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God of service, servants, masters. and contracts

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a character in “The Pantheon: Post Cataclysm”, originally authored by Jusan Kikan, as played by RolePlayGateway


God Name: Keindra (Kyn-dre)
Creed: "Whever I am there's service for you. I may be your Servant, or Master. I'm loyal to my priorities, to the Elders, and the mortals. A contract is waiting for you if you choose."
Title: Servant, Master, Master of all Sevants, Keeper of Contracts
Gender: Male

Alignment: Neutral Good

Governed: Master, Servants, Service, and Contracts

Sacred Animal: All Canines, ususally the domestic dog; due to the fact they are loyal, and ready serve to whoever they're with

Appearance: His god form is a White angelic Winged Humanoid with blazing white eyes that can see through a mortals soul, with silver long hair. He wears a white trench coat with a strap on it's back so he can carry his sword, and black pants that could hold many scrolls and papers within its bottomles pockets. His hands have tatoo markings, his right hand is pictured as sword like wings. And his left is pictured as an outline of a dog's head. Whenever he appears in front of mortals he becomes a normal person whether a peddler, a top class citizen, or a normal folk, a servant mainly, or an animal, mostly domestic like dogs, and cats.

(Godly Form)

(Battle Form 1 Standard)
Whenever battle breaks out, Keindra's coat turns into his body armor, and his angelic wings turn to blades. He can use his bladed wings as a shields or weapons.

(Battle Form 2 Ultimate Warrior)
During dire moments in war, Keindra will be forced to change into his ultimate form. While in this form he has a high rate of causing devastation in his wake, and will exhaust his godly powers; which is why he prefers not go into the Ultimate form.

(Keindra's left hand tattoo)

(Keindra's right hand tattoo)

Although he was born recently, he has no idea of how he was born. He just knows that his goal is to serve the Elders, and those that need him, mostly mortals. When he contemplates on his origin, he always goes somewhere quiet, whether the forests, the ocean, the lakes, or the heavens. Keindra wonders from place to place, and when he sees someone who truly needs him, he appears before them; whether mortal, or God. But, whenever he finds a God/Goddess he can truly trust, he gives them one of his feathers, which shows Keindra's symbol. The feather can only be used by the Gods/Goddesses. Its properties, when given, serves as a communication to Keindra when that God/Goddess is in need of his services, but usually it's for stuff that aren't serious.

Feather~ An Immortal asks Keindra to do an errand, sending a message, asking him to help for a quest, or something between the lines.

Personality: Most of the time he's busy serving the gods that are good and support the mortals, especially the Elders. Service with a smile as they say. Whenever he thinks a mortal is worthy to be Keindre's master, or service, he forms a contract for them. But at a price he sees fit, mostly because he sees potential in them. If he becomes bored he journies to the mortal world, and finds anything that seems interesting, like a device to tell time, literature, art, music, technology, ect. And help mortals that are in true need of his services. If a war breaks out he's ready to defend the Elders with his trusty Silver Sword, Vladimeir.

Opinion of Mortals: They're just interesting to watch. Everyday they fascinate him with the many inventions they create, and ideas they have. He just loves the culture the mortals bring.

God's Domain: Almost anywhere if there's Service, Servants, Masters, and Contracts

God's Territory: No Territory Yet

Symbol: Bladded Wings with a sword in the middle

Weapons: Contracts (the papers inside his pockets), and a Silver Sword he calls Vladimeir

Mortals: With the use of his feathers, and aura; Keindra created two of his sons, Vallance, and Klaudiss.
Vallance is one of the sons of Keindra, and he serves the Gods with his father Keindra.

Klaudis is one of Keindra's sons, and he srves the Mortals, also with his father.

The sons turn into Keindra's sacred animal whenever they don't want to encounter with Gods, or Mortals.

So begins...

Keindra's Story


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Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Keindra Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil
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"Yes my lady. Oh Laska, I'm probably gonna fly a little fast for you, and the others can catch up. How about I carry you." Keindra then hold the small Goddess. After that he sprouted his angelic white wings and soared in the air, knowing which direction to go. As he flew shooting stars began to appear, and his sons gained speed with Vallance leading his brother. "Me'rida do you sense a power like powerful storms, and war near by? That's where Kalimdor is."

(Keindra was explaining how Kalimdor's aura feels like when Keindra first met him. Keindra doesn't feel it now, due to the disntance, but he's explainint to Me'rida about it, and asking her.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nylia Character Portrait: Othuma Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Keindra Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Torsc and Riomu
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"And so the Great War had been ended by the power of purity overcoming corruption." Acanthus' voice rang from his room. Upon entering Torsc would see a class of many different Di-Dorem being taught by a rather elderly Korrigan. The Korrigan raised his hands and said, "With that, class you are dismissed. Come back tomorrow for my lecture about the creation of our species."

The class filed out, bowing in reverence to their god and giving strange glances back at their teacher. It was obvious that they were wondering why Torsc would want to see an elderly Korrigan in the middle of his own apartment. Once they had all filed out, Acanthus returned to his normal form.

"Ah, there you are my friend. I was wondering when you would arrive. I hope you've been keeping busy? It has been awhile since I saw you last." He paused to stroke his beard for a second. "No matter. I have finished my plans, are you ready?" He took a sheet of paper from his desk and unfolded it. Then he unfolded it again, and again, and again, until the paper was just as tall and wide as both of them were. "Here are my diagrams for them. As you can see, I will need several hydraulic presses and an internal power core for each. Now, I don't need you to add any Artifice other than that required to hold them together and make them run. I will provide everything else when you are finished."

He bowed to the half-god. "Thank you for your time, good friend."


