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"I don't care".

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a character in “The Outcasters; Second Generation”, as played by RawkFist




"I do what I want. If you don't like that, then fuck off and be 'friends' with someone else".



Face claim:
Luke Pasqualino.



Half Wraith/Demon, half Dryad.

Since Slade has taken after his mother more than his father, he is more gifted in Dryad powers than Wraith powers, although he can use both with very little difficulty. He prefers to use his Wraith powers more because they give him that sort of 'villain' look. He often refers to the Dryad powers as 'magical tree tricks', because it's just funny. When he is angry and has lost control of himself completely, he will often mix the two together to create lethal attacks, making him very dangerous.


Slade is currently unemployed because of how stubborn he can be when it comes to being told what to do. If forced into a job by anyone else, he will purposely act up and lose it so that he doesn't have to do anything. Who needs a job when you are off using your 'super powers' to live wild and free?

Slade doesn't necessarily have any close friends, because he tends not to want any. The only two people he can actually call his close friends are Dahvie and Emily, because he grew up with them. His sister comes before anyone else in the world. Sometimes they don't get along that well, but they would never think to hate eachother. When times get tough they will always be around to help each other out.

Mother - Erieda Davenport.
Father - Alexander Davenport.
Sibling(s) - Symone Davenport.
Aunt and uncle #1 - Christopher and Belle Davenport.
Aunt and uncle #2 - Thomas Jr and Kristina Vincent.
Cousin(s) - Andrew and Ashley Vincent, Lucinda and Michael Davenport.
Grandfather(s) - The Dryad King, Thorn Davenport.
Grandmother(s) - Unknown.


There really isn't much that Slade can say he's fond of. He used to play a bit of piano back when he was a little younger, so if given the opportunity to play he will, despite how out of practise he is. Lately he has taken quite a liking to Tanya, and finds her quite attractive. He doesn't think of it as anything serious though. He doesn't really want to be tied down in a relationship so early into his life.

Slade hates liars. He can lie himself, which is strange because of his Fae background, but people who lie to him or cheat are just lowest of the low. It is very hard for him to forgive a person that has lied to him, and his trust is extremely hard to regain. He also hates normal things like sharks, spiders and the darkness. Just common fears that most people would experience.


Slade is very opinionated, and is quick to judge another person by their looks, powers or personality without truly knowing them. First impressions are important with Slade. If he doesn't like you straight away, then chances are he most likely never will. Quite frankly, he doesn't give a damn about what other people think of him. It doesn't bother him in the slightest. He doesn't take kindly to other people, to say the least. He isn't exactly anti-social but he doesn't like to stand around and waste his life chatting to people who prove no purpose in his life.

Like his mother he can be quite stubborn and will rarely ever take no for an answer. He will do things that he's told not to because he doesn't play by the rules. He isn't as wise as her, and probably never will be, but he takes after her in the sense that he is able to read the emotions of other people fairly well. When they're upset or happy or angry. He knows. He can't feel the emotions, he can just see it in their expression.

And, like his father, he can be angered extremely easily. He is quick to loosen his tongue around others, which often results in a slap from Symone. He has a tendancy to jump into a fight without even a thought as to the consequences. If he feels threatened or feels as if his family is in harms way then he will not hesitate to attack anything and anyone.


Slade's hair is dark brown, and is usually swept to one side over his forehead. His eyes match his hair colour, only slightly darker. He gets the majority of his features from his mother. Like his olive complexion. He stands at around 6'0". Slade isn't the most muscular of men, and he's actually pretty skinny for someone with as much physical strength as he. Looks can be deceiving.

His clothing choice is pretty average. He goes for plain colours like greys, blacks and whites, with the occasional blue or red. All of his favourite t-shirts are v-necks. He can often be seen in skinny jeans or shorts. High tops are common for Slade, as they are most comfortable to him. He doesn't wear jewelry or anything fancy like that.


Theme song:
Thousand Foot Krutch || Move.

