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Aya Ueto

"Expect the worst but hope for the best"

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a character in “The Ryders - Part 1”, as played by UtaUsagi


Aya Ueto


Ryder Name: Dry Ice
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual


Height: 5'2"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Hair Color: regular brunette like her brother but will dye her hair black time to time
Eye Color: Dark brown
Tattoos: None
Scars: TBA
Clothing Preference: light clothing that is comfortable or anything her brother likes her to wear


Few people are as practical and ambitious as Aya. Aya is very down to earth and matter-of-fact, she is blunt and is not afraid to be brutally honest. Caution is her second name, and so a lot of the time she is shy and lacks self confidence and self-esteem. Others do not generally see Aya as too enthusiastic but when people get to know her, they see that she has a good nature which is humorous and affectionate. She is emotionally cool so she doesn't warm up to people that easily until she gets to know them. Suspicion is a big chief trait of Ayas. When she meets people for the first time it is her way of displaying maturity by not jumping the gun. She likes to understand what another person is really about.

She also likes to work quietly and effectively without creating too much bother or attention to herself. Her brother Saga knows Aya is not afraid of hard work in order to achieve what she wants in life. She is ambitious and goes for her dreams. A lot of the time she ends up successful in what she does, unlike her brother. Aya is not a clock watcher. When she works she rarely even looks up at the clock because she believes in doing a job right the first time round. But she also hate wasting time. She never likes airy, fairy concepts and only work on ideas which will vouch safe her financial and material security in the future.

She likes money but not if it involves risk. She prefers to know exactly where her dollars and cents are going and prefers traditional types of savings. Saga and her do not share the same view on money. her brother is way more willing to let someone borrow from him then her, if he has money that is...Usually, he borrows money from his friends. He's never asked to borrow money from her, and doesn't ask his parents for money unless necessary. For example, a school field trip or something.

Ayas primary philosophy is that self sufficiency is strength so she does not like to ask others to carry her. the only person she has ever relied on is her brother, Saga. Even though he is a bit of a slacker and joker, he has been there for her and encouraged her. he has never failed her. He's always kept his promises. Because he's the only person who has put the same amount of effort into a relationship as she has, she sort of has a bit of a brother complex...

A traditional life style appeals to Aya because she likes things in their place and be in control. Due to this fact, she isn't the the most exciting person to be around but is extremely loyal and will never let anyone down when she gives them her word. Sometimes others make the mistake of thinking that Aya does not like them. She is even more quiet then her brother and is less sociable. It is just because she is watching people and seeing their character before she decides to trust someone or not.

She is shy and quiet because she is afraid of making the wrong move and befriending someone who will betray her trust.
Luckily, due to her cautious and meticulous mind she is a wonderful judge of character and can easily see through the BS. She is painfully aware of the consequences of partnership both commercially and personally and is absolutely committed to her word. And when she trusts someone she expects them to be just as trustworthy as herself. If Aya accepts a responsibility she does so with full commitment. Aya always demands the same level of integrity from anyone she deals with both in the work place and at home.



Money, her brother, juice(specifically capri-suns), loyal and committed people, school, facts, sports, beach, martial arts, and useful/resourceful objects.
Rude people, distrustful people, talking, going to places without her brother, beans, and lies.
she is afraid of making the wrong move and befriending someone who will betray her trust. A.k.a. she is scared of getting hurt.
To do what she can achieve


Aya adores her older brother and can't stand to be away from him, so she decided to enroll into Ryder Academy with him. Honestly, she didn't care much about all that was going on, as long as it didn't affect her future. But she couldn't stand being without her brother, even if it meant throwing away what she wanted in the past. instead, she decided to put all her new effort into helping accomplish her brothers dream and become strong herself. if she was going to be in this, she was going to put her full commitment in. the two would be considered behind compared to the rest but Aya knew she would catch up quickly. She was good at everything she did.

(Words from Aya)"Our father was a wizard, and had grown too old along with paralyzing his legs in a tragic battle. So he had to quit his job, he made his living by teaching other people magic for money. He taught me and my brother magic, free of charge of course, but Takeshi took more of a liking to it then I did. I wanted nothing to do with fighting, but father wanted us to be able to protect ourselves somehow, just in case anything horrible happened to the village and it was attacked. Magic would have been easy for me, but I decided to go with martial arts. As easy as formulas came to me, I wanted to do something for once that wasn’t that. I wanted to test my ability. Somehow, I had gotten into being a apprentice for a samurai for a bit. But I couldn’t continue because it was getting in the way of my school studies. He was disappointed when I left.

After learning how to fight I was allowed to go to school and back alone without my noisy brother interrupting my reading time. often time his 'band mates' would tag along and were also very disruptive. Especially Nao. His laugh was like a high pitched fairy and it annoyed the living day-light out of me. But to be honest, he grew on me (sighs). Walking by myself could be a pain though, more useless people-who Saga and I call scumbags- would hit on me on these trips. I beat them up quickly, so i could resume my reading. Oh! lastly, although we like to wear normal clothes in my village, I wear kimonos a lot. My mom works at a shop that sells kimonos and so Saga and I wear them frequently to advertise for our mother."


Martial Arts-her abilities range from:

Chokes, Joint locks, Kicks, Strikes, Throws/Take-downs, and weapon techniques. She doesn’t know ANY magic at all.

Village History:

(Words from Aya. Be happy its served with a smile xD)


“We don’t call ourselves Japan anymore. Takeshi and I come from Nippon Village, which translates into land of the Rising sun, or some people call it Nihon, Origin of the sun, either is fine. The general area we come from is Wyvernbourne, a place on the farthest most side of Vesper. We are all of Japanese descent. We took Japan away from our name when horrible earthquakes, tsunamis, and Diablo forces had struck us and made us into smaller villages. Killing a lot of our population.

There is a few villages spread out, but the village I’m from is the main homeland. You could say we are like the Tokyo of Japan. There is also Osaka, Nagasaki, and Sapporo to name a few of our villages. There is one elder for each along with a shogun. The most respected and known in the village is out Elder though. Her name is Ai and she is very wise and gentle, she is about 110.She is the kindest lady you will ever meet and tells the most intricate and mesmerizing stories of our origins and such. However, she has become deathly ill though and will soon pass away, passing all the oral stories down to someone specifically in the village that she will chose. Usually it is passed down to the Elders children but she does not have any.

Ai says our village is like the Samurai District of “Kakunodate.” Very old fashioned with lots of greens and many weeping cherry blossom trees. Japanese traditions, ceremonies, and festivals are performed here. We are like the Japan of Cree; we are even beginning to become very populated. We walk everywhere and also use bikes, so a lot of us stay in shape. Not only that but Kakunodate is known to truly capture Japans food taste.

The customs and such are still the same here which is why a lot of women are very lady-like, and the men are strong. In our villages, we brought back the use of Samurai. All of them live in the villages ‘castle’ or around it. They protect our village, along with the Wizards. Magic and pure strength/pride work together to protect our home."

Estabel Luark


Like water, Esta is soothing and nourishing. Life-supporting energies are at the heart of her character. She will act as a support for many people — in her own family and beyond. She is, for the most part, a person of feeling and sensation. Often She will ignore her own judgment and rationality, and someone’s else’s reasonable advice, in favor of how she feels. She doesn't care if she is wrong, either! If her intuition tells her to do something, like reaching out to give someone a helping hand, she’ll just do it. Although sometimes she can be bias on who to be kind to and who not to spare.

Esta is extremely receptive to her environment and the people around her. She often ‘picks up’ people’s energies, moods and thoughts. This ability serves her well; her intuition about people is quite often correct. Because of this Aya always turns to her when she needs a shoulder to cry on and she finds it difficult to turn away. Anyone who knows her will agree that she is one of the best people to connect with if they need advice. Friends will turn to her if they are in trouble, knowing that her sensitive and compassionate touch will lighten their load.

Estas emotions can sometimes get the best of her, and she be in the highs or lows. This is the biggest reason that she is a black unicorn. Due to her extreme sadness over her parents death, not even a pact with a human companion can change her color. Only she herself can. This is also why she is so attached to Aya. Even though she is like this, Aya accepts and thinks well of her so she does not want to betray her expectations and works hard for her. She is very protective Aya and can sometimes smother her.

She also loves to collect or keep mementos — such as scrapbooks and other bits and pieces — that bring back memories of good times and people she cares about. She has a great memory, not just for facts, but also any good turn or kindness shes received.


Aya and Saga, running around in the mountains, and cold temperatures.
Bluejay and hot temperatures.
Aya and Saga getting hurt.
To protect Aya till the very end


Due to Estabels parents dyeing she had been overwhelmed with sadness and was cursed with the dark powers and appearance of a black unicorn. She thought no one would want her as a companion and she would grow up to breed other dark unicorns. Luckily, Aya saved her from this abyss and gave her a life. She was excited to become a Rydner and looks forward to the new memories and friends she will make. She hopes to repay Ayas kindness one day.


Snake heads- using her dark mystical abilities, Estabel can transform the hair on her mane into 7 venomous snakes that will stretch and attack

Slowga- it will slow its enemy’s moves

Lunge- it will lunge and often times poison you in the process if the tip of her horn touches you

Buck- she’ll kick you with her legs, this could knock any normal human out or if blocked with a shield dizzy them for a few seconds/knock them down

Shadow- Calls upon the shadows to attack (power depends on how much shadow is in the area)

Fear- Summons darkness to surround you, installing your worst fear. It is a bit like a hallucination

Black Crystals- Like ice crystal attacks but with black crystals

So begins...

Aya Ueto's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: Jay Parker
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#, as written by Bhu-Bhu
Trista placed a hand on Fucuello's cheek and brought the side of his head against hers. Softly stroking his warm silky fur and consoling him. Don't worry Fucuello. You are my one and only, just because I worry for others doesn't mean I have forgotten you. You should take solace in the fact that I can shake away such worries because I know that in the end you'll be there. Ok? She placed a final kiss on his cheek before turning her attention on the matters in front of her.

Something was wrong with Aya. The girl looked like she was on the verge of being sick or even worse a nervous breakdown. The girl was all pale except for her cheeks, which burst out a beat red. When Trista had come closer she had noticed Riley's arms around both girls. That's probably what's making her so uncomfortable. A shy girl like Aya would not be ok with such close physical contact. She was beginning to lose her good opinions of this boy. Before his bashful nature had been sweet but now he seemed very forced and a little to suave. Clearly Fucuello was having the same thoughts since he stomped his hooves and snorted when she shook the boy's hand.

"Delightful to meet you Trista, my name is Riley. And of course, my incredibly awesome dragon, Razeth." His eyes twinkled as he placed his hand back on the other girl's shoulder. He's gripping her shoulder rather tight, she noted.

