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Gale McCenry

Depends on your Definition...

0 · 343 views · located in Japan

a character in “The Perfect Place to Die”, originally authored by McPainty, as played by RolePlayGateway


Gale McCenry

[Theme. ]Sky Becomes Water ~ City of the Fallen
[Image Song. ] Painted World ~ Two Steps from Hell

Image▌▌ █ █ █ THE BASICSImage
Work and love;
these are the basics.~Theodor Reik

[Name. ] McCenry. Gale McCenry. Nothing more to it but certainly no less than yours.

[Gender. ] I am male,yes, and I do not plan on changing that fact

[Nickname. ]I do not bear a nickname that I am aware of.

[Age. ] I am 32 years old.


ImageImageAPPEARANCE █ █ █ ▌▌
Things are not always as they seem;
the first appearance deceives many.~Phaedrus

[Face Claim. ] A few have depicted me as looking like a chap named Oliver Altman. I am not sure about you but I have personally never heard of the lad

[Height. ] 5'6

[Weight/Build. ] I would consider myself an average sized man, with sleeker muscles. I do not particularly like using the word thin, but that is how most would say. I just do not inhabit a bulky figure, and thus I have smooth muscle, not big and bulk. I average at a weight of 143 pounds and my last recorded height is 5'6. So all in all, I could blend in a crowd with little to no struggle.

[Hair. ] Some say sandy, some say dirty, however, I would prefer the terms dark blonde. Just because it looks darker does not mean it has to be related to any ground substance. My hair style on the other hand can vary, depending on the day. It can get fairly wavy, do I dare say curly? But if I were to flatten it then it would most definitely surpass my eyes and reach the tip of my nose or jaw.

[Eye Colour. ] A humble green would be their hue and saturation. Their shade is dark and were carefully formed within, at least I would hope, average sized sockets. Although, many have addressed me about fairly lazy eyelids that make me look rather tired or overworked. Whether that is true or not is up to the eyes of the beholder.

[Scars/Piercings/Tattoos. ] I do have numerous, insignificantly sized scars among my thighs and arms from my work, and my hands are calloused roughly from experiences I had in the past with my work. The largest one, and my most distinctive one I would have to say is my hand. My left hand is missing three fingers, the last three to be exact. I also have a...lesser eye, that being my left as well. It is not blind completely, but it is the equivalent to you placing your hand in the way of your side view in a way. But I am left handed so if you decide to try and, let us say, get in a fight, and you try to sneak up on my left side, just note that in that brain of yours. I might be missing some fingers, but I am not helpless by any means. However, I would much rather not fight, for it is not fun for you and especially not me. As for tattoos or piercings, no, I have none. Tattoos are vile and piercings are pointless.

[Notable Features. ] My hand is definitely my biggest feature, but some people comment on my curly hair. Other than that, I am a pretty average look guy.

[Description. ]People sometimes say its rare to see me smile. I do not really think that is true, it is just that people do not often put me in an environment in which I can smile. I am not going to smile if something is not entertaining, funny, or exciting. All the drama about other people and who did this and that is not any of those things, so if you want to see me smile, like most people do, do something worth smiling about.

[Occupation. ] I wish I could say that I work on my own accord, although that would not be the entire truth. I am a local mythological investigator, which is not the same as a scientist or a biologist. It has similar qualities, however.

[Preferred Clothing. ] Something comfortable. If it is comfortable and I can move in it without difficulty, I will wear it. Though, I have a specialized backpack that I use when I am out on a job. It is a fairly large, square backpack. It is square because it is made of wood, but I covered it with leather. It has drawers and shelves inside if you open the top and bottom to hold jars and tools for collecting when I am out. Things like tweezers, flashlights, petri, bottles, knives. Basically anything I could need to collect samples. I also carry a Digital SLR in case I need to take photographs as well, but I usually stay away from using it, seeing as flashes and clicks could possible take the whole investigation into the trash. Though, if you want specifics on my clothes, I suppose I will tell you what I wear on the job. I typically either wear hiking or combat boots along with dark coloured combat pants. The shirt does not matter except that it is dark, and I wear either a black jacket or trench coat. If it is raining, it is usually the trench coat. Other than that, it varies. Oh, I also wear my wedding rings. For sentimental reasons.

