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The Salient Decendants

New York


a part of The Salient Decendants, by Axolotled.


Axolotled holds sovereignty over New York, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

604 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


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New York



New York is a part of The Salient Decendants.

1 Places in New York:

9 Characters Here

Scorpio [6] " Dont judge me by my appearance, Judge me by my behaviour
Savannah Mayrse Lovelace [4] "I wasent kissing him I sware"
Isabelle(Izzy) Lightwood [3] "hurt my kids and i will kick your ass im not even kidding"
Brooklyn (Blaze) Storm [2] " People call me weak. I try prove them wrong everytime"
Albert Storm [2] "Do you want to play a game"
Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale [2] "The world would be a better place if everyone just took a chill pill. And even better if some certain people chocked on it"
Clary Fairchild [2] "When a twelve year old tells you your weapon sucks, it's time to change it up"
Jace Herondale [1] "I'm naturally blond, just or the record."
Simon Lovelace [1] "let's play some call of duty"

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As I walk into the sitting room looking for Celine I hear Magnus say something It didn't make sense though but nothing he says (or does) ever makes any sense
β€œumm is everything ok” I ask
β€œFinn, no Magnus and Hazel are getting kicked out of the institute”
I pause for a minute
β€œWell shit”
mum looks over at me with a glare, what was it something I said she normally doesn't care if I say shit.
β€œFINNIGAN MAXWELL LOVELACE, what in Raziels name did you do to your hair”
Oh no some of my hair must be poking out of my hoodie. Celine reaches up to pull off my hoodie she has to jump because she really short (she really is) eventually she gets it of and my hair is exposed Jace looks over pretty impressed with my choice of colour while Clary looks just as shocked as mother does mostly everyone does I pull my hoodie back over and go to head out but mum says,”wait a minute mr….” but before she can finish Magnus starts to talk
he looks at me with sparkling hair and says, β€œ darling this may not be the best time but I love your hair its sooo blonde”
β€œThank you at least someone appreciates it”i say as looking mum right in the eye. She looks really mad I decried to head out before anyone can say anything I reach for the door handle and then I hear here it…..


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Celine watched as Finn glided into the sitting room. She had barely seen him all day, all he had told her was that he was going "out".
Finn looked confused, "is everything okay?" He asked.
They explained to him what happened.
"Well shit" he said
Celine cringed, she hated swearing. Suddenly she noticed something yellowy poking out from under Finn's hoodie. Isabelle gasped, "FINNIGAN MAXWELL LOVELACE! What in Raziel's name did you do to your hair?!"
Celine reached her little arms up to pull back Finn's hood, I took her several tries because of how short she was but eventually, Celine pulled the hood off, revealing bright blond hair.
She covered her mouth to stifle a giggle while Isabelle raged and Magnus complimented Finn's hair.
Celine whispered into Finn's ear, "I love it!"
He didn't seem to hear her and went straight for the door handle, Celine hot on his heels. Suddenly there is a bang against the door.
"What the-" Christopher said as he walked to the door, swinging it open "Jesus Christ!" He hissed and turned away, "Savannah, get a room!"
Savannah, pressed up against the door with her boyfriend, Echo's tongue down her throat was not something that anyone wanted to see.
"Gross" Celine cringed, covering her eyes.


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My heart feels like it has dropped out of my body and been stabbed with a thousand stele's. The kiss was the most magical thing that has ever happened to me I am truly in love with Christopher Herondale but the way he reacted I don't think feels the same way that is why my heart is on the ground with holes stabbed through it so that's why im not in love with Christopher Herondale anymore. I actually feel like im going to die my head is aching and im dehydrated probably from all the liquid I've lost in tears
I want to scream and stab him through the heart so he knows what this feels like to have feelings urgh why do I like guys I collapse on my bed mum must of heard me crying so she comes in and says
"hey Hun are you ok?"
"no mum its pretty clear im not"
"ok, tell me what happened" so I told her everything by the end feel so much better
mum gets up and is about to go out the door she looks really mad
"mum where are you going?"i ask
"nowhere that matters "she answers


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woh that was weird I have never seen that happen in the training room before like im not gona tell anyone
"celineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" I yell down the corridor this is going to be funny "CELINEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" I scream
where is that girl she's normally treading on the back of my feet following my every footsteps.
"celin..." I go to speak but then I see her in the kitchen
"what is it?"
"Savannah and Christopher just kissed and Christopher broke her heart" I say man that feels good to let out
for once she has absolutely nothing to say to me
"well this is akward"says Magnus


