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Isabella Lombardi

The curious one

0 · 2,125 views · located in Sable

a character in “The Promise Made”, originally authored by noctemys, as played by St.Valentine



So begins...

Isabella Lombardi's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Michael LeVian
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She reached for his arm, then went up on tip toes to press her lips against his cheek, sending heat waves to color them.

"Thank you," she had told him, as though relieved for a very different reason than the hunter could imagine.

Oh yeah, that was forgotten. You know about him wanting to know about her plan. That.

Surprised was an understatement. But Dean handled well, taking a breath to keep his cool before turning away to glare at Aleksei who was smiling to himself, and Mina had that expression on her readable face that said "aww how sweet." He dared any of them to say a word. They were smart enough to keep their pie trap shut. While Isabella picked away at the mess, Dean backed off and allowed her some quiet time. God knows she needed that much. He felt for his cell in his pocket and took it out, checking the various texts there, most of 'em from Billie, none from James. Hmm, made the hunter wonder where the heck he'd disappeared off to. Reading the latest text, being a "Where are you boy? Get back here quick before I hunt you down." Dean texted back "Be there soon." then sent it and put the cell away in his pocket. After a while, Isabella was done and walked back to them all, her expression filled with everything that she now knew and could never un-know, did that make sense? Well, it was true, she could never go back to the time when she hadn't noticed the truth about all this crap Alek's been cleverly hiding from her. Maybe it would save her if she hadn't known, but as a true hunter would remember, fate had her damn way, all the time. There was no running from her. Ever.

When she finally informed him of the length of time she'd have left of her freedom before she was whisked away to Italy to marry God knows who and do God know what, the hunter rose his brows, nodded taking it in. Six months, until her life as she knew it was over. Six months to show her the ropes while he did everything he could on his end. Yeah, make her a "killer" as if that could happen. This girl shouldn't be left with such a giant responsibility as wiping out a bunch of vamps in their nest. For that, he would get his hands dirty, but why bring that up again. This was their sort of agreement, he would teach her how to be a hunter, make her think she was gonna do this on her own. Yeah, only an idiot would let her do this by herself.

Time was all he needed, to look into what the hell he was facing and possibly even deal with it himself before D-day came along. Like hell was he going to let her deal with this on her own, she was going to die if she only had this one plan to lean on. She really needed back up, and if he had to keep that a secret from her and even lie to her to keep her safe than he would. He wasn't the best for nothing, at least Vera made it seem that way. Now if only he could remember more important things about his own self. Like, where the heck did he get these weird powers from? It almost scared him to want to find out that truth. No matter, what ever it was, he would face it.

Isabella was walking down the road, like a little soldier, her head held high, her certainty unknown, and from now on this would not only be her fight, but his too. As a hunter, he had a job to do, and it started now.

Aleksei made sure that her entire home was left in ashes before he too followed the hunters and Isabella out, police were on the red alert and they would have their people with their investigators score the entire property for even the tiniest hint, the smallest clue that could piece the puzzle together. It was inevitable, a man that once lived here was now missing, questions would be asked, but no answers would be found.

"Where to next Dean?" Veratos asked, getting in step with him as he strolled a little behind Isabella.

"I'm going to Billie's. he just might know a witch or two that can break this spell, then find that witch and get some answers out of her." he explained, keeping his gaze ahead.

Vera's eyes watched him closely, "We're taking your ride? Does she still have to come?"

They both knew who "she" was.

Dean shrugged, "Don't have to, she's seen enough, done enough. I think she should stay home with Alek, sleep, eat, get it together. Because her training starts tomorrow at the crack of dawn and if she doesn't prepare for it when I come down at her full throttle it'll be her fault." Which meant that Isabella could not argue with him on the subject anymore.

Vera chuckled, liking that spark in his eyes, poor hunter still had the conviction of a true believer glowing in his face. Almost admirable.

He signaled for his team to follow as he picked up the speed, wanting to get this done already.

"Ya hear me Isabella, if you want to play cowboys and indians then you do what I say if you want to live. You only have six months until doom comes knockin' I'll tell you now it's gonna be hell. You're gonna hate me, even want to kill me yourself, consider it luck that I'm letting you take it easy, I wasn't so lucky when my dad decided I was old enough to start training. Go home with Avalon and no puppy eyes this time. I'm doing this myself, later!"

And he was out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Dante Salvatore
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Isabella rolled her eyes as she heard Dean quip behind her about how hard he was going to be on her tomorrow, as if she hadn't the slightest idea. There he went again, leaving Isabella in the hands of her everpresent babysitter Aleksei. Though she couldn't say she minded very much this time around; that gave her the opportunity to reveal the details of her very elaborate plan to her most trusted confidante. She turned over her shoulder, bag swaying in hand and her hair billowing all around her flushed face.

"I already do, Dean!" she retorted in response to his remark about having her hate him and wish to kill him. "You'd better hurry up before I change my mind."

She could see Vera delighted in Isabella's absence. This was the huntress's chance to have Dean all by himself, without the girl's interferance, which irked her some, though she wasn't sure why. Isabella had never been the jealous type, but when it came to Dean, whom felt like an extension of her soul, or perhaps the missing piece to it, she couldn't help what she felt. It was so strong to the point it was almost overwhelming to the young Italian. She looked to Aleksei, whom had made sure her house was reduced to ashes, leaving nothing for the authorities to collect anything from. Her features were softened, but her heart was growing colder.

"I'm going to the cemetery," she told him. "I wish to be alone for now. I'll meet you back at the manor in a few hours, okay?"

Then she came to the tree in her lawn where she had chained her blue Schwinn bicycle. Throwing her travel bag into the basket, she smiled at Aleksei, as if to reassure him she would be safe now that the royals had left and were waiting for her in Europe. She didn't wait for him to say anything before she peddled away up the road, disappearing into the trees and the sunny horizon as she glided down the hills and into the city. As she sliced through the backroads she knew by heart, she reminisced about earlier events. The sheer magnitude of it all caused tears to swell in her eyes, but she held them in until she reached the iron gates of the graveyard.

They were open as if they were waiting for her, and she led her bicycle through each aisle until she came to the bottom of the hill that housed her grandmother's grave and the willow tree. She took the journal Aleksei had given her, glancing at the wonderful pearl bracelet wrapped around her wrist like his fingers in spirit, then made her way to the wild grass that hid Alessandra Lombardi's headstone. Now she was at the highest point of the graveyard, where she could see the seemingly endless rows of stones with names of countless deceased on their faces. Her heart grew heavy, and the tears she had been restraining all morning finally began to fall freely. She sobbed bitterly as she sank to her knees, pushing away the grass that shrouded her grandmother's headstone so she could read her name.

"Why did you have to go away, Nanan?" Isabella wept, sniffling pathetically. "Why did you have to die and leave me with all of these questions, all of this responsibility that I know nothing about?"

At the same moment, a gentle breeze whispered through the drape-like leaves of the willow tree, swaying them along with her hair. A beautiful spectre, whom Isabella could not see, was passing through the aisles of graves as she was crying, and he watched her closely with much pity. He was dressed in clothes that belonged once to a handsome aristocrat during the era of Queen Victoria, and he carried himself in a way that was required of such a gentleman. He appeared to be around 21 years of age, though his skin was translucent, and had not aged, indicating he had died around this time. As he drew nearer to her, the empathy on his features morphed into an incredulous look. It was as if the sight of Isabella astounded him to the point of paralysis- he stayed where he was for quite some time, but upon further inspection of the girl, he continued to approach her.

"Maria...?" he whispered, reaching toward her glowing caramel skin. "Can it be? Maria, my love..."

His transparent fingers stroked the girl's hair, but she did not stir from her perch on the ground and her sniveling. It was as if she hadn't noticed him at all, which in turn caused the spectre to mourn further. His dark eyes were full of despair as he realized that Isabella would never see him, though it was not clear why. He paced around her, calling her by the name of the woman Isabella had heard of on many occasions. Another sob left the girl's mouth as she stood from her kneeling to turn and face the tree. As she did so, the ghost gazed simultaneously amorous and sorrowfully down at her, but that didn't stop her from passing right through him. She began to climb the willow, comforted in its shade from the sun which sat brilliantly in the blue sky. She found her place in the crook of the tree and one of its many enormous branches, then opened the journal and began to read.

February 3rd, 1945

My seventeeth birthday has been quite strange thus far. My mother started off the day by telling me stories about a man named William as she baked my birthday cake. She told me how he was the most handsome man in all of England, and his family was very rich. At first I wasn't listening, but then she mentioned how she had fallen in love with him when she was my age, but her family had forbidden them to see each other. Then she said they ran away to America and right before they were to be married, William was killed by bandits no one could identify. I wondered why she told me this. Then I asked her about my father, who is still overseas fighting the Germans. How did she meet him?

She told me they met the summer before I was born on one of her visits to Italy. I noticed immediately that there was no spark in her eye when she talked about him like there was when she spoke of William. I knew then that she had truly loved the Englishman more than my father, and I wanted to know why that was. I went to school and couldn't think of anything else. I wanted to tell Luke about this, but he was too busy playing with his stupid bow and arrow. But that wasn't the oddest of things that happened. As I was having a malt at the drug store after school, this young man with white hair and red eyes sat at the bar and watched me. He made it a point to do so discreetly, but I was mindful of him the second he walked inside. When I left, he followed me.

When I got home, I told my mom about him, and she looked at me as if something very bad were about to happen.

The setting changes from Sable to Silver Mist Forest

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Michael LeVian Character Portrait: Julian Ulric Character Portrait: Lyra Kingsley
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"This is shameful behavior, grandfather," Julian snapped, unwilling to admit his defeat. "Is our kind not reared to practice compassion and extend our hand to those in need?"

He shook his head, but then an eerie silence befell the entire household. Wolfgang, Julian and his brothers all halted in what they were doing; at this moment in time, as a putrid, sulfuric odor entered their radiuses, their pupils dilated to animalistic proportions. Their nostrils flared, detecting the scent, and immediately their heads swiveled in the direction from which it had come. The front door was wide open, indicating Lyra's retreat into the woods. That foolish girl was going to get herself killed in the forest she knew nothing about.

"Get a whiff of that," Damian growled, his eyes the largest of all.

"Lyra," Julian said, his tone suddenly becoming severe.

"You're not seriously considering going after that bad juju magnet are you, Julian?" Lukas challenged incredulously.

He received no acknowledgment as he lurched past them and bolted into the foliage. His form became a massive black blur until he was no longer within their range of sight. Wolfgang breathed in another plume of smoke, which slithered from his nostrils like thin serpents, and he seemed to be pondering something. His grassy eyes shifted to the brothers, who watched him expectantly, as if waiting for a command, though they received none. Were they such terrible packmates that they questioned their appointed alpha so?

"It is as the oracle foretold, my sons," Wolfgang purred, his voice monotonous but still heavy laden with sorrow. "We are on the brink of the great war."


Selene gazed in horror as the demonic apparition contorted poor little Lyra's frame and left her. It seemed to be torturing the girl just for the hell of it, and before she could react, the corrupt miasma wafted into the air like pollution and disappeared. The huntress shifted her gaze from Michael, so vigilant in protecting her, and Dean, who seemed to be combating himself in deciding whether or not attacking Lyra was necessary. As the trees stopped their fluttering with the dark wind, Selene listened tentatively to the haphazard pace of Lyra's heartbeat. It was so faint, she feared that the child might actually be dying. That's when she thought of Isabella, and how the girl might handle another death of someone she so deeply cherished.

"She can't die..." she murmured to no one in particular, stepping forward. "Isabella needs her..."

She hesitated when a blinding flash of light momentarily disabled her vision. The huntress recoiled in pain, bringing her arm up to her eyes and withdrawing into the shadows behind Michael. When she peered over his shoulder, a brilliant illuminated being hovered above Lyra's motionless frame. She could only see the outline of this person; a female, with long, straight hair the color of sunlight. But the most curious feature of this woman were the two enormous white wings curled against her back, which unfurled as she knelt down beside the girl and stretched a pale hand to stroke her cheek. For reasons unknown, Selene felt threatened- perhaps it was the fact that this ethereal creature emanated such powerful virtue that she couldn't help but feel ashamed in comparison.

"Lyra," the woman spoke into the girl's ear, softly but with purpose and authority. "Wake up, sweet child, and be strengthened. You are the vital comrade of God's favorite- you are one of the chosen -so do not give up just yet. Your time to reunite with Katherine is not yet so, beloved..."

She placed a tender hand on the girl's forehead, eliciting a warm pinkish glow before she withdrew it and stood, her light amethyst eyes gazing at the hunters before her. They fixated on Dean, and for a moment, her expression was readless. Then her full mouth blossomed into a smile, and a look of deep, motherly pride befell her beautiful features. Her wings fluttered momentarily before folding neatly back into place as she rested a hand at the intricate, double-edged sword holstered at her hip. The sheath itself appeared to be made of pure gold and embellished with multiple precious gemstones. There was a rustle in the brush, and before the angel could say anything else, she disappeared in another blinding ray of sunlight. Before she completely vanished, however, a sweet smelling breeze passed over Dean, gingerly skimming his cheeks as if the wind were giving him a loving kiss.