Image▌▌ █ █ █ PERSONALITYImage
Common sense as well as
common values all lead us.~Joan Blades

[Sexuality. ] May I say none? Is that an option?

[Oddities. ] I suppose you want me to list them all do you not? Alright. Well, to start off, I slouch. Considerably so. I am allergic to cats, hate horses, dogs, and bats, and I am left handed. I have terrible hand writing, I honestly do. Sometimes I cannot even read it, which is saying a lot. I do not typically sit in the actual seat, for I often sit on the arms of chairs and sofas. I am extremely ticklish, so do not you dare try anything. I hate spicy foods, for I cannot even tolerate the mildest of salsa, and I dislike card games. They bore me, and it just seems pointless in my eyes. I am a terrible liar, so I hardly even try to lie, because I would just get caught. I get brain freeze easily, and last but not least, I am not very tolerant to pain. I try my best to cope with things, and I am by far not afraid to get hurt, but there are some things, for me, that hurt a lot more than for other people, which can be a problem sometimes. But I deal with it most of the time.

[Habits. ] Alright, I will list these too then. I call people by their real name. I do not use nicknames or anything like that. I am not very fond of nicknames, so if you have one, then deal with it. I talk to myself often, and most times I do not realize this, so people can often times get confused or simply think I am crazy, which is a debatable subject depending on your definition. When I walk, I walk with purpose, so this means I walk briskly and with no dilly dallying. I walk straight to my destination and I do it as quickly as possible, so if you ca not keep up, then it is my fault. If you should ask me about my work, I tend to ramble on, and sometimes to the point where I end up talking to myself again then to the person who actually asked the question. Often times people have to cut me off.

[Likes. ] Not only am I a mythological investigator, I am also a paranormal and natural phenomena enthusiast. I enjoy listening to others unnatural encounters and I enjoy researching it, hence my occupation being my career.I take joy from sketches and drawings, having made my living that way in my early years, so I usually draw a picture along with my descriptive journal entries.

[Dislikes. ] Do not make me laugh, my list of dislikes will travel through the door.But a couple I can think of at the top of my head is dogs, cats, I am allergic to cats, people, birds, aquatic animals and just about everything that is between those. Simple enough?

[Fears. ] Oh lord, you are going to make me laugh. Yes, I have a few phobias and fears. My entire job somewhat revolves around it so I try to push through it. Although, there are a couple things that I find... difficult to brush off. Such as horses, large spiders, and I am not talking Daddy Long-leg. I am talking anything bigger than my face, and yes, spiders can get that big. Let us see here, what else. Oh, lord, I hate dogs. Dogs are absolutely the lowest of lifeforms and I cannot see how on earth they came from wolves. Wolves are intelligent, very intelligent creatures. Dogs are just stupid. Pardon my language, but dogs are so damn stupid that I do not see how they thrive here. That completely boggles my mind. If I was granted one wish then that wish would be to wipe out the entirety of the dog population. Ugh, I hate dogs. I hate them.

[Hobbies. ] I do a lot of research in my free time. I am almost always looking at samples I find and examining things. If I am not do that then I am researching and reading up on something important. If I honestly do not have anything to do, then I will draw.

ImageImageHISTORY █ █ █ ▌▌
People are trapped in history
and history is trapped in them ~James A. Baldwin

[Relationship Status. ] Single. That is all I have to say about that.

[History. ]

[ Memorable Experience. ] Hm. Well, I suppose you do not want me to go into my silly sob story just yet so I will give you a few minor memories that haunt me.

1987 I met my first dog. Horrible experience. I was hiking and someone did not have their dog on a leash and it chased me. I ended up falling down the cliff side 15ft and broke my collar bone and Tibia. Then the dog caught up with me and ate three of my fingers. Not pleasant.