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Character Portrait: Clary Fairchild Character Portrait: Isabelle(Izzy) Lightwood
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Jace is hard enough to deal with already and he has a bastard son to! I don't know how Clary manages to deal with them. I'm going to have a good long talk to them though about Christopher.
I walk up to the library where Clary likes to spend most of here time
β€œClary?” I ask β€œdid you know about how your son is treating my daughter” I say
β€œumm, excuse me?” she answers clearly confused about the whole thing
β€œyour sons is being calling my daughter weak and he is treating her like a mundane”
she puts the book she is reading down and looks up at me.
β€œi cant control what he does and doest do he's a teenage boy Isabelle you would know what that is like your son just went off and dyed his hair blonde just to impress to my daughter I'm sorry if he hurt your daughters feelings but that's how the world goes”
she picks up her book and continues to read I walk out and say to my-self maybe Jace has more sense but then I re-think what I just said Clary is the more reasonable one oh well I'm sure Savannah can deal with her own problems.


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Ok so im walking out of the kitchen and then i hear Mum's Voice and Magnus's? singing along to All the singing Ladies? i think.
I follow the awful sound eventually i track it to the lounge room mum and Magnus? Playing Just Dance 3 or 4 im not quite sure?
"oh hi hun care to join us" mum asks me through her sudden outburst of singing.
i look over to the couch to dad crouched up with his arms crossed he looks very un-impressed.
"we were playing call of duty" he says
"righttttt" i say i have weird parents
"finnie a finn A finnie fin a finne finne" magnus is singing my name to the tune of the song they are dancing to stmy parents have weird friends
"joinnnnnn usssss finnnnnn" he says
"um i rather not" i say and walk out i go up the stairs and head to my room and then i here voices coming from inside the door i press my ear

"finn told me what happened"
"he's such a Fucking traitor"
"what did he say?"
there was a moment of silence before the next person who im pretty sure was Celine said,
"well... he said something about Savannah bursting into the training room and.......
"okay yep he told you everything then"
"so...what are you going to do?"
"Never leave this room again and if i do leave this room im never talking to her ever again."
"when youre ready you should apologise"
"shut up"
"i know that she should be the one apologising but you need to tell her how you feel"
"im going to leave. i'm 99% sure that finn is listing outside the door"
oh oh i run but there is so much junk in the hallway i keep tripping over everything i manage to get round the corner
"Finn wait! come back i know you were listing"
i cant just leave her standing there i go back round the corner and she gives me a goofy smile
"our brother and sister are weird" i say
"very" she says
i run up to her and lift her over my shoulder
"finn put me down" she says
i go to chuck on the ground but i do it gently


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I slam the door in his face urgh he's so annoying and frustrating and cute and strong and urgh what am I saying the whole reason I'm going out tonight is to get out out of my mind and focus on my training
I take off my green coat and stick on a singlet and mums ruby necklace but I cant stop thinking about why Christopher was in her room in the first place.
I grab my bag and open my door
"argh Magnus you scared me"
"very sorry dear" he says as he sip's his cup of tea? that is blue huh?
"but I was just letting you know that hazel is available and single just so you know so you should keep you're options open if you're done with Christopher"
"uuhhh that's very kind Magnus but im fine really"
"are you sure she is very lovely"
"yeah...... im straight soooooo"
"oh dear that doesn't matter"
"yes yes it does"
"Magnus I think you should go"
he raises his finger to say something but then he doesn't he takes another sip of his tea like substance and walks away
I continue to the door but I go to reach for the door handle and I cant turn it I don't understand why but then it hits me
maybe I don't want to get over boys or Christopher or....
"urghhh" I slam my head into the door multiple times


