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Evangeline Colson

0 · 505 views · located in Thrasher, Oregon

a character in “The Ragin Clan”, as played by Emerald.x



Name:Evangeline Colson

Nicknames: Ella, Eve, Eva, Eline, Elle, Ellie, Angie Etc. She has changed her first name around from town to town every once in while but has always stayed within some form of her real name to ensure there was no confusion in case of a slip up by someone in the family.Image

Age: 203, but she was turned at age 18 and still appears that age

Role: 18 year old female

Likes: Evangeline enjoys many things including animals, scented candles, nature, going for walks, flowers, candy, getting dressed up, piano music- even though she never bothered to really learn to play Sapphire (her birthstone), reading, running, baking, fights- not those sissy girly slap fights but the throwing people across rooms and going for kill shots kind of fights (mainly with her 'siblings' and Christian), being allowed to act like the adult she feels she is. Of course, one of her favourite things is. and has been for decades now, Christian.

Dislikes: She doesn't dislikes too much but there are a few things, such as coffee, horror movies, tomatoes, all these new vampire movies and books that get it all wrong, stupidity and

Hopes: As stupid as it sounds, she just wants to continue being happy. She spent so much of her life on the run, in fear and alone. Now that she has a family again, even as strange and makeshift as it is, she has truly become attached to them and wants nothing more than to be able to live in peace and happiness with them for as long as she can. Of course she also plans to eventually move on from them and start a makeshift family of her own.

Fears: Weakness, as someone who prides herself on being in control of her own life and take care of herself, Evangeline fears weakness.

Personality: Evangeline is the type of girl who is content in her life, she has everything she needs and doesn't want to lose it. Being around for over two hundred years has tought her to enjoy the little things, she finds no need for expensive items, all though she does have a nasty habit of being a slight shopaholic. She has more than enough clothes to survive off of, so much in fact that a large amount still has yet to be unpacked from the boxes she put them in when they moved last time, but owning that much isn't hard to do when you have centuries to accumulate it all. She does however, indulge on something new every once in a while just to keep up with society and the other people 'her own age'.

Evangeline is a winner and loves to come out on top. She is the type of person who loves a good physical fight with her siblings, its fun and good for the practice even if their “mother” isn't so fond of the house getting a few broken lamps or windows. She is smart though, always being sure not to take it too far around humans and keeping herself in check. However, she does sometimes loose control of herself and needs to be reeled in again but that's when her 'brothers' come in, always pulling her back and reminding her to calm down. She is headstrong and determined, refusing to give up on an argument especially when she thinks that she is right, which is most of the time. She is carefree and loves to spend time doing the things she likes. Unlike Chris, Evangeline can be cruel and isn't as interested in making friends with the humans, she finds them petty and naive and has very little patience for them. She has never really bothered to make friends with the people of the towns they move to, believing that making friends with your food only causes needless drama, especially when you have secrets to keep. She also likes to pretend that as a vampire human emotions are stupid and needless. To her its easier than having to worry about making friends and then feeling weird about not telling them of her family's secret and then having to leave them after a few years.

She does have a sweet side to her though, when it comes to their family especially. She puts her whole heart into the things that she loves and fights for them as hard as she can. Christian is one of the few people she has truly fallen for in her lifetime. She couldn't help but instantly fall for him when they met, his caring and protective nature swept her off her feet and before she knew it he had her laughing and smiling, things she hadn't done in nearly a century. She assumed it was just a temporary fling that they would get over after a while but still finds herself in love with him to this day, as little as she likes to admit that she has the ability to love another. She also has some slight abandonment issues, it was right after she had said the words "I love you" that Finn had died and nearly everyone else who has come into her life has left her. Part of her still fears that Christian has only stuck around as long as he has, waiting for her to finally admit her true feelings for him and that once she does he will leave her like everyone else has.

Background: Evangeline was born on a cool September morning to Clara and Lloyd Colson, the 28th of September to be exact. The year was 1809 and they felt blessed to be given a healthy baby, Due to complications, the doctors told her mother that she would never be able to conceive. So Evangeline was their miracle baby and they treated her as such. Her father worked in the logging industry, running the milling company that had been in his family for generations. He easily supported their family and was able to spoil his daughter with everything a little girl could have ever wished for. She didn't have a care in the world, until she turned fourteen and had to begin growing up. Her mother taught her the proper way to act and the right way to do things. She soon found herself informed that the reason her parents were putting so much pressure on her to become a lady was because she had been promised at birth to the son of the owner of her father's biggest competition, they planned to use the marriage of their children to merge the two companies and double their ability to produce and therefore double their profit. Evangeline however was already in love with someone. The boy's name was Finn and he worked as a handboy for her father's company, someone she would never be allowed to marry. By the time she was nearly 16 she was engaged to be married. She decided that she would run away with Finn, they would travel to the city and one day get married themselves. They did not plan on the lack of work for a 17 year old boy who had no proof of work experience. It was rough but they got by, believing that as long as they had each other they would be okay. This dream was shattered when Finn grew sick and died. Her world was broken and this may be why she now refuses to admit she can feel love again. Not wanting to admit that she couldn't take care of herself, she soon found herself on the streets. She began selling herself in order to get by. She spent the next few years being used and abused by strangers. Luckily, or so she thought, only days after her eighteenth birthday she was found by a gentleman who took great interest in her, he did not take pity on the poor girl but instead saw potential in her. She spent one night with the man, the next she awoke as a vampire.