1988 I got my own place and turned it into a small laboratory of sorts. I was just getting into my occupational hobby and interests. I had started hunting for ghosts, can you believe, but thankfully I was pulled away from that and into things such as my own mutational hazard and things of the sort.

[ History. ] My story... hm...I am sure you do not want me to start from birth so I will head to the next best thing.

I was six, that being the year 1987. I was walking home from class and messing around like any kid would. There was this one girl who I had fallen in love with at first sight. Of course, you are probably thinking that I was six, there is no way that it was real. And being truthful, I thought the same, since I knew all about love, being taught by my runaway father. I thought there was no such thing. However I tried to ignore my gut feeling, though fate is a funny thing. We had ran into each other, not literally, and ended up becoming good friends

I was fifteen and I was working on a new painting for Hana, my best friend and soul mate since I was six. Although, I have never been too popular with the boys at school, for Hana was a very attractive girl, even for high standards. When I was almost done, apparently a group of boys had come on by and asked what I was doing. Of course, being a friendly child, I said it was a gift for Hana, and they did not take too kindly to that atall.

Long story short, it was not long before I was on the ground in pitiful tears, boots and knees hammering me in my stomach, back, face, and groin. They had ruined the picture and were planning to beat me until I had appeared dead, then leave me in the trash can. I know this because that was what they said while they kicked me.

Now, let us see here. What was next. Oh, yes. My mother passed on from a heart attack on July 7th,1998, I was seventeen. Very tragic, I am aware, but please, do not pity me. I have made it through it without any and I will not tolerate it now. That year was also the year I moved in with Hana and her folks, though, they did not particularly like me much.

After I have arrived in Ocean  Hill, and got my own place, Hana moved with me and I got my first professional investigation in the year of 1999. It was a very intriguing case, I would say. It only ended up being a rabid cat, but it was fun, I would have to say. I also found that I was allergic to cats then.

On August 24th, 2002, I was engaged to the love of my life. Being 21, we were not the most cautious couple, yet we were better in our ways than even younger couples.

Not too long later, October 10th, 2013, we had an outdoor wedding, and only Hana's family and friends arrived, since you should know me well enough by now to know I do not have many of those. I would have to say it was by far the best day in my life. Stereotypical, I know, but what can I say?

As if fate and bad luck came to an agreement, on March 17th, 2014, Hana had passed on due to a fast pace disease she had been transmitted by a bat. A bat of all things in the world. It was not a dog, a squirrel, cat, a bird even. A bat. Bats and dogs have had their competition for the pedestal of my most hated species, but in the end, dogs had won. Please do not make me repeat that competition to you, it would be dreadfully long.

Only one more thing, do not worry. I had started a business of my own after that so I was not fully depending on my artistic capabilities in order make my living. April of this year was when I officially opened Beyond Reality Agency, a small agency where people can call me in to research some sort of phenomena or paranormal activity. No, GhostBusters is different. All they do is capture ghost and lock them up. As for me, I research and record its differences and document the activity without necessarily capturing it if I can help.

Image▌ ▌ █ █ █ RELATIONSHIPS Image
As we all know,
lasting relationships can't be rushed. ~Simon Mainwaring

[Mother. ] Adwin McCenry. As you know, she is deceased.

[Father. ] Not sure. I never knew my father, let alone his name and whether he is alive or not.

[Siblings. ] I was an only child, so I grew up without any siblings, unless my mother or father adopted someone that I am unaware of.

[Friends. ] Until someone can prove otherwise, no, I do not have any friends that I know of. At least none that would take a weekend to spend time with me. Not that that bothers me.

[Lover. ] Hmhehheheh. Well, I'm sure you know who that is already...or was...

[Notes from the Players. ] Feel free to contact me about any ideas you have. Whether you want to be a friend or a family member or whatever. I'm open to ideas.

So begins...