Laska shook her head at the god of service, "Oh no, I can fly. Don't worry about me- whoa!" She said as the god picked her up and began flying with her in his arms. She blushed furiously, "I-I don't really think this is appropriate..." She said as they flew off, meteors falling behind the great servant.


The snake writhed a bit at the idea of going to find Sairis. "If he truly wisshes to be your friend, Othuma, then he will come back. He isss far gone by now. Insstead, why not get to know each other more." This would be a good chance to start working on Othuma, making him more like the snake. "Tell me about yoursself."

The Crystal

It stayed silent, for the longest time. Nylia must have seen its aura. It was not nearly as good at deception as Laska was. The crack that Nylia had created reconnected and re-hardened as Nylia fought Marzaan. Finally when the Crystal was with Nylia and the Locust god it spoke to Nylia. Very well. I am not a crystal. I am a half god. I can absorb life force and give you power. I am part of Jute. I helped you slay my other half. I wish to rule the gods and I wish to have you by my side. Even as you slayed me I have looked forward to adding your power to mine. We could be great, you and I. I could help you punish whomever you desire. I have received the full pain of your punishment to Jute. I have felt the sting of your revenge. Now all that matters to me is achieving my goals. And My goals involve you by my side.


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Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Keindra Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil
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The Goddess smiled and shook her head as Laska was carried off by Keindra, carefully soaring alongside him. She had been thinking over what he had asked her a few moments earlier, so her main focus had been elsewhere. There was certainly a area that seemed to call out to her, filled with the spark of power and war. So this she realised was what it felt to see others link to the realm, certainly an interesting experience.

"Yes dear Keindra, I can sense something. It certainly speaks of a vast amount of power being expended... I wonder what could have provoked the need for such?" She asked the god of servants her brow wrinkling in confusion, as they drew closer to the source.


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Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Keindra Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil
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Keindra just chuckled, "ah so you do feel the presence. Yes that power you're feeling is just Kalimdor. He's the God of War and Storms, don't let that scare you because he's quiet carring for his kins." As they flew nearing Kalimdor Keindra explained. "We're getting close to him. I think we should stop here and walk on foot." After what seemed minutes, Keindra stopped to halt and landed on the ground. "There you go Laska, I'm sorry if it was inconvenience for you. It was rather rude of me to do it." As he talked to Laska, Vallance and Klaudiss appeared out of no where and turned back into human.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nylia Character Portrait: Othuma Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Keindra
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Yes, yes. This was going well. Othuma was beginning to obey almost everything he said. Soon he would have to look to Sithis for guidance in all things. And Sithis would only be too happy to oblige. "Now, you have changed living creaturess. It iss your right to change anything you want. In fact, you are a god! You are allowed anything within the entire world. It iss all yourss by birthright!" It was all too easy. But Othuma was a knight in a world full of pawns. His role would be great indeed.

The Crystal

Blasphemy! The Crystal piped up. It had been thinking to itself, orchestrating the pieces in its large chess game. But it could not let Nylia ignore this. You are a god! No mortal should ever speak wrong of you, especially not to another god! We need to draw lines Nylia. If you are to punish the corrupt gods of the world you must be cunning, and wise. You must be like the serpent. I can help you there. Surely there was a diplomatic solution. But either diplomacy or a physical altercation would both work for Jute in this situation. She could not lose.


"That is fine, Keindra, you are forgiven." Laska said quietly as they approached the aura. "Oh my!" She said as she saw lightning flash from the sky as a strange storm piqued up. She flew towards the lightning, interested. When she got to where she had seen it, the storms had stopped. There she saw the largest god-made structure she had ever seen. She gasped. "Is this from the War god? Such beauty from someone who hates peace so much..." She thought for a second. "I cannot meet him!" She cried suddenly. "He cannot like someone like me!" She flew away from the great home of the Warlord as fast as she could.


The sword had had enough of waiting for the peace loving Hanriot. It began glowing harder everyday. If the god did not act soon, something drastic would have to be done by the great Falchion. Its malice had begun to grow out of control.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Othuma Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Keindra Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil Character Portrait: Hanriot
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"Yess, of coursse. I will not sstop you from doing what you want. It iss your right to create and to desstroy." The snake was silent as it rode on the great bear's shoulder. It wondered to the other parts of Jute. What is it that we should create? The response from the Crystal was instant. Nothing! Why give someone a chance to have leverage over us? The sword was more thoughtful. Mortals are interesting. They seem to hold much sway over the emotions of the gods. And given enough of them we might be able to distract and destroy gods with them. Then the voice of Jute appeared as all of their minds spoke at once. Not only that, but mortals can be where we are not. Go places that we cannot go. And communicate with us at will. The snake spoke out loud to Othuma. "Then it iss ssettled. I will create ssomething asss well." I will also begin to listen to the prayers of other mortals. Perhaps Jute has followers elsewhere...


Suddenly, Laska had the urge to create. But she was still skeptic. She returned slowly to where Merida was. "I-I'm sorry I ran off. The war god...scared me so much. Will you two come with me instead of seeing him? We could go wherever you wanted." She really didn't want to meet someone so opposite her. But something else stirred inside of her. Something that felt very...unsettling...Something that was was distinctly not peaceful. She didn't want to be near the god because she wanted to kill him.


The sword was bored of Hanriot. so it left. It sunk through the ground near the great desk and popped out on the outside of the hut. It began to fly towards one of the other four. Increasing her malice but not telling her what it was doing. It hid its aura as well as it could as it slipped into the great Hall of Kalimdor.


The War god got thousands of prayers a day. Prayers begging for mercy as the Orcish hordes tore apart the homes of mortals. Prayers from his creations, thanking him daily and praising his name. But today he recieved an interesting prayer. There was a mortal that wanted to be trained in the art of combat. This was obviously not one of his...He stood, prepared to leave the grand building of his, when he felt something sharp pierce his back. He looked down, silvery electrical liquid was oozing from the area where something green protruded from his chest. His eyes glowed as he sent powerful lightning coursing through the wound. The green thing pulled itself out of him. He spun, whipping his hammer around and into a green sword that flew across the hall and landed on the ground with a clatter.

