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Isabella Lombardi

The curious one

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a character in “The Promise Made”, originally authored by noctemys, as played by St.Valentine



So begins...

Isabella Lombardi's Story


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Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon
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Isabella's features, which had grown a little peeved, softened dramatically when Aleksei spoke to her. His tone was so gentle as he addressed her, soft and saccharine as opposed to when he spoke to Mina or Lorenzo. For a moment she almost swore she recognized the tenderness in his tone, as though it were a distant memory. The breeze swept over the trio, carrying the girl's scent like a perfume. Lorenzo took one breath, his eyes closed, as though indulging in its sweetness. When they reopened, his yellow irises were glowing like the rays of the sun. His handsome lips parted to reveal his budded canines, and he inhaled deeply one more time.

"Oh, on the contrary, Avalon," he hissed, intensely satisfied. "The fact that I am an Italian royal means she will have to choose me... Remember what the treaty calls for."

Isabella whirled around to face Lorenzo, bewildered at his statement. She then averted her gaze to Aleksei, though she stared at him helplessly, her mouth slightly parted in shock. Her soft dark hair was billowing in the wind that had decided to pick up with the chill of the morning. When Aleksei stepped toward her, she retreated from the both of them.

"Wait, what? R-royalty?" she stuttered, turning to Aleksei. "What is he talking about?"

"Oh, forgive me, princess," Lorenzo apologized mockingly. "In all his endeavors to keep you safe, did your escort forget to mention the importance of your lineage?"

He approached her, though showed no signs of threat. His eyes were still glowing as he indulged further in her fragrance. He could see she no longer felt safe, but a bit betrayed.

"Did he also forget to inform you about a woman named Maria?" Again mockingly, he shook his head, imitating a 'no' she might have answered him with. "No? Well do you have your grandmother's journals, or has he kept those a secret from you also? She did will him to give them to you, afterall..."

When Isabella looked back at Aleksei, she seemed on the verge of tears. Here she was, ready to trust him with her life like her grandmother had, but yet he had been keeping so many secrets from her. She couldn't help but feel a bit of betrayal.

"Is this true, Aleksei?" she asked, her voice shaky.

"Amore mio, come with me, and I will teach you everything this man has failed to," Lorenzo began, uncharacteristically gingerly and soothing. "Let me take you to-"

"And you! You are no better! How many secrets are you keeping?"

She retreated once more, her steps threatening to burst into a full sprint toward the school house where the battle still raged on, unbeknownst to her. Her heartbeat quickened, an alarming song filling both of the purebloods' ears.

"I have no secrets, just information I am trying to share with you," Lorenzo contended, his arms raised. "So, who will it be, principessa? who will you choose?"


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Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon
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The pureblood never took his eyes from Isabella, she was beginning to calm some. As a soft breeze swept like a caress in between them, carrying with it her sweet fragrance, he basked in her scent, it felt as though it were weaving around him, embracing him and he drew closer to the girl, not liking the nearness of the other and at glancing at him for a second, those glowing orbs warned him that she just may be in danger with him so close, and his fangs showcasing them so proudly, not a good sign. As the snake hissed vile words, twisting them into a an act of betrayal in her mind, Aleksei shook his head, "The treaty... Is nothing but a lie," He whispered, returning his gaze at Isabella, she was letting herself get consumed by his speech and Aleksei regretted not having killed him. He should have, the fool was only complicating things further, his presence was not helping the situation.

Aleksei watched as the vampire kept yapping at her what he planned on already telling her when he felt it appropriate for her to know, he gripped the key in his pocket, though released it in fear it might snap, and instead silently waited for them to finish. This was not going well, and he had to intervene now before it got worse.

"That's quite enough from you Lorenzo, this was why I told you to walk away. There is nothing for her to choose, the choice was already made many years way before she was even born you're such an imbecile." Aleksei's tone was surprisingly even despite his growing irritation at Lorenzo. He wasn't going to allow this man to waltz into this precious life that he guarded, have her choose him (which he knew she just may do so considering his "involvement" in saving her life and portraying himself as a hero) and put her in danger.

He reached Isabella and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, looking at her, he softly told her, "Isabella, I'm not asking you to trust me, because "trust" is something that is earned, not given, especially not in one day either. I've been by your side even when your mother had you in her belly, I know everything there is to know about you, like for instance, your great fondness for nature," He offered a beautiful rose to her, "I kept my distance because I wanted to protect you from this cruel life fated to you, Maria was correct in her prediction, always was, and despite knowing this I still wanted to try, but I can see that it will always follow you no matter what I do." He turned his gaze to stare pointedly at Lorenzo, then he just as quickly returned his attention to his love, "I wished for you to see beauty, which was why I left a rose for you everyday, instead of me. However I regret not being in your life, and even for that I pay the price by your distrust in me." His expression was genuinely concerned for her and he gave her a sweet smile, trying so hard to make her understand him, "I wanted to tell you everything, but I always put you before everything else, you were supposed to live a full life, it was why she asked me to keep you safe, protect you from all this madness, a silly desire we both shared," he chuckled, humorlessly "a dream really, one that she was aware of herself, prepared for it even for when it all would eventually fall apart, so that you would know. She gave me everything to give to you when that time came. unfortunately sooner than expected. I would never betray you, so don't let his talk confuse you."

Then he grew more serious, and finally turned to address Lorenzo, "You speak of how precious her life is to the world, but you only say this because it is in your interest that she lives, yours and them, I know why you're here, you're being their eyes and ears. I want to protect her life because I swore I would, and I care about her more than you would ever know." Then he glanced at Isabella, "The only memories I dared to take from you, were the ones that would cause you unpleasant dreams and pain, for that I would take them into me instead. You have a beautiful mind, one that shouldn't be disturbed by violence and despair. Will you hate me for that? For wanting to protect your all, your body, mind, soul, and heart?" What Lorenzo thought was of secondary concern to the pureblood, all he cared about was keeping her safe, and far away from any threat. He could see she was wishing to flee from the both of them, and no matter where she would run to, he would follow her, and defend her.


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Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon
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"You seem to have forgotten that I am the eyes and ears of Italy-" Lorenzo paused for effect, his cold yellow eyes sauntering over Isabella's trembling form. "And soon enough, with my princess at my side, we shall rule the empire together."

Isabella said nothing, but instwad averted her gaze to Aleksei, who grasped her shoulder as if she were slipping away. He spoke tenderly, and there was recognition in his voice, a sincere, true love that she could almost tangibly feel. He spoke of her love for nature, and presented her with a red rose, evoking a breathless gasp from the girl. Within the next moment, memories of hundreds of red roses flashed through her mind; every day for as long as she could remember, there was always a long stemmed, thornless rose resting on her doorstep. She could even faintly recognize an infant's mobile above her crib as a baby, with dozens of roses hanging and circling around her as a sweet melody played.

She took the flower, her mind still reeling, and looked up at him with tearful topaz eyes. A gentle smile unfurled on her rosebud lips, and she reached out to stroke the side of his face, something that also felt familiar to her. It was as if her body remembered feeling his cheeks with tiny infant fingers, and his loving face gazing back at her with an emotion she had never seen any human bear before. The moment ended when Aleksei snarled at Lorenzo, who seemed on the verge of amusement at the pureblood's irritation he successfully elicited.

"Stop with the nonsense, Lorenzo," Isabella said, her tone uncharacteristically grave and dark. "I will choose neither of you. I will go to Italy without you both, if I must. You can leave us now."

As Isabella fell away from Aleksei's protection, approaching the Italian pureblood on her own whim, his demeanor became slightly cynical. The ferocity in his bright irises dimmed to a mild glow, but when he faced the girl, they noticeably softened. He took her hand, the one opposite of the rose she held, and tenderly kissed her knuckles while bowing respectfully before her. She watched him a bit quizzically, but her head still remained level and she did not waver in her stance.

"Farewell, bellizzima," he purred, meeting her gaze, which evoked slight romantic trembling. "When you do decide to come home, I will be waiting with open arms... And surely, so will your mother."

The last line caused the girl's countenance to drop immediately. She could swear her heart stopped beating for a few seconds altogether, where she was frozen in time as the statement pummeled her like a sledgehammer. The pureblood disappeared into the forest before she could collect herself enough to inquire about what he said, but she was sure that was his intention in the first place. She felt her knees buckling beneath her, and she stepped back, collapsing into Aleksei's chest, the tears she had been holding back now falling freely in silent streams.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Dante Salvatore
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Aleksei knew it and felt it, something changed. Lorenzo had Isabella's fate in his hands, he decided that he was going to marry her, and Aleksei could tell that it was going to be forced upon the girl. At Lorenzo's retreat he knew that the man took something away with him, and that from this point on, Isabella was left with his image forever in her mind. She would grow to love him, it was always that way, and all he could do was sit tight and watch it all unwind, all of it inevitable. In knowing this still, he would do anything he could to prevent this, anything to keep her from certain unhappiness.

Isabella was left shaken and in tears, he took her into his arms bridal style and whispered to her that all would be okay, then he turned opposite from the direction that Lorenzo left and departed the scene, he brought her to his own manor, welcomed upon first entering by a servant, Sera, he instructed her to fetch him a glass of water then he continued up to a room. Isabella's room. Laying her on the bed, he gently patted her head, willing her to rest because it would be much easier to deal with it all when she was well rested. "I'm sorry Isabella, I wish I could take this pain from you..." It was as though his voice were an echo, always telling her the same thing, he wanted to chase her pain away, and was always sorry because his efforts were never enough. It hurt him unbearably to see her tears and there was nothing he could do to console her, he wiped her tears away with tender fingers recalling how she had previously done the same for her. "Whatever you decide, to go to Italia, be with him, I'll always be right beside you...If you decide you want to fight against it all, I will be there for you, and hold your hand through it all, as I always have..." He gazed down at her, his eyes the canvas of his soul, slowly breaking down again, how many times had he pictured this happening? Loosing her over and over in his dreams to what is and what could never be? Before they were just nightmares, visions that she had warned him about, but now it was no longer just visions, it was all really unfolding before him.

