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Alionna Hawklight

"Unless you want a sword in your stomach, I suggest you stay away from me."

0 · 558 views · located in City of Nirameth

a character in “The Rise of the Palatinate Order”, as played by Meow Meow


"I don't understand what you want from me. Leave me be."


Full Name
Alionna Sophia Hawklight

Some people have called her Ali, Sof, and even Fia, but they usually have a broken nose by the end of the day.



She has never been in love before but she doesn't categorize people in terms of gender so she wouldn't care what gender her lover may be.


Alionna is quite the beautiful young lady, the odd one out in her family too. Making her all the more interesting. Her hair is a light red, streaked with white highlights, and it reaches to the mid of her back. It flows with grace and sometimes covers the left side of her face. She tends to push it away when that happens, just for better sight. Her eyebrows are the same red color, they're relatively thick, then as they advance towards the left, they arch and thin. Her eyes are a beautiful shiny gold, and people have been confused of how they got that way, due to the fact she was born with brown eyes. It's a mystery! Her lips are red and full and they compliment her pale skin color and rosy cheeks. She was gifted with a wonderful body as well.

She has a sizable bust that Alionna despises. She says it gets in her way. She's slim, but she has curves so its not as if shes a stick. Shes 5'9 and weighs 153 lbs. Her arms and legs are both toned from training, so basically shes got muscle but it's not visible unless she flexes. She's still quite strong even though that's the case. She has a long scar from a fateful accident from her past. It starts from the right of her mid back and crosses down to her left hip. Other than that, Alionna is a typical female human in terms of physical features.


Positive Traits
| Loyal |
From the very beginning Alionna has been the most loyal and trustworthy person out there. She has never betrayed anyone, shes highly against it. She follows every order and keeps every promise.

| Hard-Working |
Alionna loves working, and doing favors. It gets her mind off things that bother her. She'll never half-ass a job, never. She will make sure that she will get the job done and she'll complete it with all of her effort.

| Educated |
Being locked in the house all the time gave Alionna a great opportunity to educate herself. She read lots and lots of books, a lot of them were on the history of Nirameth. Not only does she have intelligence, but her memory is unbelievable. She can remember anything if she made an effort to. It's almost a gift. She can even remember seeing the hooded figure that left her on a doorstep as a baby. And if shes given an order she can recited it three months later, It's quite impressive.

Negative Traits
| Cold |
Sadly, Alionna has a lot more negative traits than positive ones. Starting off with her coldness. She really has no sympathy for anyone, its helpful in battle, but not in social situations. She ignores people that aren't her superiors and she never does anyone any favors. Most people call her heartless, but she ignores it, like everything else.

| Stubborn |
Alionna is quite the stubborn one. Once she sets her mind on something there's no going back. She never gives up even when people tell her to stop, even when what shes trying to do is physically impossible. She doesn't care, and it really depends on the person describing her, because some people find her to be determined and others just call it plain stubbornness.

| Distant |
One skill Alionna doesn't have, is sharing her feelings. She never ever shares her feelings no matter what the circumstance. Whether she feels depressed or angry she'll take the feelings, bottle them up and store them on the numerous rotting shelves of her mind. She hasn't cried since she was twelve and she hasn't smiled at someone since she was ten and that was at the blacksmith in the Trade district. Basically her heart is on lock down.

| Post Traumatic Stress Disorder |
Ever since her childhood Alionna has had PTSD. She doesn't recognize it but one thing she does know is that she hates being touched, and I mean hate. One time in the trade district, a man put his hand on her shoulder and she broke his wrist. All he wanted was some directions. Any contact with any human makes her uncomfortable to the point that she has a major break down. All she can handle is animal contact.

| Short-tempered |
Alionna really has a short temper. For example, when people give her a nick name they'll end up with a broken nose. She can't help it, she just gets really angry really easy. It's a good skill in battle, but again not for social situations.



Preferred Weapon
Large enchanted sword, Alionna uses the one in the picture above most times.
Since she's a mage she enchanted it with shadow magic. Basically, if someone is cut with the sword, they will have almost a poisoning affect on them. It makes them hallucinate and depending on how much shadow magic they are poisoned with, certain souls may be able to possess them and bend them to their will.


