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Chiverani Magdalena Traulogi

Oohh now this looks like fun.

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a character in “The Sacred Realm”, as played by SuperNinjaRoo




Chiverani Magdalena Traulogi

She only goes by Chi, (ChEE) and no one knows her real name.
She is technically 78, but she was turned when she was 20.

Chi is about 5’9 and on the thinner side. Because of her history, she never got much to eat, and so when she was turned, she stayed that way. She has dark brown wavy hair what falls to mid back. Her eyes are bright green and her cheekbones stick out a bit. Her lips full and a very light pink. Sometimes they look red if she has fed recently. She is pale.

She is the chosen Vampire, but has Felinus blood in her. Her mother was a felinus slave, and her master used her for sex. She became pregnant and Chi was the result. She doesn’t have the extremely noticeable features her mother does, but some people would notice she is part Felinus. She has bright green eyes, like her mother and they often become slits like a cats when she feeds or is angry. When she is hunting for humans, she often crouches down like a cat. He smelling is a bit advanced, but only for blood. It was enhanced just slightly more than other vampires. Before she was turned, she could see in the night, but now that she is a vampire, it’s nothing special. She hisses when she is mad. She has the grace of a cat. Like I said, put together one might notice, but otherwise she is just your average vampire.
When she was born, her mother’s master despised her. She was tortured more than her mother, and she has various scars covering her arms and back. She never knew that this man was her father until she was 18. When she confronted him, he became so enraged that her mother told, that he killed her, right on the spot. It was a torturous death. He tied her up and lit her on fire. It was only in one spot so that the fire would spread slowly. He forced Chi to watch the entire thing.
Chi ran away that night, only to be captured again. Lucky for her, this new human didn’t know she was previously owned. She hissed at him, and that’s what gave away that she wasn’t human. She was forced to work for another 2 years, and she finally escaped. She was turned on the very night she left, and went back in the same night. She killed the man who captured her, then killed her father.

Chi is extremely troublesome and very mischievous. She lives with the man who changed her and his sister, and she often just calls them Aunt and Uncle. Getting in trouble is her favorite thing to do and she is very good at it. She misses her mother everyday, and regrets killing so many people. She doesn't like that she loves to kill. She covers these feelings up with a smart ass attitude, and an innocent expression. Her Aunt and Uncle don't really suspect anything, because they are so absorbed in themselves. They live in a small human town, so feeding is easy. They are going to be moving soon, because Chi has killed one too many people, and they are beginning to became suspicious. Over all, Chi seems like a fun-loving person, but on the inside she is desperate for an escape.

She loves the race of vampires, because it saved her life.

Werewolves are dirty mutts who don’t even deserve the chance to live. They should all die the way her mother did.

She doesn't like Fair Elves, because of their affiliations with the Sacred Ones.

Dark Elves don't really have any effect on her. She likes them because they hate werewolves.

Felinus, they are completely different story. She has a soft spot because of her mom. She leaves them alone, and if it came to it, she would protect them.

She thinks humans should die. And she should be the one to do it. If it didn’t mean her starvation, she would wish that every last one of them would drop dead.

The Fallen, now there’s a tricky one. She is intrigued by them, and wants to be with them. She doesn’t know why, but she does. She likes the bate wings and red eyes.

The Sacred ones are beautiful in her eyes, and she’d like to feed off one someday, but other than that she just tries to avoid them.

So begins...

Chiverani Magdalena Traulogi's Story

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Chi pushed the boy up against the wall and he grinned at her. She pulled his shirt off and he began kissing her neck. He picked her up and slammed her against the wall. She smiled as his hands explored her body. "James.." She said, and he looked up at her. He pulled off her shirt and she pulled him to the ground. She straddled him and looked down. His blonde hair was in a mess and his blue eyes were full of desire. His chest was heaving under her, and her breathing was heavy as well. Chi bit her lip, and a devious smiled crossed her face. Her fangs showed and she let out a small hiss. James eyes went wide, and he clenched his jaw.

"Chi.." He said, blinking and attempting to get out from under her. Before he could say another word, Chi leaned in close and breathed in his ear.