"I will always protect you, my queen..."

Sera was at the door, a tall glass of water in her hands, her silver iridescent eyes watching them, she nodded when Aleksei motioned her forward and she handed him the glass of water. Then she bowed respectfully, turned then left them on cue.

Aleksei held the glass of water for Isabella, he urged her to drink some and to simply try to find calm.

◙ ◙ ◙

"Only by either killing this thing or forcing it to retreat can the damn hell hole close up." Dean grunted, slicing quickly at the monster's leg. It toppled over, as the limb fell away, and predictably mutated into more hellish versions of the giant monster. In his peripheral vision, he caught Vera shoving something into the little cretin's gaping mouths as they tried to snap at her. She smirked and slipped away as the bombs of holy water burst within them, eliciting them to holler in agony as they burned from the inside out. She landed a little behind the hunters, the big monster was all that was left standing.

"Let's wrap this up before eight shall we?" She called out to the both of them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Michael LeVian
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[Happy New Year everyone! @St. Valentine I read your rendition of the role-play, I loved how you depicted Lyra, right on the nail! Are you writing anymore? I would like to know how Isabella suddenly awakens like that, it was like watching a television show so exciting.]

Michael rushed through the forest, through the awakening town and directly toward the school. Isabella was with Aleksei and another vampire, Michael wondered if he had ever felt this man's aura, it felt almost familiar, perhaps in one of the many council meetings before. Reaching the school property he saw Lyra, she was standing her guard, her hands held up before her, a white barrier protected the school its light faint and pulsing. It kept the evil things within from coming out, but he wondered if he could step through it without getting harmed, so he paused close to the girl.

"Selene is inside Michael, where have you been? There's a giant source of evil auras coming from in there, please help them, I don't know how long I can support the barrier!" She glanced back momentarily to see him, "I'll leave an opening for you, be quick!"

Michael nodded confirming, he gently patted the girl atop her head, smiling rather brightly, "Good job Lyra, keep it strong there, this will be over soon." Then he slipped away like a breeze, his hands ready with water and ice enveloping them as he burst through the doors. He saw the other night class students wrestling with a few stray demons and he helped getting rid of them.

"The culprit is at the gym, but the hunters are taking care of it," Amy, a vampire informed the pureblood when he asked for a report, smiling at her, thanking her for the imput he continued on to the gym, catching Veratos as she finished off her own demons before leaving a wreck behind her. When the smoke cleared he ran to the doors and slammed them open in time to see the hunter slice at the monstrous hell beast.

"Go after her, help her out, remember where you stand..." Aleksei's voice echoed in his mind as he though back at the fight they had before, he wasn't certain what the pureblood was planning out now, but he knew for sure that his Selene was now more involved in it than ever before. He shook his head slightly as he walked passed the ashes left behind by the huntress. He saw Selene in action, sending arrows dipped in a blue powdery substance at the giant thing. He looked up to her, "Mind if I join in?"

Outside Lyra closed her eyes, her cheeks rosy, wow, a handsome man had cheered her on to keep going, stay strong, it was enough to boost her confidence. Wait until Isabella found out about this! Speaking of, she could faintly "feel" her, she was a bit away from the school, along with her were two others that had much stronger, darker auras about them and it made her a little scared.

"It's alright Lyra, Isabella is with Aleksei, he only wants to protect her. Keep your focus dear." Katerina whispered, pulling the girl back to her task.

"Who's Aleksei?" Lyra questioned her, returning her focus on holding the barrier up, she was having some difficulty in it, takes a lot of mojo to cover up an entire school, also while keeping her mind clear for it all to work.

"A vampire, apparently he's been behind Isabella her entire life, however with this new fellow, he doesn't bode well in the mix, what he brings with him and takes away it's all so sad." Katerina expressed, she had remained long enough to know what was going on, having disappeared soon after Aleksei had explained what he could to Isabella. She'd returned to her niece to help her, and also, let her know what was going on.

Lyra frowned, "Oh so she has a guardian who's always been there for her sooo romantic -wait- did you say he was a vampire? That's unbelievable, but then again, I'm holding up a huge cage to keep the demons inside so I guess... I still can't believe it."

"Lyra focus!" Katerine urged her.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Michael LeVian Character Portrait: Lyra Kingsley
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(Happy New Year my loves! I'm so happy to have met you both, and that we have all stuck together through what has it been? Two, three years now? Very safe and cheerful celebrations to you and your families! Also, thank you Angel, I tried my best to capture their unique personalities. I am writing more, and will send you both the newest edition soon. Thank you again guys! Love y'all! n_n)

Isabella wrapped her arms around Aleksei's neck as he carried her, the tears still falling, her despair ever present; yet, like all the other tender moments she had just shared with Aleksei, this particular gesture, as he held her close to his heart, again she could almost remember the same occurrence as a child. She breathed in his scent, the smell of earth on his hair and cold skin, and nuzzled her skull into the crook of his neck. Everything she had ever known was suddenly crashing down all around her, leaving nothing but chaos and confusion in its wake. Nevertheless, she knew there was no longer anywhere she could run, except directly to the source itself. A sigh escaped her lips.

As he placed her on a bed, in a room blossoming with dozens of fresh, beautiful flowers that resembled a Wonderland like garden, she watched him sadly. She could see the sorrow in his demeanor, and feel the shame emanating from his strong form. She reached out to place a hand on his, trying to reassure him that everything was going to be alright, though she was not sure of this herself. She graciously took the water, thanked him and sipped, though still observed him and felt he needed it more than she did.

"You don't have to protect me anymore, Aleksei," Isabella started softly, her small fingers wrapping around his hand. "At this moment in time, I need a comrade... Someone to help me fight whatever future is trying to force itself on me."

She sighed, looking away for a few moments and sniffing pitifully. A single tear streaked her cheek, but she didn't wipe it away; instead, she let it fall and dapple the floral quilt. When she returned her gaze to Aleksei, her smile was still there, unwavering in its efforts to provide him with some kind of comfort. Her free hand moved a few stray strands of his platinum hair from his carnelian eyes, a loving gesture she never thought she would do. That's when she remembered Dean, and how he had tried to make her promise to stay with Billie. She wondered where he had gone off to, and where Selene and her other friends were, and what their thoughts might be on all this madness.

"I... I want to go to Italy," she continued, mindful of Aleksei's sensitivity of the subject. "But I don't want to marry Lorenzo or be royalty or whatever it is he was hinting at. I just want to meet my mother, and find out why this is happening to me... And finish high school..."

Another tear streaked her cheek as she realized that, however futile that ambition probably seemed now, it was an important milestone in every teenager's life. She was determined that, regardless of this calamity, she would live out each of her desires despite the responsibility that would soon befall her. All she wanted was to keep her friends safe, allow them as normal a life as they could possibly have, and move on with her own.

"But I want you to go with me. You seem to be a very dear friend of my family's, and if I am to meet my mother, I would like to have you at my side, in case she isn't as forgiving with me..."


Selene was being overwhelmed by the spawning demons that were continuously reproducing from the monster's wounds. At the moment, they were climbing all over her, and her arrows were quickly becoming scattered. They started to rake their nails along her flesh in an attempt to tear her apart, which only angered the newborn vampire; at the same moment, an explosion resounded near her, and then a shower of Holy water rained down on all of them, destroying the demons and consequently wounding Selene as well. She hissed with the pain, but it subsided quickly, and when she recovered she glanced over at Vera to offer her an acknowledging and thankful nod.

She caught a familiar musky scent, and when she turned she noticed Michael standing beside her. With a smirk, she shook her head and began to recollect all her arrows.

"By all means, take your time," she joked, as she positioned the arrow along the bowstring and aimed for the creature, studded with her seemingly futile weapons. "It's nice of you to finally join us."

She couldn't smell Isabella in the air anymore, which meant she had been taken, and it was anyone's guess that her captor was Aleksei. At least, at this point in time, that's what she hoped for. The demons in the schoolhouse were gradually depleting in number, but the hell guardian was only maimed, or so it seemed. Hunting evil spirits and bogeymen was not something Selene listed on her resume, nor a skill she had in her repertoire. This was something different entirely, and she knew that if she was going to face future adversaries of the same nature, she would have to invest in proper weapons.

"When is this damned thing going to die?!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Michael LeVian
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((St. Valentine I hope you had an awesome new years last night! I'm just as happy to have met you, can't wait to see what you cook up next. To you both thanks for sticking with me in this role play, seems like forever since we were in this one, I think it's the longest running that promises to find an 'end' the way we're going. Keep at it guys, make me proud! lol XOXO))

Isabella touched his hand, his fingers wove around hers, holding on to what he could, his eyes swam with so much tenderness as he captured her gaze and listened to her with a smile curving his lips. As long as she was before him, he would do his best to make her happy, anything she asked he would grant. I'm sorry protecting you with my life is a promise I will keep forever. Aleksei thought slowly shaking his head, then nodding with the other request, "I will be your comrade, if that is your wish, I'll hold your hand, and be beside you always." As her eyes gave birth to more tears, he watched them fall, it was necessary, she would shed the tears he wouldn't allow himself to shed before her.