So begins...

Slade's Story


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Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris Character Portrait: Tanya Little
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"Well it depends on the vampire. I can't always find something to eat so I settle for human food," Tanya told him. Slade nodded along with it. "Fair enough," he replied. "But I seduce people. It's not hard. Some guys just jump at me". He raised a brow at her. Is that why she wanted him here? To seduce him? Slade scoffed. He may've been attracted to her but he wasn't that easy to 'seduce'. She'd have to put some effort in if she wanted to jump into bed with him.

Slade noticed her sudden change of expression and could only assume she was embarrased that she'd made herself sound like a bit of a slut. Their eyes met when she turned to him, but then she quickly moved her head back to her food. "Do you bake?". The question came out of nowhere, and it actually caused him to tilt his head back and laugh. "Nah," he said, "the bakers and chefs are more on uncle Tommy's side of the family. I just come from the violent side, which sucks".

"What I lack in cooking abilities, I make up for with a horrid temper and lots of destruction". He flashed her a brief smirk before shifting his view towards the window. "If I were you, I wouldn't worry about dessert". He wiggled his eyebrows at her, then exited the kitchen and made his way towards the living room to watch some TV.

"Um, how about we just go check and see," Sym suggested, showing that she had no clue on movie genres. Perhaps she wasn't a movie person. She and Dahvie continued down the street, hand-in-hand. Dahvie liked it. Just walking with Sym was a pleasure. In all honesty, he just wanted to pick a movie, watch it and then hurry home as quickly as possible. He was growing more impatient by the second, and was about to practically jump on her, right in the middle of the street.

Her voice interupted his thoughts, quickly snapping him back to reality. "Whatcha thinking?" she asked. Her head tilted sideways and he smiled. He loved it when she did that. "Thinkin' about you," he said calmly, though inside he was shaking like crazy and the tiny voice in his head was screaming out to him. He squinted and turned his head back towards the path they were on.

Just for the fun of it, he asked her a question of his own. "What're you thinkin' about?".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Tanya Little
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Tanya turned off the heat that the vegetables were cooking on and moved them into the bowl. Slade let out what seemed like a laugh when he explained that his side of the family couldn't cook. Tanya knew that. Andrew used to cook for Tanya all the time, but that is no more. He cracked a joke about his ill-tempered family and she cracked a smile. Tanya hasn't seen his parents angry much, but him and Symone were very irritable and violent. Sometimes it was funny and other times it was super annoying. Tanya turned to look at him when he said not to worry about dessert woth the wiggle of his eyebrows. She was goin to have a panic attack.

Slade went into the living room to watch tv and Tanya exhaled. She was freaking out. Slade had never stayed over this long at her house and she didn't know what to do. After she feeds him will he just leave? Breathe Tanya was scarin herself with the unnecessary questions that would pop into her head. She poured herself a glass of wine and sipped it slowly. She felt better. There was a low ding from a timer telling her the steak was done. Tanya turned off the oven and opened the oven door. Placing her glass on the counter she puled out the steaks and closed the oven opening. She got out two plates and put the steak along with the vegetables on both plates. She put forks on each plate and walked out to the living.

Tanya always ate alone so she not used to eating in the living room or even the dining room for that matter. She would always eat in the kitchen right out of the pot or pan, but today was different. She placed his food next to him and set her food down where he was going to eat. "What do you want to drink," she said looking back at Slade.


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Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Tanya Little
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Tanya nodded and went back into the kitchen and grabbed her glass of wine and poured Slade a cup of water. She never understood what was so good about water. It was bitter and a worthless substance that Tanya never needed. Wine was the only thing that resembled the thickness of blood and could be tolerated. Walking back to the living room with two cups in her hand, Slade was flipping through tv channels.

She never watched tv. She either shopped, ate, seduced, or was outside walking around, but today was special. She handed him his glass of water as she took a sip of her own drink. She placed the plate of food on her lap and started to eat cutting the steak in small pieces. Putting the first piece in her mouth she chewed slowly trying to think of a conversation. Then she had one. "Who is the new girl in town? She seems to know you and Sym."

