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"Dangerious.....? Why not? Let's do it!"

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a character in “The Ryders - Part 1”, as played by Bhu-Bhu


Companion Species: A’Ris Dragon
Human Companion: Takeshi Ueto


BlueJay is a spontaneous dragon who worries about nothing. He is still very young and so enjoys flying through the wind and doing crazy tricks. He loves to play around and is very honest, he reminds Saga of his younger self but better. BlueJay has some idiotic fearlessness and certainly is not afraid to explore the unknown in life. He's lively, energetic, daring, and a fighter too. He craves adventure, and loves to travel the world. Saga admires his freedom of expression in everything he does, but Saga hasn't told him that. BlueJay only knows because he reads Sagas mind all the time. "Oops dont tell him that though, because then he might get mad! haha!" Achieving his goals is important to him. He knows exactly what he wants, and has no problem going after it. His style is brisk, edgy and uncompromising. Saga soon learns that he is going to have to work hard to keep up — if he doesn't, he'll soon fall by the wayside.

BlueJay also has an instinctive understanding of what has to be done. There’s no procrastination in his manner- he hates laziness. He accepts all experiences as a challenge, something to be jumped into with passion and excitement. It's all one big learning curve for BlueJay. His freedom-loving spirit means he likes having space to get on with his work on his own terms. This can make it hard for him to be at his best in a team environment — some people often misinterpret his energy and focus it as insensitivity, even rudeness. Bluejay always prefer to get on with a job rather than sitting around and waiting for something to happen. This means he is a little impatient with people who work at a slower pace. Surprisingly(not), BlueJay is very impulsive and because of that ends up making a lot of mistakes. Luckily, he is not afraid of making mistakes and sees them as learning life lessons the hard way. All these traits reflect tons of energy, enthusiasm and confidence but as said before, he is misunderstood by others. Some will say he is tactless and indifferent when they offer him advice.


Jumping into water and flying out, soaring in the wind, bugs, birds, blueberries and strawberries, rolling around in dirt, going through clouds, honest and nice people, fun things, fast, energy, confidence, and spontaneous things!
Painful things(mental and physical), boring things(mental and physical), almost all human food but he hates broccoli and carrots the most, laziness, slowpokes, patiance, and baths.
Failure and to be disliked
To have a lot of fun and be buddy-buddy with Saga.


"Saga told me he found me on top of a tree! How cool is that!? And that he worked really hard to find me. that's all I really have for a past but I want to make a lot of memories with Saga and many, many new people! YEAH!" -BlueJay

So begins...

BlueJay's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Ash Parker
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"A hero is born among a hundred, a wise man is found among a thousand. Today our goal is not to find a hero. But a wise young man or woman that will be coming into this school." Spoke the wise dragon by the name of Draconem. He was the headmaster of a school that gave it's students magical creatures as companions. When first becoming the headmaster, he thought the "companions" were treated as pets, but he found now that they become the best friends and the consciences of many students. Today was the first day. The first day for these students in the life of being a Ryder. Most of the students are of wizard or witch decent. Though, Draconem prefers wizards over witches in the since of the magic type they use. Wizards use the good magic. While witches use dark magic.

Coming out of his resting place that's stationed directly above the school, Drconem greeted some of the students where they returned with a scream. Dragons, in some places, were feared for they were the great rulers in those days. Every king had a dragon telling him what to do. And if a place didn't have a king, they had a ruler. A dragon ruler. A dragons home was among the people in these days. Yet some of the older dragons from centuries before stilled lived in giant caves in giant mountains with there goblin minions. Goblins. Drconem hadn't seen a goblin in two centuries. He had had a group of goblins to himself once, but then, before he was the infamous destroyer of worlds, a dragon by the name of Diablo robbed them all of their lives.

The dragon Diablo. What a vicious dragon he is. He was the companion of the great leader Diablo that all the Ryders are vigorously fighting as he continues to take up part of Cree. Diablo used to be such a good Ryder. Diablo the Ryders name used to be Diabolus. What an agent word that was. Draconem remembered what it meant though. It meant devil in an new yet old langue known as Latin. Cruel as he was, Draconem saw him always as the Ryder he was. Draconem himself was the one to foretell the fall of Diabolus and the raise of an evil Ryder to be known as Diablo with his evil dragon companion that bared the same name.

Draconem put this all out of his head as he entered the stadium. Draconem was so large that his body curled up like a snake in the middle of the stadium. His body and head reaching up into the air. He looked around the stadium at the students. Most of them were nervous or afraid of how large he was. Draconem wouldn't be one to brag, but he was one of the largest and oldest dragons the inhabited Cree. His eyes glowed a smoky bright green as they seemed to have smoke flowing from them. The hair that surrounded his head and part of his neck like a lions swayed in the breeze as he turned himself around and around to face the crowds in different areas of the stadium. Once everyone was seated, he spoke. His voice was old and loud, causing everyone to stop what they were doing and listen. "Welcome, future Ryders, to Ryder Academy! I bet most of you are wondering when you will be greeted by your companions? Well! You'll have to go find them first!" Draco interrupted his own speech by the sound of his ever to loud laughter at the few gasps and moans he heard from the crowd as they realized they were going to need to go out and find there companions.

"Here's what you must do when finding your companions!" Draconem continued, his voice becoming serious and unjoking. "When getting a companion, there is two things you can do. One! You can grab an egg, but you need to realize it could just be a chicken or a bird then you'll have to go out there again! Or two! You could grab a baby! Fairies are located in the forest in tree houses! They're already small beings, so a baby fairy will be extremely small! Smaller than an inch! Unicorns are located in the fields! You'll know it's a baby unicorn if it's laying on the ground and it's eyes are closed! Dragons must be taken while in there eggs! You need to be tricky with these because dragon mothers are very vicious and will come after you if it see's you take her egg! Does everybody understand?" Draconem said in a loud, clear voice to everyone. After receiving nods from everyone, Draconem nodded himself. "Okay! I release you into the companion room to find your companion! Choose wisely where it is you are to go! Once you are done, comeback here and bring your companion to me so I may give you it's name and gender! This goes for everyone including those who choose eggs to make sure you don't have a chicken!" Daconem laughed as he opened two large doors into a large enclosed room that had mountians and forest in the distances. There were dragons and unicorns everywhere, you could see the light of tiny fairies in the background near the forest. It was quite a sight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Ash Parker
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Ash smiled at Colette slightly more awkward than she actually felt and looked up as she heard a guy call Colette's name. He came walking up, sitting beside Colette, and commented on the dragon on his shoulder. Ash had to admit to he was cute, but she was too preoccupied to notice that too much. Ash leaned forward some, placing her arms in her lap as she did so, so she could see around Colette and get a better look at the guy. Her smile that she had worn almost the whole time talking to Colette was now faded and more of a small almost forced smile. She watched and listened as the two interacted and smiled when Colette, though hesitant, introduced her as she new friend. More than that is what I'd like to hear. Ash thought, then the thought was completely invaded by Liath as he crawled onto her back and his head slinked up to the side of her head. Right, because you're a fucking creeper and she'd call you more than that after just meeting her. Liath thought to Ash in a very sarcastic way, a big grin (though it was a rather creepy one) forming on his face. "Hi." Ash said to Riley after she shot Liath a look of annoyance.

Before Ash had anything else to say, she was interrupted by the sound of yet more gasps and small screams from the crowd as the huge dragon had returned from his hitch above the school. He came down from the wall, slinking right back to how he was for his first big speech, and looking at everyone as it had grown ever so quiet. Everyone was on the edge of their seats, waiting for him to begin his speech that was most likely going to become a rather long one. Once everyone was quiet, Draconem flew swiftly into the large enclosure, despite the fact he had no wings. Ash guessed aloud that he must be looking to make sure everyone was out and in the stadium. In the enclosure, Draconem was pleased to see that he'd only have to pick up a handful of students and bring them back to the stadium as everyone else was there already. Settling back to into his central spot, Draconem eyed the crowd of new riders. He looked up to the sky to see Degore, the school Gargoyle, and the Great Gryphon who's name has been lost over time. He gave them a bow with his head and turned back the students as he began his speech.

"Today, you entered this academy with nothing. The only thing you had was the title of descendent of a wizard. Descendent of a farmer. Descendent of a baker, a fisher, a sailor. A select few of you may even be a descendent of a Ryder. Today, you came here alone looking for someone that will stay by your side 'til the end of your days. And today, you'll all be leaving and going to your dorms with a life partner. A life friend. A life companion. With you, your companion will grow. And with your companion, you will grow. But, let me explain. When you die, your companion will die. When you hurt, your companion will hurt. The bond between you and your companion is strong. You all may not know it, but from the moment you entered that enclosure, your soul and the soul of the companion were pulling toward each other. You and your companion are bonded for life. You will never get a chance for another companion. You are to protect each other with all your lives. And now, with my powers, I bestow the gift of wisdom onto the companions so they may help you make the right choices as you begin your lives as Ryders!"

Draconem said with a large grin, as he laughed his hearty laugh as the crowd cheered at his words. Ash clapped with a large smile on her face at the giant dragons words. Draconem had such a way to make people feel confident. He could tell with his foretelling insight that there, among him in the crowd, there was a group of young people to become great Ryders one day. Yet, he could also tell that some of these Ryder's were not destined for greatness, but destined to trade sides over to Diablo. But, putting that out of mind, Draconem cut his speech short so he could go take care of business with Degore and the Great Gryphon. "Since I know you all probably want to talk, I shall give you this rest period while I attend some business." And with that, he was gone, flying up into the air and disappearing with his two other flying friends.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Ash Parker
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#, as written by Bhu-Bhu
(I'm posting just Trista for now, I'll add BlueJay in a little bit)

A sigh escaped Trista. Not a troubled sigh, but a sigh of pure relief. She was finally here, Ryder Academy. A place where she could breath, be happy, be herself, and most importantly be with her companion Fucuello, her pride and joy since she was seven. It had been awkward coming into the stadium with a companion, and not a new companion either. Fucuello was a full grown black unicorn, tall like her and with big peacock feathers in place of his main, tail, and anywhere else he was supposed to have hair. He wasn't all black either, his underbelly was a burnt orange and there were even darker marks under his eyes. His horn was curved and glowed slightly with its magic. Ugh! The looks they both got were the worst. Don't people know how rude staring is! It's not like she had come in super lat or anything, Draconem had only just started speaking when they arrived. In the end she had turned a blind eye to it and chose a seat in the front row to wait for the speech of the dragon's speech to be done. Whose size had awed her, and she had seen big dragons before, heck she grew up with one! Bach, her father's Terra dragon, would be friggen dwarfed by the headmaster. Trista's ears paid no head to the speech, it wasn't anything relevant to her and besides, she had drilled her dad about everything before she left. No she just stared up at the ginormous freaking dragon trying to wrap her head around his size, his voice, and just how old he probably was till the commotion his final address caused sprung her from her thoughts.

