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The Paragons of Xaides

The Paragons of Xaides


With the world of Seitonus looking to be at its end, the god Xaides bestows upon 12 humans the power of Ascension—the power to ride and control the dragons of old.

1,854 readers have visited The Paragons of Xaides since Graymonger created it.


ANNOUNCEMENT: The roleplay is still under construction, but feel free to make a character. Everything regarding that is finished. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. The character sheet format and other information regarding the world of Seitonus are posted in their own respective OOC threads. Also, my hand-drawn map of Adonai along with descriptions of major regions and cities are posted under the "Places" tab of this roleplay. Just click the appropriate location and discover the world of Seitonus for yourself.

Paragon Roles Remaining: 10

A blur of emotions and sights perplexed his mind to the point of collapse. It was almost as if his mental constitution was a great river, and as that river flooded, the rest of the mind could not handle the overflow. The raging wave of water spilled out over the lands of his inner mind, wiping out everything he once knew and everything he thought he knew.

The universe opened before him with all its questions and answers—the meaning of life, the grand creator of everything, including the three gods he had come to know since his very childhood, and his own insignificance in all of it. He felt a weightlessness in his chest, a feeling that overwhelmed his entire anatomy. Every cell in his body knew that they had been relieved of all distress. The undeniable feeling of insignificance left his pre-determined subconscious to move freely. The façades of discrimination, judgments, fear, and unknowingness of every creature to exist in the world he thought he knew simply floated away from him. Everything became so clear to him in those few seconds, almost as if a thousand lifetimes of man were spanning before his very eyes.
He saw how unnecessary everything in life truly was. How wars were meaningless. How love was meaningless. How respect, justice, honor, loyalty, and all of their opposites were absolutely meaningless. The only true meaning for a mortal life was one of purpose, to alter the world for the better of future entities because you alone were so insignificant.

Millions of frames of time flashed before his visionary spectrum. He saw the first orcs in the grand dark of the vast underground. He saw the orcs create the first civilization of the world. He saw the dragons burn it to the ground. He watched Xaides create the human race, and he saw Uklios and Losther meld darkness and malice into Dallurith—the greatest dragon to ever exist. He observed from afar, his body seeming to levitate and witness everything, the rise of the Kingdom of Grovaria and the Keantis Empire. He peered at them in joy as they lived in peace for several frames of existence until meaningless feuds and centrifugal forces rose up between them, tearing them apart and, in turn, making them tear each other apart. He watched as men, women, and children of the Keantisian lands were raped, murdered, and burned. He felt sadness in his heart, but felt no tears, as the Kingdom of Grovaria swallowed Keantis whole. He beheld the creation if Igzorak, the half orc, half dragon specimen at the scaly hands of Dallurith and his vile sorcery. And then he saw the final frame of the millions of frames of existence. He saw twelve individuals shooting across the skies of Adonai atop the backs of dragons—The Paragons of Xaides.

The visions, the answers to everything in eternity, and the internal peace within the man vanished entirely at that moment. He blinked once and saw the kneeling form of one of the most precarious creatures he had ever before witnessed: the Horned God. He was a giant man, covered with fur and adorned with long, pointed ears. Great antlers spiraled forth from the top of his head, and his eyes… those all-knowing eyes. The man realized at that moment that every vision, every frame of time he had witnessed in those few seconds had been all experienced when he looked into the eyes of the Horned God. He was the true immortal of this realm. He was the grand creator in flesh and blood.

Overcome with shock, the man’s eyes lulled about his surroundings. Hundreds of dark silhouettes observed him, peeking around the silver trees and through the silver brush. The entire forest had gathered to watch his monumental awakening.

The man’s eyes finally returned to the Horned God. The larger than life creature simply smiled at him—a heartfelt, genuine smile that made every inch of the man’s configuration pulse with happiness. And then the man felt the god’s touch. Giant, smooth nails gently traced across his cheek. The man breathed deeply, closing his eyes as the feeling of weightlessness returned to his body.

