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Delilah Everly

0 · 1,060 views · located in Santa Monica, CA

a character in “The Pier”, as played by M95



Delilah Ray Everly



March 24, 1993


Sexual Orientation:

Sugar Baby
Manager at ____

____, MA (0-18)
New York, NY (18-22)
Los Angeles, CA (22-present)

Soul food, Tattoos (though she's too squeamish around needles to get one herself), Drake, California, mental health days, marijuana, freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, expensive perfume, the beach, urban areas, being in control, candles, dogs, art, museums

Jelly doughnuts, other people's opinions, people that lecture, when her skin acts up, waiting (in traffic, on line, etc), hot dogs, watching sports/playing sports, men with huge egos, girls that constantly talk about having daddy issues, religion, humidity


Emotionally Guarded: Lila is reserved around most people, and doesn't open up very easily. She has always equated being emotional to being weak, so not only is she not the person who's sappy, romantic, or easy to have her heartstrings tugged at, but she also grimaces at people who do. She often comes off as being cold and bitter becomes of the attitude that she has adopted to combat her emotions, and she recognizes this. She knows that being the bitch who's constantly rolling her eyes and telling people to fuck off isn't the most appealing persona to take on, but she doesn't know how to find a middle ground between that and being too emotional. It's something that she has been working on since moving to California almost two years ago, so people who have only met her recently know a version of Delilah that's a bit more pleasant and laid back, but she assumes her old personality around people who only knew that side of her, just because she's not comfortable with admitting that she's trying to change to anyone.

Sarcastic/Witty: She has a bad tendency of being sarcastic with almost everything she says. It's hard for her to hide her feelings when she thinks that someone is dumb, or they asked a stupid question. She can come across as being callous and harsh because of this tendency, but she usually means it to be somewhat amusing, even if it doesn't always translate as that. As well as some people finding her sarcasm to be inappropriate, her sense of humor in general tends to be dark, sexual and all around inappropriate. Tying into her sarcasm, if you find that kind of humor to be funny, it's easier to admit that she's witty and quick with her comebacks too.

Loyal: Despite her flaws and her fairly abrasive personality, the one thing that remains true about Lila is that if she's your friend, she's your friend. She's very loyal, very supportive, and can be that "best girl friend" that ever girl desires. She'll curse your ex out in the street if she sees them, she'll spend an hour doing your makeup before a date, and she'll stay up all night with you eating Ben & Jerry's after a bad breakup, even if she tells you that she's going to slap you if you say the word "love" one more time. Her loyalty is strong with those that she trusts, but once it's broken, it's very hard to regain.

Blunt: Lila tells it like it is. She isn't afraid to offend people, and does not water herself or her opinions down to make other people feel more comfortable. She dislikes dramatics and people who she tends to deem crybabies, and isn't afraid to hurt people's feelings with what she says. It's another one of her less-flattering traits, but then again, it doubles as her being someone who is honest and upfront with her believes. She's unapologetic and true to what she believes in.

Artistic: Art has always been her strength. She was never great at math, or science, or writing essays or reading books, but she has always been good at art.
Making sculptures, painting portraits, drawing with pencils... you name it and she's probably better at it than you are. Her go-to medium are graphite pencils,
but when she has the creative urge, she'll spend some time doing other things. She likes the idea of being able to translate thoughts into images, and has always been a visual learner.

Independent: She has always valued the idea of being self-sufficient. She dislikes having to lean on anyone for anything, and it has pushed her to become as emotionally and financially independent as possible. Additionally, she has a dominant nature to her that extends outside of the bedroom.

Sexual: She wouldn't call herself a sex addict, but Delilah is definitely a very sexual person. Her sense of humor reflects that, and she tends to flirt with people constantly just to make them uncomfortable or see what their reaction is.

Delilah is one of two children, and she comes from a middle class family. Her parents, Fiona and Donovan Everly, met during college, where they were both training to become teachers. Their chemistry was always good, and Delilah is lucky enough to say that she has parents who she could never envision getting divorced. They have small arguments here and there, but are a pretty good example of what true love is supposed to look like. In addition to being a healthy couple, she would say that they were good parents to her and her younger sister, Elizabeth, age 21, too. The person that she had the most conflict with growing up was that sister, though. Lizzie had a very different personality than her, and it often left Delilah feeling oddly overshadowed by a sister years younger than her. Her sister was always the one who was vibrant, outgoing, and full of life. Things came easy to her: be it academics, making friends, and playing sports. She was popular, and as someone who comfortably into the middle of the social spectrum, it was annoying to constantly see her sister doing things that she never did at her age. What was more infuriating was that she felt like her parents favored her. Delilah could give you a list of examples for why she felt this way, and she didn't think that her parents neglected her in favor of favoring her sister, but she insists that they gave Lizzie special treatment.