"Hello, I'm Colette. Also, this is Quinn, my companion." Collets motioned to the Fairy on her shoulder. Ugh, she hoped she wouldn't have to see that little annoyance too often. Fairies were never good news. Trista gave a tense smile to them both. She would be polite if only not to cause a scene so early in the year. Now hopefully nothing else-

"Here dude."

-brought down her mood. That voice was the last voice she needed to here. The emo was here. Him and his gargoyle had come over and handed Riley a bag of chips apolageticly. Hmph! Wonder how long he spent moping in his room before deciding to actually dosomething? Fairies she could stand, they were small and insignificant. Emos she could not, they stood out like sore thumbs, drawing all that damn attention to their problems without trying to fix any of it. How weak!She turned away from the emotional one before she said any of that out loud. Aya still seemed very uncomfortable. What should I do? The question turned out unnecessary since in the next moment Aya had taken Riley's arm and twirled it of her in one fluid, trained motion.

”Excuse me, Trista and I should get g-going,” She stuttered and gave Riley the shoulder. A clear but shaky statement of back off!”We need to find my brother. Excuse us." Aya bowed the everyone and ran off with Trista's hand gripped in hers. The raven haired girl followed willingly. It seemed easier to breath the farther they got from that group.

The two girls and two unicorns weaved in and out of crowds and individuals with ease. There seemed to be no destination except for away. Trista didn't blame Aya, though. Riley had stepped past a boundary, inconsiderately, most likely trying to be cool to the girl he clearly liked. There was a very fine line between bashful and uncomfortable and Riley shot himself out of a cannon over it.

Aya stopped so suddenly in front of her that she almost ran into the girl. The brunette had taken a cell phone and was checking it. The poor thing was white knuckling the device as well as Trista's hand which was beginning to hurt. She didn't seem to want to let go, though she finally did and turned to look Trista in the eye.

”S-sorry about…back there…I-” Aya wrapped her arms around herself. A sense of relief flushed through Trista. No cold shoulder or icy voice. She brought the girl into a brief, loose hug. One that Aya could easily reject if she felt uncomfortable.

"It's ok." Trista flashed a smile. "The guy was being a creep anyways." She paused. Not to point out the obvious or anything but… Aya seems shaken up, bad. Trista nodded, Yeah, I wonder if she got bullied when she was younger? Trista had never been bullied, yes there had been people who had disliked her for her popularity or her looks or her grades or heck even for Fucuello, but never had she been alienated or full out bullied.

Even so, she could relate to what Aya might be feeling, even if just a tiny bit.

"Say Aya, about earlier, when you left for your room, was something wrong?" She needed to clear the air about that. "It's ok if you don't want to talk about it, though." She added afterwards.

The Headmaster appeared to finally address his class. "Now that everyone is here, we can finally get training going! As you all can see, we have different stations for you all to try out. You can go to any station you want and you don't need to go to all of them, but keep in mind that you will have all of these as classes throughout the day. At each station, the leader of that station will either be one of the Pooka or one of Pegasus. If you have any questions, just ask them. I know allow you to socialize and go start some training!" Draconem finished his booming speech and another wave of tenuous and cautious commotion began. Trista grumbled a little, she wasn't looking forward to this. She turned to Aya. "So, where shall we begin? You pick."Might as follow her around, she looks like she's already practiced some of this stuff all her life.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello
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So busy peering around at the training stations, Angel didn't notice Saga's arts and crafts project until he was being jabbed in the elbow, and turned to meet Takeshi's sparkling eyes- through holes in a paper bag.
”He’ll never recognize me in this,"
Angels face lit up, chuckling slightly, considering for a moment stealing the disguise. Then, he thought better of it, settling on just chuckling as he popped on his toes to peer around for anyone he knew.
"Oh Saga, that's a brilliant mask- really brings out your eyes~"

He'd already made up his mind to hang out with Saga,but that didn't mean they couldn't join others. Angel had originally had the idea to stick with the charismatic boy when it came to finding a group, but Saga honestly seemed kind of distracted. While he had been to busy examining the stations, the Asian had been to busy, uh, not. Now he was even typing on his phone.
Angel snorted slightly- he hadn't even brought his phone out with him; it was probably still in the pocket of his discarded jeans. Much better to focus on what they were doing then have a distraction like that, but Angel supposed Saga was the type of person who would be distracted none the less, even without the phone.

Angel's eyes widened happily as he spotted a group of familiar faces, about to head over with Saga in tow, when he balked, watching one of the boys start flailing and yelling before a few other figures took their leave.
Okay... maybe we shouldn't head over right this second....

Luckily, Draconem started talking, so Angel decided rightly that they could put off mingling until they were given instructions.
He grinned when the great dragon said they could go to whatever station they wanted, but each would be in a later class. That meant he could maybe get some instruction on the things he was unfamiliar with now, so he wouldn't be a total loser later. He would avoid martial arts for now then. It wouldn't be a good idea to just jump in the fray thinking he was the best either.
He didn't like losing, and some of the kids here were doubtless martial arts masters. Angel could more be described as a kickboxing prodigy- since it was based off martial arts, he might stand a chance, but honestly he didn't know how fights would take place here. Having never had any official martial arts training, after all. He was more used to underground illegal business, with sneaky, dirty moves that would get called out at once anywhere half way decent.

Anyway. He figured he'd get someone to at least show him how to hold a sword this morning.
Meanwhile though, Draconem seemed done speaking and was dismissing them, so Angel wanted to at least check and see where the other group was heading. He stood back on his toes a moment to search briefly and easily over most peoples heads, spotting a raven haired beauty with little difficulty, and the group she'd left behind. Less distinct next to Trista was Aya, and their unicorns of course.

Angel snagged Saga's sleeve, tugging him along behind him with little resistance. "I found your sister and some other people,"
He explained briefly, hoping he'd pick up some energy to be moving at the mention of Aya.
On their way over, they passed by another small group, enthusiastically talking about ass whooping. Angel raised an eyebrow as they moved past, saying
"Hey Riley,"
Nodding with a naturally charismatic smile at the two girls who he thought were named Ash and Colette, if he remembered this morning well enough, and a shaggy dark haired boy Angel didn't know.
He paused slightly so Riley could answer back but didn't wait to long since their group seemed busy. In stead, he set Trista's tall form in his line of fire and made his way easily through the crowd, still guiding Takeshi behind him, not wanting to lose his paper-bag-headed-roomate.
When they got to the girls, it was a little tense; Aya had a kind of pale look about her, but was looking at Trista like she was a life preserver in a sea of uncomfortableness.

"So, where shall we begin? You pick." Trista was saying warmly, and Angel popped in with a slightly embarrassed look, pulling Saga in to make a circle with the girls.

"Hey ladies, sorry if we're interrupting the party!"
His grin might have been slightly flirtatious, not that he'd admit anything but his face grew more worried as he noticed that Aya hadn't just looked uncomfortable but really did seem to be reeling from something.
He gave Aya a slightly concerned look at her pale face, bending slightly to get eye level with her. She felt like part of his family already- maybe Saga being a natural best friend and Angel's new bro gave the illusion of bringing Aya into the family too- and so he for some reason felt responsible for her.
So, naturally, like he'd do with his own sister Carmella, he ruffled her hair slightly- affectionally but not enough to completely mess it up.

"Hey short stack, why you looking so down?"

He raised his eyebrows in a generally concerned way, hoping she wouldn't take offense. Then his brow furrowed slightly as he quickly straightened up, reminding himself that she wasn't his sister and it was probably awkward for him to do something like that. Better not to make connections before they existed- might come off on the wrong foot, especially to a certain tall girl next to him-
Who he turned to for a second with an appreciative glance at her height, taking in her appearance with a slight grin before refocusing on the group as a whole.
Of course, he gave Aya his full attention for the appropriate time, but when she and Saga had a moment of reconnection, He turned slightly to Trista, but not fully so as the siblings knew he still had his attention on them.
"So where did you want to train? Mind if we join you two?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: BlueJay
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#, as written by Skwidge

Reechi watched with humor as Angel took up on the silly comment, starting to flex all over the place. The dragon watched with content, a little smile to her maw as the two interacted and also getting to know more about how Angel acted. They certainly were a pair meant to be, that was for sure.

After the little exchange, Rowan pulled on a shirt, talking about the fact they’d be roommates now. Reeps had no problem with this at all, since Bluejay didn’t seem to scream all the time and had a sense about him, and she simply liked Saga. Suddenly her head shot up as Angel addressed her through their connection, making points about class to which she gave a slightly grudged nod of understanding. She rolled over onto her feet and crawled up his arm, settling down on his shoulders.

"Oh yeah- Reeps, Saga, do you guys have problems with cigarette smoke? I can be sure not to smoke inside if you do, or I can stop if you don't like it Chi." Reeperchi shrugged her shoulders, pawing at his shirt distractedly. “I don’t know, I’ve never experienced it before. It doesn’t sound too pleasant, but we’ll have to see I guess.” She peered over at Takeshi, who seemed to be distracted staring at the bed provided for Bluejay. Isn’t that way too big?” She blinked a few times. “Most of the companions are probably going to continue to grow as we go along. We’re mostly the sizes we are out of choice or for convenience.”

She was swept away as Angel moved over towards the window, pulling aside the blinds to reveal an enclosure. She gazed at it in awe, making definite plans on using it. The two began asking about places of origin, to which Reechi listened to a bit to gain more knowledge of the people she’d be living with for the next while, when Degore suddenly flung the door open, causing it to slam against the wall.

"I don't think I can do this. I swear... stupid gargoyle." Reechi shot her Ryder a look, a disgruntled appearance on her own face towards the event. Once more Rowan slid over to the door and with a, "Come on now Saga, we mustn't be late." in a fantastic tone, they were off. They soon conglomerated with the large mass of other male students towards the training area, with Saga nowhere in sight. He soon popped up, however, and Reechi turned to grin back at him. It faltered slightly into a good natured smirk, scanning over his shirt.

“Your shirt’s on backwards, Saga.” She chirped cheerfully before turning back to look ahead to where they were going. As soon as they entered the large area, Chi looked around with large interest, taking in all of the different areas for training. She was a little confused towards how they would find time to use all of them, and still get training in with both Ryder and Companion, but she figured it’d be explained soon enough. ”He’ll never recognize me in this,” She turned to see Saga wearing a bag over his head, and she laughed at the display. Rowan chuckled too, and she churred lightly with bright eyes.

As Angel made a step towards one of the areas, a loud yell reverberated through the immediate area, and Reechi’s ears fell back against her skull and she crouched a bit more into herself and closer to Angel’s neck. The outburst quickly subsided, and Draconem spoke out to all of them, talking about the leaders and the classing schedule. She grinned, ready to begin already as Rowan pulled their small little group along, taking a moment’s pause to give a brief greeting to Riley and then continue.