And then he was gone from the world of Seitonus.

The world of Seitonus was forged by the gods Xaides, Uklios, and Losther. They melded various kinds of energies together, building the planet from the core outward. Because of this, the first races of the world spawned in the deep dark of the underground, thriving there until the Three Flames finished their construction of the surface world. The most intelligent of these underground creatures happened to be the most fearsome as well: the orc.
Standing at the average height of fifteen feet, the giant orcs dominated the darkness of the underground, enslaving the Duqari—the stone elves—and the Grecks—the small, easily manipulated creatures of the dark caverns of the world. When the green, lush surface world of Seitonus was finally completed, the orcs began to venture there more and more as centuries passed.

The sunlight burned their eyes, but the vast, open world that they saw when they exited the underground was indescribable. Standing on the high cliffs of the Howling Peaks with their pasts behind them, the orcs stood as giants, both in physical stature and in mind, to the rest of the world. None of their race had to speak of it, for they all knew that they would be the first, and strongest, civilization to transform the world to their liking.

The rise of the orcish civilization caused the beginnings of the Splintering of the Realms. Xaides, the god who had put much of his time and effort into perfecting the forest and the more tranquil areas of Seitonus, was appalled at the sight of the orcs’ unmerciful actions toward nature. The giant beasts tore down trees with abandon, using the wood to build homes and monstrous pick-axes that would drive forth every ore from the mountains.

Rivers of iron ore and coal ran through the orcish settlements, and finally they advanced enough to construct the complicated mechanics of a forge. Ingots were made, and with them, the orcs began to create arms and armor. With a natural tenacity and ferocity accompanied by thick armor and cruel weaponry, the orcs became god-like to their enslaved minions. No other race could survive so long as they continued to thrive, and with their industrial power, nature would not be able to withstand orcish tyranny.

And so Xaides brought forth the dragons. They spawned atop the highest summits, aging until they became ancient beasts, and then they swooped down upon the orcish civilization, burning their homes and lighting their people ablaze.
With dozens of beyond massive dragons laying waste to the orcish legacy that had formed overtime, Uklios and Losther, with their love for the orcish race still in abundance, turned against Xaides and his attempts to thwart the advancement of their beloved race. Together, Uklios and Losther created their own dragon—Dallurith. He was the largest and most powerful of the dragon race, and he was to be the orcish savior in days to come. But he had to gather his strength and rest. Young dragons were of no threat to the world, but those of elderly age could cast their devastation across Seitonus.

The orcs were eventually driven back underground by dragonfire. With Uklios and Losther focusing their powers on strengthening Dallurith at his young age, Xaides took the time to create his own race—humans. He made them to respect nature, but not entirely leave it at peace. He realized in order for a civilization to flourish, it required wood and metal, but the orcs had gone overboard. They had cleared entire forests for the sake of militarizing themselves. They did not clear forests in order to have space for their population, or to have room for farming. The carnivorous orcs feasted on their slaves and did not reproduce quickly enough to have an overpopulation problem. The humans would be kinder, and would not think only to better themselves. Of course though, as in every race, there would be exceptions. Xaides was a god, but he could not control the mind of every being that came into existence.

Humans were birthed by Xaides’ will, and as a small group, they began to flourish into a full-fledged society that expanded over the continent of Adonai. The first domains of men included the Kingdom of Grovaria and the Keantis Empire. They had co-existed for a millennium, but eventually hostility rose between them and a great war ensued—the Bloodwell War. The Keantis Empire was wiped out and swallowed by the imposing borders of the Kingdom of Grovaria.

