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"I'm not a sob story to feel bad for. I'll do what I can now to prevent things that I couldn't before."

0 · 509 views · located in Kharamunz

a character in “The Protectors of Kharamunz”, as played by Zoey26123




Kenji Nasuro Luzio
Kiki || Only by the neighborhood children that he will stop to play with since they find it easier. Kenji doesn't mind and thinks it's cute.
Ash || Kenji goes by Ash because of sad reasons. He finds that because he's lost everything, his world was burned down when his family all left him, there's nothing left but the ashes, and him.
Bisexual || He's not quite all the way sure about boys yet.
Male 3


Image⌈Hair Color⌋
Silver/Platinum Blonde

⌈Eye Color⌋



⌈Physical Description⌋
Kenji has platinum blonde/white hair that hangs shaggy around his head. His eyes are grey as well though it can appear violet in darkness. He is very slim yet has muscles that are lightly defined. He appears the same as his twin brother and the two can't be told apart except for the necklaces they wear at their neck. Kenji's has brown beads and a small green gem as the pendant.

Kenji has a few small scars from his time in the gang, then one large one that runs down the right side of his back. It is rather jagged and is often seen as a sign of weakness by those who see it unless they know the story behind it.

Kenji normally just wears black jeans, his boots, and a white tshirt. He carries his sword with him at all time unless playing with children in which case he hides it nearby.


    Sword || Kenji is extremely talented with the sword and is getting better and better as he trains, hoping to distract his thoughts.
    Art || Kenji is very good at drawing and anything close to it.
    Acting || Kenji is extremely good at acting when in a bad situation. He acts quickly and efficiently if he is in control.
    Physically Fit || Kenji is buff, quick, and clever. He is stronger than most because he works out often and has a love of running.

    Sorrow || He is grieving deeply and therefore has difficulty focusing occasionally in no action situations.
    Fear of the dark || Kenji, though he is a crow, is scared of the dark. He is able to go into it and be in it by himself, but he has to breath, otherwise, he can go into a panic attack.
    Panic Attacks || Kenji occasionally has panic attacks in stressful or bad situations in which case he can't breath.

    Tapping his fingers || Kenji is constantly tapping his fingers on any surface his hands are resting on. He doesn't necessarily have a beat in his head, he just needs to tap his fingers to let out some nervous energy he constantly has.
    Snapping || Kenji snaps when antagonized enough and or he finds something annoying. Though he constantly taps his fingers, whenever he hears someone else doing it, or clicking pens, he will snap at them to stop in annoyance.
    Hums || Because of his brother, Kenji constantly hums, humming songs that Kiyoto wrote that he liked.

    Art || Kenji is very good at anything with art and is extremely talented with capturing a scene on canvas or paper. He paints when he can but draws with charcoal when he can't. He doesn't hang them up in his room though he does keep them out, folded up, so as to not loose the lessons the memories, which he tries to forget, that taught him things.
    Swords || Kenji is extremely good and loves the sword. He has practiced with it for years after discovering it's appeal. He loves the strength it makes him feel he has even though he hates the killing.
    Children || Kenji is really good with kids and likes to help them or talk to them when he can. He will occasionally pause in the street to play with little kids though he can't do it often because of his job and all.

    Money || Kenji hates money as it always seems to be people's thoughts and downfall. People can't pay for food with the money they don't have only enforcing his hatred of money. He only uses it for necessities and then, as little as he can.
    Malice || Kenji hates the group that he believes probably killed his brother. He constantly searches for ways to mess with them or hurt them in their ways though he doesn't know how he can do more without some help.
    Needles || Kenji fears needles greatly and tries his best to avoid them when possible. He is not one to get shots now after all the ones as a child didn't help with the illnesses. He doesn't like any injections of any kind and refuses to come close to needles anymore.


Gentle | Angry | Hurt | Broken

Kenji is naturally a gentle person. He doesn't like to be loud, he doesn't like hurting people, and he doesn't like anyone sad. He was really messed up after loosing his brother however. He is still soft and quiet, but in a more dangerous way. If he is messed with, he will not hesitate to make the person regret it. He is very unsure about himself right now and is hoping to figure out how he can carry on after loosing the last piece of his family. He will stand up for what he believes in though that doesn't mean he will do it openly unless he feels the need to, or can't help himself in a rage.




