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Colin James Lu

"If I can see you, I can kill you. Now place the gun on the floor and hands above your head."

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a character in “The Return”, originally authored by RCJJ23, as played by RolePlayGateway



Name and/or Nickname: Colin 'Col' James Lu

Age: 29

Group: Survivor

Role: The Rogue

Personality: Before the apocalypse, Colin Lu was a calm man, nice to those even downright disrespectful to him. Now he's a man with an explosive temper and a short fuse, but he tries to refrain from snapping at those he considers his friends, but his aggression was just a deception, a facade. Another mask that he wore. Inside was a scarred man, not broken, but nearing it. He does his best to be his best, towards his friends anyways. He takes it upon himself to protect his friends, often taking it hard when he fails. Overall, don't piss him off. He's as likely to crack a joke with you, or shoot you in the head.

History: Born just outside Norfolk, Virginia to Jessica and Gabriel Lu, Colin was the first born in the soon to be family of four, a brother was born two years after he was, and they were close. Brought up mostly by being home schooled for his primary years, he demonstrated a highly curious and intelligent mind, with a thing for numbers and math. His father was a hobbyist hunter, and a good one at that. Sometimes, they even earned a little money on the side from selling the meat he got from hunting deer, boar and moose.

Colin joined his father on the hunt at age 6, though he only got to fire a rifle at age 9. At age 10 he got his first kill. A large deer, straight through the head. From there he only got better. At age 13, his parents decided it was time for him to get a more formal education. So they sent him to a public school not too far from his home.

There he was a rather normal child, though not so adept at social interaction he made a few friends, impressed when he demonstrated his honed accuracy using a BB gun. In time he settled in, and even did some parkour in his spare time as well as take Muay Thai classes and even won a few amateur matches with. He enjoyed the freedom of climbing and jumping the urban sprawl and the all out fighting that went on during his sparring and matches. By age 16 he already knew what he wanted to do when he grew up, to join the Norfolk Police Department and possibly be a Sniper. When he reached the age of 18, graduating at the top of his class, he applied to join the NPD.

A few years later, he got landed in SWAT, with the position of Sniper and he got close to his squad, regarding them as friends, brothers, sisters even. Two years later and with several operations under his belt and a total of fifteen lives saved with his accuracy. To save those fifteen, he took five. For a while, he could see those who he shot when he slept, but after the third, he decided to forget and forget he did. He even got a nickname for it. 'The Forgetful Sniper'. When the virus hit he was on an operation and by the time he realized what was happening inside that warehouse, it was already too late. His squad all infected, all turned. From his vantage point, he shot all of them. One by one. Watching them drop like flies against his fire. He returned home and he won't tell anyone what he saw or what happened, but people can guess well enough.

Weapon of choice:
A Sako 85 Finnlight, chambered in .308 Winchester. A gift from his father when he joined the NPD SWAT, he preferred to use this instead of his issued rifle. Customized with a single skull in the space below the bolt and above the trigger guard. The rifle was based on a design that was in production many years ago, and it still retains the rifles traits, lightweight, accurate and powerful. When not using a rifle, he likes to use a rather large wrench, solid and weighty. Good enough to smash a couple of Zed skulls. When unarmed he relies on his Muay Thai training to try and disable the opponent, though if he's unarmed and fighting Zeds he'd be more likely to run than fight.

Habits/Vices: Colin Lu has an affinity with his rifle, meticulously cleaning it and polishing it at least once a day. He gets rather agitated when he doesn't do this, as its comforting to him. Though since he's been doing this everyday for the past 3 years the Apocalypse has been going on, he's proficient with the disassembling, cleaning and reassembly of his rifle.

Are people basically good, or basically evil?: Colin prefers to think of people as two sided, their outside and their inside. Two different sides of a coin. Similar yet different. He's willing to give people he meets a first chance, but once that chance has been lost its going to be hard to get it back.

Physical Description:

Colin stands at 1.83/6ft and weighs 70 kilograms, his body is mostly comprised of muscle fitting over his average frame. He's not muscle bound but he's not skinny either, more like somewhere in between. He prefers to keep his face clean shaven and his hair short, more out of practicality then anything else. Possessing black hair and dark brown eyes from his mother and most of his facial features from his father. He usually wears a black T-Shirt with the words SWAT on the upper back and chest area, colored white. Over that he wears his SWAT vest, marked with a few bullet holes the plate carrier has done him well, with the steel plate stopping even rifle rounds. The weight does restrict his movement however and he usually removes the steel plate when not fighting actively. He wears a set of trousers, dark blue in color, with at least four pockets, two at the hip and two on the thigh. In these he usually carries a packet of .308 rounds in a small zip lock bag, with a larger one in his backpack. His pack is not a large one but it has enough space for another two sets of his T-Shirt and another set of pants similar to the one he wears. With his clothes backed, he can fit a half a dozen magazines inside along with a bottle of water and some food.

Writing Sample:
Lifted from a previous RP.

Jerome limped away from the set of traps that he only narrowly avoided. He could even hear the damned things, and he didn't want to be there when they came back. Three buildings down the street he saw a pharmacy.

Seems like a good enough place to wait them out. Hopefully no one else had the same idea.

He pulled out the Ruger SR22 pistol from his belt, silenced with a jury-rigged can silencer. Though it would wear out after a few shots, some silenced shots were better than none. He held it in front of him as he sneaked towards the pharmacy, careful to not make too much noise. He looked at the backdoor as he approached the pharmacy. Weighing up his options, he guessed he'd have a more likely chance to draw less attention if he entered from the back. Trying the door, he found that it was unlocked.

