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Clayton Thorn

Go away... Just let me live in peace...

0 · 326 views · located in Earth and The Sacred Realm

a character in “The Sacred Realm”, as played by YokoKitsune


Clayton Thorn

Description: He is 5 feet tall and 120 lbs, which is average for an adult of his race. His eyes are amethyst in color and are almost always empty, sad, annoyed, hate-filled, or angry. There are almost always bandages on him from either hunting or getting into a fight, either with one of his own or some other race. Around his neck though, there are always bandages hiding the mate mark (a scar made by teeth biting into his neck) left behind by his late mate that he never allows anyone to see. He also has retractable claws and he never wears shoes, preferring to walk around bare-pawed like most of his kind, even in the winter.

Nickname: Clay

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Felinus

Role: One of the Chosen

Personality: He usually has a very sullen demeanor though if he is annoyed he is prone to angry outbursts or violence. Really though all he wants is to left alone, to grieve in peace for the rest of his life. He doesn't talk much to anyone, so he can't be said to have any friends and he never talks about his past, preferring to bottle it all up. However, he does seem to have a soft spot for children and is more than willing to give them the attention that they need, being very gentle with them and even smiling a bit for them, even if it's forced and doesn't reach his eyes. Seeing another pregnant felinus though seems to always provoke one of two actions: fierce protectiveness or uncontrollable tremors which leads to him running away and finding a hiding place so that he can cry in peace.

Brief History: He used to be a slave to a wealthy human family and he was content with his life, he wasn't mistreated and his needs were met in exchange for doing housework. One day he met a female felinus, named Recca, owned by the neighbors at a party that his masters hosted, they fell in love and became mates. When her masters discovered that she was pregnant they made plans to sell or give away the kits. Devastated, Recca went to Tom (that was what he was known by back then) in tears and they made plans to escape and find a felinus settlement to raise their family in. The night of their escape they were found out and as they were running a bullet meant for Tom hit her instead, causing her to fall. He picked her up and ran with her in his arms, somehow managing to get out of the city, but by the time he was able to find a safe hiding place she was already long dead. Tom changed his name to Clayton, buried his mate and found a felinus settlement to live out his days in, in honor of his mate's memory and has been grieving her loss ever since. Because he is a felinus they mate for life, so if one dies it isn't uncommon for them to not take another mate, in fact it is a rarity for the surviving partner to take another as their mate.

Humans: Hate, enough said. When are they all going to up and die so that they can burn in the lowest of pits of hell already?
Fair Elves: Fair or Dark, an elf is an elf I have nothing to say about them.
Dark Elves: Every race has it's dark side, theirs is just about the type of power that they are able to use. Dumb way to make that kind of distinction, it should be based on their code of conduct or something like that.
Werewolves: A larger version of the common mutt but still just as stupid.
Vampires: Just as dumb as their foes, who the hell forgets why they're fighting and keeps on fighting? Especially if it's very likely that one of them was actually there when the bloody thing started.
The Fallen: I actually sympathize with them though I don't agree with their methods.
The Sacred Ones: Arrogant bunch of twits, they need to be knocked down more than a few pegs.
The Old Gods: A bunch of senile old farts if you ask me.

So begins...

Clayton Thorn's Story

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Today was another one of those days. The sun was shining, the birds were singing merrily, the weather was perfect, it was a good day to be outside and enjoying life. However, it was exactly these types of days that Clayton despised the most, they reminded him the most of Recca. She use to love these kinds of days, it was when their masters would go out and they could spend the day together, just talking everything and nothing at the same time. "Clay! Clay! Come on! Come play with us!" he could hear the children calling out to him excitedly as they burst into his burrow.

It had been almost two years since he'd moved here, at first everyone was a bit weary about him, they knew what covering a mate mark meant, though they didn't know the circumstances. They still accepted him among them though and the females would try to get him to speak of it but it was no use. Clayton had actually been taking a walk in the surrounding forrest when he ran across some panicked kits (well more like they almost ran over him in their desperation to get back to the village). In tears they quickly told him that one of their playmates had fallen into the river, as soon as head that he was off in a flash, by the time that the kits had caught up he was already giving the unconscious kit CPR. Ever since then the kits had become attached to him and he had become the unofficial nursemaid of the village, bursting into his burrow whenever they felt like it (though it probably didn't help that he never discouraged such behavior).

"Clay~ get out of bed already and come play with us," he heard one of the kits whine as they all started to pile on top of him. The village was a bit on the small side so this particular group consisted of six seven-year-olds, which wasn't too difficult to handle.

"Alright, alright, I'm up, I'm up already. Just give me a few minutes and we can go swimming," he promised, to which he was answered with lots of loud cheering as they all scrambled out of his pallet and out the door. Groaning he dragged himself out of bed and got himself ready to face the day.

An hour later he found himself at a shallow bend in the river as he sat up high in a tree fondly watching the kits enjoy themselves as they played in the water. He kept constant vigalence over the area, his ears straining for every little sound and testing the air every five minutes, making sure that no threats were in the area. The kits though seemed to have a different idea of what was going to happen because suddenly everything was quiet. Upon looking down and not seeing any immediate sign of them, in his panic, Clayton dropped to the ground from his branch, landing on all fours and a s he was about to stand up and begin his search a noise to his right caught his attention. All of a sudden six small bodies crashed into him sending all of them into the water behind him. After that a water fight ensued, the kits laughing and shrieking in joy as they had gotten their older playmate to join them. He might not have laughed, but he did smile a bit as he retaliated their assault and that was good enough for them.