Tanya wasn't jealous very much, but it started to worry her. He seemed more open to the girl. Although Tanya never met her she had amazing hearing and whenever she walked by the hotel she could hear every conversation. It was annoying, but she just so happens here about the Emily person who was Sym's best friend. Tanya also knows about the other vampire, but she wasn't the topic of conversation at the moment.


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Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Tanya Little
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Tanya was aware of Friends in the background, but she kept her focus on eating and on Slade as he answered her question. She nodded to show that she understood. She took another bit of her steak along with some of the vegetables on her plate. She swallowed with the help of her wine. "Why did you want to know about her, anyway? You jealous or something?" She chugged the rest of the wine and placed the glass down. Yes! She thought to herself. Jealous didn't even explain her feelings.

"I was just wondering. It's weird when new people show up. Like the other vampire." Tanya only knew about her because it was easy to tell when a vampire entered town. None the less the vampire was a pureblood like herself so her aura was stronger and more noticeable. She should introduce herself to her, but she was busy at the moment.

Tanya stood up and went to refill her glass of wine in the kitchen. "Do you like the food? And be honest." She poured the red liquid into her glass as she waited for a response from Slade.


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Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Tanya Little
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Tanya returned to the living room with her glass of wine to collect her plate just as Slade cracked a not so funny joke. He was cute for trying so she smiled anyway. She went to the kitchen and set her wine down next to the sink so she was able to wash the dishes. He complimented her for the food and she couldn't stop blushing. She has never exactly cooked for anyone else before. She would always cook for herself and when others were around she wouldn't eat. It was almost like she was changing for a guy that didn't like her the way she did. It is better that way. She told herself.

He placed his plate and cup in the sink and flashed Tanya and irresistible smile. She couldn't help, but return it. She continued doing hers and his dishes. She couldn't help feel that this was a date. Dinner for two, movie or really a tv show, but he was here. Enjoying her company. She couldn't ask for anything else. After she washed the dishes she finished her glass of wine and left that on the counter just in case she wanted more before she went to sleep. She dried her hands and leaned against the sink counter.

"What do you want to do?" Tanya usually just went through her closet and throw away things she doesn't wear and order new things to replace them. Often times she would see how long she can got without walking into her closet before she went to sleep. Her favorite thing to do before she goes to sleep is to play Lucky Lulu. She has a soft spot for music and she loves playing a variety of different songs. "Do you wanna see Lucky Lulu?"


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Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Tanya Little
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"Lucky Lulu? Is that like the name you use for your lady bits or something? Or am I mistaken? 'Cause you're hot and all but I don't think I'd allow you to seduce me so soon. I'm not a man slut and I'm not that easy, You can look, but you can't touch" Tanya actually felt insulted, but she understood that he was kidding. As much as she wanted to she would never seduce Slade. She wanted him to fall for her not become her food. Tanya just shook her head. He has a humor that only he could understand, but she still couldn't stay mad at him.

"But seriously, what is it?" Tanya took his hand and dragged him off to the room where she kept her instruments. She opened the door and dropped his hand. Inside was a piano, guitar, microphone, music stands, and a mixer that she never used. She walked over to the guitar and flipped over on the back where the name popped up. "This is Lucky Lulu. She was first guitar and I have been through a lot of shit with this guitar." She has plays about hard times, played to get money, played to get away from her parents, played about her love, and she played about her new life.

