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Nero's Loyal, Fierce, and Mischievous Dragon

0 · 496 views · located in Hüngarth

a character in “The Riders' Ascension”, as played by XxNightxX




Hatchling. So, young, only a few days or weeks old. Will grow older as the RP goes on, obviously.




Description / Appearance:


Looks much like the gorgeous female dragon at the very top there except she has lustrous bright scarlet red scales.

Khothara is a lean, elegant and swift dragon with aerodynamic wings and a long, lashing tail with a wicked sharp triangular spike at the tip. Her scales are of the deepest scarlet red, which shimmer and gleam in the sunlight and seem to glow softly under the moonlight. Her scales remind some of a blood-red sunset or even of a sparkling ruby. Her underside and accents are of a sharp, luminous moonlight silver, and she has dagger-sharp claws the color of the darkest night. Her eyes are of the purest, most vibrant forest green, and spark with passion, life, youth, and occasionally mischief. Her fire starts out as a flickering red and orange flame, but as she reaches adulthood her fire will grow into a full-blast white-hot flame with flying orange sparks. Her head, wing, and body armor are made of the most durable black and silver metals, with sharp-edged blades on her wing armor. Her armor does have weak points, especially at her wings, but it does a fairly good job at protecting her vitals.

Khothara is agile, swift, and adventurous. She loves to have fun, even if it means engaging in something dangerous, but when its time to get serious, she is determined to get the job done. As a hatchling she is occasionally reckless, but she will learn and grow out of that....well, maybe not ever completely. ;) She is extremely caring and protective, especially over Nero, who she will defend at all costs, even if it means sacrificing her life so he can live. She is fierce, yet loyal; clever, yet mischievous. And much like Nero, once she puts her mind to something, she rarely quits or gives up, unless that is her only option left. She can have a lighthearted, snark attitude, and is quick to make remarks and smart-ass comments, but will also listen to what others have to say given the chance.

Short History:
She doesn't know much about her history before she hatched for Nero.

The usual powers for dragons. Telepathy, creation and resilience of/to fire and flame. She can make a similar mind barrier as Nero can. (Even when they have their minds securely blocked with the strongest of barriers Nero and Khothara are still able to reach each other's minds and communicate with each other.)

Weapon of Choice:
Tooth, Claw, a wicked spiked tail, and a red (and later white) hot jet of flame.

Dragon / Rider:
Nero Durenn


So begins...

Khothara's Story


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Character Portrait: Nero Durenn Character Portrait: Khothara
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Nero awoke cloaked in the soft, familiar covers of his bed in the cabin near the edge of the village of Raywyn, groaning as the first bright rays of dawn pierced his shut eyelids. Blinking his dark blue-gray eyes and squinting awake, he groggily rolled out of bed and quickly got dressed into black leather hunting pants and a black t-shirt, and pulled his soft gray hoodie over his head. Strapping his wicked curved battle axe and his quiver to his back and grabbing his sleek black bow, he hurried downstairs where he quickly ate his breakfast of bacon, eggs, and milk, all obtained from local farmers. Today, he would need his strength, for today Nero was going on a hunting trip. Maybe he would also find some treasures along the way, or something of value. You never knew what you would find as far out in the woods as he was planning on going today, nearly to the mountains in search of game and riches if he happened upon them. He was eager, yet anxious to get on the road. When he finished, before the sun even began to peek over the horizon and streak the sky with the blood-red and fire-orange of dawn over the great expanse of forest and mountain range beyond, Nero left the cabin and headed East - Northeast, off into the deep expanse of forest that bordered the village on three sides, the third side opening to the open plains that, if traveled through, led to the other villages closer to the Royal City of Valhollow, which bordered the ocean port village of Merrimead. The soft warm breeze of summer blew Nero's slightly messy pitch black hair into his eyes and made it stick out in a few odd directions due mostly to his bed-head. He hadn't bothered to brush it, and was content to just run his fingers through it to tame it temporarily. He was one of the main providers of game for the village, and only kept what was necessary for himself. Raywyn was a medium to small village, at least in comparison to the grand villages and cities closer to the capitol, but Nero was still often gone on long hunting trips for days on end, four or five days at the most, to provide for his home-village, for he traveled where most hunters of their village did not. Nero would be heading out on one of these long hunting trips today; it would take one and half to two days at the least if he was even somewhat successful.