She sighed, seeming pensive about something for an instant, then her gaze met his and her hand reached to his face, fingers brushing away a few wispy strands of his hair from his eyes and he closed them at her contact, welcoming her touch. A soft tired sigh left him, he could feel himself gradually relax as the seconds ticked by, she always left this effect on him when ever they were close, almost like Mina. He opened his eyes once again, his eye lids felt like sand paper when he blinked, he was pushing himself too much, and even so it didn't stop him from wanting to be here with her. As though he were cherishing every single moment he was sharing with her from this point on, and not wanting a single moment to pass where she wasn't in it. He was hopeless.

Isabella voiced further wishes to indeed go to Italia, and his jaw clenched at the topic, his eyes narrowing a tiny bit, brows wrinkling in obvious concern, she was playing right into Lorenzo's hand, using her mother most likely as bait. She then expressed her refusal to wed Lorenzo, and he couldn't help the twitch of his lips, threatening to break into a smile, even a chuckle, but he didn't have the energy to muster that. Finally she made it clear that finishing her studies was a must and his expression softened at that one, for it was a wish he shared with her, that she live her life, completely. More tears streaked her face and he gently wiped them, he remained silent so that she could fill the air with only her desires. She continued, telling him that he was whom she wanted to accompany her to Italia, he would have, had she not mentioned this anyway, and he nodded, glad that she had welcomed him further into her life.

"Your mother loves you immensely, let go the guilt baggage, that's heavy weight not meant for you to carry." he said while taking in her sweet scent. "You have done no wrong, never had...Just lived, if it's anyone who should feel guilty it's me... should have told you...the truth."
He smiled, then stood up remembering something, "Stay put, and close your eyes. I want to give you a something, I'll be right back." He left the room.

A few minutes later he returned with his hand behind his back, settling on the bed across from her, he reached for her hand, looked to be sure she wasn't peeking then laid something cool over her wrist, closed it by it's clasp then held her hand gingerly as he admired such beauty. It looked much better on her, than in the box it was contained in, he also rested a bound leather journal on the bed which was decorated with rose petals. What Isabella wore was a bracelet, its white chunky beads reflected at the light faintly, pearls strung beside an unpolished white gold charm embossed with a heart set aflame. He gave it to her because he wanted to, and nothing more, just something to remember him by if ever they were to part. He hoped she would take care of it as he had for the many years he'd kept it.

◙ ◙ ◙

Dean was just as anxious to get this damn monster out of the picture, but it just wasn't that easy. "This fella doesn't know when to quit!" he said, taking a lunge for it, raising his blade over his head, he aimed for the demon's skull, but was stopped when the enraged beast shot at the hunter with his giant hand, crushing him into the wall, his jagged claws encased him, he couldn't escape.

"I know you, your face is just like your father's what a surprise that I would find myself facing the son. And defeating him!" the demon growled, forcing his weight against the kid. Then he pulled back to look at him, the demon was incredibly weakened, and his senses were fading, but he wasn't going down without bringing someone to hell with him. "Tell me son of Adacio, where does your strength come from, the fact that you aren't human or is it because of the life you've lived so far? I want to know." His voice was scary deep and grating, matching his ugliness.

Dean glowered at the glowing orbs of the demon as he pulled himself out of a Dean sized hole, "How do you know I'm not human? I'm more human than you'd ever know!" he pushed himself off the wall and attempted to strike at the demon, blade gleaming red with his aura pouring into it, now he was really pissed.

The demon expected that he'd hit a chord, what was so great about humanity? He'd never know, but he was prepared for the kid as he advanced on him and just before they met in the between, he pushed his remaining strength into one last hit, allowing the opening above his head, the blade came down on him, ending him.

Vera smiled pleased at seeing him attack the beast, this time slicing it through in half, the atrocity erupted to pieces leaving behind nothing but bitterness and the nastiest stunk of sulfur. She scrunched up her face and covered her nose with her sleeve, and waved her other hand to clear the air, then gasped, almost choking on the stringent air. What she saw almost made her heart stop, her eyes flashed a bright red at the shock, before turning back their natural dark color and she raced after the fallen boy who was on his knees, the blade forgotten on the floor, his head hung low like a wilted flower. "Dean!"

"It hurts... but I can barely feel it." Dean whispered, he fell against Vera as she ran to him, sunk to her knees and captured him just as he fell. She held onto his hand which gripped tightly at the only thing left behind by the demon boss, his gihugic claw, or what looked like it. The claw had perfectly impaled him right in the guts. He held on to her shoulder, blood rising up in his mouth, he shut one eye trying to pull it out but not having the strength to. "Get it out. Get it out!"

"You'll loose too much blood, I can't just yank it out like that!" Veratos yelled back, she grit her teeth, shaking with the fear she never knew she had gripping her. Poor kid, he was the best hunter she ever knew, and now he was gonna die, like this? The thought was unbearable. "Selene, Michael... HELP!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Michael LeVian
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Isabella followed Aleksei's instruction to stay put, sealing her golden eyes with her thick lashed eyelids. She shivered slightly at his touch when he returned, feeling something wrap around her little wrist. When she was told to loil, her eyes widened cheerfully at the sight of the pearl bracelet. She gasped softly, bringing her free hand to her mouth as she marveled at the lovely gift, followed by the lambskin journal.

"Oh, Aleksei, it's beautiful..." she cried, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Thank you. I love it."

Then she retrieved the journal, carefully observing each detail. She could almost feel her grandmother's hands opening and closing its cover, scribbling things within its pages, and imagine her ink stained hands. A gentle smile played over her rosebud mouth, her eyes dancing over the journal and then up to Aleksei, whom she gazed at lovingly. Over the course of a mere few hours, he had changed entirely in her mind, now becoming the person her grandmother had fondly spoken of.

"Aleksei, I..." her voice was cut short as she suddenly dropped the leather diary and her features contorted into that expressing severe pain. A choked scream erupted from her throat as she flew back against the mattress, clutching at her abdomen as if she had been impaled.

Her chest began to rise and fall as her breaths became quick paced and labored. She writhed in agony on top of the bedsheets which began to tangle around her violently shaking form. Another blood curdling shriek left her lungs, and her eyes were so wide in pain it looked as though she were being tortured. Then they glossed over, and as she stared blankly up into the ceiling, she could see Selene, Michael and Vera in the gymnasium, all crowded around her as if she were there. Her body began to shake and convulse, and she gasped desperately for oxygen, clutching at the sheets in search of Aleksei's hand.

"Dean... Dean..." she murmured, barely comprehensible above her shaky breaths. Another groan in pain exploded from her lips and she rolled over, curling into a fetal position, clutching her stomach. She fought through the anguish, which seemed to work in attempt to incapacitate her, but threw her legs over the mattress to stand. She crumpled to the floor, teeth clenched bitterly, but she pressed on and crawled toward the threshold. She was going to make it to Dean if it killed her- she knew he was in trouble, and for some reason, she knew that she could help him, only she didnt know how.

"Aleksei... Take... Me... To Dean..." she gasped, like a fish out of water.

Selene's aquamarine eyes glowed like marine lights as she kneeled beside Michael, who had just ripped the claw away from Dean's gut: A stream of crimson poured from the boy's wound, carrying a much different scent than she thought. It was pleasant, not quite as metallic as a human, but neither as sweet as Isabella's; and that's when something clicked inside her head.

"Michael... Do you suppose Isabella's blood will heal him?" she asked quietly, her gaze averting to Vera, as if inquiring her also.

Outside, a boy with wild black hair and light grey eyes approached Lyra, who had fallen unconscious on the ground. He smelled sweetly of earth and the forest, and there was something slightly animalistic and lupine about his handsome features. Upon seeing that she was exhausted, he rushed to her aid, accompanied by two other boys with the same dark hair but different shades of blue in their eyes. They too smelled of earth, and watched the girl with curious, pup like expressions as the boy collected her in his arms.

He lifted his nose to the air, as if trying to detect a certain scent the wind might have carried, then ran almost superhumanly fast through toward the forest. He knew school would be starting soon, but the girl didn't look nearly in a suitable enough condition to face the day. Her fiery hair bounced around her face as he tucked her head into his chest, holding her tightly in his grasp, though it was more secure than threatening. His body heat would provide her enough warmth against the chill of the morning air.

He stopped running when he came to a modest, cottage like lake house in a clearing in the forest. A vast, enormous body of dark water created by a beaver dam encircled the house on all sides, save for a driveway and a pier that granted entrance to the front porch. The three boys hurried over the pier, retreating inside, where the shades were open and allowed plentiful sunlight. The interior consisted of many native American artifacts and wooden furniture that seemed to be handmade. It smelled pleasantly of pine and sandalwood, and above all, the place was very welcoming.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Julian?" asked one of the boys, his dark blue eyes settled on the ground. "Won't she freak out when she wakes up?"

"Quiet, Lukas... Get me some warm water and honey, and start burning some sage. This girl has been fighting evil spirits... They've weakened her. I can smell their odor all over her," the boy responded, his tone warm. As he laid Lyra's small body on a full sized bed, he looked over at the only one who had said nothing. "She will be hungry when she awakens. Do we have any bread for her honey?"

"She is a human, Julian..." the boy said quietly, his jade colored eyes focused on Lyra. "It's a mistake to bring her into our home."