The example that she feels most hurt by (and its one that she would never reference because it's something that brings out emotions in her that she refuses to admit to having) was that as a junior and senior in high school, Delilah experienced major depression. It came on suddenly and for no specific reason, but it was something that she couldn't shake on her own. Her parents began taking her to a psychiatrist that her pediatrician referred her to, but since the doctor was out of network on their insurance plan, the cost to see her was tremendous and overwhelming. The issue was, that Delilah couldn't connect with any of the other doctors that her insurance plan agreed to cover, and having to deal with trying so many out pushed her deeper and deeper into a pit of isolation and anger. Her parents let her continue to see her original psychiatrist for a while after it was clear that none of the others were working out, but when her sister was accepted into a private school a few towns over and her parents realized that they would be tight on funds with the tuition bill that came with it, they decided that Delilah needed to "grow up" and deal with seeing a cheaper doctor on their insurance plan. It was a breaking point for her, because while depression made her feel more selfish and targeted and emotional, even to this day, where she'll admit that she's recovered from the illness, she thinks that it was an incredibly shitty and unfair position for her parents to put her in. It's the event that she always thinks back on when she considers texting them to ask for money, and when she considers accepting money when they text her to make sure that she's doing all right. It's why she made sure that she got a full scholarship to NYU when she went there for undergrad, and it's why she's currently working as a sugar baby to pay off her loans from her master's in art therapy that she received at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. Though she visits her family for the holidays and they visit her, and for the most part, their relationship has normalized, Delilah still holds a grudge over that encounter, and it's why she was so insistent on living on her own and becoming an independent person. She never wants to rely on anyone again, or give anyone the power to make her feel unworthy of anything.

Physical Description:
Delilah is 5'8 and weighs 125 lbs. She has a slender figure, with skin that she works hard to keep smooth and even, and what most people would describe as a pretty face. Her hair is naturally curly and brown, and currently hangs at a near-chest length when it is straightened. Her physical appearance reflects her mixed ethnicity.
Her mother is 50% Mexican, 25% Native American and 25% Italian, and her father is 100% African American.

Face Claim:
Naressa Valdez

So begins...

Delilah Everly's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eida Grace Character Portrait: Moriah Morales Character Portrait: Delilah Everly Character Portrait: Sabrina Murray Character Portrait: Violet Taylor Character Portrait: Malachi Donaghue
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Santa Monica, California

Apartment Setup:
The Pier Towers: 1537 4th Street, Santa Monica, CA

Apartment 4A: Stella Murray, Violet Taylor, Caleb Lovely, Malachi Donaghue

Apartment 4B: Sabrina Murray, Eida Grace, Bennett Ryan, Gabriel Taylor

Apartment 4C: Greyson Murray, Moriah Morales, Delilah Everly, Christopher Holland

(The apartments are located on the 4th floor. All residents have access to apartment building rooftop, and laundry room in the basement.

Move in Date:
June 1st, 2017 (Thursday)

Move out Date:
August 16th, 2017 (Wednesday)

All of the characters will work at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. restaurant on the pier on Monday from 2 PM - 8 PM, and Wednesday and Friday from 11 AM - 6 PM.

Waitstaff: Caleb, Malachi ,Gabriel, Moriah
Busboys/Busgirls: Eida , Bennett
Kitchen staff: Greyson , Delilah
Hostess: Stella , Violet
Bartenders: Christopher, Sabrina

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eida Grace Character Portrait: Moriah Morales Character Portrait: Delilah Everly Character Portrait: Sabrina Murray Character Portrait: Violet Taylor Character Portrait: Malachi Donaghue
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Date: Thursday, June 1st / 2:00 PM
Location: The Pier Towers: 1537 4th Street, Santa Monica, CA