Woah Trista peered around the stadium, which now suffered from a growing chasm of silence. Only a few nervous or lazy slackers stuck around, well except her of course…and the dragon. Would he ask her how she had a companion before everyone else? Would he have a problem with it? The raven haired girl craned her head back to see the dragon staring of, over the walls of the stadium into the enclosure where everyone else had to go out in the muck and find a companion. Another, even more content sigh blew from her lips. But not me she thought with a smile as she began to absentmindedly stroke Fucuello's flank.

"Isn't it great? We're finally away?" She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I can finally breath"

It was awhile before the excitement began to come back. Ryder's stumbled, ran, hollered, strolled, and swaggered back with new baby companions of every shape and form. Already groups of potential friends were beginning to form in slightly spaced clumps, some small, some large. One she noticed early on. First it was two girls, came and sat a few seats down the row from her. One with a Fairy blech and another with a dragon. The group soon grew in size when a boy who could only be described as to hot to be on this earth, joined them with his own dragon. After this a shy and pretty adorable girl joined them with a black unicorn foal of her own, shortly followed by her brother. Hm, not my type but cute all the same she assessed. Lastly was a boy who she could say was very easy on the eyes came wearing his dragon comfortably around his neck like a scarf. He seemed to know the girl with the fairy since he called out her name "Colette!"

By now the stadium's volume was back to what it had been before the speech. Almost everyone was talking to someone but her. What was happening to her!? She used to be the life of the party back home. Was she going to just sit here like some emo and think to herself while everyone else chatted it up and had fun just because she had spent the summer holed up at home with her stupid mother? No, she was free of that now. Trista looked over into Fucuello's eyes, she knew that they both thought the same thing about this. A new start, a fresh blank slate to write on.

With that swelling hope she stood, and stretched her long legs and showing how surprisingly tall she was. "Time to get out of this silent funk huh, Fucuello?" and was about to go over to them when down came the headmaster into the stadium to address them once again. Trista plopped herself back down into her previous seat with a slight pout settle on her lips well that door closed quickly. Again she drowned out the speech. She knew it all already, you and your companion are bonded for life and if you get hurt they get hurt, you die, they die, blah, blah, blah. It was only the last sentence that caught her attention.

"Since I know that you all want to talk, I shall give you this rest period while I attend to some business."

When he was gone, Trista shot out of her seat. Finally! And with a cheery smile she walked back over to the group. "Hi." she said. "I'm Trista."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Ash Parker
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Takeshi & Aya Ueto

”Oh, mysterious!” Saga grinned cheekily at him, this guy seemed cool. His overly good looks were bound to attract attention and cause ladies to flock but hey, he was used to that. Back home, girls were always taking time out of their day to chat with him a little bit. He openly returned their kindness, even if he felt annoyed by their ridiculous high pitched voices. If there was one thing Aya and he shared, it was their hate for high pitched screams and voices. It was one of their biggest pet peeves. Saga pointed at Angels dragon.

”And your dragons name?” he asked, the little guy seemed cute. He’d never seen such a cute lil’ dragon up close before.

The smallest of creatures were always the most troublesome. he thought and laughed mentally; the small dragon reminded him of one of his old friends back in school. Nao. That guy was crazy, always yelling his name like he hadn’t seen him in years. Man, he missed his pals. Suddenly, the room shook and rumbled at the entrance of Draconem. The overly large Ignis Dragon laughed as before and gave one of the best speeches Saga had ever heard. He was mesmerized. He looked down at his egg in his hand and his eyes shined.

What is it going to be like? he wondered, Ah, but what if he doesn’t like me? he covered the egg with his large hands gently, shielding it from any mishaps. Maybe he wasn’t cut out to be a Ryder. Maybe he can’t do it. He sighed, why were all these worries coming at him NOW? He had worked hard for this dragon! Shoot, he’d taken his pants off for this thing!

Estabel Luark

”I am here too…” Estabel sulked, speaking as if she sounded dead. Aya had been so nervous that she had forgotten to introduce her along with her brother. How depressing.

”S-sorry! This is Estabel,” she bent down to pet the unicorn, running her frail hands through her thick fur. She had grown a lot bigger all of a sudden, was this how things worked? She was already half of Ayas size, and that wasn’t hard to do. How much bigger would she get?

”WOAH! Aya! You got a bad-ass unicorn!” he stuck his hand out to her and she perked up at his attention. She pressed her head against his and he felt his stomach bubble up. Estabel reminded him of a cat he had had when he was younger. Her name was Hooks and she was a Himalayan cat. He could still feel her soft fur and loud purrs against his fingertips. He had the most idiotic and pleased expression on his face. Saga was far too distracted by the intriguing unicorn to answer Angel’s question. Aya half-smiled at her brother. She sat up and gave Angel her full attention.

”I’m 16 and my brother here is a year older than me,” she replied and added ”Although he does not act like it,”

”And don’t forget it!” he noted, ”I am all wise, you should listen to me more you know.” He lay back in his seat and crossed his legs. He was actually having quite a bit of fun, and Estabel had warmed up to him nicely which was reassuring.

”if I listened to you…who would be able to get you out of trouble?” Aya shook her head and cast her gaze to Angel. She looked up at him and laughed, craning her neck. God, he was tall. She hoped that if they became friends, that her neck didn’t get stuck like this.

wait…friends?......Did I just say that?

”you need me. Without me, no fun for you!” he tapped his sisters leg with his foot that was crossed over his other slender, long legs.

”yeah…” Aya responded, to shocked to really give a proper reply or retort.

”Yay! She agreed!” he threw his hands up in the air, being the weirdo he is. Estabel looked up at Aya and tilted her head. Aya was socially awkward, but then again, so was Estabel. She liked that Aya was so much like her, because then they could relate. While Aya was off dazing into space, a black-hair beauty had made her way over and greeted them. Saga waved.

”Yo, I’m Ueto Takeshi. Nice to meet you.” he looked at her and then Angel, and then at the cute little dragon on Angels shoulders. He had decided something. ”But you can call me Saga,” he looked at Angel from the corner of his eye, ”You too. It’s what all my friends call me,”


Saga noticed the nervous energy coming from the baby dragon and a bit from Angel himself. Looking around, he hadn’t even noticed the other people gather since none of them were socializing with him. He had just been minding his own business. Regretfully, he couldn’t do anything to ease the little one.

”Oi, Aya, don’t be rude.” he jabbed her lightly with his elbow and she cast a glance towards her brother and then up at a stunningly beautiful girl in front of her.

”Oh, um..I’m Ueto Aya, nice to meet you.” the words had just rolled off her tongue. Her second self-introduction! She wanted to cry, she was so proud of herself. She caught a smile of approval from her brother from the corner of her eye.


Saga blinked and looked down, was that a leg sticking out of his egg?

"What the hell?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Ash Parker
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Ash looked up as she heard a new voice come up and introduce themselves to the group. Ash looked around, astonished by the amount of people all sitting in a row. To be truthful, Ash would say there was two groups now as not everyone was interacting. Becoming a bit awkward and shy just sitting there, she hoped that Drconem would be back soon to dismiss them to where ever was next. She looked the girl, Trista, up and down. She was tall and beautiful, just like this row of people. Ash didn't count herself in those numbers though. She'd already made her mind up about Colette and this Riley guy that had his arm around Colette, which made Ash slightly jealous, but she pushed that out of her mind awhile ago. She saw the guy that had the small dragon that resembled a slightly smaller and girly-er version of Liath. Then she saw a girl and a guy on the side of him that favored each other slightly.

Liath noticed Ash's little observing she was doing and decided she'd better quit it before everyone thought she was a creep. So, he decided to go on a little tour. He climbed off Ash's shoulder and onto the back of the chairs. Ash watched him with wide and curious eye's, not too sure what to do. He crawled on the back of the chairs, his tail following with a swoosh, and politely asking people to watch out. "Excuse me, Colette." He said and steeped behind her on the chair. "Excuse me, Riley." He added as he reached the chair Riley was sitting in. "Thank-you." He added back to the two. "If you'd be so kind to let me through, sir." He said as he reached a tall guys chair who had a small dragon like himself. "Why, hello there, Reechi." Liath said as if he's known the dragon forever, leaning his head over the guys shoulder to see the small dragon. "Ma'am." He said with a nod to the short girl beside the tall guy. "And, what do we have here? An egg? Sir, I believe your egg is hatching." Liath said as he looked down at a blue egg that was being held by yet another tall male then turned to the guy to look him in the face.

After a moment, Draconem came back down from his hitch on the school. As Drconem was settleing in and waiting for people to return to their seats, Liath made his way back to Ash. "Oh, my dear. It's seem I must take my leave. If you'd excuse me, I must be going. We may chat another time in the meantime. You could find me with miss Ash Parker over there." He said to mostly everyone as he walked over the back of the tall guys chair and jumped into the empty, his long tail following behind him. He jumped onto the floor and walked with his head up and he smiled (though it was a rather creepy smile) and nodded as he passed everyone and their companions. "Good day, madam." He said as he passed Trista and gave a nod to the unicorn beside her. He climbed back up onto Ash's lap, his tail wrapping around him as he folded his legs to sit. He took up the look of a cat almost as he sat in her lap, legs folded under him and a tail wrapped around him twice but still long enough for the fluffy part at the end to hang down to the ground. Ash looked at him with a confused face not able to come up with words. Liath's neck was long enough to still look ash in the eye at her level, which he did. "What?" He asked as if nothing had happened. "What was that about?" She asked him with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, that? That was me making myself known." Liath said nonchalantly and went back to looking at Draconem.

"At this time, I would like everyone to please pay attention. Today has been a great day as the we have two great visitors with us today. Degore!" Draconem said, pausing as a rather large gargoyle flew into the stadium and flew around over the students. He poked a few of the new dragon companions noses along with slapping a few boys who kept talking in the side of the heads. Draconem laughed his hearty laugh at the gargoyles tough-love actions. "And the Great Gryphon!" At this familiar title, the whole student body arises in a loud roar of cheers and clapping. A large Gryphon then appeared and gracefully swooshed down and over the audience. It then flew down without a word or sound and gently landed on the ground in front of the group of people. He didn't say hello, just bowed it's head and looked up at Draconem with everyone else. "They will be showing you to your dormatores and giving you your rooms. I would like all the men to please go with Degore and the women please follow the great Gryphon. I shall see you all once again at training!" At that, Draconem was gone, returning to his hitch above the school. Degore flew around the stadium saying in a loud nasty voice "Come on, men! Let's get this over with!" While, the Great Gryphon just pantiently waited for all the girls to follow as he waited by the exit.

Ash stood up from her seat and smiled back at the group then walked with the rest of the crowd over to the Great Gryphon, who Ash and Liath had decided years ago to call Gee-Gee. Liath was hanging on her back, his tail stretched out and still long enough to slightly drag on the ground.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Ash Parker
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Ash's eyes widened slightly when she felt someone put a hand on her shoulder. It wasn't that she wasn't used to it. I mean, she had a dragon hanging on to her other shoulder. But this didn't feel like one of Liath's claws. No, this was human. Great, your love has returned. Liath teased through his and Ash's connection. Ash shot him a quick look before turning to see Colette. At the sight of her, Ash smiled widely. "Oh, hey, sorry." Ash said after she registered what Colette had said. Ash was confused slightly, and so was Liath, that Colette even talked to Ash again. But Ash kept a smile on her face, until she saw Jay in the corner of her eye. Ash turned to glare at him slightly.

