character Portrait: Licia Ferri Character Portrait: Samuel Barker
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0.00 INK

Samuel had one thing left on his form when someone spoke to him from breaking his focus, "uh, Hi, Can i help you at all? I'm Elias, the general manager."

Samuel spoke to the newly identified manager, "yes, you can, I Asked about a job at this shop and was told to fill out this form and wait for the manager," he paused for a second "My name is Samuel by the way."

[color=green]"let me fill this one last thing out and then I can give you the form"
Samuel said while quickly turning around. He filled the last part of the form and handed it to Elias Saying "alright here it is, is there any other processes I have to go through besides the form like an interview."

Just as Samuel had finished talking Cathy walked up behind Elias and asked him something Samuel couldn't quite hear. Suddenly just as Cathy had turned and said something to the woman at the counter a loud crash, resembling fallen glass hitting the floor, startled him. He saw Cathy freeze and the blonde man from before came up behind Elias and said something loud enough for most in the general area to hear "Elias. We have a problem. It's Fucker. He might have escaped." Cathy then whispered something in Elias's ear.

Fucker? I wonder if that is the demon I sensed earlier, in fact I,d bet my favorite roses that the demon is Fucker. Speaking of the demon, it now seems to be located in the back right corner of the shop Samuel thought.

"Um excuse me, if you are looking for a demon, which I bet my favorite roses is Fucker, it is in the back right corner of the shop" Samuel said to the gathering crowd around the counter, notifying them of the demons position.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elias Quinn Character Portrait: Catherine Grimmoire Character Portrait: Jaede Akuchi Character Portrait: Licia Ferri Character Portrait: Samuel Barker
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0.00 INK

The cigarette burned lightly at the back of her throat. Licia closed her eyes, as though waiting for the nicotine to hit although it would be minutes before it was properly embedded into her bloodstream. Still, she felt an immediate sense of satisfaction– a psychological response to the act as her brain realised she'd succumbed to the craving. Smoking was right up there with alcohol and murder as far as her mother had been concerned. Both of the former were slow burning addictions that brought great people to their knees without them ever realising they had a problem. The latter... Well she assumed her mother had had some apprehensions about murder.

Hoped, rather.

"Smoke break already?"

She looked up to find Elias approaching the shop, lunch in hand. She nodded and shrugged– right now she couldn't stomach the idea of food, and either way she had longed for a moment to herself since she woke up.

"We need to talk at some point about the... spider Cathy found. Nothing major though"

"Uh-huh." she said, her tone a clear indication of how she felt about being kept in the dark. She realised it probably wasn't on purpose but Licia wasn't known for letting resentment go easily.

She took a last couple of drags of the cigarette, as a loud crash sounded from inside the shop. Closing her eyes again, she took a deep breath, letting go of the last of the smoke and putting the cigarette out in a little tin can they used as an ash tray. Back into the fray, she thought, opening the door and wincing as the bell sounded louder than she'd expected.

"Um excuse me, if you are looking for a demon, which I bet my favorite roses is Fucker, it is in the back right corner of the shop"

Licia paused, eyeing her coworkers one by one. "Question."

She then made sure she had at least someone's attention before continuing, ""What. In the actual fuck. Does that mean."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elias Quinn Character Portrait: Catherine Grimmoire Character Portrait: Justin Bell Character Portrait: Jaede Akuchi Character Portrait: Licia Ferri Character Portrait: Samuel Barker
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0.00 INK

"yes, you can, I Asked about a job at this shop and was told to fill out this form and wait for the manager, My name is Samuel by the way." The boy answered. At least he seemed pretty calm, most people came to the shop a mess. Elias leant forward to study the application form. "let me fill this one last thing out and then I can give you the form" He straightened up from looking over Samuel's shoulder, letting the boy finish the form alone. It was a short form but it was pretty in depth and then afterwards there was the whole interview aspect... god he didn't envy the kid.

Elias was so engrossed in his own thoughts about how horrific the form he had created to weed out all the fakes and weirdos (well, the weirder weirdos) was that he jumped when Cathy tapped his shoulder. He spun and let out a sigh, half laughing. He'd been on edge since Fucker. "I know you're busy with the newbie, but I just wanted to let you know that Licia and I are going to hit up that little bar down the street after the shop closes. We'd like you to come. Surely you can separate yourself from the shop for an hour or two?"

He chewed his lip. He was never a fan of bars, alcohol was not his thing, but then again he never let a chance to socialise go "Mhmm, maybe. I need to give management Samuel's form to mull over but I should be able to make it"

"alright here it is, is there any other processes I have to go through besides the form like an interview." The boy had turned, holding the form out to Elias. He took the form with a smile, scanning through it. He seemed competent. Some... interesting abilities... very interesting. "Well, there's an interview with me to get through then Store management reviews your application... we'll let you know tomorrow if you've got the job. We'll give you a bit of a tour while you're here anyway-"

A smash of glass broke him out of his managerial guff. His eyes flicked up from the paper towards- oh god- Justin's corner. He took a deep breath as Justin scampered towards him, ghostly counterpart in tow. He glanced at Cathy, pulling a frustrated face.