Where the seraph had once stood, Julian now erupted from the foliage, his chest heaving as his grey eyes searched around and found Lyra on the ground. An involuntary gasp escaped Selene's mouth when she saw the boy, though she immediately composed herself as she watched him kneel on the ground beside the girl and scoop her into his arms as he had before. Then he snapped his attention toward the others, as though he had just realized they were there. He and Selene locked gazes for several moments, and a knowing acknowledgment was exchanged, though they each watched each other with feral eyes. Then she turned to Dean and Michael.

"Isabella needs to be here with her," Selene remarked gravely. "She needs to know what's happening to Lyra. Shall we take her to Avalon's? Dean, if you go get Isabella, Michael and I can search for the witch with Vera. Unless..."

She observed Lyra's limp form bundled tightly in Julian's strong arms.

"...unless we've already found her."

The setting changes from Silver Mist Forest to Sable


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Julian Ulric Character Portrait: Lyra Kingsley
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-deleted on purpose-

The setting changes from Sable to Sable Cemetery


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: William St. Claude Character Portrait: Dante Salvatore
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The hunter breezed through the woods, finding the trails all too familiar and soon enough he was at the school where he found his parked ride. After dumping the giant blade in the back, he reached for a duffle bag, unzipped it and rifled through to find a decent shirt to change into -that being the only thing he had the time for. No one was around to see him do this, and he worked fast enough to return back into the car after shrugging back into his jacket, revved the engine and shot out of there. Shortly after, he parked her illegally by a hydrant, got out and was hitting the rolling hills of the cemetery, with its stone angels and heavy presence of dead, dead, everywhere reminding him of his encounter with her again, like a wound reopening. He would begin to slow his walk as his sights zeroed in on the ebony haired, golden eyed girl that no matter how much he pushed away from her, always reappeared into his life. Not that he wanted her "gone" he just feared that in having her close would put her in danger. Maybe he was the monster magnet? No time for doubts or worries now, he had to keep his mind sharp and stay focused. You never know when a zombie could suddenly rise from the ground and come snapping for fresh blood.

Hesitating at hailng distance beneath another tree, just close enough to keep an eye on her without gaining unwanted attention he leaned against the rough bark, liking the feel of it against his spine. Like Avalon said, let her have her moment of peace. She was up in a tree, that was unusual, but what was usual was her eyes glued to a book, he wondered what new novel it could be this time. If she were to look up, and search a bit, she just may be able to recognize him standing beneath the cool shade of a tree, with his arms crossed over his broad chest, his expression hidden beneath the shadows of the autumn foliage above, his clothing the same as he had yesterday, jeans wrinkled, cut up, stained with splotches of old blood as black as her shiny locks, though a new black v-neck tee, his boots caked in mud he really needed to change the rest of his clothes, make that, take a shower, but he didn't give a sh-t for that at the moment.

She wouldn't really though since he wasn't calling for her or anything like that, knowing her she would never even notice him there. He wasn't planning on having her to, but in case she did, he would face her with her millions of questions he knew she would hurl at him soon enough.

Speaking of interrogations, he had yet to revisit that oh so touchy topic about her "plans" for taking on the pureblood italians. Whatever that meant, she could have the most cleverest one of them all, but these fang faces, as Zev -what was his name again? would call them, they just may be one step ahead of her. What if she wouldn't tell him and decided to go along with it, and must he even think of it -fail?

And died trying to win?

Clenching his teeth, a dark look hardened his already intense features, he didn't want to think about that, as a hunter he had to protect the innocent, as he had thought so hundreds of times before, like a mantra on repeat in his head. He knew what he had to do, but it would gain her complete hatred of him. If ever she trusted him, she may never do so again, and even so, if it could be enough to keep her alive, there was no doubt about it that he would go ahead with it. Push that button. Not looking back.

There was a new sight, a ghost roaming about, he almost missed it, when he had lowered his gaze to view the head stones, some glittering with silver headings, he saw it. A man, one that was dressed in a style of the late century, looking all mordant and sorrowful. Hovering about like a misguided -ghost. Why was it here and not haunting a school or was it haunting Isabella? It was closest to the head stone that Isabella had been at. If this one turned out to be a nuisance, it would have to be dealt with, though presently it looked pretty calm. Not attacking. Yet. Dean would keep his radar on that one high.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: William St. Claude Character Portrait: Dante Salvatore
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Isabella's golden eyes danced along each page her grandmother had so carefully scribbled on. She shared the same rushed, hardly-legible chicken scratch handwriting that her grandmother had, and that was enough to crack a smile on the poor girl. She took comfort in knowing that although she was plagued by creatures of the supernatural, she lived a fairly normal teenage life until that point, and handled all adversity with a level head like Isabella was currently doing. She was happy to find that the same courage and strong mindset was passed on to Isabella- it made her feel a little safer, knowing what she was capable of overcoming.

October 31st, 1950

Diary, I think I've fallen in love. I've spent the past five years traveling from Italy to America and back again, next to my mother and her friend Aleksei. He is the most charming, chivalrous, best looking man I've ever seen- even if he's a vampire. He tells me wonderful stories about all the adventures he has ever had in his lifetime: from masquerading with royals, affairs with princesses, running with werewolves, battling demons with angels as comrades... he's even met a mermaid! He makes me feel so safe, and I know he cares deeply for me. Luke doesn't seem to like him much (and by the way, did I mention Lucius is actually a renowned vampire hunter?) but I know he'll come around once he sees how trustworthy Alek is.

In my travels to Italy, I was introduced to a very mysterious man named Adacio. Our meeting was brief, but I noticed he and my mother seem to be quite close. I'm not sure how I feel about this. The man is attractive, and according to Alek he is also goodnatured and has a kind heart, which is supposedly a rarity among his bloodline. He treats my mother with more respect and reverance than my father ever did, and I can tell it makes her very happy. I just don't know, though. Something about him is off, and I know Alek knows more than he's willing to share about him. I mean, this guy could be the spawn of Satan for all I know!

But anyway, Alek is taking me to a masquerade tonight! That's where I plan on making my move. Who knows if he'll be receptive? A girl can only hope...

Isabella stopped there, her mouth curled into a bare-toothed grin. She couldn't help but begin to laugh. Even her wise grandmother had her share of childish infatuations! Even more hilarious is the fact that she had fallen in love with Aleksei, of all people! She made a mental note of inquiring more about this when she spoke to him later. Had he felt the same way? And where was Mina through all of this? So many questions were spawning in her curious little mind that she could hardly keep track of them all. Nevertheless, she continued in her laughter, which echoed through the cemetery like the sweet sound of a bell. It shattered the silence, though nothing was returned.

As William watched her from his stance beneath the tree, he smiled at her lovingly. She even shared his precious Maria's laugh. It had to be her, he was sure of it; there was the same fire in her eyes, the same joy in her giggling; she even carried herself with the same brand of strength and favored being alone. From underneath the branch she lounged so comfortably on, he observed her, wishing with all his strength that she would notice him, but he knew it would never come to pass. He sighed, looking away for a moment and then noticing Dean, hiding within the protection of another tree, watching the girl closely. A pang of jealousy ignited within the spectre, though he knew how foolish it was. He couldn't help that a century's worth of stifled emotions were awakened when he was near the Italian girl.

At the same time, Isabella felt a familiar warmth in her heart. It started to beat a little faster, and at an awkward pace, something she knew only happened when Dean was around. Her smile deepened as she studied the cover of her grandmother's journal, then the pearl bracelet around her wrist. A gentle chuckle escaped her nostrils, but she didn't turn her head to acknowledge the boy.

"I know you're there," Isabella called out to him, leaning back against the tree and letting her hair fall over her shoulders. "I'm safe here, you know."

That's when she turned to peer through the leaves of the willow, though they obscured him from her sight. She then swung her leg over the branch and plopped gracefully to the ground, wavering a bit only when her feet disturbed the soggy earth. She brushed away the sheltering leaves to gaze in his direction, though she wasn't sure where that was- only that he was near, because she could feel his presence as if they were indeed hardwired to each other.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi
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Dean listened to Isabella as her laughter floated in the quiet air like tinkling fairy bells. His lips twitched with amusement, her joy seemingly infecting him, uplifting him from his downer day. He leaned off the tree, almost about to fall asleep against it, unfolding his arms, slipping his hands into his pockets he crossed over to meet her as she made it quite obvious that she knew he was there. Stopping at arm's reach from her, his eyes roved her up and down, devouring her image into his mind. The heat in him increasing to a wild fire as he drew closer. Her eyes were like the flames in him, what sweet torture it was. He had to admit, he liked her, more than liked he figured, his heart beat was thundering inside him and he didn't know what to do. Could a girl he held no interest for cause so much of a mess in him? No, Isabella was the only one.

At her statement, he cracked a smile, then cleared his throat before saying,"Of course you're safe Isabella. I'm here." His hand reached out to take hers, his fingers linking with hers, the burning in him shocking his senses at feeling her small hand in his, "You're in my world now, I'll have to teach you how to survive in it, but for now, we're taking baby steps." It was in that moment that he could understand why she found the cemetery the most comforting place to be in apposed to anywhere else, like a garden or something. It was dead quiet here, well except for the faint sounds of nature, the birds twittering up in the trees, leaves rustling in the ground as the breeze picked up, bringing with it her scent that nearly took his breath away --what a sweet smell it was. He swung his gaze to look about their surroundings before returning his sights to her, "I see why you like it here so much, and... as ever always reading..." he reffured to the book in her hand, pulling her to join him he lead her down a row of tombstones, "my favorite book was and still is A Walk To Remember, the only thing I could read over and over again. Besides that I've never had much time to sit and read books. Enjoy that while you still can."

As for where they were going, he was debating his choices between bringing her back into the mess they were in, or take her to Aleksei for him to watch over while the hunters dealt with this matter. Finding a witch in the neighborhood and figuring a way to break this spell-curse he didn't know what to call it didn't require much of Isabella's input. Yeah she was apart of this case, but why have her worry over everything? Keeping her safe was the real priority over everything else. That was his logic, and it didn't matter if Selene or Vera or even Billie didn't agree, they'd just have to understand the gist of it. Alek would agree, he would back him up one-hundred percent. It was what they both wanted, have her live a normal life, as safely and as long as she could.

But things could never go easily for them could it?

Feeling his cell go off in his pocket, Dead took it out and was relieved to hear Billie.

"I sent Morrigan over there, need you to hit up some books and find me a witch and something about that urban legend."

That was the entire conversation. Really.

He walked her out of the graveyard and released her hand to reach for the passenger door, open it for her so that she could get in. Rounding the front of the car, he plucked out the ticked from beneath the clamp of the wiper, not giving it a glance since he knew what it was for and didn't care about it. Getting in, he revved the engine and pushed the car out into the main road.

"I don't know if you want to hang out or do you want to go back to Avalon's place?" Why would she want to hang out with him was beyond him. He wasn't much fun, and his line of work was both crap and dangerous as all give out. Secretly though he liked her company, it's gotta be her not being a hunter had something to do with it.

The setting changes from Sable Cemetery to Sable


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Michael LeVian Character Portrait: Dante Salvatore
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"I'm through being babysat!" Isabella said, shifting in the passenger seat of his car. "I want to go with you. If I'm gonna learn how to be a killer, wouldn't the smart thing be to first learn my enemy?"

She cast her gaze down at her grandmother's journal, folded shut and restling primly on her lap. Over the course of the past couple hours, she had learned half a decade's worth of information about the woman's life. She too had been plagued by supernatural things, at the same age Isabella was now, and handled them much more graciously. If her grandmother could do it, then so could Isabella, that was for sure. She was ready to push her physical limits- riding her bicycle everywhere kept her trim and in great shape, but now it was time to get her hands dirty. She hooked a lock of her dark hair behind her ear, catching a glimpse of her pearl bracelet, reminding her of Aleksei's loyalty and the promise he had made to protect her life. He had been by her family's side for generations now, and perhaps his relief was due.

Isabella allowed her head to sink back into the headrest as she watched the foliage begin to move around her. The headstones soon became a blur, and she sighed, always hating to leave the tranquility of the only place that was never disturbed. Then she turned and watched Dante, her eyes wide and curious about the boy she couldn't explain her deep attraction to. He wasn't an open book for Isabella to read; no, he was like a sheltered labyrinth, a mystery novel whose content was so puzzling that it wracked the girl's mind. Perhaps that explained why she was so drawn and determined to get to know him.

"You know, this isn't just any other book," she began, holding the diary in her hand and examining it. "It's my grandmother's journal. A memoir of her life, which apparently she lived among the supernatural. I've only read five years worth, but already she's described her relationship with Aleksei, and mentioned a man whom her mother was involved with named Adacio. It's strange, because her mother's name is Maria, and for some reason I feel like I know her... or something."

She shrugged, then went back to watching the scenery as Dante drove toward their destination. Life had a way of throwing its many curveballs, but things were just getting more weird.


Selene shifted impatiently on the porch when she received no answer from inside. She turned and acknowledged Michael, who retained his collected and deeply kind demeanor regardless of how cold the girl was. She could also see that although she had failed to inform him about Julian, he was still curious, but not willing to press her any further than she was willing to go. That alone made the hint of a smile play at her pretty lips, though it was erased before he had the chance to witness it. She knocked again on the door, waiting for the old hunter to at least address them, and suddenly wondered if he was even home- or alive.

"When I was a child, I liked to play in the forest near the lake," she started, her aquamarine eyes shifting toward the woods as she reminisced. "I was always instructed to remain near the outskirts, and never to wander too deep after sunset when the mist rises. Nightfall crept up on me one day, and I ended up losing my way. I stumbled into the lake, which had been hidden by the fog, and nearly drowned. Julian is the one who saved me."