"Don't worry," she whispered and kissed his ear, working her way down his cheek and onto his neck. She let her tongue tickle his skin, and felt him get the chills. His heart leapt with her teasing, and she sunk her fangs into his neck. He let out a sharp breath and his heart beat quickened, sending more blood into Chi's hungry mouth.

"Chi, no.." he said, but he didn't try to move under her.

After a few seconds, she pulled back and licked her lips. "You're delicious," she breathed into his ear, and sat up. Her fangs retracted, and her eyes went back to their normal human-like state, rather than cat eyes. James was holding his neck and looked like a scared puppy. "James, I'm not going to hurt you. I didn't kill you did I?" She rolled her eyes and looked down at him, pulling his hand away from his neck. She licked his hand, then cleaned up his neck.

"You're a vampire," he muttered, still looking frightened. She nodded and got off of him. "Why didn't you kill me? Why are you keeping me alive?"

She sat back as she pulled on her shirt. "You gave me quite the exciting meal," She smiled. "I hope we can do this again sometime."

"No, I'm not going to be your personal feeding supply," James said, looking disgusted.

"I think it's cute that you think you actually have a say in this," She said to him, making a mock pouty face at him.

"I do, it's my life," He said, standing up.

"Is it?" She asked, moving before he could see her. She had him up against the wall with her hand to his neck. "Is it really? Because right now, I think it's mine. It's in my hand, isn't it?" She asked him, her pupils turning into slits.

"No, please don't. Please, I'll do anything," He pleaded with her, tears coming into his eyes.

"Too late. You made your choice," She hissed. She let her fangs find the wounds she had just made and finished off the rest of his blood. She let go of him and he fell to the ground. "It's a shame. You were good company," She rolled her eyes and stepped over his pale body. She sighed and and pulled back the curtain on the window slightly. It burned her arm and she closed it again. "It's only the middle of the day," She sighed and sat down on the bed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dervorgilla Character Portrait: Solomon Character Portrait: Chiverani Magdalena Traulogi
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Chi began pacing the room, attempting to keep track of the minutes, or hours. She checked the window every hour, or so she though, but the sun seemed to stay in the same place. Every time she opened it, she burnt her arms and fingers. She finally just thrust the blinds completely open, and felt the pain of her skin disintegrating. She quickly closed them again and lay down on the bed, waiting for her skin to heal. Just as she layer down, she heard someone approaching the house. She didn't want to open the window again, so she crouched down in the corner, hoping to hide herself in the shadows. A large figure pushed through the door, and closed it behind them. It was covered in rags and was carrying something, or someone in their arms. Chi bit her lip and stood up. As she did, she saw what was in the figure's arms. It looked like a fallen woman. Her black leathery wings were a dead give away, not to mention her red eyes. She backed up a little bit. "What the hell?" She spit out. "What is this? Who are you? Why did you bring a fallen here?" She spewed out the questions with more curiosity in her voice than fright, she was scared however. If she had a heart beat, she knew it would be pounding.

As soon as the sound of something hitting the trees reached Solomon's ears, he turned sharply to see this figure, bounce of the trees, hit the ground and go skidding past him. The first thing that struck him as the figure went past was the wings, it was one of his own kind. He had not time to ponder why one was so far away from the mountains, instead he rushed over and picked up the limp figure and made his way inside a nearby house. Normally he would of stayed outside, but this territory was not his own, and he could not take any chances. Though he picked wrong, for as soon as he heard the voice he pondered should he stayed outside. Paying no heed towards the woman to begin with he brought his comrade through and put her down on the bed. Taking the rags from off himself, he used them to stem the bleeding of the wound, he was no medical expert, but he knew the blood had to be stopped. Turning he locked his blue eyes onto the one who spoke before. " I am one.... who must remain hidden... Ere you speak to others.." he said his low voice echoing from his throat as he moved his large frame towards her, uncurling his wings from around him and letting them sit behind him" i shall silence you" he said thrusting forward with one of his talons aiming straight for Chi's midsection.