"Who's there?" The god yelled angrily. "If you want to fight then fight me head on!" He looked around the room, searching for his attacker. "Show yourself coward!" He turned around and looked at the weapon that had pierced him. It wasn't on the ground. He felt something slash his legs. He swung again, this time aiming at the arm of whoever was using the sword. His hammer connected only with air as he turned to see a sword floating by itself.

"What madness is this?" He asked as he took a step forward. His wounded legs collapsed under him. He would not call for help. He would not run away. He would destroy this weapon on his own. He shot lightning at it out of his hammer. It clattered to the ground, sparks crisscrossed it at intervals.

Kalimdor stood, with great pain. He took his hammer in both hands. "I will destroy you!" He yelled as he began to swing downward. But as he was swinging the Sword vibrated and flew straight towards him. He gasped as it pierced his throat. His eyes began to cloud over as he heard a voice in his mind. It was laughing. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

The great god fell to his knees as life began to leave him. "Who are you?" He asked with his dying breaths.

I am Jute.


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Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Keindra Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil
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She like Laska and Keindra had watched the great monument of war form before them, its majesty was something strange to her eyes. For while it clearly spoke to her as a creation lovingly crafted, shaped with form and functionality by its maker; its hard edges and tough exterior seemed almost alien to her. It was built to embody the power of storms and war, to mark this realm as the birth of their power. She frowned slightly as she heard little Laska gasp nearby "Is this from the War god? Such beauty from someone who hates peace so much..." turning to her, she spoke softly to the girl as her smile returned to mask her frown "Just because he is the master of war and storm does not mean he lacks a respect or understand of beauty." She pointed out to Laska but felt a sudden wrongness from the structure, something was deeply amiss but she couldn't place it. She could

"I cannot meet him!" Laska cried suddenly. "He cannot like someone like me!" Mérida turned to the girl but before she could say anything she felt a dull pain deep in her very being causing her to fall to her knees, her hand stretching out as the staff of Cragin formed in her grasp. "Laska, wait!" she called out but Laska was already too far away and did not appear to be slowing. Slowly she pulled herself to her feet, smiling at the thought that it was Cragin who was helping her but dismissed the notion as she began to walk towards the halls of Kalimdor.

A moment or two later she heard Laska's voice as the girl had returned but her apology was almost lost as she could barely hear the words, her focus elsewhere. "...We could go wherever you wanted."

Mérida turned suddenly to glare at her "I will go to see Kalimdor. Something is wrong, so very very wrong. I know you may not wish to meet him but I must." she carefully reached up to her face and felt the wet sting of tears "I'm sorry Laska, but I must go." With that she turned back to face the structure and unsteadily walked towards it, her insides twisting as she felt the source of this pain growing stronger by the moment. It had no lost any of its majesty but it now seemed somewhat hollow as she looked upon it with misty eyes, for it looked more a tomb than a deities abode.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Keindra Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil
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"Dead?" She heard Laska say, her voice showing how truly shocked she was. "But, he is-was the god of War! What could have killed someone like him?" Mérida could see her looking at her for guidance but wasn't entirely sure of her next move either "Merida, I-I want to help you in whatever way I can."

She smiled slightly at the young goddess before looking back down at the hammer clenched tightly in her hands. "We must warn the others... Though I don't know who, or where they are." Mérida took a deep breath and gently dismissed the hammer to somewhere safe for later. Turning back to her she frowned slightly and stared towards the entrance to the great hall, a renewed feeling of uneasy was growing by their prolonged presence here.

"First though I think we should leave this place, and leave now... She carefully walked towards the entrance, her unease growing It does not feel 'stable' to me, almost as if the War God had not finalised its place in the world. We must find Keindra as he seems to know where others of our kin are, hopefully he'll not be far behind us."


"My kin... My clan. I have prayed to the Earth Mother. I have asked for her guidance and protection on our pilgrimage. I have asked for some sign of her favour, something to show that we were on the right path. We have received more than I could have ever dreamed. Let me introduce you all to the child of the Earth Mother, Nuala."

Nuala bowed her head to the Orcs and smiled "Both me and my brother have been sent to speak with you are behalf of the Earth Mother. We will take you somewhere you can be safe for a time till you are rested. A place where those who would do you harm cannot seek you, for nothing passes door and window there save moonlight and starlight and wind off the hilltop. Follow us children and we will take you to Minas’annûn."

The forests and hidden places of the natural world were changing, gripped by a powerful force which sent ripples throughout their landscape. The trees were becoming taller and thicker, their foliage covering more of the land. It almost appeared as if they were attempting to wall their world from those beyond their borders.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nylia Character Portrait: Othuma Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Keindra Character Portrait: Akhôrahil
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The Crystal

The Crystal waited, hearing Nylia's plan and matching it with Jute's own. By the time Nylia met with Ankorahil, the Crystal had changed its mind. This could fit well. Ankorahil, who seemed to be agreeing with the plan for war,would be an interesting ally. Especially because he shared many aspects with Jute. The Crystal spoke to Nylia. Perhaps war is not the worst course of action after all. My initial plans did not involve mortals, not yet anyways. But this war with Adarani...It will get rid of one of the many obstacles in our path. But let's not fight with all of our enemies yet. My team is not yet prepared. You are great indeed, but we have more allies, and many more enemies. We cannot show our full hand just yet. If you must go through with this war, then do it without being discovered.