She looked down at the crescent shaped ring on her hand, fingering it thoughtfully as she frowned at the memory. After almost drowning, the girl then was faced with the risk of dying from hypothermia or catching pneumonia. It was Julian, who was forced to shift in front of the child's eyes, who also kept her warm through the night. She became indebted to him, and he to her, because now a human had witnessed his transformation. To that very day, no other human being had ever seen such a thing and lived to tell the tale.

"That's how we met."

The setting changes from Sable to Jenkin's Auto


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Michael LeVian
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"Not just know your enemy, but know how to kill it. And to do that, you gotta get the basics of using weapons, how to hold yourself in a fist fight and my ultimate favorite, the laws or rules of battles. You'll learn it all, I know you will, but in baby steps. Alright?" he told her seriously, keeping his gaze on the road. No, he couldn't sugar coat it for her, not anymore, he wasn't joking when he said he was gonna train her hard -well maybe not too hard. But they were dealing with an entire nest of vampires, and not just any, purebloods. They were harder, meaner, and stronger. Not a piece of cake, and she would have to put brutal force into her moves, and strike with the utmost intention to kill, destroy them all. It was her life, or theirs.

At hearing her bring a light to her read, a journal not a book, he rose a brow. What she read was finally making sense, not some crappy writer's view on vampires -pssh they don't glitter in sunlight, at all. He smiled a small grin, but then it vanished when she mentioned that name again. Adacio, that name alone has been haunting him since that demon had first mentioned it, calling him the son of Adacio. What did it mean? Was it literal? But who the hell was Adacio? The hunter stole a glance at the Italian girl, but she was watching the beautiful view outside.

He drove faster.

"They're here." Maggie said with a touch of a smile forming at her lips. They were all here. She sat on the edge of a lumpy couch, in the space that was part living room, part office -the hunter had a desk, piles of books and an open laptop there, it was not a happy sight and the designer within Maggie was begging to spring out, have her do something to define this space that she couldn't tell what it was.

Billie stood from behind his desk and went to the door to see the huntress/vampiress and the vampire. He was indeed shocked, so Dante wasn't kidding huh? He stepped aside and gestured for them to come on in, he'd caught the glimpse of Dante's Impala as it pulled into the lot, coming to a park, and the two doors from both sides swinging open. Isabella and Dante stepping out.

"So the meeting is here?" Dante asked, as he lead Isabella to the shop.

"Guess so, found your witch." Billie grumbled, he turned as the hunter entered through the door, along with the girl.

Maggie watched Selene and Michael curiously, what would they want with her? She'd never met them, but she'd met their kind. Selene she could see had a strong connection to the pureblood Michael, no one else would see it, but she saw the invisible bonds that tied them together. It looked like silvery ribbons, unwoven around them in the air, like wisps of evanescent smoke. Beautiful.

The same could be said for Dante and Isabella, but that bond was stronger, brighter. The witch's eyes widened, for a split second she could have sworn she was staring at Adacio, he was there again, and they were back in her home, him coming to her for a simple talk, one that would go on for hours. She knew virtually everything she had to know about the demon lord, he was more open to her than anyone it seemed. Maybe because the two were apart of the same world. She took a breath, telling herself that the man had died ages ago, this here was his son, who was also part human. Something flickered in her eyes but that was all, she then spotted the dark haired beauty that was Isabella, all grown up and she too possessed the same likeness as Maria. That was expected. She offered her a kind smile, almost "welcoming" her back. Though she knew the girl wouldn't be able to recognize the expression.

A few moments later, Aleksei arrived, as though waiting for them all to be here. But someone was missing, the witch noted but said nothing of it. She silently watched the group as they exchanged glances, the little pureblood girl that had accompanied Aleksei kept herself close to him, eyeing the witch suspiciously, as if not liking her presence.

Dante lead Isabella to seat herself on the chair that was situated in the center of the circle, he sat next to her, Aleksei settled beside Maggie, he smiled at her, his expression saying "Long time no see, you look good," and he held on to Mina's hand, feeling her stiffen uncomfortably at his left.

Maggie returned the smile, hers replying "Thanks, you haven't changed at all."

Dante rolled his eyes, those two were like high school friends, meeting again as if they hadn't seen each other in a short time. Wow, he figured she was the witch, and without waiting to be prompted he addressed her, "You're a witch right?"

The witch tore her gaze from Alek to gaze sharply at Adacio's kid, he had the same stubborn chin as his father and that piercing stare that would make anyone tremble, but she did not. It didn't effect her the same way, "Yes, I am. My name is Maggie Solt. Pleasure."

Dante nodded, she didn't really look the part, more like a friendly neighbor, the kind that would welcome you into town with a maga-watt smile and a fruit cake in hand. Though he knew well that looks were deceiving, always were.

Billie didn't like the glower shadowing his kid's eyes, and he put his hands up in a "relax" gesture at the hunter, "Dante, I know her, she's not like other witches. We can all trust her."

"She's a witch."

"We all know that."

"Dante I've been around for a very long time, even before you were born. I've met your father, quite the handsome devil if you ask me."

Dante stared at her shocked, and something told him she was talking about Adacio -his real father.

Then the door swung open, "It's confirmed, Isabella is a prophesy, it ain't just an urban legend-" Veratos announced as she walked in, then smiled broadly at the collection of folks here, "Oh, are we having a party?"

"It's about time you got here, sit." Billie said, pointing to a chair that was next to Selene.

Closing the door, she strode on over to that very chair and sunk into it, she shouldered Selene, "So this is the witch huh? Looks young, and normal..." she whispered, her eyes spotted Dante and she winked at him, then she looked at everyone else. Yup, everyone was here. Let it all begin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Julian Ulric
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"Nice of you to finally join us," Selene remarked as Veratos plopped into the seat beside her. "I don't know about normal, but she definitely doesn't look ancient."

The huntress observed the witch, who watched all of them with a sense of familiarity in her dark eyes. She looked smug and comfortable, as if she had dealt with the likes of them before, or something. She wouldn't be surprised if the witch was familiar with her father, although she was a tad shocked when Wolfgang and Julian walked into the room, exchanging knowing glances.

"Marguerite, Avalon, it's been so long. What a pleasure it is to see you both again," said Wolfgang as he took a seat beside Julian.

When Isabella entered the room, his countenance changed drastically. She lingered in the threshold for a few seconds, examining the attendees with large curious eyes. When her gaze shifted to the witch, who watched her almost knowingly, she furrowed her brows. The woman did not fit the description of the witches of olde; she looked like a successful businesswoman, perhaps even a well kept mother of a young child, but definitely not a sorceress. An instantaneous headache momentarily obscured her eyesight, and when she closed her lids shut, she could see more images dancing around in her mind.

The same woman she had been seeing lately was there, but the most curious part was this vision also included Marguerite. The two were conversing about something while standing over two baby cribs; they lifted the children from their cradle, holding them close to their hearts while apparently singing an enchanting lullaby of some sort. A man whose face was blurred but his outline resembled that of Dean entered the room shortly thereafter, taking one of the babies- a blond boy- and kissing his forehead tenderly.

When Vera mentioned something about a prophecy, Isabella returned to the present time. She shook her head clear of the strange vision, then sat down beside Dean and waited for the meeting to begin. She had to admit, she felt entirely out of place; among the group of supernatural beings, Isabella felt like an oddball for being the only human with no special abilities. Feeling the tension rise when Dean addressed the witch, Isabella took his hand and squeezed it comfortingly. The situation was weird for all of them, and the only way they could get through it was if they worked cooperatively.

"If the legend is indeed a prophecy, then that means..." Selene began, though her voice trailed off as she shifted her attention to stare sorrowfully at Isabella.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Michael LeVian
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Veratos smirked, "Normal as in, she looks like a regular if you know what I mean." she explained, then chuckling lightly, she added, "Yeah I wonder where she gets her miracle cream."

Maggie brightened at Wolfgang, with obvious recognition, the same look Billie gave his old hunter buddies whenever they stopped by. Then followed another young one, she greeted him with a smile. The witch's gaze lingered on the elder man long enough to see that he was settling in, just as effortlessly back into the "hunt" as any of them did, before swinging back to the Isabella, concern for the young Italian evident in her features when she closed her eyes and pressed fingers onto the side of her brow.

They all tensed around her, watching Isabella with equal bouts of increasing worry. It was all for her after all that they had gathered here for. Only when she opened her eyes again and looked about, smiling an embarrassed little grin.

Selene voiced her reaction to the hybrid Veratos' confirmation of Lombardi's future, even giving the girl that look that clearly said, "you're screwed."

Maggie rose like a woman in power, to address them all, especially Dante. She'd never imagine the things he wanted to do to her, witches. Damn why it had to be one of 'em?

"Well now, that's showing some spirit. Missy, I think you should learn some people skills, that is no way to think," she shot this to the ever so downer Selene who was quick to assume that all was lost. It wasn't --not yet it was. They had options, there was always options. At least Dante firmly believed there were.

Maggie then glided her light forest eyes back, meeting Dante's starer.

"Don't need to trust me Salvatore, but that wasn't why you requested my presence was it? We're here to discuss this young lady's situation," She gestured toward Isabella at his side. He clenched his teeth. How calm and almost amused did she have to be? He could just punch her. He almost did.

Maggie smirked a coy grin, that knowing look in her eyes, "Word around is she's already been spotted by the vamps." She divided her gaze from Dante to Alek, who gave her a simple nod of affirmation to that fact, before redirecting her gaze to Dante again.

Another secret smile tilted her lips, if only Dante could read her mind. Bitch.

"Now, you're all planning something am I right?" Stupid question, her smile grew as her eyes settled expectantly to Billie.

He nodded, "Yeah, as soon as I know what's what." Billie crossed his arms, staring from the witch to everyone else. Apparently it all came down to her. She was the center of their case, how freaking weird. She was just a normal girl, why did the vamps want her blood for, a power boost?

Dante wrapped his fingers around Isabella's hand, glanced at her for a split second, then turned his gaze to the witch, he cleared his throat, capturing her attention. In his most grave tone, laid it out, "Well, first things first, I got Billie to hail your witchy ass down 'cuz I'm somehow linked to her. To put it short, if something bad happens to me, if I die. So does she. I want you to undo it... If it's even a spell to begin with."

Maggie's eyes widened like saucers, she shot him a mean look, "Undo the Life-force binding spell? The one I created to not only bring her to life when she dies, but also make it work so that you don't die after she's revived? Hmm, hunter, are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, we're all here to protect her right? I just skipped to the part where you all fail, and she gets killed because face it, Fate is never wrong, and no matter how many times we may all try to thwart what's been written, it can't be completely avoided, " she shrugged, "thank me later, but that's a no."

"What?! So it was you?" Dante shot to his feet, staring eye-to-eye with the witch who looked as if she'd done the most wonderful thing in the world. "When the hell-how the hell...?"

"You were a baby when I linked you. Your father gave me permission. That simple. Don't you think we've already addressed this matter, thinking up so many ways in which we could all prevent this from happening? Prevent an innocent death?" she countered, her tone even, her gaze locked on him.

"Yeah, well bang up job ya did, in case you have forgotten, I'm a damn hunter. I can get ganked by anyone of those bastards out there ya ever considered what'd happen then?"

He could feel the vampire staring, like an itch he couldn't scratch. "Salvatore, watch your tone, she's a witch and a powerful one." Aleksei warned him quietly, his auras spiking beneath his calm facade.

"Shut your pie hole, this is between me and her."

"I am verily aware of your daily ventures hunter, but given the circumstances, because of what you are, that is highly unlikely. That's how I knew this would work. Now, is that all you wanted me here for?" Maggie planted both hands on her hips, staring back expectantly, "Are we going to get to the part where we ambush the Italian vamps or discuss whether I can undo the spell? Because no matter what you say I won't undo it."

"Maybe this will change your mind," Dante held the Colt to the witch's forehead, the barrel pressed directly in between her brows. His finger on the trigger ready to pull and blow her brains out.

"How dare you, ingrate. Threatening my life after I did you the favor of helping to save this girl before you'd even known of what's coming for her? Get that thing out of my sight!" A thick force of brutal, electrical energies crackled in the room, a powerful gust of air whipped at the pistol in Dante's grip, smacking the weapon out of his hand, sending it flying over everyone's heads smashing through the glass window outside.

"Balls, this is exhausting," Billie muttered as he rubbed his brows and sighed. "Tell me when you get your head outta your ass so that we can get to what's important here ya idjit."

Dante shot him a look, "What? Are you even hearing what she's saying?"

"Dante don't be so grouchy, she was helping, don't you see, she's already known all this would happen even before you took on this case." Veratos explained like she knew who they were dealing with. She approached and wrapped her hands around his bicep using the distraction as an excuse just to get all close and touchy. Carmine lips curved into a sexy smile and her eyes glittered with pure want as she looked from him to Maggie.

Maggie rose her brows, noticing Veratos, "Precisely, you're a sharp one. He should learn from you... Now let's get back to the real-"

"Wait a sec, you said my father had a say in this? Are you talking about Adacio?" Dante interrupted, calming a little, and ignoring Veratos' painfully obvious hitting on him. He had to focus.

Maggie exchanged a knowing look with Billie who's face paled several shades of white. Now what?