Chi watched as Solomon put the woman on the bed. He tended to her wounds, and then turned to Chi. His blue eyes bore into her wide green ones. She blinked a few times as he spoke about staying hidden; then he said he would silence her. Before she could wonder what that meant, he was about to stab her with one of his talons. She moved out of the way, but it still caught her side. She had a large gash across her side and she flinched with the pain. Inwardly she groaned, she had just fed and now it was draining out of her. She shook herself back into reality and ran across the room. If he was as fast as her, she knew she wouldn't be able to get to the door. Chi wasn't going to take her chances because he was intent on killing her. And either way, she wasn't sure she could make it to another building without someone seeing her, and trying to chop off her head. It was a lose-lose situation for her. She had to do something. "Come on.. You don't really want to kill me." It came out as more of a question, rather than a plead. As she backed up, she tripped over James' body, but she caught herself before she fell. Chi nervously bit her lip, and tasted James' blood. Her fangs came out and her pupils turned to slits. She hissed at Solomon, showing him her only weapon. Her nose picked up a heavy scent. It didn't smell sweet like regular blood, but it was still enticing. She scanned the room, and there was nothing that seemed useful. She could try to get to the bed and threaten his friend, but she wasn't sure if the woman would wake up or not. Then it would be two against one. She grabbed her side and winced in pain. She looked down and saw that the tissues were already beginning to heal, and the bleeding lessened, but it was going to take a few hours to fully heal, and only then would the searing pain subside.

Feeling contact with his talons, his face remained expressionless, he had only just caught her, but an injury was an injury nonetheless. As she moved across the room, his eyes never broke their gaze from her. His talons flexed instinctively to stretch and keep prepared. Hearing the question from the woman, his eyes narrowed " The world still needs to believe the fallen are just a myth" he said as he watched Chi almost fall over the body, the hiss displayed towards him seemed to do nothing as he approached her again. Now approaching from more of a distance Chi might of noticed a sword hanging at his waist, another threat to back up the already dangerous man. " One such as yourself should understand the need to remain hidden.... none shall witness a fallen and live to speak of it" he said as with a flap of his wings he sent dust and wind flying at Chi to blind her, as he lunged with a talon out to impale her into a nearby wall.

A shiver ran through Chi's body as he continued to speak. "I didn't believe you were a myth before. The only people I know already think I'm crazy for believing," she said quickly as he approached her. She saw his sword by his side and bit down on her lip hard. She knew that showing her fear wasn't the greatest idea, but right now she just couldn't hold it in. If she had a heart beat, it would be pounding in her throat. "Please," she begged him and stumbled backwards. His wings flapped, and the dust from the floor surrounded her face. She could hear him moving, but she couldn't see a thing. The small girl tried to take a step, but James was in the way. The next thing she knew she was pinned to the wall, with his talon in her gut. She groaned as the pain spread throughout her body. She began to cry as she clawed at his hand. "Please! I'll do anything!" She cried out. Her abdomen muscles were jerking with pain and she was fighting the urge to black out. She could feel his talon inside her, and it only made it worse. Tears streaked down Chi's face, leaving watery dirty trails on her cheeks. Her eyes were cleared and she was able to see Solomon clearly. He was very big compared to her slight body. "I'll do anything," she said again, and began sobbing frantically. "I swear it! Just let me go! I'm dying" She cried out at him. Her voice lowered to a whisper and she fought back the tears. "I swear, I'll do anything you ask."

He paid not attention to Chi's early pleading, he only cared for the fact his claws had connected properly and he now held her against the wall, and her life was in his hand. Now at very close range, he lowered his head down to stare into her eyes his fine grey hair falling to his shoulders, and his battle worn face in front of hers. His frame having no problem holding her in place, and his hand and himself show no signs of distress from the her attempts to move his hand. The pleas showed now sign of effect on his face, but his mind was thinking of the options he had in mind. Gazing square into her eyes to see the pain, and to see the life slowly seep from her eyes. he relented sharply pulling his claws out " You shall have your uses" he said wandering back over to the bed to rip some rag for her, throwing it across. " But i swear..... if you ever betray me..... i will nail you to a tree so you may watch the sun rise" he tone was deadly serious, though he did take some extra rag and threw it towards her " And wipe your face..... the tears are disgraceful" he said glancing between chi and his fellow fallen, planning in his mind how he was going to get everything work.