They were to find other gods? Good! That was what Laska had wanted from the beginning. "Ok Merida." She said, slightly cheered by the gods words. "Let's go find new gods. But what should we tell them?" She thought to herself for a second. "Umm...Miss, er, Merida? Isn't it really good that war is gone form the world? And shouldn't we be glad that there won't be any more storms? I-I'm sorry he's gone but, shouldn't we be happy?"


The god had changed into a new form. It was very godlike. Sithis wondered whether Othuma wanted to meet other gods. If so, Sithis would not, should not, go with him. At least, not in this form. "Othuma." SIthis said wistfully. "Very well done. You are very...pressentable now. I like the new form. It sseemss to desscribe you asss your name desscribess you. I wonder, do you wish to meet other godsss? If sso, do you want me to join you?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Keindra Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil
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"Umm...Miss, er, Mérida? Isn't it really good that war is gone form the world? And shouldn't we be glad that there won't be any more storms? I-I'm sorry he's gone but, shouldn't we be happy?"

She turned to the young goddess, shocked and disappointed by her words, shaking her head before sighing deeply "No Laska, we should not be happy. Even though he was the god of war, he was not a evil one. Things within the realms must be governed and governed wisely or they will descend into chaos and ruin. War may be viewed by some as evil but it can also be the catalyst by which evil is overthrown, but the act of war itself is merely a tool. He created beautiful things little Laska, and now that he is gone his creative vision is as well, save for those that remain."

Mérida smiled at Laska softly before looking up at the twin statues which flanked the entrance to the great hall and watched, with acceptance of what she had feared, as each slowly crumbled taking the rest of the hall with it.

"To feel joy at the death of another god is a horrible thing Laska, for they exist in our realm to serve a purpose, be it for good or ill." she softly brushes away the streaks of her tears "I don't know who to warn exactly as I have met so few of our brethren but I believe our best chance is to speak with Mathias first." she says finally, gently letting two pairs of silvery wings spread out behind her "Though Keindra could help warn the others as well."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Keindra Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil
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(Sorry for not able to post, I had homework that I needed to do. And also because of Area Auditions for band saturday, and then there's solo practice for choir and band.)

Keindra felt something different about Vahala, and decided to leave the Goddesses so he can look into it. The halls seemed to ring of Kalimdor's power, but something was amiss. It feels like Kalimdor himself is not here anymore. When he stepped in front of a portrait of the God himself, Keindra looked at it and started to cry/ "I hope nothing has happened to my kin, he's the second God who welcomed me with open arms....." As he cried, his wings stretched and started to turned to blades and his eyes blazed more brightly with rage. "nnnNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" After what seemed minutes, he finally calmed himself and started exploring some more.

After exploring the halls of Vahala with it's majestic halls crowned with jewels and riches, Keindra and his sons found Merida, and Laska. "Merida, Laska, is something wrong? I felt an uneasiness within the walls. I was for sure Kalimdor was here, but he's no where to be seen."


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Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Keindra
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"Merida, Laska, is something wrong? I felt an uneasiness within the walls. I was for sure Kalimdor was here, but he's no where to be seen."

She turned to the god and smiled softly towards him, shaking her head lightly. Her smile was faltering and flickering at the corners of her mouth as she spoke "No, he's not here Keindra, not any more. He has been killed and I believe whoever it is seeks to kill us all." she slowly brushes away a fresh tear from her cheek before continuing "You must take us to Mathias, we have to warn the other gods of what has been done here. I will not see more of us fall."


Their party had begun to make its way through the forest; Durotan urging his people on, abet at a slow pace in the wake of Duala, who guided their journey while his sibling followed at the rear by the orc.

"You said our destination was Minas’annûn? What is that place?" Asked the chieftain. The noble creature nodded slowly her jaws parting wide as she spoke, looking more like those of a wolf but pulled back beyond their limit "Yes Durotan, we will show you one of the Guardian shrines of the Eldalie. They are a race of mortals, like yourself, the creations of the Earth Mother. They live in peace with the natural world and in turn they protect eachother. But they are still a young race." She smiled for a moment before looking down at the orc "Follow my brother, I've something to attend too. I will return soon" and with that she turned and vanished into the brush, disappearing with ease for a creature of her size.

The creature had noticed her a little while earlier but it appeared to have thankfully missed the orcs, as she passed the trees and undergrowth seemed to flourish and mask her trail as well as that of her charges. As she neared where she had last seen the creature investigating the treeline she was somewhat confused at his obvious fear, what could have caused it to dread her kind so?

Carefully she approached the tree and softly growling spoke "Mortal, why do you watch us? and why are you afraid?" Her eyes showed the softness to her words even if she didn't radiate as welcoming an aura as she had with the orcs. After all these were not the welcomed guests of her mother, but something else entirely.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Keindra
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As Keindra heard this upsetting news, he turned away toward a statue. "Kalimdor, may you watch over your subjects, and servants. May you be a guide to those that need you most. When all hopes is lost, may your people listen to their hearts listening to your still voice." After blessing kalimdor, Keindra took his hand, and branded the statue with his right hand.

After all that, he stood before Merida with a stature of a servant. Keindra bowed before her with a mischevious grin. "Yes my Lady...I'm sorry to do this to you, but I am a servant God, and this is a custom. You have given me an order, and I have accepted it." He stood up before the Goddess, and then turned to his son Vallance. "Vallance, go with speed, and find Mathias. Once you're there, summon me with your tattoo, and I'll be able to find you. I'm sorry to do this to you, but I'm not sure where Mathias went, and you have the capability to find him faster than I. And this is something that needs to be done quick." After given Vallance his orders, Vallance faced Keindra. "Yes father, I shall go at once." He then turned into his dog form, and zoomed out of Vahalla. Keindra turned toward Merida, "My son will find him with out problem." And with that Keindra waited.