Once they approached Aya and Trista, Reechi’s eyes immediately fell onto Takeshi’s sibling, who appeared to be pretty shaken up. Rowan picked up on it too, and he leaned in to try to make her more comfortable. As he did, Reeps crawled down his arm onto the girl’s head for a moment before sitting on her shoulder and looking up at her with big, worried eyes for a moment before it shifted into that of a more cheerful look, her tail curling and uncurling along her back. She placed a paw on the girl’s neck, trying to figure out what was going on in her mind, but finding herself unable to do so. What Reeps did know for certain was she was highly uncomfortable as well as spooked. She rubbed along her neck for a second before returning to Angel’s body and up to his shoulders as he began speaking to Trista as the twins began to converse and figuring Takeshi would know what to do.

"So where did you want to train? Mind if we join you two?” Reechi grinned brightly, reverting back to her previous thoughts on getting prepared and training. ”You should probably work on what you’re not used to, or are terrible at. Being well rounded is important so you have no blind spots when in a fight.” She spoke to Angel before a new, unknown girl stumbled into Trista.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: BlueJay Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky
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#, as written by Bhu-Bhu
"The Hell! Trista yelled. Who bumbed into me?! I already have to go train and crap I do not need some idiot running into me! Help me up Fucuello. Once on her feet she whipped around to the intense looking girl who had shoved into her and the dog thing she assumed as the girl's companion. The dog looked to be the perpetrator since he was still stable on his feet. "Watch were your going." She warned them both and turned her back to them. She Aya asked her where she wished to go first.

"Hey ladies, sorry if we're interrupting the party!" Upon hearing that voice however Trista's mood perked up immediately. It was Angel, dragging up Takeshi by the sleeve, with BlueJay still conked out on his shoulder, though the little blue dragon did seem to be gradually waking. Angel's grin, which was slightly flirtatious, grew serious at the sight of Aya so down. He bent to eye level with her and affectionately ruffled her hair, like her father would when she was down. Reechi crawled across the momentary link and onto Aya, Probably trying to comfort her.

"Hey short stack, why you looking so down?" Trista's stomach twisted in slight jealousy, which she quickly threw off. Nope, jealousy was not what she would feel. Angel was concerned for Aya, she was as well. That was the matter at hand and she wouldn't let a stupid growing crush get in the way of any of that! She quickly placed a hand on Fucuello to steady herself, he was here, she had no need to be jealous.

Though now another thing made Trista's gut twist in worry. Would Aya take the hair ruffle as it was, affection, or as a violation of her personal space. Angel seemed to think along the same lines as he straightened up, Reechi returning to his shoulders, and turned to Trista. She smiled happily in response to his grin. Don't just smile at him like a ditz, say something! However all words that she could have said, flirtatious or otherwise, had ran out the window laughing at her expense. Ugh why did he have to be so good looking, why did his name have to fit him so well? Thank God he spoke first.

"So where did you want to train? Mind if we join you two?" He said.

"Not at all." Trista all too happily replied. "You guys can decide where to go first, I don't really care." She looked to the series of obstacles available. One did catch her eye. Swordsmanship, her dad specialized in heavy weaponry. I wonder if that's what he began with?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky
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Warmth. Tristas loose embrace brought an unfamiliar feeling to Aya. She was hugging her just enough to where she wouldn’t feel uncomfortable and if she did, she could push her away. She was taking her feelings into consideration again. She blushed. Had she ever hugged a friend before? Had she ever had a friend? Her brother’s goofy, childish friends flashed in her head. No, they were more like brothers.

Kick. Kick. Spit! Kick. Kick. Spit!

Aya curled up into the fetal position, covering her head. Her stomach ached, her arms ached, her back ached, everything hurt! Laughter bubbled around her as three kids took turns beating her. Girl. Girl. Boy. Girl. Girl. Boy. Laughter. She bit her lower lip.

“Gonna cry Aya? Oh right, this doesn’t hurt you does it?” A blonde girl said as she blew up a bubble with her gum, popped it, and sent a hard kick into her stomach. Aya groaned. ”Little miss tough now, aren’t we?”

“Bitch!” the boy growled and kicked her in the back as the other girl spit in her hair. Why were they doing this? Why didn’t she get up and sock them in the face? Show THEM who was boss? She gritted her teeth, because she knew if she did it’d get worse. And she didn’t have her brother here to protect her. She had to be strong. She had to suck it up. In the distance she heard the sound of a teacher. Curses and whispers were spat before they all ran off.

“Tattle tale on us again, and you’ll get it!” the friend of the blondes yelled as they hurried away. She wanted to cry. So, they were expelled because she tattles taled on them cheating AND bullying on someone else. Why couldn’t she just mind her own business? She lifted herself up. Right…’keep going on with your pure heart’ her brother said. Stupid….She started limping to the front of her school and called her brother to come pick her up.


Meeting her at the entrance was not only her brother, but his friends as well. Shou, Hiroto ,Tora, and Nao. She hung her head low, why were they here? None of them said anything, except Saga.

“I’m gonna beat those little shits!” he growled, he was going to march right in there and have a word with that shitty principal. Aya hung onto his arm.

“Please don’t! It’ll make it worse!” Aya begged, ”What will that solve? Will it really make you feel better?”

“Yes. Yes, it will. Punching their face in will make me feel GREAT.” Saga emphasized. Shou put his hand on Sagas shoulder and he whipped his head around, eyes flashing in Anger. Shou shook his head. Her brother took a deep breath. ”We need to talk to an adult about this!” Takeshi urged on. His friends watched, wondering what they could do. Tora was cracking his knuckles; honestly…he sort of wanted to punch them too. No one picked on his friends.

“Please..I just..i just want to go home, ok?” she looked up at him with pleading eyes and he sighed.

“Fine…but tomorrow,” his voice trailed off as he turned around and hopped onto his bike. She got on as well and everyone rode home quietly. The boys went to a mall, and bought some new clothes for her to wear while she got the spit out of her hair. Saga wanted to beat their faces in till it was blue and purple. Hell, he wanted to break their bones! Why did everyone pick on his sister? What was WRONG with the world? When she came out of the bathroom, Shou wrapped himself around her loosely to give her a hug. Then Hiroto, then Tora, then Nao, and then her brother. They all hugged her, she cried right then and there.


She lifted her arms up, everything felt like it was in slow motion right now. She gripped Tristas back tightly and pulled her in closer. Burying her face into her body. She wouldn’t cry, but this hug meant a lot to her. At this moment, Aya could accept this.

"Say Aya, about earlier, when you left for your room, was something wrong?" Trista said out of no where, Aya just remained silent. What was she talking about? "It's ok if you don't want to talk about it, though." She added afterwards. She stopped the hug and looked up at her friend. her eyebrows furrowed as she asked.

”What are you talking about?” there was nothing wrong with her then.

”Girls are more sensitive Aya, they get all emotional at just the weirdest things. Like how you put up a barrier, they feel that. Guys don’t give a crap, as you can see” Saga said just as Nao came running and pulling Aya into a tight hug. She groaned in frustration.

Oh…was it that?

”I don’t know what I did but…I’m sorry if I hurt you.” Aya bowed deeply, she didn’t want to lose Trista. She wasn’t ready to admit it out loud that she was her friend yet or even talk to her about it. But, maybe things like this just sort of happened. She didn’t know how Trista did it, but she broke past her barriers. She had a feeling it must have to do with Saga and his opinion of her plus the fact she was just a kind person and wasn’t useless. She could be independent and take care of herself, and Aya liked that. At that, the headmaster began to speak and she turned her attention to him. Turning her body to face him and give him the attention until he was done talking. Trista turned to Aya.

"So, where shall we begin? You pick." Trista suggested. Aya was about to say she wanted to start with the swords, to get a better understanding of them until Angel and her brother came in. Saga! She had completely forgotten about him because of Tristas dear affection.

”Hey ladies, sorry if we're interrupting the party!" Angel exclaimed, dragging Saga along with him. Saga took his arms out of his sleeves and turned the shirt around to its proper place. Man, so he hadn’t completed his amazing challenge. Man! She stared blankly at her brother, noticing what was on his face. She shook her head.

”What…is…on..your head?” she cocked her head to the side cutely, her hand on her chest. She was still trying to re-program her breathing. Saga was right! She was a robot! She tried to force herself to smile and laugh but she didn’t have the energy too. She was starting to feel a bit better though. Trista helped a lot, and her brother just being here was reassuring her. Angel, she was still getting used too. He gave Aya a slightly concerned look at her pale face, bending slightly to get eye level with her. What was this weirdo doing? Why was he looking at her like he was worried about her? Wow. WOw. WOW! WHY IS HE IN MY SPACE!? GOD! GO-

”Hey short stack, why you looking so down?" Angel asked, and ruffled her hair lightly. She blushed and stared at him in a bit of shock. Oh, oh she knew this action. Who did he remind her of? Oh! Tora! That tall, gentle, tiger, giant back home!

Tora slumped down next to Aya as they waited for the others to show up, Saga had run off to buy them some drinks. She was down about not being able to participate in the school festival. Tora ruffled her hair and grinned at her genuinely.

”Whats wrong shortie?”

”Don’t worry about it, I just…I’m better now,” Reechi crawled down Angels arm and started to rub her face against hers and put her paw on her back. Everyone, they were being so nice. She looked around at them all, and smiled warmly like autumn. She could see it. They weren’t BSing her. They weren’t gonna stab her in the back. She brought her gaze back to her brother and he grinned at her. Angel backed off to let him take over the wheel.

”Wow, you look like shit,” he laughed and she punched him in the arm. He brought her into a hug and rested his hand on her head. She wrapped her arms around him and just stayed there. ”We’ll talk about it later, for now, let’s train!”

”Wow, to hear my brother encourage this…I’m touched, are you really my brother?” she looked up at him with a more relaxed expression. She felt comfortable around everyone. Even though she hardly knew Trista, Angel, Reechi, and Fucuello..they all felt like family to her. She never thought she’d have friends again. Today was a good day. Even with the major…anxiety attack she had before. He nodded.

”Yes, I’ve under-gone a transformation. I am now…BAG MAN!” he pretended he was holding a sword and jabbing the air. ”And I will protect all of you from scary Gargoyle!” she kicked him in the shin, ”Ow! Aya!” he whined and she just smiled.

”Stop being an idiot…” she scratched the back of her head and looked around at all the stations. She saw Riley at hand-to-hand combat and already felt her heart-rate picking up. She was going to go as far away from him as possible. ”Maybe…the swords, I want to freshen-up on them a bit…” that was good. It was all the way on the opposite side of the area Riley was at and it was something she wanted to do.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky Character Portrait: Azamanin Arnlar
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About to say sorry, Solara blinked in surprise as the girl whipped around and glared at her accusingly.