"You didn't tell him?"

"Tell me what?" Dante glancing back.

"No, I haven't." Billie answered drily.

Maggie shook her head, "Well boy there's not much for me to tell you. That's a discussion for you and Billie to have."

"Billie." Dante turned, how did he know that this Adacio demon lord was his father -biological father and had never even told him? What a way to pull a fast one on him. He yanked his arm from Veratos and crossed the room, leaving with Billie.

Finding his gun near an old junked car he slid it back into its holster, then he followed.

"Ya just gonna walk out?"

"You know I hate witches right? I mean she could be lying her ass off in there. I'm not buying her crap." Dante just wanted him to know that as it was prickling in his head like a wild hornets nest waiting to burst. "'Cuz if my father is some jacked up demonic lord, you'd told me that a long time ago, right?" Dante trudged down a row of old cars with the older man, glad as all give out that he was outta that damn crowded and stuffy room. Yeah, call him claustrophobic, he didn't enjoy a space occupied by more than four people at a time. He glanced back to look at Billie, reading his face. He didn't like the guilt tripping he was seeing. Damn.

"Well yeah, Adacio is your blood relative if we're being technical. He's a... I don't know how to tell you this, he ain't all human if you know what I mean." Billie slowly admitted, watching Dante closely. "I've called your old man but it keeps going to voice mail, he won't pick up probably 'till he's done with his case."

Dante hesitated next to an old Chevy, black paint peeling off its banged up body. "Your saying all this time you knew James wasn't my father, that I'm a freaking son of the devil and ya never bothered mentioning it to me?"

Billie sighed, "Come on boy, like I could without James threatening to take you away if you knew the truth. I didn't have a choice."

"He took on another case?"

"Yup, one in Eden, North Carolina, something's wicked popped up, been leaving vics dead all over, hearts torn out. I think you know what that means."

"Right. So now he decides is a good time to turn off his cell during a hunt, wait until I see him." Dante released a shuddering breath, his fist pounding into the hood of the car, leaving a deeper dent. Another question poised in his mind, but it refused to crystallize.

"What are you thinking, gonna go after him?"

"No, whenever he gets here, I'll face him. Are you gonna tell me who Adacio is?"

"Boy I don't think you even want to know."

Dante nodded, the words that sounded like a warning tumbling around in his head. All the secrets, the lies, not only was Billie forced to keep his trap shut about something so serious, but his own dad never told him. And he had plenty of chances to.

"I'm tired of this, can't you just tell me, tell me if he's a monster." He felt his throat tighten and a burning in the back of his eyes. What was worse? Being a freak or the son of a monster? Maybe both.

Billie sighed deeply, "It's something James wanted to tell you himself, something I shouldn't even be talking to you about. I promised him I wouldn't tell you anything about it."

Dante looked at him pointedly, "Well I know he isn't exactly normal, and the fact that he made deals with a witch. What's with all the mystery here?"

Billie put a hand on his shoulder, "We'll cross that bridge when we get there, for now let's go back inside and focus on your case."

"No! I want freaking answers. This can't wait, I need to know what the hell I'm dealing with, it's… it's changing me. I see things, hear things I've never even…" He realized a bit too late he was yelling, his fists clenched so tightly blood seeped through his fingers where his nails bit into his palms. "What else are you not telling me? Huh? This Adacio guy is the reason I'm not normal isn't he? Is that why a witch tacked Isabella's soul with mine, betting on the juiced up horse not to kick it when things get hairy?"

Billie stared with wide eyes. As if he'd turned into some crazed beast. What did he think he couldn't put two plus two and connect the dots?

"That's what it looks like, she even said it herself and called it a favor. A favor for who? I never signed up for it. Heck I never even got a word in, and everyone is in on it except me."

Billie tore his gaze, surveying the lot, pain written all over his face. "I'm sorry kid, I didn't want things to get outta hand. I just wanted to keep you safe."

Dante unclenched his hands ignoring the sting in his palms, intrigued he brought his hand up watching as half moon incisions closed up fight before his eyes in a matter of seconds.

"I nearly died today, heck I think I actually was a doornail for a moment. Then outta nowhere my heart kicked back up into gear, that's how I knew. Something wasn't right."

Billie stared, he could feel his eyes on him, unlike with Aleksei it didn't feel cold and prickly. It was familiar and yet, he couldn't define the feeling, the new feeling that he sensed, some type of caution. As if he'd drop his marbles and what, lose whatever was left of his humanity? Did he even feel human anymore? He had demon blood coursing through his pipes, how much of himself was even normal anymore?

"We have to have a serious talk about this son, but there's a case. And you and I are the only ones here to work it right."

"But the bonds still hold? Sabrina the bitch won't lift it?"

Billie shook his head, "It wasn't my decision--"

"Hell it wasn't mine either, all I'm sayin' is that it's a bad call… My soul… My soul isn't even human is it?"

Billie grasped his shoulder giving it a firm squeeze, "You maybe a hybrid, but you're still got heart. You're my son I've told you that a bunch of times."

Dante lowered his hands and nodded. He wasn't going to continue arguing if a girl who depended on him was waiting. He decided he'd kust have to fight, keep going. Until he couldn't anymore and another hunter put him out for it. But until that day, for now she needed his help and that came first.

Inside the shop, Aleksei was discussing with everyone else some sort of strategy on how he would handle the bulk of the vampires while Isabella could hold her end and try to defend herself since there was no talking her out of going along with them. He seemed highly confident that Dante would train her well enough by the time prom night came around. Coming to end his statement soon after for Veratos to pick up and say, "I've acquired a satellite map of Italy, namely Rome encircled as the focal point. Avalon if we can figure out where exactly their nest is, we could strike 'em, take 'em down in numbers. The more out of the way, the easier it would be to get to the Alpha vampire, he won't have so many soldiers to back him up. Makes the fight even on our side," she opened a large map on the coffee table so that everyone could see it.

Dante leaned in over her shoulder to inspect the colorfully and richly detailed map. Names of each important land mark and all the regions respectively, some of them even marked in as points of interest.

She indicated a little space in between the Palazzo Cardinal Seci and Hotel Columbus. "They're hotels, not your average nighters either these are like Four Seasons big. I have a feeling they're gonna have Isabella spend some time there. Lorenzo's words."

Could the key in his pocket reveal something to this puzzle? Maybe it could clue them in on something he was missing. "I doubt these vamps would announce where they hide, much less make it an obvious place. Finding them will be tricky."

Dante glared at the witch who ignored him, he then turned to stare at the map Aleksei was studying like the thing would magically tell him where the nest was with a giant green arrow. He rolled his eyes, this was not going to work and would only be a waste of their time, precious seconds he couldn't exactly spare. The clock was ticking.

"I think we should all just go to Italy, scope out Rome, and find a vamp or two from that nest, I doubt it'll be that hard for them to stay hidden, especially when they sense their bait is hooked and thrown into the sea. We'll all be there to keep her safe obviously, but if we're gonna go with that option, I think she needs a little hunter-how-to's down to a synch before anything. Can't be too careless here." Dante suggested, tapping the tip of his boot restlessly against the wooden floor.

"I second that notion." Billie agreed, standing near his desk heaped with old text books and reference papers.

Veratos glanced at her hunter pal, smiling as she always did, "I like where you're going Salvatore, but how long are we speaking here? This should be done soon, before they strike. I don't believe Lorenzo's gentlemanly act of kindness, they'll try to get to us first. I can feel it. They don't know how to play fair, especially when we have what they so badly crave."

"That depends on Isabella herself, what's your take on all this crap?" Dante peered at her, "It's your life we're talking about Isabella."

Veratos, Aleksei, Mina, and Maggie gazed her probably wondering the same thing. Surely she'd have plenty to say.


Michael sighed as Dante was quick to lose his cool and immediately go all hunter-mode on the witch right then and there. Frankly the situation couldn't get any more worse, right? He rubbed his temples, taking a moment to consciously block the uneasy vibes swirling around him. They were giving him a headache and making his own vampire instincts skittish and on edge. It was true, vampires had quite the pack mentality sometimes. They picked up on one another's feelings and responded to them, often automatically. Of course, the 'alpha' was the one who set the tone, and as Michael watched Aleksei, he could tell why everyone else was feeling agitated. Could the hunter who wasn't a vampire at all sense it too?

He shot Avalon a quick glance, the pureblood's eyes were watching the hunter steadily.

Aleksei's aura could be felt powerfully, especially since they were all in the same room. It wasn't exactly dark, not like it could get when the pureblood was angry. It was just... unsettled, or perhaps frustrated. The fact that Aleksei was broadcasting instead of keeping it tightly under control like he usually did, however, meant that the feelings must be pretty intense.

"Salvatore, watch your tone, she's a witch and a powerful one." Aleksei was saying in that quiet, dangerous tone he had which usually signaled when it was wise to run for the hills.

When the colt was suddenly flying across the room, Michael flickered his attention to the witch and the hunter, for a moment there he thought he would have to jump to his feet and pull them apart. Something about Dante's father Adacio had been brought up, Michael didn't know who that was, he'd even looked to Aleksei, who's eyes veered to Isabella, more focused on her for some reason than the argument, he could feel the tension building up in him. The pureblood must have found staring at her more soothing than watching the hunter and witch yell at eachother. Michael agreed, his fingers found Selene's hand and held it firmly. Soon Dante was out the door with Billie, extending the convo about Adacio maybe?

As soon as he left, Michael watched Maggie seat herself on the couch again, an indifferent look in her gaze.

For a while after, they were surrounded by a deep silence. A pause it was, to find that "calm" again. After a while Michael could sense Aleksei's aura slowly fade, like the pureblood was getting a 'grip' on himself.

"So, getting back on the task at hand, Isabella. Care to fill us in on whatever plans you have?" Michael asked, switching his sights to the Italian girl, this was all about her. Only her.

The conversation would pick up from there, reaching Aleksei who's tone was soft, and yet also forceful. He would find a way to locate the alpha, a task only he could well accomplish, while Isabella would be training with the hunter. Was it possible for the two purebloods to discuss this matter, maybe reach some sort of agreement? With the way things were going, Michael wouldn't be holding his breath for that. The girl was already their target and she'd already been given an expectant date. One that if they even tried to dismiss would have dire consequences befall them all. Vampire sized trouble would be inevitable.

Micheal listened as the pureblood revealed his plans to help defend Isabella's life if the situation resulted in the use of weapons, they weren't all sure exactly what the vampires would want Isabella for, only guessing that the prophecy would rewrite her future, but nothing could ever really be ascertained. It was funny to think that maybe this time the same thing wouldn't happen again. Maybe this time she wouldn't have to be subjected to such a horrific end. The Italian vampires could paint it out as her doing them a service all they wanted, pointing to the treaty as being the sole thing they stood by --but he Aleksei weren't buying it.

Michael had known something like this were happening to Aleksei long before any of the others had been pulled into this mess. Isabella was being targeted and the proof was in the little packages sent to the pureblood months ago. It was the only shared information Michael had gotten from Aleksei. He trusted him enough to let him know how much of a strain this was turning out to be on him. And Michael felt bad, not only because there wasn't much he could do to help, but because all this could end up with them failing as the witch and pointed out.

Fate was never wrong.

But they would all try anyway, especially Aleksei, he didn't take no for an answer. Isabella was his life and he would die to defend it, all the way.

And Michael would be there, every step.

He hadn't noticed when the hunter had returned until he suggested that they all go to Italy to force the Italian vampires out of hiding, then asked Isabella for her opinion. He stared at the girl, everyone did.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Michael LeVian Character Portrait: Julian Ulric
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"You know, for an 800 year old hag..." Selene hissed, though a sharp, reprimanding glare from Julian cut off her sentence. Michael squeezed her hand firmly, but as she watched Veratos unravel the map of Italy, she broke away from him and stood.

"We're dealing with two different enemies here; the Italians and the French. Now when they touched down in Sable, their intentions were to take Isabella and marry her off to one of their royal princes, but we all know that they have ulterior motives. As we've seen so far, her blood has some special quality to it, or something, which leads us to believe that these royals are after it too."

Selene walked over to the map and observed the circled locations. There was no way the Italians would agree to meet Isabella at a crowded place- prestigious, perhaps, but nothing obvious. That simply wasn't their style. The huntress furrowed her brows and exchanged perceptive glances with Veratos, who had confirmed that the prophecy on Isabella's life was indeed true. So the extent of the information she had shared was a given, and what had been a mystery still continued to be such; only the problem was finding a way to break it.

"We have established alliances with tribes all over Europe," began Wolfgang. His forest colored eyes traveled over the group, whom shifted their attentions accordingly. "Including Italy and France. Should this ordeal result in a battle, we can rest assured that we have multiples on our side."

"Do you think we could recruit a scout from one of the packs in Italy to locate the Italian empire?" Selene asked.

"That's certainly a possibility... although they're also likely to reject that idea. They might not be willing to risk exposure for a cause they deem lost."

"Well, what about France?"

"Now that won't be necessary, child," Wolfgang responded. "Unlike the Italians, the French like to boast about the ingenuity of their domain. For centuries they've taunted other sects by deliberately making known the location of their empire, which lies deep in the heart of Paris within the underground catacombs. Because these famous crypts are impossible for nonresidents to navigate, the French always held the homecourt advantage against those foolish enough to try and strike them."