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Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace Character Portrait: Isabelle(Izzy) Lightwood Character Portrait: Simon Lovelace Character Portrait: Alice Branmark Character Portrait: Scorpio
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"Clary let him go I sure he has a reasonable explanation for being in the institute he's obviously a shadowhunter Just look at his runes."
"Ok what's your name then?" she asks him
"..........uh.... Scorpio"
"well it's nice to meet you Scorpio welcome to the new York institute" there was no reply
"See Clary you just have to ask now excuse me i have some business to attend to" well i do i have figured out a way to get rid of my feeling whenever i feel something i will go throw some knives or practice my fighting just something like that. i head up to the training room but when i get there I'm not alone
"hey Mum" i say
"hello darling I'm almost done i wont be here long"
i go over to the punching bag i was probably in there for hours because when dad came and got me it was after dinner
"hey sweetie.... are you almost done you've been in there for hours you’ve missed dinner"
i head out of the training room up to mine i feel exhausted but no better on the feelings side at all my heart still feels dead and i still want to cry i guess its harder than it Looks. i go open the door to my Room to see someone sitting on my bead
"Alice?... is that you?" there was no answer i walk closer and it is her
"Alice what are you doing in my room" she stands up and looks at me there is something different about her i can no longer see the happiness in her eyes just long dark pits of nothingness
"Alice" i ask, "are you ok"
"i bring a warning from my master.."
"Alice what the hell.."
"yes hell that is where Master was born..... master said that you should prepare for more demon attacks and that he will kill evry last one of your little Shadowhunter Friends"
"Alice you’re scaring me now" she doesn’t answer for a while
"be more careful Shadowhunter next time he's coming for you"
Then she passes out i scream for help
"MUMMMM, DADD CHRI..." but finish there what am i saying why Christopher
mum walks in the door along side with dad
"what! the hell savannah do you know what the time is"
and then she looks down
"oh my.... what happened to Alice" Tears start to run down my face
"I don’t know she must have" sniff" been possessed because she said and then i told them everything she said i was scared as hell and then she woke up.


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Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace Character Portrait: Alice Branmark
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Character Portrait: Jace Herondale Character Portrait: Clary Fairchild Character Portrait: Scorpio
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#, as written by Zara717
After that crazy woman put a knife at my throat I was worried that the rest of the Institute would be the same. I went looking for more helpful people that could help me. I opened a door and I saw these 2 people. Both blonde hair and both my age (roughly). I left hopefully without disturbing them. I sneak all the way down the hall way and try find more people. Where is everyone around here. I head back to where I met that crazy woman, they were still there. "Umm excuse me?" I ask the blonde haired guy. He looks up. " Yes? Clary don't attack the poor kid again." he says with a smile. In walks that woman. I back up. Just in case. " Jace I didn't know alright?!. What can we help you with Scorpio?" Clary says more friendly now. " Umm where is my room?" I ask. " Just up the corridor to your right". With that I leave. " I don't like the look of that kid. He reminds me of someone just cant put my finger on it" Clary says. I heard as I closed the door. With that I know immediately no one here is going to like me.


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Character Portrait: Albert Storm Character Portrait: Brooklyn (Blaze) Storm
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#, as written by Zara717
Brooklyn (Blaze) Storm
I turn up my street and open the front door to our house in New York. Me and my half brother Albert have been living here most of our lives. People describe us a different people because I've got red-brown hair and am from New York and Albert has full brown and is from Florida. Albert is 12 and I'm 16. Our parents ditched us when we were little. I enter into the dining room and Albert is there, eating a whole tub of Nutella. "Albert, how many times have I told you don't eat the Nutella without me" I say smiling. Albert smiles back and we wait till 12pm so we can go outside. Once we were outside we could change into werewolves without suspicion. When we arrived back at our place, it looked as though it had been torn apart by some magic or something. It definitely didn't look as though someone had just robbed it. Our place wasn't a place anymore.


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Albert had been playing video games, which he was very skilled at, until he felt it. The craving for nutella. He knew there was a jar somewhere in the apartment. So he searched, until he found it tucked in the back of the cupboard. He smirked, Blaze must of tried to hide it but Albert could smell nutella from a mile away. So he plugged his headphones in and started eating it, hence, he did not realise Blaze had come in. She stood in the the door way with her arms crossed. "Albert, how many times have I told you don't eat the Nutella without me". Albert smiled, chocolate all around his face. "I got hungry" Albert spluttered, smiling.
The two of them waited for 12, it was the only time they were safe to roam around. Did he want to roam around as a furry beast. No, he despised it. He hated not being normal, but he did it because he knew he had to. As soon as he and his sister were done, they headed back to their small apartment. But it didn't really look like an apartment anymore. It was a dump, there was nothing left of Albert's home.
"What the-"


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#, as written by Zara717

I had just settled down in my room when I heard a earsplitting scream. I poked my head through the door and saw a couple of people moving. No one was running so it wasn't anything bad. I went back to unpacking my gear. I placed some photos of my family before the incident which caused them to vanish. As soon as I finished I decided to walk around the Institute. After hearing what Clary said about me I didn't want people to think that's who I was or what I do. I walked and walked, everyone was inside so I headed outside. I find a bench and plonk myself down. I think a lot about everything. 1 hour I notice these people approaching. They were in deep conversation. I definitely didn't recognize them but when they looked at me they turned and walked the other way. With that I head back to the Institute where I collapse on my bed.