When the sun was halfway to the highest point in the sky, Nero caught up with a couple of does he had tracked through the denser part of the forest. Cautiously lowering himself into a crouch, and careful no to snap any twigs as he inched closer, he quickly and silently strung his bow and notched an arrow. Breathing evenly and holding the bow steady, he pulled the notched arrow back until it was even with his chin, aimed at the doe's heart so it would be a clean and instant kill, and let loose the arrow. It whistled through the air and hit its mark, felling the deer in an instant. As the other doe fled, Nero walked over to the dead deer and bent down to retrieve the arrow out of the doe's still chest. As he did so, a ruby-red glint pierced his peripheral vision and nearly blinded him. He blinked and followed the glint of the object, but instead of a ruby or gem as he would expect from such a luminous object, he found a large, oblong stone only a few feet from where his outstretched hand was. Narrowing his eyes in thoughtful curiosity, he bent down and picked the object up, and almost dropped it as he shockingly discovered the radiant warmth it seemed to give off from within. What the hell kind of a stone is this? he thought, cradling the heavy object in both his hands, as it was too big to hold one-handed. It seemed to hum beneath his fingertips, as if it was a great source of energy and power. Something within him, maybe it was instinct, told him that it wasn't just a regular stone, or maybe not a stone at all. He was just about to stuff the object into his hoodie pocket so he could take it back to the village and try to see if someone there knew what it was, it hummed with a new intensity in his hands. He gazed down at it, mesmerized, yet fearful of what strange magic might have enchanted it, when something within it seemed to move and shift, and in the next second there was a sharp cracking noise and a small hole appeared on the surface of the stone, and a small snout appeared. His stormy blue-gray eyes widening, he carefully and gently set the stone down, which he now realized was an egg, but of what he was not sure. He stepped back as the egg cracked again, his felled deer almost completely forgotten. As a third ear-splitting crack echoed off the tall, thick trees around him and Nero stood there dumbfounded, trying to make reason of all this in his mind, the exotic stone exploded into a thousand pieces of flaming-red ruby shell and a creature even more vibrant and flaming-red than its abandoned encasing emerged and blinked its intelligent and mischievous emerald eyes up at him.

Dragon. Something seemed to whisper to him in the back of his mind. But thats impossible. The last of those creatures died out ages ago, if those stories are even true. But what sat blinking up at him was unlike anything he'd ever seen, and even as his brain actively tried to deny it, he could not deny the identity of the majestic being that was standing before him. A million questions followed this revelation, swirling through his head like the sounds of a battlefield, but they were cut off as quickly as they came as a presence entered his mind.

Hello. it said, its voice young, soothing, and distinctly female. I am Khothara. Her vibrant, sparking green eyes gazed up at him as she tilted her head in friendly greeting.

Nero was stunned to silence, and after a moment of shock he regained his composure and met her gaze. He felt a pull in his heart towards this dragon that he'd never felt for any other creature, and it was strange, and new, and yet he never wanted this linked feeling to end. He crouched down and held out a hand, purely out of instinct and curiosity, and Khothara gently stretched out her elegant neck and nuzzled her ruby-red muzzle against the palm of his outstretched hand.

....Nero. I'm Nero. he murmured.


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Character Portrait: Nero Durenn Character Portrait: Khothara
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Khothara was perched comfortably on Nero's shoulder as he traversed through the forest, his soft black leather boots creating barely a sound on the floor of dampened twigs and leaves. The small red dragon shivered and shook out her wings, small water droplets flying through the air as they were flicked off the tip of her tail and wings. She settled back down into her comfortable position once more, folding her soft, translucent blood-red wings along the spine of her back as she gazed up at the dark, formidable black structures blotting the warming early morning sun from the sky. As the rain began to pound harder on her smooth, scaled back, she glanced over at Nero, whose black hair was sleek with rain and plastered to the sides of his face and forehead. She met his eyes, which were the same color as the raging sky above them.

We should find shelter. she said simply.

Nero nodded and after another moment of shivering out in the pounding rain, he found a small, dense copse of trees resting up against the side of a towering, smooth boulder on one side that told him they were nearly at the edge of the mountains. They crouched down and nestled inside it, Nero resting his back up against the cool, smooth boulder as Khothara curled into a ball; she was about the size of a small feline. Inside the sheltered structure, which seemed to be keeping out the rain for the most part, slitted bright green eyes slitted closed and Khothara was soon lost in the strange, exotic dreams of this strange new world she had entered into. Nero leaned back against the boulder with one leg stretched out straight and the other bent at the knee as he got some rope out from his tattered pack and began to skillfully, yet absent-mindedly practice his knot-tieing. They weren't going anywhere for a while, it wasn't safe to travel in such a storm and they would only become ill from the damp and cold if they continued to try to return to the cabin. Besides, it gave Nero some more time to contemplate how he was going to keep his new little fire-breathing secret.