Happy at the fact that Jay hadn't happened to see her, Ash turned back to Colette. Her smile instantly returning. She stared a moment at Colette's eyes before looking forward again and looking at the Great Gryphon. He was big and beautiful, to say the least. Ash liked his wings the most. So big and enchanting. Cree to Ash, come in Ash. Liath said through the connection and Ash sent him an annoyed look.


After Drconem left...again, Jay shot up from his seat, wanting to be the first one to meet Degore face to face. Jay always liked gargoyles, and now he had one of his own, Slayer, and he was about to meet a legend, Degore. "Come one, guy! Let's get outa' here!" He yelled as he passed a group of guys who were just sitting around talking. He didn't bother them too much, though. They were muscular and tall looking. As he walked, he heard some guy as some other guy to walk with him. Seriously? Jay thought. He looked at Slayer who, in a kid like voice, said "Let's go make friends!" and starting laughing mischievously.

So Jay then walked up to the guy and punched him friendly in the arm while saying "Hey, dude! What's up? Haven't seen you in a while." Jay said with a passing smile to the guy who was trying to talk to a muscular guy which made Jay regret coming over here. Slyer sat on his shoulder and watched the guys with wide eyes and a mischievous smile, just like every other little gargoyle you see. Jay hadn't even noticed the two girls with black unicorns, his worse fear. Ever since he was a kid he hated unicorns. He had loved black unicorns, but when he was feeding a baby black unicorn an apple, it mother had came and chased Jay up into a tree. Jay was up in that tree for hours, the unicorn kept circling the tree waiting for him to come down. Jay was finally able to come down once his father chased the creature away. He stared at the unicorns with wide eye before he snapped back to reality and shot the guy a grin and a "Well, see ya' later, man." And headed toward the group of guys in front of Degore. He hadn't even paid attention to the little dragon that was just born.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: BlueJay Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky
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#, as written by Skwidge

"You don't know her you rascal, try not to judge people." Reechi simply rolled her eyes, her tail slapping his stomach gently. ”You can’t read thoughts you mortal, try not to judge me!” She thought back, making an ever so valid point, though she only used mortal for something to replace rascal with. She grinned up at him before being distracted by the twin’s teasing and japing, to which her eyes widened and she perked her ears with a look of enjoyment. However, she was suddenly distracted by a loud crack that came from her left, unmistakably the egg belonging to Takeshi.

Her attention was diverted by the other storm dragon passing her, using her name, "Why, hello there, Reechi." She rolled her eyes, not taking a liking to him as he was already friendly towards her. Sure, they were the same kind, but that didn’t mean anything was guaranteed.

“Sir, I believe your egg is hatching." Reechi allowed something that was highly similar to a cough escape her vocals followed by a rather sarcastic comment of, “Oh, you don’t say.” There was pretty much no reason for this Liath character to do what he did, and it gave her a rather negative first impression of him.

As Draconem returned, Reechi turned her attention to his loud voice, prepared for him now as he continued. He introduced two of the famed creatures within Cree, a look of awe tilting her features as she gazed upon the Great Gryphon. He was really something, but she soon shrugged and turned to Degore instead, as he would be the one Rowan would be focused on.

”So, we’re going to go see our room now, Rowan?” She looked up at him with excitement on her features, quickly crawling up onto his shoulders. A look of glee soon cavorted there, and she launched herself with her back legs to land on Aya’s form before quickly re-balancing herself, giving a quick rub of her small head against Aya's cheek in momentary apology as the girl was so skittish, and otherwise jumped at Takeshi. However, the loud yell caused by his small dragon surprised her and made her falter, landing instead on his lap with her ears back and fur slightly raised before making a hasty retreat back to Rowan’s body where she had safety.

”Rowannn… save me…. I think my ears are bleeding.” She looked up at him with pitiful eyes, her ears low before they perked up and she grinned lightly, practically running up the front of his body to his shoulders and then his head, where she most enjoyed perching. ”Well, let’s go!”

She glanced over at Takeshi, another huge grin on her face as she reached out a front arm towards him, pawing at the air. ”Takeshiii!!” She whined ever so lightly through a new connection, beckoning for him and his new companion to join she and Angel as they would begin to walk over to Degore and find their room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello
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Takeshi & Aya Ueto

“And, what do we have here? An egg? Sir, I believe your egg is hatching.” A dragon no bigger than a feline perched itself on Sagas chair and stared straight into his eyes. Its tail was more than 2/3 its size, and had a lot of poof at the end. It reminded him of a feather duster! Man…where was this guy when his Ma had asked him to dust the living room? He returned his attention back to the egg that was exploding its shell wall.

”Really?” Pieces of the shell were flying out onto the floor. He kept seeing the leg kick again and again. What a ball of energy! ”My hearts racing a little!” he laughed.

”I think everyone’s is,” Aya chuckled and pressed her elbows on her knees to look at the egg sideways. She was trying to give the hatching her full attention, but out of no where Reechi had launched herself at Ayas back. She balanced herself on her shoulders, and rubbed her head against Ayas cheek. She blushed and admired the softness of the small dragon’s skin. Dragons were so strange…but, it felt kind of nice~

” I'M HEEEEERE!!" the tiny dragon cried and practically jumped out of the egg. A grand performance! Saga reached his long arms out, grabbed him, and pulled him close to his chest. He didn’t want his lil’ guy getting hurt the first day. Reechi skidded away and ran to her human companion’s side when the new dragon came into the world. She was so pressed up against him, that Aya could have sworn that Reechi was trying to get into Angels skin. Her heart felt strange. Did she feel bad? But…it’s not like SHE had been the one to scare the dragon….

”Wow, wow, wow…that was a close one,” he opened his hands and stared into his baby dragons cerulean eyes. Wow.

”Aww, he’s cute!” Aya chimed ”isn’t that good? You have a dragon now,”

”Very cute,” Estabel concurred and started to get up. She put the weight on her front legs so she could lift her back legs, and then straightened her front legs. She shook her small mane that had begun to develop. Saga ran his hand over his dragons head and started to play with the two feathers sticking up on his head. Haha, he had cowlicks.

”What’s your name lil’ guy? I’m Ueto Takeshi, but call me Saga, alright?” he paused, ” He looks a bit like an alien,” he grinned stupidly and his sister kicked his shin, causing his face to contract.

”Ow, ow, ow! Not cute Aya! Not cute!” he groaned and rubbed his ankle against his shin. There would be a bruise there tomorrow for sure. He and his sister bickered back and forth until whispers and hushes filled the energetic room. One girl was screaming so high-pitched in the background that both siblings covered their ears. Well, Saga tried too…but his hands were occupied by his baby dragon. ”Aya! Save me!” he whined. She turned her back to him and laughed quietly to herself. ”You as-“ Aya brought her leg up to kick him in the shin again and he cursed.

Speech over and dealt with, the Raven girl continued to chat away. Introducing her companion, Saga gasped melodramatically. The thing had feathers! Peacock feathers! He nodded in the direction of Fucuello, unable to say his improper yo-greeting. He felt like the elegant stallion deserved some respect for his unnatural beauty.


Fucuello returned the nod and turned his head away after. He was taller than Trista-who was abnormally tall for a girl-and she stood at 6’1”. To give an image of his height, her head was at the bump of his back where a saddle would go. He found the location of the female gryphon and the girls who crowded over. Urgh, he hated large crowds.

Throughout the commotion, Aya had tried to ignore this strange feeling that someone was watching her. After everything calmed down a bit and the two beautiful ladies left, she had figured out whom. It was that, that.. Riley guy, stealing glances of her... 7 times. She had brushed it off at first, thinking nothing of it. But when he started talking, stuttering and throwing out words, it was obvious he was uncomfortable. A revelation dawned on her.

He was uncomfortable....because of her.

He probably wanted her to leave, that's why he was looking at her so much. 'no one wants you here. Just go. You're in my way.' she kept hearing these words over and over again in her head. It was like school back home all over again. Fine! If he wanted her gone, gone she was.

"I'm going to go," she closed her eyes as she sat up and tugged down at her red and white striped tank-top. Her toned muscles across her flat stomach had shown for just a split second. Saga reached out and clasped her thin wrist.

"What about your friend?" he looked up at her, and she noticed just how long his eyelashes were.

"Excuse me? Friend?" she cocked her head to the side, her silky brunette hair swayed to the right. When had she befriended someone?

"Trista silly!" he half-smiled at his dear sister and slowly let his hand brush off from hers.

"Oh..right." she looked up at Trista and stared at her for a couple seconds. She brought her hands behind her back and clenched her fists. Her cheeks were flushed pink again.

Come on stupid! Say something!

"U-um.." she looked down to the right and met the bluest eyes she'd ever seen. Riley. She quickly turned away and spun around on her heels. Her back now to the group. She mustered up the courage to speak to Trista and opened her lips, only to be shot down.

"Come on, men! Let's get this over with!" Takeshi quickly turned his head to where the sound was coming from. Damn, he got the boot-camp dormitory leader? Already he could tell this was going to be a tough year. And damn, the thing was just friggin creepy. He shivered.

"Hey, dude! What's up? Haven't seen you in a while." Takeshi turned his head back around to the crew, adjusting his seating position to his legs spread out but ankles touching. He sat the baby dragon in-between his legs. Looking the emo boy up and down, his height reminded him of his friend, Hiroto, back home. Although this guy was taller, whoever he was. He had a cut that resembled that of an emo and jet black hair. And before Saga could think more of him, he was gone.

”Weird…” Saga scratched the back of his head. Suddenly everyone was acting strange. This Riley guy and then the emo kid. Oh well, must be the nervous bug. Saga shot up and scooped his companion up in his hands at the sight of Riley and Angel getting comfortable with one another and leaving him behind. But then Angel stopped and walked backwards waiting for him, what a nice guy. ”Let’s head in! And give the poor guy a break! He’s excited is all,” Takeshi made his way to Angels side and poked Reechis nose

”Ah, ah, call me Saga, Reechi.” Saga looked back at his sister with a slight sadden expression, ”See ya later Aya! Call or text me for anything!”

"Yeah” she replied to both of them and took Tristas hand ”…Let’s go Trista," and at that, she was on her way. Swaying her hips ever so slightly in her white shorts with her head held high. What was his(Rileys) problem!?

Estabel followed after and stuck to Ayas side like glue. Fucuello was eying Aya and hoped she would feel his tension. After a few moments though he sighed and let it go. It was good for Trista to make friends, he couldn’t keep her confined. She had to fly.

That’s when she shines the brightest, Fucuello thought and smiled to himself, holding his head even higher if possible with his tail swaying side to side proud-fully.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Ash Parker
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Once all the students, or the rather called Ryders and their companions, were all lined up - or more like grouped up - in front of their said leaders, it was time to go.

