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Aya Ueto

"Expect the worst but hope for the best"

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a character in “The Ryders - Part 1”, as played by UtaUsagi


Aya Ueto


Ryder Name: Dry Ice
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual


Height: 5'2"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Hair Color: regular brunette like her brother but will dye her hair black time to time
Eye Color: Dark brown
Tattoos: None
Scars: TBA
Clothing Preference: light clothing that is comfortable or anything her brother likes her to wear


Few people are as practical and ambitious as Aya. Aya is very down to earth and matter-of-fact, she is blunt and is not afraid to be brutally honest. Caution is her second name, and so a lot of the time she is shy and lacks self confidence and self-esteem. Others do not generally see Aya as too enthusiastic but when people get to know her, they see that she has a good nature which is humorous and affectionate. She is emotionally cool so she doesn't warm up to people that easily until she gets to know them. Suspicion is a big chief trait of Ayas. When she meets people for the first time it is her way of displaying maturity by not jumping the gun. She likes to understand what another person is really about.

She also likes to work quietly and effectively without creating too much bother or attention to herself. Her brother Saga knows Aya is not afraid of hard work in order to achieve what she wants in life. She is ambitious and goes for her dreams. A lot of the time she ends up successful in what she does, unlike her brother. Aya is not a clock watcher. When she works she rarely even looks up at the clock because she believes in doing a job right the first time round. But she also hate wasting time. She never likes airy, fairy concepts and only work on ideas which will vouch safe her financial and material security in the future.

She likes money but not if it involves risk. She prefers to know exactly where her dollars and cents are going and prefers traditional types of savings. Saga and her do not share the same view on money. her brother is way more willing to let someone borrow from him then her, if he has money that is...Usually, he borrows money from his friends. He's never asked to borrow money from her, and doesn't ask his parents for money unless necessary. For example, a school field trip or something.

Ayas primary philosophy is that self sufficiency is strength so she does not like to ask others to carry her. the only person she has ever relied on is her brother, Saga. Even though he is a bit of a slacker and joker, he has been there for her and encouraged her. he has never failed her. He's always kept his promises. Because he's the only person who has put the same amount of effort into a relationship as she has, she sort of has a bit of a brother complex...

A traditional life style appeals to Aya because she likes things in their place and be in control. Due to this fact, she isn't the the most exciting person to be around but is extremely loyal and will never let anyone down when she gives them her word. Sometimes others make the mistake of thinking that Aya does not like them. She is even more quiet then her brother and is less sociable. It is just because she is watching people and seeing their character before she decides to trust someone or not.

She is shy and quiet because she is afraid of making the wrong move and befriending someone who will betray her trust.
Luckily, due to her cautious and meticulous mind she is a wonderful judge of character and can easily see through the BS. She is painfully aware of the consequences of partnership both commercially and personally and is absolutely committed to her word. And when she trusts someone she expects them to be just as trustworthy as herself. If Aya accepts a responsibility she does so with full commitment. Aya always demands the same level of integrity from anyone she deals with both in the work place and at home.



Money, her brother, juice(specifically capri-suns), loyal and committed people, school, facts, sports, beach, martial arts, and useful/resourceful objects.
Rude people, distrustful people, talking, going to places without her brother, beans, and lies.
she is afraid of making the wrong move and befriending someone who will betray her trust. A.k.a. she is scared of getting hurt.
To do what she can achieve


Aya adores her older brother and can't stand to be away from him, so she decided to enroll into Ryder Academy with him. Honestly, she didn't care much about all that was going on, as long as it didn't affect her future. But she couldn't stand being without her brother, even if it meant throwing away what she wanted in the past. instead, she decided to put all her new effort into helping accomplish her brothers dream and become strong herself. if she was going to be in this, she was going to put her full commitment in. the two would be considered behind compared to the rest but Aya knew she would catch up quickly. She was good at everything she did.

(Words from Aya)"Our father was a wizard, and had grown too old along with paralyzing his legs in a tragic battle. So he had to quit his job, he made his living by teaching other people magic for money. He taught me and my brother magic, free of charge of course, but Takeshi took more of a liking to it then I did. I wanted nothing to do with fighting, but father wanted us to be able to protect ourselves somehow, just in case anything horrible happened to the village and it was attacked. Magic would have been easy for me, but I decided to go with martial arts. As easy as formulas came to me, I wanted to do something for once that wasn’t that. I wanted to test my ability. Somehow, I had gotten into being a apprentice for a samurai for a bit. But I couldn’t continue because it was getting in the way of my school studies. He was disappointed when I left.

After learning how to fight I was allowed to go to school and back alone without my noisy brother interrupting my reading time. often time his 'band mates' would tag along and were also very disruptive. Especially Nao. His laugh was like a high pitched fairy and it annoyed the living day-light out of me. But to be honest, he grew on me (sighs). Walking by myself could be a pain though, more useless people-who Saga and I call scumbags- would hit on me on these trips. I beat them up quickly, so i could resume my reading. Oh! lastly, although we like to wear normal clothes in my village, I wear kimonos a lot. My mom works at a shop that sells kimonos and so Saga and I wear them frequently to advertise for our mother."


Martial Arts-her abilities range from:

Chokes, Joint locks, Kicks, Strikes, Throws/Take-downs, and weapon techniques. She doesn’t know ANY magic at all.

Village History:

(Words from Aya. Be happy its served with a smile xD)


“We don’t call ourselves Japan anymore. Takeshi and I come from Nippon Village, which translates into land of the Rising sun, or some people call it Nihon, Origin of the sun, either is fine. The general area we come from is Wyvernbourne, a place on the farthest most side of Vesper. We are all of Japanese descent. We took Japan away from our name when horrible earthquakes, tsunamis, and Diablo forces had struck us and made us into smaller villages. Killing a lot of our population.

There is a few villages spread out, but the village I’m from is the main homeland. You could say we are like the Tokyo of Japan. There is also Osaka, Nagasaki, and Sapporo to name a few of our villages. There is one elder for each along with a shogun. The most respected and known in the village is out Elder though. Her name is Ai and she is very wise and gentle, she is about 110.She is the kindest lady you will ever meet and tells the most intricate and mesmerizing stories of our origins and such. However, she has become deathly ill though and will soon pass away, passing all the oral stories down to someone specifically in the village that she will chose. Usually it is passed down to the Elders children but she does not have any.

Ai says our village is like the Samurai District of “Kakunodate.” Very old fashioned with lots of greens and many weeping cherry blossom trees. Japanese traditions, ceremonies, and festivals are performed here. We are like the Japan of Cree; we are even beginning to become very populated. We walk everywhere and also use bikes, so a lot of us stay in shape. Not only that but Kakunodate is known to truly capture Japans food taste.

The customs and such are still the same here which is why a lot of women are very lady-like, and the men are strong. In our villages, we brought back the use of Samurai. All of them live in the villages ‘castle’ or around it. They protect our village, along with the Wizards. Magic and pure strength/pride work together to protect our home."

Estabel Luark


Like water, Esta is soothing and nourishing. Life-supporting energies are at the heart of her character. She will act as a support for many people — in her own family and beyond. She is, for the most part, a person of feeling and sensation. Often She will ignore her own judgment and rationality, and someone’s else’s reasonable advice, in favor of how she feels. She doesn't care if she is wrong, either! If her intuition tells her to do something, like reaching out to give someone a helping hand, she’ll just do it. Although sometimes she can be bias on who to be kind to and who not to spare.

Esta is extremely receptive to her environment and the people around her. She often ‘picks up’ people’s energies, moods and thoughts. This ability serves her well; her intuition about people is quite often correct. Because of this Aya always turns to her when she needs a shoulder to cry on and she finds it difficult to turn away. Anyone who knows her will agree that she is one of the best people to connect with if they need advice. Friends will turn to her if they are in trouble, knowing that her sensitive and compassionate touch will lighten their load.

Estas emotions can sometimes get the best of her, and she be in the highs or lows. This is the biggest reason that she is a black unicorn. Due to her extreme sadness over her parents death, not even a pact with a human companion can change her color. Only she herself can. This is also why she is so attached to Aya. Even though she is like this, Aya accepts and thinks well of her so she does not want to betray her expectations and works hard for her. She is very protective Aya and can sometimes smother her.

She also loves to collect or keep mementos — such as scrapbooks and other bits and pieces — that bring back memories of good times and people she cares about. She has a great memory, not just for facts, but also any good turn or kindness shes received.


Aya and Saga, running around in the mountains, and cold temperatures.
Bluejay and hot temperatures.
Aya and Saga getting hurt.
To protect Aya till the very end


Due to Estabels parents dyeing she had been overwhelmed with sadness and was cursed with the dark powers and appearance of a black unicorn. She thought no one would want her as a companion and she would grow up to breed other dark unicorns. Luckily, Aya saved her from this abyss and gave her a life. She was excited to become a Rydner and looks forward to the new memories and friends she will make. She hopes to repay Ayas kindness one day.