Gale McCenry's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charisse Estelle Primrose Character Portrait: Aisu Himura Character Portrait: Marnie Ruth McSavor Character Portrait: Gale McCenry Character Portrait: Mei Sonata Kurasu Character Portrait: Haku Marasa
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#, as written by Dottie

The car came to a complete stop in front of the forest. From the view in the car it seemed massive. They would of gotten there a lot sooner if Gale would of just used the GPS. She never fully understood why he didn't like the GPS; then again she never fully understood him. But it wasn't a bad trip; she got to take pictures of the scenery. Who she felt bad for was Charssie who was cramped in the back with some of the bags because out of the two passengers she was the shortest.

But now they were here and the could finally get out. Marnie stretched her legs as she got out and gasped. "It is so....beautiful and creepy! I love it." Her first instinct was to run in to the beginning of the trail and hug the first tree that she could get to. "Aw yes! I can feel the aura of tragedy and sadness from this tree." She whispered. She had introduced the idea of coming here to Gale about a year ago. She figured with all the death that was held in the forest that they were bound to get something on camera. The plan had originally started out with just her and Gale but he had blabbed his mouth to Charssie and Marnie didn't have it in her to say no. The more the merrier.

Marnie hurried and swung the trunk door open, retrieving the bags that were stuffed in the back, and placing them on the ground next to the car. "I hoped we packed enough!" She yelled from the back. Her eyes wandered up to the sky, seeing a few rain clouds. Aww man, don't rain on us!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charisse Estelle Primrose Character Portrait: Aisu Himura Character Portrait: Marnie Ruth McSavor Character Portrait: Gale McCenry Character Portrait: Mei Sonata Kurasu Character Portrait: Haku Marasa
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Aisu stopped the mountain bike he was currently riding on by an opposing trail to those of the people that had came to this place in a car. He looked them over for a bit skeptically at first while getting off his bike seeing that they were foreigners or at least not native born to the land of the rising sun. He pulled off the bike chain and lock from around the frame of the bike. The young man tied it around the tree locking his bike securely to the trunk of the tree before he began stretching.

For Aisu today was a running day and he specifically enjoyed running the trails here every chance he was given. Though he rarely did alone. Though he was alone he didn't feel he would get harmed in any way possible today and if he were to get injured his ken jutsu class was going to meet here tomorrow for practice in one of the glades of the forest. With his stretching finished he took off down the trail where his bike was disappearing from view of the foreigners and onto his own little trip through the trails.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charisse Estelle Primrose Character Portrait: Aisu Himura Character Portrait: Marnie Ruth McSavor Character Portrait: Gale McCenry Character Portrait: Mei Sonata Kurasu Character Portrait: Haku Marasa
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Mei stood, watching the new comers clamber out from their car. Cars. She remembered those. The last time she ever rode in one was on her way here, ten years ago. Mei was not allowing herself to be seen right now, but if anyone were to walk by, they'd feel a cold presence, but that was to be expected in a place like this.

Tears formed in the brim of her silver-rimmed eyes, Mei didn't want to see more people here. Not only was there bound to be angst and drama, as there usually is with groups like those, but she knew the effects of this forest, and she doubted that the group would be able to leave.

Mei's frail, ghostly figure wept for the group, mumbling over and over about 'heartbreak' and how 'these forests will ruin you'. Perhaps it wasn't true for some, some people had survived this forest, walking out willingly or having been dragged by paramedics, but in Mei's time she hadn't seen many survivors.

