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The Ruins of Terran

The Ruins of Terran


Terran Ruins are open for the first and last time, inside you will change, but will you survive? (Started)

2,612 readers have visited The Ruins of Terran since MercyKilling created it.


This is the first time ever that the Terran Ruins have been opened and we have been told, also the last. They are highly guarded and have been since the moment of discovery, deep in the heart of a place called β€œHatfield Forest”. For many years, after the exploration of the woods history, no one found a record of the place and since no one had seen it, it was left to be believed as myth. The forest was well loved for its beauty; tales told that the old castle was the gateway to a world, more at peace than our own, became common tourist fodder. Stories of children being taken have been recorded since the middle ages, families believing that spirits had taken them to the better world. Some are even detailed enough to be believed by people who liked that kind of thing, though many of the records were kept secret. Then all record of the place disappeared, people said that a plague of darkness had covered the lands and as greedy humans had pushed further into the forest, it had begun to fade all those 100s of years ago. So it passed from memory into myth and was for a time forgotten by the world of men.

Just under 10 years ago, without warning one of the old gardeners stumbled upon the place, in the heart of the forest. The old man had been working at the place for all his life, loving nothing more than having his hands on the earth. All this time, he had worked there and never once seen the ruins tall and strong, covered in trees and vines. Of course at once he ran and told people of it, his eyes wide, mad with what he had seen. Only a day later, new had spread to the media, a hidden glory begging for their attention. Alas a tall wall had been built around the once open grounds, preventing even the smallest glimpse of the outer forest, let alone the ruin itself.

Yes the old Castle had come back, now only a ruin, but part of it’s old lure is still there. The old world was becoming empty, the dark plague threatening the borders once more. It was once highly populated by by humans, only a few of the older kind still existing, but after the many 100s of years, they have all died out and none are left to help in the impending troubles. Though the gate (Terran Ruins) has not seen bloodshed in many 1000s of years, the unwelcome have begun slipping past their borders, seeking to hurt those few on the other side. To keep the peace a competition has been agreed to, guides of each side will be given to the Castle. Of course in truth they had never left the ruins, tending their gate with care as they always had, but now once more they would be allowed their wicked and wild ways, both the good and the bad. They are allowed to capture the humans any way they can, not with force, but tricks, treats and the occasional truth. Which side will win is unknown, the world we live in so full of darkness.

However it is well known that this will not placate those who seek to destroy the borders and so those who have been chosen (Lucky Draw) will have to fight, the borders have been breached; too many of the old dark creatures have slipped through the gaps. The gates are finally open to give a chance once more to the greedy humans and see if peace and stability can once more be regained. Can they now help save this almost lost land?


How you got here:
10 years have passed and whispers are still told of what is inside the walls, so tall and well guarded that no one has gone. Talk of the place opening has been heard for years, though nothing official has been said, other than it is a treasure to be studied. On March the 15th finally there is word.

An old man appears on your television, his face wrinkled with age and hair grey and flecked in dappled shade. His back its crooked and in his hands rest a cane, he is sitting on the root of an ancient tree and his eyes are on you.
β€œHello, as you know I am Thomas Thatcher, the carer of Hatfield Forest and all that lies within its walls.” He paused, taking a rattling breath. The wind blows around him and he looks around, his face turned away from the camera, fixing on a glimmer of gold in the dark, though for the most part people would not see it. He nodded to himself in an odd way, as though told something by someone he trusts.
β€œAfter much criticism for keeping these Ruin’s hidden, we have decided to open for a day and a night. This is a limited affair, and will be completely funded by myself. After this, it will never again be open to the public. As a result we will be allowing a select few media, reporters, photographers and a film crew through. Do not despair though, of the general public, there will be a draw for you.” He paused a small smile spreading across his lips. His eyes were far away, not all there, the pale blue speckled gold from the sun. They shifted uneasily as the camera continued to stay on his face. The silence that should have been awkward, instead was peaceful; seeping through into the rooms of the people who watched, the air softly moving his fine hair.
β€œYes.” He said after a cough from the cameraman β€œAll over the world, a select few will be invited here, all your expenses paid. You will stay with me in my home, here, where you will receive the finest entertainment and food. You will be allowed to have access to the ruins all day and night and your own trained guides should you wish. The group will be of 20 people at most, 10 invites will be sent and you may bring a guest. Chose well and good luck.” The old man stood slowly, his hands shaking as they pressed into the cane. He looked for a moment like he might topple over and fall into the tree. Then with a glint in his eye he winked at the camera, pulling himself strait and bowed low, so graceful it took your breath away.
β€œIl see you soon” The camera died then, returning you to the news.

Guides: There will be three places for guides, these will be almost human and come with the ruins. I will take one of these; I want people who can take more than one character to have these, as they will have less interaction early on. However if you really want to I am more than happy to have you try as a main character, be inventive. Anything you can think of, something of the water and pools or some critter or beast, go wild! I would like one guide to be β€˜Evil’ and the other β€˜Good’ as it makes for good balance, mine will be neutral, the gate keeper but not the lure.

Lucky Draw: The owner has selected these people by hand, so you will be special in some way, be it your worst attributes or best. I don’t want over the top, but something to make you a little different to others or strange if you like. Now when I say this I mean normal every day things, like work ethic and spirituality, as well as survival skills and leading abilities (be as shy or over the top as you like personality wise.) When you enter a small bit of you will change, taking on a bit of myth, I will leave this to you (I should add you don’t have to take on something when you enter, be brave!). These things must be based on ancient mythical creatures, this includes anything from medusa to a phoenix. I’m happy for these to come from any background, though I do prefer if you have it as your characters place of origin. You may have yourself change in appearance or just a little on the inside, I think this will depend on what you have chosen and how you would like things to go.

Media: Well you’re at work, recording as much as you can since this is the biggest find in years. However these characters will not change, sorry guys. This is a place that has not been shown to the outside world, you have a day and night to convey information that will be seen for generations after you have gone.

Entertainment: You will have been in the grounds a day early, setting up and such. A lot of you will die, but some of you will take on a bit of a Myth, this may save you. You will be changing a little more that the β€˜Lucky Draw’ in some ways, but yours will be more physical (pretty please) I’d also quite like it if you’ll take on one of the mythical entertainers, there are many of them, but this isn’t a must; just something I’d like.


Characters and peoples:

Nuram Rihat (Evil) by A Rubber Chicken
Jinan Osama (Gate Keeper) by MercyKilling
Nim (Good) by SoulCandy

Lucky Draw:
Rea Agnimitra (Pele) by MercyKilling
Ulva Vydrina (White Wolf) by Echored
Demetrius Florentia (Sphinx) by A Rubber Chicken
Nathan Zachary Thomas (Fenrir) by BrotherVarz
Ezreal Jaeger (Tsul 'Kalu) by Desperado
Madalene D'Abenville (Griffin) by lumikb
Elise Burn (Demon) by KrazyTigger

Seamus Callahan (Samyaza) by JaneStorm

Eillot Gates (Music) by SoulCandy
Iris Bellefleur (Dance) by Jane Storm

Toggle Rules

Rules, yeah the boring stuff

1.I will have no form of godmodding, this includes but is not limited to
a.Auto-hitting and forcing damage
c.Ignoring damage

2.Literacy please
3.No one liner posts... At least 500 words please!
4.Cursing is allowed. Tastefully please.
5.Romance is encouraged, but if you go too far take it to the PMs. This means pg-13.
6.I am your GM, therefore I will enforce the rules however I see fit. If you have a problem, bring it to me or my co-gm Echored.
7.Post at least in minimum once every 3 days. If you are going to be gone, let me know. If you are going to drop, tell me. If you are gone for 6 days and do not tell me, I will move your character for you to keep the Rp moving, but I will not take over your character. They will just be moved to the side, so when you come back you can take up again!
8. I have the full intention of this being a long term role-play, so therefore when you join I hope you are in full awareness of this. If it gets boring, then you the writer are tasked with making it unboring!
10.You are going to have fun. You don’t have a choice. DO IT!
11. Once approved, you may post your character sheet in the Information Thread. You are then welcome to post in the IC.
12. You may have 2 characters maximum.
13. OOC is to stay in the OOC. Don’t interrupt the In Character thread with it.
14. I would like to both PM me your character and post it in the OC, that’s just how I like it!

Character Sheets
First Name: Your characters first name.
Last Name: Your characters last name.
Age: How old is your character?
Gender: >.> Well than this should be easy! Right?
Peoples: For a list see the fore mentioned above.
Weaponry: Feel free to be creative! However do try not to go to far over board, you are on a visit to a supposedly safe place.
Myth: Explain what you can overall accomplish, if you’ve been changed.
Appearance: A description and image of your character. A pic also if you can manage it!
Personality: How does your character act within society?
Back story: What has happened to your character in the past? Here you can describe more about your characters reactions and feelings, plus an awesome story. Whatever you want.
Extra: Anything else we need to know.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors

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Rea closed her eyes, the mighty stink of the creature maw made her want to retch. Fear shot bright sparkles into her eyes, the white stars making it hard to see. She could however feel, the weight of the creature was immense, pressing down on her chest with one of it’s mighty paws, larger by far than her own hands. She felt a brief moment of thanks that only part of it’s weight lay on her, the other forepaw resting besides her shoulder, one hind between her legs and the other at her hip. Had all it’s weight been on her, surely she would have been crushed, though she supposed at least she would have passed out then, she really didn’t want to feel being ripped apart. It’s muzzle dripped long strings of saliva, falling on her face and besides her, pooling in a thick clear mucus. She shivered lightly in fear; the small shakes hurting her back where she had landed so badly, the force of the creature’s fall crushing her. It was hard to breath; she didn’t have much room as it was to take in a single lungful of air. The fouling smell of its body and breath made it even harder, holding down the urge to vomit. She thought very little, only feeling, one thought occupied her mind, I’m going to die here.

She could hear people shouting, where they shouting at her, for her, for help? She silently prayed it was for help, feeling the creature shift it’s weight, giving her another inch of breathing room. Slowly she opened her eyes, properly this time, not just squinting quickly for fear it might realize she was still alive. It’s small dark eyes watched her, only a hand span away from her face, it’s mouth slowly opening. The smell almost made her pass out, but she pushed through, if these were to be the last few moments of her life, she wanted to remember them. She was horrified to see its mouth open ever wider, till it was big enough to take her head in its long teeth and rip it right off her shoulders. She shuddered, a whimpering noise coming from her mouth, she knew better than to scream, screaming made lions attack, horse stampede and hyenas laugh rise as they toyed with a weakling of the herd. She couldn’t make no noise however, she was terrified, this was not her idea of a dignified death, but it was too far from anything she had ever expected. Tilting her head up she looked at her friend Ulva, probably the last sight she would ever see and felt for a moment glad that she had come, glad she had made new friends.

It’s weight came down on her chest again, blowing what little breath out of her lungs and its mouth snapped shut mere millimeters from her face. She felt the beasts rumbling growl reverberate down its leg, what was going on why had it stopped? She looked around, the black face moving swiftly away from hers and saw Demetrius come at it, blood dripping down the glass he grasped, lunging at it, but failing to do little more than scratch it. She silently thanked him for his help, but knew all to well if he’d gripped any harder to the glass, it would have sliced right through his hand. She blinked, maybe their was a chance she would survive, maybe she would live. She struggled underneath its weight, bringing up her legs to give her extra support. She was glad to have come away from the broken glace unharmed, a little to far away from it to have been touched. This meant that other than being crushed, she was in full working order. The bones of her spine cracked, ears moving up her face, elongating to a point. A blunt skin covered tail came from her spine, snaking down the inside of her dress and protruding in an ugly manner.

A flash of light to her left distracted her from her hope and she turner her head swiftly to see where Ulva had once been, stood a proud white wolf. She blinked, fighting the urge to answer the roar her friend, unsure of what was happening. As quick as a flash she saw her move over, darting past the writer and strait at the beast. Its, no Ulva’s, for it must have been Ulva, teeth sunk into the beasts hind leg. She watched deep red blood pour form the wound, dripping on her leg in a heat so intense that a scream ripped from her lips. It felt like fire had been poured over her bare skin, like she should be blistered, like if she had looked down, she would have seen it eating away at her leg. Something roared up inside her and her body temperature spiked, though she suddenly felt cold. Her scared pallor left, skin returning to a healthy tan, eyes wide and filled with flame. Where the blood touched her, scorching hot on her skin, flames began to burn, but not her, no she was completely untouched by the flames licking across her bare legs.

The monster looked down, shocked by the small flames licking his skin and shifted away. The flames of course did nothing to harm him, but they were bright, glittering flames of yellow and red, they hurt his eyes. In a flash Rea was moving, her body attempting to both change her and get her as far away as possible all at once. The change won over moving away, slowing her passage, gaining her the first lick of pain, claws scraping across her rump. Thrown into the air, her form shrank dramatically and out of her bedraggled yellow dress she appeared, half human half dog, covered in snow white fur, half her normal size. Upon hitting the floor the change finished, the last of her bones clicking into place, muzzle elongating and eyes flicking to an ice white. The cut she had received was smaller on this body, shallow, but seeping blood nonetheless as she slammed into the wall. She whined at the pain, but did not stay put for long, she could hear the creature moving behind her. Despite the fact that she was small , no more than knee high at the shoulder, she was fast.

Skittering around the edge of the room, she came to stand behind her friends, a slight limp in her stride from her wound. She looked at her friends, gratitude shining from her silver blue eyes and reached to lick each of their wounds, quickly moving from Demetrius to Ulva, more comfortable with the other woman. Her tongue licked over the wound, making it clean so it would heal faster. She shivered, she was about half the size of the great wolf at her side and looked more akin to a cub that a fellow adult. Her attention did not dwell on this for long though as she heard the creature, her ears pivoting to capture the noise. Behind her she heard the door bang, of course she had locked it behind the other man, what a stupid thing to do, no way would anyone get through that old door. Turning her white muzzle to look at the creature again, she felt fear, it was like something out of a nightmare, even bleeding it looked to deadly for her to comprehend, what had she been thinking to grab it. She glanced up, noticing the little thing was nestled above a beam.

The door burst open, the two twins pushing through the door, their combined strength far out stretching the previous man slamming against their door. They stepped into the room unafraid their blue eyes glowing as bright as the summer sky and hair shining almost gold. They were fast and eerie in the way they did not talk, did not question and most of all did not stop. They ran through the room, their slight bodies looked frail, though they should have not moved so quickly, it was all to clear how little human they had left in them. Zosia pulled a short blade from her pocket, not blinking as she moved to the left around the three friends. Sasha pulled out a small torch, no bigger than her palm and stepped out before the great creature, flicking it on. The creature blinked, dissuaded by the light and backed away, to where Sasha was already standing. Both twins knew they stood no chance, but if they could get it out of the window, their would be more space. With so many of them it might work in a larger space. Sasha slashed a at its hind ligs, making it rear up, she smiled, dashing out of the way, thinking it would teter over, falling out.

Rea watched as the creature began to regain its balance, much to the horror of all those in the room. Zosia let out a yell, dashing forward, her little feet tapping on the ground almost soundless. With a last effort she rush strait into its waiting grasp, using all her might to push the giant creature, easily three times her size. Rea’s ears rung as the other twin screamed, watching the person she cherished most disappear in the grasp of the black creature. Air ripped around the room, her scream almost to high to hear, though her young dog ears could capture every note of the sorrow. She yelped as she watched the Sasha fly across the room, talking a diving leap into the courtyard below. Poor Rea stood their in amazement at the speed things had gone. She glanced at her friends for a few short moments, nodding to them both, she could not speak, but she meant for them to know she was going to follow. She turned tail and limped out into the hall as fast as she could, wanting to follow the action and take care of the twins as they had for them.
(unedited, bet your thinking I never do :P )

The setting changes from Estate, The house and gardens. to Earth 2011


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Demetrius had no idea why he had run to the window and shouted for the strange creature he had encountered earlier that day in the ruins, his only plausible reason being that he doubted the three people in the room had the ability to defend themselves against such an animal as the one which had leaped through the window. In reality they need not fight at all, the possibility of running would not be cowardly in the fact of such unimaginable odds. But there was something in the room, something that seemed to hum as the forest had, that spoke of courage and determination, something divine and wonderful that had come with them from within the trees. Whatever it was wasn't working on him though, his attempt at attacking the creature, only out of instinct, was fruitless. He managed more damage to himself, in the form of two long, deep cuts across his palm, than he did to the huge, black dog from hell and so he stepped back, completely unsure of what to do and utterly terrified that he had managed no more than a scratch to the beast, as well as terrified for Rea's safety, he could see the strain put on her.