The Guys

The men took their leave first for the fact that a few of the boys began to argue and fight, while the girls stood and talked as they waited to go. Degore turned around uttering curses at the men as he did, and opened the tall and wide doors. The doors revealed a big long hallway made of stone. It had high ceilings and wide walls. It was obvious the academy was made to be a castle for Draconem. Degore walked the group down the corridor as he spoke and introduced each night suit and room as he passed. "That there, boys, was Sir Ryan. He had come here to try and kill Draconem, obviously, he failed." Degore said with a terrifying smile and hideous laugh as he pointed to a suit of armor. Everyone started looking at the suit, waiting for it to move.

The mask of the suit began to move and everyone stopped. A boy walked up to the suit and slowly opened the mask. When the mask was opened half way, out popped a little gargoyle with a loud terrifying scream that turned into a laugh as the boy and all who were watching jumped back with a yell. Degore stopped and glared at everyone. He walked over to the little gargoyle who was rolling around in the air laughing. He grabbed the little guy by the wings and the small gargoyle crossed it's arms and arched it's eyebrows. It was a funny sight coming from a little gargoyle like himself. "What's your name, kid." Degore said to the small thing. Degore was much bigger than the little gargoyle as he was 6 and a half feet tall, almost seven feet tall, and the little guy was only about one foot tall. "Slayer." The little gargoyle said, he sounded like a little kid. "Who's is this!?" Degore yelled and held slayer up in the air by his wings. Jay then slowly raised his hand and made his way through the crowd. "He's my companion, Sir." He said blandly. Degore dropped little Slayer in Jay's arms and said "You need to watch him, boy. You don't want him to always get you in trouble, 'cause that's what he'll do, boy. That's what he'll do." Degore said calmly then made his way back up to the front of the group. He slapped a kid that was staring off into space on the back of the head while adding "Alright, men! Let's get going! We want to make it to training before the ladies, don't we?! Then let's go!" Degore said doing a lot of hand gesturing then turned around and lifted up into the air and began to fly.

He flew the rest of the way there and landed in front of the doors. He turned to face the crowd as he waited for them to catch up. His hands were behind he back as he waited. Once everyone was caught up, he stared them all down. "Men, I give you our lounge!" He said and turned around and pushed the large doors open with some force. As they opened, they revealed a large room with tall ceiling, it wasn't big enough for all of Draconem to sit, bit he could still fit his head in it. There was couches, tables, chairs, bookcases with various books, candles, a fire place and on top of the fire case was a dragon egg in a glass case. Degore stepped in the room and the group followed. "Okay, listen up! Over on that table is a list with everyone's name on it. It shows your name and the room you're in!" Degore said loudly as he pointed to the sheets of paper spread out on a large table. It didn't fill up the whole table, but it filled up the end of the table. He then turned his position and pointed down two hallways on either side of the fireplace. "The rooms are down there. All of your luggage is already in your rooms along with stuff given to you by Draconem for your companions. I believe it's a few toys, treats, a bed and other stuff considering what you have. I believe he used his all-knowing sense to see who you all chose. Anyways, just go to your rooms, meet your roommates, unpack your luggage, then come back out here as soon as possible! So we can go and get training over with." Degore said then sat in a chair and watched the fire as he waited for all the men to return.

The guys then went straight to the papers. Jay found his name and room, Slayer sitting on his shoulder. He headed down a hallway and found his room. The hallway was big enough still for Draconem to fit through, and it made Jay feel like he was in a giant giants house. The door to the rooms were only big enough for Draconem to look in with one of his eyes and the room itself was only big enough to fit Draconem's nose and part of his snout. It was still a large room, but it was big enough for two people and their companions. There was a door at the opposite end of the room that led into the enclosure. Jay saw his stuff on the bed on the left side of the room, and someone else's stuff on the bed on the right side of the room. At the end of Jay's bed was a stone podium that had the name Slayer chiseled into a stone plague part of the podium. At the sight of it, Slayer flew over and perched on it becoming as still as stone as he did so. Jay then went and began to unpack his stuff.

The Girls

After the men took their leave, it was the girls turn to go. Gracefully, the Gryphon turned from the group and opened doors to reveal a big long hallway made of stone. It had high ceilings and wide walls. It was obvious the academy was made to be a castle for Draconem. The Gryphon silently walked out onto the stone floor, the girls following. The hallway to the girls side of the building was lined with suites of armor as well, but there was less rooms. Each of the rooms were big and gym like rooms. The had plagues to the side of each room that said what class was held there. They passed Magic, Swords, Hand-to-Hand, and combat. Ash looked in each room with a smile on her face and Liath looking bored as ever. She was amazed by the size of the rooms.

When they made it to the dorm lounge, the Great Gryphon gracefully opened the doors and walked in the room. The room was big enough for Draconem to squeeze into. The Gryphon turned and finally spoke to the group. "Over on the table is a few papers. On one of those papers you will find your name and the room you are in. The rooms are down those two hallways. All of your luggage and a few gifts form Draconem will be located in your rooms. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me." He ended with a smile and slow nod then stepped back to watch everyone. He voice was clear and slick and comforting. Liath jumped off Ash's shoulder and went to find her name then returned to her saying "I have found our room, Ash." Ash just shot him a quick glance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: BlueJay Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky
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Takeshi Ueto

Saga shook his hand casually.

”Ueto Takeshi,” he smiled nonchalantly and scratched his little buddies head after that. ”Wow, my ears going to fall off!” he winced and rubbed his ear that was being yelled into.”SSssssssss” he bit his bottom lip. This guy was HYPER. Like his buddy nao was, hmm maybe it wasn’t a good idea for him to have gotten a dragon. He shook his head, arguing with himself in his head.

I should have known this was a bad idea. I had to take my pants off to get the guy! Every relationship was going to head down hill if you had to take your pants off to get it started. Man, I should have known. This year…I might lose a lot of things…

He stifled a laugh. ”I’m just kiddin’, I’ll introduce you to everyone.” he started introducing Angel and his companion and ended it with Riley and his companion. Once the introductions were over, they finally headed over.

Watching Degore show them around, he felt himself wanting to go home again for about the fifth time today. Actually, if his pals were here, he wouldn’t mind being here so much. At least he would have his buddies with him to suffer, or blame stuff on so he would be safe. While thinking about his buddies, a few gasps or woahs escaped his lips from the scenery of the dorms. He took his glasses off and hooked them at the front of his shirt to get a better view of the place. It took him a while for his eyes to adjust to the brightness. In the large crowd of boys, he noticed that a lot of the dragons had already reached their peak form. They were huge! He cast his gaze to Bluejay, what if he suddenly grew on his shoulder?

I’d be squished! Pancake Saga! ….I bet I’d be delicious

He scratched the back of his head and was about to ask Angel a question, when he wasn’t beside him anymore. That’s when Saga first noticed Angel trying to hide behind him and Riley. He laughed.

”isn’t there something wrong with the picture here?” he raised his hand high in the air to represent height. Angel leaned over the two and whispered into their ears.

”He's going to kill us." He hissed bluntly, watching the gargoyle with a wary eye. "And then he'll stuff us and put us up on display to show to the new students next year. And if he doesn't taxidermy you he'll use you as a chew toy and oh damn I am way to precious to die-"


Laughter escaped Sagas seductive lips when Angel screamed bloody Mary. He put his hands on his knees and tried his best to laugh silently but it was impossible. Oh, it hurt to breathe. He lifted a half-clenched fist to his face and held it in front of his mouth. A big smirk on his face as he failed miserably to contain his laughter.


” They'll be the death of me. Look at those beady eyes and that stony skin and those TALONS." Angel exclaimed, he was being overdramatic…it was so funny! Saga just nodded and still muffled some random laughs that came up here and there. He patted Angels back.

” "Just promise me you'll play 'Bang Bang You're Dead' at my funeral." Angel half-joke and Saga shook his head.

”Ah, wouldn’t you think it’d be better to play ‘Another one bites the dust’ by Queen?” Saga replied, ”Ah, but don’t worry. I’ll collect Dragon Balls for you and revive you!" he joked around but continued, suddenly becoming serious" So…I’m not spending money on your funeral, I’m broke.” he laughed, all to serious about him not having a lot of money. Back home, he was known as the worst to borrow money from people..he often forget to pay them back till a year later.

Saga slouched backwards, more of leaning back as he walked. He brushed some hair out of his face (like Justine beiber would) and regained his cool. Saga didn’t really like Degore either; maybe if he wore a bag over his head with eye holes in it…he would leave him alone? He chuckled to himself.

”bye Angel. I’ll talk to you later Riley,” he waved goodbye to the guy and went to find his name. A lot of the boys had scrambled the papers everywhere on the table.

”What a pain,” he groaned and just moved the papers around till he found the one with U’s on it. Guys nudged against him and pushed him around so he got out of there quick. What ruffians. That was a horrible experience. He wondered how his sister was doing with all this? He could just imagine her now going back into her logical one-track mindset. On his way back to his dorm he pulled out his flip-phone and texted his sister.

Oi….. I have this weird gut feeling…don’t turn into the robot again! I like my sister with feelings. Make some friends and stop being so strange haha

He pressed send and slid his phone into his pocket as he opened the handle to his dorm. He saw his stuff and noticed Angel from the corner of his eye. Wow! Lucky! He had a friend here. Saga stared at him strangely as if he’d never seen a guy with his shirt off. He pressed his back against the door and wrapped his arms around himself. Joking of course, he said.

”Wow…Angel…did you sneak in here to seduce me? So lewd~”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: BlueJay Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky
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#, as written by Skwidge

Reechi’s ears fell flat against her skull as Bluejay screamed out questions; hopefully he wouldn’t be like this all the time. It’d seriously hamper the relationship between herself and Saga, and with Bluejay himself. She crawled down to Angel’s shoulder, reaching forward and attempting to pin down Bluejay’s maw so he’d stop talking, but at the last second Angel turned her away from him, and she looked up at him with a half pout half frown. Her tail thumped against his back to show her discomfort with the banshee to their right. Other than that she made no other sign of dislike towards the A’Ris dragon, and churred at Rowan’s ear, standing on her hind legs with one paw up and rubbed her head against his ear before climbing back up onto his head.

It was then that Rowan introduced them, "Hi Bluejay, I'm Angel. This is my companion Reechi." She then felt his finger press against her nose, which she promptly wiggled in response, and looked back at Saga’s dragon. She blinked once before inclining her head fractionally towards him in greeting with a small grin, only because he was quiet at that moment.

However, the body underneath her suddenly moved to the right, and she crouched down a bit lower to keep her center of gravity correct and not fall off of his head. It wasn’t hard, he had just caught her a bit off guard while she was in thought. Degore then began to yell curses at some other boys nearby, the reason of Rowan’s sudden movement, and then he promptly swept in to separate them. ”Reeps, cover your ears, I don't want you developing a tongue like that!” She grinned as he pressed her ears down, pawing at his head. ”’Course not! I’m more refined than that, and in any case, it’s much more fun using silly words than those unsettling ones.”

As they then moved along towards the boy’s section of the Academy, Rowan began to act a little peculiar, to which Reeps glanced down at him with her head tilted to the side, he seemed to be… hiding? She immediately looked up at Degore with narrowed eyes, catching on by his moods and thoughts. Reeperchi pressed her paw pads into his forehead a bit, blowing a small bit of cold air at his hair as she exhaled. ”Something the matter, Rowan?”

