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The Eternal Sleeper, Nexus is the Deity of Dreams and the living archives of every dream ever conceived.

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a character in “The Pantheon: Post Cataclysm”, as played by Sovereign


God Name: Nexus
Creed: ”What is a dream, but the lifting of the greatest of veils to be transported off to a realm devoid reason but endowed with greater fascination?”
Title: The Eternal Sleeper, The Athenaeum of Chimera and Phantasm, The Great Treasure Hoarder, The Keeper of Utopia.
Gender: Genderless, Unisex, Constantly Changing.
Alignment: Neutral
God Appearance:
Hair of all texture, shade, hue, color, completely overtakes Nexus' thin frame sprouting from its divine scalp. This mountain of hair extends as far as the naked eye can see, covering the divine being a forest of endless strains of multicolored hair at times even burying its own face, spanning out for untold miles in every direction. Those that approach the core of this great overtaken mass will often find a very peaceful face at its very center, shifting and morphing on a whim to make up several different forms at one time. Always around the creature is a great horde of wealth: fine ancient weapons and armors, items of magic, chests of gold, silver, scrolls of great works and knowledge, vials of lost alchemy; the greatest abundance of things one can imagine.

Personality: Imagine every abstract thought, every dream, every nightmare and phantasm every conjured by every sentient sleeping mind throughout the known cosmos: this is the very nature of Nexus’ creation. At first they were all raw, constantly wandering, bouncing with one another in an aimless direction, it is said that their constant collisions and interactions slowly grew the first ancient seed that spawn the new deity today. Each hair on Nexus’ head, each strand that seems to go on forever represents a vision, a thought, a dream, a lucid chimera produced in the sleep from anything from creature to mortals to actually gods themselves deeply buried in the tangled coils of his/her/its invulnerable hair.

Nexus is a hibernating creature of sleep and dreams, only truly aware of his reality for nothing more than a few minutes or moments and that is when he/she/it is truly trying his hardest. For the most part, she/he/it is always in a comatose conscious state; allowing the world around him/her/it to simply be. With the birth of new minds, new thoughts, new concepts brewing Nexus’ magnificent estranging mane grows further and further entangling the earth. Due to the fact if Nexus had every manifested in reality his very entangling presence would spell natural disaster, he/she/it has been wisely confined to a pocket dimension where his idle maelstrom of hair and coil cannot harm or impact the world.

Any being that finds itself in this dreamland has the benefit of accessing any dream thought by any being throughout the cosmos as long as they can locate it in the constantly shifting and changing void that is the great ocean of dream strands, a feat considered to be mathematically impossible. To all that enter there is but only one rule: No being shall every look at All Father’s dreams. It is the greatest of the hair strands and it is said to be deeply coiled across Nexus’ body; and the very reason why she/he/it must sleep eternally.



A place meaning “No Place” as its very existence is a conundrum. Outside the realm of the planes, it is often believed to be lurking somewhere within the unexplained wilds. The more universally accepted theory conversed by scholars and theologists is that it somehow located within the space between the realms and thus the reason why all dreamers despite their alignment to the various planes can reach it. More controversy, some rare few argue that Utopia literally means ‘No Place’, that there is no physically manifestation of this abstract realm and pocket and that it lives within the destructive chaos itself.

Regardless of where is actually might be, all agree that this is the place where all dreams and dreamers eventually linger to. This is the birthplace of Nexus, he/she/it did not create this realm but instead she/he/it was created when all dreams and phantasms began to flood into this dimension. It is his/her/its home and it often believed that Nexus is the only current living native of this abstract place.

Utopia itself is shaped like an endless ruin of a very ancient city, spanning as far as the eye can see. It is always covered by the night skies and most corners of the ruins are often overtaken by the deity’s endless hair choking the old stone and column into brittle rubble. That is not to say that Nexus is the only inhabitant of this realm. Wondering what their masters might dream and fearing what their enemies might discover; religion orders from different deities often enter the realm through great ingenuity and magic; combing through the cosmos of hair to find the specific strand of invulnerable that holds every abstract vision their god has every produced; to safeguard and protect. A man could spend all of his lifetime searching and never even puncture a drop of water that is the greater ocean of Utopia.

Opinion on Mortals: Nexus is often indifferent in the affairs of mortals, his/her/its mind is often wandering, idle, lost in the being’s enteral slumber to truly focus on their affairs. This is most likely the reason why Nexus’ dream cult is often small and loosely organized. Those that do specifically pray to Nexus are often dream interpreters or soothsayers, as dreams are sometimes mistaken as portals into the future.

Portfolios Governed: Dreams.

Symbol(s): The most common symbol carried by Nexus’ dream cult is often a crescent moon, though stars, other wanes of the moon, suns and other things to represent the cosmos are often decorated and hung across shrines and temples to represent the evening.

So begins...

Nexus's Story