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"Yeah guess what, I don't really care if you're against me, or with me, if I dislike you, you'll know it."

0 · 410 views · located in Kharamunz

a character in “The Protectors of Kharamunz”, as played by Zoey26123




Kiyoto Tasuke Luzi
Kio || Kiyoto is sometimes called Kio by friends or those who know him just because it is shorter. He doesn't really care though he prefers his full name usually.
Day || By his work associates, Kiyoto goes by this because he tries to stay alive and stay in the light of day instead of staying in the darkness of his nonexistent past.
Male 5


Image⌈Hair Color⌋
Silver/Platinum Blonde

⌈Eye Color⌋


160 lbs.

⌈Physical Description⌋
Kiyoto has platinum blonde/white hair that hangs shaggy around his head. His eyes are grey as well though it can appear violet in darkness. He is very slim yet has muscles that are lightly defined. He appears the same as his twin brother and the two can't be told apart except for the necklaces they wear at their neck. Kiyoto's has brown beads and a small red gem as the pendant. Kiyoto has a few small scars from his time in the gang.

Kiyoto normally just wears blue jeans, his boots, a white t-shirt, and an army jacket he found in a thrift store. He carries his knives with him at all time though his bow is always at hand somehow. He doesn't have many arrows with him when he's on the street to avoid suspicion, but he does not go around unarmed. Ever.


    Knives || Kiyotois good with knives and uses those whenever he can't access his bow for whatever reason. He is skilled with them though they are not his main weapon by a long shot.
    Bow || Kiyoto is nearly a perfect shot with a bow. He carries specialty arrows which is the reason he uses a bow instead of a gun, the arrows.
    Manipulation || Kiyoto can make someone do whatever he wants them to do with just a few words and for girls, occasionally a kiss or two. Otherwise, he is extremely charismatic.
    Physically Fit || Kenji is buff, quick, and clever. He is stronger than most because he works out often and has a love of running.

    Soft || Kiyoto may be hard in a fight, a womanizer, and totally stupid, but he is a sucker for a sob story and can't stand to see people depressed or lonely, or sad even, unless, of course, they deserve it.
    Vicious || Kiyoto is vicious in a fight and will play every card he has if he physically can. He refuses to give up in a fight until he has no options left.
    Snappy || If provoked, Kiyoto can be even worse than his brother when he snaps. He will fight you and nothing can change that.

    Fall asleep anywhere || Kiyoto can fall asleep anywhere at any time. He has slept in odd places and even if it isn't a good sleep, he still gets some energy out of it.
    Tapping || Kiyoto is always tapping his fingers all the time. He will do it on any surface at any time and will not stop unless told or he is tired.
    Running his hand through his hair || Kiyoto's hand is more often than not, running through his hair. He always does this and will do it at any time, even unconsciously.

    Food || Kiyoto loves food and will eat almost any kind. He is very good at eating everything he wants and whenever he wants and though he eats a lot, he is not close to being large in any way.
    Technology || Kiyoto loves technology and trying to figure out how things work. He is very good with tinkering and has made small things or fixed small things though he hopes to get better.
    Music || Kiyoto is very good at writing, playing, and choosing music. He loves writing music and is always listening to it when he can.

    Being Made fun of || Kiyoto hates the comments about him being too stupid to remember his past, hates the people that say he isn't good of, and absolutely can't stand it when people think they're better at him. He likes to put them in their place if they're too vocal as well.
    Blood || Kiyoto gets freaked out by the sight, smell, and taste of blood. He tries to avoid being around it as much as possible and leaves fights almost immediately after it's done in order to get away.
    Flying || Kiyoto doesn't like being in the air because he fears falling through it. He does not find the idea of falling to earth fun and will not do it if he can help it in any way.


Arrogant | Womanizer | Curious | Reckless

Kiyoto is reckless, arrogant, and at times, downright stupid with his actions. He will do what he wants and what it takes to find out anything he wants to about anything he wants to. He is very good at getting in bad situations and even better at making them worse though he can always get out of them though sometimes he needs some help.