Suits of armor filled the hallway they entered next, to which Reechi’s eyes widened a bit towards the shiny bits. Degore then spoke up, having to add his own little bit to the tour, ”That there, boys, was Sir Ryan. He had come here to try and kill Draconem, obviously, he failed." She rolled her eyes with a slight grin, but was then distracted by Rowan moving forward to whisper into the ears of Saga and Riley, "He's going to kill us." Reechi smacked his neck with her tail, ”Get a hold of yourself! Degore’s more civilized than you give him credit for, and he’d be in deep trouble with Draconem should he injure one of the students here. Besides, I’m here too, you know.”

Something suddenly piqued in her awareness of the surroundings, her eyes focusing on the suit of armor before them, a small growl forming in her throat, ”Rowan-“ However, she didn’t get to warn him of the smaller gargoyle’s presence as it flew out, causing Angel to jump back wildly in surprise with a loud yell, Reechi clinging onto his head with her tail curled around his neck to try to keep her balance. A look of immense irritation and threatened menace flashed across her facials, aimed at the small gargoyle before Rowan detached her from his head to hold her before him.

Saga then laughed brightly at her Ryder, causing Reechi to turn her head towards him and give him a small huff of air. She really liked the sound of his laugh, just not where it was aimed. Her attention was then grabbed by Bluejay, who seemed to be just as startled as Rowan, and her thoughts of him immediately enhanced as he commented quietly as well. ’So he’s not loud all the time. Great!’ She blinked with a tiny smile perking the tips of her mouth up.

"Reeps, they're everywhere,” He suddenly shifted her to his cheek, looking around, ”They'll be the death of me. Look at those beady eyes and that stony skin and those TALONS." She pushed at his shoulder gently, trying to gain his attention before he tenderly held her out in front of him once more. ”Rowan, relax, they’re not out to get you. Besides, they’re nothing but stone, and stone cracks easily under harsh temperatures.”

"Just promise me you'll play 'Bang Bang You're Dead' at my funeral." She stared straight into his eyes, tilting her head to the side before bluntly stating, “I don’t know what-“ Rowan suddenly replaced her onto his head as Degore flew over them to gain their attention, "We want to make it to training before the ladies, don't we?! Then let's go!"

"Don't let them take me-" Finally, someone else came over and verbally smacked him down a bit to get him to pull himself together. Angel finally decided it was true, and then rushed to make it back to Saga and Riley.

They finally entered the lounge, and Reechi gazed up at the immensely tall ceiling, a pleased look glancing along her features as she considered the possibilities of how to use it to her advantages. Angel brought her out of her planning with another comment towards Degore, "I hope he's not in here all day.” She simply shrugged, ”The first day, yeah, probably, just to show us around, but I dunno about the rest of the time.”

The pair moved off towards the table to find their room number, Rowan’s irritation spiking for just a moment as he looked upon his name, finding it to be labeled under his first one. Reechi hooked herself onto his shirt, leaning forward and running a claw through the name ever so lightly so as not to rip through the papers underneath it, but to still mar the image. Afterwards they took off in the direction of their room, arriving within a few minutes.

As Rowan stood before his door, she sat up, looking expectantly at it, waiting somewhat impatiently for him to open it up. "Ready Reeps? Behold, our humble abode!" And with that announcement, he twisted the knob and flung open the doors, revealing a large, spacious room. She gazed around as he entered their living space, "Reeps, check it out!" He held his arm out for her, which she quickly scuttled onto and across to leap from his hand into the basket to admire its comfortable blankets and gentle swaying motion. However, almost as soon as she had gone in, she leapt out to go scamper towards Rowan’s boxes and bags to snuffle at them and investigate, her tail swishing along the ground as she did so with wide eyes.

However, Rowan soon arrived on the scene, and she darted away to give him his belongings, and went to go look at what she had received from Draconem. Among the plethora of mentally stimulating items, there were a few things that stood out to her. A small tree sapling was among those, to which she sniffed at for a small bit of time, shifting backwards as it seemed to grow just slightly before her. She sat down and looked up towards the high ceiling. ’Well, there’s definitely enough room for a tree in here.’ She grinned lightly before continuing to dig through her new stuff.

There also seemed to be a box that was taped shut, to which Reechi quickly stood on her hind legs to place her front legs on top of it, her eyes scanning over the letters along it. She turned her head towards Rowan, pausing for a moment to watch him set up his own stuff before dipping into his mind as he looked over his posters which had the same kind of letters. As he read them, she paid close attention, easily translating and gaining, before turning back to her own box to read it.

Do Not Open Unless Emergency She tilted her head, ’Well, that’s not foreboding atall.’ After having looked over her stuff, Reeps quickly scampered over to Rowan, leaping forward and clinging to the sheets he had just put down, crawling up them quickly and pausing as her form sunk down a bit. Her left ear fell over a little bit as she tilted her head, blinking and wiggling her nose with wide eyes, one paw frozen in mid-step, before she put it down. Her paw squished down on the material before sinking down as well. A sound similar to a little higher pitched, Ooh escaped her maw as she began to walk experimentally along the strange material, a look of high entertainment and an open mouthed smile on her face as she did so. She shifted her weight up and down, finding that it caused her to bounce back up a bit.

A mischievous look now filled her face as she bounced, going higher and higher until suddenly-
Reeps froze, her eyes locked dead center onto the pillow at the head of the bed. She quickly jumped along forward towards it, stopping in her antics to circle it and sniff at it. It smelled a lot like Rowan. A feeling of affection flooded through the connection between she and her Ryder, and she quickly climbed up onto it, circling before curling up there with her head tucked towards her stomach. Reechi then looked up at upside-down Rowan, caused by her head position, and smiled up at him with a small little chirp of a laugh as he smacked his head into her basket. "Like the room Reeps? What'd you get from Draconem?" He then sat down next to her after changing out of his shirt and switching pants to look at her. Her tail thwapped along the edge of the pillow and the mattress. “Lots of stuff, mainly dragon care I guess, but there were a few things that stood out, I suppose. You’ll have to look at them later.”

The door suddenly opened, and none other than Takeshi Ueto sauntered into the room. ”Wow…Angel…did you sneak in here to seduce me? So lewd~” Chi laughed aloud, righting herself on the pillow to sit down with a huge grin. “SAGASAGASAGASAGA!!!!!” She announced loudly, a look of content cheerfulness on her face as her ears perked up and her tail wagged a little bit. It was most excellent that he would be their roommate, it was an idea that Reechi was definitely fond of.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: BlueJay Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky
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Takeshi Ueto

"Lewd? How is this offensive? Is my seduction not working?" Angel joked, switching poses to both arms behind his head and a duck face. For a second Sagas acting fade faltered as a slight chuckle escaped his lips. He turned his head to hide the chuckle and then looked back. Bluejay left him to go retreat to his bed and Saga fell to his knees in desperation.

”Nooo, come back BlueJay!”

"Seduction~" Angel changed poses again- "Seductionnn~" Another change.

”Help me!” he cried over-dramatically and fell onto his side, reaching up to his dragon. One hand on his heart, he acted like he was dyeing.

"Oh the art of seduction!" Angel exclaimed.

”I’m…I’m at my limit,” he burst out laughing as he rolled onto his other side and looked up at Angel. Their weird funky bro reunion was over. Saga sat up and spread a leg out while the other one was being held close to his chest. Angel shrugged on a muscle shirt and Saga waved kindly to Reechi and burst into a small fit of laughter at the way she called out to him. It reminded him of someone he knew, someone VERY crazy who had the weirdest laugh and was just…strange. It made him feel more at home, joking around with Angel and Reechi.

”Hey Reechi, aren't you cute? Haha” he said quietly, trying his best to tone it down since his dragon was sleeping. He really wondered how much his dragon would grow. Saga turned his head to see the bed his little guy was lying on and blinked. The bed was 10 times his size! Saga pointed and had a astounded look on his face. His mouth agape he said, ”Isn’t that way too big?’ he covered his mouth and laughed lightly.

"And I didn't sneak in- looks like we're gonna be roommates." Angel grinned and stood up, slipping back on gym shoes and raising his hand for a high five. "Party rooooom." Saga grinned back just as happily at Angel and pressed his hand against the floor to push himself up. He brought his hand back in the air and then slammed all 5 against Angels hand.

”Yeah, awesome!” he nodded his head roughly and then held his head high, flipping his hair back with a backwards motion of the head.

(His boss expression)

"Need help unpacking anything? We should get to training as soon as we can." Angel said as he took in Takeshis unpacked belongings. Saga stared back at them, he only had a few boxes.

”Naw, it’s fine. I’ll unpack quick” he took out a pocket knife from his pocket and flipped it open, stabbing his box with it, he tore it open. He slid it back into his pocket and took his clothes out. They were folded nicely but were quickly ruined as he just shoved them into his dresser. Some were still folded but now were slanted weird. He felt bad that he was ruining his mothers good work… After that, he reached deeper into the box to take out a couple notebooks and shoved them under his bed. Lastly for this box, he took out all his hair stuff and make-up and put it in-between his bed and dresser in a small basket. The next part of packing was the hardest for him, this one..he actually took his time on.

"Where are you from?" Angel had asked while he was unpacking.

Saga picked his bass up in its case and laid it on his bed for now, than grabbed his amps and lined them up against the bottom of his bed. He had a small, medium, and large amp. Repeating the same motion as before, he opened a smaller box that was about half the size as the bigger one. In it were bass and piano composition and music theory books, CD’s of his favorite bands such as: LUNA SEA, U2, Vamps, and a few others, also other things like a bass strap and much more other music related things.

Wyvernbourne, in Vesper. you?" he replied. He set these things aside for now and went to the largest object of his stuff. It was already taken out of its box, but it was wrapped in white plastic. Tearing it off, it revealed a beautiful black piano. He wanted to move it in-between the two beds under the window.

”Hey, could you help me move this? I want to put it under the window, if that’s alright?” he asked.

Takeshi LOVED music. He and his friends had started a small band back home, but because of his leave a lot of things were put on hold. It was a bit disappointing to all of them but they all understood where he was coming from. They agreed they could still practice through electronics (video chat) or even meet up on weekends when he wasn’t training. Possibly get some lives in there if things went well. He truly wondered if he would have any time for that but he wouldn't give up on music. Even if apart, he will still practice.While waiting for Angels response, his phone started to buzz. Wow, his sister actually replied! He wondered whether she had sent a positive or a negative response......

Open text.....



"Psh!" he covered his mouth to hide his laughter. He texted back, enjoying his bickering with her far to much.

You're calling ME an ass?Come I look like a donkey to you? No! I'm gorgeous!

Alright, and in all good!

Aya Ueto

”E-eh? No, not at all. her cheeks flushed a bright pink as she waved her hand in front of her and shook her head. ” Honestly, it’s perfectly fine,” She remembered her conversation with Trista and how she had done the same thing. Wow, this was getting weird. Aya’s eyes shot in the other direction, looking down, and then looked up cutely when she felt Colettes eyes on her. She resembled the shrek character Puss in Boots when he was begging. She clenched her own hands tightly together.