When his claws came out of her stomach, she bit back a scream and slumped to the floor. She stood up and held her side, hoping the pain would dull soon. He was going to let her live. She closed her eyes and sighed. You shall have your uses. The words echoed in her head as she held her stomach. Uses...? More than once? Always...? The thoughts swished around in her head, but she was shaken from her daze when he tossed her a rag and spoke once more. Betray him? Were they on the same team now? Or was she once again a slave under someone with more power than her? She wasn't thinking about that when she agreed to do anything, but if that were the case, she would rather die than return to slavery. Instead of asking what he planned with her, she wiped her face clean as he told her too. "I won't. You have my word," she said to him, watching as he inspected his fallen friend. She shook off her nerves and walked over to him. She was confident that he wouldn't kill her now, and even though he scared her, she couldn't help but ask him questions. "So," she said, her voice sounding light as a feather, "Why are your eyes blue? And what happened to your friend? Am I allowed to go home, or am I with you all the time? Are we more of partners, or am I just here to answer your beck and call, and do the dirty work? I'm Chi." She looked at him with curious eyes, looking slightly childish, but in an innocent sort of way. She was hardly innocent, but she had the look. She held out a delicate pale, blood covered hand towards his own bloody hand.

Upon receiving her word he stood near the bed his placed his comrade on. He really had to adjust his plans now, the wound was obviously caused by a blade of some sort, but the fact she should of been up in the mountains was what was really bugging him. Hearing the barrage of questions from Chi he turned his gaze slightly towards her. He would only pick out the more relevant questions to answer. " You will live to a degree of normality..... to keep up a facade... but i will give you tasks you must complete... otherwise you know what will happen" he said, keeping up with the threats, even though he hard her word, he did not trust her. Glancing down towards her hand, he blinked slightly then looked back up " Chi... how long till you heal?"

More threats. She was tempted to roll her eyes, but instead she jut nodded. When he didn't take her hand she awkwardly tucked her hair behind her ear. She took in a deep breath and bit her lip. "Hmm.. I'd say a few hours, but now that I have multiple wounds, it will take longer," she said with a hint of annoyance in her voice. "I'll be completely healed within the day, considering I just fed, so I have some strength," she said, glancing at the corpse on the ground. "I'll be fine though. I can move fine. The pain is already gone." The last part was a lie. It was still there, especially since she could feel her body knitting itself back together. She fought the urge to itch it. She could ignore the pain though. "I will heal faster if I can feed again, since I lost most of it anyway," she said and looked at the blood covering her, and the blood on the ground. James' blood; completely wasted. She rubbed her eyes, smearing blood across her eyelids and cheeks. "So... what happened to her?" She asked, pointing to the woman.

Listening carefully to how long she suggested, he nodded slightly as he stared of into the middle distance, losing himself in thought for a bit before snapping back to reality " Your first task wont be for a while..... I need to figure things out first" he said glancing down at James’ body before nodding slightly " I may fetch you some prey later..... I need you healed in the shortest amount of time" he said, his voice remaining low, but seemed slightly softer. Focusing his gaze on Gilla he sighed " She obviously was attacked..... Though she seemed to have got some hits back" he said gesturing to the blood on the claws " None of that worries me though.... its the fact she came to find me.... something must be on her mind" he said wandering into the other room, bringing himself a stool to sit down on. Even when seated, he looked an impressive figure. " Get yourself comfortable..... None leaves until I am happy with what knowledge I have."

((Long post, this is a collab between umbra and I. Enjoy!))