Through her tears Mei watched the group, they were unpacking some kind of equiptment. Mei didn't understand, was this all part of their suicide act? Mei mumbled to herself, squinting her eyes at the bags and other things being pulled out of the car. Mei didn't quite understand that they were just here for camping, she had always only ever seen people come here for suicide means -apart from herself, but it ended how the legend told - so Mei assumed that this group was in on some suicide pact. The thought made her weep more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charisse Estelle Primrose Character Portrait: Aisu Himura Character Portrait: Marnie Ruth McSavor Character Portrait: Gale McCenry Character Portrait: Mei Sonata Kurasu Character Portrait: Haku Marasa
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"I don't like GPS's because they always tell me where to go at the last minute." He rolled his eyes. GPS's were like women who thought you can read minds, then tells you what they're thinking when it's too late. It always made him miss the turn, and then he'd have to go all the way back to get it. Sometimes, there wasn't a place to turn around at for miles. It was just a waste of money, gas, and more importantly, time. Seeing as time was of the essence for Gale, he couldn't waste any of it driving around for hours while an annoying female voice told him to make turns at the last minute. It was ridiculous. Besides, maps were more reliable anyway as long as you didn't toss them to the wind.

The black Wrangler drove smoothly most of the way to the forest, and for a majority of the drive there, Gale was lost in thought and relatively silent. His mind pondered the forest and what could be found there. It was notorious for it's suicidal tendencies, and Gale had thought long and hard about coming for he had some close... encounters with the idea himself.Whether he believed that the forest was able to influence such thoughts, he didn't know, but that was the reason why he decided to go. When he managed to pull himself out of this continues loop of thought, Gale would occasionally join in on the conversation at hand, but not for very long before he was sucked back into his mind.

It didn't take too long to reach to the forest, and by the time they had got there, Gale was already questioning if the idea of camping in this suicide forest was worth the chance. But he stopped the car right before the forest anyhow. Typically he would like to drive the jeep into the forest, but the trees likely wouldn't allow such a thing past them. They didn't seem to allow so much space between then. At least not at first.

Gale pulled the keys out of the ignition and stuffed them into his pocket. The top of the jeep was off, so he grabbed the padded frame and hauled himself over the door with a slight thud. His combat boots easily shoved aside the blades of grass and dirt as he walked around the car to the trunk. Jeeps didn't typically come with trunks, for they were rather compact cars, but Gale always made things suit his needs. He often used his jeep for research purposes, and often times he would need a safe place to put his findings without worrying about them falling out of the car. Surprisingly enough, that has happened many times.

Marnie opened the trunk and Gale instantly grabbed his block-like backpack. Again, he customized things to suit his needs. He then snatched up his suit case which contained some clothes, cash, and other necessary things he would need, like a sleeping bag and such. The man swung his backpack over his shoulder, and by the time he went to look at the rest of the group, Marnie was already diving into the forest. "Tree huggers." He rolled his eyes with a soft chuckle as he approached her. As cool as trees were, he didn't think that trees can absorb sadness, and definitely not emit it. But it was likely a joke, so Gale let it go. But if the trees did... then that would be something he had to look into.

"You guys have any place in mind already of where to set up? Or do you all want to explore a bit first?" It was always important to set up a spot first, in his eyes, but he didn't mind wondering a bit to find one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aisu Himura Character Portrait: Marnie Ruth McSavor Character Portrait: Gale McCenry Character Portrait: Mei Sonata Kurasu Character Portrait: Shinji Hajimoke
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dottie
Marnie snapped her head towards the guy riding the mountain bike. It was a nice bike and she smiled as the guy looked their way. From this distance she really couldn't tell what his expression was. Then her smile turned into a frown. He was here alone and had nothing with him that she could tell. Oh god, please do not tell me he is thinking about committing suicide... Before she could call out to him the boy took off down the trail. "Damn it." Marnie slammed the trunk door shut and looked up at Gale. Before she could answer a shiver ran down her spin. A voice filled her head. She was never going to leave. Marnie shook the thought out of her head. Why would I stay here forever? I...I love life....

Marnie carried her bags to the front if the jeep before placing then down and tying her hair back. "Well I was thinking going to the lake." She bent down, digging in one of the bags and took out a map. Spreading the map out on the hood, she bit her lower lip looking over it, and pointed to the lake. "I say we walk as much as we can towards the lake. I am pretty sure the path with lead us to it. And then when we are there we can set up camp a little ways off the path and then once it is dark we can head to investigate." Marnie looked at Gale as she said investigate and wiggled her shoulders laughing.