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Lucy Jean O'Donovan

"You got a problem, kiddo?"

0 · 155 views · located in Two Small Towns in California...

a character in “The Pen Pal Project II”, originally authored by BOO!, as played by RolePlayGateway


"Do you seriously want to fuck with me?"

"The Basics..."
Name: Lucy Jean O'Donovan.

"Err.. Lu-Lu has a lil' girl ring to it, y'know? Makes me sound all cute and small 'til I pack the punch and bam!"
"Silent Echo".
"Me and my friends got into this rock band a while back and all the band members had ironic names like 'Deadly Pacifist' or 'Bleeding Vampire', so we made up our own names. I like Silent Echo."





"The Appearance..."
Description of Appearance:
Pale white skin, dyed hair (usually white but can change), about 5'8" and weighs 10st

Leather jackets and tank tops with either torn skinny jeans or shorts with torn leggings/fishnet tights. A real, generic rocker chic through and through.

"Delving A Little Deeper..."
-Video Games
-Being sarcastic/mean
-Being able to do what she wants

-Small snakes
-The feel of paper
-Un-tuned instruments
-Most people
-Feeling inferior.


Lucy often wonders what's going on, as she's not the brightest spark, but very rarely asks questions to keep up her 'bad chick' reputation. She also has an element of child like wonder and will always be interested in new things, though she might not show it. Also if she hears any thing to do with numbers or work her mind just switches off automatically and she begins to resist teachers or others trying to get her to settle again. Although only 18, she thinks she's one of the baddest women out there who could kick the ass of any man or woman (but she wouldn't beat on a child, that's a step too far.) She also regards herself above teaching staff and her father.

There is also a softer side to Lucy which only the very lucky get to see. When surrounded by music or art she calms. If you are a close friend to her, or don't know her in person, she could appear kind or playful, whilst face to face she's intimidating and gruff. Some of it's an act, like the complete isolation. She enjoys being alone but not for too long. It's best said not trying to force this side of her out, or you'll just be asking for trouble..

"Delving Even Deeper..."

Lucy was brought up to be a smart, perfect little girl but things soon went sour. She realised she wasn't that smart at all. And to no surprise, she started losing confidence in herself. She was beaten at home because she wasn't top of the class which motivated her to study all night but still she couldn't get any better. She tried and tried but in her father's eyes she was still a failure. She would always be a failure to him. This is when ol' Lu-Lu went down her own path. If she couldn't satisfy others, she'd satisfy herself. She didn't get in with a bad crowd or anything, or start drugs or gang violence, she just did what she wanted to do.

She dyes her hair every so often to keep things fresh and dresses exactly how she wants to. Her tattoos, which she's forced to cover most of the time, consist of a full sleeve which she got when she finally moved away from home. It was a celebration, and the mark of her new life. Most school's rejected her due to her report card but Riverview was her last shot. Finally, she was accepted in. She stopped concentrating on her studies, knowing that the harder she tried the worse she'd fail. She became quiet, but one of the most intimidating character at the school even though rarely getting into a fight.

(I couldn't get a .gif/picture of a girl with a full sleeve tat', sorry. So I got P!nk instead.)

Theme Song: 'I Don't Care' by Fall Out Boy

So begins...

Lucy Jean O'Donovan's Story

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Character Portrait: Lucy Jean O'Donovan
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#, as written by BOO!
Lucy groaned and rolled out of bed. Knowing there was no-one there to help her sort her stuff out every morning wasn't much encouragement, to be completely honest. She heard yelling from bellow, with what appeared to be a man screaming for no reason and a woman wailing like a baby. She ignored it the best she could and got dressed - a black short sleeved shirt with an 'Asking Alexandria' logo and black skinny jeans. The first thing of a morning she could find, really. Her white hair had a streak of pink in it, which she rather liked, near the front. Considering she enjoyed putting minimal effort into appearance, she didn't bother to do anything with her hair. She stuffed a pen in her pocket (while picking up her backpack), grabbed a cereal bar from her kitchen counter, she pulled on a black, well worn leather jacket and left. It was far too quiet in the neighborhood right now.

She quickened her pace, tightening her jacket around her. She wasn't particularly scared, just annoyed. It was cold and she was forced to walk to school every day, even when failing majority of classed. She grumbled and moaned to herself, before just deciding to put in headphones. She blared the loudest 'screamo' music she could, just for the fun of it.