She flipped back so the strings were facing up. She strum it for a moment and then looked back at him. "You don't play the guitar do you?" She never recalled him playing any instrument, but it was always polite to ask. She walked deeper into the music room and sat on a stool by a music stand. She doesn't have anything recent written, but she just likes to play.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris Character Portrait: Tanya Little Character Portrait: Andres Montez
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Tanya thought it was cool that Slade could play the piano, but all happiness drained from the room when he received a text from Symone about her failed date. She put down Lucky Lulu and followed Slade out of the house. When they arrived Symone was nowhere to be found and Dahvie was left on the bench in tears. She started getting a headache and could hardly process what was going on. Dahvie said that she kissed Andres, but Symone wasn't a cheater. "N-no. She didn't cheat." When a Tanya drinks another supernaturals blood she can feel them for a bit until it has all drained out. Tanya didn't replace Andres blood yet.

"Sym would never. It had to be by force." Tanya dropped down to the pavement. She clutched her head and was trying to get herself together. Andres was quite powerful and she was hoping this wouldn't have happened. Symone would never have let Andres just take her, something happened. She knew her best friend. But Tanya couldn't think straight she needed something to drink and she wasn't talking about her wine. Dammit. She regrets drinking from Andres. "Kidnapped. Not vanished. Kidnapped." She said slowly allowing Andres blood get replaced by her own. "Gah. Cursed demon."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris Character Portrait: Tanya Little Character Portrait: Katerina Goldsworthy
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Tanya looked at Slade when he came over to help her, but it was blurring in and out due to her headache. She wasn't going to drink from Slade and she already knew that he wouldn't let her anyway. The new vampire chick that Tanya has yet to meet showed up and said something stupid that pissed off Slade. If her headache was causing her to be dysfunctional she would have been at her throat. Her friend was in danger and she decided to show up.

"I will be fine." She was not going to tell him that Andres was the cause of her headache that would ruin their relationship that hasn't even existed yet. Then something scary happened. Dahvie changed into Anti Dahvie. He stopped mourning and instantly started flirting with Kat which for some reason pissed Tanya off. She was so used to being the center of attention when it came to guys, but not at the moment. She surpressed the anger and studied Dahvie, but she couldn't read him. "Umm Dahvie?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris Character Portrait: Tanya Little Character Portrait: Katerina Goldsworthy
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The new Dahvie was a bit intimidating, but Tanya secretly liked it. It was appealing to Tanya dark side which wasn't good to let out right about now. Tanya stood up and she saw that Dahvie was a looking at her, but it was with lust. She knew that look anywhere. He was flirting. Looking at Slade he was not happy. She didn't have anything to say to him and she it was bad that she was having this weird attraction to him.

Looking at Dahvie wasn't helping her thirst. She walked a bit and sort of stumbled as if she was drunk, but she wasn't. "I need to drink." She said to particularly no one. Tanya sat right back down on the bench and leaned against the back. Her eyes were flashing a red and she was about to pounce.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Tanya Little
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Eveything was happening too fast an it was getting loud. Dahvie was offering himself to her and she almost took him right there if it weren't for Erieda and Tommy. "I have to go." Using her super speed he ran out of the situation blood thirsty. Kat pointed that out in an irritating way that Tanya could have killed her for, but she didn't. Getting closer to town she started walking and was looking for someone to drain. She had to kill which she hadn't down in centuries. Finding a gang member that was walking down the street. She ambushed him, but she recognized him. It was someone that had worked for her father and she was not happy."Jacob! What are you doing here?" She yelled.

"You know why," he retorted. A growl escaped her lips ad she attacked him. Her teeth sank deep into his neck and she started to drain him. Jacob was a wolf so the blood was strong and gettig him aroused. Tanya felt herself being pushed against the wall ad her teeth retracted. She no longer had a headache ad her eyes went back to brown. Then Jacob kissed her. It was the result of her bites and she allowed it. She snuck her arms around his neck and a growl escaped his lips. Before he could take her in the alley she snapped his neck. He dropped to the floor and she walked away. It was a warning. He was going to come for her. Her phone buzed ad she smiled. It was from Slade.

To: Slade
Sure! Just come on over

Sending the message she used her speed and ran back to her house. He wasn't around yet so she had time to change and play Lucky Lulu. She changed into sweatpants and a tanktop. She put her hair into anmessy ponttail and walked into her music room. She sat on the stool and started to play her favorite guitar. The song she was singing was about her first love.