But that was the last he saw for a few seconds, a bright flash illuminated the room and temporarily blinded the man, causing him to stumble backwards without sight to come to an ungraceful rest against the wall. When his vision cleared he saw a great, white wolf assaulting the leg of the attacking creature, only adding to his fear at this point. He was on the wrong side of the room to make a run but he managed to peer past the pitched battle and saw that Ulva was now gone. The realisation that what she had been saying before, what he had not had time to reflect upon as works of fiction, dream or reality, had been true.

And then many more things happened, so fast he could barely believe it. The creature, wounded by the wolf (Ulva, he thought, it's Ulva though all logic screamed against it) stepped a little away and Rea was out and on her feet in a flash, all four of them. Wait, what?

Yes, though he could scarcely believe his own eyes, Demetrius had just witnessed the muscled woman fling herself towards the wall and transform into a small wolf or dog. All he could do was inch his way towards a corner as far away as he could find and hope that someone had slipped a wild hallucinagenic into a drink at some point that day and this was all in his head.

As this was happening he had been vaguely aware of a banging at the door but now his attention was brought to that door flying open on it's hinges to reveal the charging form of the sweet twins who had greeted them all and showed them each to their rooms. Only now they were not so sweet, all traces of childish innocence was gone and it's place was a burning power and a furious determination. They ran, eyes glowing, towards the beast with not so much as a hint of fear holding them back.

As one cut the other pushed and in seconds they had the creature back through the window it had come through, tumbling down to the ground with one of them caught in it's grasp. The scream from the other girl was unbearable, anger and sorrow incarnate, an auditory temple to loss. Demi was overwhelmed by it. It tore at every fibre of humanity he had and he felt the tug of protective instinct for the first time in his life, stronger than he could ever imagine. Though he held no friendship, nor relationship of any kind, with these children, they had saved both his and the women's lives. So he ran, as fast as he could, towards the door through the room which was now clear.

Pushing past people, seeing no faces, the writer sprinted his way to his own room and bounced off the doorframe as he went, not feeling the wood driving into his shoulder. He leapt at his bag and tore it open, breaking the zip, flung his clothes into the room and rooted around at the bottom until he found what he had been looking for. The knife his father had given him. He had only brought it along for sentimental reasons but it was as sharp as any blade he had come across and would prove to be a far greater weapon than the piece of glass that had cut into his hand and caused a trail of blood-drops down the corridor.

His mind was clearer than he could ever remember it being. Not a thing occupied it but the fight that he knew he was delving in to. He unwrapped the cloth that concealed the dagger and ran from the room with it clutched in his bloodsoaked hand, dodging between people, some of whom were clearing a way for him after seeing him holding a bloodsoaked knife. He headed for the stairs, taking them three at a time, then down a hallway and round a corner. He didn't know his way very well and the manor was like a maze. The door could have been anywhere at this point but he had no time for trivialties such as those. Going in the general direction he needed he soon reached an open window and dived through, throwing the weapon ahead of him before landing in an uncomfortable roll.

He could see the animal, if that was indeed a classification to be used for such a thing, now grappling with the twins ahead of him in the light that was cast from Rea's room to brighten the area like an arena and he picked up the blade once more to take off at a run across the grass towards it.

The setting changes from Earth 2011 to Estate, The house and gardens.

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Ezreal slowed down slightly as Elise darted towards him, bracing himself before she threw her arms around him, he paused for a second looking down at her for but a second before a faint grin showed up on his face, his right arm coming around her back and returning the hug. A grin made its way to his face as she stopped and moved her camera, a faint laugh following that as she hugged him again. "Like wise." He said with a smile on his face, letting go of her as she took a step or two backwards. Ezreal nodded to her as she spoke again, his mouth opening just barely as he was about to say something as well, though something made its way into his mind before he could even start. His teeth gritted together as a loud noise equivalent to a bird entered his ears, making his body lock for a split second. "What the hell...?" He let out through closed teeth, his head turning on a swivel to see what was going on. The sound of shattering glass came from the side of the building, Ezreal's head turning rather quickly to where he imagined it came from, his eyes coming back around as Elise grabbed his hand, pulling him into the mansion. Ezreal kept pace with her, his mind taking a jolt as his body seemed to recover from its former state of soreness, if not just having the mental capacity to ignore it.

Ezreal nodded to Elise as she led him to the grand staircase, both working their ways through the crowd as they ascended the steps. Ezreal could hear people behind them speaking to each other, though he didn't take the time to turn around and see just who had followed behind. Ezreal could hear the door to a room being ripped from the frame, slamming against the ground as who he figured were the servants entered the room, not aware it was in fact the twins. Ezreal found himself now pulling on Elise's hand, moving past people on the stairs as a crowd seemed to start forming around the door a little down the hall, "You might want to wait here..." He said to Elise, feeling the muscle in his chest give a deep thud as he began pushing his way through the crowd up to the room. After what had happened he doubted seriously that Elise would stay back, his hand still holding onto hers, hopefully signaling that idea. A burst of light shot through the room and about as quickly a loud scream or yell erupted, making him cringe slightly. A man he knew as one of the lucky chosen, likely from the first group which had entered before they had. His eyes darted back from the man to the room, barreling his way through the entrance and into the room. What he saw should have been mind blowing, but after all that had happened today... This wasn't too different. Ezreal set eyes on two different canines, one looking quite more domestic than the other, though the flames which seemed tot be emanating from its body set that idea aside rather quickly.

Ezreal turned his head to the door, noting the blood on the ground as well as the glass which had shattered to the inside of the room, signalling a entry. Ezreal let go of Elise's hand as he heard a commotion outside, his feet moving to the balcony as he looked out to see the twins, the man from before, and something which took him off guard. Ezreal hadn't noticed the changes beginning, though they had. Joints in his body began to pop rather sporadically, growing slowly but surely. His adrenaline had been spiked yet again, though this time, this could wreck his body for sure. His hands were wrapped around the railing of the balcony, shaking slightly as their grip tightened on the metallic surface. A rumble slowly made its way out of the pits of his chest from behind his teeth, his body tensing for a moment before his heart let out another deep thud, the switch in his brain clicking finally. Ezreal's massive hands twitched and the welded joints in the railing snapped, Ezreal's arms acting on their own and ripping it from the mansion, a trickle of blood slowly showing up around his fingers where the metal had cut his skin. His hand loosened on the railing and dropped it to the ground directly below him, a thud sounding from below as it slammed against earth. Heaving breathing was signaled by the movement of his body, moving up and then back down as he exhaled, a rough almost calloused sound to it. His hands grabbed one of the few bars which still sat in the frame of the balcony, his hand tightened as he reared back, ripping the rod upwards. To his perception, everything was moving in something similar to slow motion, though that was not how it really was. Ezreal's feet carried him off the balcony, his body weightless as it dropped to the ground bellow him. A deep thud came from outside as his entire being slammed against the ground, slowly standing up and walking towards the animal, his left shoulder rolling around, letting loose a sickening number of pops, the rod still held tightly in his left hand. The light outside was quite dim aside from what the light from Rae's room and the rest of the mansion assisted with, though it was as light as day outside to Ezreal.

His feet started at a walk, though quickly turned into an all out sprint of Olympic caliber, closing on on the creature and the others already outside. Ezreal broke his run and turned it into a crow hop, arcing the rod around like a golf club as he directed a devastating blow to the creatures mid section, though his approach would have given it ample warning to dodge if it could.

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#, as written by echored
What is this, this feeling? Ulva’s mind fleeted in and out of consciousness, looking through the eyes of the body she found herself in. The perspective didn’t feel right, vision lower to the ground. In a sleepy haze she felt as if she held no form, particles floating in a constrained dark space, like a voice without matter, volume.

The wolf’s head was tilted down, black eyes narrowed and ever focused on the creature in the center of the room. Blood dripped from the white wolf’s mouth, teeth stained red at the moment, fresh from biting down on the hind leg of the monster. The wound seemed to distract the animal just enough to give Rea some wiggle room from underneath, the wolf watching as she got out. The girl herself didn’t appear natural anymore though, her body shifting to a shape all too familiar to that of it’s own. What was left of Rea was now a white dog, smaller than Ulva’s new body but matching in the same color white. The wolf, Ulva in some aspects but in others a new entity, took a few steps back, watching as the smaller dog rounded the corners of the room and made its way over to Demetrius and herself.

The wolf glanced up at Demetrius. His eyes read crazy, but overall he seemed to take the unbelievable transformation of the two girls fairly well, as best one could in a moment of already impossible situation. The wolf, ready for another pounce at the creature, flexed its hind legs and let its teeth snarl. What held her in place and caused the wolf to freeze in action was the abrupt bursting of the old door to the room. The twin girls came shoveling in, though how they were able to break down the door held no explanation. They were too tiny, too delicate looking to have such strength. Meanwhile the white wolf felt something on its back legs, a glance showing that indeed Rea was licking her wounds, possibly in a thanks. It was appreciated, head bowing in a downward gesture for a brief moment before directing eyes focused on the scene playing out. One of the twins managed to slice at the side of the black monster while the other, in what rightly appeared to be an act of suicide, ran straight into the creature, causing the girl and the monster to tumble out of the window and fall several stories to the ground below. The other twin yelled in a deafening blow, throwing herself out of the window seconds after in order to follow her sister. What was left in the room was Rea, as a small dog, Demetrius, who was bleeding from several locations on his body but eyes as passionate as any warriors, and Ulva herself, who knew somewhat of what was going on, but lent most of her consciousness to the wolf that moved with cautious grace unearthly known.

Rea ran out of the room in a flash, no hesitation in the dogs motions. It was heading for the action, back to the creature that almost ended its life. Demetrius followed moments after, exiting the room in a vibrant flurry of anger and protection. What was left in the room now was the wolf itself and the source of all their problems it seemed: the mouse-like bird above, which was peering down at Ulva from one of the beams at the ceiling. This wolf knew of protection, knew that its mission was not over yet. But it also knew of patience, of calculation, and of the right move. Running right back to fight such a monster would find them in the same situation. This wolf knew it had to do something different. It's head turned as yet more people arrived in the door way. A man entered, walked to the balcony... and then dropped himself down below. The wolf blinked in confusion, not sure what the meaning was behind the man letting himself fall down to the ground below. But what happened did happen, and the details would need to be shared later but not now. There was a woman in the doorway. The wolf growled at her, walking cautiously forward and then used its nose to pull the door from the wall and shut it, blocked the girl out of the door.

In a deep, powerful howl, the wolf called up towards the tiny bird creature that was the figure the monster wanted. It called for it to come down, but not being able to speak a common language to the bird seemed to be futile. It stayed where it was, and for this the wolf knew what it had to do: give back full energy to Ulva, the woman whose body harbored the same soul as the wolf’s now. The wolf began to shake, fur standing on all ends, as the same light that appeared earlier reappeared again. This time when it finally dimmed, the human body of Ulva lay on the floor, naked and her legs still bleeding with remnants of glass. It took a few seconds for Ulva to gain her vision back clearly, unsure what had happened. The disaster of the room around sent flashbacks into her memory, and within seconds Ulva realized what had happened... she had turned into a wolf. It wasn’t a dream, it was real. Ulva crawled to the broken window, looking down at what was going on below, her palms pressed against the seal until she realized part of the railing was missing. She could see the twin’s yellow hair glistening under a dim light, she could see a white dog bursting through a door and Demetrius running with full determination forward at the creature, and another man.

Realizing that she was naked, Ulva gulped and backed away from the open window that seemed to be a major source of light for everyone down below. No one saw her luckily. She crawled back to the center, then scrambled to find her clothes in the mess on the floor but when she found them they were town to shreds, a second pair of clothes now deemed useless. She remembered Rea saying they stocked the closets with clothes, Ulva immediately running to Rea’s closet to see what was in there. Without thinking, Ulva grabbed the clothes closest to her that would be the quickest to put on: a white pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt. Ulva threw these on in dire speed, not even looking down to notice the shirt was on backwards, tag sticking out under her chin like a bow.

β€œHere, birdie, birdie,” Ulva yelled upwards to the ceiling, waving her arms for it to come down, β€œthe thing is outside, you’re safe. Come to me, let me get you out of here where that monster won’t find you,” she panted again, her energy level weak but enough for her to stay focused on this mission. The tiny creature popped its head out, looking at her with eyes of curiosity. Ulva’s right foot tapped the floor, getting anxious. It was taking too much time to decide whether it would come to her or not. Ulva tried to remember what Rea called the thing, maybe it would come if she gave it something familiar. β€œStich!” she yelled, and this time the bird-type animal fully exposed itself from the beam, fluttering down hesitantly into her open, cupped hands. β€œShh, shh,” Ulva hummed, cupping the creature close to her chest. She opened the door once more, dodging the crowd that had circled around the hall, bursting through the group into a run for the hall's opening. Ulva looked left and then right, debating if they should hide somewhere in the house or go outside somewhere. Outside felt dangerous, but at the same time staying inside left them to be caged in.

β€œWhy does that thing want you?” Ulva whispered in short breaths, and took off towards the grand stairwell only to slow upon seeing some of the same people she saw walking into the forest earlier.. the rest of the lucky draw.

β€œNo time to explain!” she yelled, flying past the group and down the stairs. Instead of going out the doors that would lead to where the black monster was, Ulva ran to the other end of the mansion, finding exit doors. She, accompanied by this tiny bird, burst through the doors, the garden gates, and made their way on to a path faintly lit by ground markers. Ulva was barefoot but it didn’t hurt to run on this dirt path, pain not an option at a time like this. The cool wind danced around her form, breeze splashing at her face, hair whipping behind her neck like a horse’s mane. Nothing but the moonlight gave them direction as Ulva’s blue eyes caught the light off in the distant clearing, the same location of the three ancient structures Thomas has shown them earlier. β€œBack to the forest, little creature,” she hushed to it as she panted in heavy breaths. Something inside of her told her it would be safe there, that the creature of death and destruction could not enter. She couldn’t explain where she knew this from, it was just her intuition. Ulva’s long legs stretched in the wind, toes kicking up dirt each leap she took, never running so fast before in her life. And though her legs took such speed, her arms pressed close to her body softly, making sure her grip on this tiny bird was strong but not strong enough to squish it.

Somewhere along the lines it appeared as though Ulva was on the same path now as earlier, the one that led to the Herb Garden all the way to the clearing-- the clearing that was now decorated with elaborate lights and tented structures. They were blurry and still to far off for Ulva to make out what all was there, but with each running foot she could feel they were getting safer. ”Just don’t turn around” she told herself, afraid another one of those black monsters might be following her. To look would only take away their time to get to safety.

The setting changes from Estate, The house and gardens. to Earth 2011


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Elise kept a firm hold on Ezreal's hand, not wanting to release it for fear that she would lose him in the gathering crowds. Without question she allowed him to take the lead and push his way through people who looked panicked and frightened, whilst she followed, apologising to those that they shoved out of the way. When he suggested that she should stay put, she gave him a withering look that said it all. She was staying. He still held her hand, which indicated that he knew she would stay with him. "There is no chance that you're getting rid of me that easily," She told him with a small smile, before she hurried up the last of the steps. Chaos erupted around them as soon as they reached the top and a scream made Elise's eyes widen in shock and surprise and they widened further when the light could be seen. Her hand tightened on Ezreals' for a moment before they entered the room. The crunch of glass underneath her feet made Elise wince and the sight of the blood made her head swim, but she gulped back her fear. Ezreal's hand was no longer in hers and somehow, she felt vulnerable as he walked into the depths of the room. Hesitating in the door, she watched, though from her vantage point she could not see the wolf that lurked there. By the time the human-like eyes of the wolf appeared, it was too late for Elise to do anything. The door slammed shut in her face. Shock flickered there, but it vanished as she slammed the palm of her hand against the wood, calling for Ezreal. Whatever was in that room wasn't human and now Ezreal was alone with it.