"Watch were you are going!"

"Excuse me?!"

Straitening and brushing dirt off her clothes Solara glared at the woman, none of her feelings of irritation showing on her face, though a soft growl could be heard from Ravian as she picked up on Solara's tension. Speaking softly but with great force, Solara still managed to promote politeness in all that she was saying.

"I believe that the word you should be using is 'sorry.' After all, you are the one who stopped without warning to anyone."

While she waited for the Trista's response she took a moment to study the her, and the other three, with her.

Trista was slightly shorter than herself, forcing Sola to look down to meet her green eyes. Long, strait black hair framed her face Lanky, but not skinny, her body structure told Solara she was confident in what she could do. Solara looked over at the girl next to her looking her over next.

The other girl was even shorter than the first. almost a head shorter. Cute, yet small, she had brown hair that framed a face with dark brown eyes glanced at her briefly without seeing her. she wore comfortable clothes obviously prepared for the day ahead.

The next, a boy, caused her to blink for a moment as she took a moment to realize that indeed that was a guy she was looking at. He stood a taller than the second female, but shorter than the first rude one. His hair was brown as well, while his face bore a remarkable resemblance to the second female. "Brother and sister?" Solara asked herself as she continued to look him over, noting black clothes, and tussled haircut. And a backwards shirt.

As she turned her gaze onto the forth person of their little group, she was momentarily stunned. "that is alot of bling." she commented within her mind before she could take in the rest of him. Earrings flashed in the sun as he tussled the second girls hair, till it looked somewhat like his own. Green eyes flashed out from under his bangs. About the same height as the first woman, he had a well developed body that showed.

"Oh thank the Cree, there are tall people here."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky
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"Oh thank the Cree, there are tall people here." Saga inspected the tall beauty, admiring her height. Dear God, she was tall. He looked down at his little sister, who seemed unphased. Looking at her more carefully, he noticed that she was the shortest person here. She resembled a middle school next to all of them. But it made her cuter, you know? This made him chuckle, and somehow, Aya had known what he was thinking about and smashed her heel onto his toes. He growled and tugged at her hair. She stuck her tongue out at him and he rolled his eyes. He took it back. So. Not. Cute.

”Sorry Aya, you’re excluded,” he patted her head mockingly and she just stared at him with a dead face. She pushed herself away from him. He contemplated that the new party member had made her feel slightly uncomfortable. Either it was the height difference, or that this was too many people. Ah, he almost forgot his sister was obsessed with being the best. Erase the other thoughts! He knew his sister better then this. She was dyeing to get started!

”I’m going to go ahead and check out the weapons, I’ll meet you guys there.” she gave one last look to Trista, waved goodbye shyly and ran off. Estabel followed behind her. Wow! His sister waved goodbye! He was so proud of her! The second he had met Trista, he knew they would be good for each other. He grinned as he returned his attention to the big chick and Trista.

”Come on everybody, let’s be nice. It’s the first day, give each other a break.” he put his arm around Angel, ”I’m Saga and this good looking man here is my buddy. Angel,” he introduced their companions, BlueJay and Reechi as well. Were all Rydners ridiculously tall? His poor little sister….haha


The first thing Aya had noticed when she had gotten to the swords, was the Katana. She ran her fingers over it, memories of her home and her sensei back home. Early mornings, about 6 am, birds chirping, a cool breeze, the cherry blossom willows passing a refreshing fragrance. She missed home. But, she didn’t miss the people. She picked the sword up with her hands open, one hand on the scabbard and the other on the hilt. The ray skin covering the hilt was like back home. Her petite fingers cascaded down the swords scabbard until it reached the edge of the covering. With ease and elegance she unsheathed the sword as memories of the history went through her mind. Her senseis voice ringing through her ears.

An onna-bugeisha (女武芸者?) is you, Aya. Did you know, in the past, they were a type of female warrior belonging to the Japanese upper class? Many wives, widows, daughters, and rebels answered the call of duty by engaging in battle, commonly alongside samurai men. They were members of the bushi (samurai) class in feudal Japan and were trained in the use of weapons to protect their household, family, and honor in times of war. They also represented a divergence from the traditional "housewife" role of the Japanese woman. Aya, do not dishonor this image. Women were just as strong as the men, take Tomoe Gozen for example.

Aya opened her eyes to witness the beauty of the Katana, shining brilliantly in the sun. She turned it to its side, and could see her determined eyes in the reflection. She was sucked into her memories again, staring deep into her own eyes.

The Genpei War (1180–1185) marked the war between the Taira and Minamoto; two very prominent and powerful Japanese clans of the late-Heian Period. During this time, the epic Heike Monogatari was written and tales of courageous and devoted samurai were recounted. Among those was Tomoe Gozen, wife of Minamoto Yoshinaka of the Minamoto clan. Gozen assisted her husband in defending himself against the forces of his cousin, Minamoto no Yoritomo. During the Battle of Awazu on February 21, 1184, Gozen rode into the enemy forces, flung herself on their strongest warrior, unhorsed, pinned, and decapitated him.[2] In the Tale of Heike, Gozen was described as being "especially beautiful, with white skin, long hair, and charming features. She was also a remarkably strong archer, and as a swords-woman she was a warrior worth a thousand, ready to confront a demon or a god, mounted or on foot. She handled unbroken horses with superb skill; she rode unscathed down perilous descents. Whenever a battle was imminent, Yoshinaka sent her out as his first captain, equipped with strong armor, an oversized sword, and a mighty bow; and she performed more deeds of valor than any of his other warriors. That, was a true Onna bugeisha, even her husband recognized her.

Tomoe Gozen-san…Aya breathed in through nostrils, closing her eyes, and then exhaled. She was her idol. Aya raised the sword upright with one hand, and then gripped it with her other. Clenching it so tight you could hear the sound of her skin creating friction with the rays skin. She held it out, eyeing the blades length. It was greater than 60 cm (23 1⁄2 inches). Aya was more familiar with the Onaa begeishas primary weapon, Naginata, but she has always been intrigued with the katana. She had learned a few things about it, and the basics of it, however rarely used it.

In her village, the art of swords was called kenjutsu. Which kenjutsuists relay on the conditions of the ground, light source, as well as the opponents' capabilities before implementing a practical attack. The attack is not set on any particular weapon or move to capitulate. Nor is there a predisposed target or trajectory - any exposed part of the opponents body is a possible target. She started to spin the sword around, over her fingers, her shoulders, getting used to it’s weight. How were you supposed to be effective with kenjutsu again? Oh!

To be effective, a kenjutsu strike/or counter-strike is a composition of several techniques: feigning, cutting, jabbing, thrusting, parrying or binding, footwork, choice of weapon, and even knowing the opponents weapon.

She smiled to herself, that’s it Aya! You’re remembering. Estabel gazed at her in awe, Aya was so smart! She remembered things so vididly, and the way she appeared when doing something she loved was..beautiful. To Esta, her human companion was glowing.

”Aya, how do you remember all this?” Estabel asked. Aya stopped suddenly with
a sharp motion. Her left hand was in the air, her blade facing down. Her right hand held the scabbard, and with poise slid the katana into its case.

”I practice, I love my culture. I love learning, so why wouldn’t I remember it?” she turned to Estabel and pointed over to the companions area. ”Why don’t you head over there and work on some things? I don’t want you to get hurt, or be bored.” Aya suggested. Estabel stomped happily and made her way over to Aya, rubbing her face against the adorable Asian ness. The black unicorn was relieved that Ayas spirits had picked up.

”Alright,” Estabel agreed and backed away from Aya. One step. Two steps. Estabel was a bit sad to leave her side, but she knew that everything Aya thought and did, she would know. And so she would be safe.

”Let’s try our best together,” Aya reassured and with that, Estabel nodded and galloped away. Aya took a deep breath, time to review. She looked around, analyzing her surroundings. Who could she ask to fight? It would help her remember more about what her sensei had told her if she did it instead of just thinking about it. She still felt like she was forgetting something.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky Character Portrait: Azamanin Arnlar
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Angel's worry diminished bit by bit as Aya insisted she was fine and smiled at them all with a snow melting grin. He was distracted slightly from Trista as Saga begun thrusting an invisible sword,
"I am now…BAG MAN! And I will protect all of you from scary Gargoyle!"
The tall boy chuckled,
"Good,sounds like your willing to be bait then!"

At his question on joining the girls and where to start their training, the black haired beauty eagerly responded.
"Not at all. You guys can decide where to go first, I don't really care."
”Maybe…the swords, I want to freshen-up on them a bit…”

Aya threw in and Angel grinned, clapping his hands together in a let-get-down-to-buisness way.

"Sounds perfect, I wanted to head over there anyway. I don't suppose any of you would be willing to help me though? Can't say I've ever even picked a sword up,"
He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, rightly assuming that his all around training in general was lacking compared to these three. Heck, he didn't even know anything about Cree or Ryders history, aside from the basics he'd learned in school and what he could pick up from books he'd read.
Aw well. You always had to start somewhere. Besides, Angel already planned on spending a lot of his free time studying or training, so he could always catch up to everyone else. Eventually.
He was about to set off towards the sword station, hoping to corral everyone along, eager to learn, when another voice broke his plan.

"Oh thank Cree, there are tall people here."
Angel turned around slightly in surprise, then blinked. Alright, This new girl was certainly tall. Very, very tall. Towering over him and Trista, so probably a giant to short Aya.
"Sorry Aya, you're excluded," Saga joked, and Angel stifled his chuckle with the back of his hand resulting in a strange half laugh half cough sound.
A few seconds later, the short girl took her leave, saying she'd meet them over by the swords and ran off before Angel could say see you later.
He made an awkward turtle face, as he sensed the slight tension between this new girl and Trista. Saga seemed to notice it too, unless he'd seen something Angel had missed whilst focusing on Ayas.

"Come on everybody, let’s be nice. It’s the first day, give each other a break.”

Angel laughed slightly then raised an eyebrow as Saga's arm shot across his shoulders.
”I’m Saga and this good looking man here is my buddy Angel,”

"Awww, Saga," Angel said with a good natured grin. "You think I'm good looking? I'm so touched," He pressed his hand over his heart, and made a comical i'm-about-to-cry-but-not-really face.

Then he pulled his hand off himself and wrapped it around Trista's waist to continue the side hug thing that Takeshi had started. As Saga introduced Reechi and BlueJay, Angel briefly hoped the girl wouldn't be freaked out by his nonchalant touch- him and Saga had already hit it off and it fit natural but he realized it might be a bit uncomfortable for her. Either way, when the companions were introduced, Angel jumped in,

"Why, aren't you forgetting the lovely Trista? Or are you two ladies already acquainted?"