As a vampire she swore that she would never love another. She turned off all human emotions and went on a rampage, hunting down all off the men that had used her in her time on the street. She committed mass murder of these men, not caring about the mess or the danger of her lack of carefulness. She spent the next twenty or so years of her life living in a dark state. For a while she spent time with the man who changed her, he taught her how to control herself and her blood lust. He also taught her how to mask her kills to make them seem like accidents or disappearances. She soon went off on her own again and was found by James when she was in one of her downward spirals. He brought her home with him to meet his already established family. They welcomed her with open arms and she quickly felt at home. They saved her from her own self destruction and she loves them for that. Easily her favourite of them was Christian, Chris instantly became her best friend, being the same age(at least physically) allowed them to connect. He has quickly become the only person she allows to see the sweet side of her, the only one who makes her smile. She's not entirely sure what their relationship is as she refuses to put a label on it since that would involve her having to admit the feelings that she has for him. She's okay with admitting that she doesn't want to be without him and that she enjoys spending time with him, more than anyone else but the word love just hasn't been able to escape her lips.

Appearance: Evangeline is roughly 5'6" and weighs around 117lbs. Her eyes are a light blue in colour that some days turn a more grey or smokey colour. Her hair is blonde and reaches down to just below her shoulders except when it is curled or recently cut. She normal wears it down, either leaving it in its natural straight state or curling it into large loose curls so it reaches her shoulders. Her features are soft and round, with pink lips and cheeks that often turn a similar colour. Her body is fairly slim to average sized so people wouldn't expect her to be as much of a fighter as she is, making it all the more fun to her. She has a light dusting of freckles that are sprinkled across her nose and upper cheeks which on most days she find rather annoying. She has no tattoos and only has her ears pierced, which she had done only a few decades ago. Scar wise she has none as all of her ailments healed with the transition in vampirism.

So begins...

Evangeline Colson's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Ragin Character Portrait: Emma Nate Character Portrait: Evangeline Colson Character Portrait: Kayleen Ragin Character Portrait: Christian Ragin
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The bell rang that signified the end of the school day. He went to this locker and gathered the books, throwing them in the backpack. He didn't have too much homework, which was nice. He didn't talk to anyone in the hallway, it wasn't unusual for him to go most of the day without uttering a word. People seemed to like him, but at the same time, they were scared of him. They had no idea that he was a vampire, but they knew that he didn't take crap from anyone. He had demonstrated that in a few fights in the previous years. He was a junior this year and he already couldn't wait to graduate, for like the 50th time. He would pretend to go off to college and then he could do whatever he wanted for a while until they moved again.

He pushed open the double doors to see his siblings gathered at their usual meeting point. They all walked home together.

"Hey guys" He said as he came up behind Kayleen and ruffled her hair. "How was your day?" Kayleen was in the middle school, which was connected to the high school. The building held grades 6-12. While he was waiting for an answer, he let his eyes wander a bit, which may have been a mistake because they locked with some human girls eyes. He held it for a second and then turned away. For a human, she was decent. She had been in one of his classes and didn't seem as annoyingly ignorant as all the other kids.

They started walking down to the road, they were formed in a group that no one would dare penetrate. Everyone seemed to steer clear of them, especially when they were all together.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Ragin Character Portrait: Evangeline Colson Character Portrait: Kayleen Ragin Character Portrait: Christian Ragin
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Evangeline sat at one of the many desks aligned in rows throughout her history class. She watched the clock tick, the hand slowly moving closer to the top. She waned nothing more than to escape from this class. She found history one of the most boring classes in existence. She had taken it so many times that it all started to sound like the exact same speech. And besides, why did she need history when she was there for most of it. At least in math there were new equations and it was never the same questions. But history was always the same, reading a book that only showed one side of what really happened, a book she had practically memorized by now. The one thing she didn't hate about history was how it allowed her to look back at her life, realize the little ways the world, and even Evangeline, herself had changed.

Graciously the bell rang, or well the school's PA system made an odd cross between a dinging and ringing sound. It made her miss the days where it actually was a bell. As soon as it began to ring, Evangeline got up. She was the first out of her seat and then out of the room. Unlike the others in her class, she didn't feel the need to stay behind and chat. Surely, no one wanted to talk to her anyway. She was mainly known for being scary or a bitch. She didn't mind though, because in all reality it was true. At any given moment she was liable to snap and kill someone, quite literally.