Isabella had remained quiet and observant during this entire period. Her large golden eyes had become quite small and weary now; Dean's distrust of the witch and his temperament made her uneasy and increasingly more apprehensive of the situation at hand. She was struggling to hold herself together as her perception of the life she thought she had came crashing down in chaos all around her. It was difficult for the girl to piece things together, and her mind was working overtime to try and calculate every little fragment and detail. Then she perked up, and became serious.

"What if I was the scout?" she suggested, already prepared for the onslaught of pointed glowers she was about to receive that opposed the idea. "Just hear me out, okay? I think I might have the compass that can lead us straight to the lion's den."

She held her grandmother's leatherbound journal to eye level, the hint of a smile playing at her lips, though the swell of her mouth failed to grant it. She swallowed a lump in her throat; they would likely think her stupid and overestimating her abilities. She was a simple human with no special characteristics aside from her magic blood and questionable link to these two fueding vampire legions.

"If it's me they want, then they won't put up a fight and their guard may be lowered," she continued, matter of factly. "If I go to them willingly, claiming to want to speak with my mother, they might also be more cooperative. Dean and I are linked, so can't you also conjure up your magic voodoo and track me down? Say they grant me access- if I lube up with some vervain oil, then they won't be able to touch me, right? And by being in their lair, I could possibly figure out if my mother is a plausible ally. If we have someone they trust on the inside working against them, it'll be that much easier to make their empire implode."

She averted her gaze from the witch, to Dean, to Aleksei. Of course, this would be after her six months of intensive training, and Aleksei would be the one to accompany her inside. She knew he was the only one the Italians could trust.

"We can't just flat out attack them," Isabella added. "Their armies are both too large to take on. If we can make them crumble from within, then we won't really have to do much battling ourselves. The ones we really have to worry about are the French. I strongly believe the Italians are leaning more in our favor, but I can't say it's by much."

"What if we make them attack each other?" Julian suddenly suggested. "As in, we somehow give them a superiority complex- for example, when two alpha males challenge each other over the same turf, they usually fight until one of them submits. However, knowing the nature of the two empires, that might mean to their death."

Isabella shrugged. That was an interesting theory in itself. Selene watched them all curiously. Things were beginning to get messy, and ideas were being tossed around like a salad. She knew very well the hunter and Aleksei would oppose Isabella's suggestion despite her reasoning. Perhaps it would all bubble down to their trust in her ability to carry out skilled and intelligent assassinations when that day came. All she knew was that they all needed to put their heads together and impart each of their diverse skills and wisdom to Isabella. When it really came down to it, she was the one who would need it the most.

"For now, I believe we should focus on training the human," said Wolfgang, as if he had read the vampire's mind.

The setting changes from Jenkin's Auto to Sable


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Julian Ulric
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Dante took a moment to let it all settle in his head, right about now he was willing to go with anything. At first his reaction was to say 'no' at that idea, however Isabella had stated that she would indeed train first. Then why not? Give her a shot at it. Feeling the weight of the pureblood's stare on him, he slowly nodded, and looked to Isabella, "Alright, let's go with that one," he smirked, agreeing with it more and more as he processed it further in his head. Chick was right in a way, he would lean on this and not back track with the "what-if's" that would surely make him change his mind, "So I train you, you're ready in six months, you can take out a vamp by then, I'd say you're good to go. Get in with the Italian vampires, build some trust falls, while I hang back, then strike when they least expect it...."

Aleksei was like WTF? It was so obvious he was gunning for Dante to completely disagree and protest as he would.

"But on one condition, if, if you're not up to par with 'em, and one of them kicks your ass than you're not ready. And we do this my way." Dante gave them all that look, "Either that, or you're fucked."

Vera cracked up laughing, "I think he's right. I'm not a vampire but I know they're fighting style, I'll be keeping watch come that day, if I see you're loosing I'll kill it for you. But then you'd know what that means."

Aleksei sighed, putting Isabella in danger was something he wanted to avoid ultimately but when it came to something like this, he didn't think he had a say here. This situation was rolling into a mess of crap. Though in retrospect he couldn't say no to the training sessions. She could benefit greatly from them, it would prepare her for what was to come, possibly awaken her to the reality of it all. However, vervain oil? Where was she getting that from?

"We should focus on the now instead, train her well Salvatore and when the day comes, ultimately what comes out of it will determine our next move. I can communicate with the French, see what they want in all this. Had done it numerous times before but for different reasons." He said this to Salvatore, then he glanced at Isabella, she had to take a brief course in her vampire-killing know-how. "Vervain oil? Do you want to smell like a plant? That would never work against Purebloods, the only thing that would prevent them from touching you would be-"

Maggie seemed to have gained some interest at the topic of repelling vampires, she whipped out a small bottle from her bag and aimed it toward the Italian girl, "This is the perfect opportunity to test-drive my latest creation. Forbidden Fruit," She pressed her finger into the spray thing and a mist of its contents sprits outward in a tiny cloud.

Aleksei covered his nose and mouth with the sleeve of his shirt and turned his head away, but that wasn't enough, the stench permeated the air and he had to get some distance, Mina reacted in an identical manner. The vampires in the room all stood and almost too quickly went for the door.

"Smells like Hell!" Dante said, pretending to gag, he wasn't as sensitive to smells, but he'd smelled worse before. He too had skidded backwards, almost chuckling amused. That was funny! Vera was next to him, fanning herself, her expression priceless.

Billie pinched his nose shut, and nodded, "I call that a great vampire repellent. Like mosquitoes. Clever one Mag." He complimented, he too kept his distance.

"The secret ingredient? Pure vampire blood, aged hundreds of years, though I have yet to pass it on to the Hunter Association for approval. So let's keep it between us mm'kay?" She said with a smile, glad that it had worked well, she handed the tiny, rose shaped glass bottle to Isabella. Now it was hers to keep. "Only one sprits is enough to last hours, it's so strong it'll even withstand the rain. To get it off, a simple shower will do. Just don't get it on your clothes, the oils in it will stain." Maggie warned.

"Yeah, so I guess we got a new weapon on our hands, excellent. Mags, got anymore of that stuff, I can whip up some really useful bombs with that. I can't wait!" Vera said excitedly, she couldn't help her amusement, the other vampires were opening the door and stepping outside the shop --wow was that spray that strong? Damn.

"How's that Avalon?" Dante asked, glancing back at the pureblood, who wasn't too pleased that the girl he adored now stunk, worse than a skunk.

"That'll do, unless they keep a stash of gas-masks at hand, or stop breathing long enough to do the damage. It could work!" Aleksei replied, uncovering his nose and mouth to address the hunter clearly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Michael LeVian Character Portrait: Julian Ulric
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(Angel-Chii, I would really like for Lyra to be more associated with the group! How do we go about including her within the next few posts? Is she going to settle in the forest soon? It would be cool to get her acquainted with the rest of the wolf pack.)

Isabella winced as the spritz of pure vampire blood wafted in the air and landed on her delicate skin. The pain was near excruciating at first- a vicious sting as if acid had just been sprayed onto her flesh. Though that was something to be expected; even if she was a human, that didn't subtract from the fact that vampire blood still contained a highly potent venom. There was no pungent smell she could detect, however, and aside from recoiling from the sting for a few moments, she quite liked the subtle fragrance of rose and sandalwood. If she hadn't known any better, the witch may as well have given her a very pleasant perfume.

"Remarkable," she whispered, taking the rose shaped glass bottle in her fingers and observing the pinkish liquid within.

That's when she turned and noticed all of the vampires aggressively repulsed by the odor it truly emitted. Selene hissed violently, her teeth bared as she turned away and stifled her gag reflexes threatening to make her vomit. The newborn's eyes were stinging fiercely, and tears dotted the corners of her tightly squeezed lids. Even Wolfgang and Julian were reacting in disgust, though they responded in a manner that was more akin to being allergic. Because of their acutely adapt sense of smell, they were quite used to the vile scent of purebloods, and thus were a bit more desensitized to its potency. Still, the odor in itself could not be escaped.

"That's... quite an invention, Marguerite," said Wolfgang, sneezing. "Clever, indeed."

"I mean, as a weapon, sure," Selene added, still trying to recover from the blow. "Who's to say the royals will let her in smelling like that? They'll suspect something immediately. This should be used as a defense mechanism, and a very last resort at that."

"Still, I appreciate it, Madame Solt," Isabella interrupted, giving Selene a slightly pointed look. "Thank you."

She turned the attractive bottle over in her hands, a smile creeping over her rosebud lips. She then wondered what her grandmother might have said at the resourceful invention, and couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of it all. She could imagine a sort of incredulous reaction, then perhaps a nerdy, excited babbling about the intelligence behind the creation. She looked up at Aleksei, her grin still reaching from ear to ear, though her expression softened when she saw how he had withdrawn.

"So, we agree on something then, yes?" she remarked, a hint of playful sarcasm in her warm tone. "When should we start training?"

As she tucked the repellant carefully away into her satchel, she rose and turned to Dean, much too amused with the outcome of the situation. He truly hated the vampires, no matter if they were allies or not; that much was evident. He had the makings of a successful hunter, without a doubt, and she rested a little easier knowing that the intensity of his hatred also fueled his need to train. She would be receiving instruction from one of the greatest. They actually might be able to pull this off.

She turned to Julian and Wolfgang, who seemed quite ready to leave the place still stinking of rotten vampire blood.

"I don't think we've been properly introduced," she said, approaching them.

"You don't recall this, child, but you and I have been acquainted before," Wolfgang responded, offering her a knowing smile. "We were there when your mother gave birth to you, and the celebration that took place thereafter. Your grandmother and I were good friends. My name is Wolfgang Talbot. I have led the Northeastern tribe for longer than I care to admit..."

"And I'm Julian," he added. "The next in line to do so."

"Tribe?" asked Isabella. "As in..."

"Wolves," finished Selene, not looking up from her perch beside Michael. "Werewolves."

Isabella hesitated for a second. She had read stories about them; vengeful creatures that were incapable of retaining their humanity when they shifted. They were slaves to the moon, submitting to its whim and powerless to do anything about it. Like the vampires, they were damned, but they had no control of their actions.

"Don't worry, little one," Wolfgang purred, reassuring and calm. "The myths were created to keep the ignorant in fear. There is hardly any truth behind the lore."

"Yeah, you just don't wanna get caught with me on a full moon," Julian quipped with a wink.

"Well, where's your pack? Don't you travel in groups?"

"They're hanging back and guarding the den until we return."

Wolfgang smiled at the curious human. Her thirst for knowledge would be the salvation of the girl, a trait that she shared with her late grandmother Alessandra.

"We too can teach you many things, Isabella. We won't ask for your trust immediately, but we will gladly work to earn it. Wolves are good creatures to have on your side. Julian, do you have the charm?"

"Yes, grandfather," Julian replied, taking a little box from his pocket and handing it to Isabella.

"Although Alessandra was put to rest with her gift at her request," Wolfgang explained as the girl studied the little velvet container. "We made sure to construct something in its likeness. This is a symbol of our loyalty. Once it is received, we cannot break our promise to the recipient."

Isabella opened the jewelry box, her eyes beginning to glow when she gazed upon its contents. Resting within the box was a tiny wolf head intricately carved from a jade stone. Sitting in its jaws was a moon shaped charm of deep blue sapphire, and the entire thing, only about the size of a dime, dangled from a thin silver chain. This, she assumed, was their subtle way of expressing submission; if anything she had heard of werewolves so far were true, then silver was capable of harming them.

"Thank you, Mr. Talbot!" she exclaimed. "It's beautiful!"

Again, Wolfgang smiled. The girl's reaction was exactly reminiscent of Alessandra's, though her expression mirrored Maria.

"Now, shall we begin training?"

The setting changes from Sable to Jenkin's Auto


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Dante Salvatore
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(You sure read my mind on the perfume (how Isabella would detect it as a sweet fragrance while the vampires found it awful lol) it's like we're freaking linked! OvO//)

Maggie smiled, nodded at Wolfgang and shrugged a shoulder, "Thanks, I was hoping it would work, and I'm glad it did," her green eyes flickered to the huntress-turned-vampire and nodded to her agreeing, "of course, that's something she's to keep on her for emergency use in case the worst does happen. That's what it was made for, like pepper spray, just for vampires." Her attention snapped to the cute human girl as she politely thanked her and Maggie smiled gently, "You're so very welcome dear, anything to help." She crossed her arms and leveled her gaze with the pureblood who was still outside, looking paler than ever. Was he alright? He wasn't over-working himself as he used to still now was he? She needed some time to catch up with him later.

Aleksei looked to Mina who managed a smile, a sign that she wasn't affected too bad by the smell. They both slowly edged back into the room, the open door provided some sort of filter, though it wasn't enough to kill the bad odor. The pureblood held Isabella's gaze, she asked him if she could train, and he responded with a nod. Perhaps refraining from communicating to her verbally so that he could hold his breath.