He said it with a raised eyebrow, kind of wanted to know the story behind the tension. If they were going to elaborate or not, he wasn't overly curious, but still felt like he'd missed something.
For a second though, he felt kind of bad for the tall girl; here they were being all friendly with each other, and she was obviously the odd one out. Well! No one said they couldn't invite her along as well- though he wouldn't be the one to do it, just in case Trista had a problem with her. But Saga probably was thinking the same thing anyway. So they would leave it up to Trista to invite her obviously.

Ah, silly girls and their tensions. Oh gosh, speaking of tensions- Angel prayed his hand, still present in a solid but gentle position on her waist, wouldn't cause problems.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky Character Portrait: Azamanin Arnlar
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#, as written by Skwidge

What happened next between the walking giant and Trista did surprise Reechi. She didn’t expect the harsh reply that came from their acquaintance, and Reechi sort of shifted back towards Rowan, uncomfortable as to the tension between the two. What happened to surprise her next, though, was how Trista’s bad mood seemed to be difused at Angel’s words. She grinned, slinking to the back of her Ryder’s neck and hooked her toes into the cloth of his shirt, placing her front paws on top of his head, and her belly against his hair as she peered back over at the twins with mischief in her eyes, expecting what she saw.

The two did their seemingly signature teasing and hair screwing up, before Aya replied with her suggestion of swords first. Her tail twitched against Rowan’s back excitedly, interested to see how well her Ryder did with the blade. Aya suddenly dipped her head and departed from the group, obviously, or at least to Reechi, excited to get started.

She glanced down at Takeshi’s arm suddenly around Angel, and she grinned laughingly. Angel made a remark, suddenly announcing he’d never even held a sword before. A slightly sullen, I-should-have-guessed look flashed across her face, but it was gone as soon as it came, and Reeps was grinning once more. Saga introduced her to the tall one, and Reechi turned her head to her, eyes narrowing and nostrils flaring as she scrutinized the girl. After a few seconds, she turned back to Rowan, and nommed his head.

Angel wrapped an arm around Trista’s waist, and Reechi hid a tiny little smirk. However, her claws dug into Rowan a bit as her head shot up and she looked around, eyes wide and nostrils scenting. A look of glee flickered onto her features, and she shot down Rowan. ”Well, what are we waiting for, off you go!” she thought at him, suddenly darting across the field towards the swords where Aya seemed to be examining a thin sword. Reeperchi scampered across the training area before seeing Estabel trotting off. “Oi, hey, vait for me!” She called after her, veering to the right to follow the unicorn happily, using a bit of a Russian accent. She quickly caught up, launching up onto her back to catch a free ride, a look of content on her face. “Hope you don’t mind.”

They were headed to the Special Abilities area, something Reechi was definitely interested in, and not so much for herself, but to judge the competition. Training was definitely on her mind, but might as well get an upper hand whenever the opportunity presented itself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: BlueJay
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#, as written by Bhu-Bhu
"I believe that the word you should be using is 'sorry.' After all, you are the one who stopped without warning to anyone." Trista snapped her eyes up to meet the girls. She was a giant, it was rare that Trista had to look up to any girl. It didn't feel good. The raven haired girl turned to fully face the woman, lifting her head confidently, inspecting the face that challenged her as it looked over those around Trista. Did her eyes linger on Angel, hopefully it was just her imagination.

"Oh, thank the Cree, there are tall people here." What?! What kinda thing to say is that? Course there are tall people here, there were tall people everywhere.

”I’m going to go ahead and check out the weapons, I’ll meet you guys there.” Trista was momentarily popped out of her negativity to see Aya running of towards the sword. She raised her hand to return her friend's wave with a smile.

"Ok, see you in a bit." She watched the girl for a second more. Then turned back to the larger girl and her big dog. There were several routs she could take here. The high rout, the low rout, or the middle rout where she just ignored everything and walked away. Already the Middle road was out of the question, Trista did not walk away from something she started. Oh, she knew she started it. She knew this girl was probably about to say sorry but changed her mind when Trista's mouth had run away without thinking. But what was done was done and now it was her job to finish it.

Just like her Dad told her.

It was a hot spring day, annoyingly hot. The type of hot that blasts down and hangs wherever it can, like a loiterer that couldn't be caught. The streets were silent with the lack of activity, no one in this city enjoyed the hot weather. Normally it was cold or mild this time of year, but this spring had brought an odd heat wave.

A bell's shrill cry broke the silence. A river of bundled energy, screams, and giggles was released from its dam and rushed out of the small school yard. The river stopped when it spotted a mountain that cast a large intimidating shadow over all of them. For a few harsh seconds the silence returned, only to be cut again by the river's squeals of terror as it ran of in all directions for the safety of home. Only one within the river did not run. She starred up at the mountain and the one who stood beside it with a growing toothy grin of joy.

"Daddy!" The little girl with a small ponytail of black hair and bright green eyes ran up to her father with wide open arms. The man bent down and scooped up his daughter, swinging her round and round.

"How's my little dragon?" He laughed setting her upon his shoulders. Trista didn't answer too preoccupied by her attempts to reach up and pet the mountain. The mountain bent down and let the her pat and rub his rough nose with a rather fond look in his eyes. The three began to walk home and the Ryder began his tales of the adventures taken in his absence. He noticed his daughter was unusually silent.

"What's wrong Tristlea?" He asked, she told him of course. Daddy would never get mad at what she had to say.

"Daddy, if you're fighting with someone and want to stop, do you?"

Her father stopped in his tracks and stood, as if considering something. Then he took his daughter off his shoulders and set her upon the ground in front if him and knelt down to her level. Little Trista looked up at her father expectantly.

"Who started this fight?" His daughter looked to the grown shamefully.

"I did." She mumbled. Now any other father would have told their daughter that it wasn't their fault. To just say they were sorry and leave things as peacefully as they could. But Marcus was no normal father.

"Then you finish it." Trista looked up at her father in surprise. "You started it, it's now your responsibility to finish it."

"But- but what if she and I aren't friends anymore?!" The little girl gripped the hem of her dress as she whined.

"Then I guess you shouldn't have started that fight." It was his final word and his daughter did not test it. She simply returned her gaze to the ground with a pout on her face and a sniff. The Ryder stood, he didn't like having to tell her the hard truths but if she didn't hear them, he knew she wouldn't learn them in the environment she was in.

"C'mon now," he ruffled her hair, "no more frowny faces. Lets go get some ice cream and get out of this heat, how does that sound?

At the mention of ice cream the little girl perked up immediately and nodded her head so that her hair flopped up and down with it. Her father laughed and placed her on his shoulders once more. All the way to the ice cream store, all the little girl chirped was "Ice cream, Ice cream!"

She finished her fight, even if she got an enemy in the end.

That was just the consequence.

Anyway back to elephant in the room, or should she say giant ass woman with her giant ass dog.

”Come on everybody, let’s be nice. It’s the first day, give each other a break.” She heard Saga say. It annoyed her slightly but she didn't hold it against him. ”I’m Saga and this good looking man here is my buddy. Angel,” he also introduced their companions.

"Awww, Saga," replied Angels voice. "You think I'm good looking? I'm so touched," Suddenly the boy was beside her. No, not just beside her, his hand was placed gently on her waist! It sent little jolts of electricity up her side from where his fingertips touched. "Why, aren't you forgetting the lovely Trista? Or are you two ladies already acquainted?" Had this been any situation other than her going toe to toe with a giant she would have glowed and smiled. Already on the inside she having a freaking spaz attack of happiness! Why, oh why was the universe so cruel, as to have such a thing happen when she was facing off with someone?!

And for that matter why did it make her THIS happy?

Whatever, she would contemplate that later. Angel had asked her a question.

"Oh no I haven't met this girl till just a moment ago, when she rammed straight into my back." She said. Now here is where things became complicated and difficult. She had her crush with his arm around her waist and a person who was probably about to become her enemy in the same situation. Saying what she wanted to say could possibly decrease his opinion if her. Then again there was really no way to get through this with her pride fully intact.

Besides it was just a crush and she always would have Fucuello and she always finished what she started. Even if it got her hated.

I really needed to watch my mouth.

So she addressed the tall girl. "I personally think I have nothing to say sorry. You ran into me, not the other way around. Plus I'm not responsible for what going on behind me or else I would have eyes on the back of my head. If I will apologize for anything it would be for sounding rude in the beginning." Oh, God she couldn't believe she was about to say this, and actually mean it! "So for that I am sorry, but you really should watch out for where your going honestly. Now if you'll excuse me I have some training to get to."

She regretted it, she always did, but it was done now and she couldn't take it back. She had made an enemy and would keep an enemy. Whatever, she could please them all. Fucuello would be by her side and that was all she needed. She could hold her head high and smile through it all. Though what was this uneasiness in her stomach. Was it about what Angel or Saga would think of her after saying that and leaving it there? Was it the fact that Angel had his hand where it was? This never happened to her before so why.... What had her mother done to her?

She sighed and mentally put the situation in the past, done, finito. Then turned a tentative smile to her friends. If she could still call them that after that drama. Damn her trigger happy mouth, she really needed to get a hold of it sometimes. "Well, shall we go join Aya?"

Sleep was exactly what he needed. The sun wasn't so painfully bright, sounds didn't cut his ears, smells were sharp but mellow, and whatever he was laying on was warm and comfortable. The little dragon twitched his eyes open and looked around. They were outside again in a big wide open area with odd things set up in even odder ways around him. He was on Saga's shoulder and the boy was talking to some of the people he'd seen earlier. The sibling of his companion with the tall girl and their companion's. he also spotted the Angel guy from earlier and Reechi. BlueJay smiled at the dragon and waved his tail at her then yawned big and wide.

”Yes, I’ve under-gone a transformation. I am now…BAG MAN!” BlueJay was rocked back and forth with Saga's arm as thrust it in and out. ”And I will protect all of you from scary Gargoyle!” It stopped as Aya swung her leg at his companion's shin. ”Ow! Aya!” he whined while she just smiled. BlueJay shook his head to clear the murky fog that cluttered it. The sun felt good, maybe he should take another nap. Yeah that sounded good... The little dragon closed his eyes again.

"Oh thank the Cree, there are tall people here." Who said that? He's never heard that voice before. He popped his head up and stared. That human was huge, her companion was huge. The air that felt stretched to the max between the black haired girl and the huge one was gigantic and scary! BlueJay quickly tried to burrow into Saga's shirt again. Nope he did not want to be here! Not with these scary ladies. Oh, there had to be a better place to hide! He could only fit his head into Saga's shirt and then he could still feel it. The air, he could breath! If they stretched this air to far it would snap soon he just knew it!