Casting an urgent look around, she noticed the next door along was ajar, abandoned in the panic. She rushed towards it, pushing the door roughly open. A discarded chair tripped her and she tumbled to the ground painfully, but as soon as she had touched the ground, she was back on her feet, aiming for the balcony that adjoined the one in the next room. Already she could see the large form silhouetted there and hoped that whatever it was, it hadn't harmed anyone within that room, including the wolf, because something told her that the wolf wasn't all it seemed. Throwing the door open to the balcony, she stepped out, intending to call to Ezreal, ignoring whatever it was stood on the balcony. "Ezreal, what is going-?" The words caught in her throat as her eyes adjusted to the darkness and fell upon his form. But it wasn't Ezreal. No, it was Ezreal, but a grotesque image of Ezreal, not the one she had grown to know over the last few hours. It was his face, stretched onto a body that did not belong to him, it was not his own. Beneath his hands, the balcony had crippled, like scrunched up paper. It held no resistance to his touch. Reality had put itself on pause. This wasn't the world that she knew. This wasn't Elise's world, it wasn't what she knew. Everything about this screamed that something was wrong. A fear bubbled in her chest as she stepped back away from Ezreal, who was preparing to jump to the ground below. Paling dramatically, she lent over to see if he had made it. Her knuckles were white against her skin as she held the balcony rail tightly. A breath was released from her chest, that she didn't even realise she was holding until then.

Sinking to the ground, she placed her head in her hands, breathing deeply to regain her calm. Ezreal. The wolf. The sounds in her mind. The shattering glass. What was going on? What was this place? All this and so much more whirled endlessly through her thoughts, causing her to grip her hair madly, a headache thudding rapidly at the back of her skull. Everything screamed that all of this was unreal, just a dream, but something small, a voice, piped up that this, this was real and it was happening right before her.

Why is this happening? That was Ezreal, but it wasn't...
It was Ezreal. Don't be thick Elise, of course it was.
So what had happened to him?
The forest of course...
The forest?
Something in that forest...
...Is wrong! Messed up...
No Elise, not wrong. Right, oh so very right.
But this can't be real...
Of course it's real. This is all real. And now, it's your time to shine. Well, my time to shine.

Elise frowned at her own thought processes, resting her chin on her knees. As she did, a sharp pain exploded through her skull. With a scream, she doubled over, rolling onto her side, clutching at her head. Eyes watering, she scrunched them closed, praying that the pain would stop. A metallic taste filled her mouth, like blood. She could feel every ache, every pain with surprising clarity, but her head was throbbing. Nothing made sense. Words wouldn't form properly within her mind, they were just a jumble of meaningless things that were of no relevance. A warm trickle told her that her nose was spurting blood once again. And just like, everything went black...

Elise slowly got to her feet, stretching and testing her muscles. A smirk formed on her lips, a cruel, evil smirk, so unlike Elise's natural smile. Wiping the blood roughly from her face, she looked down at it, where it glistened on her fingertips. The smirk widened. "Soon to be someone else's blood," She whispered, in a tone that screamed danger. It was malicious, brutal. Making her way through the room, she stumbled like a child on their first legs, but once she reached the door, she had mastered the step. Striding down the corridors, her posture held a confidence that had never been portrayed before. A glint in her eyes, warned those approaching to beware of her, for this girl was on the warpath. A brutal change from the soft, gentle personality of Elise, to the darker side of the whatever lay within the forest. Something demonic was held in Elise as she hurried down the stairs, heading towards the grounds to join in the fray that was ensuing there...

The setting changes from Earth 2011 to Estate, The house and gardens.

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Rea skittered through the crowd, taking note that their were quite a few people who were not staff, undoubtedly reporters as well as the others of the lucky draw. She however did not stop, her feet slipping between people and those unfortunate enough, between legs. She had not for a moment thought of her new form, fitting her so perfectly, it was like she had never been human, like that part of her was a dream. Her tongue lolled from her mouth over small sharp teeth, she had to be human to have these thoughts though, she didn’t remember being a dog before. Her hind leg hurt as she ran along, but not enough to stop her in her mission, she had to help the twins. Around her people passed without thinking, they thought nothing of such a small creature, utterly normal apart from her bleeding side. The wind whipped through her fine white pelt, blue eyes squinting as to not let the wind damage them. She huffed, why was this place so big, had she not followed her nose, she would have surely been lost at the first turn. Still she bounded down long gilded halls, small sharp nails clicking as she ran, announcing her presence to all those around her.

She burst out through the Herb Gardens french windows, getting into her stride as fire burnt slowly in her wound, closing it to any more bleeding. She did not blink at the burning, for indeed though she was cold, she did not feel any change to being burnt. She sniffed unhappily, burnt hair stank, wrinkling her nuzzle in disgust, it would take forever to clean the smell out. She jumped off the steps, her form a light in the dark, white pelt glimmering. She hoped that the twins were ok, that the one who had fallen with the creature wasn’t too hurt or caught. She had faith in them, they seemed to be so much of the other world, the magical world in them and they barely were human any more. She paused, looking about for where the creature had landed, now what could she see from her windows, she should head there. Turning right she slipped along the dark green grass, a streak of white against the darkness. She could feel the tickle of the grass between the pads on her feet and wondered how she had ever thought herself aware before. Sure now all she could really see were muted shades in black and white, but everything was so sharp it almost cut.

Rounding the corner she spotted the twins, the creature was on its back, at least a little vulnerable, but at the same time, it also had the first twin in its grasp. She moved more slowly across the grass now, all to aware of the fact that she needed to be careful. Sasha circled the creature, watching her grasped twin with an unmovable intensity and the little white dog felt a great sorrow for her. The creature was trying to shift to its feet and Rea feared the girl would be crushed and shredded accidentally, which was almost worse than if the creature had meant it. Her paws dug into the floor, speeding to the side of the strange man, he smelled odd, but he seemed to be going for the creature, so she held him no grudge. She made sure to touch his leg briefly, letting him know she was there before darting off, not wanting to get in the way. She moved to the other side of the creature, her back to the forest, just a little way off the second twin who was making an almost continuous noise. The noise grated on Rea’s ears, making them twitch, the low keen of sorrow unable to be kept inside by the young girl. She watched the creature, finally deciding on how to get up, clasping one taloned paw around Zosia, making her scream as the long claws pierced the surface of her skin. It rolled, pressing his full body pressure against the girls slender form and got up on three legs.

Rea let out a bark, unable to keep quiet as she feared for the girl, but as the beast came up, she saw that the girl had passed out, but was otherwise unharmed by the roll. From her chest soaked red blood, staining the matching uniform. The dog flinched as the Sasha ran at the beast, her step back followed closely by a pounce forward, shooting into movement. Sure she couldn’t do a thing to harm the creature, but that by no means meant she could not and would not help in any way she could. Sasha flashed the ever brighter flashlight at the creatures eyes, making it back up a little, moving towards the forest. Rea’s ears perked up, yes, if they chased it in there, it would have less movement than them, its form so much larger than their own. Putting on a burst of speed, she started yapping, her little voice high and loud, running back and forth before the creature as Sasha did, encouraging it to go back, she was careful to stay out of its grasp. The sweet smell of blood had filled the air and she feared for how long the other girl would last without medical attention. To her left stood Demetrius, though she paid no heed to him, her continuous yapping echoing out across the garden. She hoped that someone would take the opportunity to attack it, since it was more than a little distracted by the Sasha and herself.

β€œWe need to get it into the forest, it has to much space to move here.” Shouted Sasha, her voice high with anxiety. β€œWe need the help of the guardians.” She spoke then covered her mouth; Rea knew it was something that she should not have said. What guardians, she had seen not one single guard go into the forest so the twin could not possibly mean them. The little dog did not pause in her noise attack on the creature, staying in from f it, where it could not attack her, not unless it wanted to lose its prize. The thing twisted and turned, its had shuddering back and forth, as to not be surprised by an attack by its now many opponents. She darted forward, nipping at one of its hind legs, though not to much effect, she was less than a eighth of its size and she did not want to gain any further damage off it than she already had. Her teeth barely sank into its flesh, so hard was its skin, despite the fact her teeth were as sharp as glass. She moved away, watching as it raised a big paw, stepping back from the humans and towards the forest. She let out a triumphant yip and dodged out of the way of the oncoming paw. Her feet sunk into the soft earth, making her skid and grass hunks flew up into the air. She slid on to her side, coming up slightly mudding, she cursed the earlier rain, she would have been had it not fallen.

Flame flickered over her form as it had before, burning off the dirt, she squealed seeing this, fear shooting through her. What ever happening was powerful and she wasn’t all to sure she liked it. However almost as soon as the fire had come, it was gone, leaving her fur once more perfectly white. She sniffed herself, glancing at the creature , which could not bring its eyes to her bright flame. Her tongue lolled from her mouth, she was pleased, this thing really didn’t like light and she would be more than happy to blind it a little, sure she couldn’t do much. At least now she could do something.

The setting changes from Estate, The house and gardens. to Earth 2011


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Demetrius charged forward, seeing the creature struggle off it's back and clasp one of the twins to it's chest like a prize at a fairground. It was a monstrous sight and the sound was no better, if not worse, the sound of the other twin, her who was free of the creature's grasp, letting loose a constant call of sorrow and pain. It was awful and would likely have stopped the man in his tracks any day previous but tonight he knew was different, tonight he knew he was not the same man he had arrived as. Everything about him felt somehow different, his insides felt larger, as though his body could not hold it any more. His skin felt tight on his muscles as he ran and his entire body prickled as though in the initial stages of sunburn. If he had looked down he'd have seen his jeans growing steadily tighter around his thighs and calves as the flesh beneath seemed to grow with each and every stride, the same was happening beneath the folds of his baggy tee-shirt and tiny, coarse, golden hairs began poking from every pore, standing on end, but he noticed none of these things. He noticed only the lack of fear he felt, the total calm that slowly enveloped him, the killer instinct that had forever eluded him rising to the surface. He saw the creature struggling to keep itself from being surrounded, he could see the slightest movement in each muscle, in it's eyes, in the pounding veins beneath it's hide. He could almost hear the rushing blood through it's body as he closed the gap at a speed never before acheived by the novelist without the aid of a vehicle.

To his side he saw the wolf that had been Rea, now not thinking of the impossibility of the situation. Instead he thought how one more ally could help turn the tides and defeat the creature, saving the girl it grasped. His thoughts no longer seemed his own; there was no paranoia or neurotic ramblings, nor the presistent battle of information at any given moment, yet he had perfect control. Though he didn't slow in his ridiculous assault he knew that if he chose he could turn tail right then and there. But there was no desire to do that. The only desire was to free the girl and, dare he admit to it, slay the beast. The first taste of bloodlust boiled up and flared in his soul, spurring him on even more and causing him to drop forward and lean against the wind as he legs propelled him through speeds he would never have dreamed of reaching on foot. It wasn't long before he reached the site of the conflict, steps close to silent on the wet grass, and he slowed to allow himself the chance to attempt to circle the threat ahead.

"We need the help of the guardians"

Words which managed to stop the man in his tracks. Guardians?[i] he thought. There's more than one?[/i] He had tried calling for Jinan, assuming he was indeed one of the guardians they referred to, and recieved no reply yet, not in sound or sight. We're on our own.

Moving to the side now, knife still raised in a surprisingly natural stance, Demi tried to make his way clockwise to the side of the dark creature, only to be greeted by a massive paw swinging at him with ferocious speed. He dropped to the ground and ducked beneath it with uncanny speed of his own, pushing himself back up with his hands to back away, seeing a glint beyond the treeline as he did. A frown creased his pale face (Which now held a crimson tint high up on his cheeks as his blood pressure rose) as the seemingly animalistic, primal sense he'd gained processed the information rapidly and coupled it with his human knowledge. The conclusion he came to was that he'd seen the light reflecting from a blade of some description in the forest but he had next to no time to wonder if it had been true as the paw swept back, lower this time, and he was forced to fling himself backwards to land hard on his back out of the thing's range.


Nuram took no heed of the human's call for Jinan, they had to prove themselves, they had been chosen by the ruins so would have to win alone. Still, he was now fully clothed in thick, metal padding and needed to know what these people were capable of. Someone was also needed around should they fail in this test, to destroy this shadow creature. So after a few rolls of the shoulders and stretching of his huge pincers he started off towards the sound of the commotion, looking more like a demon than that he went to witness.

Walking with chin up and head held high, but no real purpose in his stride, the scorpion man set off on his slow way to the manor house, ears atuned to the battle which had begun. He was almost amused by the sounds and contentedly twirling his spear in his hand until shortly after the shattering of wood. Then he heard the call of one of the twins, the only other humans other than Thomas he had ever held respect for, and the violet orbs that burned within his skull flared with rage. The idea of this thing attacking them, they who were now as much a part of the forest as himself, made him run until he found a place near the forest edge where he could take a place without being seen. Hopefully the beast of the night would be too occupied with fighting to notice him and the humans would not be adapted enough to their changes to see him.

And so he watched, unmoving in the shadows of the trees, as the fight grew closer, reflecting on how generous the ruins had been in granting such gifts on the humans. Wasted. They have not the slightest idea what to do with such wisdom and power. Perhaps it was true, perhaps they simply needed time. Unfortunately time was not a luxury they had. If the actions of these fools were to result in any harm coming to Zosia they would have more than just a hound of the shadows to deal with.

He stood sentinel a little way along the trees from the fight, ready to jump in the slightest sight of anything going wrong, but still out of sight. Then one of the stupid men out there tried in vain to circle to beast and forced him further back into the shadows to avoid detection but something must have shown because he saw with perfect clarity the eyes of the man dart in his general direction. He knew it wasn't the sound, he was only too careful about muffling every step and it wasn't intuition because he was well out of range of even the creature's ability of detection. It didn't matter anyway, the fight continued and the focus was immediately taken from him.

It seemed to Nuram that humans worked in packs, though this was something he had never been told, because a more or less constant stream of them were making their way out here to the fight, all consumed by whatever drives they each held within their own mind. And then around the corner, completely unexpected, strode a female of the species that sparked hope deep within the recesses of the Girtablilu's fractured heart. This one was unlike the others, this one throbbed with power that seemed unconfined by the limits of mere human desire. On her face was a grin of pure chaos seen only on one face before - His own.

An exception to the rule, I believe they say. One of Nim's useless pieces of information regarding the species finally made sense to him. If there was a human alive that could help him, he was staring straight at her.


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β€œElliot.” She mumbled. β€œMy names Elliot”

Elliot stood up a little straighter, lengthening her stride. Iris stayed close beside her as they hurried to the source of the violent noises. When they reached their destination, coming in beside the other people who had been drawn to the noise. A man was trying to break into the door ahead of them, it was then the twins arrived passing everyone, they easily downed the door the man could not, entering he room with no hesitation. Elliot admired them for it.Soon a louder crash echoed out of the room and out into the hall, Elliot pushed ahead a little , she managed to get a quick glance into the room ; there was glass everywhere many pieces of furniture sat broken from the struggle that was taking place. Elliot did not see the culprit. Demetrius come out ,easily making his way through the crowd ,pushing past both girls ,a blood soaked knife clasped in his hands. Whether it was his blood or not she was unsure.

β€œCome on.” Elliot urged tightly taking iris hand in her own.

She broke into a run pulling the girl behind her. She kept Demetrius in sight as they made their way down the twisted halls. She finally saw him duck though a open window. She followed coming to a quick halt in front of it. He eye widened in a realization at what she was witnessing in front of her. There in the midst of the lawn, was a creature. Around and Demetrius fought along with the twins. A wolf was also present snapping its teeth at the creature. Elliot looked around for anything they could use to help them out. β€œWe need weapons.” She breathed. Panic at the situation made her mind hazy as she looked around. She stopped took a deep breath and looked again. There was a small table close by holding a vase, they could break off the legs and use them, but she doubted they would do much good. She glanced up noticing the curtains which were pulled back the metal rode keeping them up was long, there were some points at each end. It would due.

She turned to iris explaining quickly, β€œI need you to give me a small bust.” She grabbed at the pole when iris gave her a hand. She quickly tore of the curtain. Grasping the pole by its middle, she climbed out the window. Taking in the scene before her, Demetrius had charged the creature quickly dogging as it took a swipe at him. Elliot made her way over, not sure of what she could do to help but not staying in the sidelines to watch ether.