There was an ackward silence, and she was relieved to hear her phone buzz. Saga! Saving her in the nick of time. She took her cell out and read his message, smiling to herself.She texted back.

Saga….you will never believe this, but I think I just met my twin. Theres this girl and she…she is just like me!! So weird!!

”I hope we can eat soon..... I'm getting a bit starved, to be honest. I woke up early, and it's been hours since my last meal." Colette mentioned, a slight grumble emitting from her stomach. Aya giggled softly.

”Wait here,” Aya stuck out her pointer finger and then walked off to one of the vending machines. She took a couple bucks out of her pocket and inserted it into the machine. She got protein bars, chips, and 2 water bottles and walked back over.

”Here, I’m sorry it’s not much….” she held out a water bottle and a handful of protein bars along with a bag of chips. Estabel peeked over Ayas shoulder and slowly inched her face closer and closer to Ayas and before…snatching one of the protein bars.

”Ah! Esta! No!” Aya snatched it back.

”I’m hungry,” Estabel hung her head down sadly. Aya sighed and unwrapped the protein bar Estabel had taken. She held it out.

”Ask next time, and here. You can’t eat it when it has a wrapper,” Aya stated. Estabel neighed happily and carefully took it from her human companion’s hand. It was yummy! But not very filling.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Ash Parker
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As Ash walked out of the hallway and looked around with a blank expression on her face and slightly wide eyes, the Great Gryphon decided to speed things up. He went around and told everyone in the lounge to get ready to leave. He then went down the hallways and stopped in each room to let people know they were going to be leaving soon.

It was the same for the boys, but with more of a harsher tone. "Hurry your asses up! I bet the girls are working faster then you guys!" He yelled at everyone in the longue who was sitting around them decided to make his way done the hallways and personally yell and curse at everyone who was just sitting around or changing. He went into everyone yelling "Hurry up, you maggots!" then continued to curse at the few men who were just sitting around talking. "Why are you just sitting there?! We have training to get to and girls to beat! Hurry up!" He would say as he hurried everyone along.

Most of the guys were scared of what would happen if they didn't listen to the gargoyle that was bigger then most gargoyles. They all came into the longue and waited for instructions. "Alright, maggots! Listen up!" Degore yelled in there faces and went around to slap a few people on the back of their heads for laughing, talking, or being on a cellphone. He then scolded them all and turned to the door. He opened it and flew out, the men all following him as he did so. He walked back down the hallway and out a door to the enclosure where a bunch of equipment was set up. There was targets with bow-and-arrows, mats for wrestling, an obstacle course with tires to run through, a climbing wall, a slide to run up and climb down, and other things. There was martial arts area, gymnastics, swords fighting, and then, for the companions mostly, special abilities. Sitting behind all the obstacles was noneother than Draconem sitting up straight. His tail was laid out behind him and went all the way back to the forest and mountains then out of sight. Beside him was a group of Pegasus, though more could be seen grazing in the pasture, and a small group of shirtless men with goat horns wrapping around there heads, revealing that they were Pooka in the shape of muscular men.

After scanning the sight, Degore smiled hideously, though he was truly proud, they had made it there before the girls. But, not so long after he thought that, the Great Gryphon can up, his beck twisting up slightly into a smile, knowing that he just ruined Degore's little moment. Degore crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the Great Gryphon. Upon seeing this, Draconem let out a hearty laugh along with a few of the Pegasus and Pooka. He found the tension between the two funny, part of the reason why he choose the two to become dorm leaders for the year.

Meanwhile, Ash and Jay ran into each other as both groups seemed to become one. Jay kept bumping into Ash as Slayer kept wrapping Liath's tail around his neck like a scarf and saying in his demon-child voice "Oh, look at me, I'm gay!" But, at the sound of that, Jay flicked him in the nose. Jay liked joking and messing with his cousin as much as Slayer enjoyed bothering Liath at the moment, but one thing Jay did not tolerate was homophobic jokes for the fact that it was not only making fun of Ash but most of his friends as well. Ash crossed her arms over and chest and looked up at Degore and the Great Gryphon, Jay did the same. Slayer and Liath sat on their shoulders and kept bickering and messing with each other as their Ryders waited for something to happen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Ash Parker
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((Sorry, PC messed up & posted twice))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: BlueJay
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#, as written by Skwidge

Reechi watched with humor as Angel took up on the silly comment, starting to flex all over the place. The dragon watched with content, a little smile to her maw as the two interacted and also getting to know more about how Angel acted. They certainly were a pair meant to be, that was for sure.

After the little exchange, Rowan pulled on a shirt, talking about the fact they’d be roommates now. Reeps had no problem with this at all, since Bluejay didn’t seem to scream all the time and had a sense about him, and she simply liked Saga. Suddenly her head shot up as Angel addressed her through their connection, making points about class to which she gave a slightly grudged nod of understanding. She rolled over onto her feet and crawled up his arm, settling down on his shoulders.

"Oh yeah- Reeps, Saga, do you guys have problems with cigarette smoke? I can be sure not to smoke inside if you do, or I can stop if you don't like it Chi." Reeperchi shrugged her shoulders, pawing at his shirt distractedly. “I don’t know, I’ve never experienced it before. It doesn’t sound too pleasant, but we’ll have to see I guess.” She peered over at Takeshi, who seemed to be distracted staring at the bed provided for Bluejay. Isn’t that way too big?” She blinked a few times. “Most of the companions are probably going to continue to grow as we go along. We’re mostly the sizes we are out of choice or for convenience.”

She was swept away as Angel moved over towards the window, pulling aside the blinds to reveal an enclosure. She gazed at it in awe, making definite plans on using it. The two began asking about places of origin, to which Reechi listened to a bit to gain more knowledge of the people she’d be living with for the next while, when Degore suddenly flung the door open, causing it to slam against the wall.

"I don't think I can do this. I swear... stupid gargoyle." Reechi shot her Ryder a look, a disgruntled appearance on her own face towards the event. Once more Rowan slid over to the door and with a, "Come on now Saga, we mustn't be late." in a fantastic tone, they were off. They soon conglomerated with the large mass of other male students towards the training area, with Saga nowhere in sight. He soon popped up, however, and Reechi turned to grin back at him. It faltered slightly into a good natured smirk, scanning over his shirt.

“Your shirt’s on backwards, Saga.” She chirped cheerfully before turning back to look ahead to where they were going. As soon as they entered the large area, Chi looked around with large interest, taking in all of the different areas for training. She was a little confused towards how they would find time to use all of them, and still get training in with both Ryder and Companion, but she figured it’d be explained soon enough. ”He’ll never recognize me in this,” She turned to see Saga wearing a bag over his head, and she laughed at the display. Rowan chuckled too, and she churred lightly with bright eyes.

As Angel made a step towards one of the areas, a loud yell reverberated through the immediate area, and Reechi’s ears fell back against her skull and she crouched a bit more into herself and closer to Angel’s neck. The outburst quickly subsided, and Draconem spoke out to all of them, talking about the leaders and the classing schedule. She grinned, ready to begin already as Rowan pulled their small little group along, taking a moment’s pause to give a brief greeting to Riley and then continue.

Once they approached Aya and Trista, Reechi’s eyes immediately fell onto Takeshi’s sibling, who appeared to be pretty shaken up. Rowan picked up on it too, and he leaned in to try to make her more comfortable. As he did, Reeps crawled down his arm onto the girl’s head for a moment before sitting on her shoulder and looking up at her with big, worried eyes for a moment before it shifted into that of a more cheerful look, her tail curling and uncurling along her back. She placed a paw on the girl’s neck, trying to figure out what was going on in her mind, but finding herself unable to do so. What Reeps did know for certain was she was highly uncomfortable as well as spooked. She rubbed along her neck for a second before returning to Angel’s body and up to his shoulders as he began speaking to Trista as the twins began to converse and figuring Takeshi would know what to do.

"So where did you want to train? Mind if we join you two?” Reechi grinned brightly, reverting back to her previous thoughts on getting prepared and training. ”You should probably work on what you’re not used to, or are terrible at. Being well rounded is important so you have no blind spots when in a fight.” She spoke to Angel before a new, unknown girl stumbled into Trista.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: BlueJay Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky
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#, as written by Bhu-Bhu
"The Hell! Trista yelled. Who bumbed into me?! I already have to go train and crap I do not need some idiot running into me! Help me up Fucuello. Once on her feet she whipped around to the intense looking girl who had shoved into her and the dog thing she assumed as the girl's companion. The dog looked to be the perpetrator since he was still stable on his feet. "Watch were your going." She warned them both and turned her back to them. She Aya asked her where she wished to go first.

"Hey ladies, sorry if we're interrupting the party!" Upon hearing that voice however Trista's mood perked up immediately. It was Angel, dragging up Takeshi by the sleeve, with BlueJay still conked out on his shoulder, though the little blue dragon did seem to be gradually waking. Angel's grin, which was slightly flirtatious, grew serious at the sight of Aya so down. He bent to eye level with her and affectionately ruffled her hair, like her father would when she was down. Reechi crawled across the momentary link and onto Aya, Probably trying to comfort her.

"Hey short stack, why you looking so down?" Trista's stomach twisted in slight jealousy, which she quickly threw off. Nope, jealousy was not what she would feel. Angel was concerned for Aya, she was as well. That was the matter at hand and she wouldn't let a stupid growing crush get in the way of any of that! She quickly placed a hand on Fucuello to steady herself, he was here, she had no need to be jealous.

Though now another thing made Trista's gut twist in worry. Would Aya take the hair ruffle as it was, affection, or as a violation of her personal space. Angel seemed to think along the same lines as he straightened up, Reechi returning to his shoulders, and turned to Trista. She smiled happily in response to his grin. Don't just smile at him like a ditz, say something! However all words that she could have said, flirtatious or otherwise, had ran out the window laughing at her expense. Ugh why did he have to be so good looking, why did his name have to fit him so well? Thank God he spoke first.

"So where did you want to train? Mind if we join you two?" He said.

"Not at all." Trista all too happily replied. "You guys can decide where to go first, I don't really care." She looked to the series of obstacles available. One did catch her eye. Swordsmanship, her dad specialized in heavy weaponry. I wonder if that's what he began with?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: BlueJay
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#, as written by Bhu-Bhu
"I believe that the word you should be using is 'sorry.' After all, you are the one who stopped without warning to anyone." Trista snapped her eyes up to meet the girls. She was a giant, it was rare that Trista had to look up to any girl. It didn't feel good. The raven haired girl turned to fully face the woman, lifting her head confidently, inspecting the face that challenged her as it looked over those around Trista. Did her eyes linger on Angel, hopefully it was just her imagination.

"Oh, thank the Cree, there are tall people here." What?! What kinda thing to say is that? Course there are tall people here, there were tall people everywhere.

”I’m going to go ahead and check out the weapons, I’ll meet you guys there.” Trista was momentarily popped out of her negativity to see Aya running of towards the sword. She raised her hand to return her friend's wave with a smile.