“Oi, hey, vait for me!” Was that Reechi? BlueJay popped his head out of Takeshi's shirt to see that it was indeed Reechi running of to join a black four legged thing over to one of the set up things. Did he know what it was?


Did he care?


As long as it got him away from those two ladies and their air, he was happy.

"I'm gonna be over there with Reechi, ok Saga?" And without waiting for an answer the little blue dragon hopped to the ground, briefly noted how small he was, and was off in a flash.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: BlueJay Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky
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"I don't accept your apology."

She had never said those words before to someone; at least not that she could remember, but she meant every word. Her righteous anger was almost ruined however when Saga and Angel, trying to calm the situation, came to Trista's defense. Saga's companion trying to hide within his shirt further weakened it. She had just about recovered it when Trista's companion thrust himself between them. It was further ruined when the unicorn, jealousy coming off in waves, kicked Angel and told him to back off.

Laughing outright now she smiled and with a considerably lighter tone "Sorry, I was merely hoping to get by you when you suddenly stopped in front of me. The only reason i wanted an apology was because it was your fault for suddenly in the middle of a busy section." Calming herself visibly she then smiled more naturally. "If you wouldn't mind, would you like to spar with me some?"

This was as much a peace offering as it was a way for them to work out their anger. It also bought her time to calm her companion, who at the time was all for attacking the woman on the spot, damned the consequences. There was also a third purpose of allowing her to size up the woman, and see if she was someone she could stand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky Character Portrait: Azamanin Arnlar
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"Oh no I haven't met this girl till just a moment ago, when she rammed straight into my back."
If Angel didn't think literally face palming would be a bit awkward definitely would have smacked himself. Oh. So that was what he'd missed when not paying attention. Speaking of not paying attention, why was Saga prodding his stomach with an annoyed and slightly longing look? He poked to asian back, noting he should make him train with him- his abdominal muscles put up seriously lack resistance to his poke.
Now though, Angel turned his attention back to the two ladies. He felt extremely awkward. Trista was obviously annoyed that this girl expected an apology when the Amazon woman seemed to be the one who'd caused the problem. Then again, Angel hadn't exactly been paying attention.
Even so, his face split into a completely expressionless poker face as Trista smoothly delivered a swift and harsh counterargument to the girls expectant look. He met Saga's shocked face with a blank look not wanted to show favor or distaste to what the girl was saying.

"So for that I am sorry, but you really should watch out for where your going honestly. Now if you'll excuse me I have some training to get to."

Angel admired that she had back bone; the raven haired girl really hadn't done anything to severe to deserve the seemingly demanding attitude of this girl. She almost seemed to have a superiority complex if she thought this was that big of a deal-

His eyes widened in surprise as Trista's unicorn was suddenly was to close for comfort, then let out an 'oomph' and fell backward, away from Trista, clipping Saga and barely avoiding falling. He rubbed his side as he regained his balance, glaring at the unicorn who quite promptly glared back and snorted violently at him.
"Watch where you put your hands buddy,”
"You watch were you put your hooves!" Angel complained, overreacting because, he'd decided he wasn't to fond of Fucuello at the moment. Literally, the unicorn had whacked him hard enough to bruise and his side felt tender. It was one thing to take a punch- it was another to be jabbed violently with a pointy, hard hoof completely unexpectedly.
Another unexpected turn of events- Reechi had scampered off with BlueJay and Saga soon in tow. Angel blinked and sheepishly smiled at Trista and the tall girl (Though it switched to a comical narrow eyed evil pout to Fucuello.) He didn't want to be alone in this tense womanly issues thing- he was glad Trista seemed to have in mind that they would take their leave. Soon. Now. Immediately.

Or the tall girl could speak to her again, causing Angel to stop in his tracks where he'd been discreetly backing away, not wanting to leave without Trista.

"Sorry, I was merely hoping to get by you when you suddenly stopped in front of me. The only reason i wanted an apology was because it was your fault for suddenly in the middle of a busy section. If you wouldn't mind, would you like to spar with me some?"

Angel took a step forward, leaning over to whisper to Trista (Not close enough for her unicorn to spaz at him of course,)
"Awe, your gonna make me find someone else to teach me swords?" He hushed jokingly over her shoulder and then gave the other crazy tall girl a tense smile.

"We can figure out sparring partners over by the swords, yeah? We should get a move on,"
He turned and made his way towards the swords, slow enough so the girls could catch up. Phew. He was glad to be away from those tense chicks. Why couldn't they just get along easily?!

He spotted Aya looking at a badass Katana thing, holding it with knowledge that hinted she knew how to use it. Of course, the tiniest of the people he'd met today would have bad ass ninja skills. It made perfect sense. Maybe she'd help him if Trista decided to spar with the tall ger, who Angel either hadn't heard the name of or had forgotten, so he was just going to refer to her as Amazon from now on. Like those crazy Amazon warrior women.
He called out to Aya,
"Short stack, we're baaaaack~ Miss me?"

He walked into the assortment of weapons whistling. He didn't know how to use any of this stuff, but it couldn't be too hard right? He picked up a pair of cool hook things, waving them around inexperiencely.
"Woah these are cool,"
He continued wiggling them around in the air, until he turned and almost succeeded in whacking Amazon with one. He immediately pulled back before it was even close to her face, grimacing.
"Oh sorry! My bad!" He dropped the hook-swords back on their rack sullenly watching as everyone seemed well aware of what they were doing.
He was definitely going to have to work on this stuff on his own time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Macari May Character Portrait: Fucuello
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(This describes her outfit better)

"Short stack, we're baaaaack~ Miss me?" Aya raised her head to see the immensely tall people gather around her. Their inhuman height reflecting in her chestnut eyes. For the first time in a couple of months, she was beginning to feel a bit claustophobic. They were like sky scrapers, intimidating and posing a difficult challenge to her fighting capabilities. No worries though, she would just aim for the legs. She had to crank her neck completely back to have them plus the amazon woman in eye-sight. She was sure that sooner or later her neck would get stuck like this. But it was rude to avoid eye-contact though, so for now she could only hope she would recover from it quickly when it did happen.

”No,” she stated rather harshly, she hadn’t missed them. Was it wrong to be that honest? They were only away from each other for a few seconds, and she had been completely focused on her task and in the moment. If anything, they interrupted her train of thought. She exhaled softly, the thing she couldn’t remember was just on the tip of her tongue before Angel and the rest had arrived. She waved sheepishly to Trista, pressing her katana against her chest with her other hand.


Be nice. Be friendly.

She encouraged herself. Ok, she had missed Trista a bit. But she wasnt going to say that out loud. She bowed to the new girl, showing her respect even if Trista had not. Aya didn't like conflict, that's all she's ever had at school an she would prefer to avoid it. Whether she liked a person or not, respect and peace were required. There was no other option.

"I'm Ueto Aya, nice to meet you." she rose from the bow and caught a glimpse of her companion. A kitsune! She put her hands together and bowed deeply to the fox. "I pay my respects, sorry about earlier." she said softly and genuinely. Once she finished paying respects to what she called a spirit back home, her attention went back to Angel. She raised an eyebrow at the pathetic display of his handling of swords. He really wasn't joking. He sucked at this.

"You really.... don't know what you're doing, do you?" she placed one hand on her hip and leaned more on her right leg. No wonder Saga and him got along, both weren’t quite at her level. She blinked. Wait. Now that she thought about it... where was her brother?

"Angel, where is my brother?"


Keeping up with Bluejay was honestly…tough! For a small fry he was darting back and forth dodging legs and tails and hoofs. Saga was only human, and running in the middle of a large crowd was definitely strange. And slightly difficult. But he had too. He didn’t want to be separated from BJ, he just had this bad feeling deep in his gut. Like, he would die or get squished or kill himself somehow. He shivered, the dragon mothers words ringing through his head.

I warn you, he’s a late bloomer.

Crap. He hoped she didn’t mean what he thought she did. BAM! Saga heard a yelp ahead of him off in the distance. When he caught up to where the sound had come from, Bluejay was already off scampering to Reechis side. Saga didn’t stop, but he caught a glimpse of the woman who had fallen. Messy brunette hair and a warm smile, he could feel her free-spirit all the way from here. He turned his head back around and debated with himself. Should he turn around and help her up? But what about BlueJay? He peered over his shoulder to see if the soldier was still down.


He watched her shoot up to her feet and dart off, racing her rabbit companion. He smiled stupidly; she was a gentle girl. He made a mental note to himself that the next time he saw her, he would apologize properly. Maybe even get her name if he was lucky!

---At the companion station----

In the middle of the companion area was a large circle, about the size of a gym. Other sizes were placed around it for other battles. A phooka stood in the middle of each, ready to address a battle and judge. Reechis claws dug into her skin, and she pointed out that the dragon should grip her mane. Below her, Bluejay bolted around her legs. This area was filled with all kinds of scents: sweet, enchanting, disgusting, horrid, and shocking. Estabel jerked her head back at the sound of a feline roar.

”Come on youngins, to scare to fight an old man?” Kirk taunted. He stood in the middle of the biggest circle. Head high, teeth bared, and the hair on the back sticking up slightly. His white fur glistened in the sun to the point where he almost appeared transparent. Esta was captivated by his beauty. His eyes reminded her of the open sky.

Saga heaved and flung himself over Estabel. Hanging onto her to keep himself up, he sounded like an old man wheezing. Saga had never run so much in his entire life. He was sure he had a couple bruises on his sides from all the elbows he failed to dodge. Stupid dragon, Saga cried in his head. Estabel hung her head to the left, peering up at Saga though the corner of her eyes.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky Character Portrait: Azamanin Arnlar
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Solara shook her head and gently took the blades from Angel. "Hook swords are not for beginners to use, and even harder to master. Perhaps we should get you something better for you?" Looking over his body with an appraising eye she then turned to the rack of weapons and spying a long sword, handed it to him. "Walk over there and try a few swings." He could talk over there.

When Aya bowed to her, Solara returned the bow her expression one of surprise. Oh, she knew the proper greeting of people from where she was from, the bow of Aya's to her companion, telling her. "It is a pleasure to meet you miss Ueto Aya, My name is Arnlar Azamanin; but you may call me Solara. This is my companion Ravian Solariat, who does prefer you to call her by her last name."

Spying the katana Aya held in her hands, Solara smiled and pointing to the blade asked, "May I?" Meaning to inspect the blade that she now held in her hands, as much as she wanted to see how one felt to be held though her forte lied in the use of the rapier and an art of sword play called fencing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: BlueJay Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky Character Portrait: Azamanin Arnlar
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#, as written by Bhu-Bhu
"I don't accept your apology." I didn't expect you to. Trista just wanted to get out of here. This was enough negativity for her day, she was done. She stroked Fucuello's cheek and took a deep breath.

