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Aiko Fujimura

"I have missed Japan... I have missed you as well..."

0 · 1,044 views · located in Country Side || Japan

a character in “The Reunion”, as played by Arrow-


"Caring - about people, about things, about life - is an act of maturity." ~Tracy McMillan

โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘~ The Mature ~โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘


๏ผฆ๏ผต๏ผฌ๏ผฌ ๏ผฎ๏ผก๏ผญ๏ผฅ
      Aiko Fujimura

      Ai, Fujimura, Ko-chan

      Sophmore || Junior after the summer




      Half Japanese, Half European

"Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter could be said to remedy anything." ~Kurt Vonnegut


๏ผจ๏ผฅ๏ผฉ๏ผง๏ผจ T


๏ผจ๏ผก๏ผฉ๏ผฒ ๏ผฃ๏ผฏ๏ผฌ๏ผฏ๏ผฒ
      Honey Blonde

๏ผฅ๏ผน๏ผฅ ๏ผฃ๏ผฏ๏ผฌ๏ผฏ๏ผฒ

๏ผณ๏ผซ๏ผฉ๏ผฎ ๏ผด๏ผฏ๏ผฎ๏ผฅ
      Soft Peach

๏ผง๏ผฅ๏ผฎ๏ผฅ๏ผฒ๏ผก๏ผฌ ๏ผก๏ผฐ๏ผฐ๏ผฅ๏ผก๏ผฒ๏ผก๏ผฎ๏ผฃ๏ผฅ
      Since Aiko is half Japanese and half European, her appearance is a bit different. Overall, Aiko is very pale with soft peach undertones. She is taller, standing at 5'5", due to her father being a tall man, but is also thin, coming from her Japanese blood. Her blonde hair is long, and though it is soft and shiny like European hair, she keeps the bangs and side bangs cut straight and blocky, in Japanese fashion. Her eyes were naturally a violet purple when she was born. At first, this freaked both of her parents out, but they realized it was from a lack of pigment in her eyes, and they grew to find it beautiful.

"You may not be able to control every situation and its outcome, but you can control your attitude and how you deal with it." ~Anonymous

      โœฆ Elegant โœง Honest โœฆ Caring โœง Graceful โœฆ

      Aiko is a soft and gentle girl. Her parents prided her on being lady like, so she has very good manners and etiquette. She is selfless and likes to help others more than helping herself. She is soft spoken and often doesn't like to voice her opinion, lest it hurt someone else, but she is always there to support others who are upset or hurting. Caring for others makes her feel fulfilled. Some say that Aiko is โ€˜calm, cool and collectedโ€™ and they are right. In her old school, people would look up to her as some kind of role model for what they wanted to be when they grew up.

      She has always been mature, but as she grew up and she got sick, she had to become even more mature than she once was. She manages herself well, and other than the doctors who do her treatments, she is capable of taking care of herself. She knows all the basic skills of life; how to cook, clean, launder things, nutrition, and so on. She often times finds herself looking after other people as well. Because of this, she is often weighed down with a lot of stress.

      Aiko doesnโ€™t usually break down into emotions, but when she does, she likes to keep away from others, not wanting others to worry. When she is upset or angry, she usually just reads, listens or plays music, or writes. She isnโ€™t so good at talking about her feelings to other people, but does feel special when others come to her aid, even is she feels like they shouldnโ€™t waste their time with her.

      Overall, AIko is gentle and sensitive. She is lady-like, calm, collected and likes to help and protect those around her. She enjoys laughing with others, but is bad at showing her less happy emotions.

      โœฆReading - Since Aiko finds herself often faced with boredom and confinement to her rooms, she likes to read. Its the one thing that can pull her away from her own scary reality.
      โœงViolin and Piano - Since she was eight she has played these two instruments, so she enjoys listening to the sounds before she goes to bed, or likes to fiddle with them when she's bored.
      โœฆBeing Around Friends - Aiko is often lonely, so when she is around her friends she finds that she is much happier. Plus, they make things much happier.
      โœงLaughing - Who doesn't love laughter? It fills Aiko with happiness, rather than the dread she usually feels when facing her parents or doctors.
      โœฆBeing Care-free - After being so cared for, nurtured and under strict rule, Aiko likes the rare occasion where she can sit back, be carefree and not have to worry about other problems.