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#, as written by Zara717

Oh my gosh. Does this place ever get quiet. I swear In the last 5-10 minutes there has been more screaming that I've heard at all. And to make matters worse it had decided to rain. I sat at my window and watched the rain wondering when I will actually learn anything. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep and I was woken by a knock on my window. How did anyone know where I was crashing. Everyone here was always running around, screaming, hugging or fighting, I didn't actually think anyone would notice me. I couldn't see anyone because it was late at night. So I decided to leave it. It kept knocking on my window, so I got up and opened the window. Someone dropped on through the window. I turned the light on. I wasn't expecting them.


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Savannah and I start to walk back to the Institute and my hand finds her's. I hardly even notice until she says that I' hurting her. She starts saying something and I let go and step back. I grin at her, "That's why I lo-"
My voice falters and I seem to choke. I've never loved anyone before...
I've never felt anything before.
The next things I say are a struggle, "I love you Savannah Mayrse Lovelace but I need some time."
I put my hands on her waist, purely following my instincts, and kiss her gently. This time she leans in.
I can feel my emotions starting to pull me down - overwhelming me.
I pull away.
"Christopher I -"
"Shhhhh..." I say and put a finger to her lips. I need to leave. This is all too much.
I start to walk away but Savannah grabs me and pushes me to the ground, practically lying on top of me. I smile, despite the fact I was leaving and roll over so that she's lying in a puddle.
"Let me go Christopher!" she starts squirming.
"Come with me, I want to show you something."
I jump up and pull her hand so she's standing next to me.
I lead her to



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Christopher and I walk for a while him holding my hand occasionally stoping to make out eventually we reach this cute little cottage.
"This use to belong to my dad before he gave it to me"he says fiddling in his pockets for somthing he pulles out a key and puts it in the door. Its the most beautiful thing ive ever seen white window frames lined with flowers of some kind. But the bed white red and black with clear cloth hanging over the top covering the sides he pulles me in.
"Do you need anything?" He asked
"A shower would be nice" I answer honestly im not quite sure why but i just felt dirty and cold
After a while i finish my shower i see Christopher sitting on the bed resting it was a long walk i walk over to the window i dont know what im doing here Christopher comes up behind me and puts his arms around me and kisses my forehead i turn around and kiss him he pulls me over to the bed he lowers me down slowly pressing his body on top of mine i feel his hands pull the straps of my top down his hands cupping my breasts i pull his top over his head his skin pressed against mine i think at one point we snapped one of the posts on the side of the bed but Christopher didnt seem to care afterwards he collapsed on the side of the bed both of us gadping for breath.
In the morning i get up to feel my leg aking
"Oww" i say i look down my leg is bruised
Christopher looks up
"Did i do that?" He asks but he doesnt sound apoplectic he sounds happy i give him a cheeky smile and lie back down my hand around his bare chest he kisses my cheek
"Love you Savannah"he says


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That happened.
Holy shit that actually happened.
Holy mother of fucking god I stole Savannah's virginity!
What the fuck am I going to say to Izzy and Simon?!
"Sorry I took your daughter's virginity, it wont happen again" ?!
By the fucking angel Christopher what have you done?

She's asleep beside me, exhausted probably. I can see the bruise on her leg - how the hell did I manage that? Her arms are draped across my bare chest and her head is nuzzled into the space between my shoulder and jaw. She is so beautiful. But I can't... I can't commit to all this - all these feelings I'm having. It makes my head spin and ache like there's a fire in my mind. It makes me want to scream and tear my heart open. It's like being ripped apart from the inside out.
But at the same time, it's like being whole. It's like having part of you that was once missing become full again.
But it's so much pressure.
Pressure not to hurt her. Not to let her down. Not to do the wrong thing.
But am I already doing the wrong thing?

My head starts to throb.

I need to get out.

I slowly slip out of the bed, gently moving Savannah's arms off me. She sighs slightly and curls up. I grab my jeans and put them back on. I turn to look at her and I notice that one of the bed posts have snapped. What the hell did we do last night? I run my hands through my hair and grab my shirt. It's kinds nice to be wearing clothes again.
I never wanted to fall in love. I never wanted any of this. But it seems inevitable. Like a moving train hurdling towards me on an unstoppable course.
Impossible to avoid but you don't want it to hit you.
And when it does it's the most painful thing you could ever imagine but the most exhilarating as well. I don't know what I want anymore.