Dialogue Color: #005722
Christopher was shocked that his flight from Boston had actually went smoothly. He wasn't a very frequent traveler, maybe flying once or twice a year for local vacations when he had the money, but that didn't stop him from thinking that airlines always somehow fucked things up. For someone who had access in involvement in drugs to an extent where getting Xanax wouldn't be that difficult, it's shocking that Chris still flew sober, because he hated flying. He felt like he was cursed when it came time to do so, as if all of the few times he flew things were delayed for one reason or another. Thankfully, his flight touched down in Los Angeles at around noon, and though it took a little while to get his bags, and then to deal with some traffic on the roads (as he expected, given LA's notoriety for it), he arrived at The Pier Towers at around one o'clock. Luckily, he was one of the last to arrive, and the Murrays were already there, which meant that they were able to get their keys and start the move in process with little time wasted on the cheesy and unnecessarily emotional "oh my god, I missed you!!!"s that could be expected with a group like this. Chris had missed (most of) them too, but he was glad that everyone seemed keen on getting their heavy bags into their apartments and getting settled before actually catching up. Even if the three hour time difference wasn't catching up to him quite yet in terms of feeling tired since it was only three o'clock on his body's time, he was hungry, and that was what gave him the motivation to actually unpack his things once he got to his room. If he didn't have food as the thing pressing him to get settled so he could move on and address it, then it wouldn't have been even slightly surprising for Chris to live out of his luggage for the next two and a half months.

After hanging what he didn't want to wrinkle in the closet, and shoving everything else into drawers in his dresser, he took a few minutes to arrange the rest of his things. He was surprised that he was going to get to have his own bathroom, but then again, it was the Murrays who had arranged this whole thing. He knew that they lived a different quality of life than he was used to, even if they weren't always obnoxious about it. Additionally, he reminded himself that he knew that this was going to be a sick deal when he walked into it. Mr. and Mrs. Murray had always been generous, but allowing them to rent a few of the apartments in the new building that Mr. Murray's company had just finished remodeling was on a whole different playing field than letting Chris tag along on one or two of their summer vacations years ago, or allowing him to take home all of the leftovers when Mrs. Murray cooked her famous chicken parm dish. Even if nothing else worked out, Chris had already decided that this summer was going to be a good one, because he was living in a nice apartment at a price that seemed dirt cheap, even compared to what he was used to back in Massachusetts, where things already cost less than California.

This was going to be a summer of renewal for him. A fresh start. After his breakup with Eida, it was no secret that Christopher had hit rock bottom. For the two years that they had been dating, he had miraculously rid himself of the excessive habits he had in drinking, partying, and the likes. He recognized that they were all empty habits with no benefits, but he had become addicted to them over the years of engaging in them. It was more than an addiction, really. Those things had become a part of his personality and identity, and abandoning them had meant abandoning hobbies and friends that went along with it. He had been so head over heels for Eida, that somehow, none of that mattered then, like it had mattered the many other times that he had tried to get his act together before. She was the first girl that he had fallen for, and he was just as surprised by it as anyone else. Even with their breakup being civil, and somewhat expected, Chris found himself feeling like he had lost his new identity. And what did he have to fall back on? The only other "him" he knew, fit with coping habits that he knew would numb the pain quickly. He was jobless, and back to drinking excessively and partying on the regular within a few weeks of the breakup. It sucked, and Chris was embarrassed that he let things fall apart so easily, but he also was trying to cut himself some slack. He had time to mope and hit rock bottom, and that was fine, as long as this summer, he picked himself up again and moved on. Doing so while spending basically every day with that ex-girlfriend right in his vicinity would be hard, and he knew that, but at this point, he had no other choice. Doing this surely beat spending the summer in his parents' basement, since his lease had just recently ended up his apartment, and he had no money to secure a new one back in Boston any time soon anyway.