"Don't question me, Damian. She's hurt, and there was no one there to help her... We can't just leave her. Now please bring me some bread and a hand towel."

Lukas and Damian did as they were told, serving a few slices of toast with a small jar of honey on a platter and setting it on the nightstand beside Lyra. A bowl of warm water and a hand towel was then given to Julian, who moistened it, then placed it on her forehead. Julian watched the red headed girl for several minutes, listening as her shallow breaths entered and escaped her lips, hoping that while the sage burned in the room that she would recover quickly. Surely when she awakened, she would probably be terrified, but the handsome boy was determined to make sure she was safe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Michael LeVian
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Aleksei was all smiles as she expressed awe and then hugged him after she saw the precious gift he gave her. All he did was observe her lovingly while she looked through the journal, seeing more and more of Maria in her as the time passed them by. About to ask her if she was well enough so that he could give her the grand tour of the manor and thus grant her free reign of the place, their little happy moment was short lived when she suddenly cried out in severe pain. It was enough to freak him out and nothing ever freaked him out. Holding on to the girl as she curled onto the bed and screamed, he held her hand, not sure what to do since he had no clue what could possibly be afflicting her so terribly. Clenching his jaw, he pulled her into his arms, held her close to his chest, and he waited it out, until she gasped, "Dean...Dean..." His brows knitted as his mind scrambled for a possible explanation. Was something happening to him that she would react this way, could it be...? He listened further as she told him to take her to the hunter that was no doubt still at the school.


The servant was at his side in a matter of seconds, having been close the instant Isabella's screams echoed in the manor. She was afraid for an instant that the pureblood had lost it and had attacked her. Despite her fears she dared not enter the room until called for, relief flooded her tense body and her face flushed in shame, how dare she think so poorly of her liege. He would rather die than harm Isabella. He was holding her in the bed, there was no blood in the air or on them, save for the dried, now turning black stains on the pureblood's shirt from his earlier run-in with Michael. She bowed respectfully before him and asked him quietly to give her his orders.

"Help me take her to RozenHale."
"Yes sir."

◙ ◙ ◙

"Well thanks for... Being gentle...Michael..." Dean managed, he was lying on his back, everyone staring down at him, with a zoo-exhibit look on their faces, he said fuzzily, "It's closing up...? I feel it...So weird..." He winced at feeling Vera pushing both hands down with her coat over his gaping wound to stop the bleeding, she'd instructed Michael to hold his feet up so that blood would flow to his sluggish brain. His eyes fluttered shut and he fell quiet again. And still. "Stay with me Dean, I'm not letting you die, not today!" She was trying her best to stay in control, be strong, but when her hands pooled with his blood, her own confidence was fading. Trying press onto his stomach with her jacket was like putting a finger into a dike to stop a flood. But it was all she had, so she went with it, attempting to keep a steady pressure on it. Beneath him, his blood pooled, she felt it on her knees. At remembering Selene's question she looked up at the woman, "Isabella's blood..." she smirked at that one, it could just may quicken things up a bit, but she wasn't sure. Things like this never happened before. "to be honest I don't know, it could, if she were here."

Then rescue arrived in the form of a tall stranger and a small form in his arms all bundled up in a thick, black, fleece throw. Beside him, a silvery haired lady with an unreadable look on her face, the two approached them and gently, the blonde man laid a girl beside Dean.

"Well speak of the devil," Vera quipped, shaking her head.

Aleksei held Isabella's heaqd, supporting her, "What is it that you need to do Isabella? Tell me so that I can assist you further." He glanced at Sera, "Have water at hand Ser, we might need it when this is over."

Sera nodded, she too was knelt down behind him, from a messenger bag she carried, she quickly reached in and pulled out two water bottles of Evian, then returned his gaze with a nod. Prepared.

The setting changes from Sable to Rosen Hale High School

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Michael LeVian
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Isabella's breaths became slow and shallow, and as Aleksei held her in his arms she Egan trembling uncontrollably. She closed her eyes, and saw a woman whose face was blurred, dressed in elaborate robes with long black hair. She stepped onto an altar where a man lay on a table, covered in a sheet and visibly dying. This woman then brought her wrist to her lips, took a bite, and held a mouthful of her blood behind her lips. Then she brought her mouth to his, kissed him passionately, and he woke up- once that happened, Isabella jolted awake in Aleksei's arms as he set her on the ground beside Dean.

She looked over at him, her eyes shining and hopeful, and mustered the warmest smile she could. Then she lifted her wrist to Aleksei, asking him to bite; when he did so, she winced, but immediately recoiled and brought the wound to her mouth. The taste of her own blood was so repulsive that she nearly gagged, but the scent to the others would be like that of the most delectable dessert. Once she took a mouthful, she rolled over onto her elbows, ignoring the searing pain on her stomach. She then leaned toward him, pressing her soft lips to his, and allowing him to swallow, should he accept it. When they kissed, a warm golden aura glowed like starlight around them, though this could only be seen to the trained eye and felt by the spiritually sensitive.

"Dean... Please, don't die on me..." she whispered, her voice shaky and sad. "I...I..."

She turned and looked over at Aleksei, falling back into his arms, and gazing at him pitifully. She was growing weak, just as Dean had, and it appeared that she was dying. Upon seeing Aleksei's deep concern, Selene placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, as if trying to reassure him that she was going to be okay. Her brows were furrowed and a frown etched along her beautiful features.

"If... He doesn't heal soon... Let him drink until he does," Isabella said, curling her finger's around Aleksei's jacket. She pulled him close to her, eyes alight and grave. "But don't you dare let him die, no matter what, understand? He can't die..."

She closed her eyes, her heartbeat having slowed until she became unconscious. Selene observed the girl curiously, then turned to Dean, hoping that Isabella's strange endeavor would prove effective. She couldn't comprehend what had just happened, or how Isabella knew what to do, or the connection between the human girl and the hunter. It was all so odd, but at the same time strangely familiar. She knew of stories about star crossed lovers and destined soul mates because of her father, but she had never actually seen it in action before.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Dante Salvatore
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Selene's eyes were glowing furiously at the intoxicating scent of Isabella's blood. Her teeth budded but she turned away and snapped her eyes shut, trying mightily to fight the newfound burning instinct to suck her dry. She could even hear how she had sucked her own blood, and how her heart was beating angrily to produce more for the hunter, as if it knew he was wounded. Selene grasped Michael until her cut wrist was bound, though it did little to stifle her delicious scent.

As Isabella teetered in and out of consciousness, she could see images of a past time in her mind, though she couldn't recognize if they were dreams or reality. In her vision, she saw the dark haired woman in robes again and what looked like festivities happening around her. Everyone was dancing, and though Isabella couldn't hear the music, she could see musicians playing. Seated on elevated thrones around the ballroom was what appeared to be a council of elders, though not one of their faces were tainted with age. Among them, she swore she could recognize Aleksei's form, unmoving as he watched the dancers. The dark haired woman turned to look at him, and she could see Aleksei smile, almost the exact reaction as when he looked at Isabella.

Then she was brought briefly back to consciousness, where she could hear the others talking all around her about how she and the hunter were linked, probably by some spell. She furrowed her brows, reacting to someone's unfamiliar touch, though she guessed it might have been Dean. His voice was a bit stifled, but she knew he was talking about leaving her once again at the mercy of Aleksei. This irked Isabella, but she slipped once again back into her visions.

This time, the handsome face of a dark haired man could be seen looming over two cribs. The dark haired woman and Aleksei were both present, though none of them seemed very happy. The woman buried her face into the handsome man's chest, and it appeared that she was sobbing while Aleksei gazed solemnly into the cribs. Another woman appeared- this one she recognized immediately as her grandmother- and she reached into one of the infant cradles, taking hold of a beautiful blue eyed boy. She kissed his forehead, though the baby didn't appear to like it much, and her grandmother grinned proudly before settling him back down.

Isabella then woke up, gazing around in confusion as she realized she was still in Aleksei's arms. She was moist with sweat and quite feverish, and there was a small throbbing pain in her wrist. She pushed herself to sit up, arms linked around Aleksei's neck, who held her so protectively it was almost as if she were his possession. As she trembled in his arms, she watched as Selene joined Dean and Veratos, whose forms were gradually retreating. Isabella sighed.

"Why does he keep leaving me behind?" she asked, frowning. She raised her voice as best she could, directed at Dean as he walked away. "You know, I'd listen to you if you stopped dropping me off with babysitters!"

She willed herself to stand, despite Sera and Aleksei's brooding looks. She crossed her arms, still shaking, and huffed. Then she turned to Aleksei, knowing he probably would object to having Isabella follow after her object of affection. She just couldn't help it though; she was literally linked to the boy in a way she couldn't understand. She needed to be near him, and he just kept pushing her away, much like Isabella did to Aleksei.

"I...I had thsee weird dreams just now," she told him, switching between Aleksei and Sera. "I have this feeling like they're memories, or visions or something. Like I was there, and..."

Her voice trailed off as she watched Dean disappear. Her face then became downcast, and she felt onc again confused and out of the loop. She didn't want to be treated like a fragile weakling who had to be defended because she was too clueless to defend herself. It made her feel sick and powerless, something Isabella was not fond of, because she has always been independent and free spirited.

"Maybe Isabella is right, Dean," Selene suggested softly. "We can't always be at her side and Aleksei is just one man. She has to learn how to fight her enemies... That, and I really think she likes you. I can see it in her eyes."