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Character Portrait: Nero Durenn Character Portrait: Khothara
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Character Portrait: Riley Hunt Character Portrait: Nero Durenn Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Khothara
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
Large drops of rain fell onto Riley's head as she swore. By the looks of it a violent storm was being to gather around her and she was a good 4 hours away from her hut.
"Darn it" she cursed as a light purring vibrated by her neck and she realized Luna was sleeping.
"Lazy dragon" Riley grumbled and started running, looking for shelter. She stood under a large oak tree with plenty of foliage and scanned the area. There was a cave a few miles away, it looked dry and was calling to her. She took Luna in her hands, waking her.
"Hang on little one" Riley cooed before starting in a run. One good thing about being part Lycan is that she is fast. She dodged tree's and rocks and rocketed into the cave. She tripped on a rock and did a barrel roll, landing on her back Luna flying out of her hands and landing on something soft.
"Safe" Riley groaned as she sat up and rubbed her back. Her Lycan eyes which glowed bright green scanned the dark cave and what she saw surprised her. She saw Luna had landed on the lap of a boy around her age with pitch black hair and stormy eyes, a small red dragon was sitting by him.
"Umm hello sorry i didnt know this cave already had an owner" Riley said sheepishily then took in a deep breath sniffing the air.
'he's human' she thought to herself, a feeling of worry taking hold in her heart. What if he was one of those horrible human's her father talked about, the one's that would kill her for being Lycan.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Hunt Character Portrait: Nero Durenn Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Khothara
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"Ahh!!" Nero exclaimed in surprise, falling on his back with a grunt and trying to regain the air that had been squashed out of his lungs. His first thought was that in his absent-minded knot-tieing, he hadn't noticed Khothara awaking and leaping at him in some sort of a game. But no, that couldn't be it, wouldn't he feel her consciousness sharpen with awakening through their mind-link? And then, as his stormy eyes adjusted to the dark once more and tried to focus on the silvery blue-gray face that was very close to his, he realized it was a dragon, but it definitely was not Khothara. This confused him for a moment and left him stunned, with his heart pounding like a persistent fast-beat bass-drum against his chest before he noticed the attractive girl that seemed to have joined him in his cave to escape from the rain. He sat up, his heart slowing as he gently set the other small dragon hatchling on the ground beside him and turned toward the girl as he stood up and brushed himself off. Once he felt he had gained back some of his composure and some sense of pride, he seemed to look at the girl for the first time. She was pretty, with a curvy lean build, wavy hair the color of golden summer sunlight, and beautiful, exotic eyes that he couldn't decide whether they were forest green or dark blue. And she was tall, only a few inches shorter than he was he realized as he stood to his full height of 6'2''.

As he met her eyes, mesmerized by them, he noticed something else about her. She seemed as she was almost....afraid...of him? As if she expected him to accuse her of a crime and punish her severely for it. Still wondering at her reaction at seeing him, he tried to brush it away as an effect of her being just as surprised as he was.

"Ummm... No, thats fine. I was just escaping the storm, you can stay and do the same if you wish." he said sort of quickly. He said the next part at a normal pace, obviously beginning to relax and recover from that split second of actually believing for a moment that he'd been ambushed by bandits. "I just....didn't expect to see someone this far out. What brings you all the way out near the mountains, if you don't mind my asking?" he said politely, revealing a friendly, warm, boyish smile with almost perfect white teeth and a confidence that showed he got along with most people fairly well. It seemed to let a little bit more of his personality shine through.

Khothara had been awakened by a commotion of someone running, or rather crashing into the cave and had instinctively leapt up from her position next to Nero, curled up in a ball, and extended her small wings enough to land on a stalagmite rising a few feet above the smooth stone of the cave floor. Her vibrant green eyes shone brightly from her perch in the darker shadows of the cave as she narrowed them at these new intruders. She wasn't sure if they were an actual threat to Nero, but she couldn't take any chances. She crouched on her perch, muscles bunched and prepared to leap at any second if Nero got into danger. She didn't like the smells that assaulted her nose, it smelled of a strange mixture of dog and wolf, but there were no wolves for miles and she hadn't smelt wolf when they first entered the cave. As she spotted one of her own species, which she had thought was impossible until now, mixed feeling coursed through her heart. For a moment she was afraid that it would harm Nero, and then there was the additional feeling of being glad beyond words to see another of her kind, for it would have been a lonely world if she had been the only one as her and Nero had assumed, mostly because of the rumors of her species' downfall. Nevertheless, she couldn't help a low, snarling growl to escape from her through her sharp, pointed white teeth as her wicked sharp tail flicked back and forth in irritation and anxiety.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Hunt Character Portrait: Nero Durenn Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Khothara
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
"ummm.... i live 3 hours away from here and i couldnt run home with this freezing rain.....ummm......your not going to hurt me are you? Cause your hum......i mean a stranger and i have heard horrible things unless there.....a lie that is........question if you were to say i dont know....ever meet a Lycan what would you do? it doesnt have to be a Lycan it could be vampire or Fae.....would you kill it?" Riley asked quietly. She had to make sure he wasnt a threat and the fact that he had a dragon only gave her small comfort.

His ruby dragon hissed and growled at her and Luna and Luna gave out a cute little squeak that was suppose to be a growl. Luna was way smaller then the boy's dragon so Riley was surprise it saw them as a threat.....unless the dragon smelt her wolf side and was confused. It did look like it was confused and Riley felt back.