Seems like my lucky day.

He stepped into it, closing the door silently behind him. As he turned the lock he heard the front door creak and footsteps told him someone else was in the building. He held up the pistol and crept closer to the actual store front. Through the doorway he could see a woman standing near the front door, and as he looked down he saw another woman crouching down behind the old desk. Not knowing if either of them had noticed him he braced himself against the door frame, hopefully hiding his body from their view as he aimed his pistol at them, ready to fire just in case one of them seemed unfriendly and too out of their mind to listen to reason.

I take the color green or at least this shade.

So begins...

Colin James Lu's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Silas Henderson Character Portrait: Colin James Lu Character Portrait: James Minton Character Portrait: Bronislav Anisimov Character Portrait: Amy Prior
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(Mis-tagged James)

As of now, it was still cool. The lack of direct sunlight into the area and whatever coolness the ground retained kept the warmth away for the moment, and the insects with it. Boris didn't like the insects. They were always there during the day, biting exposed flesh to sake their hunger without any consideration for what the humans felt. Quite rude of them, he thought. Thinking about it, he decided the zombies were rude as well seeing as how they took no consideration of what humans felt either. Why were they so rude to people? Everything was always better if you helped and respected those around you. Maybe they had some grudge. He hadn't exactly been kind to them either. He felt sorry for them. Almost. For some reason, they always tried to grab him and take Natalya without permission. That was enough reason for anyone to be hurt. Nobody touched Natalya if he didn't say so.

Turning back to the piece of wood he was working, he strained to make sense of what he was carving. There was no discernible shape, nothing that he had seen before. Lucidity slowly seeped in through the shroud of insanity, granting him realization of what he had just been saying to himself. Laughing, he reflected on the absurdity of considering zombies as rude. He was crazy, but sometimes it could be fun. Other times it wasn't. Grimacing as he thought back to the fellow survivor that had died a few weeks ago, he berated himself. He was destined to save humanity. The spirits had told him so. Yet he couldn't save one person. Had he done something to displease the spirits? Maybe this figurine he was making would work to appease them. Examining it closer, he saw it was a fairy of some sorts. Yes, the spirits would like it.

As Silas began to wake up, Boris was reminded that he was supposed to be keeping watch, not talking with himself. But as long as nothing got through, everything was fine. No sense in saying anything. What never happened could not hurt you. Picking up Natalya- a spiked bat with electrical wiring running along the body- he nodded to Silas in greeting. Despite his young age, the man had led the group well throughout the apocalypse. There was something in him that lent itself to leadership. What hardships had he experienced in these past three years? Worse than his? It was only due to his currently lucid state that he remembered what had made him go insane at all.

Returning to where his bedroll lay packed, Boris finished storing the rest of what equipment he had left. Leaving it there until they were actually leaving, he returned to where he had been sitting for watch. There was something special about that place. Looking to the wooden figure in his hand, he lay it at the base of the tree and said a brief blessing over it. Rotating to face the group again, he asked, "Where do we hope to end up today, Silas?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Silas Henderson Character Portrait: Colin James Lu Character Portrait: Bronislav Anisimov Character Portrait: Amy Prior
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#, as written by RCJJ23
Colin had taken up watch for the past few hours along with Boris though he didn't tell Silas that, on alert for any sound out of place and any movement not meant to be. By now he'd already gone through his daily ritual, caring for his rifle that had served him well for the past couple of years. Even though he hadn't heard or seen anything for a while he was still on high alert, so when he heard the sound of something getting up behind him, he spun on his heel, bringing up the Sako whilst doing so. He tensed for a few brief moments before recognizing that it was Silas that was getting up. Colin lowered his rifle and went about his rounds once more before settling down to a more relaxed state. He settled down next to his pack, opening it up to get the half full bottle of water that was inside. He pushed his clothes aside and took it out from the bottom of the pack. Already it was starting to get hot, and he didn't want to survive for this long to die of dehydration. When he looked up again, Silas had gone.

Probably to go do the rounds. Silas always did like to make sure.

Colin looked over the ragtag bunch of survivors that he'd joined for a long time now. One less face then he was used to seeing, another dead body that he blamed himself for. Too slow to pull the trigger, too late to save a friend. He shook off the memory. Amy Prior, probably the youngest of them all. She was quick on her feet and served as the group's scout. Only female in the group. Bronislav Anisimov, probably the oldest of them all. Short, insane, but brilliant. That baseball bat had saved their lives more than once. Pretty good at everything really, even gave him a small wood carving. Got used for firewood, though he'd never tell Boris that. Silas, though he was gone for the moment. Older than Amy, but younger than both himself and Boris. He was one of the first people Colin had met when he went away from Norfolk. Had his crosshairs over his head when he didn't know it, but decided not to shoot. He hadn't told Silas about thinking to shoot him, since he didn't know how he'd react. He took up the role as leader and he made most of the decisions, like now, where they were heading up to D.C. Colin was broken out of his thoughts when he saw Silas coming back in to the clearing.

"Rise and Shine; It's another beautiful day in the apocalypse."

Colin raised an eyebrow, getting up and shouldering his pack. The weight of the steel plate was noticeable, but comfortable.

"The smell of rot is in the air! The sounds of death fill our ears! Oh what a wonderful day!"