Dante sniffed the air, seeing Vera do so subtly, the smell had changed, it was no longer as stinky --more fragrant than ever. Like a normal perfume. Well duh, it was supposed to repell vampires, not them. So that could explain how it wore off, either that or their noses weren't working right. Isabella seemed quite willing to put her all into training, but Dante wondered, would she like to train to be a hunter as he was, or simply get the basics of hunting vampires under her belt? The two were very different levels of fighting strengths and techniques. If he had the time, and she had more Supernatural-know-how in mind, he would have preferred to focus on the former, since the requirements to being a hunter covered all fields -vampires as well. She would not only learn to defend herself from hordes of vampires, but also from anything that came at her. She wouldn't have to rely on just one weapon, but many. One could never be too careful. However the con of that would be how hard it would be on her to make it to Hunter Status as he and Vera were. It took years and mucho effort to be what they were. They had to lose everything and sacrifice themselves, put their lives on the line to do what they did. It wasn't a line of work for the faint of heart, or those who had a "conscience" really. Sometimes, people get killed, if a demon is possessing a human, and the only way to get rid of the monster is by ending the host's life, then it has to be done.

No hesitation. All the way.

She was either two feet in, or two feet out.

Isabella, he decided, should never aim to be a hunter and if she was assuming that hunting could be "fun" or even "exhilarating" a career, than he would change her perspective on it fast. There was nothing fun about hunting. It was simply his destiny to be a hunter, there was no way around it, and as that, he would protect her from the supernatural. He nodded to her when she asked him when she could start hunting, "Tomorrow, you'll start training tomorrow," Dante replied, shoving his hands into his pockets as she then turned to Wolfgang and Julian. They introduced themselves to her, even gave her a gift, informing her of a known friendship with her grandmother and of a tribe they led for years. He raised his brows when Selene established that they were indeed wolves. Would have seen that one commin'.

Everyone seemed to like Isabella as soon as they met her, this would be the second gift she'd received. He had noticed the pretty little pearl bracelet on her wrist with a gold heart set aflame. Had to be Aleksei.

"Isabella I am only teaching you how to defend yourself against the vampires in case they attack you. I'm going to be doing the actual hunting here. You're not dying and you're not gonna fulfill any damn prophecy!" Yeah he sounded pretty harsh, but he was getting pissed with everyone thinking that she'd become some kind of Xena Warrior Princess, only to end up dead because of her freaking "foreseen" fate. She had a right to live, a right to choose her own destiny and it was for that purpose that he stood up for. Would protect her for. Not just because he was a hunter, he would do it had he not been one. Considering what he was and all, he would have most likely been pulled into this crap anyways.

He was already on his feet and crossing to the door, "I have some important things I need to do right now, so you're gonna have to pipe the fuck down and wait for tomorrow, got it? If you want to start already, you have Selene and Vera, they can teach you anything you wanna know. Hmm, maybe they should... Whatever, see ya later." He muttered, walked out the door, and passed the vampires still debating whether it was safe enough to go back in.

"Where to, Salvatore?" Veratos asked, hesitating a little behind like she was wondering if she could tag along with him, or not.

Dante was in his car, already starting it without even strapping on a seat belt, the look on his face suggested that he wanted absolutely no one to even think about saying they wanted to join him on his journey to wherever the hell he was going this time. Not looking at her he told her she didn't have to worry, he'd text her if he needed her and that if she could keep an eye on Isabella that would be great. Then he led the car out of the property and sped away.

"Hmm, you're hiding something and you're scared. You always do that when you are," Veratos thought aloud, watching as the Impala disappeared down the road. Whatever it was, she knew she was gonna know about it sooner or later. What she hated about the stupid hunter was his habit of keeping things that bothered him to himself, it's like he doesn't want anybody to help him when he obviously needs it. Turning to the others she shrugged, then strolled back into the car shop, regrouping with Selene, Michael and everyone else. "He wouldn't tell me where he went, but I think he'll be fine. So, Isabella, are you ready for boot camp?" Vera asked the girl, smiling at her rather brightly.


Driving down the winding road with old rock music playing on the radio, Dante nearly freaked out when his cell went off, no sooner than twenty minutes after he left Jenkin's Auto. Flipping the device open and pressing it to his ear he said, "What?" his tone the usual roughness of a long hard night mulling over the most difficult case he'd ever taken. His knuckles turned white as he heard the voice on the other end of the line, his expression morphing into pure frustration at another blow he must take in like a man. Nodding as if the speaker could see him, he replied, "I'll be there as soon as I can, don't let him die on me!"
Dante pushed the car faster, heading this time to Morehead Memorial Hospital in Eden, North Carolina.

The setting changes from Jenkin's Auto to Sable


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Julian Ulric Character Portrait: Marguerite Solt
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(I had a feeling that was your intention, and now I'm glad to see I was right! Maybe it's the fact that we've been at this for almost three years now, but I believe the three of us share some kind of virtual sisterhood of some sort, without sounding too scary and cultish haha. I mean, how many people can say they've had a dedicated roleplay partner like we have?)

Selene rolled her eyes as Dean stomped out of the shop in his predictably temperamental manner. Isabella watched him leave much like a puppy might gaze after its only companion, sighing when she very clearly read his 'do not disturb' demeanor. Somehow she could still pick up on the gut wrenching feeling he was likely experiencing, so she decided that whatever it was he had to tend to, she couldn't afford to bother him with her tagging along. Important matters such as these would have to be left to the professional, which she was a very long shot away from being.

"Madame Solt," Isabella said, her voice soft and innocently inquisitive. "Were you close with my grandmother also?"

Her gaze fell almost shamefully to her feet, then up to her pearl bracelet which she fingered sorrowfully. Her heart was heavy with longing for her grandmother, who had been her primary caretaker until she was about five years old. She had never known her grandfather nor her mother and there were no aunts or uncles that Alessandra ever spoke of. For all of her life, all Isabella had ever known was she and her father, and even then, their relationship was virtually nonexistent. He was always working and Isabella made herself busy with school and reading her books. The only companions she ever really had were the characters she met in her stories, and then there was Lyra, who always remained so mysterious.

"I guess what I'm really trying to find out is if you knew anything about my mother," Isabella continued, her tone suddenly becoming a little sad. "Like, how come she left? and why I've never met her before?"

Wolfgang watched the little Italian girl, a frown etching itself along his weathered features. Truthfully, he knew she would only find the answer if she found Sofia- namely, the one who gave birth to Isabella -herself. Even then, he wasn't entirely sure the woman would give her any closure either. Isabella studied the new gift in her hand and the journal in her other before she looked back up at Maggie.

"Nevermind," she said, though it was clear she was experiencing pain. "I wouldn't want to bother you with my interrogations. I'm sure you have much more important things to tend to. Thank you for everything, Madame Solt."


Isabella bit the dirt for what felt the the fifteenth time that evening.

"Is that seriously all you got, Lombardi?" Selene said, landing on her feet beside her. "I expected alot more from you."

"Give her a break, Selene," Julian added, joining the two, covered in leaves. "She's never had to do stuff like this before."

"I'll get it," Isabella replied in exasperation, picking herself up from the ground and spitting out dirt. Her lip was busted and a little blood trickled from the wound, which she wiped away with the back of her hand. "I promise."

"Don't overwork yourself, Isabella," Julian instructed, handing her a canteen. "It's only your first day. If you push yourself too hard, you'll just hurt yourself, and then you'll be totally useless."

"Don't tell her that crap, Julian!" Selene protested angrily. "It's absolutely imperative that she pushes herself to the absolute limit. These things will stop at nothing until she's dead- they're ruthless and won't show her any mercy. She has to learn to be the same."

"So you're saying she should sacrifice her sense of humanity to be a cold blooded killer? to be a vampire? Is that what you're saying, Selene?"

"She needs to think like the enemy in order to outsmart and eventually destroy him- so in a sense, yes."

"Would you two just stop it already?" Isabella finally cried. "I'm trying my best here. I'll try even harder, alright? I'll do whatever it takes."

"Isabella," Julian began, shooting Selene a pointed look of disapproval. "Don't forget, through all of this, just exactly who you are and who you're doing this for, okay? We can train you a hundred different ways but if you forget your purpose, and let the power consume you..."

"Then you will be no different than your enemy," Selene finished, checking the chamber of her new gun and holstering it. "Don't forget whose side you're on, Lombardi. For now, we're done with hand-to-hand combat class. Should we work on your gun-slinging skills?"

"I suppose."

"You still got that Baretta your boyfriend gave you?"

A deep scarlet flush started blooming in Isabella's glowing cheeks as she took the silver gun from her satchel and presented it to Selene. She chose to ignore the statement about Dean being her boyfriend, though she couldn't escape the utter embarrassment and the blushing in her face. She tried her hardest to remain composed and focused, despite the thoughts of the possibility running rampant in her mind.

"Good. I brought blanks. Now once you've loaded the mag, you're going to try and shoot Julian," Selene ordered with a smirk.

"What?! Why me?!" Julian asked, bewildered.

"Relax, puppy, I'll be running right there with you. Anyway, you got it, Lombardi?"

"Yeah, I got it."

Isabella managed to successfully load a full magazine, then cocked her weapon and released the safety button. At the same moment, Damian, Lukas, and a few others emerged from the woods, taking their place behind Julian. Isabella studied all of them, her eyes widening as she became a bit puzzled.

"On the field, there's going to be a multitude of distractions," Selene continued, nodding at the rest of Julian's pack. "Your primary targets are me and Julian; you can't hit anyone else. These could easily be civilians or your comrades. Think you can do it?"

"She can barely hold that thing, Morrigan," Lukas retorted with a grimace. "She's gonna kill us all."

"I can do it," Isabella responded, though she wasn't necessarily sure that she could. "You guys better start running."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Julian Ulric
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((Right? That's what makes a role play survive, no matter how long it takes, no matter what, as long as there are great dedicated players out there, willing to put their time and effort into completing a game, it makes working up the scene to the next post the more worthwhile. Plus the fact that we're so well close-knit and like a family, much more fun. Even if I've never ever met you, I consider you my sister Chii too! It's like every RP that we've ever been in together, we strive to stick to it until the end -though it would be more awesome if others were like that. It's pretty tough to find that one selection of players willing to discuss and work out a plot idea, role play, and go down that road from start to very finish. I thank God I've met you St. Valentine, I was at a point that I thought it was pointless to even join an RP and try to go through with it, when everyone else would give up in the plot, grow bored and drop it. I thank you for having stuck through with us, three years is a long time. LOL and I'm glad that we'll finally reach that point in this one, FINALLY! ^_^ end it. I hope for many more epic role plays for us to work in together to come. ))

They are doing this all wrong, should have given her a .22 because of the low recoil, have her practice her shooting first at a shooting range, this is all happening too fast. But who am I to butt in on how they decide to teach her? It was either me or Morrigan. She choose Morrigan, let's hope for her sake this doesn't get too bloody, Veratos thought, watching from her perch on a thick branch in the surrounding trees. Had Isabella been given any other weapon, except for the baretta (hunter crafted) she wouldn't have worried much. Yet, they all decided it was a good idea for the very inexperienced girl to play target practice with a powerful and deadly weapon (that shot three rounds instead of one or two) at the other wolves and vampires. Even Michael was joining the mix, becoming a target for the girl to try and shoot at. wish I had a camera on me, Dean is missing out... she smirked wickedly, imagining what would happen if Isabella were to get lucky and hit any of them. It was the afternoon, the winds swept a bit chillier this time, and everything seemed to be back to normal --as normal as all give out. So far, the threats of the Italian vampires have been already dealt with (they're waiting back in Italy for Isabella to make her grand appearance in six months time from now) and from this day forward, the girl is to train her butt off in handling weaponry in order to defend herself should these fang-faces decide to attack her for whatever damn reason, when she does show up.

The witch hadn't given anything away, of course she wouldn't, instead of answering the girl's question, she had left telling her, "Your life is like a really good book, each chapter a new day. I wouldn't want to spoil it for you by telling you things that would ruin it for you when you reach that part of this riveting tale now do I?" she smiled, knowing the girl wouldn't appreciate the riddle and constant cryptic messages flying her way every time she wanted a direct response, "in time, you will figure it all out, when you are ready everything will be clear for you. Good luck on your journey child."

Even Veratos had been a bit bothered, she knew the damn witch knew what was going on, and was hell bent on not letting anything out. The question was why? Wouldn't it be better for them all if they knew what the heck they were all dealing with? Wouldn't it be best to get a better understanding of the true nature of the beast they were going to stand up against all to defend this one girl? Particularly for Dean? When she dug in deep, even without his full realization yet, she was aware of what Isabella meant for the hunter. She is his moral compass, as soon as she was set in his path, everything that she knew about him changed dramatically. It wasn't just because of the amnesia, he was gaining lost memories back, they returned to him in tandem bursts, when something happened, it would trigger a similar memory. He wasn't the same anymore, she had seen it the second he took in this case, Dean saw something in Isabella that the huntress herself was now only beginning to see; Isabella embodies Dean's desire to protect and preserve what is good about humanity, perhaps this was his angel side kicking in. Being a Nephilim and all, even if he wasn't conscious about it, affected him greatly. For instance, when it came to taking on a case, Dean did everything he could to protect people, and Isabella dictates Dean's choices, in her presence, his decisions shifted with her in consideration. Always did. It wasn't everyday that a mere hunter decides he wants to put his all on the line for a human girl's life. Most hunters considered themselves first before anything, but Dean wasn't like most hunters. Not only did he have an unwavering commitment to protect Isabella, he got pissed pretty quickly if she's forced into potentially dangerous situations, that would explain his refusal to train her -why else would he be bailing on them now? If he really wanted to train her into a Lara Croft, cunning survivalist, he would have jumped right in and started today as the girl herself had insisted several times already.