The pain in my head is getting worse.

I look at Savannah one last time before I step out of the cottage and into the fresh air. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. If I leave her here would that be wrong? The others are probably wondering where we are. Maybe even having suspicions. I know I should go, forget this whole thing. treat it like a one night stand and never see her again but part of me doesn't want to go.
It wants to stay and hold her close and never let go.

She doesn't deserve to deal with someone with trapped emotions like this. She shouldn't have to deal with that.
She deserves better than me.


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I start to leave but something pulls me back. I glance back at the cottage. I know she'd still asleep in there.
I creep back in and kiss her gently on the forehead, she smiles and mumbles something unrecognisable. I leave as quickly and quietly as I can. The clouds have started to come over again and the sky darkened. Almost like it was saying I was doing something bad but I couldn't deal with all this.
I take off in a sprint across the path and through the trees, who knows where I'm going. I don't even know. I run and run until my lungs feel like they are going to explode and my heart might jump out of my chest. I'm so far away from the cottage now that I can see the towers of the city through the trees-I hope Savannah finds her way back.
I slide down against a tree and let my emotions take over. I scream and cry and slam my fists into the ground until the skin is raw and they start to bleed. I don't bother with an iratze, the pain is welcome.

Someone once told me that people don't cry because they're weak but because they've been strong for too long.
I didn't believe them.
I do now.


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Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Scorpio
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#, as written by Zara717

Turns out it was just a dream. I woke up and chucked on my hoodie. It was quite cold outside. I walked through the empty hallways with the occasional squeak of the floorboard. With that I tread quietly and head outside where I try find a bench to sit down. Turns out that it had decided to rain so I chucked the hoodie over my head. I found a bench and sat down. I was sitting there for a few minutes when I heard some shuffling coming from the tree right next to me. I move the branches around the tree and I see a red head and then he jumps out. I move back on the bench. The red head gets up and plops down next to me." What you looking at?" he asks me. With that I turn my head and look the other way." I was just sitting here, thinking to myself when I heard the branches move so I checked" I explain. He looks and says" I was thinking to myself as well" I turn and look at his face. It looked like he was crying and was angry at the same time.. "Really what about?" I ask. We sit there for the next few hours, explaining our stories to each other. " I'm Scorpio. Everyone thinks I'm bad and evil by my name. I'm not though don't worry." I was babbling. " Nice to meet you Scorpio, I'm Christopher. Christopher Herondale"


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I sat with my head turned up at the sky for a few minutes when I heard someone through the trees. I look over to them and a boy was looking back at me. He quickly looks away but I stand up and sit on the bench next to him.
"What are you looking at?" I ask him harshly.
He mumbled something about noises but I'm not really listening. "I was thinking to myself."
I turn to him, "I was thinking to myself too." I say.
He looks at me, "Really? What about?"
I tell him about Savannah, missing out the sex part.
He tells me about himself.
"Nice to meet you Scorpio, I'm Christopher. Christopher Herondale." I shake his hand and we go back to being silent. I look back at the dark clouds and my thoughts drift back to Savannah. I wonder if she's woken up yet? Has she noticed I'm gone? I hope she's not angry.
Maybe I should go back...
Yes, I'm going.
No, I can't.
Yes, I feel too bad.
No, don't feel bad, you're not meant to feel anything.
But what if something happens to her?
She's a Shadowhunter she's perfectly capable of taking care of herself.

Don't let this make you weak, Christopher.
I shouldn't let myself feel anything.

Arrrrgh! This is doing my head in!
I put my head in my hands.
"Hey are you okay?" Scorpio asks.
"I don't know." I whisper.


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Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace Character Portrait: Isabelle(Izzy) Lightwood Character Portrait: Scorpio
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#, as written by Zara717

β€œHey you ok?” it was a while since he had spoken. β€œI don’t know” he answers. I don't know what to say to him. I'm not a very helpful person. " Umm have yo tried talking to her?" I ask im. He shakes his head" The last I saw of her was at the cottage and from what I've heard she hasn't come back yet" I am so confused. Glad my social life is more like a friendless person." well I wish I could be more help". With that I get up and wave bye. I head back inside and I see people. I move along the wall. I creep to my room. I sleep. I can look out the window and I see Christopher just sitting there by himself. What he'd done to Savannah was pretty horrible, I have to say. He should go talk to her himself. I hear footsteps moving around outside and the sounded if they were running. I hear a knock on my door. I open it and I see Isabelle Lightwood. How on earth did she know I live here." Where is she?" She yells at me.