"Fucuello!" Trista gasped. One moment her unicorn had just been snuggling her side and then BOOM! He was attacking angel with a well aimed hoof to the boys torso. Thankfully her crush wasn't knocked of his feet but he was angry.

"Watch where you put your hands buddy!" Fucuello snorted aggressively.

"Watch where you put your hooves!" He jabbed back.

WACK! Trista glared her stallion straight it the eyes. She was mad, she did NOT need her companion's jealousy crap right now. She could understand him getting upset and when him and her had their little wrestling matches it was fine, but when he started getting physical with other people it was NOT ok! She had only ever gotten angry with him twice, and this was the second time.

"That was not ok." Her words came out slowly in a low tone. As an after note she thought to him, We'll talk about this later, and turned away. What was wrong with him? She had never had this kind of problem with Fucuello and her other guy friends.

Then a laugh rang in her ears, she looked up at super tall girl. "Sorry, I was merely hoping to get by you when you suddenly stopped in front of me. The only reason i wanted an apology was because it was your fault for suddenly in the middle of a busy section." What was this? She didn't except her apology,but…. here she was laughing and apologizing- to some extent- and explaining herself. Not, what I expected. "If you wouldn't mind, would you like to spar with me some?" Whaaaaa- Now Trista's mind was officially blown. Never had this happened to her before. At school the girls had just stuck their nose's up and huffed away. Then she would hold a grudge and be prideful towards them. This time though, she couldn't whatever she held against the girl was being washed away with that calm admission. Maybe she isn't so bad.

If she wasn't mind blown enough, Angel then stepped forward and leaned in to whisper in her ear. She could freaking feel his breath on her ear. Shivers slithered up her body."Awe, your gonna make me find someone else to teach me swords?" She laughed airily, truth was she had very little sword knowledge. The only swords she had ever handled were her father's and those were too heavy to actually do any work with.

"Truth is, I really only know how to hold the things. I can help you with that if you want." she then turned back to address the girl's challenge. This time with a smile. "I can't meet you in the ring just yet, but some day when I actually know what I'm doing, I'd love to!"

"We can figure out sparring partners over by the swords, yeah? We should get a move on." Angel started over to the swords, Trista followed with the other girl.

"What's your name?" She asked the tall girl.

Aya was already there of course and it looked like she already had some knowledge of swords, or at least the one she was holding. It was impressive sword with a curved blade and long handle.

"Short stack, we're baaaaaack! Miss me?"

"No." This time Trista giggled at the girls harshness in tone. By now she figured it was just Aya's way of being honest, not intended as rude or cold. "Hi…" The girl gave a shy wave, to which Trista waved back.

"Hey, you seem to have a head start. I'll have to work hard to catch up." she joked, of course her working hard was a rare occasion. "I'm gonna go pick out a sword to work with. I'll be right back." She smiled to the girl before going over to the rack that held the swords. This is gonna be hard. She knew she would need a lighter sword, the heavy two handed stuff was not for her. In the end she decided on a rapier. It seemed one of the lightest.

When she turned back around, she had to quickly hide her laughter behind her hand. Angel had picked up two large and strange looking swords and started swinging them around. Not such a good idea since he'd almost cleaved if Solara's face. Ok so that part wasn't so funny, but Angel's movements were so ridiculous and clumsy she couldn't help it.

Solara took the blades from him. "Hook swords are not for beginners to use, and even harder to master. Perhaps we should get you something better for you?" Her eyes scanned him for a second. Oh right. I forgot she might have a thing for him. I really hope I'm wrong, we just worked things out. Sorta. The excessively tall girl gave Angel a long sword from the rack. "Walk over there and try a few swings."

When Trista saw that Aya was slightly preoccupied with Solara she took this opportunity to talk a little with Angel.

"Hey Angel, I'm sorry about Fucuello's behavior earlier. He's the jealous type, and if I don't say sorry for him he never will." Her hand found the back of her neck, it was new to her to have to apologize for her companion. At the thought of the rift in between them she sighed. As soon as they got back to their dorm room she would talk things over with him.

"It's really not his fault though." She took a few swings at a dummy. It was a mystery to her why she was explaining this, but it felt like one was needed. This thing doesn't cut at all, is it dull? "I've really been the only good thing in his life since his mother died when he was a foal."

Meanwhile, with BlueJay


He had already knocked over a bunch of people, tripped a few, and distracted several others. The world whizzed by in flashes of color and sound that all blurred together into one consecutive drone. The ground didn't exist except for a few minor touches here and there. What was this feeling, this speed? It soared, it screamed, it leaped, all in unexplainable joy. He loved the air that whistled past him. How weightless he felt.

But how did he stop?!

Several times he tried to put on the brakes but each it felt like the world tipped forward to far and his muzzle would spear through the dirt. What would he do if he couldn't stop? Would he keep running till he reached the end of the earth? Would he fall of and float in space the rest of his life? What if someone did manage to catch him and stop him? Would his legs just keep on running without him? Why couldn't he-



Whatever BlueJay had rammed into was large and round and...soft? The little dragon picked himself up. Everything spun in circles, the same feeling as when he was in the darkness, that dizzy one, came back. It cleared after he shook his head fervently and looked up. What he had ran into, was big, white and black, and...



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Ash Parker Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky
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Eventually, the two made their way back from the bleachers, Colette and Riley's companions behind them. Razeth joined Riley at his side again, and Quinn came back onto Colette's shoulder.
Ash smiled a bit as Jay talked enthusiastically."That fight was sick! It's said that you lost though, dude. But that fight was sick!"
Jay had a big grin on his face and was jumping around excitedly, and Colette and Riley could not help but share a laugh.
"Huhmm, quite." Ash's dragon Liath said as he looked up from a book.

Where did he get a book from!?

There was also a little gargoyle who was struggling to stay on Jay's shoulder. Colette hadn't noticed him before. He looked like a little baby one, and Colette smiled at him. She noticed Riley grimaced, though.
Colette also noticed Ash hadn't been talking much, and that was weird. Was she uncomfortable in group situations?
"Lets go to the next place now!" Jay said as he started walking off. Colette shook her head at him, smiling, and Riley ran to catch up with him, Razeth rolling his eyes. Ash was walking a regular pace, and Colette fell into step beside her.

She looked up to see Jay and Riley dodging people ahead, and Riley seemed to be in a better mood.
Riley likes that girl......Aya.And it hasn't even been a full day yet and she hates him.
This saddened her, and Colette was truly sorry for what she said. She wondered if she should confront him about it, but then voted against it.
Maybe when there's more evidence I'll approach him.
However, she was still thinking about what Riley had said.

It is worse when it's someone you're close to.
And she was transported to another time, briefly.
"Don't be so weak!", he shouted at her as he cast a Ventus Murus at her, making it hard to breathe.
"I am not weak!", she shouted as she tried to get out of it, but received a bloody, deep cut on her hand.
"Foolish child, do you not remember you cannot simply walk out of a wind wall?", he scolded.
"I'm sorry, I don't remember!", she shrieked into the wind, and fell to the ground, the blood running down her arm, as she closed her eyes and thought of a way out of it.

Her chest hurt for a little bit, as if she was still there, struggling to breathe.
Get over yourself.
She supposed she would try to make conversation with Ash. She was friendly, really, and Colette knew she needed to have some friends other than Riley.
"Haha", she laughed good-naturedly. "Is he your friend? And is he always this hyper?" The fairy dust in her hair glowed when she smiled in a friendly way.

They approached the ring where the swords were, and saw a crowd had already started to form.
It was all those people from the bench, along with some new people.

Sheesh, are they everywhere?

She slipped into the area, surveying the swords in the area.
Hey, a Shashka!
She showed the sword to Ash, and talked animatedly.
"This was one of my first swords,since it's really favored in Aquilonis. Of course, I've graduated to using varieties of swords, since my family has a collection of them from when we go on vacation." She held the sword gingerly in her hand, and looked down at the shiny finery.

She noticed a few people.
Angel, the guy with the egg,oh wait he ran away, Aya.....
Oh boy, Aya's here. She saw her speaking to that Angel guy, probably showing him how to use the swords.
She looked for Riley and found him smiling, looking off into the distance towards the sunny obstacle course. He hadn't noticed her yet. She bit her lip, looking between the two.
Plan A: I will steer Riley away from Aya so he will not see Aya, and again become super depressed and moody.
Plan B: I will approach Aya, and demand to spar with her, so Riley will come over and see me, and redeem himself.

"Quinn", she whispered.
"Yes?", Quinn's whisper was so soft even the breeze could not carry it.
"Pick a letter: A or B."
"Kay, thanks."
"Wait! What did I do?"

It's for the best anyway. She looks preoccupied. Maybe another time.
She looked to Ash. "I think it's too full at this time. Would you like to go against me in the obstacle course?"
She hoped she didn't mind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky Character Portrait: Azamanin Arnlar
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Angel couldn't help but grin at Aya's slightly harsh response, not really offended. They hadn't been gone for too long and he'd meant it more as a greeting then an actual question; still, she would have come off a little friendlier had she used a more sarcastic tone, but Angel decided she was just a blunt type of person. Still, he resigned to slight sulking as the short girl seemed a lot more friendly to say hello to Trista. Of course, she then turned to him with a kind of critical look, making Angel almost feel guilty for daring to pick up the cool hook sword things.
"You really.... don't know what you're doing, do you?"

He 'hehed' in a sheepish way, shaking his head, even as Solara took the swords from him with a look. A look that made him slightly uncomfortable. He was used to preppy girly girls checking him out back home, but this wasn't so much as a 'checking out' as a hmm-whats-this-loser-capable-of.
"Hook swords are not for beginners to use, and even harder to master. Perhaps we should get you something better for you?" She plucked a long sword from the rack and Angel took it, holding it in a way that just screamed ew-maybe-I-should-rethink-this. None the less, he made off towards the area the girl had pointed him towards, never one to skip out on practice. However, he paused to answer Aya.

"Uh, your brother..." He waved his sword, using it to point in the general direction Saga had gone running off in after the two dragons and unicorn. "He's over there somewhere. He said he'd catch up later, so he's bound to show up at some point in time,"

He thought his own statement over then nodded, assuming he was probably right. Saga didn't seem like the type to never let his sister know what he was doing. Then he moved over to the dummy's, adjusting his grip on the sword. It wasn't that hard to hold. Despite his inexperience, it was a simple sword and holding it wasn't rocket science. The handle was wrapped with what felt like leather and was large enough to grip with two hands but also comfortably with one. He decided to go for a one handed approach. He felt a two handed would be too much unnecessary movement- but he liked the sword. If he wanted to add another hand for extra strength, he could.
Angel grinned, experimentally slashing at the dummy. The sword was seemingly dull- he assumed Draconem didn't really want any students mortally wounding each other. Though, he figured thrusting would work just as well and impaled the dummy with his sword just as Trista walked up.

