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Isaac Dunwich

"poof, I'm gone."

0 · 361 views · located in New York

a character in “The Organization”, as played by Sabimaru


Name: Isaac Dunwich
Age: 19
Race/ Ethnicity: Caucasian
Powers/Ablilties: Teleportation - Isaac is able to teleport by breaking down his molecules and rearranging them in a different location. for every three feet, he has a five second cool down time, and if he teleports five times in a row, he will toss his lunch. there is no way to avoid this reaction
Eye Color: Ice Blue
Hair Color: White
Height/Weight: 6'6" 190
Species: SP
Personality: he's very kind - a robin hood like character
Family: (?)
Brief Bio: Isaac was a poor, orphaned child for as long as he could remember. as soon as he discovered his power, he took to thievery in order to provide for those less fortunate than himself. he has a very well education for someone in his circumstances


dual wrist blades and various throwing knives

So begins...

Isaac Dunwich's Story


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Isaac's head reels, his eyes popping open to be greeted by the darkness and feel of rough burlap over his face. The bag is ripped away to offer him the view of an attractive blonde woman. He tested his restraints, tugging at the coarse, strong rope around his wrists. "We know who you are. we've seen what you can do." Now he was interested. "really? then you'd know that these won't hold me." He shifts his weight, already dissolving his molecules. his steam rises around the chairs, and in a matter of seconds, he's by the door; his arms still behind his back. "dang, I took the ropes." he didn't feel the needle.

"oh come on. a cell?" He seemed to be the only one in the cell block, now. perfect. he 'jumped' through the bars and took off down the hall. "hey? anyone here?" he breaks through the front door, turning to see the symbol. "the organization...?" He turns to the city. "well, at least I'm still in new york..." He starts off towards the city


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Character Portrait: Isaac Dunwich
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Isaac turned and started towards an alley way. if anyone knew the streets of NY, it'd probably be him. "there it is."
he opens up a dumpster and starts taking out supplies. he puts on a duster and rubs his wrists. "who were those guys, anyway? the chick was pretty hot..." He stretches and starts to walk down the street. He keeps his hands in his pocket, his eyes alert for that strange symbol. "They want my abilities, do they?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Isaac Dunwich
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Isaac continued through the City, trying to find anyone he knew. For some reason, all of his usual hang out were cleared.
He needed answers, but he didn't exactly know where to go. "Well, first things first... always return to the scene of the crime"

Isaac appeared in the cell block again, stretching. He began checking the cells to see if anyone was there. he called quietly "hey? anyone here?" He came across the girl. He pressed his face to the bars. "are you alright? My name is Isaac." He smiles softly and kneels, sticking a hand through the bars. he held it there before realizing her arms were messed up. "oh.. uh..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Isaac Dunwich
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"no, I'm not a member of the organization. do you know what that is? I need answers..." He smiled. "if they're coming down here, I can get you out of you want. if you help me, I'll help you." He nodded toward the door. "I'll get you out and you get me answers? sound like a fair trade?" He unleashed a wrist blade, using the thin knife to pick the lock on her cell. "Pay me later." Isaac kneels, picking the girl up. "once we get out of here, you can give me directions to some place safe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Isaac Dunwich
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Isaac frowned at the girl. "easy, easy. Shh. you're gonna get both of us found out. Now, I can either set you back in the cell and leave you for these people, or we could wait until we're out of here for you to freak out. If I was going to do something to you, don't you think I would have?" He sets her down near the main door, kneeling in front of her. "I could really care less if you wind up helping me, but you need medical help." He stared into her eyes. "Do you want out of here or not?"


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Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Isaac Dunwich
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Baylee was glad when he put her down, she just didn't know who to trust or what to do "if you do one thing for me then maybe I will help you..." she thought for a minute then looked to him "There is an old run down high school a little ways from town...a few of my friends stay there....find Dorian and tell him I sent you. They will help you and tell them I am alive and will be okay. Tell them maybe its good I am in here because I can get information..and since you can teleport in and out then you can come and check on me and I can give you information."


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Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Isaac Dunwich
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Isaac nodded slightly. "that makes sense. A highschool, you said... okay." He started taking mental notes. He stood, picking her up and carrying her back to her cell. "if they ask, you didn't see me." he takes a small throwing knife out. "Hide this under your pillow, in case things get rough." Isaac smiles. "what's your name?"


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Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Isaac Dunwich
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Baylee took the knife and smiled "thank you and my names Baylee, just remember to tell Dorian ill be okay...I know he probably going nuts" she slowly put the knife under the pillow careful not to move her arms too much, she was going to hurt malice so bad once she heals...if she heals "I won't tell them I saw you trust me they probably wont get much out of me. I guess I will see you around...stay safe"


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Character Portrait: Isaac Dunwich
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"Baylee. that's a nice name. I promise I'll find Dorian, and I'll let him know you're alright. Stay strong. I'll be back tomorrow night, I promise." he closes her door and locks the cell, then takes off down the hall. he gets through the door without problems, looking around She said that there was a highschool that her friends hang out at... He heads into the suburbs, where most of the abandoned buildings are, and sees the school.

He forces the door open, using his weight. "Hey, anyone here? I'm here about the organization..."