"Dont worry little one your sense of smell is correct" Riley said quietly and waited for the boys answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Hunt Character Portrait: Nero Durenn Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Khothara
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Nero opened his mouth to respond, but then closed it again as he seemed confused and at a loss for words, trying to take in all of what she was mumbling nervously. He must not be hearing her correctly was his first thought. He blinked his blue-gray eyes, which seemed a little puzzled, but not unfriendly. Hush! I'm fine, they don't seem dangerous to me. In fact, they seem...scared... he thought to Khothara in his mind, trying to clear his thoughts as her growling ceased its low, slightly startled humming in his mind. She rolled her eyes, snorted in reluctant compliance with his wishes, and relaxed on her perch, folding her wings and settling down in a more relaxed position, although her green eyes were still narrowed to slits, her slanted pupils dilating in the darkness. Nero continued to try to come up with a response as the girl continued her nervous, inexplicable fearful rambling as he met her stunning, exotic green eyes.

"H-hurt you?" he managed to stutter out, seeming surprised at her questions. "No, I would never -- 3 hours away? -- horrible things?? what horrible things have you heard about who -- L-Lycan?! Kill it?" all his replies seemed to meld together in muddled, confused ideas as he tried to reply, but kept being cut off by more of her mumbled, nervous rambling. What in the hell was she talking about, and what was she so afraid of?

Finally, he gathered his thoughts and held his hands out in front of him, palms toward her to try to get her to calm down. "Hold on." he started, more firmly this time, yet his eyes still friendly, even a little curious and mesmerized by this strange, mysterious girl. "I'm not going to hurt you, and neither is Khothara, although she'd like to think she's tough enough to." he said with a small, quick grin at that last statement as Khothara gave him a quick, half-hearted glare and rolled her green eyes again. "Now, would you please explain to me what you are talking about?" he asked, a slight tone of kind concern in his eyes, as his mind tried to figure out what it was she was trying to say.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Hunt Character Portrait: Nero Durenn Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Khothara
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
Was it to dark in here? how could he not find her multi-colored eyes with their slit pupil's normal. She didnt want to tell him, he was human and armed....yet so was she in more ways then one.

"you dont find anything about me strange? not normal?" she mumbled. Out of no where the howling of a real wolf echoed through the cave. It was close but with the rain they wouldn't be able to smell her, but if it seek refuge it would fight her for dominance cause he would smell her as a female wolf. Pushing her ear's abilities she could hear its wet footsteps get closer to the cave and that made her shiver with fear.

"i hope your not scared of wolves cause one is coming, he's close and a rogue" Riley stated firmly. Luna gave out a cute little hiss as yellow eyes and a large grey wolf walked through the entrance of the cave. It sniffed the air and instantly caught Riley's scent and growled. She turned to the boy with worry in her eyes. She stepped in front of him and yet out a inhuman growl, flashing her white sharp canine teeth, her green eyes glowed and her nails sharpened. She stood tall to remind the wolf even if she was female she was dominant to him because of her alpha Lycan blood.

"Leave pup before i rip out our throat and feed it to the pack" she snarled at the wolf, she didnt want the boy behind her to get hurt she was always over-protective. The wolf snarled back before cowering down and running away. Riley relaxed and her claw's turned back to normal then she turned back to the boy.

"I'm a Lycan, I'm asking you those question cause i want to make sure you wouldnt kill father has kept me hidden from you human's cause he is convinced they will kill me, now i want to know if you will" Riley said bluntly and out stretched her hand to him shyly.

"I'm Riley Hunt and thats Luna" Riley pointed to her dragon and waited for the boys answer. A look of fear still in Riley's eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Hunt Character Portrait: Nero Durenn Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Khothara
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There was still something he was trying to figure out about her eyes, what was so exotic about them when she seemed to hesitate and give him a look that told him he was missing something here. He strained to look closer at her in the dark, but could see nothing out of the ordinary about her except those eyes... those eyes that seemed to glow luminescent in the dark.... he couldn't quite focus on her pupils, although now he saw that they seemed more slitted than was normal...

Nero, realizing he was still armed when he saw her glance at his bow and curved axe strapped to his back, slowly and carefully set his bow and axe off to the side on a stone ledge until all the weapons that were left on his person were his quiver of arrows and a hidden dagger tucked in one of his leather boots. He occasionally held his hands up to show that he was surrendering his weapons, not attacking her. Once he knew she saw that he had disarmed himself, he took a calm step towards her.

"Strange? No....." he said, his voice trailing off as he tried to figure out if he should find something strange. Maybe she meant her eyes...