Centuries of peace passed, and by this time, the foulest evil had festered in the far depths of the world until they spilled out onto the lands above. After nearly 2700 years of gathering his strength with the aid of two gods, Dallurith awakened from his slumber. The magically-inclined dragon that was Dallurith began his first spell—a spell that would bring the orcs back from their abyssal holes and make them a dominant force in the world of Seitonus once again.
Dallurith created Igzorak, a racial cross between a dragon and an orc, he was a being of a tremendous power.
Igzorak, with the will of two gods at his back, returned to the home of his orc kin. He, despite his grotesque appearance, rose up their ranks with ease, slaying any orcs that stood in the way of his tyrannical position. Igzorak inspired his people, and with him as their leader, the orcs re-surfaced, showing themselves for the first time to the heavily-civilized humans. The giant creatures, though lacking their lost technologies, wreaked havoc on the human lands, slaughtering men, women, and children without relent.

Xaides, unknowing of the deeds of his two god brothers, was disgusted at the sight of Igzorak. He doubled the size of a normal orc, and breathed dragonfire on the world as if he were a dragon entirely. As the orcs marched across Adonai, killing all that stood before them, the humans of the Kingdom of Grovaria stood in a daze of fear. They knew not how to stop such tenacious foes of the ancient times.

Until the Paragons rose.

Seeing the unstoppable orcish legion advance over his humans without effort, Xaides knew he had to make a counter-offensive. After much thought, he decided to bestow twelve humans with the gift of Ascension—the ability to ride and control the great dragons of old that had nearly burned the orcs from existence. It was an archaic practice of the monks of the Keantis Empire, and while some had achieved such a status of power in their lifetime, none had the ability to control dragons as easily as it was to breathe.

The Paragons of Xaides are the humans’ last hope to save them from the devastation of Dallurith, Igzorak, and a legion of orcs... but they must first forge their own stories and identities, walking midst a world of overwhelming mysteries and conflicts. The world of Seitonus.

Toggle Rules

• None of the 12 paragons have met, or bonded, with their dragons yet! The description of your paragon's dragon is only in your bio so you know how they look and act before you write about their confrontation in the future of the roleplay. You do not begin as a champion of the world riding a dragon.

• Please try to be respectful to all roleplayers. If there is a disagreement concerning something in the roleplay, please take the argument to chat as to not spam up the OOC or the IC (if you posted arguments in the IC, I would stab you personally).

• All original rules of roleplaying (no powerplaying, no metagaming, no auto-hitting, etc.).

• Please, try to keep posts above THREE PARAGRAPHS. Yes, I know there will be exceptions, especially with conversation posts, but you should try your best to put effort into every post you make, because I will. There is so much to explain in this open world, so it shouldn't be too difficult.

• All characters must be human.

• Try to be active!

• If you like having multiple characters, feel free to make extra non-Paragon characters.

• Romance is very much allowed, just keep it PG-13 for the young'ens.

Browse All » 6 Settings to roleplay in


Seitonus by Graymonger

The world created by the three gods Xaides, Uklios, and Losther.


Adonai by Graymonger

The continent in which the roleplay takes place.


Grovaria by Graymonger

The eastern lands formed into a kingdom by the Duke of Karion: Serlon Tolthe. The symbol for the Kingdom of Grovaria is the Horned God of the Great Silver Wood.


Keantis by Graymonger

The old lands ruled by the Keantis Empire. It now is a domain of the Kingdom of Grovaria, but it maintains its original culture and archaic prayers to the ancient dragons.

Cities of Grovaria

Cities of Grovaria by Graymonger

The major cities of Grovaria from Karion of the Grovarian Vale to the orcish city of Ghorving.

Cities of Keantis

Cities of Keantis by Graymonger

The major cities of Keantis from Vragos of the Skullbound Channel to the Kaerndal Citadel of the Keantisian monks.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Seitonus by Graymonger

The world created by the three gods Xaides, Uklios, and Losther.


Adonai by Graymonger

The continent in which the roleplay takes place.


Grovaria by Graymonger

The eastern lands formed into a kingdom by the Duke of Karion: Serlon Tolthe. The symbol for the Kingdom of Grovaria is the Horned God of the Great Silver Wood.