Snake heads- using her dark mystical abilities, Estabel can transform the hair on her mane into 7 venomous snakes that will stretch and attack

Slowga- it will slow its enemy’s moves

Lunge- it will lunge and often times poison you in the process if the tip of her horn touches you

Buck- she’ll kick you with her legs, this could knock any normal human out or if blocked with a shield dizzy them for a few seconds/knock them down

Shadow- Calls upon the shadows to attack (power depends on how much shadow is in the area)

Fear- Summons darkness to surround you, installing your worst fear. It is a bit like a hallucination

Black Crystals- Like ice crystal attacks but with black crystals

So begins...

Aya Ueto's Story


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Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Colette Toliver
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Colette had just realized she wasn't talking to a teacher, but the Great Gryphon. However, he seemed to be pleased with her, strangely, and she didn't think anything of being superiorly respectful.
Colette turned to the girl behind her. She seemed very familiar, and Colette wondered where she had seen her before.
Quinn went to her ear and whispered so no one else's ears could hear, "She's the girl from the bench, the one whose brother's egg was cracking."
Oh. That's why. It clicked into place.
When Quinn settled back on her shoulder, Colette realized a plethora of fairy dust was imbedded in her hair, which caused it to glow with what one would call a magical effect.
Oh yes, the girl was still looking at her. Frankly, Colette was annoyed no one was here yet.
"He said, and I quote, 'We need to wait for everyone else' ", Colette said as she exasperatedly blew hair out of her face, "Which, quite honestly, I should've realized people were going to take their sweet damn time instead of being eager like me to start and not even making time to meet my roommate......", she trailed off, realizing she was talking to a stranger. "Well, he said we either hang around or talk to friends."

She looked at the girl straight in the eye, her gaze unwavering.
Short. Skinny. But still had a very humble and determined aura.
She had the tank-top and the shorts to prove it.

Quinn went up again, and whispered into Colette's ear.
"She displays signs of physical force, respectful genuineness, and an all around effect of wanting to get things done."
Quinn can see all that?

"So, anyway, I know we're not friends or anything, because you were just asking a question, but I'd like to get aquatinted with my fellow Ryders. So hello. My name is Colette Toliver."
She didn't say it in a particularly sweet persona, and it was actually kind of a cold tone, but it wasn't harsh either, so Colette waited for her reply.


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Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Colette Toliver
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Aya Ueto

"He said, and I quote, 'We need to wait for everyone else' " Colette said as she exasperatedly blew hair out of her face.

”Oh, is that so?’ she sighed and felt a frustration bubble up in her stomach, she wanted to start! Wait, was this frustration? Or was it anticipation? She was itching to see how well she would do at the start and plan a schedule to improve her weaknesses.

"Which, quite honestly, I should've realized people were going to take their sweet damn time instead of being eager like me to start and not even making time to meet my roommate......" she rambled on, and Aya could tell this girl was frustrated. She held her hands in front of her and listened to the girl patiently. It was weird to hear her own thoughts being spoken out-loud
was this how she sounded to people? The girl trailed off into her next sentence.

” "Well, he said we either hang around or talk to friends." she added. None of that Aya was too eager to do. She didn’t want to hang around doing nothing, that was horrible. And she didn’t really have any friends here.

because Trista isn’t here~ Estabel chimed into her thoughts.

Knock it off! Aya yelled back to Esta in her head. She didn’t want to accept the fact that she saw someone as a friend. She was bound to hurt their feelings one way or another No one ever tried to look past her faults, her nervousness which always looked like coldness or being rude. Estabel nudged her head against Ayas shoulder as if to apologize and she returned the kind gesture by scratching the unicorn behind the ear. Aya was like Estabel, both were afraid to risk it and give friendship a chance. Both were afraid of rejection. But Estabel wanted other people to know how amazing and accepting Aya was. Estabel kept quiet though, she had no right to give advice to Aya about being more out-going when she wasn’t either. Aya let out a smooth breath, nothing else to do but be friendly. She couldn't dishonor her culture, the japanese were known for how kind, careful, and accepting they were.

”Yeah, it can be a pain when everyone else is not putting the same amount of effort you are.” honestly, Aya was a bit happy she wasn’t the only one like this. ”Peoples perspectives and priorities are always different.” she turned her head to stare at the girls worrying over a mouse who stood with the Great Gryphon. ”Our 100% effort into something, could be different compared to others. For example, their 100% effort into something may look like 10% effort to us
.” So many times she had heard her brother speak the same words to her, and she was actually telling someone else the same thing. She was glad Estabel was right here beside her, it helped calm her down. Still, Aya had to restrain herself from coming off too cold. This girl seemed nice, and hard-working. She was out here even before Aya, and she was ready to start. Aya had no reason to put her in the same bunk as all the other lazy people in the world that irritated her the most.

” So, anyway, I know we're not friends or anything, because you were just asking a question, but I'd like to get aquatinted with my fellow Ryders. So hello. My name is Colette Toliver.” she said formally, well, Aya thought of it as formal. Finally, someone who wasn’t forcing her to be her friend!

”Ueto Aya,” she bowed her head slightly, a formal way of greeting people in her village. It was like the hand-shakes Americans do in America except without all the germs being transmitted. ”And this is Estabel,” she patted her unicorn promptly on the head and she neighed happily.

”Nice to meet you,” Estabel said warmly, she liked the girl. She reminded her a lot of Aya and plus, she wasn’t giving her dirty looks for being the way she was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Ash Parker Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello
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#, as written by Bhu-Bhu
Trista followed her new friend along with everyone else. It seemed she had struck the right cord with her question, since the words flowed easily out of the girls mouth.

”We don’t call ourselves Japan anymore. Takeshi and I come from Nippon Village, which translates into land of the Rising sun, or some people call it Nihon, Origin of the sun, either is fine. We are all of Japanese descent. We took Japan away from our name when horrible earthquakes, tsunamis, and Diablo forces had struck us and made us into smaller villages. Killing a lot of our population. There is a few villages spread out, but the village I’m from is the main homeland. You could say we are like the Tokyo of Japan. There is also Osaka, Nagasaki, and Sapporo to name a few of our villages. “ Their hands were still linked, she noticed and it made her glad. It was a sign of friendship.

”There is one elder for each along with a shogun. Do you know what a shogun is?” Trista was about to say that she had heard of them from one of her Father's stories about his adventures. But she was cut off, much to her slight annoyance. ”To sum it up plainly, it is a military and political leader. Anyway, the most respected and known in the village is out Elder though. Her name is Ai and she is very wise and gentle, she is about 110.She is the kindest lady you will ever meet and tells the most intricate and mesmerizing stories of our origins and such. However, she has become deathly ill though and will soon pass away, passing all the oral stories down to someone specifically in the village that she will chose. usually it is passed down to the Elders children but she does not have any. “ She paused to catch her breath and Trista took this time to absorb her surroundings.


this place is freaking HUGE! The walls towered high above them, almost beyond the reach of the light. Old things lined the walls giving of an air of respect, dignity, and honor. Suddenly everything became surreal. Once upon a time her dad had been here. Well not exactly here but still
 he had been at this academy, following the gargoyle, with a young Bach, starting a new adventure in his life

”As says our village is like the Samurai District of “kakunodate.” Very old fashioned with lots of greens and many weeping cherry blossom trees. Japanese traditions, ceremonies, and festivals are performed here. We are like the Japan of Cree; we are even beginning to become very populated. We walk everywhere and also use bikes, so a lot of us stay in shape. Not only that but Kakunodate is known to truly capture Japans food taste.”

"Sounds beautiful." Trista noted, along with the plaques spelling out the things they would be training in.
SwordsThats what dad uses

Ugh, none of that sounds the least bit enjoyable.

”The customs and such are still the same here which is why a lot of women are very lady-like, and the men are strong. In our villages, we brought back the use of Samurai. All of them live in the villages ‘castle’ or around it. They protect our village, along with the Wizards. Magic and pure strength/pride work together to protect our home. “ The lounge had come into sight and they all crowded in to the space.

"Over on the table is a few papers. On one of those papers you find your name and the room you are in. The rooms are down those two hallways. All of your luggage and a few gifts from Draconem will be located in your rooms. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me." called the Great Gryphon in a majestic voice. Gifts, I wonder what kind of gifts? I really hope I get Aya as a roommate, that would be nice.

"I'm SO sorry! Sometimes I get carried away, um
." Woah! What was this? Aya snatched her hands back. "S-sorry." Trista blinked in confusion.

"What do you mean, sorry?" She asked, getting no answer from the girl.

What was she sorry for?

Surely not talking to long! Trista liked to hear from her friends. Yeah she liked to talk a lot to but she could listen as well. Besides she had a deep respect for other cultures and their costumes. Her Father had nurtured that respect with his tales and treasures and she found it a huge opportunity to learn more. What on earth was going on with her?

A nudge broke Trista's thoughts. "As will I. I will be back Trista," She turned to see Fucuello trotting over to the table beside Estabal. Wow, he's all grown up all of a sudden. The unicorn was like a bulkier, shaggy version of Fucuello, minus the feathers, of course.