Nero's thoughts were interrupted as he heard the wolf howl and he turned his head swiftly towards the cave entrance. "Scared?" he chuckled. "No, I'm not scared of a lone wolf....Are you?" he said, his voice and blue-gray eyes calm as he glanced over at her. He did however begin to reach for his bow, not out of fear, but out of an attempt to protect her. He gripped it in his left hand and prepared to notch an arrow with his right, quick as lightning, but somehow she was in front of him before he could even notch an arrow, which he found near impossible, considering it had taken him nearly a split second. A confused and slightly surprised look crossed his face, but other than that he remained calm. The way she stood in front of him was almost as if she was...protecting him??....from the wolf. Why was she protecting him, he didn't need protection from a mere wolf, in fact he should be the one protecting her....which raised another question: Why did she think she could protect him better than he could her? Her growl confused him, as it sounded slightly inhuman, and his mind was slowly beginning to put the pieces together in his mind, although his rational instinct didn't want to believe it. Although he had to admit, there had been nothing rational about the past few hours... Pack? What pack was she talking about? Maybe she was just talking big to taunt the wolf, but why was she talking to the wolf in the first place as if it could understand every word she said?

And then something happened that he hadn't expected. He slowly lowered his bow, a look of confused wonder and awe passing over his face as he watched the wolf leave with its tail between its legs like a reprimanded pup. What the- he started to think as he put his bow back down on a ledge in the cave next to his axe and turned back to the girl. She had some explaining to do, definitely.... And then she did explain...

He listened as she spoke, but instead of disbelief or hatred flaring in his eyes and features at what she said, he simply looked calm....and as if he believed her. Because he did. All this was happening, really happening, and after today he doubted he would be surprised again, no matter how strange something was that occurred. He doubted anything could get much stranger, yet strangely more wonderful, than this day. Besides, the Lycan stories were much more common and accepted in the villages, and although he'd never seen or known one, at least that he'd known of, up until now, he believed what she said as the truth.

Finally, he spoke, understanding in his stormy eyes for the first time, his tone still friendly and calm. "I won't kill you. Your father is right, there may be some out there who could be hostile towards people like you, but thats only because they're fearful because of ignorance and harsh rumors. I, on the other hand, see no reason to kill or hate you. Beside's, the only things I've ever killed are rabbits and deer to help feed my village." he explained, hoping she would trust him. He couldn't imagine how scary it would be, to be sheltered from the world by an overprotective father like that, only told stories of the cruel and ruthless types of people full of hate. But he wasn't one of those people. He took her hand in his own strong, warm, yet gentle hand and returned the gesture, shaking hands with her politely, his eyes still locked on and mesmerized by her. He finally saw it, the lycan-like slitted pupils, the vibrant, exotic colors, and he knew why he had been drawn to those gorgeous, mesmerizing orbs of light in the darkness.

"I'm Nero. Nero Durenn. My new young dragon friend over there is Khothara." he introduced himself and his dragon, who was dipping her head in a polite greeting, obviously beginning to trust this girl and her dragon a bit more. Nero hoped this girl would take his word and trust him, for he still saw fear in her jewel-like eyes.


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Character Portrait: Riley Hunt Character Portrait: Nero Durenn Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Khothara
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
Riley couldnt help but smile knowing he wasnt a bad human. Her smile was light and cheery no fear left as she picked Luna up. She looked behind her to see the sky was slowly clearing.
"it looks like its mostly stopped raining, so what are you going to do? Geez i have never had a friend before it feels great....we are friends now right?" Riley walked out of the cave and let her skin suck in the warm sun that peeked through the dismissing clouds. She looked at him and blushed. She never saw it before being to afraid of him but this boy was handsome! Luna crawled onto her shoulder and made a purring noise, nuzzling Riley's neck.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Hunt Character Portrait: Nero Durenn Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Khothara
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"Probably try to hunt some more, as little Khothara here seems to like deer my first kill has mysteriously disappeared." he replied to her first question, offering his shoulder to the small red dragon once more. She nimbly leaped off her perch on the stalagmite, spread her wings out gracefully in the air for a split second to complete her jump so as not to lose altitude, and landed lightly on Nero's shoulder, nuzzling his cheek with her muzzle affectionately. "You can come with me if you like." he said, unable to keep the hope that this wasn't goodbye out of his voice. He smiled and turned back to Riley, meeting her eyes when she spoke the last question. Gosh, he had just met her, but she seemed nice enough, and she had trusted him even though she had been scared at first. Maybe they really could be friends. It never hurt that she was a wonder on the eyes, as she was very pretty and he still couldn't help for his eyes to be drawn to her elegant, sexy curves, her golden hair that reminded him of a warm, perfect summer's day, and those mesmerizing eyes that almost seemed to change color from time to time.

He smiled that warm, boyish, slightly flirty smile of his, his stormy gray eyes warm and intense. "Yeah, we're friends." he said softly and sincerely. Khothara, deciding that maybe this Lycan and her dragon were okay after all, nodded her ruby-red head in agreement, her large vibrant green eyes a bit more friendly this time.