[OOC: Oh during the 15 min. we can do a short discussion or something like that]

----------------------------------------------------------15 min. Later------------------------------------------------------------

After waiting, Keindra's hand started to glow. "My Ladies, I believe we found Mathias. Come I'll lead the way, and Laska I won't hold you like I did the last time." And with that, Keindra's wings spread, and flew into the sky with great speed with meteors passing by.


Vallance ran out of Vahalla with a goal that's burning in his eyes. "I must find Mathias, I must, otherwise something bad will happen." Vallance met Mathias, and noticed he was a great God hero, and had a strong sense of Justice. "I'm getting close to him, I need to find him." After what seemed minutes, he made it to Mathias. Vallance transformed back into his mortal form, and bowed before the God of Justice. "Mathias thank the Gods I found you. Lady Merrida, and Keindra need to talk to you. They'll be here soon." He then took of his glove, and made his tattoo glow. "Father, I have succeeded in what you asked me and now I wait for you to come."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Othuma Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Keindra Character Portrait: Kazus
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Othuma took his leave of the Goddess of Love and her company that was until, someone new introduced themselves. "Kazus huh?" "So your the person Adarani was speaking too." He didn't know where to turn so just address his immediate vicinity. "Why of course, I see no reason why you can't." "Just know that I cannot slow down, I must get this to them immediately." Othuma spoke as he soon summoned the weapon that tore open a portal. "I have yet to name this long blade stick, but I shall on my own time." Othuma spoke as he once again ripped open a portal.

"Well then, Wind God I shall see you on the other side." He happily spoke as he stepped through. He was then followed by Shan. Othuma waited for Kazus to breeze through before he closed this portal.


Mathias watched as their community had grown, a bit too much in population. Looking to expand and inhabit other areas of their valley, some Valeish have packed their belongings and began using animals as transportation. The local wild horses provided excellent animals for such labor. Loading up wooden carts, entire families saddled up and left the main settlement as they searched for more land.

Mathias over saw their pilgrimage and saw that other areas of the valley were slowly becoming inhabited. New towns soon popped up as more Valeish entered the world. With all of the different settlements, it won't be long before a government is needed. That is where Mathias' teachings will shine, soon they will have the most well-organized, most sturdy government of all. In the midst of excitement soon came a being he was familiar with. It was one of Keindra's sons. He greeted Mathias.

"Good day to you Vallance." Mathias spoke as he gave a friendly wave. He then stated his buisness. "Hm? They wish to speak with me?" He asked. "Well then, I welcome any opportunity for a visit, I was just in the middle of tending to my people." Mathias happily spoke. "I shall wait for their arrival my friend." Mathias spoke as he waited for the other gods.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nylia Character Portrait: Othuma Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Mérida
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The Middle Realm

They were gnawing at the wall, pushing at it trying to get through. It bubbled and swirled, colors unimaginable blossomed and vanished in the blink of an eye. It seemed to take shapes but then lost them immediately. The Chaos, The Wilds, it had many names but it cared not. It's only wish was to expand. It pushed at the barrier and the barrier pushed back. Then the barrier gave way. Chaos beasts rushed into the world, weakened by the barrier that they had pushed through. The Barrier closed instantly but enough of the creatures had appeared to cause trouble. They began attacking and destroying everything in their paths and turning more creatures into beasts like them. Geographically these beasts were contained at the far North, far South, far East, and far West borders of the Wilds. But eventually they began to expand pushing farther and farther into the Middle Realm as they came...


The young goddess looked at Merida and Keindra. She understood all that they had told her but she did not wish it to be true. The god of War was dead, that wasn't a good thing, but she could only feel glad. In the end she took as somber of a face as she could and followed Merida and Keindra to go see Mathias. When she got there she let the other two do all of the talking. She only spared them part of her attention. The rest was focused on the purple mortals running around and setting up cities. She nearly clapped her hands in delight at the sight of them. They were so peaceful and happy.


Sithis had not spoken while Othuma had asked Adarani for help. Its attention had been on the prayers of the snakes who told of many mortal affairs and also of gods. Sithis was still gathering information when they returned to the Northern wastes. When it finally snapped out of its reverie it slithered out of its tattoo form and onto the shoulders of the god of death. Then it noticed the new mortal and the godlike presence.

"Who iss thiss Othuma?" Sithis asked with feigned politeness. "Why did you bring another god here?" Then it sniffed the air with a flick of its tongue. "Trouble approachess. Gather your weaponss. Chaoss comess."


Crysalis arrived at a new city on her way to the ocean. Here were very different mortals from the Klik'kik-t. All of them wore masks and they all seemed to hold malice for something or another. Crysalis could feel the Crystal nearby so she lessened her godly aura so that Nylia might not sense her. Crysalis entered the city proper and found herself bombarded by dirty looks. She was not welcome...That would change very soon indeed.

The Crystal

The Crystal had been watching Nylia's every movement. She did not seem to be angry at Jute, or even revengeful at the moment. She seemed to be absorbed in the war. That was good. The Crystal remained quiet for most of the time as Nylia moved about the world, doing as she wished. When she returned to the masked mortals the Crystal finally spoke up. It is time that the war is started. If these mortals do nothing then I can call others to the war effort instead. As for our relationship, I would like your opinion on something. The Crystal paused for response. What are your feelings for Jute now?