"Elias. We have a problem. It's Fucker. He might have escaped."

"Might have escaped, Justin? I mean, it was either Fucker escaping or Licia's crystal balls flinging themselves into space" He gave Justin a stare that would have made Licia proud. He took a deep breath in an attempt to keep calm. Today was going horrendously and it was barely afternoon. "On second thought, our little bar trip is not a suggestion. It's essential." Cat whispered. Elias nodded as he composed himself.

"Um excuse me, if you are looking for a demon, which I bet my favourite roses is Fucker, it is in the back right corner of the shop" That would have been a life saving moment if it weren't for the fact, there was a... demon... thing... in the store at all times.

"Question." Came Licia's voice from the door broke through the silent room, causing Elias to spin towards her. "What. In the actual fuck. Does that mean."

Elias looked hopelessly at Cat as he opened and closed his mouth like a fish, trying to find words. He glanced at Jaede, knowing she would have to know now."Fucker... Demon... we found him in the back... I was gonna... exorcise... later" He tried hopelessly, his words jumbling as he motioned in the general direction of where he assumed Fucker was. Licia had the special ability of making Elias hopelessly flustered when she was on the warpath. He shook his head with a resigned look at Samuel "I'd recheck the vibes you're getting, there's a chance that its our management" he sighed "Split up and look for Fucker?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elias Quinn Character Portrait: Catherine Grimmoire Character Portrait: Justin Bell Character Portrait: Jaede Akuchi Character Portrait: Licia Ferri Character Portrait: Samuel Barker
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0.00 INK

Waiting for Elias to respond seemed like an eternity, a feeling he never expected. Justin was sure Elias would be upset, it would have been nice to be here at least a few more months without a major catastrophe. Of course non of this was apparent his face was stony as ever, his eyes averted looking directly at Elias, a gesture most people would construe as nervousness, but for Justin it was just.... normal. At least that's how he hoped Elias would interpret it. Of course Jason emotive as ever looked far more concerned, if the boy was still living he would have been sweating up a storm, or perhaps more of a hurricane.

"Might have escaped, Justin? I mean, it was either Fucker escaping or Licia's crystal balls flinging themselves into space!"

There it was. After an eternity of waiting there was the disapproving remark. Falling back on the familiar he let out a biting remark that was perhaps far too biting in tone. "Now in a place like this is that really so improbable?"

Afterwards he stayed quiet more quiet than usual, simply listening to the others. Once Elias gave the unsure sounding order to find the demon Justin nodded and looked at his brother, floating beside him. Though most would simply see him speaking at air."We should split up this time. cover more ground. tell me if you find it?" Before his brother floated away however he looked at the others first. [color=red]"We should close the exits. And windows. Possession demons aren't generally dangerous on their own, but they are tricky. We wouldn't want it escaping in to the street. Also since it's unlikely most of you are well versed in demonology concentrate your searches in darker areas. And particularly look at humanoid inanimate objects. Dolls, puppets, toys, figurines, basically anything with a face. Possession demons tend to favor those the most ."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elias Quinn Character Portrait: Catherine Grimmoire Character Portrait: Justin Bell Character Portrait: Jaede Akuchi Character Portrait: Licia Ferri Character Portrait: Samuel Barker
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0.00 INK

Catherine gave Elias a sympathetic smile as he turned to her completely at a loss as complete chaos raged on around them. So much for the secrecy. If they were lucky, Jaede would think we were bluffing or exaggerating, but if she spotted Fucker...

Cat turned towards Samuel and said nothing as he pinpointed what he believed to be Fucker. Considering that was also the location of our darling owners, she really wasn't too keen on snooping around over there. Thankfully Elias seemed to agree voicing her same thoughts on the subject.

"Split up and look for Fucker?" Cat winced.

"I really hope I don't find it first... I'm tired of looking at it."

"We should close the exits. And windows. Possession demons aren't generally dangerous on their own, but they are tricky. We wouldn't want it escaping in to the street. Also since it's unlikely most of you are well versed in demonology concentrate your searches in darker areas. And particularly look at humanoid inanimate objects. Dolls, puppets, toys, figurines, basically anything with a face. Possession demons tend to favor those the most." Cat nodded at his explanation. She was much more inclined to help block its escape than actually try to find it. Especially since the majority of the hiding places were in her charms and work space.

"Uh how I about do that. I'll gladly close the blinds and doors if I don't have to dig for the fucker. I give all of you permission to rummage through my boxes and desk. Just be... mindful. I'd rather not come back to a tangled mess. " She moved through the gathered crowd of coworkers to lock the door and turn the open sign to closed. No point in trying to cater to customers while rummaging for a possession demon.