Nim quickly arrived at the mansion. She took in the scene in front of her . The humans were fighting the creature, alongside the twins; she glanced at the wolf, surprised by how fast the transformation had taken over the girl. She was angry how dare that creature make a mess of the peace of this place and attack there guests and the twins. How much the transformation had taken over them, they were hardly human now and on the brink of being something else entirely. She would make sure that thing got what it disserved.

Although she thought this Nim was still unsure how to handle the situation, part of her wanted to jump in and to help in any way she could. However another part of her, the part that had seen many centuries knew that that was the last thing she should do. Not because she was afraid of the creature or because of her size. Nim was not a coward, but she wasn’t a fool ether. The humans would be facing a lot worse than this soon, and they wouldn’t learn if the guardians were to come to their rescues whenever there was trouble. This was a necessary lesson they needed to learn in order to survive the ruins and what was still to come. The needed to learn to defend themselves, something hat is best gained by experience.

However if things were to get to out of hand she couldn’t predict her actions. She was nervous, so nervous in fact she hardly noticed the presence of nuram come into focus. She took another glance into the yard before she made her way over to the guardian. She settled on a branch close to him. β€œNuram.” She said her voice sounded almost distant in greeting, her attention to the fight. She thought about her previous decision, concerning the Girtablilu and his last words to her.


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Elise strode out into the darkness that had befallen the grounds of the grand house. Flicking her hair over her shoulder, an evil smirk crept onto her lips. The grounds were in as much turmoil as they house was. People were running everywhere. Some were crying, others screaming. Elsewhere, she knew a battled raged. She could feel it. No, she couldn't feel it. The real Elise could feel it and this Elise could sense it through her. If Elise had been herself, then she would have been rushing to assist the others in the fight, with a new-formed body and mind beyond her imagination. But instead, she was heading towards the tree-line, her stride powerful and intent on reaching her destination. There were other matters at hand that had to be dealt with, because if they escaped then this would be the end. Holding no interest in the fight that was ensuing with the other chosen, there was one thing that she intended to do and she would not stop until it was done. Bright eyes flickered around quickly as she walked, scooping out the area. They were close. So very close. If only she could get her hands on it.

Flashes of images. That was all Elise could see. Other than that it was completely black. Darkness filled her mind. What was happening to her? She felt slow, restricted. Nothing felt the same. Her body was heavy. No, moving of its own accord. Was she controlling it? No, she couldn't remember telling herself to walk forwards. The feeling faded and once again she was floating in nothingness, just holding on by sheer willpower. Reaching out, she tried with desperation to make sense of all of this, but she couldn't think. Nothing matter. Nothing made sense. This blackness was all there was. It was never-ending. It reached out forever and would never release her. Not ever.

Roughly, Elise pushed a maid out of her way as she ran across the damp grass. she slid slightly, but regained her balance, holding her straight posture. There is was. She could sense it. Somewhere close. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted movement. Skidding to a halt, she watched a dark figure making a break for the trees. A sly smirk spread over her face and she took off towards it at a fast pace. Gaining on the figure, she took short sharp breaths as she pumped her arms. They were not getting away. Not this time. All of this had to stop and it had to stop now.

Stretching out a hand, she shouted, her voice echoing around the grounds. "Stop!" It was full of force, of power. To her left, something else moved. Between the trees, something swirled, whirled, moved with a smoothness. It crept close to the ground, slithering with a clear grace. Tendrils snaked and snatched, moving forwards towards the running figure. Elise kept going, never taking her eyes off the bird that flew alongside the human. They glinted with a deep, dark hatred and anger bubbled inside of her.

Anger. Why was she angry? She had no reason to be angry. Nothing made sense. The anger faded, replaced with a dull throbbing of nothingness.

A sudden burst of movement ripped a laugh from Elise's mouth. The shadow lurked forwards, snarling at Ulva's ankles, taking a tight hold of it. Wrapping its way steadily up her leg, it attempted to trip her. It didn't have to. Elise came up from behind, pushing the girl roughly, intending for her to fall, whilst the shadow wrapped itself around her torso. Another laugh left her lips as she stood over Ulva, her eyes searching for the bird.

Everything in told Elise to protect this girl she was getting flashes of. But she could do nothing. The bird. The girl. Herself attacking the girl. None of this should have been happening. Who had taken control of her body? Why was she acting this way? Elise didn't understand. She felt disconnected from her own body, like she held no attachment to any of it. Only flashes, only thoughts that weren't her own. Nothingness. That girl. She was going to die if Elise didn't stop herself. It would happen. This self would destroy all of the chosen, one by one. But why? Why had this demon taken over her body, her mind, her everything? "Nooo!" For just a moment, the true Elise broke through. The thought of this thing controlling her body was just too much for her. She would allow it. There was no way she would give up her body to this demonic creature. The shadows shrunk back, away from Ulva, back towards the trees like a scolded dog. Panting, Elise doubled over, trying desperately to catch her breath. A headache thumped painfully in the back of her skull, reminding her of the offending headache earlier. Clutching her head, she groaned in pain, before remembering the girl. "I-I'm sorry..." She whispered, looking up with pleading eyes, shaking her head. "Th-That wasn't me. I promise...Can I help you?

The setting changes from Earth 2011 to Ruins, the forest and its magic.

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#, as written by echored
”Almost there, little thing.. not sure..,” she paused, inhaling as she took another long stride in front of her, β€œnot sure why that creature wanted you, but it must mean you’re important. If anything, I have to keep you safe for Rea,” Ulva managed to say aloud finally in completion to the bird, through broken sentences-- most of her attention was focused on her speed and steps. She couldn’t recall a time in her past when she had this must energy or endurance. It had to be some of the wolf elements inside of her still, somehow effecting her strength. She wondered if she would always be like this now, or if it was just a weird psychedelic after effect of being near the forest. It didn’t matter now though, she was here as ever and a part of her had the feeling it wouldn’t be easy to leave even if she wanted.

Her bare feet felt natural, sturdy against the soft earth that was her bounding spring forward into the woods. The path was cast in shadows, the sound of trees whispering ever so faintly along her sides. The lights ahead into the clearing were becoming brighter, maybe only a mile or so away now. Ulva could feel the bird struggle in her hands, trying to etch its way out. β€œYou want free, huh?” Ulva panted, not questioning it’s motives, but instead letting her hands open up to let this creature loose. She wasn’t’ sure if it could fly as well as a normal bird, seeing as it had what seemed to be mouse attributes. Yet the wings began to take off, shaky at first, but it held its own, keeping a fine pace along her side. She had to admit she could run a slight be easier and faster without it pressing against her chest. Her arms were free now to propel herself forward, a silent and swift protector to this little defenseless creature. Once again she had the feeling that if she could lead them to the clearing, to somewhere in the forest, they’d be safer... surely a reckless assumption, but being at the house wasn’t offering any more aid than the potential of such a mystical forces. There had to be more forces of good than evil amongst them, she had to believe it.. more of the glass half full type. And with that thought on her mind, she allowed herself to expose a hesitant smile, a tiny flash of unnaturally white teeth at the bird.. mouse... Stich

The moment of optimism was short lived for Ulva could hear a noise gaining upon them. Was it the black creature that had attacked them just moments before? Ulva wasn’t going to risk glancing back until she heard a noise, a female voice. β€œHuh?” she huffed, slowly to a jog as she saw what looked to be one of the other Lucky Draws running after her. She hadn’t met her yet, not caught her name... and yet Ulva could sense something wasn’t right about her. The two made eye-contact and it was in that brief second that Ulva could read the intent in her eyes. Ulva’s gaze narrowed, attention jumping from over her shoulder to the bird. β€œKeep going,” she spoke aloud, pushing herself to run even faster since stopping could be a trap. Stopping is what that girl wanted her to do, and it didn’t sound like a good idea.

What worried Ulva was that, besides her own footsteps and the woman’s there was yet another noise. This sound was coming from the tree line along the path, a moving rustle through bushes and leaves that was holding the same speed as she. This girl had a partner of some sort. What the hell was going on -- something Ulva would have moaned aloud but instead she just shook her head and edged the bird on faster, giving the creature an occasional glance to make sure it was still by her side.

The clearing was ever so close when she there was a force around her ankles. She looked down to see what looked to be winding snakes of darkness twist and dance rigidly around her calves and up her thigh. Pure fear was the last thing she felt before Ulva realized she lost her balance, the force of the tendrils pulling her legs from beneath her coupled by a forceful push on her back-- the bitch really had the nerve to push her down. Time seemed to move in slow motion as she lunged forward, her body rolling in a graceful tumble to the ground until she ended up on her back, head thumping against grass. At least it’s not pavement, she thought blankly, her chest pounding rapidly as her icy blue eyes stared up at the starry night sky. Stitch had stopped flying, taking a perch in the open gap between her neck and shoulder, part of its body taking refuge under her loose locks of blond hair. Part of Ulva felt honored that the tiny creature stayed by her side, by the other half of her wished it had kept flying and got away while it still could. The woman that gave Ulva her final push to the ground hovered above her, looking down at Ulva with beady evil eyes that only some demon could hold. Thomas would have never picked someone so evil to come to the forest or ruins, it just didn’t seem right. Then again, nothing seemed right. To make thing worse, the jagged tendrils of darkness crept up her body more, wrapping themselves tightly against her figure. She could feel the pressure, the strings tightening around her torso causing her to breathe harsher. Ulva could feel the tension inside herself building, the urge to shift forms again. The wolf was clawing to escape, a defense mechanism ever on the verge to take control. But now wasn’t the right time. She had to stay human and deal with this or should be giving up all hopes at taking care of Stitch, the obvious treasure amongst the bunch. Ulva bit her tongue as she fought the tingling sensation running up her spine, denying her bones the movements needed to change form. Though in many aspect, turning into a wolf would be helpful... sharp teeth was a better weapon than well.. the nothing she had now... besides communication. They could speak, it was the only way.

Ulva swallowed painfully, teeth gritting as her hands tried to pull the restraints off around her chest but it was no use, they were ghost-like. β€œWhat do you want!” Ulva finally shouted, eyes locking on this woman as her shoulders shook against the ground beneath her feet.

”Nooo!” was the immediate response, then doubled over as if fighting some inner force. The cry sounded different, the tone in voices varying from the one she heard moments earlier. The wrappings around her seemed to respond to this cry, looping downward around her body until it finally set her free and dissipated back into the shadows. Ulva sighed, taking in a gigantic huff of air, thankful for the feeling of uncompressed lungs. The woman backed away, gripping her head, clearly experiencing a headache or some sort of inner struggle. Ulva wasn’t arrogant or naive, she had the feeling this woman had a split personality, or at least a bad case of the possession. Ulva sat up, her adrenaline still pumping, her senses becoming alive the longer she was surrounded by the forest. β€œC’mon, Stitch,” she whispered, scooping the bird back up and standing up to her feet. She placed the bird back on her shoulder, sure that it would start flying the moment it realized she was running again. Her stance was spread, ready to take off any second, but part of her needed to watch what was going to happen next to the woman.

β€œI-I'm sorry... Th-That wasn't me. I promise...Can I help you?” Elise spoke, Ulva inching backwards a few steps each time the other spoke one word. By the time there was a good 15 or so feet between the two, Ulva had regained her posture and stood as strong as ever, confidence and determination building each time she blinked. She wouldn’t end up on the ground again, not if she had another to do about it.

β€œIf you want to help me, go back... I can’t have you trying to kill me again,” she said slowly, the sound of her voice cutting through the air like knives. It was as blunt and cold as Ulva had ever been, but it was only natural now that she had to defend her life and this tiny creature’s next to her. With that said, Ulva didn’t give much time for the woman to respond. Instead, her hair whipped back around, leaning for once more in a long stride forward atop the pathway. Minutes and she and Stitch would be in the confines of the clearing. Once there, the mission was hazy, but at least she had a current goal to reach.

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From the tree tops stood Jinana, he watched the fight, watched as it moved ever closer to the edge of the tree line, they would be here soon. He shook his head, he was not needed here, not with the other to guardians and others needed his help, he could feel the little wolf human, she had felt this way since her feet had first stepped into the woods, now it was like a blazing light in the air; so much potential. He stayed and watched as the last back steps of the dark creature echoed in the forest, the trees sending out warning. Of course it wasn’t just their fight, the three guardians were not the only guards of the ruins, the trees and forest were more alive than those in the new world, though not many knew it. Under his finger pads the tree thrummed almost silently, each tree telling the other of what was going on, their roots touch where their voices could not reach and soon even the ruins knew of the demons approach. His ears flickered, these weren’t demons, why had he used that word? They were dark creatures, yes that was for sure, but not demons, they had not seen a demon in almost a thousand year, most did not wish to cross, so they never came.

Shifting on his feet he followed the darkness in his mind, leaving behind the fight and following this new and worrying development. He wore no bell tonight, this was not a test and he could not chance begin heard. The trees softened his almost silent passage, till not even the leaves above so much as moved at his long looping jumps and soft running footsteps. The trees always told him what they saw, now all they could see was the wolf girl, the thing chasing her scared even these old trees. They would not see it, did not want to look and refused to tell the others of their fear. Even a dying tree could talk, could sing of its pain, this scared him, it could only be a demon, but what was one doing here? He lifted his muzzles as he moved between the trees soundless, scenting the air around him, it must be in the gap of his sight. It had been a long time since he had not see what he was going to, Jinan could be blind for all he needed his eyes here, but still when it was like this, the only thing he could use were his own eyes. His tail trailed in the air behind him, almost a flag behind him, coiling through the air, then strait as a sheet of paper.

Underneath him passed a vast stretch of land, they were coming closer to the clearing, he would not allow the demon to reach it. Ahead he could two girls and one of them had come with Thomas earlier as well as the man he had spoke with, but the other he had only seen briefly in passing, this was the one that the trees refused to see. Even though the girl was light in build, Jinan knew better than to underestimate the power the creature could hold. He inched down the tree closest to the girls, his eyes falling on one bird. He paused, his claws barely marking the surface of the tree, so they were coming back, no wonder with all the magic trying to infuse itself into the humans, but he had not expected it to be so quick. No only would the little bird fix things, something it loved and did better than any other creature to have ever existed, but he was an alarm for evil. No wonder the black dog like creature had gone to the house, he could not have let the creature live, it would have cause havoc to any planed attack. He smiled a toothy grin, it was more than brilliant that it had survived, but he feared for it in the presence of a demon.

He slid down the last bit of tree, just as Ulva ran towards him, he had liked her profile sheet, she had sounded like a wonderful person, someone who as truly alive. He bowed low to her, his feet finally on solid ground, his luminous eyes bright even in the darkness beneath the treetops; glowing like cats eyes. He moved on to all fours as she passed, unsure if the wolf girl had seen him but somewhat uncaring. His eyes were now fixed on the other girl, she had the shimmer of a demon beneath her skin. His tail twitched angrily behind her, its three meter length a roiling snake of flesh behind him. He stalked forward low against the ground, his body moving with eerie grace, teeth gleaming white in all the darkness. From his pocket he pulled three small round pebbles, they had been a gift from his mother when he was a child, a nightlight of sorts for his fear of the dark, but they had never lost their glow. He threw them out, not aiming to hit the girl, but spreading a dim almost impossibly low glow in the ground. It was the type of light, that if you looked directly at it, you could not see it and that was exactly why he had thrown out three. The light would not of course reach above the waist of the girl, but now he could see her legs more clearly, his reflective eyes glowing ever brighter. The rocks emitted a low pale green light and skittered across the pathway they were on, gave definition to the impenetrable dark.

β€œYou may not come here, I can not allow you to pass, to chase one of the young or to hurt any of which I have spent my life guarding.” His voice was a deep growl, almost too low for human ears. β€œYou must let her go, she does not belong to you, I do not know why you are here. Your kind never wish entrance to these lands, what have you come for?” He inched step by step closer, wondering if the demon would show its face in hers and try to battle in the human body, he hoped not as he did not wish to hurt any of the chosen and would be punished if he did. The wind ran through his thick pelt, brining smells of blood and the fight, it would be coming their way soon. He licked his nose, eyes scanning the area around her, he prayed to his deity that the girl would survive.