Riomu was healing at a fast rate and schools all over the Fortress were teaching the History of the Middle Realm among many other subjects. Acanthus and Torsc were now meeting on a weekly basis, their project was nearing its completion. The Time Bubble as well was nearing its cessation period. The two gods were planning to unveil their new creation at the Ceremony of Release. Acanthus had never been happier than he was in the Bubble, but he knew that when it ended he would be able to start his new plan for a better and safer Middle Realm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Othuma Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Keindra Character Portrait: Kazus
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Othuma watched as his new companions stepped through the portal as he closed it behind them. "Well here we are and now I just need to find them." He spoke as he wandered the frozen plains. Sithis returned from the tattoo that he was currently disguised as. He soon asked why he bothered to bring others. "Well it's simple really, they asked to see the Dragons, I do not see why I shouldn't allow it." He spoke rather matter-of-factly. Then Sithis turned rather pensive as he soon spoke about chaos coming their way. "Chaos?" Othuma was hopelessly confused as to what made him say that.

"Why do I need to gather weapons?" "What is this 'Chaos' you speak of?" Othuma asked. Then it appeared Kazus was acting up as well as he soon breezed by his ear. "Ready for Combat?" He spoke dumbfounded. "I do not see any reason for combat." Then he saw it some odd creature roaming around in the snow. It was strange to say the least and then he remembered something, when he was first born he did see some rather disturbing things towards the North. This must be it and it must be why they have to fight it. "But I know nothing of Combat." He cried. "You must be more prepared than I, you two should start the first strike and I will do my best to follow." He spoke, hoping someone else with more experience would take initiative. He would follow in style hopefully gain some experience in combat.


The Chaos Beast noticed the group of gods and then charged. Shan noticed the hesitation in his master's words. He did not wish to see him stricken down in his first fight. He had to protect him and allow his god to live. Shan jumped forth between them and the beast and attacked it. While he did put up a valiant effort the beast alone was too much and he was badly injured the beast prepared to transform him before Othuma intervened.


"NO!" Othuma yelled as he instantaneously stood between the beast and Shan. His Scythe underwent a new transformation. Unlike it's previous form this one was more sinister, more jagged, more dangerous. The Scythe kept the Beast's Claw at bay as it was stuck on the jagged blade. "No why did you do this?!" Othuma shouted. But Shan only managed a smile before his life passed. Othuma saw the soul of Shan and was infuriated. "NO!" "You are not allowed to die!" He shouted as he touched the soul and forced back into his body. Shan gasped for air as if he was drowning. He was stunned that his god saved his soul. Before he could react Othuma knocked the beast aside. It charged. Then with a quick slash of his new scythe, Othuma left a deep gash in the beast's shoulder as it nearly severed the arm.

The beast moved aside as it tried to reform it's arm. Yet, as it tried the wound began to spread. From the slash the beast was beginning to decay. Much like his shoulder the rest of it's body began to crumble as the decay spread. It's arm fell off as the beast felt the Touch of Death covering it's body, forcing it to die. Soon the beast itself fell apart and disintegrated into dust. Othuma noticed what he did. It was much like what happened to the mama bear, but on a much more larger and more aggressive scale. Othuma looked over to Shan, who was just on the precipice of death then spared an early afterlife as Othuma returned his soul back to his body, like he did with the Dragons. He was still wounded but death would not come to him that easily. "Well I guess I'll just do that again if we find more." Othuma spoke. "I should find the other Werebears, get Shan to safety and find those dragons." Othuma spoke as he planned his next moves.


Mathias was nearly startled by the sudden appearance of a Sacriran. He spoke of gave news and before he could do anything, it seemed he perished. Mathias' face grew grim as he looked towards Vallance. "I'm afraid this meeting will have to wait, this is an ill omen and I must prepare." Mathias grimly spoke. "You should return to Keindra, and tell him to arm himself for we are in a world of trouble." Mathias warned as he dismissed Vallance. "I must defend my Valeish, I will not allow any beast to enter this valley, not while I still live." Mathias spoke as he turned away from Vallance and hovered above the great valley. He drew his Spear and then in a long while Justice spoke.

"It seems you are about to use my power for your own ends again." Justice plainly spoke.

"Yes, but I am doing it for my people." Mathias explained.

"I am not rather fond of your exploitation recently...I am here to assist not be used." Justice warned.

"Please I must do this, you know what they are capable of." Mathias retorted.

"Yes, although this type of problem wouldn't have occurred if it wasn't for you and your kin's constant meddlings." Justice spoke.

"What makes you say that?" Mathias asked.

"What other reason could there be for such a creature to exist, if it wasn't caused by a god." Justice answered.

"I have no idea what god would want such a thing but now is not the time for the past, now is the time for action." Mathias stated.

Justice merely sighs. "I see this issue has clouded your mind from other options, I shall grant you use of my power, but we need to resolve this issue immediately." Justice spoke. He then gave some of his energy to Mathias.

"Thank you." Mathias spoke as felt the radiant energy coursing through him.

With the Righteous Power of Justice he was able to set up an area of defense. While the surrounding mountain ranges provided an excellent wall, he needed to be aware of attacks. So he enlisted a field of vision and now he will notice if a Chaos Beast does enter his lands. If one does then he will act quickly and decisively. He began to worry about Adarani. He felt the urge to find her and help her, but his duties to his people stood in the way. While he did selflessly prepared to defend the Valeish, he began to doubt his choice. What if she needed him more? Should he abandon his people in this dire time to help Adarani? If Mathias began to extend the power Justice gave him to cover Adarani and her people, he will be upset. What should he do? He can't be in two places at once. Even if he did help Adarani, what if the beasts attack The Valeish? Besides the mountains they have no other way to defend themselves. Their population isn't great enough to support a war effort. Not unlike the Sacrirans. They would be destroyed in a matter minutes by the beasts. He can't leave them unsupported. What is more right? Protecting the Valeish or Helping Adarani? Such a conundrum left Mathias flustered and ragged. What should he do?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Keindra
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She flew over the city that the servant gods son had signalled Mathias to be, admiring it as she homed in on his location, she was so filled with worry about the other deities that ignored a aching pain which nawed at her insides, so heavily were her thoughts weighing upon her. Calling out loudly towards the god "Mathias I must speak with you, I bring grave news! Kal--" she began before she jerked back suddenly, her eyes blinking wildly as body twisted in the air, causing her to fall from the sky. She was buffeted and twisting in the air before crashing into the ground; her knees buckling as she tried to stand she collapsed back onto the ground, vines and flowers ripping through the earth to wrap around her skin to sooth her as her face contorted in pain, lips parted in a woeful cry. Her eyes wept sweet rivers of sap as her hair became distorted and flared as it's colours darkened, fading to a dull white. "nononononononono noooo" she babbled, shaking her head and clawing at the ground, sparking new flowers with each touch upon the soil.