"Oh, and we might want to be quick about this. It's getting late and it won't be long before management wakes up," she called over her shoulder not bothering to gauge their reactions.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elias Quinn Character Portrait: Catherine Grimmoire Character Portrait: Justin Bell Character Portrait: Jaede Akuchi Character Portrait: Licia Ferri Character Portrait: Samuel Barker
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0.00 INK

"Question.", A voice from the front of the store caught Samuel's attention, "What. In the actual fuck. Does that mean."

As Elias was struggling to explain the situation to everyone who wasn't informed, Samuel was thinking Wait if Fucker is the demon then what is the other strange thing I'm sensing?

Samuel snapped out of his thoughts as Elias spoke to him "I'd recheck the vibes you're getting, there's a chance that its our management". Elias then gave an order to split up and look for Fucker.

The blonde boy from before spoke to the spirit he sensed next to him, though Samuel couldn't hear what was spoken. The boy then said to everyone "We should close the exits. And windows. Possession demons aren't generally dangerous on their own, but they are tricky. We wouldn't want it escaping in to the street. Also since it's unlikely most of you are well versed in demonology concentrate your searches in darker areas. And particularly look at humanoid inanimate objects. Dolls, puppets, toys, figurines, basically anything with a face. Possession demons tend to favor those the most ."

It hit Samuel what Elias had said earlier just as the boy finished speaking "Wait, is your management a demon!", Samuel spoke loudly to everyone, "Because thinking about it now it makes a lot of sense."

Cathy spoke a few seconds after Samuel replying to the blonde males advice "Uh how I about do that. I'll gladly close the blinds and doors if I don't have to dig for the fucker. I give all of you permission to rummage through my boxes and desk. Just be... mindful. I'd rather not come back to a tangled mess, " and then while walking to do what she had mentioned Samuel heard her call over her shoulder "Oh, and we might want to be quick about this. It's getting late and it won't be long before management wakes up,"

Samuel spoke up again sounding slightly anxious "Will someone please clarify what exactly your management is." His anxiousness causes his abilities to act up slightly making several dandelions sprout from around his feet.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elias Quinn Character Portrait: Catherine Grimmoire Character Portrait: Justin Bell Character Portrait: Jaede Akuchi Character Portrait: Licia Ferri Character Portrait: Samuel Barker
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0.00 INK

"Now in a place like this is that really so improbable?"

Elias winced, he'd been too harsh on him. He didn't mean to be, it was just the idea of a demon running around the shop willy-nilly. He sighed and mouthed a small sorry in the general direction of Justin and his transparent twin. "I need a strong coffee"he muttered under his breath as he glanced warily around the store.

"I really hope I don't find it first... I'm tired of looking at it." Elias was wholeheartedly behind Cat's statement. He liked ghosts, the odd demon, but fucker was something else entirely.

"We should close the exits. And windows. Possession demons aren't generally dangerous on their own, but they are tricky. We wouldn't want it escaping in to the street. Also since it's unlikely most of you are well versed in demonology concentrate your searches in darker areas. And particularly look at humanoid inanimate objects. Dolls, puppets, toys, figurines, basically anything with a face. Possession demons tend to favor those the most."

"Go for it, quickly. Get any customers out quietly" he emphasised the word quietly with a knowing glance towards the doorway to the store. Losing sales was much preferable to cleaning blood and whatever else management decided to spew off the wooden floors. Last time had really taken any enthusiasm for introducing carpets to the shop out of him. Renting a carpet cleaner every three days would put a large hole in the budget.

"Uh how I about do that. I'll gladly close the blinds and doors if I don't have to dig for the fucker. I give all of you permission to rummage through my boxes and desk. Just be... mindful. I'd rather not come back to a tangled mess. Oh, and we might want to be quick about this. It's getting late and it won't be long before management wakes up," Even in a time of great annoyance, Catherine could be depended on to throw slightly ominous threats. Elias winced as he glanced up at the clock. He didn't want to be in his shoes when the unholy boss woke up.

"Eldritch horrors need to learn to have a lie in" He muttered as he stalked off towards the back of the store, grabbing a couple of pieces of chalk off the counter as he moved "If anyone needs me I'll be attempting to send Fucker back to where he belongs" He crouched down on the wood and was just about to start drawing when Samuel brought him back to reality.

"Will someone please clarify what exactly your management is."

Elias snapped his head towards the sound with a shaky laugh. His eyes caught sight of the wispy dandelions sprouting at the feet of Samuel. He made a note to ask him about that later in the actual interview.

"Well Samuel, our management is uh... not a demon, but not exactly human, or from this dimension as far as I've worked out. We call them our Eldritch Horror, they're an enigma, all we know is they like running this shop and sometimes eating people" His words tumbled out of his mouth without much thought. He ran a hand through his hair with a sigh "Just don't get on its bad side and you should be fine" He waved a hand with a laugh to diffuse the tension. He returned to his circle, carefully drawing runes on the wooden floor.

"Justin, Jason, if you two could get Fucker into a doll or something, preferably not the haunted ones at the back of the store i could probably get rid of-" his words were interrupted by the sound of a crash. His head turned towards the back where a rack of herbs had just fallen to the floor. He let out a choked whine, oh dear.