She gathered her bags from her locker and walked outside toward the shade underneath the large tree which served as their meeting place. When she arrived Kayleen was already there as usual, she always seemed to be the first to make it out. Jace was the last to emerge from the building, she had no idea what took him so long. For a vampire, that boy walked ridiculously slowly. When he asked them all how their days were, she responded simply with. "Treacherously long." She noticed his momentary eye wander. "What are looking at? Just ignore them, they stare, its what they do." She said then adding a little more under her breath. "Such irritating creatures."

As they started to walk down the street, along the same route they always took home, walking two by two but not in perfect lines so they formed a small little huddle. Even though they had cars they could drive home, they never did. Most other students thought they were crazy making the fairly long hike home every day, but then again they already thought they were a little bit weird to begin with. Being vampires, none of them really minded the walk though, it's not like they got tired from it and besides, when you've lived for over a century going on a good fifty minute walk home didn't really seem that long. The only part that made it seem long to her, was having to be careful the whole way. Always insuring that their conversation was kept quiet or on mundane subjects. She also disliked having to think over her actions before doing them, it was hard for her not to instinctively gravitate towards Christian. She always had to watch her behaviour around him, and as much as she would have liked to hold his hand or kiss him, she couldn't because people were always watching and they couldn't risk someone seeing, especially since the townspeople believed that they were all related. She was able to relax a little bit more the further they got from school and the closer they got to their mansion on the outskirts of town. At least there they didn't have to worry about humans, a simple shortcut through the wooded area they considered part of their backyard helped to hide any odd conversations or in-human like behaviour.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Ragin Character Portrait: Evangeline Colson Character Portrait: Kayleen Ragin Character Portrait: Christian Ragin
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The day was just as long as it normally was. School was boring, especially when you knew more than the teachers instructing you could ever know. While Kayleen was not really thirteen years old, she did appear to be so, so it was hard attending the middle school. Christian, Evangelina and Jace all attended the high school that was attached to the middle school but that meant that they all had each other throughout the day and she had no one. Most of the time, not having friends didn't bother Kayleen since she knew just as well as the others that relationships between humans and vampires were too complicated to be worth the trouble, but being surrounded by a bunch of cliquey humans did sometimes get to her. Most of the girls seemed to be almost scared of her. They would gawk at her beauty in secret but wouldn't shoot nasty comments at her like jealous teenage girls normally would. The boys would stare at her too, enchanted by her appearance, but it seemed like everyone knew better than to try to befriend her.

Finally, the bell rang. Her last class, algebra, was finally over and she was relieved that the endless day was coming to a close. She was quick to slip out of the classroom, silently moving through the crowded hallways and outside, where she met the others. Christian and Evangeline soon approached, followed by Jace who approached with a friendly ruffle of her hair, asking how their day had went. Kayleen smiled slightly, running her fingers through her hair as she glanced over at the boy who really was like a brother to her.

"My day was long too," she said, agreeing with Evangeline as they headed down their normal route on their way home. Once they were away from the school, she turned to look at the others as she continued to walk. "I need to hunt soon," she said with a sigh, knowing that James preferred that they all waited until nighttime to hunt.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Ragin Character Portrait: Evangeline Colson Character Portrait: Kayleen Ragin Character Portrait: Christian Ragin
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"Yea, my day sucked too" He said as they started walking. "You need to hunt? I'll go with you" He always liked to accompany Kayleen, he was very protective over her, plus she was fun.
Luckily, the walk was under an hour and part of their route was in the shade, after all they could only last an hour in the sun without drawing attention or killing something.
"Do you have a lot of homework?" He asked Kayleen. His phone buzzed and he took it out and grimaced. "That stupid chick, Roxy, from that Vamp club we went to last weekend keeps texting me. She's so fake, even China town wouldn't sell her.." He mumbled. He hated fake girls. He turned off his phone and put it back in the pocket of his jeans.
Since they were vampires and lived forever, they had a lot of money, this meant they had a lot of nice things. Every one at school just thought they were really pale and stuck up rich kids. He had tried to have friends when he first started going back to school after his change. It didn't go very well. His friend wanted to play basket ball. It was very hard for Jace to contain his strength and skill during the game, they ended up being in the sun for more than an hour and he went nuts, accidentally killing his friend. They had to move quickly after that one. He vowed never to have a human friend again.

"I heard someone saying theres been con's working on the highway. Sounds like dinner to me" He smiled, flashing his teeth.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Ragin Character Portrait: Evangeline Colson Character Portrait: Kayleen Ragin
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Luckily, this part of the walk was in shade so Evangeline's nerves were instantly calming themselves down again. Also luckily, there wasn't too much left of their walk. "I'm going to have to pass on this one. But you'll have to tell me all about it when you get back." She told them. Normally, she would have loved to go. She always enjoyed watching people's faces as a 13 year old girl kicked their asses. She wasn't feeling in the mood for a hunt today, though. She had hunted recently and new she could make it another few days without hunting and decided she would put it off until she felt more up to it.