The creature gripped tightly to the twin, his paw sinking into the soft flesh and soon her life started to pour out. Along with her dripping, dribbling flow of blood, now came sparkles of gold, falling to the floor and then going dark. He had rather hoped to eat the little girl while she was still alive and gain some of her forest magic, but in truth it did not matter, he would eat her anyway, she was his now. Thick lines of saliva dripped down into her wounds, burning her pure flesh with its darkness and she screamed every time a strand touched her. It turned its head back and forth, yes he could probably take these humans, even if they were chosen, but he did not wish to lose his prize. He moved in rippled shadows, wondering if he should drop from this side and eat, he could always come back. He watched the second twin, moving to dodge her attack and taking slowly a step back further and further as they went. He could smell the hate on them all, yes that was right, let hate fill you and you too will never pass through the ruins. His laugh was a cackle, though it did not last long. Before him the dog was rolling in the dirt, small thing that it was, probably trying to heal its mild wounds. Yet it shot up running at him and as it did, its pelt lit on fire, a fire bright in the dark, burning his eyes.

Rea ran forward, pleased her plan had worked, most of her body was on fire now, trying to cleanse her immaculate white pelt of the mud she had put on it. The creature backed away and she leapt at his face, wanting to scare it back into the forest. Her body twisted, not wanting to go near the foul smelling thing and its face turned as she did; but not towards her. She smacked into the side of its head, her light going dark as the last of the mud fell from her, but already it was going, its eyes must have been very unused to the dark, she thought. Its claws scraped across the trapped twin, opening four slashes across her torso and most likely that would kill her. Rea scampered to be out of the blackness’s reach, her feet gathering beneath her as the free twin screamed, her voice full of such sorrow, her second half would surely soon die as the gold poured from her. Rea’s attack had however been successful as the creature took forest one step then another into the forest. She blinked unhappily as it paused at the edge, her teeth clicking in her small dogs jaw, but it dropped the second twin their and ran into the dark.

She yipped triumphant and ran full pelt into the forest, not stopping by the twin. Yes she felt sorry for the dying girl and doubted anything could be done to save her, but she would not allow the beast to escape, fear that it would return filling her. Her white pelt made her a target for any who might have wanted to attack her, however nothing much hostile lived in the forest, only visitors disturbed the peace. She followed her nose, she could smell its foul blood a mile off, she would not lose it. Her feet were sure beneath her, padded feet digging into the soft soil and wood sorrel wherever her pads might land. It was heading to where she had found Ulva, that odd little clearing. She didn’t know why, but she was profoundly relieved that it had not gone for the crown of the hill, she knew she must not let it there. Her eyes were better in the dark but not perfect and soon she tripped on a tree root, but this did not stop her for long, this body took pain more readily than her own and she was up on her feet in under 30 seconds. Her legs propelled her forwards and she hoped madly that what she was doing was not foolish. She could not help herself, she had to protect the people, even if it mean dying herself.

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When Demetrius rushed out of the room and ran past the two of them, Iris felt joy overflowing her, but it was in that moment that she saw the blood soaked knife in his hands and her heart tightened. He was obviously trying to get help or help someone himself and when Eillot pulled her to follow him she didn’t resist, eager to see what exactly was going on. They soon entered another room and when they looked down the window to see where Demetrius had disappeared to, the sight in front of their eyes was unbelievable. A huge black dog that looked like the Cerberus with just one of his heads was on top of one of the twins trying to get a good bite out of her. There was also a white dog yapping at the beast while the other twin was screaming in panick for her sister. Then Demetrius did something incredible. He raised his knife and charged at the creature – or rather, he tried to – when one of the dog’s large paws went for his body in a failing attempt to strike the man. Demetrius was no longer the bookish fragile looking man Iris thought he was and everything in him from his stance to his martial arts-like actions proved her right.

Eillot was obviously better prepared than her, at least mentally, for she didn’t stand there just looking at them and grabbed one of the curtains along with its pole. She asked Iris to help and after the two settled the pole in what seemed to be a good position, Eillot climbet out the window and headed for the fight. After quite a few moments of hesitation Iris decided to do the same, but just as she was halfway trough, the pole lost its balance and the girl ended up falling on her back with the pole on top of her. Fortunately for her, it wasn’t that heavy.

As soon as she got up she saw the beast opening four slashes with its hellish claws in the trapped twin’s body as the white dog managed to scare him with the flames coming from his fur. Flames?! Iris looked bewildered how the little dog –wolf- whatever it was – fired up. Spontaneous combustion? Of course the beast didn’t look normal as well with his huge fangs and black pelt that seemed made of shadow and darkness, but Iris failed to comprehend all of that when she had her eyes focused on the girl beneath it. Now she was seeing everything clear and fear started to creep inside her. This wasn’t a fairy tale anymore. When the golden sparks poured down along with the blood from the twin’s wounds, Iris knew it wouldn’t take long until the end. She ignored her urge to go over to Demetrius and rushed at the twin’s side taking the silk rope that hanged from her sack in her hands. She used her blue dance outfit as a bandage and wrapped the rope tightly around the twin’s body, getting it halfway up gently.
β€ž’s gonna be alright” she whispered pressing down on the wounds and trying to stop the blood’s flow.

Seamus wasn’t feeling as good as he thought he would after his long awaited drink. His legs were shaking and his head was spinning so there wasn’t much left for him to do except to try to remember how to walk properly. There was still commotion upstairs and some of the people rushed back down after a couple of minutes as he was making his way to the stairs. The Irishman changed his mind when he saw the crowd and headed towards the exit of the house to avoid meeting anyone else. Outside he took a left corner asking himself what would be best to do in this case when he needed a good sleep more than anything else. Little he knew that he was about to meet some of the Lucky Draws and the twins just a couple of steps away.
At first he only saw Demetrius’ backside and he raised his hand in a feeble attempt to call him over.
β€žHey…Dam…Dimitriuzzz” his weak voice didn’t reach the man so Seamus had to walk over to him but what he saw in front of him was nothing he would have expected. On the neatly trimmed grass stood Iris holding one of the twins like a child close to her chest and she looked like she was about to burst into tears at any given time. The other sister looked half crazed with sorrow. Eillot was there as well.
β€žWha’ …wha’ happen’d?” he managed to ask weakly, like he was surrounded by mist.

The setting changes from Estate, The house and gardens. to Earth 2011


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Elise watched Ulva with despair written across her face as she shook her head sadly. Only faded memories resided in her mind of what had just transpired whilst she was out of her body, but it was clear that she had intended harm upon the young girl. Even death, as it was suggested by her. That was not who Elise was. She meant no harm to anyone or anything. It was not in her nature to be vicious or hurtful and it never had been. Even whilst on the drugs, she had not turned violent towards anyone at any point. It caused her great sadness and despair to believe that she had threatened another person's life. But it hadn't been her. No, something else was hiding in the depths of her mind. Something dark and dangerous had been confined in her thoughts for now. Elise didn't dare think of it, for it could take control of her at any moment. What would she do if it did? She'd have no choice, even if it were the case. There was no control over this, she had already established this and it had only taken her over once.

Taking a step after Ulva, she called out once again. "Look, I can help you. I don't really know what happened, but..." She stopped dead. How was she supposed to explain it? All Ulva had seen was Elise attempting to kill her by the sounds of it. Any attempt at trying to convince her otherwise was going to be completely pointless. It would just be seen as a trap. She wouldn't trust someone who had tried to kill her, no matter how much they tried to reason. Even if it hadn't been Elise, then the girl wasn't going to believe that ridiculous story. Then again, was it so ridiculous? Everything here seemed completely ridiculous and unbelievable. It was a place of nightmares, for Elise at least. Since she had arrived there had been nothing but trouble for her, putting herself in danger at every turn.

Closing her eyes, she rubbed her eyes with the palm of her hands trying to stop the dull thudding that had erupted over the back of her skull. As she did, a low voice could be heard from between the trees. Slowly, she raised her head, frowning. Everything told her she should run, or at least distance herself. With the wind, the voice could barely be heard, but she caught words. He was accusing her of something that she didn't quite understand. She meant no-one any harm and yet deep down she knew part of her was extremely dangerous. "Please, I didn't mean to harm her. I just want to help." She whispered, stepping further backwards. As she did, she tripped, her back smashing against the tree behind her. She winced, sliding down it until she was sat on the floor. The headache was beginning to get too much for her, but she persisted to try and reason with whatever it was accusing her. All she could see was the eyes in the darkness. "This had nothing to do with me. It's not me. I can't control it." It was a babble. A wild babble. Nothing made sense. Her voice was slurred and even she couldn't understand her words.

"Don't be foolish Jinana. You wouldn't harm this chosen one to save me. I have merely taken her body and mind. She was a good choice as it turns out. The powers she obtained from this stupid place were somewhat....helpful to my cause. You know I'm going to destroy you all and take this place for my own." A harsh laugh left her lips as she shook her head.

The words escaped Elise's mouth before she could even stop them. She clasped her hands to her mouth, looking surprised. "That-That wasn't me." She gasped, her eyes widened from shock and surprise. Even though the demon hadn't shown itself fully, it had spoken through her lips.


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Circling the creature turned out to be a waste of time as Demetrius pushed himself back to his feet and found himself turning his gaze away, somewhat blinded by the fiery glow coming from the snow-white pelt of the dog, or wolf perhaps, that had once been the heavily muscled form of Rea. His eyes were sharper than he had ever known them and the force of such intense light in the face of the darkness he was growing used to ripped through his head like the dagger he held.

By the time he had gripped the dark creature in his sight once more the animal-Rea had taken to the floor and the captive twin screamed with the agony of four deep wounds scratched across her torso. The bloodlust, the power, the unexplainable change, it all began to seep away and in seconds he was left with only a growing sense of horror as the huge shadowed dog took off into the forest, pursued by Rea. His vision was once more impaired by the lack of light and the strength in his legs started to wane. His blade fell to the grass and sliced easily through the wet dirt, leaving it stood with the hilt pointing to the starry sky. The effect of his dash across the open ground took it's toll, his breath quickened and deepened and soon he was panting and his legs were shaking as he made his way in an almost blind, meandering stumble to where the poor girl lay seeping blood and sparks of brightest gold across the grass.

And he was not the only one on the scene. Already rushed to her aid were some familiar faces. The dancer and the musician from the entertainment drafted in. If he'd ever been more glad to see a pair of artists he could not think of such a time. Help was help and was probably more than he himself could offer. And there, stumbling even more than himself, was the reporter he had taken such a shining to. Drunk. Mumbling. In the way.

With uncharacteristic force, Demi used what little of his energy remained to plant a hand firmly in Seamus' chest and push him out of the way, noting the glazed eyes and slurred words. They were symptoms he was far too familiar with. He finally fell to his knees beside the frail girl, all thoughts of the battle now out of mind and well as sight.

"Oh Jesus..." It was little more than a whisper but he couldn't help it now he was close enough to see the extent of the damage. The dancer had made a rudimentary bandage and started applying pressure to the wound. It was as much as he himself could have done and he was at a loss of what more there was. He wished he had the strength to get back to the house and find some help but he knew making his way to his feet was no longer a possibility, his legs were jelly. And to top it off he was confused. Well, he'd been confused since arriving but now it was worse. Adding to the gore was a display of shining, glistening showers of golden sparks that was, even in the circumstances, truly beautiful to behold. He knew it was some kind of life-force other than blood, though how he knew was, as ever, a mystery.

With nothing more to do to help he placed one of his hands over the bandage that was left uncovered and the other over the dancer's own hands to help apply more pressure. He was a fiction writer, as far away from a doctor as you could get, but even he could see the outcome was not destined to be good. He looked up at the woman across the frail body from him, looking her in the eyes wordlessly as though pleading her to disagree with his thoughts and put him at ease.


Nuram raised only a finger to his lips to indicate they be silent as Nim settled and gave a nervous greeting. For once the presence of the creature did not fill him with a tedious irritation because he knew now he did not have to stay in place. And he knew where he wanted to go, his eyes were following the path he would set himself onto shortly, the path that was being taken by the entrancing human female who was at the same time no more human than he himself. Whatever her goal was, he knew that she would be the one, and likely the only one, he would watch out for. He could feel such power, such unrelenting and unforgiving malice, such a desire for control. It was almost intoxicating, the idea of a creature he could empathise with. Without a sound he took a step to follow her into the forest and simply watch, perhaps even step out of line and speak to her, but a sound from the battle stopped him in his tracks. It was the unmistakable sound of tearing flesh.

The Girtablilu had no more desire to expose himself now than he had to befriend each and every human on the planet. But that sound, and the cry of despair that follwed, caused a knot in his stomach that grew so rapidly into a feeling that consumed him and polluted his thoughts like a pyschological bile that corroded his mind, drowning out his natural patterns of thought. True, there were no rules in war but to attack the twins was to attack the forest itself. And to attack the forest was to incite the wrath of the guardians.

As the creature backed up and bounded off into the forest, Nuram had already whispered to Nim, "Keep watch here," and took off on his own path, running parallel with the shadow through the trees, vaguely aware but still uncaring about the presence of one of the chosen behind them. He matched the creature for speed but eased slowly ahead only through his knowledge of the forest and the fluidity he achieved through galloping into familiar territory.

He kept running, knowing where he was going, knowing it would be to the site he had witnessed the desecration of power by one of the humans, and as the unholy beast came into the clearing he leapt to the side, enveloping it in his huge claws and tackling it, mid-air, to the ground. The impact on the forest floor left a deep trench in the soft ground where they slid along, Nuram managing to raise his spear as they went. He jabbed it into the ground and used the momentum of them both to fling himself off and onto his feet in the path on the incoming opponent, twisting in the air with a surprising grace for one as large and heavy as himself.

In a fluid movement that followed his landing perfectly he ached his back and let fly with his tail, striking with deadly accuracy at the hound's throat. But it was quick, despite the sudden fall, and two paws came together to clasp around the point and knock it aside, unbalancing the scorpion-man and sending him tumbling to the ground, all actions blinding by rage. In seconds the chase was back on.


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#, as written by echored
Ulva took a quick look over her shoulder as she pushed herself to keeping going. Her feet were bare but the earth below was soft which made up for it. The winding path towards the hilltop clearing was about at its wit end. Her breathing was heavy after running at such a fast pace from Rea’s room all the way to this current spot. Her look behind caught eye of the woman who was trying to kill her and nearly succeeded. But she wasn’t alone anymore. Something was confronting her from out of the trees, a tall, magnificently built creature walked towards her. Ulva wasn’t sure what it was, it was nothing like she had ever seen before. Then again, nothing here was anything familiar. The creature could be there to help that woman, or maybe not- Ulva hadn’t the slightest clue. All she could tell was that he.. it... was doing a good job distracting the woman from following after her.

β€œHow are you doing, Stitch?” Ulva asked swiftly as she looked at the small creature on her shoulder. It chirped softly, pointedly.. as if it knew the situation and the risk they were taking.

β€œI can see some people up at the top of the hill, I think... they must be setting up,” Ulva continued to say as she jumped over roots casually and avoided random branches. She was a clumsy woman to say the least but right now she felt more graceful than ever. Maybe it was the adrenaline. Her pace finally slowed when they arrived at the cusp of lit field. It was filled with stages and circus supplies. So much for entertainment tonight though. β€œOkay, where to? We’ll be safe here, right?” she whispered to the bird, the questions more for herself. She could feel the claws releasing from the grasp it had in her skin, it’s wings flapping slowly at first but then gaining speed as it took flight off her shoulder. It hovered at Ulva’s eye level for a brief moment before taking off to the right towards the treeline.

β€œNo!” she cried, not wanting to loose sight of it. She picked up pace again, following the tiny creature the best she could. Her eyesight was impeccable for this time of night which was useful, but slightly disorienting. Colors still held their lustful greens and browns even in the shadows of night. The lights set up in the field weren’t stretching this far out and a part of Ulva wondered if this was a bad idea to leave the clearing so soon.. Yet the creature had another mission it seemed, and the agenda was set to follow it. As Ulva neared the line of dark trees, she could hear them thumping again, like heartbeats. Any second now she wouldn’t be surprised to hear them whisper. The scent of the surrounding area was growing potent, and she took her first step. There was an animalistic instinct beginning to bubble at the core of her soul, now stained with markings of wolf. She could feel the uncontrolled muscles tensing, wanting to shift forms. But she didn’t want to shift, she wanted to stay human. It wasn’t natural to feel these urges, it wasn’t natural an any level. Stitch was a few yards ahead, waiting for her to follow.