Nero brushed his damp hair out of his eyes and followed Riley out of the cave into the sunlight that was struggling to break through the clearing dark clouds. He watched the horizon, causing him to miss Riley's glance and blush. When he did glance over at her, he noticed her hair was even more beautiful in the warm sunlight filtering through the clouds and her eyes seemed to sparkle in the warm rays.

Khothara's scales glimmered ruby and seemed to send spots of color dancing across the forest as the sun glinted off them, giving them a radiant golden tint at edges. Her green eyes shone brightly in the new friendly light; how full of life she felt, and how much she loved this world.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Hunt Character Portrait: Nero Durenn Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Khothara
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
"Can i help? you know being part wolf i am a natural born hunter let me.....hey where's my cross-bow? did i....LUNA! you made me forget my cross-bow its probably down by the river....i'll grab it when i go back i guess its just my hunting knives today" Riley mumbled to her and lifted her shirt slightly to reveal the belt of multiple sized knives and daggers around the lower part of her torso.
"a girl has to come prepared" Riley giggled as she grabbed two knives and readied them for the hunt.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Hunt Character Portrait: Nero Durenn Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Khothara
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Nero nodded. "Of course." he said, grabbing his smooth black bow and his curved, wicked battle axe from the ledge and strapping them to his back. Returning to the warm sunlight from the cave, he heard her mutter about forgetting her crossbow somewhere, and that hunting knives will have to do. He saw a glimpse of her smooth skin as she lifted her shirt slightly to reach her knife belt and slide two knives out of their sheath. He made himself look away as he caught his eyes wandering over the elegant curve of her hips and over the bare skin that had been revealed for only a second to get to her knife belt.

Nero looked towards the horizon, the growing sunlight, due to the parting of the worst of the thunderheads, bringing out the blue in his stormy gray eyes as he glanced over at her and met her emerald gaze. "Ready?" he asked, flashing her a warm boyish grin and heading off in the new direction he had chosen to start hunting for some good game, in a lush, forested valley between two mountains on the very edge of the range. Khothara sat perched upon his shoulder, her senses alert and her head up as she took in every detail of her new surroundings. How she loved the feel of the soft summer's breeze sliding over her soft, smooth new shiny scales and the sound her tail made when she flicked it through the air. She loved the sound of the insects going to work pollinating the flowers, the quick breath of the small animals hiding in their burrows and scurrying away as their small hunting team approached their homes. But most of all she loved the vivid colors of the world, the way they blended and melded together, along with the stark contrast of the dark shadows against the earth and stone bathed in sunlight.

At one point, as Nero was tracking a rather large elk buck, Khothara spotted it before he did due to her superb dragon eyesight, which was even more acute and observant than that of a hawk's, and in her excitement, without realizing she could, she sent him an image through their mind link of the elk disappearing through the trees, the colors so vivid and the image so unexpected in his mind that Nero nearly stopped dead in his tracks and nearly made Riley bump into him. Thankfully, he recovered quickly, and sent Khothara his feeling of gratitude for what she had showed him, continuing on. Grabbing his bow from where it was slung across his back and snatching an arrow from his quiver, he found the place that Khothara had showed him through their mind link only a moment before and he began to follow silently and quickly where the elk had disappeared. His black leather boots made almost no sound as he moved through the forest with the ease of someone who was used to jumping logs and avoiding the disturbance of obstacles that would give away his presence, such as the snapping of twigs or the clattering of stones. He glanced back and gestured to Riley with a tilt of his head, indicating where the elk had gone and for her to follow, seeming to have forgotten that she probably would have already detected it due to her Lycan abilities. Doing so however made his slanted, uneven pitch black bangs fall into his eyes, causing him to have to flip his hair back out of his eyes with a quick movement to clear his line of sight. Khothara lowered her head and gripped on slightly tighter with her claws onto Nero's shoulder as he moved more swiftly through the trees and foliage, but she looked slightly pleased with herself at spotting the elk before anyone else and she flicked her tail in the excitement of the hunt. The deer had been a nice meal, but she was starting to get hungry again and the elk would have plenty of meat on it to fill all of four of them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Hunt Character Portrait: Nero Durenn Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Khothara
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
Riley could smell the elk from here, its scent a mixture of wet fur, mud and grass. She focused on the elk and could hear every breath and footstep it took. She silently twirled the knife in her hand a predatory feeling of wanting to dig her teeth into the thick flank of the elk becoming over whelming as its scent drew nearer. She licked her lips hungrily and a soft growl escaped her throat. She winced when the elks head shot up and it stilled for a moment before it continued to munch on the spring grass. Riley could feel her canine's expand in her mouth, pressing againt her bottom lip.
With her natural steath Riley quickly and quietly climbed as large oak tree that over hanged the elk. She could see Nero out of the corner of her eye and he smiled when she saw Khothara lick her lips. Luna on the other hand hid in the pocket of Rileys jean shorts poking her head out so she could watch.
Riley postioned herself so she was right over the large elk then lunged at it, falling directly on its back. The elk started to buck but it didnt help as Riley plunged the long hunting knife its the back of its skull then used her claws and cut its throat. A quick and painless death.
The elk tumbled to the forest floor and Riley jumped off of it, a bright smile lighting up her face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Hunt Character Portrait: Nero Durenn Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Khothara
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Nero tensed slightly, ready to run after it, when the elk lifted its head in response to Riley's predatory growl; he was still getting used to the fact that she was a Lycan. He visibly relaxed again when it lowered its head once more, the dull creature obviously passing the growl off as nothing other than his ears tricking him. Nero quietly circled around the deer as he saw Riley climb up into the tree, his eyes looking in wonder at her skill, balance, and prowess as she moved with ease through the branches until she was directly above the large male elk. Now in position where he could fell the elk with an arrow in an instant if it somehow escaped from Riley, he watched and waited as she sat up in the tree. Khothara crawled from his shoulder to his hoodie jacket pocket and held on tight so she wouldn't fall if he had to move quickly. She snuggled into the warmth of the soft gray fabric of his hoodie and peeked her head out the edge of the large pocket so she could still see all the action.