"She's so fake, even China town wouldn't sell her..." This comment actually made her laugh slightly. She knew her brother had a thing against girls who acted insanely fake. "Yeah, she really developed quite a thing for you, Jacey. I'd tell you just to ignore her, but I doubt it would stop her." She said. She had no trouble remembering Roxy, she was pretty enough but was annoying enough to cancel out her beauty. She also took a liking to Jace and followed him around like a lost puppy all night. "But you know what, I think you kind of deserve it. One, you shouldn't have given her your number and two, you should hae told her you weren't interested right off the bat."

When she heard him mention the con artists working the highway she made a slight face. "Be careful." She warned. "The highway is always busy, the last thing we need is someone seeing you. " She knew they weren't stupid and could figure it out for themselves but she still worried that they would get too caught up in it and forget to be as careful as they should.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Ragin Character Portrait: Evangeline Colson Character Portrait: Kayleen Ragin
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"Alright suit yourself." He said to Evangeline, while kicking a rock along the sidewalk. He was glad he could make her laugh.
"How the hell am I supposed to get rid of her!!! She's already a vamp, so it's not like I can kill her, not that I would" he scowled. "God, why are girls so persistent? Doesn't she get the hint?" He shook his head. "I so do not deserve this, she seemed kinda cool at first and she talked me out of getting my number. It's not my fault I am so incredibly good looking and irresistible." He laughed.

"Don't worry Eva, we will be careful. It won't be that hard to lure a con into the edge of the woods to visit with a 13 year old girl." He kind of cringed at the thought of using his sister that way, but she didn't care as long as she could get a kill. He put his arm around his little sister and gave her a squeeze.
"You're tough enough, right Kay?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Ragin Character Portrait: Emma Nate Character Portrait: Evangeline Colson Character Portrait: Kayleen Ragin Character Portrait: Christian Ragin
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Emma had nothing against school, just the people in it. The ones that looked at her like she was a bit of dog crap on the bottom of their shoe. The ones that pretended to be her friends because they wanted to copy off her or the girls that swaggered around with skirts barely covering their bums and with that over-confident gleam in their eyes. They were the ones that smirked when she read To Kill a Mockingbird in the canteen and laughed at her ginger hair.

No, she had nothing against school.

She slipped through the corridors, avoiding the people charging towards her, barely noticing she was there. Most of the time that was a good thing, but when the other girls were shooting flirtatious looks over their shoulders at guys, Emma was ducking her head and just trying to get through the day without dropping all her books and being sniggered at. She didn't like the arrogant girls, but sometimes she wished, just for a day, she'd get to know what it was like to be so confident.

She swapped a few books at her locker, making a mental list of the chores she had to do tonight and how they fitted in with her homework. She lived with her Grandma who couldn't care less whether she got an F in English or an A, but Emma wanted - needed - to escape to collage in a few years. She couldn't stay here with barely any family and even less friends.

She shut her locker and searched the corridor for an easy route out. While she needed to get into collage, more immediate was her desire to get some fresh air. Her eyes wandered over the people shoving to get home and was met my the sharp, blue gaze of a boy. She jumped and turned away, embarrassed that he had noticed her. She knew him - although, not well - but every girl either knew or wanted to know Jace. He was good looking, but had a mysterious feel around him, like you couldn't be sure who he was. It seemed only his family were sure. Emma shivered, remembering the way his eyes had seemed too deep, but her imagination was over-active, feed by the never-ending pile of fiction she read. She was sure all the romance books gave her a distorted view on attraction, let alone love.

It wasn't until she was half way home that she realised Jace and his family were not far ahead of her. She could see them talking and laughing just down the road and thought they looked even stranger when they were together, but she couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was that looked so odd. They were just a family walking home from school. Maybe something about the way they moved, or perhaps their body language that suggested something was off. She wondered for a second if they were actually related, maybe they'd been adopted or something; the two oldest ones just didn't act like siblings. No, that was just the part of her that craved stories making a normal bunch of people into something more interesting. They turned off her route home, heading towards the woods. Emma swallowed.

No, she couldn't. She shouldn't. Why would she even think it? But as she got closer, she found her feet wandering off the path and down the route they'd taken. She didn't know where she was going or even why, but she couldn't shake the idea that they were different. She followed their trail down into the trees, presumably towards their house. She knew she shouldn't be following them, but a nervous energy was keeping her moving. All her life she'd been too shy to be outrageous or adventurous, maybe this was the most she was ever going to be. She shivered as excitement bubbled through her, knowing she was being ridiculous, but not yet ready to let it go.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Ragin Character Portrait: Evangeline Colson Character Portrait: Kayleen Ragin Character Portrait: Christian Ragin
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"How the hell am I supposed to get rid of her!!! She's already a vamp, so it's not like I can kill her, not that I would"
"No, but I would." She told him smirking. It was partially a joke, but also partially true, Evangeline had no real problem with killing people. Unlike her brother, she wasn't sentimental out human lives anymore, especially after her few rogue years right after she had turned. When he made the comment about being incredibly attractive and irresistible she nearly choked on laughter. "Yeah, that's definitely what I'd call it." She said sarcastically, giving the boy a nudge.