The unicorns had left the girls alone, in an ever growing silence. Say something to break the ice, you dolt!


"I found the room." The two unicorns returned in perfect unison.

"I should go
" Aya trailed of.

"W-wait a sec-" Trista held out a hand to catch her. To try and not leave things on such a negative note.

"Bye." The brunettes voice was ice, she turned away, and was gone. But before she disappeared, for a second, a split second,
. the visage of Trista's mother flashed in place of Aya. The raven haired girl recoiled mentally in fear.

Someone else had left her with that cold shoulder. Completely cutting her off.

She thought shakily Thats not certain
yet. She's just shy, right?

"Where's our room?" She asked Fucuello, more to the change the subject than out of actual interest.

When she heard she headed in that direction. Half hoping, half dreading that it would be with Aya. She wanted to set things right with the girl, but at the same time
.. that cold rejection. No! It didn't matter! She wouldn't let this ruin her day! Whether or not Aya was her roommate was irrelevant, she would settle things when the time came. For now she had a new person to meet. Besides whatever happened she would always be with her.

With her mood sightly elevated, Trista opened the door to her new room. She wouldn't call it home, that word, that ideal, had been to tainted to be put up to anything else. This place was big, not as big as the halls, but still big. The right side of the room was already occupied but the left had an identical bed and a semi-large stall in the corner for Fucuello. Trista's bags were already on her side as well.

A new smile set upon her lips, she turned to meet her roommate and stopped when she spotted the dragon. It's the polite one from earlier. Then the owner must be

"Your Ash Parker, aren't you?" She immediately noticed how weird that sounded. "Your dragon came by earlier, when Saga's egg was hatching, but he only gave your name." She explained.

"Either way, its nice to meet you." Trista turned to her bags and fished out a hoof pick. "I'm Trista by the way. In case you didn't catch my name earlier." She would need to check Fucuello's hooves for rocks before training. There shouldn't be any, the dirt in the stadium was loose and fine, but she always checked anyway. She wouldn't have her companion go lame over something so trivial. And while she did that she could get to know her roommate.

"So," she asked, picking up on of Fucuello's front hooves. No rocks. "Where you from?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: BlueJay Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky
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Takeshi Ueto

Saga shook his hand casually.

”Ueto Takeshi,” he smiled nonchalantly and scratched his little buddies head after that. ”Wow, my ears going to fall off!” he winced and rubbed his ear that was being yelled into.”SSssssssss” he bit his bottom lip. This guy was HYPER. Like his buddy nao was, hmm maybe it wasn’t a good idea for him to have gotten a dragon. He shook his head, arguing with himself in his head.

I should have known this was a bad idea. I had to take my pants off to get the guy! Every relationship was going to head down hill if you had to take your pants off to get it started. Man, I should have known. This year
I might lose a lot of things

He stifled a laugh. ”I’m just kiddin’, I’ll introduce you to everyone.” he started introducing Angel and his companion and ended it with Riley and his companion. Once the introductions were over, they finally headed over.

Watching Degore show them around, he felt himself wanting to go home again for about the fifth time today. Actually, if his pals were here, he wouldn’t mind being here so much. At least he would have his buddies with him to suffer, or blame stuff on so he would be safe. While thinking about his buddies, a few gasps or woahs escaped his lips from the scenery of the dorms. He took his glasses off and hooked them at the front of his shirt to get a better view of the place. It took him a while for his eyes to adjust to the brightness. In the large crowd of boys, he noticed that a lot of the dragons had already reached their peak form. They were huge! He cast his gaze to Bluejay, what if he suddenly grew on his shoulder?

I’d be squished! Pancake Saga! 
.I bet I’d be delicious

He scratched the back of his head and was about to ask Angel a question, when he wasn’t beside him anymore. That’s when Saga first noticed Angel trying to hide behind him and Riley. He laughed.

”isn’t there something wrong with the picture here?” he raised his hand high in the air to represent height. Angel leaned over the two and whispered into their ears.

”He's going to kill us." He hissed bluntly, watching the gargoyle with a wary eye. "And then he'll stuff us and put us up on display to show to the new students next year. And if he doesn't taxidermy you he'll use you as a chew toy and oh damn I am way to precious to die-"


Laughter escaped Sagas seductive lips when Angel screamed bloody Mary. He put his hands on his knees and tried his best to laugh silently but it was impossible. Oh, it hurt to breathe. He lifted a half-clenched fist to his face and held it in front of his mouth. A big smirk on his face as he failed miserably to contain his laughter.


” They'll be the death of me. Look at those beady eyes and that stony skin and those TALONS." Angel exclaimed, he was being overdramatic
it was so funny! Saga just nodded and still muffled some random laughs that came up here and there. He patted Angels back.

” "Just promise me you'll play 'Bang Bang You're Dead' at my funeral." Angel half-joke and Saga shook his head.

”Ah, wouldn’t you think it’d be better to play ‘Another one bites the dust’ by Queen?” Saga replied, ”Ah, but don’t worry. I’ll collect Dragon Balls for you and revive you!" he joked around but continued, suddenly becoming serious" So
I’m not spending money on your funeral, I’m broke.” he laughed, all to serious about him not having a lot of money. Back home, he was known as the worst to borrow money from people..he often forget to pay them back till a year later.

Saga slouched backwards, more of leaning back as he walked. He brushed some hair out of his face (like Justine beiber would) and regained his cool. Saga didn’t really like Degore either; maybe if he wore a bag over his head with eye holes in it
he would leave him alone? He chuckled to himself.

”bye Angel. I’ll talk to you later Riley,” he waved goodbye to the guy and went to find his name. A lot of the boys had scrambled the papers everywhere on the table.

”What a pain,” he groaned and just moved the papers around till he found the one with U’s on it. Guys nudged against him and pushed him around so he got out of there quick. What ruffians. That was a horrible experience. He wondered how his sister was doing with all this? He could just imagine her now going back into her logical one-track mindset. On his way back to his dorm he pulled out his flip-phone and texted his sister.

.. I have this weird gut feeling
don’t turn into the robot again! I like my sister with feelings. Make some friends and stop being so strange haha

He pressed send and slid his phone into his pocket as he opened the handle to his dorm. He saw his stuff and noticed Angel from the corner of his eye. Wow! Lucky! He had a friend here. Saga stared at him strangely as if he’d never seen a guy with his shirt off. He pressed his back against the door and wrapped his arms around himself. Joking of course, he said.

did you sneak in here to seduce me? So lewd~”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Colette Toliver
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”Yeah, it can be a pain when everyone else is not putting the same amount of effort you are. Peoples perspectives and priorities are always different. Our 100% effort into something, could be different compared to others. For example, their 100% effort into something may look like 10% effort to us
.” Colette was surprised this girl's thoughts were so similar to her own. She nodded, curtly.

"Something I unfortunately learned in the tutoring business." She replied wistfully with a sad but kind of annoyed expression on her face, remembering when she had to whip her students into shape, most notably Riley.

"Ueto Aya,” the girl bowed her head slightly,”And this is Estabel,” she patted her unicorn promptly on the head and she neighed happily.
”Nice to meet you,” the unicorn said, sounding very warm in her greeting.

"It is a pleasure." Colette responded curtly. She noticed the way the girl bowed her head, and examined this with a very slight narrowing of her eyes. Where had she seen this kind of behavior before?

Oh, I remember now! She's from the West!

"You're from Wyvernbourne,aren't you? I went to visit there last summer, and the bowing thing just seemed familiar. I really admire the attitude of the people over there. I'm from the North, myself." She grinned slightly.

She noticed something from the corner of her eye, and it was Quinn waving around her hands, her fairy dust spreading all over Colette's shoulder now. She really hoped this stuff didn't glow in the dark.
"Hello?", she whispered, "Forget something? Or someone?"

"Ah, yes, this is my companion, Quinn. I know people around here don't really appreciate fairies, but hey, I'm pretty sure she was meant for me." She was confident when she said this. She had seen the look on Riley's face when he saw Quinn, but she didn't care. Quinn was her companion and that was that.

"Charmed." Quinn flew over to them, now a lot larger than she was before, around four inches. She could still not be seen very well, but she did do a good job at projecting her voice so the girl and her dragon could hear her. She curtsied.

"I don't think a dramatic greeting best suited for the wealthy elite of the 18th century is appropriate here, Quinn."
Quinn ignored her, and Colette raised her eyebrows in amusement.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Colette Toliver
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As she spoke to the girl, discerning her name was Aya, as it was normal for people of Wyvernbourne to put their last names before their first, she noticed a very unsettling expression appearing on her face in short bursts, going from stone calm to worried. She wondered what she was thinking about, and she weirdly hoped she was ok. She guessed it was just human sympathy acting upon her. Maybe she wasn't good at making conversation. They would make small talk. There was plenty to talk about the first day.