Then she glanced at Vera, who would no doubt be unhappy about that statement. Selene could smell the desire emanating from the surly huntress. Selene was quiet after that, turning to look over her shoulder at Isabella, who watched Dean longingly. She looked as pitiful as a puppy watching its owner leave him behind. She shook her head, wondering how in the world the two could be bonded together- was it truly because a witch had cursed them? Or was it perhaps because the moment they set eyes on each other their souls tied together?

She didn't know; but by the look in that girl's face, it was clear she had feelings for the detached hunter. It was a sad thing to witness, much like Selene had been to Michael before she turned. But perhaps it was what was best for the two- that, or their separation from each other could prove to be fatal. Nothing made sense; there were still so many pieces of this giant puzzle that the teenagers had to clue together. And where in the world was that little exorcist?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Michael LeVian
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"Exactly my point, because we can't be at her side, and her fighting skills suck, she needs to be were it's safe. Are you suggesting I bring her along if she doesn't even know how to wield a knife, much less aim and shoot at a target with a gun?" Dean asked, but maybe it wasn't a bad idea to have her join. This wasn't exactly a case, nor did it involve any supernatural monsters -a witch didn't count. He sighed heavily, then he jolted. Shit. The gym!

So he rushed back in, found his blade lying on the ground, his blood pooled in smears and splatters all over, he slowed, walking, he reached the blade, picked it up and swung it behind him, as if sheathing it. As he started to walk out, he felt her gaze, and he made the hugest mistake of glancing back and seeing the cutest, saddest, bambi eyes he'd ever seen a girl posses. Isabella, the only one who could make him feel so guilty. Frowning considerably with everything in his gut rejecting what his heart felt he rose a hand to rub the back of his neck tightly, "Fine, you can come with us. Just don't pull any disappearing acts on me." he said bitterly, knowing Aleksei wouldn't agree, and would probably chew him out later if she got hurt. Not waiting for her to say anything, he left the gym, then informed the others that Isabella was joining them for the day. Which meant they all had to be on double high alert mode for the rest of the day.

Vera rose a deductive brow, the young man was indeed blinded by love, letting it cloud his judgement. It didn't matter if the girl came or not, they were all here to protect her, it was what they did after all, protect people. Only she didn't like his sudden change of heart, she would have to have a serious talk with him later, this was a guy who used to make a decision and stick to it. No one could ever make him change his mind afterward, she really hoped that this would be the only time he let this happen, it couldn't become a habit. At least she wasn't going to let it be. Sighing as she hesitated, she glanced back to see if the girl was gonna follow or not, they needed to get this over and done with.

The pureblood stood when Isabella did, he never expressed his discontent, but if she were to look closely into his eyes, she just may see the obvious fear there. She wanted to be with Dean, and by no means was he going to stop her from getting what she wanted, she was his queen and her wish was his command. Well, when it applied to little things like these, where as if he were going on say, a dangerous quest, Aleksei would have never allowed the girl to go with Dean anywhere. Smiling gently, he nodded his head, "If it's the hunter you wish to pursue, then by all means go for it. Of course, that doesn't mean I won't be tagging along as well. You're safety is my only concern as I have expressed countless times before. If this is what will make you happy, than I can't stop you." he gestured for Sera to leave, and the servant bowed before departing. Despite his sleepiness, the pureblood wasn't going to let Isabella out of his sights, so he would indeed go with her anywhere she went, except for the bathroom. Duh.

"Guys commin' or what, we don't have all freaking day, witches like to trek in the woods for herbs and crap, we're gonna have to get a move on if we want to find one around!" Veratos said, impatiently, she huffed and turned, walking down the halls ahead.

"Let's go Isabella," Aleksei said, walking with her to the doors, he opened it for her and gallantly motioned her onward.

"You're gonna have to learn how to aim and shoot this, try not to loose it. It's not everyday I give away guns. Especially to non-hunters." Dean said, he handed her his Beretta, surely Vera would be beyond pissed, but it was the most powerful weapon minus the Silver Moon he had that could possibly protect her. It beats giving her a sawed-off shot gun that would prove more trouble some for her to learn how to use than this. "I'll fill you in on how to refill later, it's already loaded, just don't aim it at anyone, or shoot yourself by accident."

"Are you sure that's a good idea Salvatore?" Aleksei questioned him semi-annoyed as he eyed the gun suspiciously. They all started walking after Vera who was more in a hurry to get on going than the rest of them it seemed.

"Yeah, I don't think she's entirely incompetent. She's got a good head on her shoulders, quick thinking is a very useful skill, one she has." he glanced at Isabella and winked at her, a bit comforted (though he would NEVER admit it to Aleksei) that the pureblood had tagged along, makes protecting Isabella much better. "Think of it as a thank you gift for the blood you gave me, now we're even." he smirked and continued walking on ahead, hating the glare Aleksei was shooting him. Okay so the pureblood wasn't exactly giving him an unnerving glare, but Dean could feel it, as if the pureblood were shooting holes into him. It made him antsy, so he gave them space, he wanted Isabella, he could have her. What did the hunter care? It's not like he came here to get a girlfriend or anything like that anyways, as soon as this was all over he was splitting. Jack.

"Hey, Ver." Dean caught up with the huntress.
"What happened back there?"
"Hmm, a lot, like our battle with a hell beast, you almost dying, Isabella giving you her blood, your reaction to it, could you be more specific?"
Dean nudged his shoulder into her, "You know what I damn well mean Veratos. Her blood, and my body and that heat... Why did it happen? What does it mean, and why do I get the feeling you know more than you're willing to give?"

Veratos smiled, gave him a side ways glance and couldn't hold back a chuckle, every time she locked gazes with him she could see that fire in his eyes, that strong will that always helped push through any obstacle thrown his way. Almost his old safe, but not quite. Was she beginning to like this new side of him, instead of favoring the old him? "Those are all a lot of big questions, concerning your reaction to Isabella my best guess it that her blood works like 'speed' on your healing factor. I mean, you were going to heal from those injuries, but I was afraid that by the time you did, you would've drained yourself dry. I'm just glad it all turned out well. As for everything else, well, you'll come to remember it all soon. Hopefully." she stared ahead as they passed by an open classroom door, a few vampires were there inspecting the damage, covering up the remains of a mutilated demon with a white sheet. She frowned and continued on faster, just wanting to leave this school and never turn back, not liking it much anymore. "We're the same, you and I... And them." she let out, averting his gaze, "but you are unique, you've got something different all your own."

"What the hell do you mean by that?" Dean asked, seeing her sudden discomfort at the topic, she even quickened her pace, and he kept up with her, his longer legs eating up more ground, so it wasn't that hard to. He leaned in a bit, trying to capture her gaze, it was as if she were trying to hide by not looking back and it annoyed him that she refused to spit out her intel. He didn't like secrets, especially when he was involved, he was beginning to understand what Isabella was going through, not knowing and having to go out blindly into the world you thought was safe only to horrifyingly get surprised and left hangin' with questions no one would clearly answer.

"I smell blood, and a lot of it." Ver suddenly announced and she started running.

Alarmed, Dean glanced back at the others, nodding at them, he followed Veratos as she raced toward the source.

Aleksei took Isabella by the wrist, the one that hadn't been cut and urged her to stay back while the others investigated. All he knew was that the scent didn't belong to anyone he knew, it smelled human, it had a hint of that, but also something else.

((I'm leaving you to supply what the heck is going on. Feels like I'm controlling what's going on in this, now it's your turn to take up what happens next for a spin XD))

The setting changes from Rosen Hale High School to Sable


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Dante Salvatore
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0.00 INK

{I'm sorry, this is the best I could come up with! I'm suffering a lack of inspiration and creativity! Forgive me!}

With steady hands, for the first time since she had arrived at the school, Isabella took hold of the baretta. As she held it awkwardly for a few seconds, observing its sleek metallic frame and switching between hands until she felt comfortable, she smiled. She had never held a weapon before, nor had she been an advocate for violence up until today. She had seen so much more blood than she ever had in her entire 17 years of existence. She had to admit, though shamefully so, it was a bit exhilarating. She watched the back of Dean's head for a moment, studying his blond hair as the sun shone on it, remembering the blond baby in her vision. She furrowed her brows, then turned to Aleksei, as if trying to communicate with him through her thoughts.

"Everyone is treating me like a child," she muttered, a bit peeved as she tucked the gun into her jeans, making sure the safety was on. "I'm not stupid, you know."

"No, but you're precious, Isabella," Selene said, without looking at her. "Your safety is our main priority... These things keep coming after you for a reason, and we have to find out why, but we can only do that with you alive."

Selene then fell back into step with Dean, following a small distance after Vera, who was almost sprinting onward. Suddenly, the sharp scent of blood filled their range. Immediately, Selene's eyes flared as though afire, and her canines budded. The smell was so thick that she could almost taste it as she breathed. She followed the scent with the intensity of a wolf, her eyes wide as she fell into step beside Vera. There was so much blood that Selene could hardly restrain herself. When she caught sight of the gruesome scene, she turned and looked back at Aleksei, commanding him to step in front of Isabella.

"Get her out of here, now!" she snarled, her eyes ablaze and canines bared like an angry animal.

"What? What's going on?" Isabella started, fighting her way past Selene and stopping short upon seeing the gore before her. "Oh...oh my...God..."

They had circled around the forest to come across her house. The windows had been shattered, the door was reduced to nothing but splinters and the sunlight was beaming down into the parlor, where blood was spattered everywhere. The floral wallpaper was stained crimson to the point it was almost unrecognizable. Isabella stood before her porch, mouth agape and wide eyed as she stared in horror into her destroyed home. Her lips were moving, but only dilapidated whispers could be heard tumbling from her mouth. She took ahold of the gun on her hip and screamed, a mixture of rage and terror all in one, as she charged inside.