"That's disgusting." She said. Humans really disturbed her sometimes. Vile little creatures. "As long as you aren't seen. That's the last thing we need. So wait 'til it's darker out."
"You're tough enough, right Kay?" "I know she will be fine. Its you I'm worried about. I've seen her take down a grown man in less than ten seconds." She said recalling one of the times she had gone out hunting with Kayleen.

She was glad to see their house form through the openings in the trees. She strode through the trees and up to the front door. The door wasn't locked, it seemed pretty pointless. It's not like they really had to worry about anyone breaking in in the middle of the night since most of them were up and busy. And besides, the only people they really had to worry about getting in, were other vampires, and they wouldn't be kept out by a deadbolt. "We're home!" She called out. She liked to give a bit of a warning when they arrived home. She noticed James' car in the driveway and assumed the pair were upstairs. The bedrooms were all soundproof. An important quality for a house full of vampires, it didn't block out all noise, but it was enough to ensure that as long as you were quiet, even vampire ears couldn't hear you. This made having private conversations much easier.

Once inside, she kicked off her shoes by te door and went straight to the livig room. Slowing her now bare feet to enjoy the feel of the soft carpet compared to the not as comfortable shoes she'd been wearing all day. She sat onto the couch and placed her feet on the coffee table, her legs stretche out. She flicked on the television. "Ugh, there is nothing good on. It's all basically the same few shows haut recreated a dozen times" she complained, finally giving up and leaving it on the news. She left the tv on though, mainly just for background noise.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Ragin Character Portrait: Emma Nate Character Portrait: Evangeline Colson
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If Emma looked through the window, the Tv was in fact on. But no one was watching it.
Jace had been walking around outside, just checking the perimeter. The rest of them had already gone into the house. He had a weird feeling ever since they had been walking home. Like they were being followed. He also had a weird feeling that they were being watched, even still.

He moved about the yard until he heard some rustling. He climbed up a near by tree to get a better look, but the area was too wooded to see. Vampires were very strong and very versatile. He could jump from tree to tree like a squirrel, and that's exactly what he did. He jumped from tree to tree, not finding anything until he got to the tree closer to the house. He climbed down to a lower branch, perched about 10 feet from the ground.

"What do you think you're doing?" He growled at the person below. It wasn't until she looked up at him fearfully that he recognized her. He just stared at her for a moment, knowing this would change everything. Jace had always been fond of humans, unlike his sister, Eva, but he particularly fond of this one.
He hopped down from the tree so he was standing right before her.
"You followed us? Why? What did you hear?" He grilled her. He needed to know what she knew. He was sure it didn't help that he jumped from tree to tree to get to her though.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Ragin Character Portrait: Emma Nate Character Portrait: Evangeline Colson
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Evangeline could see and hear her brother pacing around the perimeter. "Calm down. She's not here Jace. She's not about to stalk you just because you ignored a few texts." She called out, knowing he would have been able to hear her even from outside. She was in he kitchen and was staring into the cupboard looking for some kind of snack. It wasn't that she was hungry, but one of the many perks of their life was being able to eat whatever you want without having to worry about gaining weight or having any health problems. Before she managed to find something satisfactory, she realized she could no longer hear the noises of Jace moving around. She hadn't heard him come inside and it made her confused and worried, she knew he could take care of himself but she worried about him still.

She moved outside, slipping back on the ankle boots she had had on earlier. "J?" She called out, wondering where he could have gone. She looked around the yard. It was difficult to see much through the thickness of the trees. She took a few quick steps across the yard. She didn't stop moving forward even after she had spotted him in the tree because she also spotted another figure standing below the tree. Her eyes widened a bit as they honed in on the figure standing beneath the tree. Her face grew hard, her lips pressed into a thin line. "What do have here?" She hissed, a flicker of light gleaming in her eyes and a very slight smile playing on her lips, yet she didn't look happy. Still quite frightening actually, like she was about to kill you but she was going to enjoy it (probably because she was contemplating it.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Ragin Character Portrait: Emma Nate Character Portrait: Evangeline Colson
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There was a rustle. So slight, she wouldn't have noticed it, except that her senses were on high alert. She looked to the left, where the sound was coming from - and getting closer - but there was nothing there. Whatever it was, was definitely moving, and quickly. "What do you think you're doing?" The voice came from above her and Emma jumped, letting a book slip from her grasp. The cover opened as it fell and the pages crumpled down into the dirt. Her heart was in her throat, so she had to squeeze the air past it. She pressed her hand against her chest, trying to hold back the thudding so it wasn't so loud. It didn't make a difference.