Nero watched as Riley leaped from the tree, lunging at the deer and landing on its back as she killed it with a forceful stab to its head, then a quick, virtually painless slice to its throat. He admired how skillfully she had leaped from the tree and the precision and prowess by which she had moved - almost inhuman - and a light smile touched his lips. He hadn't realized it before, but she was pretty badass.

As the elk collapsed on the forest floor and Riley jumped off of it with a pleased smile, Nero saw that he was no longer needed for this hunt, and he slid his sleek black bow on his back. Okay, so she had this kill, definitely. He had tracked it, but she had dealt the final blow. He walked over to Riley with a grin, glancing at her kill and back to her. "Nice." he said, his eyes bright and showing off a bit of their blue side. "That elk didn't stand a chance."

Khothara peeked her head out of Nero's hoodie pocket and almost seemed to wiggle with anticipation, her mouth watering at the scent of the elk's blood. She made a happy little chirrup and tried to escape from Nero's hoodie, but he held her there easily with one hand, telling her briefly in his mind to wait, she would get her meal of elk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Hunt Character Portrait: Nero Durenn Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Khothara
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
"Thank you, i knew it wouldnt now lets cut this baby open and have us a feast i can hear my stomach growling from here" Riley giggled.
"why dont you go gather some fire wood?, there's got to be some dry branches or something around here. I'll cut this thing up" Riley asked then turned to the dead elk. She sheathed her two blades and pulled another one out the size of her arm then removed her grey t-shirt to reveal a black tank top that only went to the bottom of her breast's revealing her toned torso.

"Blood doesnt come out of grey.....or cotton" Riley giggled and hung her shirt on a tree branch then got to work, slicing into the elk's flesh with her blade. By the time she was done, blood splattered her bare torso, legs and arms but the meat was cut up beautifully.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Hunt Character Portrait: Nero Durenn Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Khothara
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"All right." Nero said, he was just about to turn around and go and get firewood when he saw Riley take off her gray cotton shirt to reveal a short black tank top underneath that only went to the bottom of her breasts. He felt a blush come to his cheeks when he realized how little she was wearing as a top, her toned core and the top of her curvy hips clearly visible. He rubbed the back of his neck slightly nervously as his eyes took in everything about her for what seemed like the first time. He knew she was attractive, but damn, he hadn't known she was this sexy. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, now there was no way he was leaving to go get firewood, but in the end he turned and tried to hide a grin as he went to go fetch some firewood to cook the elk, since neither of their dragons could yet produce fire. When he heard her giggled explanation, he glanced back over his shoulder and grinned. "No, I suppose it doesn't." he said, his eyes following the elegant curves of her toned body. He thought about stealing her gray cotton shirt so she couldn't put it back on, but thought better of it and in the end turned back and walked away from her to go get firewood. Khothara chuckled and smirked, showing her tiny sharp pointed teeth as she rolled her green eyes at him from his shoulder. Calm yourself little one, you only just met her.

Shut up. Nero thought back to her, feeling a slight blush come to his cheeks as he gave her a slight mental glare. And I am calm. Khothara just smirked in response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Hunt Character Portrait: Nero Durenn Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Khothara
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0.00 INK