      โœฆMedicine - After taking it for so long, its become an annoyance.
      โœงBeing Confined - She dislikes being in her room for a long period of time and would rather be able to wander.
      โœฆPeople Who Hurt Her Friends - She is a very caring girl, and when her friends are hurt, it hurts her too.
      โœงFighting - She finds fighting to be childish and hurtful.
      โœฆBoredom - After being alone a lot, with nothing to do, Aiko has grown rather unhappy when she has nothing to do.

      โœฆMusic - When Aiko was eight she began her passion for music. She began to learn classical instruments like Violin and Piano, and became quite good. When she has the time to play, she can excellently preform lullabies or classical songs.
      โœงCalming People Down - With such a calm exterior, Aiko is contagious to people who are upset or angry. Just by sitting with them, holding their hand, humming to them or talking to them, she can calm the person down and make them happy again.
      โœฆTelling if Someone is Lying - Aiko is good at reading people's faces, especially if they are her friends. Because of this, it is easy to pick out when someone is lying.
      โœงSinging - Though she doesn't do it often, Aiko likes to sing and has a very beautiful voice when she does sing. She likes to sing Japanese lullabies, or European songs.
      โœฆLanguages - With a Japanese mother and a European father, she has easily become multi-lingual. She knows Japanese, French, English and a bit of German.

      โœฆFrail - With her condition, she is very frail and is easy to contract colds and fevers.
      โœงBeing Oblivious to People who Like her - She doesn't quite understand flirting, and so she is often lost if someone tries to make advances on her.
      โœฆEasily Scared - She is easy to scare, as she is quite jumpy.
      โœงShowing her Feelings - She is bad at showing if she is upset or angry. She just gets quiet.
      โœฆBeing Active - She is too frail for much physical activity.

      โœฆNeedles - After being in a hospital for so long, she prefers not to see her blood being drawn or medicine being put in.
      โœงHorror Movies - Though she is calm on the outside, she is often jumpy with horror or scary movies.
      โœฆLosing the People she Loves - Without them she would be much lonelier and depressed.
      โœงNever Leaving the Institute - She is scared that her whole life will be surrounded with doctors, buses, machines and those four sterile white walls of her hospital room.
      โœฆDeath - She fears that one day her disease will overcome her attempts to fight against it.

"I've learned that you can keep going, long after you think you can't." ~Anonymous.

      Aiko grew up as an only child, with only her Mother and Father as her family. Her Mother is fully Japanese, and her family was quite distant. Her Father was European, his family back in their home countries. So of course, the only people she had to call family was her Mother and Father, and of course her friends. She grew up having a good relationship with both of her parents, but is a secret Daddies-Girl. She grew closer to her parents after she got sick, leaning on them for the support she needed, though that wasnโ€™t much, as she was taught by them how to be mature.

      When Aiko had to leave her friends from school it was because she was โ€˜moving away to Europeโ€™. Her family said it was so they could be around her fathers family, and so Aiko could learn more about her European background. Of course, this was only partially trueโ€ฆ Before her friends all split up, Aiko had contracted Tuberculosis, a disease that made her more fatigued, gave her no appetite, which led to weight loss, chest pains and a bad cough that made her some times cough up blood. This was the largest reason she had to become mature, she had to grow up and be able to take care of her newly sick body. Her family worried about her a lot, and took a lot of time from their schedule looking for places to help cure the disease, or at least help her. They found a health centre in Europe, close to Aikoโ€™s Fatherโ€™s home town. They decided this was where they would be moving.

      Aiko never told her friends this, instead she just let them think her family was moving for cultural reasons. She didnโ€™t want them to worry, nor did she think they would care after all the constant fighting that had been going onโ€ฆ So after the school year ended, she left quietly with her family and moved into the Health Institute which became her next home.