Jace was crouched in the tree above her, his eyes narrowed and, she supposed, quite rightly. But somehow it wasn't the threat of being caught that she was thinking about, it was that he appeared from no where. Almost like he'd been moving through the trees. "You followed us? Why? What did you hear?" He asked and she opened her mouth, searching for an answer that would sound reasonable. He was obviously angry, but Emma was sure he was worried too. He was pressing for the answers urgently. Emma's eyes widened as he jumped down from the tree with more ease than a cat. That couldn't be normal.

"What do we have hear?" Emma whirled around, away from Jace and towards the second voice. She hadn't heard the girl coming, as though she had appeared out of thin air. It was his sister. She was beautiful, but the smile twisting on her lips made goosebumps crawl up her arms and there was something in her eyes that scared her. She was sure something was wrong, but forced back all the thoughts that came into her head - they were stupid, products of her over-active imagination.

"I-" What could she say? She'd heard them talking about hunting or something like that, but that didn't mean anything did it? She'd never known anyone that went hunting, but she knew people did. Maybe it was out of season and they weren't supposed to be. But she couldn't just ignore his questions. "I just heard you talking about hunting," she muttered, scared to be too loud in case her voice wobbled. She was sure it would. "I'm sorry." She glanced between them, hoping the ground would just open up and swallow her. It's not like she'd be missed; Grandma wouldn't even notice she'd gone. There was no one else to look out for her. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her thumping heart. The girl - Evangeline, was it? - was still glaring at her, displaying a set of shiny teeth. Emma shuddered and looked down at the book in the dirt, pleased to have a reason not to look at those teeth. She was more scared than she, logically, should be. "Please," she muttered, hating how weak her voice sounded. "Let me go."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Ragin Character Portrait: Emma Nate Character Portrait: Evangeline Colson
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Jace didn't even turn his head towards Eva, after all, he knew she was coming. "I can handle this, Ev" He said simply, still looking at the girl. He wasn't going to hurt her, but he couldn't say the same for Evangeline. This girl was really nervous. But why shouldn't she be? The energy they were giving off wasn't exactly positive.
"I just heard you talking about hunting," Alright so she could think they were talking about hunting animals. He pondered this thought. But she could have also heard more then she was letting on the know.

"I think you should come inside. Don't worry, we're not going to hurt you, we just aren't keen on trespassers or spying girls." He tried to reassure her so she would come calmly. He reached down and picked up her book, wiping off the dirt and then put her arm around her, gripping her shoulder. "Come on, Emma, let's go." Yes, he knew her name, of course he did. She was the only human he had been really interested in.

When they passed Eva, he gave her a 'dont-do-anything-stupid-look'. He didn't want her to try and hurt Emma. He led Emma in the house. He knew even if she tried, she wouldn't be able to escape his grip. His anger was still there, but less than before. He felt kind of bad for her. They wouldn't let her go now, they couldn't, it was part of their code. So they could either kill her, change her, or keep her. He knew he wasn't about to kill her, that was for sure.

Once they were in the house, he led her to the living room and had her sit on the couch in front of the tv. "Are you hungry or thirtsy?" He asked politely. He wasn't sure exactly how to go about this but he didn't want her to get up and run away screaming.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Ragin Character Portrait: Emma Nate Character Portrait: Evangeline Colson
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Jace could tell she was really nervous, he was starting to feel sort of bad. He looked at her for a minute, taking her in, analyzing her, like he would a kill, but for different reasons. He didn't want her to be so fearful of him, was that strange? Shouldn't he want her to be scared?
He was hoping and praying his family didn't ruin this, hurt her or send her away.

"Suit yourself. I know exactly why you followed us. We aren't normal teenagers, we are intriguing, we are secretive. It is only natural for you to be curious and find yourself following us to quench your thirst for information" He said, much like he needed to quench his thirst for blood. He sat in a chair that was across from her.
"I don't blame you, Emma. My family might not take this as lightly as me, but I feel like you and I are more alike then we know. So I don't want you to lie to me. I want you to tell me every single thing that you have heard, because I think you heard more than just us talking about hunting." He raised an eyebrow. He knew she knew more, he knew that she had to have suspicions. He gazed at her, his head tilted to one side, waiting for her to answer truthfully. The fact is, he would know if she was or not. He could hear her heartbeat from where he sat. It was beating faster than normal, obviously, since she was nervous. But if she lied, her heartbeat would spike, and he would hear it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Ragin Character Portrait: Emma Nate Character Portrait: Evangeline Colson
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"Suit yourself. I know exactly why you followed us. We aren't normal teenagers, we are intriguing, we are secretive. It is only natural for you to be curious and find yourself following us to quench your thirst for information." Emma swallowed, overwhelmed with his honesty and surprised that her suspicions had been right. There was something amiss. She hadn't just imagined it. He sat down on the chair opposite and this time, she let her imagination run free. He was so quiet when he moved, like monsters from stories or ghosts, or vampires. She had felt cold when his arm was wrapped around her shoulders.

"I don't blame you, Emma. My family might not take this as lightly as me, but I feel like you and I are more alike then we know. So I don't want you to lie to me. I want you to tell me every single thing that you have heard, because I think you heard more than just us talking about hunting." She glanced around the room, avoiding his eye, while she wondered what to say. What was it that made her suspicious anyway?