The two squeezed through overgrown brush and down a trail before finally coming to a stop. In front of her was...simply amazing. Two very large trees stood before her with doors. Above were clocks that looked to be apart of the trees, grown in place from years upon years of being there. It looked to be like an abandoned area, like it was a home for something at some point in time. It was calm here, peaceful. Even the dark of the night couldn’t tarnish the beauty of the old wood. She had to check out the inside of the tree, she just had to. Not to mention, Switch flew inside the door like it was no issue. Maybe he knew what was inside, maybe this was the creature’s safe house. The first step in the door caused a loud squeak against the aged floorboards. Ulva bit her lip, holding the doorframe cautiously before allowing herself to walk completely inside. It was empty except for a few broken chairs on the ground. Grass and other plants were growing along the floors and the walls. And then there was a staircase. Stitch flew up it and Ulva followed after. If a step broke she’d easily be in trouble, no one would know where she was or how to find her if she was hurt. But then again, she had to check and see what was up there.

β€œStitch? she mumbled, opening up a trapdoor that the stairs led to which was so worn down Stitch had already managed to fly through a hole. On the floor above there was nothing but a small window. And a nest. Stitch chirped happily for the first time since it had been with Rea earlier. Clearly the creature knew what lived here or maybe even lived here itself. Ulva allowed herself to sit next to the window, looking out below. For the first time she was actually able to take a deep breath and relax. The fact that she didn’t have a clue what was going on was pushed to the back of her mind. How long this would last was only a question now.


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Iris felt hope leaving her body with every drop of blood that fell on the grass or filled the bandage under her hands. The Irishman found his way near them, but how and why Iris had no idea. He was drunk and useless. After getting Seamus out of the way, Demetrius crashed on his knees besides her.

"Oh Jesus...".
he whispered and put one hand over the bandage and the other on top of her own. She could see him looking at her before her vision got blurry, tears filling her eyes. She shook her head twice from left to right and back again as an answer to his plead. How could she put him at ease when she had no hope left and no idea how to save the girl?
The Irishman disturbed the silence with his hoarse voice.

β€œWhat the hell is going on?! What in the name of all saints IS GOING ON??” he yelled staring at the wounded twin and at the pool of blood and golden sparks laid in front of him. β€œWhere is Thatcher?” he shouted at the other sister β€œWhere’s dat old bastard? Is dis what he hoped for?” Rage filled him and Seamus lost his senses. He dashed forward like a mad man and took the girl from the dancer’s arms pushing Demetrius aside with his free arm. With the twin in his arms he ran towards the ruins where he last seen Thomas shouting as hard as his lungs allowed him, yet his voice wasn’t his anymore.
β€œIs dis what ya wanted old man?!! Look at her! How did it come to this?!” the man let out a devilish laughter and his new voice echoed like thunder on a storm. β€œCome here old man!” he shouted like a beast and his emerald eyes turned into a black void. His long hair also changed color. The fallen angel had taken over. He lifted the twin above his head like a prize β€œAre you coming to save her or should I take her instead?”

β€œNo!” Iris screamed when the Irishman took the girl from her arms and ran to the Ruins. She went after him asking Demetrius to do the same. The man stopped on the crest of the hill in the ruins calling out for the one who invited them. But it wasn’t the reporter she saw holding the girl up in the air. It was someone else, with long black hair and a muscular build. The man looked right into her eyes smiling with mischief and Iris felt her head spinning all of a sudden.


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The dancer's shake of the head was unnecessary, Demitrius could see just how hopeless the situation was with every passing second. Through his fingers he felt the blood flowing, he could see it in the darkness thanks to the brilliant sparks leaping out to join the constant stream of lifegiving fluid. His head swam, the impact of what was happening really started to sink in.

This isn't how things were supposed to be he thought. This was supposed to have been nothing more to him than a chance to rejuvenate, to relax and cleanse himself of the stresses of everyday life, maybe give a little boost to his career while he was at it. This was supposed to be fun. Yet now he knelt in the grass trying in vain to hold off Death from taking a young girl into his waiting arms. And there was no doctor in sight, just a few people, people that were somehow no longer human in their own ways, people who he doubted had any way to help here. And of course, deserving a mention for outstanding dedication to appearances, a drunk reporter, who had now decided to make his way over. It was Demi's intention to completely ignore him until all this was over but that, the same as a peaceful evening, was not to be.

Seamus rushed over, the vague smell of alcohol instantly available for all to smell, and he returned the shove that had shortly before been given to him. He had not been expecting it and fell to the floor on his side, head bumping off the ground with some force and long hair splashing across his pale face. The dizziness that he had been feeling started to ebb away like the twin's blood and soon was replaced, once again, with rage.

God no, not again... He had felt the same on his charge across the grass, he knew what was coming. The heightened senses, the unnatural speed, the reaction time, the lust for fighting, the thrill of the chase, it would all too soon take over him again and he knew where he wanted to direct it but could not be sure his mind would still be his own. The last time had been strange, his intentions were good but the darkest places in his subconscious had risen up and driven him. And he was tired, so tired now after last time. His body was aching, his lungs were heaving and his hand still stung from the self-inflicted slash back in Rea's room, an event that already seemed so long ago.

The tiredness evaporated and again his muscles began a subtle tranformation as he heard the reporter yelling through the forest with a deep roar of a voice that was far from his own. He had the girl, Demi did not even need to look up to see that, and would not get away with her. He stood, instantly back on balance. His eyes were narrowed and his vision was clear as day. His ears picked up the sound of Iris calling him easily in the darkness. He walked to where his knife protruded from the ground and reached down to grab it, eyes now taking in the larger muscles of his legs, and in a few seconds he was by her side, running through the forest, picking his way across roots and beneath branches with ease. It was only now as he ran that he realised his glasses were gone, yet his vision remained better than it had ever been before. His thoughts clouded and left the previously mild man with little of his regular personality but with intelligence nonetheless, whoever's it may have been.

The forest opened up to the bottom of the hill. He was back at the ruins, back at the site that had started all this. And here he would end it if he could. And 'if he could' had never been a more legitimate way to describe his odds. What awaited him was no longer a crude, inebriated Irishman but a broad, muscular form raising the injured child above it's head like a sacrifice.

"Put her down Seamus!" he shouted up, voice deeper and louder than usual. "You have taken this too far already." He snarled these words and punctuated them by raising his knife, determined to let him know that he would get no further without a fight.


Far away in the forest from there, now just past the clearing, the chase between the guardian and the shadow creature continued, one relentlessly persuing the other, again gaining ground slowly thanks to his knowledge of the forest. Nuram knew the route they were following and knew the beast would need to either slow and turn or take a leap. Either way he had his plan and they ran onwards.

It was only a few seconds before the dog sprung into the air amd the guardian took his chance. With deadly accuracy he flung his spear, watching as it sliced through the air beneath the jumping creature and embedded itself cleanly in a tree ahead. The flying form had no way to avoid crashing into it face first and soon found itself twisted backwards with his gaze looking right into Nuram's path as he leapt the same obstacle and closed a vast, powerful pincer around the thing's neck. It made no sound of pain, only a screech of anger as teeth gnashed and claws swiped.

Nuram's own rage would not let him end this quickly and his other crushing limb grabbed a flailing leg, pinning the beast to the floor. While it was held down his human arms grabbed hold of his spear and wrenched it free of it's target, only to flip it around and thrust it directly into the ground beneath his opponent with a gruesome sound of snapping ribs and tearing flesh as it passed through. This managed to bring out a whine that cut through the forest's atmosphere and brought a flicker of a smile to it's assailant's dark lips. The struggling shadow was now pinned through the chest and held fast to the ground. His pain had only just begun.

For almost a mile in any direction the sound carried. The howling and whimpering spread throughout the trees to any ears near enough to hear it's mournful cry as the spear was turned and pushed, twisted and pulled in an expert manner designed to inflict as much burning agony as possible.


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Rea was fast, that was sure, but still she soon lost sight of the creature. She had heard other things in the for a moment before it took off at a true speed, she supposed something that threatened it, so it no longer wanted to tease along her slight form and she wondered what it could be that scared it so. She would have shuddered had she not been running, but as it was her small lungs heaved, she was soon to run out of breath. She paused, her fur burning the sweat away lightly, she barely noticed, far to caught up in the hunt to do much more than stare with her bright blue eyes in the direction she knew it to be. She bought her nose to the ground, taking in a deep breath of dirt. She sat down for a moment, her tail curling around her in an absent minded way. Slowly her lungs were slowing and she lay down, huffing a breath out, trying to smell the beast, hear it, if she could then their would be no problem. The ground smelled of sweet rich earth, rotting leaf matter from her left around the base of the tree. Then for perhaps the first time she really looked around, the ground where things could not grow, was completely clear, all the rotting mulch was at the base of the tree, not scattered everywhere. The ground smelled of animals, birds, humans and… creatures. She growled slowly to herself, what was this place that every inch was so well looked after?

The sound of a crashing bush caught her ears, quite some way off and she stood slowly, her breath more even, the fire glow having fallen form her pure white pelt. She tilted her head, looking up at the big tree before her, in it clocks hung and she could smell the sent of her friend. She took a slow step forward, was Ulva out here, how had she got here in the dark, even with her canine eyes, sharp ears and keen sense of smell, she found it hard to navigate here way here. She raised her paw, intending to go and see what was going on, but the crash of feet was heard again, her pray, hers. She growled, it was closer now and her head turned without thought and she was off. This time she stayed at a gentle trot, the noise was a struggle and she knew their was no rush to be there, plus she did not want to attract the attention of anything that had frightened the beast that had attacked her and her friends. Trees passed her overhead, their broad leaves shutting out the starry and full moon. Around her the vegetation became thicker and despite being close, she had to slow, quietly picking her way over the hidden root and low hanging branches. Their was less noise now, but she knew they were there.

Slowly and somewhat unsure what her feet had carried her to, she poked her head out of a thick bush, careful to make as little noise as possible. There she was greeted by the somewhat obscured image of the beast and.. something else. She did not move from her position, the second beast must have only attracted seconds before, for the dark creature seemed shocked to have been pinned. It looked back at it’s attacker and she too followed the movement to look at the creature. It was strong and unlike anything she had ever seen, it was for lack of a better word ugly. It was covered over what she assumed was a human torso in thick plated amour and it’s underside, she shivered. She supposed it was most like an insect, it’s large claws clamping down on the now bleeding evil thing, it’s hind legs were many and she could hardly bare to count, still she did. It was a scorpion in lower shape, it had a long tail that arched out and and and, it was pointed at the tip. She wondered if what they said about scorpions was true, the bigger they were the less piousness and felt the rule most defiantly did not apply here. She tilted her little head, trying to see its face and what it might be thinking.

It moved with great strength, precision as it hurt the beast, her eyes went wide and became for lack of a better word, hungry. Yet she could not come out like this, the creature could cut her in two without so much as a breath of effort, no she needed to be able to reason with it, to show it that she wanted part of the creatures demise. She licked her sandpaper tongue over her nose, she needed to be human, it was the only way. She thought slowly of her old form and caught the image in her minds eye, her nude body licked in flame, decent for the swirling color. She ignored her own body as it changed, telling herself this was who she was, the woman. Images of herself in flight filled her, how her muscles stretched and how strong she felt, far stronger than any dog. Her fur shrank back into her pores, the almost unbearable noise grating on her sense greatly, her body twisted, once more becoming focused on two legs, her dark hair grew back, long and trailing down her back. She stood slowly as her transformation came close to its end and felt the urge to howl for the loss of it. Sharp teeth bit across a now soft plum tongue and her ears slid down the side of her head. A soft red dress, ruminant of a volcanoes glow to almost black red climbed across her form. Her eyes were red and for any who might have known her before, she did not stand like herself.

β€œWe can not have you walking around naked, now can we.” A voice spoke from her own mouth and she covered it, not wanting the creature to hear her. β€œI will not have you shame my name, my people would not hear of it. Heed the name Pele, for though I look after you, you have yet to be judged.” The words were muffled but hearable. The straps of the dress twined together, giving her support, it fell to her knees and was of a modest cut, that did nothing to hide her rich supple muscles. She cursed herself. The creature must have heard, shaking her head she stepped out from behind the bush and stood in plain sight. She moved with confidence, her bare feet not touching the ground and gave a low bow to the creature, hoping that it understood human values of respect. Her once brown eyes burnt bright with flames, her long hair lose and flowing, making her silhouette hard to disconcert. She did not raise from her bow, staying low and waited to see if it attacked her, though she suspected it would not as it would mean losing its prey.

β€œI would like to have part of the kill, I have chased this beast, have followed it and been lead here.” She spoke in soft tones of respect. β€œDo you understand?” She asked, tilting her head, slowly raising to stand strait.


β€œI am sorry little one, but I can not let you pass.” Jinan spoke with genuine regret. His paws flickered, his usually retracted claws flicking out, sharp as knives. He did not look at the floor though he wished too. The forest around him was screaming what was happening and he could hardly bare it. He sniffed at the smell of blood, yet still his eyes did not move from the little form before him. His tail twitched behind him, agitated by the turn of events. Of course their would be a demon, he was stupid not to have thought of it before, how could he not have, they wanted to destroy the peace on the other side. He removed his head dress and it disappeared in his hand, he also unwound the sarong about his hips, leaving him in nothing but his own fur, it was rare for him to go this way, but he would not have the demon creature tear at his worldly possessions. He shifted his feet, for he was standing his hind two and lowered himself into a crouch, his arms hanging lose below him.

β€œKnow I did not want this, but unless you can gain control, I will immobilize you.” He shook his head, trying to shake it free of the guilt over hurting something innocent. β€œIt is right, I do not wish to hurt you, but I will. I have been guarding this place through the ages and I will let no one unworthy enter the gate.” He paused looking into the girls eyes, almost pleading her, though he knew she could do very little now that she was under the creatures deep grip. He watched her for signs that the creature was coming through, showing his ugly face in her sweet soft features. Moving with grace not possessed by any human, he came on to all fours, feeling the soft soil give beneath his long talons. He wondered what punishment he would gain from the forest for doing this, for hurting her, but he knew he had no choice and even though she was to be protected, he could not let her go on.

β€œDemon, I’m sure we have met before, you know of me if not from your kin, how dare you deify the rules of this place.” His sharp teeth flashed and eyes in the almost pitch black losing their glow and became flat emotionless disks. β€œI ask you to leave the girl, leave her now and never return here. You can not flee this place unless the forest lets you and it will not unless I say so. This place is the only mother I have and I will not let you defile her. If you choose to stay, I will make it so your hell, your home looks warm and inviting.” Without saying a word more he began to stalk across the floor, his movements quick and smooth. Then he was gone from her sight, in the dark he could blend, he had of course not gone, but was giving the creature a moment to decide without haste, if he saw the girl move so much as an inch towards the ruins, he would make sure that it never reached its destination. He wished for a moment he knew more about the girl and how he might help her be rid of the beast, but he knew that was not the way, she would have to be rid of it herself or he would deal with what was left.

β€œGirl, tell me your name.” he whispered from the trees above her.


Zosia lay in arms, she had been dumped on the floor and she could feel the rich soil beneath her, how it echoed up through her body, like something half forgotten. She couldn’t feel much now, the only thing she could really feel was her twin and her thoughts echoed about her head they were not at all comforting. She was picked up by someone who was not her sister and she felt somewhat unhappy about this, though she did nothing to show her displeasure, moving was to hard at this moment. Never before had the twins had to fight something of such malevolence or size, maybe something the size of a rat, but never this. Her muscles were limp and her head lolled to one side in the mans lap, she could see her sister, how tears streamed down her face, once so proud and strong, brought to tears by her own sister. She wished to go to her, to comfort her, but now all she could do was murmur and that too was a great effort. Still she was glad the others were safe, she had saved the chosen few, even if it only meant that they lived for a few more short hours. Her eye lids fluttered, going to the woman next to her, the dancer and she smiled, she had always wanted to be a dancer, but alas she had never really made it out into the β€˜real’ world.