"Hey Angel, I'm sorry about Fucuello's behavior earlier. He's the jealous type, and if I don't say sorry for him he never will." She looked out of place slightly, rubbing the back of her neck, a habit Angel found he had as well.

"It's fine really, I'm not really mad," He said quickly, watching as she began swinging at the dummy next to his. He glanced at her footwork- despite what she'd said earlier, she had to know at least the basics of swordplay. "He just caught me off guard is all."

"It's really not his fault though. I've really been the only good thing in his life since his mother died when he was a foal."
Angel frowned, pulling his sword from where it was sticking out of the dummy. He couldn't help but compare an emotion of loss to when his father had died.But at least he'd been able to grow up with the man; seemed the poor unicorn had grown up under the eye of humans, found a new family. Like his friend Ashton.

"You took him in then?" Angel asked, trying to stray from a grief trip. It wasn't like he had an aversion to talking about feelings or something. He just didn't want to get started on losses, because that would inevitably stir up emotions of his father.
His death was my fault.
Angel turned a small smile to Trista, ignoring his own thoughts.
"That's incredibly kind of you, I can see why you're so close." He paused and contemplated, not used to feeing so socially inept. What was one supposed to say to that? His face turned incredibly serious for a moment, remember the nurturing Ashton had required when they'd brought him into the Paladsky family. Animals took longer to build up trust too. He felt respect for the girl and turned his serious face on her.
"Trista... you seem like a really good person."

He coughed and flushed slightly, returning to his sword and dummy, practicing new and comfortable ways to wield the blade before freezing, brows furrowing. He had suddenly become overwhelmed with dread. Why?? Was he physic or something? Was this a sign that he'd been incredibly not smooth with Trista? Was the world going to end-
It was Reeps. Definitely Reechi. What was wrong?! Angel suddenly felt panicked calling out aimlessly in his mind, unsure where she'd gone off too. He figured she'd be safe, since she was with Estabel and bluejay and Saga apparently, but maybe she'd angered one of the bigger companions- oh lordy lord could she even defend herself!? Who was going to protect his baby!
Just as suddenly as the feeling had come it was gone.
Was she dead!?
Angel wanted to whack himself in the face. He could tell very well the dragon was alive, and though it was still biting him what was wrong with Reeps, he was content with the fact that she was okay.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Ash Parker
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The girl seemed suprised when Aya bowed to her, but nevertheless returned the bow.
"It is a pleasure to meet you miss Ueto Aya, My name is Arnlar Azamanin; but you may call me Solara. This is my companion Ravian Solariat, who does prefer you to call her by her last name."

Aya smiled at the formal, but familiar greeting. She has just expected a weird look from the girl, but she liked that the girl, Solara, had returned the custom. It brought back a little piece of home to her.

Spying the katana Aya held in her hands, Solara smiled and pointing to the blade asked, "May I?"

Why can't you get your own?, she thought, but forced herself to be nice, because she didn't want to break her promise to herself so quickly.

"Of course", she said through gritted teeth, practically throwing the beloved katana towards her.

At this time, Angel decided to answer her question about the whereabouts of her brother.

"Uh, your brother..." He waved his sword, using it to pointing in a general direction."He's over there somewhere. He said he'd catch up later, so he's bound to show up at some point in time."

Aya fretted over this as Angel seemed to nod,as if trying to discern if assuming this was correct.
Of course he's alright. Why wouldn't he be? He probably just wanted to explore, or check on Bluejay.
Still, she felt her instincts telling her to go look for him. There was no time to pretend to want to be friends with people.

"If you'll excuse me", she said to Solara as she departed.She didn't try to speak to anyone else, as Angel and Trista looked preoccupied in other things. She walked in the direction Angel had pointed in,and didn't really hear anything until she heard a shout of enthusiasm over to her right.

"Hell yeah I wanna go!"

Aya looked towards the yeller, and found herself face to back with none other than Colette, her hair glowing with fairy dust easily recognizable. She also saw a girl from the bench earlier, and the boy that had approached her,
Colette and Riley before she had run away.
What is she doing here? And why is it that I feel like I know that name, before I even met her?

But Colette wasn't the one that had screamed. Of course, it was Riley. Obviously since she was here, he was sure to follow. Aya felt her stomach grow queasy, which she assumed was because if her loathe and disgust for him. Trista was right. He was creepy.
Aya walked quickly now, not that it mattered, as they looked ready to head in the opposite direction, and Colette was blocking her anyway.

Good. I don't want to see him.

But she looked back,once, and caught the boyish smile on Riley's face.

She went into an almost run, and the group escaped her view. She took deep breaths and closed her eyes for a few moments, and then walked on, remembering she was looking for her brother.

She tread the path until she got to the stations for companions, and she saw him right in the middle of a huge disarray.
On one side, Saga was clinging to Estabel, and on the other, little Bluejay was being challenged by a menacing tiger who looked like he would rip him to shreds.

Aya watched, horrified, as Saga just sat back, scratching Reechi on the head.
Why isn't he doing anything?!

Then, she saw Bluejay begin to dance around the tiger, playful and unafraid. Aya admired his technique, and, now calm that her brother was not in danger, sat next to him.

She supposed this was to teach the little dragon a lesson. "Tough love, huh?" She commented as Bluejay continued whatever he was doing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky Character Portrait: Azamanin Arnlar
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Solara was surprised at the hesitation and was just about to tell her that she didn't need to, to keep things smooth when Aya all but shoved the sword into her hands. Solara herself was merely wanting to inspect it, as she herself preferred a Rapier. Drawing the blade she whistled in appreciation of how the weapon felt in her hand. About to turn and remark on the beauty of her home locations blades, she blinked as she watched Aya run off looking scared and worried.

Frowning in worry she sheathed the blade and held onto it, meaning to give it back tonight when the ryders gathered for dinner. Placing it into her belt she turned to the rack and drew out another rapier. Solara meant to practice, and if she couldn't with someone she would with her companion.

"Are you ready for this Ravi?"

"Our normal practice then?"

Solara nodded as she assumed a ready position with her left hand's fingers laced behind and into one of her belt loops, her right held the sword so the point of it pointed at Ravian's chin. She held the blade loosely, so that it looked like it would fall out of her hand at any moment. She held her right arm out to her right, as if she was trying to clothesline someone, bent at the elbow to about 90 degrees. Her body and stance she shifted until her head faced towards Ravian, and her body was perpendicular to hers. Solara's feet spread till they were shoulder width, and her right foot was facing towards Ravian.

Ravian herself assumed no pose, as she didn't need to. She was planning to use her own magic. Summoning several balls of fire, she held out her hands and, after waiting for Solara to assume her pose, something that took her all of 5 seconds, caused them to fly at her. The rules of the practices were simple. Ravian had to dodge the balls, or hit them with her sword. This would cause them to reflect and come again. She could attack them, or defend, it was up to her, but if she succeeded in touching them with her sword 5 times the balls would disappear. However, she was not able to be hit by one of the balls once or she lost.

This practice served to sharpen Solara's abilities.

Fencing, a sword skill used with rapiers, generally was used for piercing not slashing and used only a few moves. Solara used some of them now to dodge the balls, and to attack them. Yet the entire time she did not move the tip of her sword from pointing at Ravian.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: BlueJay
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#, as written by Skwidge

Reeps blinked a few times before she suddenly felt fingers behind her ears, scratching about there. She churred pleasantly, enjoying the feeling before remembering Bluejay’s plight. Her attention returned there, watching the reactions between the two. Bluejay definitely had an intimidated air about him, looking the large tiger up and down.

As the white one commented on him being far from his nest, Bluejay simply nodded, and Reechi grinned softly, a bright look to her face. After Bluejay supplemented his name, he realized the tiger had asked him of a challenge, but… he seemed confused, or at least that was how it appeared to Reeps. However, he suddenly sprang into action, zipping about and circling the tiger, occasionally jumping and tapping at him, simply messing around.

She snorted with a slight laugh, shaking her head in slight disbelief towards the actions of the dragon. She tilted her head up so her eyes could focus on the tiger himself, completely unsure how the creature would react. She turned to crawl up Saga, suddenly realizing that Aya was nearby. She lifted a paw, a look of confusion on her facials. ’When did you get here?’ She mused to herself, placing her paws onto Saga’s arms and crawling up them to his shoulders with a small chirp.

Reeperchi suddenly paused, her ears swiveling and twitching all about the place, and her nose wrinkled as her eyes narrowed. Something felt off, she could feel anger emanating from somewhere, and she had a feeling it was somewhat related to her in one way or another. A soft growl rumbled through her throat, and she turned to look around. The feeling grew and receeded, then grew again, until finally, as she had almost located the general direction it was in, it disappeared altogether. Her nostrils flared and she snorted slightly, shaking her head before returning to the action in the ring.


The large tiger’s eyes focused down on the small little dragon, watching its every movement and facial perks and decreases. He nodded at his first question, but Kirk simply smirked just a bit, getting the feeling the small fry didn’t have much of an idea of what he was talking about. He let out a little huff as he fell back on his haunches, his tail sweeping along the ground, his eyes trained completely on the dragon.

"BlueJay! Who are you?" He blinked once more lazily letting out a yawn, he hadn’t answered his main question, or at least not yet. Once more, that niggling in the back of his head returned, doubt flaring up as to if this thing had any idea of what was going on at all. “Kirk.” He responded bluntly, suddenly shifting forward with his shoulders squared a bit, analyzing his prey with eyes that told of a long experience doing such. There was absolutely no question that he loomed over this Bluejay, which was a rather perfect name considering the dragon was so alike to its namesake, and once more Kirk licked at his chops.

Suddenly the thing darted around his form, seeming to dance and prance about, sometimes leaping up to poke and prod, which was somewhat amusing at first, but quickly became somewhat of a nuisance. It confirmed his previous beliefs that he didn’t know what anything was, and Kirk soon became bored with its constant buzzing about. Almost as if he were a fly buzzing about his ears. His eyes focused on the small creature, watching its motions and movements, every time he seemed to pause, as if taunting Kirk to come at him, he’d zip off without a motion from the tiger. He figured out the pattern rather quickly. The white tiger yawned once more, his left ear flicking. It looked as if he was going to settle down on his stomach for a nap.

Suddenly, his paw shot out of nowhere, clasping down on the little dragon’s tail. “Heh, gotcha.” He chuffed with amusement, shifting backwards a bit to lay down. His other paw came out from under him, batting at the dragon’s head gently before he released it. “A challenge is more a fight, not so much a game.” He said simply, eyes seeming to bore into Bluejay’s as he rumbled his comment.