"PAPA!" she shrieked, pushing past Selene and Veratos to enter her house. Strewn among broken glass and shredded furniture lay the dying body of her father, gurgling and gasping desperately for air despite the blood dribbling from his mouth. "Oh my god... Papa!! Who did this to you?!"

The man looked at her in horror, his warm eyes wide as he shook his head and weakly attempted to lift his hand and point toward the kitchen. When she looked up, there was a man and a woman covered in blood, gazing hungrily at her with furious scarlet eyes. Malignant grins bared hideous sharp teeth, but they were dressed almost similarly as Lorenzo. They both wore matching golden medallions, which were emblazoned with a strange and regal looking emblem. Isabella instinctively unsheathed the baretta, flipping the safety off and pointing in their direction as the two vampires cackled

"Oh my... Angelique, would you look at that..." hissed the man, taking a step toward the girl. As he did so, his body began to shift, tearing his aristocratic clothing from his figure. "What a marvelous sight you are, little virgin!"

"Oh that blood, my child! Olivier, shall we have a taste?" purred the woman, who approached Isabella also, her figure mutating as well.

"Get away from me!" Isabella screamed, her hands shaking madly. "What did you do to my father? Why are you here?"

As they came closer, their pale skin began turning a sickly purplish tone, like the flesh of a cadaver. From their backs, enormous bat like wings unfurled and spread behind them. Their faces contorted until they too resembled the likeness of a bat, their teeth so disgusting and terrifyingly sharp that Isabella could feel the effects of paralysis in her lips. Their eyes glowed almost as fiery as Selene's, though they wielded a burning hatred as they focused on the Italian girl quivering before them.

"His blood did not taste as sweet as yours smells..." cooed Angelique, though he was halted by Olivier.

"Remember what Lord Napoleon instructed, Angelique... We are not to harm the girl! Not a drop of her blood is to be spilled, less he has our heads!"

"Just a little sip, Olivier!"

"Isabella get down!" came Selene's voice, followed by her famous zipping arrow. It pierced through the air past Isabella and impaled the female to the wall through her throat. The creature struggled to breathe, eliciting choking noises while the flesh affected by the arrow hissed and melted away.

Selene appeared in front of the girl, pushing her out of the way before shooting another arrow to pin one of Angelique's wings against the wall and immobilizing her. The creature screamed, trying to fight the weapon that was burning her ghastly flesh. Before Olivier could react, Selene had already aimed and fired one more arrow, striking him in the chest. He wailed in agony and flailed around, one of his wings knocking the huntress to the ground. She groaned, recoiling from the busted nose where his wing had struck her.

"Isabella, shoot him NOW!" Selene barked, and the girl fired.

A bullet cut through the air and lodged itself into Olivier's chest, beside the arrow and near his heart. An earsplitting shriek reverberated through the small house and she shot once more, hitting him square between the eyes and sending him to the ground. Angelique was enraged by this. She reached for the arrow in her throat and yanked it out, blue blood spurting from the wound that didn't heal. She tore the other pinned wing and lunged for Isabella, tackling her to the ground as another gunshot exploded into the air. The two were sent spiraling into the parlor, crashing against the cabinet that held her grandmother's china and completely shattering it all. The glass burst all around them like makeshift fireworks, cutting Isabella all over and consequently spilling her blood everywhere.

By that time, Selene had stood up, already aiming one more arrow at the back of Angelique's head. The scent of Isabella's blood filled the room as if a bottle of perfume had just broken onto the ground, momentarily clouding the huntress's judgment. She blinked it away, her eyes glowing ferociously, attempting to focus on the creature Isabella was single handedly trying to fight off.

"We will have your blood, little virgin!" Angelique roared, another gunshot punctuating her sentence. Selene let her arrow fly, and then the royal fell off to the side, dead.

"Aleksei, get Isabella!" Selene cried, squeezing her eyes shut and holding her breath.

The Italian had already stood up, albeit a little wobbly, covered in glass and cuts. She held the gun, which shook crazily in her tiny fingers. There was a blank, readless expression on her face and in her glossed eyes- as if she was experiencing some kind of post traumatic shock. She panted heavily, her heart beating madly inside her chest and consequently screwing up Selene's train of thought- all she could focus on was the sound of Isabella's blood flowing in her veins, her heart pace like a dinner drum. The girl brushed past Selene to collapse on her knees beside her father, whom was clutching a photograph in his hand.

"My sweet girl..." he whispered, his voice breaking as tears flowed from his cheeks. She pressed her face to his trembling palm, her own eyes becoming strained with sorrow, though no tears fell. "I... Will always... Always love you..."

She sobbed as the warmth in his eyes faded, and his final breath escaped his lips. His hand went limp against the girl's cheek, who was still desperately clinging to it. The bitter moment became even moreso as she heard glass crunching beneath someone's boots, and when she looked up Selene was standing in front of her, guarding her from two more figures that donned the same golden medallions around their necks. These two were both male and extremely handsome, though their young looking faces were cold and emotionless.

"Ahh... Selene, my love," one of them hissed. His sandy brown hair was combed nicely, and his crisp white suit was not tainted with a single drop of blood. "It has been so very long... I do believe the last time we encountered each other, I had your father's lungs in my hand."

"Emile," Selene growled. "Don't you dare come any closer. Aleksei and I will rip you limb from limb."

"At ease, huntress," said the other man, this one with hair almost as white as Aleksei's. "We simply come to speak with the virgin."

"We have no desire to converse, Guillaume, now get out. You've been warned..."

"Avalon does not frighten me," said Emile, his features remaining perfectly stoic, until he noticed Isabella, who had just risen to her feet behind Selene. His eyebrows slightly arched at her visage, and even his eyes became a bit larger. "Oh, my... Bonjour, ma belle..."

"My, aren't you a lovely sight!" Guillaume commented. When he appeared to intend on approaching her, Selene immediately blocked the girl. "Your beauty surpasses that of the oracle!"

"Indeed, Maria could not have compared..."

"Who are you?" Isabella questioned, eliciting a glare from Selene.

"We are the sons of emperor Napoleon," responded Emile, noticing the others whom had come to the girl's rescue. "And we have come to prepare you for your wedding."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Michael LeVian
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[[BTW the baretta has been illegally modified to shoot out three rounds instead or one or two, so it packs a meaner, harder punch lol, just putting that out there St. Valentine!]]

"Heyt fang face, she has a name you know, it's Isabella, get it straight." Veratos flanked at the vampire's left, she held a katana blade at Guillaume's throat, any sudden movement and it was off with his head!

Dean shot Michael an incredulous look, "No shit Sherlock!" He pulled out the Silver Moon, and aimed the barrel directly for Guillaume's head, no guts no glory. Approaching the vampire, as he addressed Isabella with the reason for him dropping by and telling her she was just about to get hitched with God knows who, Dean fiercely said, "Not a chance in hell pal, if you don't want a bullet in that ugly face of yours I suggest you pack your shit and leave. I've been dealing with crazy all day!"

Aleksei was right behind Isabella, a gentle hand resting on her shoulder, his gaze dead on the two vampires, they weren't afraid of him, because he never gave them a reason to. Though Aleksei was really hoping he wouldn't have to resort to getting his hands bloody, not in front of Isabella at least. However, if these two proved to be more trouble he didn't think he had much of a choice.

"Sorry I'm late, what did I miss?"
"Mina..." Aleksei growled, though not looking away from the threats.
"I'm sorry I'll explain what happened later, as you can see the sunlight and a bunch of demons got in the way, I don't know how I made it over here without getting blind... Oh...Who's that guy...?" she whispered. crouched at Isabella's right, her Lune scythe drawn outward, protecting the girl and them selves with it. If they dared attacked, and she only touched them with her weapon. it would definitely damage them, her weapon was hunter crafted after all.

"If you'd been studying, you'd know that pureblood is Guillaume with his pet monkey brother Emile at his side, they want Isabella, that's why they're here." Aleksei hissed back, explaining it to her.

"Ah, well isn't that just great?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Michael LeVian
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(My bad haha I'll keep that in mind.)

Isabella observed the two handsome royals as they were bombarded with threats from her friends. They all were sonquick to rush to her side and kill anyone that crossed their paths- but as she looked down at the corpse of her father, she began trembling with rage. The opposing side of this apparently ha the same mentality: slaughter anyone that got in the way until they had the girl. She was the key, the fault, the leverage, and it seemed like only she could bring a stop to all of this madness that was plaguing her once quiet little town.

"STOP!" she suddenly screamed, shoving past her friends until she was standing in between the feuding sides. She watched them all, pointedly, but a little more disappointed than anything. "I'll go."

She didn't wait to see their horrified reactions that would surely come upon announcing her decision. Even the two princes seemed a bit surprised, though that was masked by satisfaction quickly thereafter. They took a step backward from all the pointed weapons aimed at their heads and throats, knowing that, were they to initiate violence, repercussions for the royal deaths would be fierce. The destruction of the entire town would be on the hands of the ragtag group of rebels, and Isabella could already see that.

"How much more blood has to be spilled to end this insanity?" Isabella cried, then turned to the princes. "If it's me you want, then I'll go, but you can't hurt my friends and you can never come back here."

"Isabella, don't-" Selene began, horrified, but was cut off by Lorenzo, whom had jus appeared beside Isabella.