(Sorry for being late. Had school and then Purple took the computer!)


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Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Tanya Little
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Tanya stopped singing and heard the knock on the door. She put Lucky Lulu down and she ran down the stairs with her enhanced speed and stopped right at the door. She looked at her outfit and thought he looked to laid back and she dashed back upstairs an changed her sweatpants into yoga pants. She left her hair in the messy ponytail and kept on the tank top. She approved of her look and she ran back down the stairs. She opened the front door and saw Slade standing there waiting for her. She smiled and moved out of the way so he could come inside. "Hey," she said casually trying to make it seem like she didn't just around the house trying to look better.

He stepped inside ad she shut the door behind him and she immediately turned and walked to the litchen where she had popcorn made and ready. "What movies did you bring?"


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Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Tanya Little
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Tanya frowned and popped a piece of popcorn into her mouth when Slade said he forgot the movies. She shrugged. "I guess we could watch somethi-" Slade was closed the space between them and kissed her. At first in shock she didn't kiss back, but her lips molded into his and she was kissing him back. She moved a hand up to the back of his neck deepening the kiss. She had always wanted this. Tanya would dream of times like this, but they were always ruined and forced into nightmares. But he was here now and he wanted her as much as she wanted him. She wasn't as tense anymore and she leaned back against the kitchen counter not breaking the kiss.

(DAMN RAWK. Being all forward.)


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Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Tanya Little
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One moment they were in the kitchen making out and then her legs were wrapped around his waist and she was being slammed against one of the walls in the hallway. Her legs were still wrapped around him and he was moving to fast to catch on to what was happening. Slade had found a bedroom that Tanya knew wasn't hers. Her bed was softer and worn in. These were one of the rooms that she never uses. It came with the house, but Slade didn't seem to care. Their lips parted and he kisses went up her neck and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

She arched her back pressing herself into Slade. She was in bliss, but this wasn't love. This isn't the kind of thing she wanted with Slade. Tanya moved her hand and trailed it down his chest and gripped his shirt. Slade was strong, but Tanya was still a vampire. With the flick of the wrist to pushed him off of her. He landed off the bed and Tanya felt bad immediately, but she had to stop him. "Slade I am sorry, but I can't."

You don't do those things with someone you love. The way he was on her and kissing her was out of lust. He wanted her body not her and it wasn't satisfying. She sat up in the bed and her hair fell past her face. She had lost her rubber band someone when Slade was running her to the nearest bedroom. She glanced back up staring Slade into his eyes. She wanted to tell him why she couldn't. "I-," she choked. He meant so much to her which meant she wanted to keep him alive. She closed her mouth and looked back down at her criss crossed legs.


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Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Tanya Little
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Tanya thought he was going to be angry with her and yet he was here sitting next to her. He had an arm around her and she felt safe there. "You know that you can tell me what you're thinking. I'm here to listen," It wasn't safe to tell him. Even with him sitting with him in the dark room she was afraid to tell him. She didn't want him to to be in constant danger for what she felt. He isn't a human. He will be fine. At war with herself she looked up and looked at him in the eyes.

"Slade I love you," she said. It came out easier than she thought it would, but she felt that everything between them was going to get awkward very fast. "And I want to make love not have sex." She stopped looking at him and looked back down at her feet. She wrapped her arms around herself. Don't love me back She thought to herself. Nothing good comes from Tanya. Nothing.


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Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Tanya Little
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Tanya wrapped her arms around him as he pulled her close. She fully expected him to walk out or completely reject her, but he wanted this to work as well which made her feel better. She wasn't alone anymore and neither was he, but they were both in danger. She wasn't going to spoil the mood by telling him that. She was okay with him not loving her as long as he didn't push her away. Tanya released him and pulled back looking at him. She leaned up and kissed him on the lips. It wasn't long, but it had an effect. "Just to let you know my bedroom is on the second floor," she said as a joke to lighten the mood up a little.