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Character Portrait: Isaac Dunwich
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Isaac looks around. he had never really been in a public school. all of his education came from medical dictionaries, legal libraries, and general-education texts.
He found an old map and studied it, committing it to memory. After a while, he headed for the next hall. "Anyone here? I have some questions..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Isaac Dunwich
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"Uh... Baylee sent me. she's locked in a cell at the one place with the logo." Isaac raised up his hands in surrender - not that he couldn't dodge anything this guy could toss at him. "She told me to find Dorian and tell her she's going to stay and find some information." He twitches a little. "I just came to get answers."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Isaac Dunwich
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"You want to know what I can do?" Isaac smiled at him. his hands were still in a surrender pose.
"Not much, just this." He said from beside the man. "as well as being pretty good with not being seen regularly."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Isaac Dunwich
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"like I said, I want answers. I kind of need to get back at this organization or whatever; they did kind of lock me up..." Isaac looked around. "not to mention, I kind of need to know why they're targeting me." He sat down on the ground, leaning back against the wall, and sighed. "Food would be nice, too."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero Character Portrait: Isaac Dunwich Character Portrait: AJ Lark Character Portrait: Isobel Robey
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AJ who was still at the school surveyed the remaining people there. She watched as a new guy entered the school, not sure of what his powers might be. She also watched as Skyler got struck by lightening and rise up afterwards. She had not clue as to why he'd be excited for that, but it seemed like he was begging to be stricken. She figured it'd be some demigod thing she couldn't understand, but Wolfe might know.

On any other occasion she would have approached everyone there, but there were too many unknowns for her to start a hostile confrontation. AJ decided it'd be best to head back to base and tell Wolfe what she saw. She began to fly back at the same speed as Samuel.


Meanwhile back at Samuel's mansion in the Rocky Mountains.

A mess of The Organization soldiers bodies lie all over the ground. Most of them burned and curled up, similar to the bodies found on Pompeii after a volcano consumed the island. The entire base The Organization set up at the mansion was gone as far as soldiers, there were still remnants of equipment there, but not much. Inside the mansion there was a trail of burned floor, which was the path Samuel took when he ran into the basement, and into the room where he now was. The room was filled with the coldest of ice at sub zero temperatures.

All of a sudden a hand shot out of the blue vat of gel. Samuel had finally woken up from his unconscious state caused by the pain he'd put himself in by reclaiming his mansion. Samuel was lucky to be alive because he'd torched himself by running at his highest speed with no suit to cover his upper body. Samuel crawled out of the vat, he was shivering from the cold. The skin on is upper body was unrecognizable and rough,his hair was completely gone from his scalp. Samuel had not felt the exposure of air on his raw skin because it was so numb from the cold.

When Samuel got his strength back he began to walk slowly past the litter of dead and charred bodies that lay around his home. There was a medical station in one of the rooms The Organization used. There were a couple soldiers still alive, but unconscious on the beds. A was in the corner of the room staring at Samuel completely paralyzed by fear since she'd seen the bodies from the window. Samuel looked back at the doctor with no expression on his face. "Wrap me up" Samuel said roughly as he sat in front of the doctor. The doctor nervously pulled out bandages from the drawer as he hands quivered in fear. She began to wrap Samuel's charred body, trying not to stare at his face.

When the doctor had finished, Samuel had his entire upper body covered in bandages, except a small area where is eyes were. "Thank you" Samuel said as he rose up from the chair. "You're we-" The doctor began to say, but Samuel suddenly snapped her neck and her body fell to the floor. Samuel then walked over to every unconscious solider and snapped their necks at high speed as he passed.

After leaving the med bay he headed to his room, which to his surprise was untouched, except for the bed which someone had obviously slept in. Samuel pushed in a panel on the wall and the wall began to move downward as it revealed all of Samuel's suits. Samuel too one off the mannequin and put it on, replacing the half suit that was torn from the spar with Skyler. He looked at himself in the mirror and seeing his new appearance for the first time, he started to cry. He let out a terrible scream and dashed off. Samuel went rushing off to The Organization base with the intent to kill.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Isaac Dunwich
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"Isaac Dunwhich." Isaac folded his arms behind his head and leaned back. "so how about that food?" He was still hungry - he had been all over the city already, and back to a building filled with a bunch of power-hungry morons. "if you want a soldier, then you best be ready to feed me. I can't fight on an empty stomach."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Isaac Dunwich Character Portrait: Isobel Robey
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"I can go ste- get you ingredients. does it matter exactly what I bring?" Isaac was already doing preemptive stretches. He flipped open his wrist blades to make sure they worked, then opened his duster to make sure that his vast collection of throwing knives were still intact. "yeah. I think I could make it in about... half an hour."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero Character Portrait: Isaac Dunwich Character Portrait: Isobel Robey
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"alright. I'll be right back." Isaac turned back down the hall he had came from, running toward the main door. he went through it, not bothering to squeeze into the small opening. he took off down the street. at the first chance he could, he took the high road. in a matter of minutes, he was leaping across gaps on the roof tops. He neared a closed grocery store and entered, not bothering with the locks. After a while he was back down the street with a cart full of food. he stopped to place an apple in a building that was known for birds roosting in its rafters, then entered the school. "I'm back. I got some chicken, rice, pasta, and some various sauces. they didn't have a wide selection of readily-available spices, but I got some oregano and rosemarie...."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Dunwich Character Portrait: Isobel Robey
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Isaac followed the woman with a sigh. he really was getting tired. just as long as he didn't overextend his powers, he was fine though. "You want me to help you cook?" he had read so many cook books it wasn't even funny. "sure, I guess."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Isaac Dunwich
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Isaac turned and grabbed hold of Baylee as she started spasming. "Baylee. it's me, Isaac. the one who was going to help you out of the organization." He held the handle of a knife in her mouth so she wouldn't bite her tongue until her spasms subsided.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Isaac Dunwich Character Portrait: Isobel Robey
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[ignore this]