"Well if it isn't the two clowns of Paris," Lorenzo purred, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "How is your papa holding up without your mommy there to breastfeed him?"

"You filthy inbred Italian-" Emile began, adding to Lorenzo's amusement.

"Ah! I always knew how to get a rise out of you." Then he turned to Isabella, who had one hand on the baretta and seemed poised and ready to shoot if she had to. "Are you absolutely certain you want to leave your home and come to Europe, Bella?"

She hesitated for a second, looking over at her friends that all had risked their lives just to ensure her safety. Would they feel betrayed? As if their efforts to protect her were all done in vain? What else could she possibly do to make sure none of them would be harmed? She was going to travel to Italy regardless, and perhaps now was the time to do it. If she was the key to ending all of this, then she had no choice.

"I...I'm sure," she responded gravely.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Michael LeVian Character Portrait: Mina Avalon
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"Why am I not surprised? Isabella that is the most stupidest crap I've ever heard you say, and I've heard plenty of crap in my day. But this tops it all. You're playing right at their hands, I can't believe I'm fighting tooth and nail for a girl who'll just give up like that and hand herself in to the enemy!" Dean said, lowering his weapon, even putting it away. He glared over at Aleksei who was just as surprised, maybe even shocked, the pureblood hadn't even said a word. Returning his gaze to his case, who was now about to be a goner he walked over to her, then locked his eyes with hers. Her blood in him was raging, now hotter than he had ever felt it, everything in him was screaming with agony to make this stop, kill those princes before they took her away, but who was he to force anyone into doing something they didn't want. He smiled at her, but it held nothing to be joyous about, "I would tell you to come with me and let's make a run for it, I'm pretty good at pouring on the speed, I'd do my best to protect you, I'd even try to talk some sense into you, but then again. You never listen, so why start now? It was nice knowing you." Then he turned, and just like that he left them all, too pissed to even gesture for anyone else to follow. What was he expecting out of this, that Isabella would care and come after him? That they'd ever get to the end of this? That he'd made a new friend? What friend? Life loved to turn all his relationships to crap at some point, and this was no different. So why try? Why risk it all... for what?

"Dean..." Veratos pulled her blade back, she didn't know what to do, as if her hands were tied. She narrowed her eyes at Isabella, trying to figure her out, but what was she looking for? This girl was obviously insane, why would she do that? Sighing, she switched her gaze to Aleksei, then Selene.

The pureblood was indeed taken aback, and even floored at Dean's reaction to her betrayal. He didn't believe that Salvatore could be that dense and suddenly decide to drop out and not fight against it all. Maybe there was more to this than he could see. Standing, he glanced back at Mina, then the others before shrinking the distance between himself and Isabella.

"If you think it's best to comply and follow them, then I wish to journey with you on this. I suspect there will be more trouble to follow, they want you alive, it must be for an important reason. One that I will see to myself." Aleksei said quietly, standing his ground.

"Isabella I thought you were smart, I can't believe how wrong I was." Vera said spitefully, then she too followed Dean out, more concerned for him than a human girl that didn't even value her own life.

Mina kept her weapon poised at the pureblood prince, eying him suspiciously, "I don't care what she says, I'm not letting you guys just drop in and take someone Aleksei's hell bent on protecting!" she announced clearly, daring the guy to make a move. "Isabella you can't tell me that giving in to them is gonna make all your problems go away. They want you, and for what I'm not sure but in you going to Italy... I doubt you'll ever make it out alive."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Michael LeVian
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As Dean yelled at her, Isabella's eyes fell shamefully at the ground. She watched his feet, planted firmly on front of her as he spat at her, obviously betrayed. Could he really not see that she was doing this because she cared for him so? She only wanted to keep him safe, keep all her friends from suffering the way that her father had- she wanted to spare them that demise because truthfully she couldn't handle it if something happened to them on her behalf. She placed a hand on his and was about to say something to that effect, but he tore away from her and stomped off on a fury. She watched his retreating form, agonized that her decision had to be this difficult.

Then Veratos added to the fire, speaking of how stupid of a decision she had made, also blind to the fact that she was only trying to protect them all as they had guarded her. She didn't look at the huntress, she remained focused on the floor where Dean had once stood, and only looked up when Aleksei addressed her. He and Mina were the only ones that had remained at her side, willing to fight for her life, as they had promised Isabella's grandmother 17 years ago, and probably before then. Even Selene had gone to join the other hunters, viciously betrayed and defeated. Isabella sighed; Lorenzo placed a hand on her shoulder, but she shrugged it away, and the two French princes only chuckled cynically.

"You are wise beyond your years, little virgin," Emile crooned. "The most valiant girl I have ever come across, to lay your life down on behalf of your friends. I commend you."

"If I'm to go, it will be on my own terms," Isabella growled, her brows furrowed as she fought back tears. Her entire body was trembling with rage. "If one more drop of innocent blood is spilled, Aleksei will turn me, and then you will no longer have your 'human virgin'. I will go to you when I am ready- you have my word- but until then, you must leave."

Guillaume and Emile exchanged glances, slightly appalled at the girl's sudden courageous outburst. She was unwavering in her fury, and knew that were they to break their word, Aleksei or any other of her vampire friends would have no trouble heeding to her wish to turn. Were it Aleksei having said this, they would have easily called his bluff, knowing full well that he would never touch the girl in such a way, especially concerning her humanity. But the virgin was different; she was defiant and unpredictable. She seemed desperate to keep her friends safe and would be willing to go to any lengths to ensure that they were.

"Very well then," Emile responded. "You have six months. If you fail to appear before our father Napoleon, we will slaughter every last human being in this entire country, and that includes your little hunter friends."

"We will eagerly await your arrival, princess," said Guillaume. "Do not fail us."

And with that, the two princes disappeared into the horizon, only their maniacal cackling resounding in the atmosphere. Lorenzo watched her, a bit stunned at her antics; he had never known her to be so outspoken. The years that he had observed her, he learned of her reserved and gentle nature- nothing like what she had just done. He opened his mouth to say something, but she looked up at him with eyes so filled with hurt and anger that he simply couldn't.

"Get out," she snarled. "You are not welcome here either."

"Isabella, I-"


He said nothing else, simply nodded and excused himself. Things were changing, and doing so quickly. He knew if he upset her in anyway, she would result to impulsive stupidity- namely, turning herself into a bloodsucking heathen- so he left, ignoring the triumphant glares he would most likely be receiving. When he was gone, leaving only Isabella and the Avalons, she began to weep. Overhead, a fierce pang of thunder exploded in the sky. She turned tearfully at the two royal purebloods, the only ones that weren't after her for her blood.

"I don't know what else to do," she answered Mina sadly. "If I don't go, they'll keep coming, keep killing innocent people. I'd rather have all of you hate me and be safe, than die trying to protect me."

She remembered Dean and the intense hurt in his eyes. Her heart was so heavy, probably feeling the way his had, as well as her own despair. Without another second's hesitation, the girl sprinted past the purebloods and out into her lawn, where she could see the hunters in the distance. For a moment, she pondered chasing after him; she knew Vera hated her, and Selene probably shared that feeling. But she wanted to be with Dean above everything else; she wanted to keep him safe and alive. She would run away with him if running away from her problems was part of her nature, but her morality wouldn't allow it.

"Dean!" she called, then started running again. "Dean, wait!"

She shoved past Selene and Veratos until she collided with the hunter. She grabbed a hold of his hand and tried to stop him, gazing directly into his eyes, though she was at a loss for words. What was this she felt inside her frantically beating heart? Could it even be possible to love someone you've only known for two days? Despite this, she couldn't deny that she wanted to be near him at all times, which is why she kept defying him. All she could do was stare at him, burning with a desire to kiss his lips and hold on to him.

"Dean, I... I'm just... I'm just trying to do what's best," she said softly, breaking eye contact.


"Whoa, girl," Julian said, collecting her off the ground and placing her back on the bed. "You aren't bothering- I wouldn't have helped you out if I didn't want to. Just relax. I can take you home if you want."

At the same moment, Lukas and Damian appeared in the threshold, watching the girl apprehensively. When Julian looked at them, they cast their gazes to the ground, as if to show respect. He could see that she was trying to withhold some information from him, and he couldn't help but chuckle as he rose to his feet to open the window and allow for fresh pine scented air into the room. If only she knew what they were, she might not feel as safe as she does now. Afterall, treading in the den of a wolf was dangerous territory.

"What were you doing at the school so early?" Julian asked, determined to get her to admit her secret on her own. He had never met anyone aside from his brothers and the rest of his packmates that were keen to the supernatural. They were forced to live in secrecy; although they attended school as normal boys, they were sure that if the council knew of their existence, they would have his entire family exterminated.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Michael LeVian
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Vera ran up to catch Dean kicking some dirt, he had slowed down so that she would follow him.

"What are you planning?" she asked smoothly, once they reached out of hearing range from the vampires behind them. She knew he was way too stubborn when it came to a case to just drop out like that. She even smiled at the look in his eyes, he was not happy about it at all and she knew why.

"I think she has a plan, but she needs better preparation for it... Just wish I had the chance to train her... I think it's both a smart move and also an impractical one." Dean revealed his truest intention.
"Wait, what now? She's smart?"
"Yeah, can't believe she came up with that all by herself, I mean why else do you think she's going in without a fight? It's like she wants them to bring her right into the Lion's den, do a little recon, but I really wished I'd taught her how to better handle weapons. Whatever, let's hope she keeps the baretta." Dean replied, "I had to make it look like I was giving up on her, dropping out of the grid, play along with the whole betrayal falls, make them think I wouldn't go after her. They're not seeing me coming."