      In the institute, she slowly got better, but not enough to be able to venture out on her own. The doctors kept her confined to her room, but her mother and Father did bring her books to read and music to listen to. She had homeschooling with tutors over the years, and because she had not much else to do, she devoted herself to school work, getting good grades had become like second nature to her. Of course it was lonely, but she made some friends in the Institute. Other girls and boys with similar symptoms and diseases.

      When her mother and father informed her that she was allowed to go back home to Japan for a summer with her friends, she already knew who they were talking aboutโ€ฆ She knew it would be rough, but she didnโ€™t care so long as it got her out of her sterile, little white room. She now is just afraid to see what her friends thing of her.

      Dษชแด€สŸแดษขแดœแด‡ CแดสŸแดส€ โœฆ #CC99FF

      Tสœแดแดœษขสœแด› CแดสŸแดส€ โœง #9966FF

      Fแด€แด„แด‡ CสŸแด€ษชแด โœฆ Aika Fuwa

      Pแดส€แด›ส€แด€สแด‡แด… Bส โœง Arrow-

      โ’ธโ“„โ“…โ“Žโ“‡โ’พโ’ผโ’ฝโ“‰ โ“Œโ’ถโ“‡โ“ƒโ’พโ“ƒโ’ผ
      character basic form ยฉ aurei
      modified formย  เชฝเซฎเซจฮ‘
      edited, modified form Luna Delta

So begins...

Aiko Fujimura's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valeraine Katsukawa Character Portrait: Hisakawa Chinatsu Character Portrait: Aiko Fujimura Character Portrait: Akira Saito Character Portrait: Satoru Laussen Character Portrait: Kobi Burkov
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ImageLightning brightened the clouded, night-time sky as the thunder boomed, winds roaring as they swirled throughout the small section of the country side. The night itself seemed to be dragging itself on forever, as if waiting for the show to unfold once each child got to the rather average house within it's forest.

While the rain drops splashed against the lake's dark blue surface; however, it seemed like the cabin itself was still relatively unaffected. If anything, it was the only dry location for miles until one went back out to town once more. On a much nicer night, stars would dance in the open sky, their twinkles no down reflecting and bouncing off the water. Alas, it seemed like that would be a sight for another day.

Inside the summer home would be only two baths, four bedrooms, as well as a kitchen, and a plain living room. A mix of traditional and modern styles had been placed into the house, though not so much as to where it would clash. Two bunk beds were in each of the four bedrooms, and three name plates on the outside of the doors. Nothing grand, but it would be just enough for the twelve teenagers.

They'd just have to make due until the hundred days of summer were up, and that was starting tomorrow.


Room one
  • Daisuke Wakeshima
  • Hisakawa Chinatsu
  • Makoto Mado

Room two
  • Kobi Burkov
  • Aiko Fujimura
  • Levi Honda

Room three
  • Satoru Laussen
  • Valeraine Katsukawa
  • Hiroko Myamato

Room four
  • Alphonse Orlav
  • Arata Ito
  • Akira Saito

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hisakawa Chinatsu Character Portrait: Aiko Fujimura Character Portrait: Satoru Laussen Character Portrait: Hiroko Miyamato
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arrow-


"Caring - about people, about things, about life -
is an act of maturity." ~Tracy McMillan

Feeling: Calm | Woozy --> Nervous
Location: Airport --> House; Countryside

Aiko sighed as her and her mother were picked up from the airport by a driver. It had been a long flight from England and she and her mother were both exhausted, though unlike herself, Aiko's mother had gotten some sleep on the flight. Her mother looked at her and smiled softly. She ushered her along to the car and helped her lift all her luggage into the back. Of course, her mother only let her carry the light bags. She hated being babied.

Aiko sat next to her mother quietly as she yammered on about how this was going to be 'a great experience' and 'a time to rekindle connections'. Aiko played with her dress nervously, though her face didn't show it. She was currently riding to what could be her doom.