"I don't know," she muttered, trying to remember. Right now would be where she'd start lying, lying to get out of the spotlight. She hated the heat of someone's gaze on her, especially Jace's intense stare. But this time, she didn't lie. A part of her knew it would be no good, but another part just didn't want to. It must be his stare, the blue of his eyes felt like she could drown in them. "I didn't hear much," she said honestly, staring at the floor trying to remember. "Your sister said something about dinner at the highway, but it must've been a joke or something." She stole a glance up at him, waiting for some confirmation that it had been a joke. Nothing came. "It wasn't really what you said, it was the way you are. So quiet and," she looked back down at the floor, hoping he didn't notice the blood rushing into her cheeks, "beautiful. You don't act like normal kids do." She went quiet. They didn't snigger at her because she wanted to learn or because she read books while other kids talked about clothes. Was that it? That usually wasn't enough evidence to warrant following someone home though, but he'd admitted himself they weren't normal. She inhaled, knowing she was going to sound like an idiot. "What is it?" Her voice dropped to a whisper, all the ideas rushing into her head at once, super-humans? Weird trained assassins? Monsters? "What... are you?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Ragin Character Portrait: Emma Nate Character Portrait: Evangeline Colson
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Eva wasn't surprised when he didn't have to look to know she was coming. He would have been able to hear her steps, sounds they had all learned to use to distinguish between one another. She knew he would have been able to smell her shampoo and perfume from across the yard and wouldn't have taken more than a few seconds to distinguish the kind of look she had been giving them. She rolled her eyes when Jace told her he could handle it. She didn't move though, and instead just continued to stand there, watching the pair intently. She was pretending as though she could only see them and that she was oblivious to their conversations. As he dragged the girl past she followed them with her eyes, turning her body slightly to watch them. She simply smiled in return to Jace's warning glance.

She followed the two inside their home, closing the door behind them and not exactly trying to be quiet about it either. The way she saw it, the noise, and the smell for that matter, would help to alert the rest of the family, the more the merrier. This time she kept the shoes on, something she knew would get her scolded for later but the added height and the satisfying clicking she wade when she walked help to add a bit more scariness to her. She passed through the living room and pulled a cupcake from the kitchen and walking back into the living room with it. She chose to sit in an arm chair on the other side of the coffee table from the too.
"Are you sure?" She asked rhetorically, wiping a bit of icing off with a finger and then sticking in her mouth to clean it off.
"What about you Jace, thirsty?" She asked a smile on her face. She knew she was purposely just being an asshole, and she was enjoying every second of it. But she was a vampire, you couldn't expect much else. She felt as though Jace was forgetting though, and she planned on being especially helpful and reminding him. She rolled her eyes as the girl kept apologizing. Blah, blah, blah. She broke off a small piece of the cupcake, popping it into her mouth.

As their conversation grew more serious she shot Jace a look. It was one thing to press her for information on what she had heard but it was another to help fill her mind with their secrets and push her into the direction of learning everything they had worked so hard to keep hidden.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Ragin Character Portrait: Emma Nate Character Portrait: Evangeline Colson
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"You don't think we are human?" Emma looked up in surprise. She hadn't meant to sound like that - those were just passing thoughts - but then, he'd taken what she'd said to mean that, did that mean something? Probably not. "What do you think I am, Emma? I want to hear your ideas. Don't be afraid. If you guess right, maybe I'll tell you. But when I tell you, things will change." She pressed her teeth into her lip. She couldn't tell him everything that went through her head. Firstly, he'd think she was an idiot; her imagination led her off to things that were impossible in reality. And secondly, if she told him, he'd probably be offended. Her cheeks felt hot, like the blush from earlier hadn't faded. To top it off, Evangeline was listening too and it made Emma uncomfortable. Even if Jace wouldn't laugh outright at her, she was sure Evangeline would.

She swallowed and looked up at him. He was watching her with those eyes, so much sharper than any person's she'd seen. Before she knew it, she was talking. "I don't know what you are. I don't want to sound ridiculous," she added, knowing that she probably would anyway. "I know your not normal. You could be..." she swallowed, embarrassed, and looked away, knowing her cheeks were bright pink by now. "I guess your parents could be in the mafia or are spies." She couldn't meet his eye, knowing this all sounded insane. But she'd never met their parents, so she knew it was something deeper, more personal to them. She tried to remember everything she'd seen them do, everything they'd said. They moved so gracefully and silently, but looking at them, she felt a deep cold inside her. She felt goosebumps rise up on her arms at the thought of them touching her, like her body knew they were wrong. I heard someone saying theres been con's working on the highway. Sounds like dinner to me.

Emma shivered. Maybe it wasn't a joke.

"Are you," she hesitated. "Murderers?" Then the thoughts came rushing forward, so she couldn't contain them. They all pointed to one conclusion: she wasn't safe here. But she wanted - needed - to get to the bottom of this, she couldn't leave until she understood, but something told her even then it would be difficult.