He s very good at smooth talking and will not hesitate to use his looks to get what he wants when he wants it. He is very clever with his arrogance at times and has been able to use it to his advantage occasionally.




Kiyoto woke up wearing a white jacket that goes down to mid-thigh with black detail, a red tie, black pants, and black steel toed boots. He wears these every time he goes out as well as a silver mask that hides his features above the nose. He keeps his hair down and lets it hang in his face a bit to avoid people seeing the place where his mask doesn't hide.

Kiyoto tries not to dwell on his inability to remember and think ahead. He always tries to be positive as well as walk in the light, the better part of any day.

    Telekinesis || Kiyoto has the ability to lift objects with his mind. He needs at least one hand controlling the object if it is to go anywhere more than up as well as good concentration. He can only lift things with his mind that he can lift regularly though he can lift it to any and every height. Kiyoto can move any object any direction though he cannot force things into the ground very well. He is able to lift people and manipulate limbs though he refrains from doing it unless in a fight where he only does it to pull back their attacks.

    Memory || Kiyoto doesn't have any memory of his past other than a few pictures that don't make sense really. He can't remember much about himself other than basics and doesn't even have his own place since he does't know where it might have been.
    Arrogant || Kiyoto can be very arrogant, thinking he is occasionally a gods gift to the world. He is very headstrong and when he does something, he does it full force without hesitation.
    Needles || Kiyoto does not go near, touch, or think about needles if he can help it. After waking up stuffed with needles and a few other things, Kiyoto refuses to get shots of any kind. He knows there's another reason he doesn't like needles, he just doesn't remember it though.


Kenji woke up with the Malice and didn't know anything other than his name, how to use a weapon, and that most, if not all, his family was dead. He didn't know anyone or anything that he owned, so he stayed with the Malice, hoping that maybe he could figure out why he woke there and how it all worked out the way it did.

Kiyoto and his twin brother were born in the middle of winter during a snowstorm in mountains north of Kharamunz. Their parents claimed that their white hair was a blessing from a god considering the parents themselves nearly died in the cold.

Growing up, Kiyoto's brother, Kenji was sickly growing up and was often found lying in bed, sick with something. He contracted a deadly disease and just barely survived leaving Kiyoto with an even better attitude towards his brother.

When Kenji was fully healed he was able to continue growing up as a young boy with his brother. The twins loved each other and spent nearly all their time together, not wanting to be away from each other. When the boys were eight, their parents were both killed when the family arrived home to find their house being robbed by a nearby gang.

The boys were both taken under the gang leaders wing, learning how to fight and defend themselves. Though the boys hated the group, their leader kept telling them that the fatality of their parents was an accident. When the two were old enough, they found the perfect opportunity to get their revenge.

While the rest of their gang was away, the two both jumped their leader and killed him, both hating it while also savoring it. They were twelve at the time. When the rest of the gang came back, there was a sign of a nearby gang, the boys' necklace they always wore, and the obvious idea another gang had killed them. In reality, the two had planted it all, trying to make it not appear as their own doing.

When the gang went to retaliate, the boys retrieved their necklaces and fled for Kharamunz having been in a nearby city. Kiyoto and his brother both stayed under the radar, going back home and taking up normal jobs. Kiyoto began to write music and play for tips when he could.

When the opportunity to have powers and help others came along, Kiyoto agreed readily and gladly accepted with his brother. During the process, Kiyoto was stolen away by a group. His head was hit hard when he fought originally, leaving him unconscious, and with amnesia.

Kiyoto was told that he didn't have a brother and though he did remember his childhood, he didn't remember Kenji, though he did remember a face like his own. Kiyoto works not in hopes of finding out why he can't remember his past and maybe solve a few other mysteries he's come across.

So begins...

Kiyoto's Story