"Ok, see you in a bit." She watched the girl for a second more. Then turned back to the larger girl and her big dog. There were several routs she could take here. The high rout, the low rout, or the middle rout where she just ignored everything and walked away. Already the Middle road was out of the question, Trista did not walk away from something she started. Oh, she knew she started it. She knew this girl was probably about to say sorry but changed her mind when Trista's mouth had run away without thinking. But what was done was done and now it was her job to finish it.

Just like her Dad told her.

It was a hot spring day, annoyingly hot. The type of hot that blasts down and hangs wherever it can, like a loiterer that couldn't be caught. The streets were silent with the lack of activity, no one in this city enjoyed the hot weather. Normally it was cold or mild this time of year, but this spring had brought an odd heat wave.

A bell's shrill cry broke the silence. A river of bundled energy, screams, and giggles was released from its dam and rushed out of the small school yard. The river stopped when it spotted a mountain that cast a large intimidating shadow over all of them. For a few harsh seconds the silence returned, only to be cut again by the river's squeals of terror as it ran of in all directions for the safety of home. Only one within the river did not run. She starred up at the mountain and the one who stood beside it with a growing toothy grin of joy.

"Daddy!" The little girl with a small ponytail of black hair and bright green eyes ran up to her father with wide open arms. The man bent down and scooped up his daughter, swinging her round and round.

"How's my little dragon?" He laughed setting her upon his shoulders. Trista didn't answer too preoccupied by her attempts to reach up and pet the mountain. The mountain bent down and let the her pat and rub his rough nose with a rather fond look in his eyes. The three began to walk home and the Ryder began his tales of the adventures taken in his absence. He noticed his daughter was unusually silent.

"What's wrong Tristlea?" He asked, she told him of course. Daddy would never get mad at what she had to say.

"Daddy, if you're fighting with someone and want to stop, do you?"

Her father stopped in his tracks and stood, as if considering something. Then he took his daughter off his shoulders and set her upon the ground in front if him and knelt down to her level. Little Trista looked up at her father expectantly.

"Who started this fight?" His daughter looked to the grown shamefully.

"I did." She mumbled. Now any other father would have told their daughter that it wasn't their fault. To just say they were sorry and leave things as peacefully as they could. But Marcus was no normal father.

"Then you finish it." Trista looked up at her father in surprise. "You started it, it's now your responsibility to finish it."

"But- but what if she and I aren't friends anymore?!" The little girl gripped the hem of her dress as she whined.

"Then I guess you shouldn't have started that fight." It was his final word and his daughter did not test it. She simply returned her gaze to the ground with a pout on her face and a sniff. The Ryder stood, he didn't like having to tell her the hard truths but if she didn't hear them, he knew she wouldn't learn them in the environment she was in.

"C'mon now," he ruffled her hair, "no more frowny faces. Lets go get some ice cream and get out of this heat, how does that sound?

At the mention of ice cream the little girl perked up immediately and nodded her head so that her hair flopped up and down with it. Her father laughed and placed her on his shoulders once more. All the way to the ice cream store, all the little girl chirped was "Ice cream, Ice cream!"

She finished her fight, even if she got an enemy in the end.

That was just the consequence.

Anyway back to elephant in the room, or should she say giant ass woman with her giant ass dog.

”Come on everybody, let’s be nice. It’s the first day, give each other a break.” She heard Saga say. It annoyed her slightly but she didn't hold it against him. ”I’m Saga and this good looking man here is my buddy. Angel,” he also introduced their companions.

"Awww, Saga," replied Angels voice. "You think I'm good looking? I'm so touched," Suddenly the boy was beside her. No, not just beside her, his hand was placed gently on her waist! It sent little jolts of electricity up her side from where his fingertips touched. "Why, aren't you forgetting the lovely Trista? Or are you two ladies already acquainted?" Had this been any situation other than her going toe to toe with a giant she would have glowed and smiled. Already on the inside she having a freaking spaz attack of happiness! Why, oh why was the universe so cruel, as to have such a thing happen when she was facing off with someone?!

And for that matter why did it make her THIS happy?

Whatever, she would contemplate that later. Angel had asked her a question.

"Oh no I haven't met this girl till just a moment ago, when she rammed straight into my back." She said. Now here is where things became complicated and difficult. She had her crush with his arm around her waist and a person who was probably about to become her enemy in the same situation. Saying what she wanted to say could possibly decrease his opinion if her. Then again there was really no way to get through this with her pride fully intact.

Besides it was just a crush and she always would have Fucuello and she always finished what she started. Even if it got her hated.

I really needed to watch my mouth.

So she addressed the tall girl. "I personally think I have nothing to say sorry. You ran into me, not the other way around. Plus I'm not responsible for what going on behind me or else I would have eyes on the back of my head. If I will apologize for anything it would be for sounding rude in the beginning." Oh, God she couldn't believe she was about to say this, and actually mean it! "So for that I am sorry, but you really should watch out for where your going honestly. Now if you'll excuse me I have some training to get to."

She regretted it, she always did, but it was done now and she couldn't take it back. She had made an enemy and would keep an enemy. Whatever, she could please them all. Fucuello would be by her side and that was all she needed. She could hold her head high and smile through it all. Though what was this uneasiness in her stomach. Was it about what Angel or Saga would think of her after saying that and leaving it there? Was it the fact that Angel had his hand where it was? This never happened to her before so why.... What had her mother done to her?

She sighed and mentally put the situation in the past, done, finito. Then turned a tentative smile to her friends. If she could still call them that after that drama. Damn her trigger happy mouth, she really needed to get a hold of it sometimes. "Well, shall we go join Aya?"

Sleep was exactly what he needed. The sun wasn't so painfully bright, sounds didn't cut his ears, smells were sharp but mellow, and whatever he was laying on was warm and comfortable. The little dragon twitched his eyes open and looked around. They were outside again in a big wide open area with odd things set up in even odder ways around him. He was on Saga's shoulder and the boy was talking to some of the people he'd seen earlier. The sibling of his companion with the tall girl and their companion's. he also spotted the Angel guy from earlier and Reechi. BlueJay smiled at the dragon and waved his tail at her then yawned big and wide.

”Yes, I’ve under-gone a transformation. I am now…BAG MAN!” BlueJay was rocked back and forth with Saga's arm as thrust it in and out. ”And I will protect all of you from scary Gargoyle!” It stopped as Aya swung her leg at his companion's shin. ”Ow! Aya!” he whined while she just smiled. BlueJay shook his head to clear the murky fog that cluttered it. The sun felt good, maybe he should take another nap. Yeah that sounded good... The little dragon closed his eyes again.

"Oh thank the Cree, there are tall people here." Who said that? He's never heard that voice before. He popped his head up and stared. That human was huge, her companion was huge. The air that felt stretched to the max between the black haired girl and the huge one was gigantic and scary! BlueJay quickly tried to burrow into Saga's shirt again. Nope he did not want to be here! Not with these scary ladies. Oh, there had to be a better place to hide! He could only fit his head into Saga's shirt and then he could still feel it. The air, he could breath! If they stretched this air to far it would snap soon he just knew it!

“Oi, hey, vait for me!” Was that Reechi? BlueJay popped his head out of Takeshi's shirt to see that it was indeed Reechi running of to join a black four legged thing over to one of the set up things. Did he know what it was?


Did he care?


As long as it got him away from those two ladies and their air, he was happy.

"I'm gonna be over there with Reechi, ok Saga?" And without waiting for an answer the little blue dragon hopped to the ground, briefly noted how small he was, and was off in a flash.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: BlueJay Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky
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"I don't accept your apology."

She had never said those words before to someone; at least not that she could remember, but she meant every word. Her righteous anger was almost ruined however when Saga and Angel, trying to calm the situation, came to Trista's defense. Saga's companion trying to hide within his shirt further weakened it. She had just about recovered it when Trista's companion thrust himself between them. It was further ruined when the unicorn, jealousy coming off in waves, kicked Angel and told him to back off.

Laughing outright now she smiled and with a considerably lighter tone "Sorry, I was merely hoping to get by you when you suddenly stopped in front of me. The only reason i wanted an apology was because it was your fault for suddenly in the middle of a busy section." Calming herself visibly she then smiled more naturally. "If you wouldn't mind, would you like to spar with me some?"

This was as much a peace offering as it was a way for them to work out their anger. It also bought her time to calm her companion, who at the time was all for attacking the woman on the spot, damned the consequences. There was also a third purpose of allowing her to size up the woman, and see if she was someone she could stand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Macari May Character Portrait: BlueJay Character Portrait: Derek Thorn Character Portrait: Andrew Shar
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#, as written by Skwidge

Macari and Pippin strode up onto the starting platform of the obstacle course. Macari set Pip down on the ground, putting her hands on her hips as she surveyed the area. ”Man, they definitely don’t joke around when it comes to obstacle courses, do they? It looks easy at first, but it looks like the further you go on, the more advanced and strenuous this stuff gets.” She thought at Pippin, shielding her eyes from the sun as she changed head positions, looking in a new direction. Pippin grinned joyfully, his small tail wiggling from side to side, ”But that makes it so much more fun!” Minx grinned down at him in agreement. As for progress, the course made a lot of turns to include all of the different attributes of the course, but every so often it would continue straight or branch off to make for end lines for those who chose to stop there, while allowing others to continue onto more advanced things.

“Well, time’s a’waistin, let’s get started!” Ryder and Companion both walked forward off of the platform and onto the ground where the starting line was located, and Macari got into a runner’s position, a challenging look flashed towards Pippin. He pawed at the ground, crouching low and accepting the challenge. “Let’s see how fast we can get ‘er done.” Pip said, a look of mischief to his features.

“Alright, ready… set…” Macari shifted her eyes forwards, to look at their first challenges. It was a fair stretch of simple ground at first, but it soon receded for tires, then a log balance, furthered by pillars, rope swing, and then climbing wall. The course then curved, and what Macari could see past it was a net climb which went fairly high up, and a large oak tree centered above it, “Go!” The two shot off, making easy work of the first land, quickly making work of the tires. Minxy made certain to keep her legs high so as not to trip, while Pip took the tops of them, doing crescents along the rubber from tire to tire to give himself more of a challenge.

Pippin had an obvious advantage, as he went over rather than through, and thus gained a bit of a lead of his Ryder, but Macari picked up her own speed just a bit, not enough to burn her energy out more quickly, but to catch up. The two soon made their way onto the balancing log, which was set over a sort of large trench. She took a split second to glance down, and it appeared that soft materials were set down there, in case one were to slip off. Pip leapt up onto it, dodging gnarled branches that shot up from the bark in some places, as well as knobs that could easily trip someone if they weren’t paying attention.

”Watch it.” Pippin warned as Macari followed after him, about to hook her toe on one of the knobs, before looking down just in time to see it and alter her footstep just a bit, but wavered on the log, almost managing to lose her balance. She caught herself at the last second, continuing after her Jackalope. “How far are we going?” She called after Pip, keeping her eyes on his form as he headed up towards the pillars, quickly followed by Minxy herself. Someone else appeared to be in the middle of it, causing her to pause for a few moments before hopping onto the first one. Pippin made no hesitation as he leapt from stone pillar to stone pillar, threading through the person’s legs, accidently causing them to lose their balance and fall, ”Sorry!” Macari and Pippin called simultaneously, Pippin hopping off of the area, and Macari overtaking the deserted spot.