"Your people sound friendly and well meaning. Something this realm is in dire need of following this cataclysm our mother mentioned as a tale told to her by one named Mathias." she replied to the creature but before she could say more or hear a reply she caught one of the other creatures call out "Did you hear that?" so she listened for a moment, noticing something not right with the wilds around her, something not meant to be and she growled low, her eyes flashing bright violet.
"Chaos Beasts?!" she roared in confusion, "Whatever they are they mean us ill..." she moved suddenly forward, intending to take the battle to them as they sought to bring it to her but her way was blocked by a iridescent curved wall of energy which shielded her and the rest of the group from the creatures.

She looked from the beasts to these mortals of Adarani and shook her mane roughly, feeling her form shrinking as her fur began to fade into her skin. Her body changed becoming more humanoid in shape, her long silken hair shortening before vanishing from her till it just sprouted from her scalp in a long cascade down the length of her back. Her paws thinned into soft, slender fingers and bare feet with toes curled in the grass. She pulled herself to standing, abet a little unsteadily at the change. She quickly looked down at her new form as her silvery white hair flew out behind her. She stared up at the chaos beasts, her teeth bared as a sapling grew from the earth in front of her, rising up and shaping under her fingertips into a long handled spear


"I'm waiting for someone. But since you're here, do you want to play a game with me? I'll explain the rules if you do want to play."
The woman said causing Laria to look from her to the board and back again before tilting her head slightly before sitting opposite her. "Mani naa essa en lle?" she asked, after nodding a yes to being taught the game. "Malia ten’ yulna?" she said, holding out a canteen of sweet water.

(ooc - Translation for the sylvian: "What’s your name?" + "Care for a drink?")

In the forests of the middle realm their was a ripple of discomfort, the trees were rattling and rustling as their branches shook and their trunks creaked. Creatures unwelcome in their shadows were rampaging unchecked and the wilds would answer their destruction with a call of their own.

As the chaos beasts poured into the middle realm in the east, hacking at trees and slaughtering the wild creatures they were slowly discovering, had they been possessed of intellect to notice such a pattern, that their journey was being directed towards taller, thicker and older trees. Trees who's bark was barely marred by the vicious claws and talons as they made passing slashes.

Deeper they ran, unaware of the simple lure that they were being pulled towards as the branches locked together high above, closing off all escape. The forest did not take kindly to intruders.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Othuma Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Keindra
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Othuma nodded as he heard Kazus would help keep more of these things at bay. Then he was relatively stunned as he saw Kazus create what looked like rock people. Still whatever they can do, he was happy to see them. Othuma lifted Kazus upon his shoulders using godly strength. He then looked at Sithis on his shoulder and then left leaving Kazus and Uncle deal with the beasts. Othuma quickly slashed open a portal as his scythe reverted back to normal. He stepped through and found himself amongst a civilization. The Werebears had been busy as they have grown in number and seemed to have form tribes all along the Northern Forest. Othuma entered one of these tribes.

The Werebears immediately ran to their god and bowed before him. Giving him praise and speaking of their prayers. He now realized where all of those voices in his head came from. He had been meaning to mention it to Sithis, but never found it a priority. He already seemed to get the gist of it. The most frequent prayer was basically the same, if they were to die today, then let their souls find peace. Something Othuma always gave a nod for. But he was not here to find peace for their souls but to ask of their help. "Greetings my Werebears." "Your gracious God of Death calls for your assistance." The bears hushed. "One of your own was attacked and nearly killed!" "He is to receive treatment immediately!" He commanded as the Werebears rushed to take the injured Shan into care. "The Beast that has done this was not the only one." "More will come and do the same to you, if you don't defend yourselves now!" "I ask that you prepare for combat!" Othuma commanded.

For awhile the Tribes have done well and did their best to follow Othuma's wishes of populating and praying to him. In recent times however some tension has been brewing, between the Devouts and the Naturalists. The Devout Tribes, constantly praised Othuma for giving them in life. The Naturalists miss their former lives as plain Bears and have been wishing to revert to normal. This has cause religious tension, as the Devouts believe the Naturalists are being blasphemous for believing their gift is a curse. While the majority are Devout the Naturalists have several tribes and have threaten conflict. With Othuma's call to arms this might lead to release much aggression that has been storing up. The Werebears took their arms and prepared a War Chant. The Elders banged drums as the painted their Warriors. They sent messengers to all Tribes and asked for their compliance. The Devouts naturally prepared for battle. The Naturalists were reluctant at best. But they do realize the Beasts are a problem and prepared for battle as well.