Vera chuckled, boy was clever. "Shouldn't you find that witch first?"

"I got that on my to-do list, anything else?" Dean sensed Selene coming on, he'd have to explain it all to her later.

"You get to teach Lombardi some weaponry skills, look here she comes." Vera pointed, hesitating when the girl rushed over and latched her hand to his, pulling him back.

Dean whirled, glaring darkly at the girl, who did she think she was anyways? Just throwing her life like that on the line, as if not trusting him to keep her safe? He was still genuinely pissed that she would do this. A little behind her came Aleksei and Mina, both not doing too well cause of the excessive exposure to the morning rays.

What's best? Is that what she thought was best? Best for who?

"Yeah, because being the martyr always works right?! I can't protect you if you don't even believe that I can." Dean said sullenly, he wanted to pull away from her grasp, but he didn't, like he wanted her keep holding on. "What would be the point of trying to talk you out of it? You're gonna ignore me and go anyways..."

Vera crossed her arms, leaning back on her heels, she looked at Selene, a ghost of a smile playing at her lips.

Aleksei approached them as they all seemed to have regrouped here, good, it was shadier here. He too wasn't exactly gung-ho for Isabella's decision, he would also talk to her later on, once everyone was calm. Maybe he could get some things straight on why she chose this instead of letting them protect her.

Mina leaned against Aleksei, gripping his coat sleeve she looked up at him, her eyes begging him to come back home now and stay there a while with her. That's how well he knew her to know she was most likely thinking this. He wove an arm around her, comforting her as best as he could manage.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Mina Avalon
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Isabella tightened her grip around Dean's hand, feeling some kind of heat meet where their flesh made contact. As he spoke, betrayal heavy in his voice, she gazed unwaveringly into his eyes for the first time. Despite the fact it felt as though she had turned her back on them, she was confident in her decision to go straight into their lair. Should she gain their trust, she could strike them directly at their core; using her position as queen, or whatever it is they wanted to make her, she could possibly ignite a Trojan type war of sorts. She could manipulate them into imploding their empire from the inside out.

She wouldn't tell Dean any of this, despite her furious wanting to. She would have to share this with Aleksei, whom had become her confidante. He knew the inner workings of the empires like the back of his hand; after all, he was one of the ancients that ruled over them, anyway. She pulled Dean closer, until she could almost feel his breath on her face, looking up at him like a brave little soldier to her sergeant.

"Dean, this isn't about protecting me anymore," she began, biting her lip. "If they don't have me, they will tear the world apart until they do. I need you to trust me-"

She turned and observed each of their faces. They all looked at her like she had given them a Judas kiss- asking them to trust her now was something that seemed entirely impossible. For a moment, a sharp pain in her temple forced her eyes shut, and when they did so, she could see the same robed woman again. She stood before a council it seemed, where Aleksei was seated among a group of others. The woman stood quite still, and her head was held high, although the council members looked deeply perplexed.

"Have faith in me," she said. "I will not fail you."

The images faded and Isabella opened her eyes. She looked back up at Dean, remembering the baretta nestled at her hip. She took a deep breath before looking back over her shoulder at her dilapidated home, her father's corpse still among the ruins within. She would collect her belongings before nightfall, and after that she would move- probably with Aleksei, though she wasn't worried about it now- but at the moment, she had to face her future. She was tryin her hardest to remain composed during the situation that tried so hard to break her apart.

"I have a plan," she continued, her voice grave. "But I need you to teach me how to be a killer."

The setting changes from Sable to Silver Mist Forest

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Michael LeVian Character Portrait: Julian Ulric
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Julian could smell her fear as if she were wearing it like a bad perfume. He exchanged glances with Lukas and Damian, and with a simple look, the two disappeared into the kitchen. Lyra was apprehensive of the situation, and with good reason; she was in a strange house, alone, with boys she had never met before. And now she was beginning to come to terms with the fact that she was utterly helpless to defend herself against them, should they intend to harm her. But his demeanor was soft, showing her that he meant no such thing, and only wished to help her.

"Sure you were," he began before responding to her suspicious inquiring of his purpose at the school. He could smell her lie the instant in left her pretty lips. "Well, I was on my way to football practice with my brothers, but I found you knocked out on the ground..."

He smirked playfully at her. He could almost read her thoughts, wondering why he hadn't decided to take her to a hospital, as any normal human being would have. And perhaps he mistakenly followed his instincts in bringing her to his home instead of a medical center, which could possibly have harmed his human facade. But he couldn't help it- he was a creature of instinct, and he followed wherever his gut led him. He probably should have been more mindful of the consequences, especially concerning a human girl, but for some reason that went out the window when he looked at her. Maybe it was the fact that he could tell she was not an ordinary teenager.

"Abduction?" he chuckled, his nose wrinkling slightly as a wide, wolfish grin spread over his handsome features. "I suppose if you choose to look at it that way, but if you haven't noticed, you aren't shackled or isolated. You can leave if you want... and I didn't take you to the hospital because I figured you wouldn't appreciate a giant bill just to get checked out for fainting."

He observed her closely, noticing the instant that her countenance became sad, and assuming it was because of her home situation. But she was resilient, almost immediately returning their gaze, almost as if she were deflecting them. He liked that- she was spunky, perfectly capable of handling her own, and not just a useless damsel in distress. At that moment, Damian entered the room, but he didn't say a word; Julian turned to acknowledge him, as if he had sensed his approach.

"What is it, brother?" Julian asked.

"Grandfather Wolfgang is asking for you," he replied gravely, his eyes on the ground. "He's waiting in the living room."

"Alright. Give me a second," he then turned to Lyra, switching his gaze from the plate of toast she picked at, then back at her. "Excuse me, Lyra. It was a pleasure to meet you- Damian can show you the way out if you wish, but I do suggest you eat something to regain your strength."

Then he got up, strode past Damian, and disappeared into the hallway until he reached the living room. An old man with braided silver hair sat upon a rocking chair, a long tobacco pipe wedged comfortably between his thin lips. The light skin of his age ridden face was leathery and perplexed, and he did not acknowledge Julian when he entered the room. Instead, a plume of smoke spiraled out of his nostrils as he swayed back and forth on the wooden chair.

"You called for me, grandfather?" Julian asked, already knowing the topic was concerning Lyra.

"The girl," he started, his voice monotonous. "Why have you brought a human into our home, Julian?"

"She was hurt, and she needed my help. I wasn't just going to leave her for someone else to find."

"You above all others know the affairs of humans are not our concern."

"Perhaps, but Lyra is different, grandfather."

There was a moment of silence before the old man averted his cold green eyes to stare directly at the young man. More smoke poured from his nostrils and his now parted lips before he said another word, but Julian stood his ground.

"She stinks of evil spirits," the old man said. "We do not welcome such wickedness into our home."

"That's the thing, grandfather- I believe she was fighting them. She has been weakened immensely. If she had been conjuring them, then she would have been strengthened. She is utterly defenseless, and is no way a threat to us, even if that is what she intended."

"We risk exposure should she decide to tell others."

"She doesn't know what we are. Besides that, she was passed out when I brought her here. She couldn't tell anyone where we were, and I can see to it that she never does."

"Julian, if you are to be alpha, this behavior- interaction with human beings- is not acceptable. You know this, son, so why do you deliberately disobey me?"

Julian cast his gaze to the ground, swallowing a hard lump that had formed in his throne. How could he show his grandfather that Lyra was innocent? He had just met the girl, but every instinct in his body was telling him he could trust her. He sighed, looking over his shoulder down the corridor at the room she was in, then turned back to face the man.

"I will take her home, grandfather."


Selene watched the two star crossed lovers argue and bicker at each other as if they were a married couple. Her aquamarine eyes flashed at the mention of a plan- this made her apprehensive. Isabella was a human, albeit a very special one, but she had no knowledge of the world that was unfurling around her. How could she devise an effective strategy without first knowing her enemy? Selene could hardly trust her now after the stunt she had just pulled with the royals, but when Michael squeezed her hand reassuringly, she decided that it was the only choice she had. The girl would do whatever she pleased; there was nothing anyone could counteract that would stop her.

"She's going to get herself killed," Selene growled. "How can we trust her?"

Isabella eluded Dean's inquiring gaze. She knew he wanted her to tell him, but she also knew that her plan would upset him even further. If she told him everything, he might even try and stop her- in fact, she knew that he would, and then everything would be ruined. Thankfully, though, he allowed her some time to collect her things and the revelation of her plan would have to be postponed. Before she went inside, she gripped his hand, pulling him toward her so that she could reach his cheek on her tiptoes and plant an affectionate kiss there.

"Thank you," she said, before turning to inspect her destroyed home.

Her emotions began to spin wildly inside of her. She tried her best to ignore the agony that was crushing her heart in its grasp as she entered through the threshold and came across the corpse of her father. She didn't look at it- she strode directly into her room, which had also been torn apart, probably because the vampires were searching for her. She grabbed the large floral travel bag that her father had given her as a gift once, placing some clothes, her grandmother's journal and a few pieces of the antique jewelry she had left her in it. Then she took the photograph that her father had in his hand, tucked it away in her pocket, knelt down to kiss him goodbye, and lit a match.

"I'll see you again one day, papa," she whispered, before tossing the match into the house and turning away as her living room was set ablaze. She stopped beside Dean, though she did not face him. "We have six months."

Then she started toward the road, not waiting for Dean or anyone else to follow.