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Character Portrait: Dervorgilla Character Portrait: Solomon Character Portrait: Chiverani Magdalena Traulogi
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Dervogilla began to wake up, not visually stirring. She could hear voices. One sounded familiar, the other feminine. Her body used to heal faster, before her failed attempts at children, but since then she didn't heal as well. She didn't know how bad it was yet, but she felt like she was dying. She heard the female voice, "What happened to her?" The sound was muffled by the static in her head caused by the pain. She didn't remember it being this painful when it first happened. The flight over made her black out but that felt great compared to now. The familiar voice started speaking and she concentrated on listening to him. "its the fact she came to find me.... something must be on her mind." That was...

"So... Solomon." Gilla barely groaned out the words. She looked around, not knowing where she was. She saw Chi and Solomon. "Who...?" She could smell the human blood on the floor, though she couldn't see the body. But she had a good idea of what she was. "Never mind. Sol, we..." She panted and held her breath trying to deal with the pain. Everything was mixing together. She needed to find a way to get herself stitched up and cleaned out or she'd bleed to death or get an infection. Her intestines were cut, though not bad, causing them to leak into the open wound. She could feel that she was bleeding out the back as well, which meant it went all the way through. The only thing she had to be happy about was the blade was so sharp and didn't tear or cause much damage in width. She put her hand over her wound and tenderly started putting the tip of her talon in to feel. She sharply inhaled and winced.

"I need... I need werewolf fur. Girl, I know I don't know who you are and I doubt you know me. And this is a lot to ask, but I NEED this. You need to go, find a werewolf and get the fur." Werewolf fur, when the person is turned, is incredibly strong and makes very good stitches. They lose some of their strength during the day. But when the full moon is out, the stitches lend some of their healing power to the area around them and allow it to heal faster, though not nearly as strong as the healing factor in a turned werewolf. "You have to hurry, if you don't, it will be too..." Gilla passed out. When she woke up, she couldn't tell how much time had passed, but it was still dark. Or dark again...

Gilla saw that Chi was gone put saw Solomon, standing now. Her voice was very quiet, "Solomon, come here. I need to talk to you while we're alone." She swallowed and took a breath. "I don't know what's going on, but I was visited today. One of those big chickens came down and... hu... hu... I don't know what she wanted. She said she needed to talk to me. Maybe I should have just listened, then maybe I wouldn't be bleeding out on... Whatever I'm laying on." She cleared her throat and tried to refocus her eyes, which kept blurring. "But I don't know what she was trying to say to me, we ended up fighting instead of... Instead of talking. But if they're coming down into the mountains a... Into the mountains and talk into th... and talking to us directly then it... Something must be up. I'm not strong enough to find out what's going on. I need you to... Find out what's going on." She touched his arm but then hers fell. She fumbled for a moment and caught his palm. "I'm sorry about what happened. I..." The, Gilla passed out again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dervorgilla Character Portrait: Solomon Character Portrait: Chiverani Magdalena Traulogi
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Sitting in his own thoughts, Solomon allowed himself to drift away from reality slightly, only to be dragged back when he heard sounds coming from Gilla. Just about hearing his name he fixed his gaze on her, even to the point when she asked briefly who Chi was, he paid no attention (which turned out good since she did not dwell on it either). " Chi... do as she asks... but don't be rash in collecting the fur... for when you return i have some matters i wish to discuss, or rather more a proposition for you"

When Chi had left upon this errand, Solomon stood staring out the slightly parted curtains, to gaze outside. No lights were lit since the fallen's vision at night was good enough to suffice in most tasks, let alone the simple curious gaze of an old fallen. Hearing Gilla speak once again, he turned his eyes down to her, and did as she asked coming closer to the bed. Listening intently to every word she said his expression never changed, except for a slight narrowing on his gaze when she mentioned the big chickens, which he took instantly to mean the sacred ones. " I shall seek out the one who done this.... i shall discover what message they intend to deliver, and let them hear a message of my own..." he said stopping his speech as he felt his hand clasped " You have no reason to apologize" he spoke, but she had passed out again.

He was confident Chi could find the fur they needed, for his mind was rather working on what the scared one would of done. It was obviously injured, so where would an Injured scared one head to from the mountains, the safest of bets would of been seeking out any nearby fair elves, Lest of course the sacred one decided to go it alone. A debate now raged in Solomon's mind, the prospect of him using his own presence