Finally getting into school, she slipped into the back of class and sat down. She lifted her feet onto the table and began her normal routine - daydreaming.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Molly Ravin Character Portrait: Lucy Jean O'Donovan
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Molly leaned back in her chair, dozing softly. In her dream, she was running down a seemingly never-ending hallway, getting absolutely no where. As she ran, she stumbled, falling and slamming her head into the floor.
"Ow," she mumbled, rubbing her forehead where it smashed into her desk. Her head hurt slightly, and her vision was blurry, but after shaking her head for several seconds, she deemed herself fine.
There was a small slip of paper on her desk. It read, "Your penpal is Amanda Pierce." Molly wrinkled her nose in disgust. The idea of having a penpal wasn't bad, but this girl, Amanda Pierce, had the name of some stuck up supermodel's infuriating spawn. Molly wanted nothing to do with this stupid project if her penpal was some stuck up Hollyfield brat.
She turned to face the girl next to her, a girl she thought had the name of Lucy. "What do you think about all this bull?" Her voice was kind of low since everyone else appeared to be busy writing to whomever it was they were assigned to. Molly hadn't even gotten out paper, let alone considered what she might say to some girl with the name of Amanda Pierce.
She let her fingers twirl her pencil, let the idea of telling off some stranger play through her mind. She could put down twenty bucks to say this kid was a rich, single child, brat, just because she went to Hollyfield. Molly let her money sit safely in her wallet and pulled out a notebook.

"To Miss Amanda Pierce,"

The letter looked ugly already, but Molly kept going.

"My name is Molly Ravin. I'm a senior at Riverview. I'm a dancer, ballet mostly, but hip hop too. I'm good with computers and can jailbreak just about any electronic. I love music, and singing. I guess that's a little about me, if you care to know it."

The thought of some stranger knowing about her was awful, but still, Molly kept going.

"I think this project is stupid, but let's make the best of it anyway, okay? Our schools may be rivals, but that doesn't mean we have to be."

Her letter, altogether, wasn't more than a few sentences, barely a paragraph if you could even call it that, but in the end, though she still considered it an ugly group of letters and symbols, Molly was rather proud of the paper. She folded it into three even sections, tucked it into the complimentary envelope that her teacher had so kindly passed out, and closed it, folding the lid inside the envelope instead of licking it. Such a gross thing to do, she thought to herself as she wrote her penpal's name as neatly as she could on the front.
Molly plugged her headphones back into her ears, nodding her head to Eminem. She slid the envelope to the top right corner of her desk, leaning back in her chair to stare at it. Maybe Amanda wouldn't be too bad. Maybe she'd be nice or something, and maybe Molly wouldn't be upset about talking to her. Molly chuckled. Maybe not.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Molly Ravin Character Portrait: Lucy Jean O'Donovan
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#, as written by BOO!
Lu-Lu had swiftly left the classrooms and took the slip of paper the teacher had put on her desk. She didn't want to take part in this stupid project. Some snobby nosed brat would be telling her all about their wonderful life and their feelings and other things she couldn't care less about. She opened the slip as she headed to the library. 'Kang-Dae Maxilmillion Park' she thought to herself. 'What a stupid name, fucking chinkey.' Lucy never was too keen on racism but with a name like that she couldn't help but think the worst. Some know it all genius wanting to know about her life? No. Just no. And seriously, "Park"? like a dog's park? She sighed. It wasn't worth making assumptions about this kid right now, though, she had heard his name before. One of the cheerleaders were always talking about him.

She moved quietly to the back of the library and took out a notepad and pen. She began to write a letter to her pen-pal:

"Dear Kang-Dae,

I'm Lucy. Erm. Not quite sure what you'd want to know about me. I think I've heard of you before, like, once, from some cheerleader or something when I was forced to help them with a CD a very long time ago. She's gone now, I think. I'm 18... and um... Yep. That's it, really. Not too much of an interesting person, me. But what about you?


She folded the letter neatly and slipped it inside the envelope it came with. She licked the lid and sealed it shut, then swiftly put it in her jacket pocket. Maybe this asian guy wouldn't be too bad. Be quite funny if he wasn't even asian. She chuckled to herself at the though of a full British/American with the name 'Kang-Dae'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Molly Ravin Character Portrait: Lucy Jean O'Donovan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by BOO!
Lucy sighed, wondering the corridors. She was bargaining, inside her head of course, whether to go to class or not. If she didn't, she could be caught and given detention. She didn't mind too much, gave her extra chance to sleep. If she went to class she could sit at the back and doodle over the desks. The second option was somewhat more appealing to Lu-Lu, as she'd get to showcase her artistic "prowess" by drawing indecent and dirty things on the desk.

She wandered into her class, getting glares from a few of the students. Her mind began to wonder why when she realised who it was - the cheerleaders. They must have remembered her shenanigans with the CD. She had often made CDs of her own music and mixes of other songs to fit the person or audience, but Lu-Lu wasn't a big fan of these girls. They'd constantly bullied and teased others - for no reason. Whereas Lucy would only bully or tease if she had a reason to hate or dislike that person.

She had mixed a bunch of sounds from sex tapes into some songs, and the last one which was meant to be the soundtrack to their finale was a plain soundtrack to some sort of pornography. Not just any sort of pornography, though. One of the cheerleaders had a sex tape, and she had used that. Everyone had recognized her voice from it and she moved school soon after.

Smiling at the thought, Lucy moved to the back of the class and sat at the back of the room, beginning to doodle with a pencil on the desk.