Kenji wears a black jacket with silver detail on it. The jacket goes down to mid-thigh while the sleeves go to his wrist. He wears a white collared shirt and a red tie. His pants consist of black pants that go to his ankles and don't restrict movement though they aren't baggy. He wears black boots with steel toes and black laces. He doesn't wear anything to cover his face. He does however wear a black sheath at his waste for his sword.

Kenji goes by Ash when he works because of his silver hair that some believe looked like ash. He finds that name suiting since he believes that everything else in his life has burned down leaving only one thing left.

    Mental Manipulation/Telepathy || Kenji is able read minds as well as alternate people's memories and or thoughts. He can't do anything extremely permanent such as beliefs or personality though he can make someone have different feelings of things. Whenever Kenji alters a memory, he gains a bruise somewhere on his person. He can read minds whenever though when he does, he must block out other people's thoughts to focus on one and decipher what it is they are thinking. He can communicate with other by reading their minds, then sending his own thoughts to them giving them the ability to talk without sound though this does slowly bruise him as well.

    His Brother || He has always done anything and everything with his brother. He believes that it is his duty to find out why his brother has disappeared and will not give up until he gets his answer. Whenever his brother his mentioned by anyone, he can go into a trance or even a rampage where he looses his self control.
    Self Control || Kenji is unable to control his temper on occasion. When antagonized enough, Kenji will loose his control as well as any pretense of having any control. He goes into a wild sort of rage and is vicious as well as merciless. He can only be stopped with time or by remembering though it is very difficult for him to do that without assistance.
    Sickness || Kenji is prone to illness and is often with at least a cold. He can at times be too weak or sick that he can't get out of bed or do much, but he doesn't just sit around. Kenji occasionally has panic attacks where he can't breath properly and will collapse under stress.


Kenji joined the crows after believing his brother died. He wishes to find out how his brother died and who killed him. He believes it was the leader of the Malice though he has no proof. With this installment in the twin's life, he is extremely focused on not only finding his brother's killer, but bring to others the relief of knowing that a chaotic group will be gone. He hopes to bring comfort to others and to not have to watch hard times people are having to go through after witnessing it himself.

Kenji and his twin brother were born in the middle of winter during a snowstorm in mountains north of Kharamunz. Their parents claimed that their white hair was a blessing from a god considering the parents themselves nearly died in the cold.

Growing up, Kenji was sickly growing up and was often found lying in bed, sick with something. He contracted a deadly disease and just barely survived from reasons that nobody knows.

When Kenji was fully healed he was able to continue growing up as a young boy with his brother. The twins loved each other and spent nearly all their time together, not wanting to be away from each other. When the boys were eight, their parents were both killed when the family arrived home to find their house being robbed by a nearby gang.

The boys were both taken under the gang leaders wing, learning how to fight and defend themselves. Though the boys hated the group, their leader kept telling them that the fatality of their parents was an accident. When the two were old enough, they found the perfect opportunity to get their revenge.

While the rest of their gang was away, the two both jumped their leader and killed him, both hating it while also savoring it. They were twelve at the time. When the rest of the gang came back, there was a sign of a nearby gang, the boys' necklace they always wore, and the obvious idea another gang had killed them. In reality, the two had planted it all, trying to make it not appear as their own doing.

When the gang went to retaliate, the boys retrieved their necklaces and fled for Kharamunz having been in a nearby city. Kenji and his brother both stayed under the radar, going back home and taking up normal jobs. Kenji became an artist, trying to make ends meet with painting. He hoped to capture his harder times on canvas so he might then forget them.

When the opportunity to have powers and help others came along, Kenji agreed readily and gladly accepted with his brother. During the process, Kenji was led to believe that his brother had died after hearing from one of the doctors that his brother wasn't doing so well, then hearing nothing at all, and never seeing his brother after the entire ordeal.

Kenji was fourteen when the process was fully complete and joined the crow upon hearing that his brother might have been the consequence of a Malice act. He worked hard as he searched for answers of his brother. He became colder and angrier inside though it appeared as depression on the outside. He was friendly to people, willing to help them if he believed they deserved it, but only if he doesn't have anything against them.

So begins...

Kenji's Story