”Yes, Nippon Village”, Aya named her hometown, which Colette had never really visited. She'd gone to Nagasaki, but not much beyond that. She assumed they were very much the same. Shoguns, little humble villages.
Beautiful flowers. She reminisced in the back of her brain, remembering the sweet smelling cherry blossom branch she'd tried to take home in a vase, and how she'd put it back in the ground around her house, but it'd never grown much. There were a few forests with a lot of plants in her town, but her house didn't have a lot of soil.
When she mentioned where she was from Aya said, ”I see, coldest place on earth hm?”

Then Quinn interrupted. Not that she'd minded. Quinn hadn't really put herself on display.
She noticed a lot of the dragons had decided to show themselves off to the world, by being loud, weird, or outrageous, and she found it completely ridiculous.
Quinn needed a little bit of time in the spotlight, especially since she was so invisible. If she didn't put herself out there, no one would even notice her, save for the glow in Colette's hair.
Maybe it was just her bias in the way, but she didn't care.
She watched the way Quinn's hair reflected just a bit, the silver in her hair making her a little bit visible, but not by much.

”Cute, it’s nice to finally see a fairy. There are many in my village." Aya smiled warmly at them. Her unicorn, Estabel also look at them nicely, and she noted how she liked their aura and attitude.

"Yes, when I went over there I noticed quite a few of them, and I know they can only be found there, or on Willow island. There really are only dragons where I come from. And yes, it is the coldest place on Earth, although in Kelud it isn't as cold as in Barrowood, which is the closest city-state to the poles. I'm actually not really used to such sweltering weather, in my terms anyway, although I'm sure it's very normal for anyone who isn't from Aquilonis. And..... well, I fear I'm talking too much, actually."

She stopped, looking directly into Aya's eyes. This was to make the situation less embarrassing for herself, a lesson from her father.
She could feel the leather from her boots,the material especially suited for hotter weather. Her mother had gotten them for her,since most of her wardrobe was stifling for the new kind of weather she would encounter. Except for her training clothes, which she sweated a lot in, so they were mostly light and airy.

Speaking of my parents.
I should call them later. Maybe when I'm alone....
I should notify them on my location, my well-being, my progress in completing the decoration of my room, my new eating habits.....

Her stomach rumbled a bit at the thought of food.
"I hope we can eat soon..... I'm getting a bit starved, to be honest. I woke up early, and it's been hours since my last meal."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Ash Parker
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As Ash walked out of the hallway and looked around with a blank expression on her face and slightly wide eyes, the Great Gryphon decided to speed things up. He went around and told everyone in the lounge to get ready to leave. He then went down the hallways and stopped in each room to let people know they were going to be leaving soon.

It was the same for the boys, but with more of a harsher tone. "Hurry your asses up! I bet the girls are working faster then you guys!" He yelled at everyone in the longue who was sitting around them decided to make his way done the hallways and personally yell and curse at everyone who was just sitting around or changing. He went into everyone yelling "Hurry up, you maggots!" then continued to curse at the few men who were just sitting around talking. "Why are you just sitting there?! We have training to get to and girls to beat! Hurry up!" He would say as he hurried everyone along.

Most of the guys were scared of what would happen if they didn't listen to the gargoyle that was bigger then most gargoyles. They all came into the longue and waited for instructions. "Alright, maggots! Listen up!" Degore yelled in there faces and went around to slap a few people on the back of their heads for laughing, talking, or being on a cellphone. He then scolded them all and turned to the door. He opened it and flew out, the men all following him as he did so. He walked back down the hallway and out a door to the enclosure where a bunch of equipment was set up. There was targets with bow-and-arrows, mats for wrestling, an obstacle course with tires to run through, a climbing wall, a slide to run up and climb down, and other things. There was martial arts area, gymnastics, swords fighting, and then, for the companions mostly, special abilities. Sitting behind all the obstacles was noneother than Draconem sitting up straight. His tail was laid out behind him and went all the way back to the forest and mountains then out of sight. Beside him was a group of Pegasus, though more could be seen grazing in the pasture, and a small group of shirtless men with goat horns wrapping around there heads, revealing that they were Pooka in the shape of muscular men.

After scanning the sight, Degore smiled hideously, though he was truly proud, they had made it there before the girls. But, not so long after he thought that, the Great Gryphon can up, his beck twisting up slightly into a smile, knowing that he just ruined Degore's little moment. Degore crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the Great Gryphon. Upon seeing this, Draconem let out a hearty laugh along with a few of the Pegasus and Pooka. He found the tension between the two funny, part of the reason why he choose the two to become dorm leaders for the year.

Meanwhile, Ash and Jay ran into each other as both groups seemed to become one. Jay kept bumping into Ash as Slayer kept wrapping Liath's tail around his neck like a scarf and saying in his demon-child voice "Oh, look at me, I'm gay!" But, at the sound of that, Jay flicked him in the nose. Jay liked joking and messing with his cousin as much as Slayer enjoyed bothering Liath at the moment, but one thing Jay did not tolerate was homophobic jokes for the fact that it was not only making fun of Ash but most of his friends as well. Ash crossed her arms over and chest and looked up at Degore and the Great Gryphon, Jay did the same. Slayer and Liath sat on their shoulders and kept bickering and messing with each other as their Ryders waited for something to happen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Ash Parker
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((Sorry, PC messed up & posted twice))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Draconem
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”Wait here,” Aya stuck out her pointer finger and then walked off to one of the vending machines.
What was she doing? She couldn't possibly be.....
She took a couple bucks out of her pocket and inserted it into the machine.
"Oh, wait, no, really it's ok you don't have to!", she called after her flustered.
But Aya still got her protein bars, chips, and a few water bottles anyway.

”Here, I’m sorry it’s not much
.” she held out a water bottle and a handful of protein bars along with a bag of chips.
"Oh, no I really didn't want you to actually get me anything, I mean, we're strangers......"
Estabel peeked over Ayas shoulder and Colette watched as she snatched a protein bar.

”Ah! Esta! No!” Aya snatched it back.

”I’m hungry,” Estabel hung her head down sadly.
Colette insisted, "Please, it's your food, you paid for it."
Aya sighed and unwrapped the protein bar Estabel had taken, giving it to her.

”Ask next time, and here. You can’t eat it when it has a wrapper,” Aya stated.
She heard the unicorn neigh happily , take it, and then start to chew on it.

Colette opened the bag of chips, and held one out to Quinn.
Quinn took three of the smallest bites Colette had ever seen in her entire life, and then sank to Colette's shoulder.
"I'm so full.....", she sighed contently.
"You have got. To be kidding me." Colette responded.
"I don't need a lot. Human food is so big. My stomach is so small."
Colette shrugged and started to eat the chips, putting the protein bars away in her deep pockets.

Colette opened a water bottle, filled the tap, and gave it to Quinn.
She sipped happily, and then gave the cap back to Colette.

As they were munching quietly, the Great Gryphon came back into the room and started herding everyone out to train.
"Would you like to come along with me?", Colette asked Aya as they were forcibly thrown in with the crowd, girls eagerly pushing outside.
They got out into the enclosure and Colette looked on appreciatively.
Bows and arrows. Obstacle courses. Wrestling mats. She nodded, approving of the equipment.
Not any cheap stuff.
Areas for martial arts,gymnastics, sword-fighting, and companions.
It was quite a spectacle, and there was Draconem right in the middle, laughing at the imaginary static that had to be flowing between the two gargoyles.
There were also Phooka, half men, and half goat, and also Pegasus roaming around.
It was a bit overwhelming,but Colette was happy. This was her place. Rigorous exercise.Education.
Training, non-stop. She smiled at the familiarity.
Colette looked back at Aya. They weren't friends, but at least they were something. She didn't want to just leave her now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Jay Parker Character Portrait: Draconem
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The guy, whose name was Jay apparently, and his awesome gargoyle Slayer introduced themselves.
"Slayer's a wicked cool name. My dragon's name is Razeth. Pretty sick, huh?"
Razeth seemed to be happy about how Riley liked his name, and raised his chin.

"Nah" the guy said when he offered the chips, and turned back around. Riley noticed he'd done that alot when Riley was done talking.
Rude ass.
Maybe, Razeth reasoned he's a shy kid. He just doesn't know you that well.
Or maaybee, I'm being too much of a bother.
That too, Razeth agreed, and Riley threw a pillow at him, grinning.

Slayer, the gargoyle, seemed to be all for the food.
He looked back at Jay, and then came straight through the air straight at Riley.
"Woah, dude, calm down!" Riley yelled.
"GIVEME-GIVEME-GIVEME!" Slayer cried, all demonic and shit.
He grabbed the bag right out of Riley's hands and swooped up into the air.
He garbled down the chips, making a giant ass mess everywhere!
As he ate, he giggled like a little shit.
Oh fuck no.
Jay turned around as he crossed his arms and looked up at the gargoyle that was almost as high as the ceiling. "Dude," He started, shifting his eyes to Riley. "How much do you want those chips back?"
Riley felt the anger building inside of him, and so did Razeth.
Riley, I advise you to take a deep.....
But the words fell on deaf ears.
Riley exploded.
"What the actual fuck man, why the hell did your gargoyle do that? Fucking shit!!"
He looked up at Slayer.
"You fucking touch my stuff again, I will kick you sorry ass to the floor and mean it! You have got to be fucking kidding me! And from now on, make your mess on your own side of the fucking room! Got it!??!"
He kicked a box on the floor hard under the bed, taking off his shirt, and replacing it with a new one from his duffel bag. It was a light cotton thing. Razeth sensing he was done, climbed back on his shoulders and blew his icy breath on the back of Riley's neck.
Thanks, man. Who knew what would've happened next?
You must control your temper. It's not a big deal.