Wyverian Draft Horse

Mount's Name
Kokutan (She calls him Koko at times, to poke fun at the scary and masculine animal)
It has been told that his name means ebony in a long lost language.

Mount's Appearance
Like most Wyverian Draft Horses, Kokutan is a horse with dragon wings and a dragon tail. (refer to picture) Although what makes Koko special is his colors. He's a a very dark black. The reasoning behind his name, Ebony. The underside of his wings are a little lighter, and his eyes are a freighting blood red. His mane is also a beautiful shiny silver, which is what makes him stand out from a typical black horse. He also has a scar on his lower back, kind of like Alionna, and another that crosses over his left eye. Thankfully it didn't blind him.

Mount's Personality
Kokutan is quite the ferocious one. He's stubborn, disobedient, and very hard to tame. He's almost as bad as the Nirameth Heavy Horse, but not quite. He doesn't respond to his name, and no matter how nicely you treat him, he won't give in. Although despite the fact he's a challenge to tame, he's quite the fighter. He's amazing in battle and he really tries his hardest. All he wants is to win and he'll do anything to reach that victory.


| The Hawklights |
Alionna has had quite the life. As a baby she was placed on the doorstep of a big fancy house in the residential area. The poor baby never got to see her deliverer's face due to the hood she was wearing, all she could remember was that she was indeed a woman. Eventually a man opened the door in order to shut up the crying, but when he saw the baby on the doorstep he knew he had to take her in. But it almost seemed as if it was forced. The family that resided in the house was a noble couple with two other children, the Hawklights. Alionna was the youngest out of the two other children, and therefore as she grew up, her life was hell.

| Child Hood |
As a child Alionna was teased and harassed. Her brother was ten and her sister was seven. Alionna at this time was six. Her sister would never play with her and every time Alionna tried to play with dolls, her sister would run over and rip the heads off of every doll. And the worst part was that she got away with it, no matter how much Alionna cried alone in the garden. It was like that for a while, then once she turned seven the ugly truth came out. Her parents were fighting so Alionna started listening in. Apparently her foster father was actually her real father. He had an affair with another woman for a little while and apparently she got pregnant, with Alionna. After that day everyone in he family started call her "The Bastard Child". It was hard for her and she couldn't take it much longer. Her father wanted to disown her terribly, but because he was rich and educated, he had an image to uphold. No one would respect him if he disowned his child. He would remind her of this constantly. Then once she turned eleven, her fifteen year old brother molested her. He would pin her to the floor of her room and touch her chest and everything else. He did this three other times. She would scream and scream, but no one ever helped her.

| Now |
After the tormenting years of her childhood she began training, at the age fourteen to be exact. She would never be taken advantage of ever again. While her family went off in pretty dresses and fancy suits to time consuming parties, ones she wasn't invited to, she would bring out a sword and battle hedges in the garden. She got the sword from the local blacksmith apprentice in the trade district. They had become very close friends, he had no idea what went on in her home life, but he still treated her with great respect. In all honesty he had fallen deeply in love with her. He was six years older, but love is complicated. He never made any moves though because he could sense Alionna's uneasiness. Any who, beyond the point, he made her a small sword to mess around with, he also gave her some training tips. She was actually a natural. Eventually once she finally got older he made her the sword she uses to this day. (One in the Picture above) It took him a long time to create, but his burning passion for her kept him going. Then one day at the age of nineteen her father invaded her room and attempted to kill her. He had gone crazy after his wife started having an affair of her own, as payback for his betrayal. She had convinced him that she would stop if he destroyed his creation. Well the attempt went horribly wrong and all Alionna was left with was the scar on her back. She had almost strangled her father but decided in the end that he deserved to suffer in his crumbling marriage. After that day she moved and lived on the streets. Stealing food from the trade district and visiting her blacksmith friend from time to time and continuing her training.

So begins...

Alionna Hawklight's Story