However, the Jackalope needed to pause at the rope swing, obviously unable to work at it himself. May wasn’t far behind, and he jumped up onto her shoulder. She didn’t falter as she continued to run, jumping and clutching the rope tightly to herself, letting go as they neared the other side. Pippin had launched himself off of her shoulder to the other side and shot off again as she landed. ”We’ll end the first of it at the exit ahead.” Pip thought back at her with a grin on his face as he sped ahead, legs pumping and kicking up dirt and a bit of grass. ”Oh good, I’d rather not tire myself out so far as to not be able to work at anything else.” She thought back at him as they neared the climbing wall. She grinned, figuring Pip would have to wait for her again. Two other people were working against each other at climbing it, but to Minxy’s surprise, he leapt up, landing on one head and then onto the next, successfully managing to scale the wall. “What!? That’s hardly fair!” She laughed out-of-breath after her Companion as the two made small yells towards the jackalope. She started up next to them, working hard to get up there and keep in line with Pippin.

At the top, she carefully balanced before letting herself drop to the ground and take off running again. By this time, the two were certainly panting for air, and made a simultaneous decision to slow down to keep energy. As she looked ahead, Pip was nowhere to be seen. A look of confusion passed her facials before she continued to the first exit. It was another stretch of land to the end line, and she put on a bit more speed in hopes to beat her Companion.

However, a flash to her right distracted her, and she foolishly turned her head to look at what it was. It appeared to be… a small blue dragon running and dodging rather swiftly, “Wh-“ Macari suddenly tripped, and hit the ground hard with a yelp, rolling at least a foot before she slowed. She looked up a bit dazed, suddenly seeing her companion there. A second passed before they both burst out laughing at each other, Pippin rolling onto his back and holding his stomach, while Macari clutched one of her sides. “You… you tripped over your own feet… and still made it!!” He exclaimed, while Minx tried to catch her breath in the middle of laughing, “You look like you got run over and thrown into several bushes!” Pippin had apparently taken a ‘short cut’ through a couple of bushes, and a small patch of fur was missing along his side, and he had twigs and leaves sticking out of his fur in all sorts of silly places. Macari had a bit of mud smeared on her face and a few minor scratches, and looked rather shaken up from her fall, but Pip knew she was perfectly fine, especially since she was laughing.

After the laughter subsided, both of them beamed at each other, and Pippin hopped a bit to his Ryder’s feet, putting a paw on her shin while a dim, warm light peaked from the tips of his antlers. The missing patch of fur returned, and the cuts on May disappeared. “Haha, that’s brilliant!” She chirped at her Companion, putting her hands on her thighs as she leaned over and looked at him with wide, shining eyes. He grinned up at her, “Isn’t it though?”

Macari wiped the grime from her face away, and swiftly pulled the plethora of random bushy things out of Pippin’s fur. “Hey, race you out of here?” Pippin offered, suddenly on his feet and ears perked while his muscles tensed. “…You’re on, my good sir!” She leapt to her feet, and they shot off, taking the sides of the obstacles instead of going through them again. ”I’ll have to warn you though, I’m part jackrabbit!” He grinned, putting on more speed in his larger back legs. ”Hahaha, well of course, you’re not called a ‘jackalope’ for nothing!” She tried to match his speed, but found it quickly impossible. They soon found themselves back at the starting platform, Pippin having won while Minxy had a look of content defeat on her face with a smile and a laugh threatening to part her lips.

She looked up, scanning about for what they’d head to next. Her eyes fell on the archery area, and she grinned broadly, already excited to see how well she’d do. She had a little bit of experience, having gone on one or two hunting parties with some of the people in her town, and watched one of her friends at archery. Plus something interesting seemed to be going on over there, but she couldn’t tell what.

“Shall we?” Pippin looked up at her, his nose wiggling and one paw up in the air as he asked. “We shall indeed!” The two walked at a nice pace towards the area, getting there just as a rather large guy was getting up off the ground before booking it away with a curse. Pippin and she both tilted their heads to the side curiously, before she looked up to see a guy with dirty blonde hair looking after the guy that had tripped before shaking his head. May grinned brightly, quickly wandering over to him as he let an arrow fly. It hit and stuck somewhat close to the red mark. “Oh hey, pretty nice shot.” She offered with a content smile on her face while looking up at him, her eyes closed just a bit as she did so. “That guy back there…” She began, assuming that the tripped guy had ran away that swiftly because he had done something foolish and rather rude, but she was distracted by another guy there. He was skinny, and somewhat tall, and didn’t hold himself very confidently. She changed her mind about her question, opening her mouth to say hello, before her eyes fell onto the looming, rather intimidating phooka behind him. It definitely didn’t look like the others that were at the lead of the rest of the training areas. She fell silent for a second, a blank look on her face before she broke out into a big eyed, open mouthed look of awe, quickly walking up to the creature and offering a hand in greeting.

“So cool!” She fawned just ever so slightly towards the large creature with no pupils and huge horns, obviously something that was definitely scary, but was otherwise just another awesome characteristic to Macari. She turned to the lanky guy, a cheerful smile on her face, still keeping her otherwise awed look, “He’s yours right?” She looked back up to the tall creature then back to him. “Ah, I’m Macari, last name May, haha.” She usually had to say her introductions this way, her first and last name merged so smoothly together, the two names sometimes were mistaken for one first name. She turned back to the first guy, looking around expectantly for his Companion. Minxy had discovered it was extremely fun and interesting to see what all the companions were. But she didn’t see his, she tilted her head, then gave a sheepish grin, figuring she must look a bit ridiculous.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: BlueJay Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky Character Portrait: Azamanin Arnlar
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#, as written by Bhu-Bhu
"I don't accept your apology." I didn't expect you to. Trista just wanted to get out of here. This was enough negativity for her day, she was done. She stroked Fucuello's cheek and took a deep breath.

"Fucuello!" Trista gasped. One moment her unicorn had just been snuggling her side and then BOOM! He was attacking angel with a well aimed hoof to the boys torso. Thankfully her crush wasn't knocked of his feet but he was angry.

"Watch where you put your hands buddy!" Fucuello snorted aggressively.

"Watch where you put your hooves!" He jabbed back.

WACK! Trista glared her stallion straight it the eyes. She was mad, she did NOT need her companion's jealousy crap right now. She could understand him getting upset and when him and her had their little wrestling matches it was fine, but when he started getting physical with other people it was NOT ok! She had only ever gotten angry with him twice, and this was the second time.

"That was not ok." Her words came out slowly in a low tone. As an after note she thought to him, We'll talk about this later, and turned away. What was wrong with him? She had never had this kind of problem with Fucuello and her other guy friends.

Then a laugh rang in her ears, she looked up at super tall girl. "Sorry, I was merely hoping to get by you when you suddenly stopped in front of me. The only reason i wanted an apology was because it was your fault for suddenly in the middle of a busy section." What was this? She didn't except her apology,but…. here she was laughing and apologizing- to some extent- and explaining herself. Not, what I expected. "If you wouldn't mind, would you like to spar with me some?" Whaaaaa- Now Trista's mind was officially blown. Never had this happened to her before. At school the girls had just stuck their nose's up and huffed away. Then she would hold a grudge and be prideful towards them. This time though, she couldn't whatever she held against the girl was being washed away with that calm admission. Maybe she isn't so bad.

If she wasn't mind blown enough, Angel then stepped forward and leaned in to whisper in her ear. She could freaking feel his breath on her ear. Shivers slithered up her body."Awe, your gonna make me find someone else to teach me swords?" She laughed airily, truth was she had very little sword knowledge. The only swords she had ever handled were her father's and those were too heavy to actually do any work with.

"Truth is, I really only know how to hold the things. I can help you with that if you want." she then turned back to address the girl's challenge. This time with a smile. "I can't meet you in the ring just yet, but some day when I actually know what I'm doing, I'd love to!"

"We can figure out sparring partners over by the swords, yeah? We should get a move on." Angel started over to the swords, Trista followed with the other girl.

"What's your name?" She asked the tall girl.

Aya was already there of course and it looked like she already had some knowledge of swords, or at least the one she was holding. It was impressive sword with a curved blade and long handle.

"Short stack, we're baaaaaack! Miss me?"

"No." This time Trista giggled at the girls harshness in tone. By now she figured it was just Aya's way of being honest, not intended as rude or cold. "Hi…" The girl gave a shy wave, to which Trista waved back.

"Hey, you seem to have a head start. I'll have to work hard to catch up." she joked, of course her working hard was a rare occasion. "I'm gonna go pick out a sword to work with. I'll be right back." She smiled to the girl before going over to the rack that held the swords. This is gonna be hard. She knew she would need a lighter sword, the heavy two handed stuff was not for her. In the end she decided on a rapier. It seemed one of the lightest.

When she turned back around, she had to quickly hide her laughter behind her hand. Angel had picked up two large and strange looking swords and started swinging them around. Not such a good idea since he'd almost cleaved if Solara's face. Ok so that part wasn't so funny, but Angel's movements were so ridiculous and clumsy she couldn't help it.

Solara took the blades from him. "Hook swords are not for beginners to use, and even harder to master. Perhaps we should get you something better for you?" Her eyes scanned him for a second. Oh right. I forgot she might have a thing for him. I really hope I'm wrong, we just worked things out. Sorta. The excessively tall girl gave Angel a long sword from the rack. "Walk over there and try a few swings."

When Trista saw that Aya was slightly preoccupied with Solara she took this opportunity to talk a little with Angel.

"Hey Angel, I'm sorry about Fucuello's behavior earlier. He's the jealous type, and if I don't say sorry for him he never will." Her hand found the back of her neck, it was new to her to have to apologize for her companion. At the thought of the rift in between them she sighed. As soon as they got back to their dorm room she would talk things over with him.

"It's really not his fault though." She took a few swings at a dummy. It was a mystery to her why she was explaining this, but it felt like one was needed. This thing doesn't cut at all, is it dull? "I've really been the only good thing in his life since his mother died when he was a foal."

Meanwhile, with BlueJay


He had already knocked over a bunch of people, tripped a few, and distracted several others. The world whizzed by in flashes of color and sound that all blurred together into one consecutive drone. The ground didn't exist except for a few minor touches here and there. What was this feeling, this speed? It soared, it screamed, it leaped, all in unexplainable joy. He loved the air that whistled past him. How weightless he felt.

But how did he stop?!

Several times he tried to put on the brakes but each it felt like the world tipped forward to far and his muzzle would spear through the dirt. What would he do if he couldn't stop? Would he keep running till he reached the end of the earth? Would he fall of and float in space the rest of his life? What if someone did manage to catch him and stop him? Would his legs just keep on running without him? Why couldn't he-



Whatever BlueJay had rammed into was large and round and...soft? The little dragon picked himself up. Everything spun in circles, the same feeling as when he was in the darkness, that dizzy one, came back. It cleared after he shook his head fervently and looked up. What he had ran into, was big, white and black, and...