At that moment, Degore came back, shouting for everyone to get to the training grounds.
Riley was no longer fond of gargoyles.
He put on some sneakers from his duffel bag and stomped out.
When Riley got like this, he was sure to take his rage out on something.
I want to punch something. Hard.
You'll get a chance to do that, Razeth assured him, And it'll be much healthier than yelling at that poor kid.
That poor kid needs to learn how to control his companion.

When they entered the enclosure, Riley had to see through the anger in his eyes to be impressed.
There were many areas for different training activities, and loads of fancy, new equiptment.
First stop, hand to hand combat
I pity the person that has to take you on it that , Razeth shuddered, his glistening white scales reflecting with the light.
The only person who can be an equal match for me now is Colette. Hey, where is she?

He looked through the hoards of people, Phooka, Pegasus, and Draconem to the girls who were starting to mix with the boys.
He spotted her with a girl.
He walked over to her, about to challenge her to hand-to-hand combat. He needed it.
He saw her talking to the girl.
Who was she?
Suddenly, mahogany colored hair. Creamy white skin.
It was Aya.
Shit, I don't want my anger level to go down. If it does, then it'll never get out of me, and then when I go back to my room, it'll be hell all over again.
Your anger can get out of you?, Razeth asked as he seemed to chuckle.

"Hey, Colette!"
Colette spotted Riley and waved, smiling to him.
The girl, Aya, was just there.
"Hey, Riley. I'd almost forgotten about you."
"That's always a great thing to hear. Your favorite student too." He pretended to pout.
"You mean my most incompetent?", she laughed.
"I win two awards." He teased along with her, but already found himself distracted, as he looked in her eyes.
"Um....", he coughed, trying to sound casual, "Whose your friend?"
"Oh", Colette responded, "This is a girl I met in the lounge. Her name is Aya.Aya, this is Riley."
As if I didn't know, Riley gulped and smiled at her charismatically .


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver
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Aya Ueto

”It’s insulting if you don’t accept it,” Aya insisted and was relieved when Colette had finally taken them. Aya uncapped her water bottle and pressed it against her full lips, sipping it casually. It felt good to get the drink of life in her.

Colette opened the bag of chips, and held one out to Quinn. Quinn took three of the smallest bites that apparently surprised Colette. It wasn’t much of a shock to Aya, she was used to it. A whole piece of bread could probably feed an entire village for a night or maybe even more.
"I'm so full.....", she sighed contently.

"You have got. To be kidding me." Colette responded. Aya smiled softly, and covered her mouth with her hand to hide it.

"I don't need a lot. Human food is so big. My stomach is so small."

Colette shrugged and started to eat the chips, putting the protein bars away in her deep pockets. Aya sipped more of her water, an elegant poker face stuck on her again. Colette opened a water bottle, filled the cap, and gave it to Quinn. She sipped happily, and then gave the cap back to Colette. Aya brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and crossed her feet over each other, ankles touching. As they were munching quietly, the Great Gryphon came back into the room and started herding everyone out to train. The large crowd made her feel a bit uncomfortable

"Would you like to come along with me?" Colette asked Aya as they were forcibly thrown in with the crowd, girls eagerly pushing outside.

”Sure,” she said, not like I have a choice.. she thought as girls pushed against her, way too close for comfort. She had a bubble, a nice, spacious bubble
they were in the bubble. She peered over her shoulder and craned her neck, trying to see over the girls. Where was Trista? She turned her head back around and gazed at the ground, watching her feet. She let out a soft, quiet sigh.

It wasn’t till they reached the enclosure that Aya lifted her head back up, admiring all the things to do and train herself. There were areas for bows and arrows, obstacle courses, wrestling mats, martial arts, gymnastics, sword-fighting, and companions. She wondered why there were no magic areas, but who cared? Right now, these were all things she could excel in. Glancing around, she hoped to see her brother. No luck. He would most likely have a hard time with this, probably mess around and get in trouble. She could imagine him tripping in the obstacle courses and doing a duck and roll, or covering his head and dodging punches or attacks, never returning a punch. The only thing he might beat her in, were the companions areas.

"Hey, Colette!"Aya spotted Riley coming towards them as soon as she saw Colettes hand motion from the corner of her eye. She was waving at him. She was smiling at him. Oh god
were they friends? She put her hands behind her back and bit her bottom lip, turning her head to the side. Her chestnut hair blocked most of her face.

"Hey, Riley. I'd almost forgotten about you." Colette joked. Aya gulped. Wonderful, they were on joking terms.
"That's always a great thing to hear. Your favorite student too." He pretended to pout. Her fingers twitched.

"You mean my most incompetent?" she laughed.

"I win two awards." He teased along with her. She stood there quietly, not daring to speak a word. Her heart pounded against her chest, and she found it almost hard to breath. Trembling fingers reached into her pocket as she flipped open her phone, begging her brother to respond.

send me something, she thought. Ayas black, bulky stallion hung her head low at the sight of all the training equipment and Rileys appearance. Her master felt uncomfortable, and Estabel felt everything she was feeling. It was almost unbearable and she could hardly breathe. She dug her hooves into the ground repeatedly, digging up dirt.

"Um...." he coughed, "Whose your friend?"

what was he trying to say? Get out, you’re in my way. She’s my friend. You’re interrupting??

"Oh" Colette responded, "This is a girl I met in the lounge. Her name is Aya. Aya, this is Riley."

He smiled at her charismatically. Was he..mocking her?

”N..n..n-nice to meet you,” she forced herself to bow and looked away again. Where was Trista? Angel? Saga? Anyone right now would be fine! It took all her strength to make her breathing look normal even though her heart ached.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Ash Parker Character Portrait: Azamanin Arnlar
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"Thank the Cree that is finally over!"

The speaker, a tall girl with shoulder length, brown hair, sighed as she collapsed on her bed, her white eyes closed, and breathed deeply, like her guardian had taught her. She hadn't seen why she had to attend the welcoming ceremony with everyone else, as she'd have been just as happy to watch the Ryders choosing their companions instead. Reaching up she fiddled with her ears pulling earplugs out of them, glad for her foresight against the inevitable screaming that Draconen always seemed to startle from the newest Ryders. Solara had even gone as far as to accuse him of enjoying the mortals screams of terrors, to which Draconen had laughed and changed the subject, something that had annoyed her at the time.

"you would think the Ryders would try and check on who was serving as their headmaster" A slight bit of humor colored the tone of a tall, red-headed woman who watched Solara, though her face was hidden behind the fox mask she wore all the time. Silent in her kimono and sandal-ed feet, she startled Solara causing her to start in surprise.

"Ravi!" Shouting in surprise, solara glared at her friend and companion. "How many times have I told you not to sneak up on me?"

Ravi, or rather, Ravian, giggled at her. "More times then either of us can count I'm sure, but I digress, your going to be late for your first class."

Glancing over at her watch Solafa jumped out of bed in one smooth movement, and landed in a crouch. "And its a class I like too!"

Running out of the room that she called her own, Solara, followed closely by Ravian, jogged and then slowing, walked to where the other girls where heading, till she ended up walking behind two girls, one with a unicorn following her, one with a fairy riding on her shoulder. Other girls were there as well, one with a grey dragon, and another with a second black unicorn.

"I hope you are ready to have some fun."

"I think you need a new definition of fun Ravi."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Ash Parker Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello
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#, as written by Bhu-Bhu
Trista began to explore more after putting away the pick. She hung a pack with all Fucuello's grooming supplies on a hook in his stall. Then packed all her clothes into a grand looking wardrobe on her side of the room. Even with all of the clothes hung up there was still loads of room. Perhaps there's a village near by that I can get more clothes at. I only brought half my clothes since I left the rest as hand me downs for Memmy, though... I doubt she'll get them. Trista closed the wardrobe and pulled open the heavy maroon draperies to the windows across the room.

"Lets let some light in shall we?" Sun filtered in through the clear windows. The view stole her breath away. A meadow spread out before her, ringed with a large and dark forest. A wide creek cut through the grass. Flora and fauna both magical and non could be seen. Already she could imagine coming out here at free time just to ride.

"It's perfect." She whispered privately to Fucuello. Another bout of surreal thoughts swam through her mind. She wondered if her dad had similar thoughts when he first saw the view. Had he too had a nice roommate, got along with his other classmates? Did he look forward to training? Had he cared about the war with Diablo?

I never thought to ask him before.