During spring, her mother had been jittery and more enthused than Aiko had ever seen her before they moved to Europe. Whenever she had asked about it, her mother had just given her a secretive smile and told her to be patient and to wait. Aiko just ignored it and continued on with her pointlessly boring existence, but by the end of spring, her mother let it all blow. She told her that she would be going back to Japan for the summer to meet up with some old friends. Where this would have enthused most normal teenagers, Aiko was, of course, not normal.

You see, Aiko had been diagnosed with tuberculosis, a disease that affected the lungs and caused pain and sometimes death. This was why her family had moved to Europe, to get treatment at better institutions. Of course, it was under the ruse that they were moving to be closer to her fathers family. They hadn't told anyone as they didn't want to worry, especially her friends, since by the some she had been ready to move, they had all been splitting apart anyways. She thought she would have never seen them again in her lifetime. So when her mother said that she would be leaving the hospital room that she had called home for the past years, to go meet her 'friends', Aiko knew she wasn't talking about the other patients who were her acquaintances.

So now, here she was, on her way to see the people who she had said goodbye to before. The people who's faces were pushed to the rarest reaches of her mind. It made her feel woozier than normal.

Halfway through the ride it had begun to rain, so when they stopped her mother offered to help her walk to the house where she would be staying. She refused quietly, took the offered umbrella and got out of the car. Her mother helped her slide the bags around her shoulders, while also balancing a rolly-suitcase and said umbrella. She wouldn't usually pack so much, but she had to account for medicines.

"Goodbye Mother. Take care of yourself properly until I come back." She said, nodding to her mothers smiling face. The woman laughed. "You are telling this to me?" She asked, still tittering away. "Of course dear... You take care of yourself too." Her mother smiled softly, but turned serious, "If anything happens, you call right away. Don't forget to take your medicine, don't do anything too strenuous, and-" She ranted on until Aiko butted in. "I know mother. Farewell."

Aiko turned and carefully ambled down the rainy, wet path. She liked the smell of rain. It was so fresh. She tried to focus on this, rather than the impending doom ahead of her.

When she arrived at the house, she could see three pairs of shoes already there. She let out a shaky breath and padded inside of the room.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hisakawa Chinatsu Character Portrait: Aiko Fujimura Character Portrait: Satoru Laussen Character Portrait: Kobi Burkov Character Portrait: Hiroko Miyamato
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Pusheen



Feelings: Weary - Nauseous - Self Possessed
Location: Taxi Cab โ‡ข House | Countryside


With the side of his forehead resting on the car door window, Kobi gazed out and watched the rain splatter everywhere as if the clouds were small children who dropped their ice cream on the floor. Rain drops pitter-pattered against the window as his thoughts were drowned by the music playing through his headphones; Monster by Nightcore. The flight from Moscow, Russia to Japan took under ten hours which was still one hell of a flight for Kobi. He wasn't afraid of heights or to travel by plane and he had been placed in first class seating. The only problem was the lack of sleep he got because a small child kept kicking and screaming about how she wanted to go home. The kid was obviously petrified of flying so why her parents decided to put her on a plane with them was baffling to Kobi. Tracing his thoughts back to the present, 'Why on earth am I in Japan?' It was the same rhetorical question he had been asking himself ever since his father informed him of the summer vacation he would be spending with his friends. Really, it all just seemed strange to him. He didn't have any female friends due to the fact that he attended an all male private academy and his friends only spoke Russian. Sure they took a class to learn Japanese but so did Kobi and his friends knew they could just get an easy A by copying off of him. Whatever the reason his friends wanted to spend summer vacation in Japan, Kobi just hoped those idiots didn't expect to depend on him for translating and getting foreign girls' phone numbers for them.

Kobi lifted his eyelids slightly as the yellow vehicle slowly stopped moving. He lifted his head up a bit but his effort failed, he was just too tired. So tired that the poor taxi driver had to step out into the rain just to open Kobi's door and help him out of the cab. The man had mentioned the path was too narrow to drive up so the blonde would have to walk the rest of the way. "Thank you.." Kobi muttered as he handed the taxi driver the money he owed him then pulled his luggage out of the cab though he forgot, or rather didn't bother, to give the man a nice tip for the service he was provided. His mother use to always bug him about being polite and tipping hard workers like waitresses, taxi drivers, and fast food delivery service. Kobi always thought his mother was completely and utterly silly for thinking this way. In his mind manners should only be bothered to use when you want something from someone, want someone to like or respect you, and when your around people of higher status. Then again, many people have commented on his logical thinking and have said that it was too cold, whatever that meant.