Living in the same apartment as Greyson Murray was going to be awkward, and Chris was willing to admit that. He felt bad for what had happened years ago, when he was nothing short of a dick, and drunkenly beat the kid up for what he interpreted as him hitting on him. It was a bad thing to do, especially given how close he was with the Murray family at the time, and though it was no excuse, Chris could only blame it on him being young, and beyond stupid. He wouldn't deny that he was a complete asshole when he was younger, though he wasn't as willing to see that his personality hadn't changed that much since then. At least as much as he liked to act like it had. Other than Greyson, though, Chris didn't mind Delilah and Moriah as his two other roommates. With a closed fist, he banged on Moriah's bedroom door, saying, "Come on, sunshine. Let's go see if Sabrina's finally D-T-F this summer. I need a good wingman in my corner, because you know that nothing goes better with a summer in California than a pretty blonde," he said, with that not-much-has-changed showing through in his personality with that remark, especially considering that he knew that Sabrina's brother was possibly within hearing distance.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moriah Morales Character Portrait: Delilah Everly Character Portrait: Sabrina Murray Character Portrait: Stella Murray Character Portrait: Greyson Murray Character Portrait: Caleb Lovely
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greyson murray
the pier towers - 2:00 p.m

xxxxxxGreyson was nervous to say the least. He was probably the only child of the Murray family to not be completely on board with the trip. While he enjoyed the idea of seeing some of his oldest friends, he was still weary about some of the relationships he left in a hurry. Of course, his six hour flight from New York made this inherently worse. From his current family situation to his unfortunate unrequited love, this could only get messy. It took nearly eight complementary club sodas, his entire 80s rock playlist, and a read through of his battered copy of To Kill a Mocking Bird to finally calm down. Greyson had always been nothing less of a worry-wart ever since he started high school, and clearly he hadn't grown out of it.

xxxxxx When the aircraft finally landed he grabbed his small nike backpack from the overhead compartment and shuffled along with everyone else off the plane. As he made his way to baggage claim he sent a small text to his siblings and his mother noting his arrival. He had left quite early that morning so by the time he landed he could hopefully check in and settle down before any of the others arrived.

To: Thing One, Thing Two

Just landed in LAX. Are either of you here yet?

xxxxxx Greyson didn't mind the chaotic traffic when he finally escaped the airport. It wasn't much different from anything he'd experienced in New York. However, the city was hot as hell. Changing clothes would definitely be at the top of his list when he arrived at the Pier Towers. On the ride there he slipped his Nikon out of his backpack and lazily snapped a few pictures of the L.A. life out the window. Rows of palm trees lined the streets where sidewalks of a few early-risers bustled about the stores, a few of which Greyson recognized.

xxxxxxWhen he finally pulled up to the the Pier Towers, Greyson was pleasantly surprised to see that it matched the pictures his mother had sent to him of the place before the trip. At least his father had good taste in something. The room was cozy and modern, something he could definitely get used to for a while. He could hear the shower going from another room and spied Moriah's purse sitting on the table. The corner of his mouth lifted up in a lazy smile as he thought of the rambunctious girl. He then realized that he had completely forgotten about the concept that he had 'roomates' for this entire trip.

xxxxxxMoriah was one of Greyson's friends, he always enjoyed her company. Through the surmount of chick-flicks they had watched together he hoped that she felt the same. Chris, however, was something Greyson was quite weary about. Considering one of the last times he'd ever seen him he had blacked of Greyson's eyes and gave him a bloody nose. The two definitely didn't have the greatest of a relationship but nevertheless Greyson accepted it was going to be something he'd have to get used too. Delilah was middle-ground for Greyson, he hadn't been around her that much to know her too well.

xxxxxxGreyson had managed to unpack, change into more comfortable clothes, and was now lounging on the plushy bed in his room aimlessly scrolling through social media. After a moment, he went back into his messages and typed one out to Caleb. The two hadn't seen each other in quite some time, and Greyson still didn't know where he stood. Of course, it was silly of him to think that Caleb coming out meant that there was a chance between them, but it was still a thought that made his heart skip. Greyson spent a good five minutes erasing and rearranging the text before he finally gave up, and tossed the phone on the bed in frustration.

xxxxxxHowever, the sound of Christopher Holland's voice from outside his room gave him a reason to put down the phone, and not embarrass himself. He shoved his phone in his back pocket and peeked his head outside, his face lighting up at the sight of Moriah. "Momo! You would not believe the extra bag I packed with just movies and popcorn for us"
. He wasn't lying either, that bag was jacked full of every genre and flavor of popcorn you could think of. He turned his face slightly to glance at Chris, who still looked more or less the same since Greyson had last saw him. Greyson's jaw twitched slightly as the contents of their past flashed past his eyes, but this wasn't the time or place for any of that. He managed to flash a quick smile at Chris even adding in a small greeting. "Hey Chris".

xxxxxxHey he thought to himself, it's a start.