"Well, she should really get going." A nervous laugh brought her attention away from the scenery. She looked over to Ash. "We don't want to be the ones making everyone else wait, now do we?"

"Wait for-" Trista stopped herself. "Oh right training." She grumbled. Not what I was looking forward to.

"I'll see ya' later then, Trista and Fucuello." Trista popped out of her disgruntlement for a second and smiled and waved to Ash as she left with Liath.

"They were nice, weren't they?" She asked Fucuello. Trista turned back to the outside one last time before sighing. I don't want to go train... she whined. Maybe I should ditch.... But if I go, maybe I'll meet Aya again and we can straighten things out between us.....I hope. Another sigh escaped her and she shook her head. No! No bad thoughts. Even if Aya doesn't warm up to you, at least you got a nice roommate.

With that in mind Trista shucked of her blue flannel , revealing a navy v-necked t-shirt. She kept her pants and combat boots on though. There were some packages she then noticed on her bed. Those must be the gifts. Trista decided she would open them later. "C'mon, Fucuello," she said to her steed as she opened the door to the hall."Let's go."

Out in the common room it seemed most of the girls were already out and about chatting and talking. She had come just in time, since the Gryphon came to lead them out into the enclosure right then. Trista took note of the array of weapons and courses laid out before them. Some, like the swords and bows and arrows, were slightly familiar as she had seen them once or twice in her father's weapons shed. Others, such as the courses and strange goat men, were new. A new feeling settled upon Trista as she walked among the girls, isolation. Or at least in the context of other people. At her old school she had known everybody, and everybody had known her, so to be in an environment where she knew almost no one and only a few knew her was strange. I wonder if any of any of them will hate me to? Aya's and her mom's images immediately popped up but Trista shooed them away.

Speaking of Aya the raven haired teen spotted the girl of her worries over by that girl with the fairy and the bashful boy from earlier. She couldn't remember if she had met either of them or if they had caught her name earlier. Oh well, the more people she knew the better.

"Hey, Aya! " she called and ran over to her friend. She looked so neevous for some reason? "What's up?" She waited for Aya's answer before turned to the other two.

"I'm Trista, by the way, it's nice to meet you both, this is my companion Fucuello."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello
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"They were nice, weren't they?" She asked Fucuello. He stared at her dully.

"If you say so.." he responded. Trista turned back to the outside one last time before sighing.

I don't want to go train... she whined. What was this that he was hearing? Complaining!?

Maybe I should ditch.... But if I go, maybe I'll meet Aya again and we can straighten things out between us.....I hope.

Ditching is out of the question. I will not stand a lazy Ryder!" he exclaimed through their connection. He nudged her back with his nose and egged her on to hurry up and get ready. He was in no mood to be late the first day. he was looking forward to getting back into the game. As Trista got ready, he snuck a look outside. Man, she was right. It was so nice. He couldn't lie, it did look appealing to him. A nice place to run, bathe in the sun, feel the wind against his skin. Race! Jump! Explore! His spirit was calling out to the said nature!

He turned his back on the view and eased his way to the door. Later, at another time, he could enjoy that vast and out-standing enclosure.

"C'mon, Fucuello," she said to her steed as she opened the door to the hall."Let's go."

"Right away," he trotted to her side and slowed down as he followed her in the immense crowd. This was unpleasurable. he could handle the presence of the humans, since most were so tiny and barely compared to him. However, the presence of the dragons were a bother. They had rubbed their nasty sweat or weird feeling skin against his fur and feathers that sent a creeped out chill down his spine. And he could had sworn that some fairies had played with the hair around his ears and were making them flap. he shook his head.

Knock it off! he muttered under his breathe. He could faintly hear the giggles of those pesky fairies. One day...he was gonna stomp on those stupid, pesky, tiny wings of theirs. If you could say Fucuello had a pet peeve, it was fairies. or more specifically, anyone or thing that is over-borderline rude and commits pointless pranks. While experiencing his minor dilemma, Tristas thoughts had transpired into his own. His ears shot up at her insecurity-which was a rare sight- and swatted her back with his tail sharply.

None of this. Knowing everyone isn't everything. You always have me, so cheer up. he sighed and turned his head away from her, pouting. How offending. Am I not enough? Not enjoyable enough for you? he questioned. The sunlight slowly came into Fucuellos eye sight, almost blinding him once they got out of the building. It was even brighter outside and it took him only a few seconds to get used to the change of lighting. Admiring all the activities, he was highly looking forward to his station and watching Trista ease her way through all of these 'obstacles.' Hah! He could barely call them that! To Trista, they would seem like kiddy games.

Fucuello bowed his head at the sight of Estabel, greeting his fellow unicorn. She returned the gesture and looked up at him sorrowfully. He shook his head, Esta was an...interesting character. He greeted Aya as well, her discomfort was not too noticeable but Trista had sharp eyes. It seemed both of them cared about each other deeply, but both also had their own baggage. He wondered what Ayas was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello
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Riley threw an alarmingly charming smile at Aya, and Colette rolled her eyes.
He always treated strangers with such charisma, ease, sophistication even!
She didn't understand his nature. How could he so nice around strangers, but with people closer to him he was known to throw fits without hesitation?
Well, he's comfortable with them, she reasoned, and she was probably right.
Well, not like he was in a bad mood all the time or no one would talk to him.

”N..n..n-nice to meet you,” Aya sputtered, as she bowed and then turned away.

What was wrong?
Was she.....nervous?
Colette looked on incredulously, as she saw Riley did.
The girl had seemed cold before, hardly bothered, a bit friendly. This was a complete change in personality.

"It's nice meeting you too!", Riley said appraisingly, wrapping an arm around each girl's shoulders.
His shoulders seemed weird. The arm that was around her seemed to hold an incredibly tight clutch. His other arm, however, seemed to be completely lax, gentle even.
Another aspect of his weird personality. He can be normal with me but polite with her.

She disregarded it as he began to say something, but then a girl came up to them.
"Hey, Aya! " she called as she ran over to the three.
"What's up?" She asked Aya as she then turned to Colette and Riley.

"I'm Trista, by the way, it's nice to meet you both, this is my companion Fucuello."
Riley took her hand and immediately shook it.
Good God, now he's getting out of hand
"Delightful to meet you Trista, my name is Riley.And of course, my incredibly awesome dragon, Razeth." He smiled wide at her, his eyes twinkling alarmingly. Razeth, at Riley's feet, nodded.
"Hello, I'm Colette. Also, this is Quinn, my companion." She motioned to Quinn by tipping her head, who was now trying to get comfortable on Riley's hand. Riley didn't seem to notice.She looked down to Fucuello, and noticed his brilliant white fur.
"Why hello there, your fur looks like it was recently brushed." She smiled hesitantly at him.

All this meeting and greeting and being polite was a bit overwhelming.
Colette did not make friends easily, because......
Well, because there was simply no time.
"Anyway", Riley said, his happy persona faltering for just a second as he looked down at Colette, "I was wondering when after Draconem speaks you would like to accompany me to a hand-to-hand combat area. I kinda really need it."
"Erm, sure....What happened?"
"Do not get me started." He gritted his teeth, and Colette smiled, amused. Some things never change.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello
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”N..n..n-nice to meet you,” Aya sputtered, as she bowed and then turned away. Riley noticed her hide her face behind her hair, and sucked in a breath.
Why did she sound like that?
What was she thinking?
Was she...... scared..?
Maybe she just isn't into socializing. Oh, maybe she thinks I'm intruding. Or she doesn't like me! She hates me! She wants to rip me apart and sacri...woah where, am I going with this?
Razeth chuckled in his mind. I think she'd just shy. She doesn't hate you.Where were you going with that, by the way?

Riley contemplated his options. He could go for the nice, shy guy. Or even rude. But he realized this wasn't his nature to strangers.
Aha! Strangers!
Listen, Razeth, Aya is still a stranger! I don't know a lot about her. I can treat her like a stranger.
And what exactly does that accomplish?, Razeth asked.
We are about to find out.

He looked directly at Aya, feeling himself tense for a bit.
I do not know her last name,
her favorite color,
her favorite animal,
her personality,
her family,
where she lives,
who she hangs out with,

He relaxed.
"It's nice meeting you too!", Riley said appraisingly, wrapping an arm around each girl's shoulders, impulsively.
Shit, what have I done? This will make her more uncomfortable, won't it?
No backing out now, Razeth thought gleefully.
He held onto Colette for support, digging his nails into her shoulder. She shifted slightly, but hopefully she would not voice anything suspicious.
Aya, he treated lightly, only slightly putting weight on her shoulder.
He could not breathe. I don't know who she is!
He grinned at her, and let is be his best, widest grin. He decided to say something. What would he say? Who knew? He was barely in control now.

Some chick ran up to them.
"Hey, Aya! " she called as she ran over to the three.
"What's up?" She asked Aya as she then turned to Colette and Riley, which wasn't hard to do, really, as they were right there.