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Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Tanya Little
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Tanya smiled when he tagged along with the joke, but he was right they were moving a bit too fast. To be honest she didn't even know this room existed. Then he asked of he could say here for the night and on the inside she was jumping up and down screaming yes, but she kept cool. He seemed to be taking what just happened pretty hard. Everything was strange with his family and it was hard to make sense with it. "Yes you can stay as long as I get to cuddle with you in my room," she said getting out of the bed. She looked around and saw how untouched this room was.

"By the way I don't mind if you sleep in your boxers," she added flirtatiously leaving the bedroom hoping that he was following her up to her bedroom. She was tired and needed a break. Looking down at the ground she saw her cellphone which was still intact. She picked it up and saw the message from Sym. Tanya didn't reply. He wanted them to to have private time.


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Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Tanya Little
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Tanya reached her room and she placed her phone on the night stand with her charger. Slade was in her room and he seemed to be looking around and taking it in. Her room walls were painted black and had expensive pictures hanging on the walls. It looked liked a rich person lived here which she was okay with even if it was her parents who decorated and not her. From the dresser she grabbed her pajamas and walked the bathroom. "Be right back." She shut the bathroom door and started to get changed. Her pajamas consisted on shorts and a tshirt. Her hair was tied up and she had no makeup on. She was still pretty without it, but you could tell she took it off.

Stepping out of the bathroom, she put her other clothes away and let out a yawn. She didn't realize how tired she must have been. She moved over to her bed and crawled in waiting for Slade to come in as well. She patted the spot next to her. "Come on Slade."


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Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Tanya Little
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Slade slid into bed next to her and it was weird. They haven’t done anything and now they were just going to sleep."Goodnight, I guess," Clearly he wasn't used to it either. It was so easy to just do it, but she wasn't going to. She leaned over and kissed him and wrapped her arms around him. "Goodnight," She closed her eyes and tried to sleep. As a vampire she only needs a few hours so she would be up probably before he was, but it was night just to cuddle with him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Thomas 'Tommy' Vincent Jr
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Slade began to form inside a large room. He felt like crap, but he pushed that aside when he noticed his uncle and his twin sister were also in the same situation as him. "Simon!" Symone exclaimed. Slade looked around, before turning to Symone. "I told you not to call me by that name, 'Symone'," he replied with a frown. He heard Tommy mutter something about age, but he payed no real attention.

"What the hell are we doing here, anyway?" asked Slade, "I was with Tanya". He shook his head and rubbed his forehead. "Nevermind. Someone's going to come and get us eventually". It was then that Symone's outfit caught his eyes and his frown grew into a cold glare. "Could've atleast put some clothes on," he muttered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Thomas 'Tommy' Vincent Jr
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"Sorry, I was too busy being kidnapped...again!" Symone barked back at him, "we've been summonded by the Queen, Slade". He sighed quietly. Then his attention was drawn from Symone when a woman that he could only assume was the Queen entered. He'd never actually met her before. Slade noticed Tommy knelt down to bow, and hesitantly he copied. When she reached for his face, it send a shiver down his spine, but he didn't want to disrespect her by moving away like Symone.

When they all began to rant at eachother, Slade began to think. He couldn't even imagine what Tanya must've been feeling after he just vanished. He felt so guilty about it, and he hoped he could return there soon. He managed to stay in his thoughts whilst still taking in most of the information that was being tossed back and forth by the conversation within the room.

Slade returned his attention to the others to find that Symone and Tommy were fighting about them leaving. A low growl started to form in Slade's throat as he stepped towards Tommy. "You may think you're trying to protect us but that's our mother getting hurt out there. And as her children it's our duty to protect her as best we can. If you think for even a second that we're going to leave her in the Demon Realm then you can go fuck yourself!" he screamed right into his face, "I'm staying to protect my mother, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it".