The rain kept pouring down from the sky and after putting up his umbrella, Kobi's blonde hair had already started to stick to his forehead from the heaping rain it was exposed to seconds before. The only bright side was being out of that cab. The blonde always felt sick when being in a vehicle for too long. He would always be fine, no matter how long, when he was the one doing the driving but it was a different story when he was a passenger. If he remembered correctly, it had to do something with not feeling comfortable with lack of control, well that's what his father said. Not wanting to spend all his time standing in the rain, Kobi began to walk down the narrow pathway that would soon lead to the house, with his wheeled luggage bag dragging behind.

Arriving to the house, Kobi stepped under the roof to get away from the rain although really his body was already shielded from the raindrops by his yellow-ish green colored umbrella. Before stepping inside the house, he took a brief moment to breathe in the air that surrounded him. It smelt fresh and cooling because of the rain that was mixed in. He enjoyed the smell but cut his relaxation short as he shut the umbrella and opened the door. Though as he stepped in, to his surprise, he found four people he once referred to as friends years ago, in his midst. Kobi, now entered the house fully, set his luggage bag to the side near the wall of the opening of the door and slipped his shoes off then set them by the door. "Why are you all here.." He wasn't really asking a question, since it was obvious to him how this all happened, but he had nothing else to say that came to mind. What was he supposed to say anyway? He examined the faces that occupied the room, some more familiar than others. He didn't know what kind of psychology trick his father was trying to pull on him, but right now it did not seem amusing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hisakawa Chinatsu Character Portrait: Aiko Fujimura Character Portrait: Satoru Laussen Character Portrait: Kobi Burkov Character Portrait: Hiroko Miyamato
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------Feeling; Surprised ; Confused ; Even More Confused
-------------------Location; House | Countryside

"Hello? Anyone in he-.." Satoru heard a girl's voice as he began to doze off into some sort of sleep while he sat up right. He was tired after all, and for a moment, he thought the voice was in his head, that he was imagining things because he was that tired from the ride. But he knew he wasn't imagining things when he heard the voice a second time. "I-... Uhm... You wouldn't happen to be..."

Satoru opened his eyes and saw a girl he found to look a bit familiar. He squinted, wondering if it was just one of the girls from the country side that he didn't know. But even if that was the case... 'Why does she seem to recognize me then?' Satoru sat up straighter and then heard her ask, "...Ruru? I-I mean... Satoru?... Wait, no, I like Ruru better."

"W-What?" Satoru asked with confusion. How'd she know his name? Did they know each other? He watched her as she removed her hood, revealing her face and hair, and that's when he thought he knew who he was facing. "You're... not Hiroko, are you? From elementary school?" He guessed, as it had been years since he saw her, or any of his past friends for the matter, before he moved to Australia. 'No one else would call me that name, and no one else would even know that name to begin with so-'

Something dropped on the floor and Satoru instantly turned his head to look at what it was. It was a bag, but it wasn't his, or Hiroko's. He saw shoes first, and then made his way up to her face. "Wow, it's like walking into a dramatic movie."

'You've got to be joking.' Satoru thought to himself. He was already feeling overwhelmed. It couldn't be a mistake that the first girl was Hiroko Miyamoto and that this one was, "Hisakawa... Chinatsu?" More footsteps sounded like they were coming from outside, and Satoru got to his feet when the third person walked in. "Aiko? You're- Wait- Why-" Satoru tried to find a way to start his sentences. He wanted to ask why they were all here, where his 'friends' were supposed to be, and many more questions.

Who knew what emotions were going through him at the time. Three of his friends from elementary that he used to see and talk with every day had suddenly showed up during the summer, after so many years of having not seen each other from before. Happiness, sadness, pain, excitement; all those feelings he felt at once, one overlapping with another. It prevented him from showing any other emotion than confusion on his face, and say anything but stuttering fragments of his sentences.