Ah, what do I do now?!
But the little part of his head, the one that dealt with people he didn't know, started to take hold of his thoughts again.
Be equally as charming!
What!?, he conflicted with himself, I can't do that!
You have to. It will appear more normal if you do, his alter ego reassured.

"I'm Trista, by the way, it's nice to meet you both, this is my companion Fucuello."
Riley took his hand off Colette's shoulder, found Trista's hand, and shook it.He then replaced his hand back on Colette's shoulder, gripping it to the point of madness.
"Delightful to meet you Trista, my name is Riley.And of course, my incredibly awesome dragon, Razeth." He smiled wide at her, his eyes twinkling contently. Razeth, at Riley's feet, nodded, glad for the attention.

He heard Colette introduce herself and her fairy.
He noticed how his arm was around Aya now, and how much it was just being. He tried to breathe. It was hard. Would he ever do this again? It was worth the heart attack.

Why am I here? What am I doing to myself? Why did I put myself in this situation!?
As I recall, Razeth reminded him,You wanted to blow off some steam.

Riley tried to recollect himself.
He could smell her.

He forced himself to look down at Colette, his smile fading as he distinctly remembered what had happened in his dorm.
That seemed like such a long time ago.
"Anyway,I was wondering when after Draconem speaks you would like to accompany me to a hand-to-hand combat area. I kinda really need it."
"Erm, sure....What happened?", she asked, concern lining her voice.
"Do not get me started." He gritted his teeth, and Colette smiled, amusement crossing her face.

Riley removed his hand from Colette's shoulder again, and noticed how her little fairy was being thrown around in the midst.
"Sorry about that, Quinn.....", he sheepishly smiled, forgetting she was on Colette's shoulder.
He reached into his pocket, pulling out a pack of spearmint gum, and chewing on a piece.
Usually it was for anger, and it was a little. That stupid gargoyle still got to him.
But now it was also for holding back another feeling. An unfamiliar one.
Riley really wanted the anger back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: Jay Parker
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Aya Ueto & Fucuello

"It's nice meeting you too!" Riley said appraisingly.

Don’t lie, really you’re saying ‘God, why are you here’ Aren’t you? saying it so happily
it obviously sounds fake

Out of no where, he wrapped an arm around each girl's shoulders. Ayas head whipped around to stare at his hand gently relaxed over her shoulder. His hand. On her shoulder. He was touching her. Her fingers flinched. What
was he doing? Her other shoulder touched his side, and she could feel his warmth against her cold skin. She couldn’t breathe. Her bubble


Get him off! Get him off!

”Hey, Aya! " Trista called as she ran over to the three. Glory! Hallelulah! She had never been so happy to see Trista in her entire life! "What's up?" she tried to get a better look of Ayas face and peek through her hair but Aya wouldn’t let her. She bit harder onto her bottom lip and held her hands over her stomach. It almost felt like someone was churning her insides with an egg beater. Her body was on the verge of giving into her uncontrollable shakes, and she was feeling an extreme level of anxiety. She was feeling such a deep level of it that she wanted to run into Tristas arm and bury her head into her. Craving for protection. And what was worse was that she wasn’t sure if she had lost color in her face, or if her cheeks had turned beat red. She would like to assume it was the first assumption. Since the second would be way to embaressing. (She has no idea it’s actually the second. Her cheeks were as red as apples).

”I'm Trista, by the way, it's nice to meet you both, this is my companion Fucuello."
Riley took her hand and immediately shook it. Fucuello blew steam out from his nostrils and looked at him suspiciously, stomping his front legs a bit. He stared at the two hands meeting and then to Rileys face, to the hands, to his face again. Finally, he let go. He held his head high and dug one hoof into the ground.

That’s right, just remove your germ, dirty-filled hands.

Fucuello was not all too sure about Riley. A) Aya seemed uncomfortable around him. B) His over-friendliness was creepy. Fucuello was alright with Tristas friend that she had known for a while, because he knew he could trust them or was used to them or knew their intentions. Some, he had never found a way to get along with. At those times, because he respected Trista, he would do him and her a favor by staying in his stable.

"Delightful to meet you Trista, my name is Riley. And of course, my incredibly awesome dragon, Razeth." He smiled wide at her, his eyes twinkling with as Aya saw, as distaste for anyone intruding on him and his personal friends talking time.

.Calm down Aya, it’s alright” Estabel reassured and rubbed her face against Ayas.

She tried to take a deep breathe. Estabel was right, she was over-reacting. When was the last time she had gone through something like this anyway? Opening ceremony in high school? What would her brother say to her right now?

Gosh, stop over-reacting. Just take his arm off of you if it’s bothering you so much!

That’s it! Deep breathe. Calm down. But..what if he got even more mad at her? She shut her eyes tight, ‘do before you feel; the feelings will come later’ her brother always said! She lifted her right hand up slowly and placed it gently over Rileys. Her hand was small, and delicate. It held a bit of a rough touch to it though because of her practice in martial arts. In one smooth, chill motion, she removed his hand from her shoulder.

”Excuse me, Trista and I should get g-going,” Aya turned her body from Rileys, stuttering just slightly at the end.

Damn it! Stop stuttering!

”We need to find my brother. Excuse us, she bowed quickly to them, keeping herself from meeting eye-contact with Colette, Jay, and Riley and ran off, gripping Tristas hand in the process. Oh God! Oh God! She did it! She was away! She wouldn’t face embarrassment or torture! If she kept this up, maybe he would leave her alone. She didn’t want to face bullying again. She shuddered at the memories of the boys bullying her in high school. She had always thought girls were worse
till that day.

She would have kept running, dragging Trista along in-between the large crowd of people. But her phone had ringed and she came to a halt. Sighing in relief to see Sagas reply, she paid no attention to his joke. She wanted to see him!

Where are you

She gripped the phone tightly, not daring to let go. It took her a few seconds as always to realize she was holding Tristas hand
she didn’t want to let go this time. Hesitantly though, she released her hand from Tristas and turned around, meeting her dead in the eyes.

”S-sorry about
back there
I-” she wrapped her arms around herself. She wanted to prepare a speech, but, maybe just saying what was on her heart would be best. Trista had proved herself.

She showed that she cared about me
she noticed
my uncomfortableness
just like brother would

Both unicorns were surprised by the sudden leave and hurried after their masters. Fucuello said his farewells, while Esta just ran on ahead. When Esta found Aya she was overjoyed and rubbed her face against Ayas. Aya laughed. Estabel felt her fear back there. Memories, flashbacks of even more harsh bullying. Why were kids so mean? Aya placed one hand on top of her nose and the other on the side, hugging her.

Oh, Estabel
 she cried in her head through the connection.

It’s ok, I’m here. Estabel reassured, Everything will be ok, I won’t let anyone bully you, ok? Estabel reassured through their minds. Fucuello stared at the two, holding himself upright.

Not to point out the obvious or anything but
 Aya seems shaken up, bad. He spoke to Trista through their connection. Fucuello tilted his head, and the two unicorns held eye-contact for a minute before Esta broke it off. Here, Fucuello had thought the girl strong, cold, and shy. But he wondered
was she actually broken inside?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: Jay Parker
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Riley was not breathing before.
Now, he was hyperventilating.
He hands shook as Aya left, running off with her friend Trista.

”Excuse me, Trista and I should get g-going,” Aya had said as she turned away from Riley,”We need to find my brother. Excuse us",then she bowed quickly to them,not making eye contact with anyone, grabbed the girl Trista's hand, and fled.

"Fucking shit!", he screamed into the air as Jay approached, his hands going up into the air.
This scared everyone around him. Except for Colette.

"Someone is back to normal", she remarked, as her little fairy shook on her shoulder, getting into the layers of her glittery hair.
"She just left Colette. God, she hates me, doesn't she?!"
"Maybe she wasn't used to all the body contact. I mean, I know it's normal for me, and maybe everyone else in our town who knows who you are, but not her, ya know?"
He sighed, as his heart seemed to constrict in his chest, and he started to breathe a bit faster.

Razeth, I feel like shit that's been left out in the sun, then stomped on by an alpaca before being drenched in a thunderstorm.
Gross, Razeth responded.
You understand that didn't make me feel better right?
She's probably not used to it, like Colette said.
She hates me, she hates what I did, she will always hate me, her companions will hate me, her friends will hate me, her friends' companions will hate me, she will never speak to me again, she will ignore me as long as I live, she will talk behind my back and call me a freak, a weirdo, a pedophile, a jerk- His fists clenched in his hands.
Calm down Riley. Please do not take this out of hand. All you need is an outlet to take out frustration.
Ah, what about your duel with Colette?, Razeth asked, and, sensing Riley was heating up again, proceeded to ice his hands and the back of his neck.

"Eh, Riley, are you all right? It was an incredibly rude thing to do, but don't get too stressed out on it ok?", Colette said, concern in her voice.
Then, Jay came up to them.
Aw man, I cannot deal with his and his gargoyle's shit right now, Riley thought, agitated.

"Here dude." He said and held the new bag of chips out to Riley. Jay didn't look at them.