"No," she muttered. They weren't normal, which meant they could be anything, but murderers sounded too simple. "Are you werewolves?" She dared a glance up at him, knowing it was the wrong answer. She sounded insane. "Vampires?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Ragin Character Portrait: Emma Nate Character Portrait: Evangeline Colson
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Jace glared at Eva. Thirsty. Yes, indeed he was, but not for Emma.

He could tell she was nervous to say these things out loud. After all, what if they were normal humans and she was blurting out crazy ideas of supernatural things they could be. She thought they were spies? Ha, no. But he knew that wasn't what she really believed. All these answers she was blurting out were leading up to the one she knew in her heart that was the truth. Murderers...yes. In a way.

When she said 'vampires?' he froze, staring at her. "Is that your final answer?" He asked and stole a quick glance to Eva. This girl knew, she might not know for sure, but she had suspicions that were strong enough to guess the right answer. He would just have to tell her and they would reap the consequences later.

"Tell me you know we are vampires" He said, he was working his way around the code. Part of him was happy she knew. He liked her, more than he should, this way they could be close...but wasn't that selfish?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Ragin Character Portrait: Emma Nate Character Portrait: Evangeline Colson
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Evangeline's face grew serious, She glared back at Jace. Don't you dare. She left the cupcake on the table and stood up. She was over by the couch in a few seconds. She pulled Emma up to her feet by an arm as she said. "Okay, well. It's time for you to go home now. I think you both need to get some sleep, maybe a drug test, you're starting to spit crazy talk." She looked over her shoulder at Jace, giving him a look that said 'I'm going to kill you later.' as she helped to guide the girl back towards the front door. The last thing they needed was Jace being stupid and revealing their secret.

She looked back ahead. She knew that it was only going to get messy from here. The second Jace let her know she was right and what they were, they would be left without much choice. She would have to die, or they all would, so either way his new human pet would die and then he would be all grumpy and moping for the next few decades.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Ragin Character Portrait: Emma Nate Character Portrait: Evangeline Colson
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"Tell me you know we are vampires," Jace said and Emma froze, trying to measure the emotion in his eyes, but if this was a joke, he was better at hiding his humour than anyone she'd ever known. It sounded like a confession. Or a confirmation at least. They were vampires.

She swallowed, but her mouth was dry. Her voice was unsteady as she started to speak. "I kn-" Before she could finish, Evangeline came from nowhere, appearing beside Emma with an expression so ferocious, she only just contained her whimper. Evangeline grabbed Emma and hauled her to her feet, not gently. This time, Emma noticed the lack of heat that came from Evangeline's grasp on her arm. "Okay, well. It's time for you to go home now. I think you both need to get some sleep, maybe a drug test, you're starting to spit crazy talk." Emma looked wildly between Jace and his sister. She had wanted to go home, she'd wanted to never have stepped into the house, but now she was being forced out, it seemed unfair. She wanted to know - needed to know. Surely Jace wouldn't tease her like that? Making her believe something was wrong - making her believe they were... vampires - then chucking her out before giving her the answer, but Evangeline was guiding her to the front door. She'd let go of Emma's arm, but was blocking the way back into the house.

Emma whirled round, just before she reached the door. "Stop!" She demanded, the loudest she'd been since she'd arrived and the most sure she'd sounded too. "I knew something was wrong with you since I saw you at school." She met Evangeline's gaze with courage she didn't know she had. From this close, the girl was stunningly beautiful. "Kicking me out won't stop me from thinking it, no matter how crazy I sound." She paused, trying to calm her thumping heart, but knew if she stopped talking for too long, she'd never say it. She inhaled, "I know you're vampires."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Ragin Character Portrait: Emma Nate Character Portrait: Evangeline Colson
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Before she could answer him, Eva had grabbed her, shoving her towards the door. He stood still for a moment and then raced behind her. He was about to protest when Emma did it herself. He was surprised by her courage and voice. It made him smile.

She said it. She knew.

Jace moved in front of Emma, moving Evangeline out of the way effortlessly. He gazed at Emma, his eyes shining blue. He lifted his hand to graze her cheek gently, his cold skin tingling against her warmth. "You are very smart" He said quietly. "But are you prepared for what's going to come of your knowledge?" He asked. He would protect her as long as he could. He wasn't about to let anyone harm her. His hand slid down her arm to her hand, where he took hold of her small fingers, and started walking backwards back into the living room. He wasn't really sure what to do next. He knew Eva was going to freak on him. He might have to deal with that matter first.

"Stay here, I have to talk to my sister" He said calmly, gently pushing her to sit down on the couch once again. He gave Eva a look and went into the office. It was sound proof, thank god.
He shut the door behind them. "I don't want her to get hurt." was the first thing out of his mouth. "She's different, Eva, she's not like a normal teenage girl." He sat on the edge of a big wooden desk.