β€œDon’t no, don’t come here.” Sasha’s ears had pricked when she heard the drunk approaching, only two steps from sweeping her sister up into her arms. β€œLeave us alone!” She keened, her voice high as she could feel her sister slipping away. She watched as the man pushed Demetrius over, eyes flashing with anger, their pale color once more starting to awaken. She could do little more than stare as the man picked up her wounded sister and ran off with her. The air roiled thick around her, had anyone been close, they would have felt a sharp sting, like glass dust in a storm. She watched the others run off but did not move, beneath her feet was her sisters spilled blood, the golden sparkles glittering on the floor, before winking out, one by one. The ground shook beneath her, the earth moving beneath her small feet. Her eyes flickered to Nim, but their was no love their, only hatred, why hadn’t she helped, why hadn’t any of the guardians helped? She spat at her feet, the motion seeming unnatural in the delicate girl with long yellow hair and their mothers dress. Her blur glowing orbs shone her way and she did not turn to look at the little sylph again.

Her feet were swift beneath her, she did not even look at them as she sped through the forest with all its eyes, all its strength, all its power and none of its wisdom behind her. Her hair became a sheet of shimmering gold behind her, like spun gold in the darkness, metallic in her rage, it glittered. She could smell her sister on the air, her ears now deaf to anything but the call of the forest, its voice streaming through her like a chant without words only meaning. A metallic twang touched the air, blood, her sisters and she put on even more speed, she would not let this man hurt her, would not let him take her last breath, would not could not. A scream burst from her lips, it was not the scream of the frightened, this was the voice of madness and it was heading to the top of the hill, to the gate and to where she and her sister belonged. Roots, leaves and insects passed beneath her, if barely felt like she was running now, her feet almost didn’t touch the ground and soon enough, they didn’t, she had run to hard and without thinking or knowing, she left her body behind, retaining her self in a blue and yellow form, great wings flickering out behind her and a burning sword at her hip.

β€œNO!” She yelled, bursting from the trees at almost the exact same moment as the second creature appeared, seeming to slip sideways through a seam that had not been there before and was not after. Her eyes were caught on her sister for a second, no more before she barreled into the creature. She would not let it harm her, she would deal with the man afterwards, to hell with the consequences but now was her time for revenge. The already fast girl was a stream of light, her thoughts barely holding her form together as she ran. She hit the beast, its heavy flank taking the weight as she slammed into it, blue flames licking around the edge.
(unedited enjoy)


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The man was holding Zosia and her blood left trails on his shoulders and back, staining the Irishman’s t-shirt with gold and red. The angel felt empowered and overjoyed, finally his time arrived and he already got his first victim without having to move a muscle for it. He wanted the old man to see him like this, having a body of his own, taking over one of the guests. It did not matter that Seamus wasn’t one of the Lucky Draws, he had enough physical strength to handle the fallen angel’s spirit and too little willpower to resist him. Still, he needed the girl’s vital energy filled with the Ruin’s blessings and the forest’s power to survive in a human body. After this task was complete, he would have enough strength to succeed were the Irishman failed. He had to kill every woman that didn’t reach the age of forty so that the Muse wouldn’t incarnate. The angel had no idea who was the chosen one, but he knew it had to be one of the Lucky Draws. He had to make sure none of them survived if they refused to join him because only the untainted ones who deliberately chose to be on the side of the light were suitable vessels for the Muse. He was surrounded by darkness, the night’s air filled his lungs and the lack of light favored his actions.

Instead of the old man the angel saw Iris running over to him and stopping a few yards away. He pierced her with his gaze, the urge to kill taking over.

"Put her down Seamus! You have taken this too far already."

The man was calling the Irishman’s name in a deep, guttural voice and looked like he was prepared for a fight.

β€œYou think you can take me on, writer?” A grin curved his crimson lips. β€œMy affairs are with the old man, not with you!” He looked at the dancer once more and Iris fell to her knees unable to breathe. She put her hands to her neck and opened her mouth, but to no avail. Her lungs simply refused to take in the air.

The angel lifted the twin higher, clearing his throat for another call. His war cry merged with Sasha’s desperate scream in a piercing sound that made the earth tremble.
β€œDissonance.” Iris remembered what the Muse had told her just before passing away.

The angel saw the other twin coming closer and then a creature of the dark dashed forward to welcome her. The creature got hit by what looked like a blue and golden ethereal form with a solid composition. He caught a glimpse of the wings and the sword and memories of the Archangel that gave him his punishment started to emerge from the depths of his memory.

Knowing very well that time was not on his side, he laid Zosia at his feet and bend over as if he wanted to kiss her. A golden mist came out of her lips and the angel used his own mouth to sip it, draining the girl’s energy. He felt her thoughts, her memories, her innocence and love for her sister, for her mother, for the forest. He felt the power bestowed upon her by the Ruins filling his veins straight to his core.
The transformation was almost complete now and not a trace of the Irishman’s unique constitution remained. His belly tucked itself in, his hands stretched out full of lean muscles and his chest broadened. Seamus’ once beautiful red hair was now as black as coal.

He let go of the girl and stood straight. Huge black wings ripped his shirt from the back, leaving his chest bare. Gazing at Iris, he smiled. She would be next and after he got her last breath he would go after the other sister. Invincibility awaited him.


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β€œYou think you can take me on, writer? My affairs are with the old man, not with you!”

Demetrius looked up at the man, if he could still be called such, with a look of hate fixed on his face. Eyes narrowed, teeth bared and free hand clenching into a fist, he regarded the sickening grin the reporter held. Of course, it wasn't actually Seamus, but Demi could not be sure he wasn't still in control. He felt ready to charge, ready to attack, ready to kill if need be. He actually welcomed the feeling, it empowered him in a way he'd never before known, lending him strength in ways he had never imagined. But before he could reply and ready himself for a fight the twisted man on the hill turned his gaze to the dancer beside him and she instantly fell to her knees, clutching at her throat desperately.

The writer dropped to his own knees instantly, fastening a hand around her shoulder and looking into her eyes. Whatever was causing her to choke was not a physical entity but there had to be some way to help her, though he had no idea what it could be. He turned and shouted up to the dark man on the hill, who now bent over to put all the characters in this bizarre scene on the ground.

"What have you done? Let her go dammit, and come fight like a man!" Words he had never spoken and never predicted he would utter.

He turned back to Iris, feeling her going limp beneath his grip.

"Bastard!" He shouted as he spun around and ran off towards the foot of the hill, intent on tearing the throat out of him. As if enough life hadn't been lost tonight he was now leaning over the mortally wounded twin and- He stopped in his tracks, staring in astonishment as the Angel seemed to drain something out of the frail child's body, more than likely bringing her closer to death.

Before he even had a chance to continue his possibly suicidal mission, Demi was forced backwards by the force of a flying figure shooting out of the trees beside him, glinting gold and blue in the darkness, a rod of flame swinging from it's hip. The beating wings created a downforce that knocked the writer to the ground as though he'd been standing beneath a landing jet. He barreled down the hill, moving too fast to bring himself to his feet for more than a moment, and crumpled in a heap at the bottom before sliding along the damp grass and into the trunk of a tree, his back cracking audibly on contact.

He must have lost consciousness for a second or two because when he looked back up at the top of the hill he could see whatever unreal creature had knocked him back wrestling with another creature, though his vision started to blur, he could feel the strength pouring out of him again and his human weakness was coming back.

"No..." he whispered. "Not now!" With all the willpower he could muster he pushed himself up onto all fours and focused on doing his bit to help those around him, as well as save himself. As his normal self he'd never stand a chance of fighting ... Whatever it was on the hill. And whatever it was was still changing. It stood and revealed a heavily muscled chest as the clothes on it's top half were torn from it's body with the opening of vast, black wings.

Knowledge is power, do not fight until you know enough.

The voice came from inside his own head but he could not tell whose voice it was. It was deep, rumbling. The voice of something infinitely more powerful than himself.

"Wh... What are you?" he shouted up, pain tearing through his back as he attempted to stand.


The rustling in the bushes behind Nuram was no doubt whatever form had been chasing the creature he now had impaled and writhing on the ground. It sounded tentative so he did not bother to look around, instead keeping his fierce gaze fixed firmly upon the eyes of the beast that still tried to struggle away.

β€œWe can not have you walking around naked, now can we."

It was definitely a human that spoke from behind him and it was a puzzling enough statement to make him pause his torture for a moment and listen.

β€œI will not have you shame my name, my people would not hear of it. Heed the name Pele, for though I look after you, you have yet to be judged.”

Pele... It was not a name the guardian was familiar with, nor was the tone of voice used to speak such a name. It was almost forced, as though whoever was speaking was doing it against their will. He guessed that the human had been driven insane by the presence of immense power inside her and resorted to talking to herself. They were weak beings, not worth the gift bestowed upon them, nor worthy of his attention during such a time.

β€œI would like to have part of the kill, I have chased this beast, have followed it and been lead here. Do you understand?”

Nuram had been subjected to many things in his long life, but to be spoken to by a human as though he were inferior, stupid even, was a disgrace to everything he knew. At the question his head snapped around lightning quick, violet orbs wide with rage and flaring through the gap in his helmet. His hands and pincers remained where they were, the hands twisting the spear as his attention was turned, bringing a squeal from beneath it. Whether it was the sound of the shadow-dog or the cacophony of metal on stone was impossible to tell.

Although what he saw when turning around was not what he had expected. It was not the sight of a condescending human at all. He had been clearly mistaken by what he heard, for he saw a human form bent over in a deep bow with a look on her face that showed no fear, no confusion and no disrespect. It showed only desire, the aching to kill that he could so readily relate to. And this in turn showed him he had been wrong twice. There was more potential for him with these visitors than just the one woman he had seen, the one with a soul as black as coal, and there may yet be more, if only he played things right. And of course, the first step was trust.

After regarding the woman for a few seconds he seemed to come to a conclusion and stepped to the side, keeping a firm grip on his spear lest his prey escape, revealing the bloodied creature on it's back on the floor, a thick rod of wood extending from it's chest. He waited a moment before speaking, choosing his words as carefully as he could.

"Do what you must. But if he escapes," again emphasised by a twist of the spear and a cry of agony, "this weapon will take life from something else."

He reached up with one hand and removed his helmet, showing his elegant, slender face to a member of the Lucky Draw for the first time, a devilish grin revealing stark white teeth between pure black lips. The garment fell to the floor and rolled away as his free arm drifted a hand through the air, indicating she come closer.

"Do you have a name, human?"


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β€œGirl, tell me your name.”

Elise chewed her bottom lip, almost hesitating on her words. She lifted her head to the sound of his voice and whispered, though it was barely audible. "My name is Elise Burn." The final word caught in her throat and she dropped her head down once again. Lowering herself down, she sat on the rough ground below, resting her head on her knees, which she pulled up to her chest. Her cascade of red hair fell around her face, shielding it from view. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. The warmth of tears could be felt on her cheeks. The young girl had no idea what was happening to her. Everything was wrong. Her mind was twisting and turning, creating even more confusion. She couldn't concentrate on one thing for longer than a few moments. And she feared that the voice would return in her mind. It deeply frightened her that something had penetrated her mind and was changing her way of thinking and feeling. How was she ever going to get rid of it?

Her mind lingered on the creature that she had not seen, but had heard amongst the trees. What was he? And why was he threatening her? As far as she was aware she had done nothing wrong. It was the demon that was creating the issues. Surely there was some way to stop it. Perhaps he could help her. However, as far as Elise could see he was no the sort who would willing help her. He seemed to despise the thing that was inside her and although she could not help that, he seemed to show no sign of caring.

"Can you not help me?" There was a hint of desperation in her voice, as she raised her head only a little. Her chin was now resting on the top of her knees. "There must be something I can to get rid of this...this thing inside of my head. You must know how. Please help me." Her pleading tailed off as she shook her head, more tears falling down her cheeks. She could feel the building pain in the back of her skull, thudding over and over again. Already she had realised what was to come and she braced herself for it. Would this creature kill her the moment the demon showed itself again? She surely hoped not. More than anything she wished Joel were with her. He would be able to help and comfort her. But he was far away on a business trip, unable to come with her and protect her. It made her heart even heavier than before.

[b]"There is nothing you can do for her Jinan. And you know there isn't. She must find it within herself to rid her mind of me." A sharp laugh followed the words, one that was not Elise's. For the moment, the young girl was lost.


Stepping down from the coach steps, Joel halted where he stood, his eyes widening. With a sweeping hand, he brushed his blonde locks from his eyes. Chaos had erupted over what would usually be a beautiful place. There was shattered glass and broken furniture strewn over the floor. A door had been thrown off the hinges and was hanging at a peculiar angle on its frame. People were crying, or panicking, or worse. There were many running about, shouting instructions or trying to clean up the mess that had been left for them. It was havoc and Joel looked blankly around in surprise. What had caused such destruction. And where was Elise? His heart skipped a sudden beat.

If Elise was injured or harmed in any way then he would seriously flip. Elise was effectively his life. He had lived with her for some years and she had become extremely close to him. They were like family that weren't related and he would do all in his power to protect her if he could. And now he had left her without protection and look what had happened. She had been sent to this place and it looked to be dangerous. Already something had happened and she'd barely been there a few hours. Joel though he'd surprise her by arriving after her. It had turned out that he could have gone with her after all. But instead of letting her know that, he'd arranged other means of getting there to provide a surprise. Now he wished he'd come with her in the first place...

Calling out to a women who looked to be in charge, he asked after his friend. When she could provide him with no answer, he described Elise instead. This seemed to get her to remember and a feeling of fear shot through Joel for a moment. Pointing towards the forest, the woman directed him to where she had seen Elise running. Another jolt of fear shot through Joel as he looked towards the darkening woods. But after a slight hesitation, he started off towards them.


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#, as written by echored
Ulva’s head laid upon a thin piece of moss that acted as a pillow against the worn planks of wood that made up the interior of the hollow tree. It was so quiet... she was sure she could hear a pin drop. Her legs hung out of the window which was at floor level to the planks, positioned right below the clocks that didn’t tick anymore. Fresh cuts and droplets of blood on her legs leaked slowly from tiny open wounds given to her by the demon woman that nearly took her life. With all her adrenaline pumping she could barely feel the cuts, her legs swinging freely, the damp breeze only making her feel more alone. Well, besides being here with Stitch. Stitch, Ulva thought, letting her head roll to left, cheek resting against the earthy moss. Her long blond hair was tucked beneath her in a tangled mess from the few hours events. Stitch was laying in a makeshift nest, tiny black eyes gazing back at Ulva with a look of wisdom and thanks.

β€œWhy was that ugly beast after you, I wonder?” Ulva asked the creature softly, her voice no higher than a whisper. Almost softer than the whispers she was hearing from the tree. None of the words made any sense, or sounded like any language that she knew of. It was somewhat unnerving but she was beginning to accept the fact that it wasn’t something she should get stuck on. She had to think of what she needed to do next. Stitch was safe for now and probably the next few hours, though it would really help out if she knew the significance of the tiny creature. Obviously the black monster wanted it for a reason, and completely avoided all the humans until they started to fight back.
β€œOne would think you’re the key to something, am I right?” Ulva asked Stitch, but it only chirped half-heartedly and got quiet again, hiding in the nest as best it could. Surprisingly if you gave the nest a quick look over, Stitch would have entirely blended in. Hiding was what both of them were doing right now. There was a flint of guilt for being safe here in this hollow home though, while who knows what else might be going on further away.

The thing that was making Ulva the most anxious was the growing silence of the area, like a calm before the storm. One could just sense that it was only a brief moment of rest before they were on the move again. It was the others she had to worry about now. Her heart sank as she thought about those back at the mansion, Rea and the rest who stayed to fight the demon creature. Then there was that woman that just tried to kill her, and gave her a decent run up until the hill path. Ulva would have been dead if it wasn’t for that cat like creature that emerged from the trees, whose massive size and color left a mark in her mind despite the darkness in the area. She hadn’t learned the woman’s name who attacked her, but she was indeed one of the lucky draws. Something very wrong was going on, it just didn’t seem right. Thomas couldn’t have planned for such a violent mess, he wouldn’t have brought them there just to see who could survive in this land of killer beasts. Maybe it was Ulva’s hope that the old man had some answers to help them out, or maybe she was being too naive.