The Werebears soon mobilized and headed North. "Yes my friends, go to the North and help the Kazelites in their battle!" Othuma commanded as the Werebears continued to Chant. They marched and soon would reach Kazus. "That settles one problem and now on to their other." Othuma spoke as he opened another portal and soon found himself before a dragon. The female Ice Dragon bowed before the arrival of the gods. "My Lord, have you brought the Fertility?" she asked. "Yes but trouble is on the horizon the-" "Yes, the Chaos Beasts, Frostwing spoke of them." "Oh so you know, that's great!" Othuma spoke. "Yes and I know what you want but we cannot go to battle, not with our numbers so pitiful." She spoke with great saddness. "Then hide yourselves, we shall deal with these pests." "For now bring me to the others I need to give you the fertility." Othuma spoke. The Dragon brightened up and then did as she was asked. Othuma found them hiding out in that deep cave he originally found Frostwing's soul. He spoke of recent events and Frostwing nodded. "I thank you God of Death for this boon." "We shall make hatchlings in your honor." Frostwing spoke. Othuma smiled as he focused the light blue orb into the Dragons. They felt invigorated and were very much anxious to start procreation. Othuma left them to their privacy.


A voice penetrated Mathias' thoughts. It was Mérida! He saw the Goddess of Nature and Keindra as well. Also Laska seemed to be with them. He dropped to their sides. "I know you all must be dreadfully busy, especially you Mérida." He spoke as he saw her drop. "I hate to ask this but could you perhaps, watch my people for a moment?" Mathias a bit nervously asked. But then came the person he was worried about, Adarani. "Oh thank goodness your alright." "When I saw your Sacriran fell I feared the worse." "I was about ready to come to your islands to help, but it seems their fine, right?" Mathias asked. "You really shouldn't have come, I would have came to you if you needed me too." Mathias spoke as he felt a bit ashamed that Adarani had to come to make sure he was fine. Was he weak? He felt very useless and the what nerve it must be that Adarani had to check up on him. He made her worry and made her leave, all because he was indecisive.

"I am sorry you had to leave New Sacrira just to make sure of my well-being." "You must think of me as pathetic that you had to do such a thing." Mathias then sighed. "Never mind my kin, there is no need for you to watch them, it's alright now." He spoke dismissing them of any duties he placed on them. He then looked as The Valeish continued on with their lives, perfectly oblivious of the growing danger. Mathias then heard a voice, but it wasn't a prayer no it was...a God? He heard of the voice and remembered it's owner. That one New God of Madness. He must have encountered a Chaos Beast, they really are here."Yes, it was a Chaos Beast, be wary these things are the reason why The Cataclysm occurred." "They are very powerful, after all they have slain gods before." Mathias warned Veltrez, hopefully he will take them to heart.


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Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Keindra Character Portrait: Equallis and Disballis
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She carefully pulled herself to her knees, taking deep laboured breaths as she did so. Her body was bleeding from a thousand tiny cuts which were opening and closing as each healed before being torn apart again. The vine around her helped her stand as she was having trouble doing so alone. She looked at this stranger who appeared to be attempting to heal her. "I thank you, but what ails me ails the world. I am feeling the intrusion of darkness upon the middle realm, and the suffering of the creatures and the life therein." She young goddess was grateful for the infusion and her attempt to cure her pain but after a slim rejuvenation she forced the energy back to her. "These creatures are strong, please don't waste your power on me. I'll regrow with the world." She smiled and shook her head causing her hair to whip out slightly behind her as its lustre returned.

"I am Mérida, who are you?" She asked as she began to unsteadily make her way towards Mathias, her step becoming stronger as she overcame the shock of the damage done to her world.


She'd nodded to Kenha in agreement of his assessment of these creatures, noticing that there were what appeared to be several insectoid creatures joining them. At least it was something. She was readying herself to fight when one of the insectoids, who had been speaking with the Templarim called for them to follow it back to a 'Hive' where they would safe.

She felt uneasy at this prospect as she would have greatly preferred to stay in the forests because she knew it's secrets and could avoid conflict till the perfect strike and could better defend. However as her mother would rather she explore the world beyond her borders, she decided to follow these creatures in an attempt to learn more about them.

She followed Kenha as he went after the creature, Humble Kindness moments before the shield behind her shattered and the beasts were thrown back, getting behind the defensive line of Back Caste soldiery.


She'd nodded and listened carefully as the girl explained the rules of chess to her, which bore a similarity to the art of stratagems.

"So your move first or mine?" she spoke in the language of her opponent, eyeing the board between them, lightly tapping a tattoo upon her crossed knee with the fingers of her left hand.

The chaos beasts were ripping at the trees now, as they had become so tightly packed within the forest. Several of them had hacked the surrounding trees to the core of their bark but that was as far as their efforts had managed thus far after so much force. The branches of those nearest had been creaking for sometime now and it wasn't until the first chaos beast was crushed into the earth that they realised the trees at been waking up. Once they had finally cottoned onto the fact they were being culled their fury was unleashed and their claws dug deep into the wood, felling several of the weakened trees.

However once the survivors had escaped their makeshift prison it was only to discover that every tree throughout the east was slaughtering the beasts. Gnarled fingers of oak reaching down and through them so slow it was almost dreamlike, but with an unstoppable inevitability to their movements. The forest was now filled with the howls of dying chaos beasts as the frightened fauna returned to aid their ancient brethren. Standing upon the shoulders of these old El'Dorun were the daughters of Mérida, each calling on the powers of nature to strengthen their homes and their trees. The wild was fighting back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Keindra
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Adarani listened intently as Merida spoke. It would appear the Goddess of Nature is linked to the natural habitat, as the Elder Goddess of Love was linked to Ahuv and the Sacrirans. This link, however, was on a different level; it could actually kill all that is linked, whereas Adarani's link with her creations would leave her temporarily immobile, worst case scenario. The Elder Goddess did not even have time to respond before she felt the energy reentering her body.

Adarani walked beside Merida while answering her query with, "I am Adarani." turning towards Mathias, she said, "I tried, love, but it seems Merida is physically linked to the natural habitats of the Middle Realm, that being the source of the pain. I couldn't reverse it."