Veratos watched as Isabella held the baretta firmly in her hands, the way Selene had demonstrated on proper gun aiming and handling before, and took a good stance to aim and fire at her moving targets. The hybrid wondered along with the train taking off in her mind about the very special girl that was no longer a simple case, was it something that the witch had mentioned that shook Dean's will to teach her? She had told them all rather unflappably that they just might all fail in the end, which was why she had tethered Lombardi's life essence directly to Dean's in case , no, when she were to be killed unfortunately, as a means to "protect" her as if she knew thus wouldn't work.

Or maybe, looking at it from a vantage point, Isabella was already inching her way, closer and closer to his hellish world. It was there, in her messy, black locks, the same shirt and jeans she was left with being the few things she had on her before her house was destroyed (now left to cinders) her only choice to surely make it, by picking up a damn gun and learning to kill with it, the look in her eyes... it all reflected her loss of a normal life as she knew it, and Dean, realizing himself his inability to shelter her from their grim reality. It was through this that those two would eventually develop a strong bond. It had already taken root and grown branches, when Dean told her he would protect her from the vampires.

There's was the story of a promise.


"Aleksei do you have to leave so soon?"

"I must in order to settle things once and for all, regrettably, I've been scheduled to meet them, but I've been putting it off. Now would be the perfect opportunity to put things at rest once and for all," the pureblood explained gently to his little princess as he was heading out the door. His things were packed, only a few necessary essentials while he was away in France, he wouldn't be but a few days, most likely a week while he worked through this situation with the French royalists, especially the appointed King of the vampire council there, Delano Delroy. He had known the pureblood prince when he was just a child, hadn't even grown out his fangs yet. In truth the pureblood himself was curious to how the boy, now in his twenties turned out to be, rumors circled that he had already gotten married and all, to a lady named Éclair.

"I wish I could join you," Mina admitted, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears, her hand gripping at his coat sleeve, capturing him there, her crimson hues held his gaze and despite his efforts to conceal his fatigue, she knew well enough that he wasn't fit for anymore days of unrest. He needed it and she felt it strongly in her heart. What irked her was his single-minded obsession with Isabella, all she could ever see when she fed from him was his memories fluctuating about everything and anything revolving that girl. She meant so much to him, so much that he would give his life to save her. He never had to mention it, she read the truth in his heart he never felt the need to hide from her.

And yet, there was something in all of this that even she wasn't aware of, another piece to this frustratingly difficult puzzle she hadn't quite figured out. A secret he was keeping. Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted when he lowered his face to hers, lightly meshed his lips with hers in a farewell kiss that made her heart jump wildly. His hands cupped the side of her face, his warmth making her flesh tingle all over, his hair rustling with hers as she stared into his claret eyes in wonder and concern. He lingered his lips over hers, "Who will take care of the house while I'm away love? I need you to stay here, I will return very soon-"

She gripped his wrists, as if in doing so, she could keep him here with her forever. Without him she didn't know if she could go on, she didn't know why, but a sudden dread filled her entire being, ebony ink spreading in a clear glass, making everything so hard to see through the thick black. "Please don't leave me again..."

He smiled tenderly, eyes closing at her smell, her warmth, her touch, so tantalizingly addictive, inviting, her body practically calling to him. How could he refuse? He wanted to stay and grant her every wish, dote to her every command, give her the royal treatment she so well deserved, the attention from him that she craved, as he did hers. She was of great significance to him, an important component in his life. Without her he didn't think he had it in him to keep going every day. She was his rock, and if he was strong, he was for her. Mina was the light in his world of doom and despair. But, it was because of her that he wanted to continue his purpose, not only her, but for Isabella, and the rest of the world that didn't need lingering purebloods dictating their lives. He wanted to live long enough to see the people live in a world that was devoid of fear because of the purebloods and what they did. He wanted to abolish them, so that the problem of ex-humans, monsters would no longer be a constant issue. So that everyone would be safe from the threat of benevolent purebloods. Since there were so very few pureblood families left, taking them out wouldn't be so difficult, all he had to do was strike, and destroy. Surely the hunters would approve, and even if they didn't that wasn't the case.

"I'll see you soon Mina," Aleksei whispered, then he pulled away and walked out the door. That would be the last time Mina ever saw of him after that day, though what he left behind was a dear black wolf, the only connection she had of him --one that would ceaselessly follow her everywhere she went. Sure enough, a similar one was prowling after Isabella as well, after all both Mina and Isabella were his precious gems. Both completed his heart, and even if he was away, he was always close. That was his promise. One that he would always keep.


By the time Dean would reach Morehead Memorial Hospital, it'd be well passed midnight, visiting hours were over but from the grim expression set like etching on stone in the doctor's faces and the unreadable looks and sympathetic glances the nurses kept giving him, he knew that his father was in very bad shape. They gave him a twenty percent chance at survival, and despite their efforts at keeping the hunter away, since he was the only son and the only one in the family left, they had a heart and let him into the ICU. James was a stranger in that bed, he had tubes going into him, white, blood stained bandages wrapped around his head and arms, his expression older than he was, his knitted brows a sure sign that he wasn't dreaming pleasantly, and his complexion paler than Dean's. As the boy approached him, he fought back the urge to go back to the doctors and demand that they do more for him. Save him. If the kid had to give up anything from his own body to preserve his father's life, anything at all take it, but please, please save him. But he couldn't do that, even if he tried, his genetic make up and "blood" would never be compatible with his father's.

"Dad... Please don't die on me... I'll never forgive you..." Dean hissed, standing at the foot of the bed, his feet heavy like lead, making it that much difficult to move closer.

"Glad you' to"

Dean's eyes flew to meet his father's ever so penetrating stare, as if they weren't in a hospital, his life hanging on a thin thread, and they were back in the motel, James demanding him to stow his crap and pick up the family business, continue on --aware that this day would come. It infuriated Dean that he would push himself like this, it always did, but nothing he could say would ever change that fact that his father was a fighter, down to the end. Would always be, a stunning streak of willpower and pure stubbornness at its up most high. Even if the man lying in front of him wasn't his biological father, Dean would consider him his all, no matter what.

"Forget talk, you have to rest, I'm not leaving your side until you get better. And you will." Dean retorted, the strength in his tone carried his belief in the words as well. James would be fine, give him a few days and he'd be golden, they'd return to Jenkin's Auto and discuss this mission, work it out and reach a definite conclusion. Set a plan one that James excelled at. Everything would be alright, he had to believe it.

James could tell, his son was hoping for the best, that was the problem, things could only get much more worse and darker for the kid. He had no idea what was in store for him, if only he could be there. As it turned out, his time was up and there was nothing they could do about it.

She was there, a woman clad in black, dark hair tied back neatly in a pony-tail. Her grey eyes watching him directly, waiting.

The Reaper.

Dean felt her presence but could not see her. How could he? He wasn't the one dying. But the chill she left in her wake made his nerves run with ice, making it nearly unbearable to remain in the same room.

"I won't Dean, and I can't have you heal me either. It'll only complicate things further. I don't have much time. So listen to me, and listen to me well, I won't repeat myself..." James said.
"What do you mean heal you... I can do that...?"
"You are a Nephilim, you can, but I demand that you don't."
"Why the fuck not?! You'll die if I don't heal you!"

James sighed, looking quite tired, making his son listen to him was going to be a chore, "I don't have much time Dean listen to me damn it!" The man's green eyes widened at the gentle touch of Dean, the boy had placed his hands on the severely injured man's chest and forehead, "I've seen plenty of movies, let's hope this works..."

"Dean don't!"

The Reaper rose her brows, stared at Dean, "Someone else will have to go, you have your stubborn son to thank." then she vanished.


A light escaped the kid's hands, covering the entire room in blinding brightness that only lasted a few seconds, then faded and everything was the same, James was fully healed and gripping at Dean's coat, "What did you do?!"

Dean locked eyes with his old man, most people would appreciate being saved from near death, guess James wasn't most people. He didn't look anywhere near afraid, glaring back at him, he said, "Healed you, a thanks would be nice!"

"I should have died, I was ready to... I wanted to be with...With..." He frowned, looking away with a sudden guilt that made his insides twist.

"I know, you wanted to be with mom, I'm sorry but I can't loose you. I know we haven't always been the perfect family... But I need you... Now you can tell me who Adacio is..."

"Someone is going to die tonight, and it'll be all your fault." James muttered grimly, releasing his hold on the boy. It couldn't be helped, the kid was a reckless mess.

Dean grit his teeth, and reached for Jame's shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze, "At least it's not you, I'm not ready to loose you yet. Now let's get out of here."

The ride back to Sable was a silent one, both father and son would return back to Pair-O' Dice Motel at around eleven in the afternoon, James would be more worn out than Dean and still pretty angry at his son, refusing to answer the questions the kid kept asking him every now and then, he left to shower, Dean informed him about the case and that he would be out most of the day while helping Lombardi out.

The first place the hunter hit up was the cemetery, here he found a level of peace he couldn't find anywhere else. Yeah, he felt bad, he knew the consequences that came with making the Reaper take another life besides the one it came for and he would probably go to hell for it. Whatever, he would put effort on caring for that when the time came, but for now, he would have to focus on the here and now. And right now, things just looked more muggy and confusing than ever.

"Tell me what you know, I want details."

"About your father."

Dean glanced at the woman pointedly.

"He was a demon lord, Adacio, he's called the traitor back in the demon realm. They all hated him, banished him, a cruel fate worse than death. That was of course after his affairs with Ella and Maria and the whole gang that surrounds you. Namely Aleksei and the witch. I couldn't tell you before until you knew more. I'm in this because it was you who had once told me to risk it all for the sake of mankind, that was why you had became a hunter, but then I guess it got to you bad when one of our companions died, you wanted to quit hunting, even gave me your weapons to put away. I'm glad that you're not like that anymore, I need you to stow your crap and move forward. Get me?"

"That's annoying, you don't keep that kind of shit to yourself Veratos, damn," the hunter said bitterly, now he wasn't just a hunter, a damn angel-demon too? Perfect. "but I do... Where's the vampire?"

"He's taken off to France, I think he wants to persuade them to call off going after Lombardi, I agree. The less threats, the more we have a chance at winning this." Vera explained, leaning against a tree, taking a sip of coffee in her hands. She kept her eye on the hunter as he gazed out to the head stones before them. The dead lay below, merely bones and scraps of clothes all together in a long box. At least they could all rest peacefully, they didn't have anything to worry about.

"Isabella... did she have fun?"

"I suppose so, I remained long enough to see her shooting at a pack of wolves and a few vampires. Across town there were a bunch of demons partying as usual -the ones that had lingered after you closed the portal. Took care of 'em, so no concerns there and not much casualties either."

"I saved my father's life last night, a bunch of rogue were wolves fucked him up bad. Nearly killed him. They could still be out there, he never told me if he was able to gang them. I'll have to look into it." Dean said glumly, starting to walk away.

"You're trying to stay out of Lombardi's traning sessh's huh? Do you really think we just might fail? Why not try first?"

"I don't think I can."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Julian Ulric
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(Awww, I love you guys! You are my sisters and I'm very happy to have had the privilege of meeting you both. I hope we can continue on for years to come! n_n)

"I think you've had enough for today," Julian said, falling into step beside Isabella. "We'll pick up again tomorrow."

"No," Isabella protested, spitting out bloody saliva onto the earth. "I want to keep going. I'm not done yet."

"Like hell you are," Selene added, helping her to stand up straight. "You've worn yourself out. You did well today, and we've determined your strong suit is with that Baretta. Believe it or not, we've made progress."

"It's not enough. I want to keep going."

"Aleksei would throw a fit if he knew you were killing yourself on the first day. That's not smart training, Isabella. Julian was right when he said you needed to pace yourself. Strength is built over time, not acquired overnight."

Isabella wiped her forehead, caked with dirt and sweat, and spit out more blood. Her lip had been busted, and a fresh bruise was forming on her cheek right underneath her eye. She was covered in cuts and newly forming welts, mud, and there were twigs and leaves matted into her hair. There was a hole ripped in the knee of her jeans, and a large gash where she had scraped it. Indeed, these were souvenirs of how hard she was willing to push herself, but also products of her own stubbornness.

"Besides that, you're going to feel like hell when you wake up tomorrow."

"Julian!" called Lukas, running up to the appointed alpha and attempting to catch his breath when he reached him.

"What is it?"

"It's grandfather Wolfgang," he responded, his tone shaking in utter horror. "Come, quick. He's had a heart attack."


"Go, Julian," Selene agreed, taking Isabella's arm and wrapping it around her neck. "We'll be right behind you."

And with that, Julian and his packmate disappeared into the forest, becoming blurs within the trees. Selene and Isabella watched after him, exchanging perplexed glances before hobbling off toward the lake, where they would wash the blood and dirt from themselves before following Julian to his cabin.

"When did it happen?" Julian asked, his voice grave and solid as he entered through the doors of the house and kept going. He never made eye contact with his other pack members, whom had congregated on the outside of Wolfgang's bedroom and were waiting for Julian to arrive.

"This morning, while you were training with Isabella and Selene," Damian answered, his eyes cast to the ground but his expression clearly indicating his where his blame rested. "After we returned from target practice, we found him paralyzed on the ground. He hasn't woken up yet, but he's still breathing."