And then there was the noise of all noise, the storm that she was afraid wouldn’t be here so soon. It was a sound that manifested out of no where. It reverberated in echos and when it finally had reached Ulva’s ears, she could feel her body freeze. She pushed herself up quickly, reflexes sharper and more agile the longer she was in the forest. Her legs wrapped back inside the window, shielding herself back into the shadows of the night. Unbeknown, her eyes shifted to black, but the side effects were instantly noted. This was the feeling of her trying to shift, trying to revert back to a wolf.

”No..” It leaked between her tense lips, holding back the urge to let in the energy, the power she had felt in the mystical form she had taken on. It wasn’t time to change but the desire was there. It was sparked by the sound of a crash, indeed maybe the beast that was after Stitch. The natural instinct to hunt was pulsing through her blood which felt hot beneath her skin now. β€œWhy is this happening to me, Stitch? I can feel it...” Ulva said while crawling over to the nest. As Ulva moved further into the room, she inconveniently missed the flash of white pelt from another canine below on the forest floor.. it was Rea in her dog form.

Stitch was dead quiet. No thrilling shriek like it did before in the mansion, or even a flap of its wings. Its eyes were focused on something beyond Ulva. She followed the trail of sight to the hatch door the hung open above the staircase. Before her was the ethereal wolf she saw earlier, whose body was only a ghost but whose color lit up like millions of tiny fireflies. For a fair enough reason Ulva gasped, scooting backwards until her back hit the wall. No words or thought processes could take shape as she gawked at the glorious wolf before her, bigger than her as she sat against the floot. She turned to Stitch who wasn’t showing any sign of fear. The wolf moved closer, its paws appearing to hover about an inch above the ground. Ulva barely could twitch as the urge to shift clenched her muscles tighter. The presence of the force before her was calling it out,

β€œDon’t fight the gift bestowed on you, little one,” the spirit voiced, its words not just in her head but loud enough for the whole tree to listen to.

Ulva bit her lip and tried to get further away but her back was already pressed as much as it could up against the tree’s inner barrier. β€œThis isn’t a gift I asked for... I’m human!” she finally managed to say in a raised voice, nails scratching into the wooden boards. The wolf stopped about 2 feet away, looking down at her with yellow eyes that glowed brighter than fire.

”For at midnight brake forth a Light,
which turn'd the night to day,
And speedily a hideous cry
did all the world dismay.
Sinners awake, their hearts do ake,
trembling their loynes surprizeth;
Amaz'd with fear, by what they hear,
each one of them ariseth.

They rush from shadows with giddy heads,
and to their vision run,
Viewing this light, which shines more bright
than doth the Noon-day Sun.
Gateway appears (they see 't with tears)
the Death of dark Angels, they dread;
Who with his plight comes on amain
to Save the Living from the Dead.

It’s words cut sharply through the thick air, Ulva’s black eyes as wide as an owl’s. What was it saying? It sounded too much like a riddle or some crazy prophecy and she couldn’t help but feel like a child cowering in a corner. She didn’t want to be here, she wanted to be back home in Russia, cuddling in her Babushka’s arms. There was so much weight she felt was being placed upon her by the wolf.

β€œCan you at least give me a straight answer! What am I supposed to do!” she cried, so restless that it was more of a whimper. The wolf nodded its head down, getting closer to Ulva’s face.

β€œStop being afraid. The Light is your weapon. Find it inside those brought here and bring it out, or else Darkness will ruin this land. There are Demons amongst us,” the wolf explained, the words quicker now.. and then the wolf’s tiny lights began to fade.

β€œNo, don’t leave now..” Ulva said while reaching out for the spirit, but her hand traveled right through its form until it all but disappeared into the darkness again. Stitch chirped happily as it popped its head from the nest, but the feeling in the room was still ominous. Ulva cupped her hand above her mouth, the heat of her breath growing in temperature. Her body was forcing itself slowly to morph, change back into a wolf. But she wouldn’t, not now. She had to get out of this tree and follow the sound of the crash. β€œStitch, stay here,” she huffed through a weak pant, more courage than she would ever know pulsing under her skin. Her face read fear but her body moved forward, crawling down the steps backwards and then taking foot at the tree’s doorway. To the right she could her voices, muffled under heavy bush and overgrown grass. Ulva crept silently, making sure to keep her body crouched low in the greenery. She took refuge in a large leafy covering that hung like a curtain from a tree branch. Through it, she could see a makeshift clearing... where the black beast lay pierced with a spear by.... a massive scorpion type of creature who looked just as dangerous.. and then there was what looked to be Rea, yet even more muscular and regal than before in a red gown. Ulva had to rub her eyes to make sure she was seeing things correctly. Rea was willingly putting herself in the wake of harm, and in a choice of attire that wasn’t fit at all for running in a forest. Ulva could feel her teeth grow larger, sharper. A low growl rumbled in the base of her throat, directed towards the beasts before her. And then Rea spoke,

β€œI would like to have part of the kill, I have chased this beast, have followed it and been lead here. Do you understand?”

Alright, so Rea had chased after the beast and now wanted to take part in the kill. But who was to say that the beast baring the spear wouldn’t as quickly pierce it through Rea’s heart. Ulva could barely stand the seconds behind this cover, feet etching to burst through and run in front of Rea as a shield.

The large monster of a creature paused for a while but soon answered Rea. It could speak? That THING could speak? Ulva stood her ground while she listened.

β€œDo what you must. But if he escapes this weapon will take life from something else,” and it was those final words stung the air like bee stings. Its hand moved to its face to reveal under a helmet the most eerie, creepy face below. His other arm reached out forward, offering Rea a hand.

β€œDo you have a name, human?”

Ulva couldn’t stay quiet any longer despite the part of her that already was regretting what was about to happen next.

Bursting through the wall of growth, Ulva tumbled into the ground of the clearing. Of course I’d still be clumsy in my human form.. she thought sarcastically as she regained her balance and ran towards the group of three.

β€œRea! Don’t!” Ulva shouted, already at arms distance behind her companion. Ulva’s pale fingers reached forward, brushing Rea’s back softly with the pads of her fingers before drawing her arm back in. β€œLets not rush into things,” Ulva then said, eyes looking upwards to refer to the massive scorpion-type animal beckoning Rea. Ulva stool tall, her back straight. Her hair was now the color white, as white as her pelt of fur was in wolf form. She glared up at the Guardian, black eyes watching its every move. Not even the dying sound of the monster to her right could make her flinch.


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Nim bared its teeth. The phooka placed its hand on the branch underneath and called on the spirit of the tree for help, pumping energy to encourage its wake. Nim’s call sounded like church bells on a wedding day, loud and harmonious. Below the man, if he could be called a man, the ground quaked, roots dug their way out from the ground wrapping around his legs and soon around his torso, pulling and pinning him to the ground. The ancient roots wrapped gently around the twin and pulled her into the trunk of a nearby tree. She sunk into it as if she was air, becoming one with the tree where she would be safe, at least for now.

Nim knew this would only prolong the girl’s death. It would merely give her time.
The angel felt his new gained power disappearing along with the girl from under his sight. He tossed and squirmed under the roots and his wings decreased until there was no trace of them in his body. His hair started to turn red again. He let one last beastly roar before falling to the ground on his back, devoid of his own energy and the girl’s, merely having enough to stand on his feet. What lay on the dark grass was the run-down figure of the reporter, having his eyes closed.

Nim came over him to take a closer look, approaching with caution. Its tail was wiggling slowly and its ears were up, ready to pick any sign of hostility. Seamus let out a snore so suddenly, it made the phooka jump back a few steps, flapping its small wings. With a quick glance at him and a frown, he went over to Iris and set its hand on her throat. Nim was now humming in a low voice, like a priest in prayer, with its eyes closed.
Iris saw the Muse wrapping her in her arms like a mother holding a child. She started to sing, deep and low at first, quickly and joyful towards the end of the ancient lullaby. The dancer let out a strangled gasp as air filled her deprived lungs, waking up to Nim’s humming.

The phooka looked at her and smiled. β€œIf you want to run, now’s your chance” the creature said and let her go. Iris was grateful to the little guardian, but she had no time to thank the phooka properly. Standing on her feet she searched for Demetrius and the twin only to find the figure of the reporter bundled up under a mass of roots, a red flare of hair coming out from under the wood. Zosia was nowhere in sight, but Nim assured her of the girl’s safety with a nod of the head. Just a few yards on the right she saw two creatures fighting one another in a mass of flames and shadows.

Her eyes searched for Demetrius and she turned backwards only to see the man standing near the hill on his hands and legs, trying hard to push himself up again, shouting something. Above him, standing proud and holding its body like as if sheltering the man, was a marvellous creature. It had the body of lion, the head and the chest of a woman and the wings of an eagle. Iris saw it as an ethereal form and she couldn’t be sure if anyone else was able to see it. She looked at Nim pointing to the huge apparition.

β€œYes, I know. I saw yours too. Let’s go!” Nim shouted and tumbled in the air, landing on its feet with its back on the girl.

β€œDon’t be afraid of what your eyes will tell further” the Muse whispered to her. β€œIt is only the beginning.” They ran to Demetrius and Iris stopped right in front of him, looking up with widened eyes. The creature didn’t move nor give any sign that it acknowledged their presence.
Iris wrapped her hands around Demetrius trying to hold him up. He was in terrible pain, she could tell by his twisted expression.

β€œCome on, there is something above you!” she said. The dancer knew from the sphinx’s stance that it wasn’t there to hurt the man, but to protect him, yet she had no idea what was causing his extreme pain. They were standing just beneath its chest and Nim was a few steps behind them, looking at the creature with intense curiosity.

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Character Portrait: Eillot Gates
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Who considers musc to be above everything

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View All » Add Character » 21 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jinan
Character Portrait: Rea Agnimitra
Character Portrait: Nuram Rihat
Character Portrait: Ulva Vydrina
Character Portrait: Nim
Character Portrait: Demetrius Florentia
Character Portrait: Nathan Zachary Thomas
Character Portrait: Iris Bellefleur
Character Portrait: Ezreal Jaeger
Character Portrait: Madalene D'Abenville
Character Portrait: Seamus Callahan


Character Portrait: Seamus Callahan
Seamus Callahan

The Rude Reporter

Character Portrait: Madalene D'Abenville
Madalene D'Abenville

Freelancer , one of the Lucky Drawn

Character Portrait: Ezreal Jaeger
Ezreal Jaeger

Of The Lucky Chosen, Wildlife biologist

Character Portrait: Iris Bellefleur
Iris Bellefleur

The Dancer

Character Portrait: Nathan Zachary Thomas
Nathan Zachary Thomas

A emotionally and physically scarred fugitive, Also one of the Lucky Draw.

Character Portrait: Demetrius Florentia
Demetrius Florentia

Writer, thinker, problem-drinker

Character Portrait: Nim

"Look past reality and what do you see"

Character Portrait: Ulva Vydrina
Ulva Vydrina

One of the Lucky Draw, she is very intrigued by the chance to visit the Ruins of Terran

Character Portrait: Nuram Rihat
Nuram Rihat

For chaos, he thrives

Character Portrait: Rea Agnimitra
Rea Agnimitra

Gymnast chosen in the lucky draw, who has travelled across the world to be there.


Character Portrait: Nim

"Look past reality and what do you see"

Character Portrait: Demetrius Florentia
Demetrius Florentia

Writer, thinker, problem-drinker

Character Portrait: Nathan Zachary Thomas
Nathan Zachary Thomas

A emotionally and physically scarred fugitive, Also one of the Lucky Draw.

Character Portrait: Madalene D'Abenville
Madalene D'Abenville

Freelancer , one of the Lucky Drawn

Character Portrait: Ezreal Jaeger
Ezreal Jaeger

Of The Lucky Chosen, Wildlife biologist

Character Portrait: Rea Agnimitra
Rea Agnimitra

Gymnast chosen in the lucky draw, who has travelled across the world to be there.

Character Portrait: Ulva Vydrina
Ulva Vydrina

One of the Lucky Draw, she is very intrigued by the chance to visit the Ruins of Terran

Character Portrait: Seamus Callahan
Seamus Callahan

The Rude Reporter

Character Portrait: Nuram Rihat
Nuram Rihat

For chaos, he thrives

Character Portrait: Jinan

Guardian if the gate and keeper of the Ruins.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Madalene D'Abenville
Madalene D'Abenville

Freelancer , one of the Lucky Drawn

Character Portrait: Jinan

Guardian if the gate and keeper of the Ruins.

Character Portrait: Nuram Rihat
Nuram Rihat

For chaos, he thrives

Character Portrait: Iris Bellefleur
Iris Bellefleur

The Dancer

Character Portrait: Ezreal Jaeger
Ezreal Jaeger

Of The Lucky Chosen, Wildlife biologist

Character Portrait: Ulva Vydrina
Ulva Vydrina

One of the Lucky Draw, she is very intrigued by the chance to visit the Ruins of Terran

Character Portrait: Demetrius Florentia
Demetrius Florentia

Writer, thinker, problem-drinker

Character Portrait: Nim

"Look past reality and what do you see"

Character Portrait: Nathan Zachary Thomas
Nathan Zachary Thomas

A emotionally and physically scarred fugitive, Also one of the Lucky Draw.

Character Portrait: Seamus Callahan
Seamus Callahan

The Rude Reporter

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Re: [OOC] The Ruins of Terran.

so... i take it this is dead? sad.

Re: [OOC] The Ruins of Terran.

The calender is gone for me, it is back to how it was before! yay

edit- yes i see the posts

Re: [OOC] The Ruins of Terran.

um i cant find any posts... do you guys know any dates?

Re: [OOC] The Ruins of Terran.

I don't like this new system at all.... we need to PM in the creators of the site and tell them to bring it back how it used to be! It is a pain having to click the date of a post, which I don't even remember what day posts were sent, and it makes it harder to write a post... blahhh

Re: [OOC] The Ruins of Terran.

You can still access them, you just have to click the date that they were posted. It's awful isn't it? DX

[edit] Apparently you can't see them on this roleplay? On all my others if you click the date they were posted then they come up, but I can't get it to work on here. :/

Re: [OOC] The Ruins of Terran.

what happened to all the posts? o0

Re: [OOC] The Ruins of Terran.

hey i will try to get a post up monday or tuse, yes today has been a while. sorry guys, thanks for hanging on in!

Re: [OOC] The Ruins of Terran.

Ok guys, I've talked with SoulCaNdy and she asked me to take Nim since she has no time to roleplay for a while. When/if she comes back to play Eillot and Nim I'll make an update for her with what happens in the story. So basically, we still have the prankster guardian in the story :)

Re: [OOC] The Ruins of Terran.

haha you're funny :P

but yes I want to see what happens next!

Re: [OOC] The Ruins of Terran.

It's been today for quite a while now, eh Mercy? ;D
I'm still itching to find out what's going to happen here!

*Edit* Just realised I'm using the word 'itching' far too liberally in the OOC... There is no disgusting underlying cause, I promise.

Re: [OOC] The Ruins of Terran.

ok ok today i will stick up a post! thanks for baring with me guys x

Re: [OOC] The Ruins of Terran.

il try to post today or tomoro as i have already said i will post in arc's rp.

of course it is ok for you to add him

right back to bed :)

Re: [OOC] The Ruins of Terran.

Gya gya gya...I'm still waiting for Mercy to see what happens to the twins...

Re: [OOC] The Ruins of Terran.

I am working on a post to!

Re: [OOC] The Ruins of Terran.

I'm still here and writing a post right now! I wanted to ask if it would be alright to bring the character of Joel in? He's been in a lot of my posts in memories and stuff. I can create a sheet for him. :)

[edit] I assumed it was ok to add Joel and I'll make a sheet for him later :) Posted too.

Re: [OOC] The Ruins of Terran.

I know, I'm sorry! I was itching for some lunch so I guess I forgot... I'll get right on it. Should be up within a couple of hours. :)

*Edit* Got my post up, but it was a rushed job so I'm sorry if it's a bit lame, just got a phonecall summoning me out. Will go over it if I have time when I get back.

Re: [OOC] The Ruins of Terran.

arc, you didnt post your other character :(