Riley looked at him, astonished.
What a turn of events.
Maybe Jay wasn't so bad. Maybe it was just his gargoyle that was a fucking douche.
Riley tried to compose himself, and learned the ice had made him stop shaking.

He was actually really surprised Jay would go out of his way to reconcile with him, since he seemed to keep to himself.
"Wow...thanks dude...About earlier, kinda sorry I blew up. Although I'm a little kind of not too." He grinned a bit, taking the chips.
"You blew up?", Colette asked, smirking.
"Yes, Colette, I did. Good reason, too, if I might add. Jay, this is Colette."
"Very... nice meeting you Jay. Sorry, I've had to say that a lot today, being introduced to people." At this, she turned her head to Riley. "Some not as nice as others, isn't that right, Riley?"

"I guess."
He didn't have the heart to tell her about what he was thinking about was way more than social rejection.

"Hey, Jay", Riley said, feeling a bit friendlier now. "If you'd like, you can witness Colette and I going head to head in hand-to-hand combat."
"You do realize you said head to head in a hand-to hand combat?", Colette said, giggling slightly.
"Yeah. I do.", Riley grinned at her too, although he certainly didn't feel so happy as to feel amused anymore.
"So, wanna join us Jay?", he asked, trying to reconcile a little as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: Jay Parker
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Colette stared off as Aya and Trista hastily left, their companions running off behind them.
And to think, I thought that girl would make a pretty good acquaintance.
She thought there was something off about the way she had left in such a flurry. It was unnerving.

Riley was not faring very well. His hands seem to shake on his shoulders and he screamed, "Fucking shit!" into the sky, and everyone within a short distance could hear him. She was pretty sure the Aya girl couldn't hear, since she had run so far away.

But, finally, the Riley she knew.
"Someone is back to normal", she remarked, and noticed Quinn hiding in her hair.
"Aw it's alright Quinn, but you're gonna have to get used to it."
Quinn shook, and whispered, "I do not like loud people...."
Riley then started to rant,"She just left Colette. God, she hates me, doesn't she?!"
"Maybe she wasn't used to all the body contact. I mean, I know it's normal for me, and maybe everyone else in our town who knows who you are, but not her, ya know?" Colette could see how that was a problem, but there were much more graceful ways of expressing disdain.
He sighed.
I mean, Riley wasn't a bad looking guy, and girls would be ever so lucky if he glanced at them at home.
This brought back a memory from a year ago, over in Kelud.

"Riley, Riley, wait up!", the girl had chased after him in the snow, running across the street to where Riley was sipping a hot chocolate with Colette. They had taken a short break from studying, and were now heading back to a classroom that had been vacated solely for Colette's tutoring purposes.
"Hey." Riley grinned at her, with a hot chocolate mustache on his face.
"Riley, I think you have miraculously grown facial hair over the span of two minutes." Colette commented, and he laughed.
Esther seemed flustered. ""
"What's up,Esther?", Riley said in a friendly tone, removing the mustache with his sleeve.
" know my name...", Esther looked over longingly at him.
"Uh, yeah we have Math and English together." Riley looked confused.
"Oh, right! Um...anyway...I was wondering...oh, I can't do it!" Esther cried, rummaging in her pocket for a second, then pulling out a crumpled note from her pocket. She handed it to him and hid her hands behind her face. "Just read it!"
"Um....okay...", Riley responded, handing over his hot chocolate to Colette. He opened the note, and Colette sneakily read over his shoulder.
Dear Riley,
I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me to the Girl's Choice Spring Dance.
It would mean a lot to me. I mean, I really like you a lot, and I really, really want to go with you.
Esther Walters.
By this time, Esther was peeking between her fingers. When she saw Riley looking at her, she squeaked and replaced the fingers again.
Riley chuckled a bit nervously, and removed Esther's hands. Esther squeezed his hand, joy lining her face.
"Esther, I would love to, but....well, a few girls have already asked me."
"What!?", she squeaked, her nasally voice making Colette wince.
"Well yeah, and it wouldn't be fair without considering them so..."
"Who are they?!", she demanded, blowing her mousy, brown hair out of her face, and the wind blew it back.
Riley put her hair behind her ears, and she blushed deep red.
"Well,you know Diana Middleton and Sierra from English? Yeah...."
"Oh my goodness!", Esther shrieked."This is unbelievable!" She then turned back to Riley, and her sweet, shy persona was back on again as she bit her lip nervously.
Colette scoffed at her quick change in attitude to seeing Riley.
"Well, when you make your choice, just let me know, okay?"
"Of course. Bye, Esther."
Riley steered Colette away from her and Colette smirked.
"You're not going with anyone to the Girl's Choice Spring Dance, are you?"
"No, I am not." Riley smiled at her, and took another sip of his hot chocolate."Are you?"
Colette looked down. "No.", she stated.
"Oh....well... I know Katie and Matt are going together. As friends, of course. Do you want to go?"
Colette looked up, touched he would do such a thing for her.
"I actually do want to go the the dance. Would you like to accompany me, BFF?"
"Ugh, don't call me that. But sure."
And they entered the gates of the school.


Colette looked over at Riley, sensing he wasn't thrilled a girl had run away from him.
"Eh, Riley, are you all right? It was an incredibly rude thing to do, but don't get too stressed out on it ok?", Colette said, concern in her voice.
Then, a boy came up to them.
Riley looked surprised to see him.
Colette looked at the boy, who was offering chips, and avoiding eye contact.
He was kinda cute, in the you-need-to-get-a-haircut way. He looked a bit familiar.

"Wow...thanks dude...About earlier, kinda sorry I blew up. Although I'm a little kind of not too." Riley grinned a bit, taking the chips.
"You blew up?", Colette asked, smirking. Just like him.
"Yes, Colette, I did. Good reason, too, if I might add. Jay, this is Colette."
"Very... nice meeting you Jay. Sorry, I've had to say that a lot today, being introduced to people." At this, she turned her head to Riley. "Some not as nice as others, isn't that right, Riley?"
She was tired of all these people. She wanted to be alone!!

"I guess." He didn't sound confident yet.

"Hey, Jay", Riley said. "If you'd like, you can witness Colette and I going head to head in hand-to-hand combat."
"You do realize you said head to head in a hand-to hand combat?", Colette said, giggling slightly. How funny. He was recovering.
"Yeah. I do.", Riley grinned at her too.
"So, wanna join us Jay?", he asked, trying to reconcile a little as well.

"Yes, it wouldn't be very fun if I didn't have an audience while I kicked Riley's ass." Colette said.
"Hey, I am actually feeling pretty strong and agile right now!", Riley teased, but the light in his eyes was out.
Oh, boy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Ash Parker Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox
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Jay was slightly confused, yet relieved, once the two girls and their freaky black unicorns left. Thank god. Jay thought, relieve setting in. He looked up cautiously at Riley as he took the chips. Honestly, he was a little scared the guy would hit him or something. What a scardy cat.

He was relieved to here Riley just apologize about earlier. "Nah, man. It's fine." Jay replied, a small half smile appearing on his face. Slayer still had a frown on his face and was lazily laying on his stomach on Jay's shoulder. He let out a small chuckle as he heard Colette, apparently, question Riley about blowing up. He found the way the two interacted to funny, though he was still a little new at meeting new people, if that even makes any since.

Jay gave Colette a smile and tipped his chin up slightly to her in greeting, his usually greeting instead for saying hello. Jay looked back at Riley as he said his name and he raised his eyebrows as the guy said he was going to fight Colette in hand-to-hand combat. That sounds...amusing. Maybe Ash would like to see that. Jay thought as he smirked to himself. "Sure, I'll go with just because I wanna see if this skinny girl can actually kick your ass." He said to Riley, gesturing to Colette.

Just as Jay was about to go get Ash so she can have a little fun seeing some guy getting his ass beat by a girl, Draconem decided to get things going.

"Now that everyone is here, we can finally get training going! As you all can see, we have different stations for you all to try out. You can go to any station you want and you don't need to go to all of them, but keep in mind that you will have all of these as classes throughout the day. At each station, the leader of that station will either be one of the Pooka or one of Pegasus. If you have any questions, just ask them. I know allow you to socialize and go start some training!" Draconem preached before leaning back and talking to Degore, the Great Gryphon, the biggest Pegasus there, and the oldest looking Pooka.

"Well, I gotta go get someone that would also just love to watch some ass beating. Be right back." Jay said quickly then turned around and ran off to where he'd Left Ash. Luckily, she wasn't that far away with Liath on her shoulder, his tail going down to the ground and the fluffy part at the end flipping up off the ground. "Ash!" He yelled as he ran up. Ash looked at him like he was crazy, she didn't even have time to question him before he was pulling her along with him by her wrist. Before she knew it, Jay was walking right up to Riley and Colette. Ash's eyes widened slightly and a smile broke across her face. "Aight, let's go see some ass whopping!" Jay said as he dropped Ash's wrist. Ash didn't know what to say so she just smiled shyly up to Riley and Colette.