Julian entered through the threshold and stepped around Wolfgang's bedside. A morbid scent lingered in the air, overpowering the lavender and sage burning on his end table. His heart immediately sank, knowing there was nothing he could do now; that specific odor carried with it an inescapable fate. The order of nature was taking its place, and Wolfgang was reaching the end of his cycle- they all knew the day would come, but they didn't understand why it was so suddenly.

"Grandfather, can you hear me?" Julian murmured, his voice beginning to crack with sorrow.

The old man's eyelashes fluttered, and when they opened, a thin, white film had glazed over his once jade colored irises, now turned a pale blue. They searched around aimlessly before rolling in the direction Julian sat, though they didn't appear to be able to focus on where he really was. Tears welled up in Julian's eyes at the realization that this heart attack robbed his dear grandfather of his eyesight.

"I am here, my son," Wolfgang wheezed, reaching his hand for Julian to grasp. "Do not be sad."

"I'm not ready," Julian began, but soft sobs prevented him from finishing the rest of his sentence.

"You must be strong for your brothers and sisters, Julian," Wolfgang said, gentle but firm. "They selected you for a reason."

"But... I can't... without you..."

A tender smile curled over the lips of Wolfgang's leathery face. His wiry hair shone like threads of silver as the sun entered through the open curtains. His grin broadened at the warmth that touched his flesh, appreciative that he could still feel what he couldn't see. Then a weak chuckle rumbled out of his throat, and he squeezed his grandson's hand reassuringly. Julian bowed his head, showing respect to the superior that wouldn't be able to witness it.

"Son, you have the strength and resilience of your father, and the loving compassion and wisdom of your mother. The blood that runs through your veins is that of a leader. An alpha."

He coughed laboriously, then took a long, wheezy breath before his eyes lingered toward the ceiling. A single tear streaked his weathered cheek, making Julian become even more emotional, though he stifled his sobs. His packmates outside of the room were also growing quite sad, now coming to terms with the fact that the alpha they had confided in and trusted their entire lives would soon be gone. A soft knock at the door alerted all of them, and when Damian went to answer, he soon found that Selene and Isabella had arrived.

Wolfgang breathed in again.

"Bring Isabella to me," he ordered, and Julian did as he was told. She entered the room tentatively at first, deeply empathetic of the state he was in. "Come here, child."

She obeyed, and joined Julian in seating beside him. Wolfgang turned over and pointed a violently quivering hand at the drawer in his end table.

"I have a photograph from the day you were born," he informed her. "Take it."

Again she obeyed, and when she reached in to take hold of the photograph, she nearly suffered cardiac arrest herself. Captured within this photograph was a baby and a woman she could only assume was her mother- long, beautiful brown curls flowing around a peachy face, with eyes as blue as the clearest ocean and a smile like the sunrise. Beside the woman was another- she too had long hair, though hers was inky black and wavy, framing a delicate, olive skinned face with bright golden eyes. Isabella swallowed hard; for a moment, she reeled with confusion, because as she studied this second woman, it was almost as if she were staring at herself.

"That is your mother, Sofia," he explained. "And the woman beside her is her grandmother, Maria."

"What can you tell me about Maria, Mr. Talbot?" Isabella inquired.

"She was very special, like you. A dear comrade to all of us. We believe she was what you would call an oracle," he explained. "She had visions of the future, and they became nightmarish when you were born. She had written down a prophecy and was buried with it in Italy. Her tomb is hidden deep in a valley where the Tuscan tribe guards it."

"What is the prophecy?"

"She made me promise not to tell you, only where you could find it."

Isabella sighed. She couldn't press the man any further, for she could see he was becoming increasingly more weak with every breath he took. She clutched the picture to her chest, furrowing her brows before she looked up at Julian, whom had remained quiet during the whole conversation.

"Thank you, Mr. Talbot," Isabella said gingerly.

"Don't be afraid, child. You will know what to do when the time comes."

Wolfgang squeezed Julian's hand again, and more tears fell from his eyes. The boy was shaking madly, desperately clinging to the composure that was threatening to erupt under the weight of his sorrow. For years he had been confident in his ability to lead his brothers and sisters, but now that Wolfgang would no longer be apart of the picture, he couldn't help but feel incompetent and doubtful of his wisdom.

"I need you to promise me that you will take care of your brothers and sisters," Wolfgang said. "That you will lead them fairly and always with love. My time has come, son."

"No, grandfather, not yet..." Julian cried, clutching the dying man's hand even tighter. "Please, don't leave me yet..."

"I will never leave you, Julian. Be strong, my son. I love you...and I am so proud of you..."

The lady in black was standing near his headboard, gazing down at Wolfgang with cold blue eyes. As he breathed his last breath, she leaned over him and kissed his forehead; unbeknownst to Julian and Isabella, she took with her his spirit as her lips left his skin, leaving only his empty shell in her wake. She turned and walked through the threshold, stalking the house and weaving through the others before disappearing. The scent of death left when she did, and that's when Julian and the others finally knew that he was really gone.

Without another word, they left to prepare his grave and gather the necessary spices and oils for his burial and embalming. Isabella left Julian to mourn respectfully, joining Selene and departing with her. Julian rested his head on his grandfather's unmoving chest, crying quietly and grieving deeply. That night, their sorrowful cries would echo throughout the forest and well into the town as they honored their deceased patriarch.

Back in Sable, Isabella had decided to wander into the cemetery, where its usual mist was already accumulating. Although she was still sore from her fresh injuries, the girl parted her lips and began to sing sweetly a lullaby that she had remembered from her childhood. It was an Italian song her grandmother would sing her whenever she was sad or scared, and it always helped her to fall asleep. This time, though, Isabella would sing for the dearly departed- her father, and now Wolfgang. She appeared like an ethereal phantom, with a voice that carried like the soft crying of the wind, and just as lamenting.

She stopped when she saw Dean and Veratos.

"Oh, you're back..." she whispered, her eyes casting to the ground, suddenly mindful of her visible injuries.

The setting changes from Sable to Sable Cemetery


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Veratos H.
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Dean was the first to pick up on the girl's nearness as soon as she stepped foot into the cemetery, he just hadn't mentioned this, waiting for the girl to approach as he knew well that she would. When she did and found him with Vera he couldn't help himself from looking her up and down, jeez what was up with this girl? Then he remembered what could possibly have her looking like a truck had run her over.

"Don't tell me, Morrigan drove you to train so hard and never even stopped to give you a break..." He assumed, his tone steady and yet grating , he looked quite serious. walking around her, his eyes inspecting the damage, and bruises. Eventually he circled around her to stop right in front of her again, his gaze leveled with hers, "or, you pushed yourself along and didn't even care to take one. At this rate you won't be of much use to us. By the time the six months are up, you'll be an old shovel in winter," he shook his head as if he were the teacher and she the trouble-some student. He smirked at her slightly, his eyes softening a tiny bit, "but if that happens you won't have to worry. I'll protect you from them, this isn't something you have to take so seriously, just keep that spray on you and you'll be fine."

Veratos stared at Dean, her brows dipped slightly, her lips twitched with irritation. Every time that girl came around, Dean lost it, no more was he a hunter, now he was like her boyfriend, bumbling around her worrying like a bee. This was no good for business.

"So basically you’re telling her to give up? You don't think she's capable of holding her own against the vamps," Veratos put in, making it absolutely clear for Isabella, in case she was missing the point, that Dean had no belief in her what so ever. Crossing her arms, and expertly concealing any trace of annoyance and impatience from both her voice and expression, she coolly continued, "it's so funny that he wants you to rely on a little vampire repellent to survive, as if you were a damsel in distress, always in the constant need for someone to save you. If I were you, I'd be pretty pissed, I mean, talk about sexist."

Dean glared at her darkly, not finding her comments helpful at all. What the heck was she trying to get at?

"That's not what I meant Holmes, what are you implying?"

Vera shrugged, picking up on the hint of frustration in his disposition, "That you're a sexist jerk Dean, it's not even been a full day and already you’re assuming she'll only be a burden to us. Telling her to use her little vampire spray and hope for the best isn't going to save her life. What do you think they'll do after she sprays that shit huh? They'll find a way around that to get to her, then what? You'll tell her to keep spraying? What happens when she runs out of that magic potion, it’s not like we can give Maggie and ring and have her whip up another one on the spot."

Dean crossed his arms, mirroring her stance, "Then we can tell the witch to make an entire batch for us, I'll pay whatever price she wants. I just don't want Isabella to get hurt that's all."

"Oh, so now you're saying she's too stupid to not know how to defend herself, is that it?"

"Stop putting words in my mouth Veratos, that's not what I said."

"Sure sounds like it to me." She turned away, looking like a lady who had enough of him. How the heck did it feel so insulting to her that he would think like that? She was a woman too, and the fact that he made it look like woman couldn't fight for shit did bother her. A lot.

"Fuck you, go drown in a well, you're not needed."

"A deep well will be like Heaven compared to dealing with you and your shit. You're the most fucked up partner I've ever had." She replied as though she were swatting a tiny fly.

"Tell me something I don't know, and for the record, I never asked you to be my partner, you're the one who signed up to begin with!" He barked sizzling like a burning forest.

Veratos smiled at him, but her eyes were daggers, piercing him a million times over and over again, he almost felt its sting. "Because I thought you were a worthy comrade, now I see better. If you're gonna go down this road, then I'm going down my own. Bye."

She walked off.

Dean smiled too, but it wasn't because he was any happy, he gave her a cowboy salute, and slyly said, "Adios kid." Finally turning to face Isabella, he shrugged, acting like nothing happened at all, "So, as I was saying, yeah, I don't know if this will work. But we don't have any other options... I could take a flight all the way over there and take care of that dick alpha, but since I'm joined to you and you all think I'll die, I don't think I'd be able to pull it off," he sighed, looking away, watching a few leaves scattering around in the grass, time was slipping by them, faster for Isabella than himself and he couldn't waste it on doubts or fears of what-ifs, he returned his gaze to her and smiled, confidence returning to him like sparks of lightning, "don't worry about Vera, she'll come around, soon enough. So, about your training, have you mastered the art of taking a gun apart and putting it back together again… in the dark? I don't think so…"


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Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi
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"Vera's right, Dean," Isabella said, though it came out more like an exhalation. "I know you all don't think I'm capable of fighting for myself, and maybe I'm not right now, but I will be in six months. I'll have to be. Failure is not an option. It sucks having all of my friends watch me kill myself and while they think it's pointless."

She paused in her ranting, her brows furrowing as she clutched the photograph she had been given. She knew very well that everything probably seemed hopeless, but she had to maintain a positive attitude throughout the next sixth months of self inflicted torture. She had to come out of this a victor, with no more casualties, if only for her grandmother and her friends. She would give all she could or she would die trying. At this point in the race, failure was not on her agenda, and the same way she was pushing herself, she would keep doing so until she had nothing left.

"I'm gonna get hurt, whether you like it or not," she continued, extending her arms as if she were gesturing for him to take another look at her injuries. "I don't need you to protect me. I need you to have faith in me. The only way we can pull this off is if we work as a team."

She sighed, rubbing her forehead, though she recoiled when her hands touched the bruise on her cheek that was gradually turning purple. She watched him walk off, rambling about how she most likely had no idea how to reassemble her Baretta blindfolded or in the dark.

Why would my gun be taken apart in the first place? she wondered, then shrugged it off.

"Wolfgang is dead," she suddenly said, standing her ground and refusing to follow him now that she had been offended by his sexist remarks. "He's dead, Dean, and now I'll probably never know about his relationship to my grandmother. We're running out of time, Dean. When are you going to stop trying to do things on your own? When are you going to stop being so selfish?"

She shook her head at him, her eyes appearing to question him, though they were clouded and glossy with pain. She had yet to properly mourn her father's death, and admitting that Wolfgang had passed on reminded her of that. She had sacrificed the normalcy of her life for whatever purpose it served to the European vampires and the wellbeing of her friends. She walked away from Dean, leaving him with those questions she knew he would most likely answer with an eyeroll and some sarcastic, deflective rebuttal. That's how he was, and as much as it drove Isabella up the wall, she knew why he did it.

She made her way through the headstones, up the hill she had climbed hundreds of times before, and took her usual perch beneath the willow tree where the grave of her grandmother lay. And as she studied the chiseled name on the stone, suddenly she felt like if she were to unearth her coffin, she would find nothing but dirt- no bones to indicate that anyone had even been buried there. Like all these years she had spent crying at her grave, unable to talk to the woman she so deeply had cherished as a child, were done in vain.

She leaned back against the giant trunk of the willow and closed her eyes. The willowy leaves of the tree provided a drape-like effect to where it canceled out the sun trying to beat down against her eyelids. All Isabella could see was darkness; and for a moment, she was content with that. She imagined what it might be like if she were buried underground- all she would see, if she could see anything at all, would be exactly what she saw now: nothing.

Was that what it was like to be dead? She had to believe otherwise. It just didn't make sense that she would be put on this planet for less than eighteen years, only to die for a slightly noble cause and never experience anything else ever again. That was her driving hope- that one day she might be reunited with her grandmother somewhere and someplace in the afterlife. Would God show her that kind of mercy when her time came?

And then, as she focused a little more on the darkness of her eyelids, she could almost see the outline of someone's face. It was deeply masculine, chiseled and precise, with thick brows and defined cheekbones. The more she tried to focus, the clearer his face became; soon she saw that this man shared the same golden eyes as she had, and his skin the same shade of olive; his hair was just as dark, and his lips just as full.

She opened her eyes with a start.

She was remembering her father.