Then, a fourth person showed up, but this one he wasn't as excited to see as the others.

"Why are you all here.." Kobi, from many years ago, asked the group. Satoru didn't have to double check to know who this guy was. They didn't end things well between the two when they separated, and Satoru hadn't forgotten their 'rivalry.'

Regardless, it wasn't a time to start arguing with him when there were other things to ask. He frowned when he saw his face, but wiped that look away to one that he would always make when he a child, which was basically, with little emotion. "I haven't seen you guys in ages... But yeah, why are you guys here?" He asked the group, "It's not like this was a coincidence or anything-" He then realized the obvious; those were his friends that his mother was talking about, not the ones from Australia.

Satoru didn't say anything about that realization, but he did grumble out of no where, for a reason on he seemed to have known.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hisakawa Chinatsu Character Portrait: Aiko Fujimura Character Portrait: Satoru Laussen Character Portrait: Kobi Burkov Character Portrait: Hiroko Miyamato
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"People are usually about as happy as they make
their minds up to be."

Feeling: Nervous | Happy | Hopeful
Location:House; Countryside

As more people enter the house, Natsu has the clarity of mind to at least move out of the way. She picks her bag back up and walks into a more open area so as not to block the door anymore. For a moment, she can only stare at everyone with that stupid smile on her face, the one that instinctively clings onto her features for dear life when she is in a situation which might induce anxiety or worry. Even when she is not cheerful, few and far between as those states might be, she comes across as so to those who cannot the subtle nuances in her expressions. Of course, the smile is lopsided, a common trait among expressions which are less than completely sincere. There are a few moments before her mind suddenly kicks back into action, processing the fact that Aiko, one of her dearest childhood friends, is the one who has entered, and that Satoru-kun has begun to speak, breaking that brief, heavy silence which had hung over their heads after her dim, or she now thinks of it as dim in hindsight, comment.

There is a certain comfort in the fact that she is not the only one taken off guard by this. However, she wonders how the others can be so shocked. Didn't Satoru move to Australia? Aiko to England? Hiroko to Russia? How could they be brought here, and think nothing of it? Natsu faults herself for not realizing as well, but she has the excuse of living near to here. A summer trip in her childhood home with friends would not have seemed so strange, given the relatively short distance between here and her current home.

But these are all processing in the back of her mind, for on the level just above the surface her mind has gone very nearly blank. Satoru is the first to manage out words of proper recognition, ignoring Natsu's brightly stated comment from earlier, and this is hardly a surprise. He and Kobi had always seemed to lead the group, in some form or another. That is why Hiroko and Valeraine had both been smitten with him --something that Natsu had been rather late in realizing, despite being close friends with Valeraine. She'd always been slow with such things, and in many ways continues to be, although to a lesser extent.

Natsu is in a cross between the sort of nervousness that eats at one's stomach and the happiness that threatens to bubble out in uncontrollable laughter. Some secret part of Natsu had always wanted to see her friends once more, though it was likely pushed down in favor of focusing on the present and the future. She wonders if Valeraine will be here as well, but her thoughts, easily distracted, are disrupted by the entrance of yet another person: Kobi. Instantly her gaze flickers towards Satoru, for she remembers quite well the rivalry that had burned between the two boys back in youth.

Ignoring Satoru's grumble, Natsu merely blinks for a second, before finally spreading her smile a bit more and responding, happy to keep conversation going because it eases the tension that pulls tightly across the atmosphere. "My mom told me I'd be staying with friends," she responds cheerily, or as cheerily as she can manage, which is an impressive degree under these circumstances. "I hadn't thought it would be you, though. I take it I'm not the only one expecting someone else," this is the sort of plan she wouldn't put past her parents.

Internally, she can't help but thank her mom and dad a bit. She just wishes they would have given her some clue, first. While she is friends with all here, Natsu's gaze stops at Aiko. Her smile becomes sillier, more sincere. "Aiko! How was England? Rainy?"