#, as written by DyLAn:D
"i am to good" Riley giggled as she admired her meat cutting skills, smiling broadly. She looked down at her clothes and frowned, blood covered her legs, arms and torso, Riley knew that our animal's would smell the meat and fresh blood and her being covered in it isnt helping. Grumbling she ran off to the river Luna hanging on tightly as Riley traveled at Lycan speed. She reached the river in moments and quickly scanned the area before taking off her jean shorts and black tank top. The blood was mostly on her skin and less on her clothes and she didnt want to get them wet......again. Taking a deep breath Riley plunged into the cool water the blood instantly flowing off her skin and down with the current. She didnt have long before Nero would return so she made it quick then slipped her shorts and tank on, grabbed Luna and ran back to the meat.
She sighed in relief when she saw no animal's had stolen anything. She picked up her grey t-shirt and stuck it in her back jean pocket slightly so it hung from it down her leg. Riley's hair was soaking wet but she liked it, the coolness on her back. She laid down in the grass as she waited for Nero to return, Luna curling up at her side basking in the sun.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Hunt Character Portrait: Nero Durenn Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Khothara
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Nero returned a few moments later with his arms filled with some good firewood. He set the wood down in a nice-sized pile and looked up to see that the elk had been cleaned and chopped skillfully and was ready to be cooked. He was impressed at how well the meat had been prepared, and that meant a lot coming from a life-long hunter. He guessed Riley knew what she was doing. He saw that she had already seemed to have cleaned up in the stream, as was apparent by her wet hair, and she was still in the short black tank top, her gray cotton t-shirt hanging from her back jeans pocket. She was laying in the grass with Luna basking in the sun beside her, they both looked so adorable and peaceful curled up together with the sunlight adding a warm glow to Riley's features and glinting off of Luna's soft, smooth scales. Khothara peeked her head out of Nero's hoodie pocket and jumped down to the ground, running over and curling up beside Luna and nuzzling her in a warm hello, happy to see the fellow dragon hatchling again. Although she had been slightly wary of the smaller dragon at first, just because she hadn't ever seen another of her kind and had been startled at the time, she was beginning to consider Luna a friend. Khothara hummed softly, blinking her emerald eyes as she hoped Luna would consider her a friend also and laid her head down on her foreleg as the sun warmed her scales, letting her eyes drift closed. Nero smiled and bent down to grab some branches to start building the fire pit. "Hey, I'm back." he said to Riley as he began to build stones in a circle around some firewood so the fire could be contained.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Hunt Character Portrait: Nero Durenn Character Portrait: Sierra Grace Thorndur Character Portrait: Sven Charter Character Portrait: Luna Character Portrait: Ryuu
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(Night and I agreed that we should time skip..So I shall do the first post then everyone should be able to follow to come and join the group. Sorry it's been a bit slow with the postings..)

It had been a few days since Sierra had met Sven as well as Ranek and Ryuu. She could remember the wind in her hair as a teasing smile was planted on her face as she had held to Sven's waist as Ranek had glided down the mountain. She was suprised in his sudden strength and becoming big so soon. She had even laughed as Ryuu sent pictures to her through their connected minds as she saw through his mind. She remembered telling Ranek to go to the bottom of the mountain. Sierra and Sven had reached the bottom of the mountain in no time however it started to rain and Sierra told Sven they should get to shelter. The shelter they found was a group of thick trees covering dry grass. Sierra and Sven had set up camp and tried to find something to eat. For a few days they felt weak and hungry, even the skilled hunter that Sierra was couldn't even draw her bow before the prey scampered back into the woods. Both Sven and Sierra were terribly hungry as well as grumpy from the lack of food and low blood pressure.

Sierra sighed and rummaged into her pack trying to find something edible in the slightest bit, she came across a small piece of jerky that must have fallen out of the container she'd shared with Sven earlier. Hungrily she grabbed it and broke it in half, handing the other piece to Sven. She munched on some of her half and gave some of it to Ryuu. She worried for Ryuu considering he was only a baby. Ryuu had tried to work on his gliding skills and was able to get up off of the ground for a few seconds before gliding and landing back down. Sierra looked up at the rain clouds, it had been raining for a while and Sierra was as cold as she was in the cave. She shivered and watched as Ryuu picked up his head, sniffing cautiously. What is it? Sierra asked him, looking over at him with a tilted head. Ryuu snorted and growled, with a sudden speed he ran off into the woods. "Ryuu?!" she cried and ran after him. Sierra knew Sven was hot on her trail, following her closely. She'd began to grow found of the farm boy and his presence was reassuring. Ryuu cautiously stepped into another camp. He watched with large melted butter eyes as he found a white baby dragon and a girl basking in the sun together. His eyes found a pretty red dragon with a black haired male standing close. Ryuu growled lowly and snapped his fangs at the other humans. His eyes quickly found the source of the scent, a pile of elk meat sat close to a roaring fire. Ryuu growled and found himself running at a hungry speed towards the food. He dove into the pile of meat and ate hungrily. "Ryuu!" Sierra growled and ran into the camp, her eyes found the boy, and girl as well as the two dragons. "Riders?" she asked aloud and then quickly ran over and grabbed Ryuu from the meat pile, her own stomach growled and she too wanted to take the meat but she forced herself back and quickly went back over to Sven, her shoulder brushed his for reassurance. "S-Sorry for the intrusion." she blurted, quietly embarrassed for Ryuu's behavior.