Keantis by Graymonger

The old lands ruled by the Keantis Empire. It now is a domain of the Kingdom of Grovaria, but it maintains its original culture and archaic prayers to the ancient dragons.

Cities of Grovaria

Cities of Grovaria by Graymonger

The major cities of Grovaria from Karion of the Grovarian Vale to the orcish city of Ghorving.

Cities of Keantis

Cities of Keantis by Graymonger

The major cities of Keantis from Vragos of the Skullbound Channel to the Kaerndal Citadel of the Keantisian monks.

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Florah Nörvainne
Character Portrait: Graim Delmont Stelrin
Character Portrait: Xix
Character Portrait: Rashek Khazad


Character Portrait: Rashek Khazad
Rashek Khazad

An elemental sorcerer searching for a purpose, Rashek left behind a wealthy life to push his skills to the limit.

Character Portrait: Xix

A wild Reformation Sorcerer with a Vendetta and the will to become an Apex Predator.

Character Portrait: Graim Delmont Stelrin
Graim Delmont Stelrin

I'll kill them all, for what they've done, for those they've hurt, for what they may do.

Character Portrait: Florah Nörvainne
Florah Nörvainne

A red-headed ranger of eastern Grovaria, she does not yet know of her identity as a paragon.


Character Portrait: Florah Nörvainne
Florah Nörvainne

A red-headed ranger of eastern Grovaria, she does not yet know of her identity as a paragon.

Character Portrait: Graim Delmont Stelrin
Graim Delmont Stelrin

I'll kill them all, for what they've done, for those they've hurt, for what they may do.

Character Portrait: Rashek Khazad
Rashek Khazad

An elemental sorcerer searching for a purpose, Rashek left behind a wealthy life to push his skills to the limit.

Character Portrait: Xix

A wild Reformation Sorcerer with a Vendetta and the will to become an Apex Predator.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Xix

A wild Reformation Sorcerer with a Vendetta and the will to become an Apex Predator.

Character Portrait: Graim Delmont Stelrin
Graim Delmont Stelrin

I'll kill them all, for what they've done, for those they've hurt, for what they may do.

Character Portrait: Florah Nörvainne
Florah Nörvainne

A red-headed ranger of eastern Grovaria, she does not yet know of her identity as a paragon.

Character Portrait: Rashek Khazad
Rashek Khazad

An elemental sorcerer searching for a purpose, Rashek left behind a wealthy life to push his skills to the limit.

View All » Places


Seitonus by Graymonger

The world created by the three gods Xaides, Uklios, and Losther.


Adonai by Graymonger

The continent in which the roleplay takes place.


Grovaria by Graymonger

The eastern lands formed into a kingdom by the Duke of Karion: Serlon Tolthe. The symbol for the Kingdom of Grovaria is the Horned God of the Great Silver Wood.


Keantis by Graymonger

The old lands ruled by the Keantis Empire. It now is a domain of the Kingdom of Grovaria, but it maintains its original culture and archaic prayers to the ancient dragons.

Cities of Grovaria

Cities of Grovaria by Graymonger

The major cities of Grovaria from Karion of the Grovarian Vale to the orcish city of Ghorving.

Cities of Keantis

Cities of Keantis by Graymonger

The major cities of Keantis from Vragos of the Skullbound Channel to the Kaerndal Citadel of the Keantisian monks.

Cities of Grovaria

The major cities of Grovaria from Karion of the Grovarian Vale to the orcish city of Ghorving.

Cities of Keantis

The major cities of Keantis from Vragos of the Skullbound Channel to the Kaerndal Citadel of the Keantisian monks.


The old lands ruled by the Keantis Empire. It now is a domain of the Kingdom of Grovaria, but it maintains its original culture and archaic prayers to the ancient dragons.


The eastern lands formed into a kingdom by the Duke of Karion: Serlon Tolthe. The symbol for the Kingdom of Grovaria is the Horned God of the Great Silver Wood.


The continent in which the roleplay takes place.


The world created by the three gods Xaides, Uklios, and Losther.

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