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Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale

"The world would be a better place if everyone just took a chill pill. And even better if some certain people chocked on it"

0 · 452 views · located in New York

a character in “The Salient Decendants”, as played by Annathevampire



Gender: male
Birthday: August 6
Star Sign: Leo
Age: 17
Race: Shadowhunter
Theme Song: Joan Jet, Bad Reputation

Christopher, to sum him up in three words: self obsessed asshole.
Christopher believes he is better than everyone around him, teenagers and adults alike. Most of the time he is. Christopher trains everyday with the other Shadowhunters at the institute but when they're done, he doesn't stop. Christopher strives to be the best he can be so when he comes across any enemy, he knows he can defeat it. Although he seems like a total ass, deep down (like really deep down) he does care about the people around him. He loves his parents and sister but doesn't show it. Christopher believes that showing you have love in your heart is showing that you have something that can be used against you.

Strong fighter
Never gives up
Can hide emotions
Basically silent
Light on his feet
Logical thinking under pressure

Does not know what it is to have friends
Will not accept help from others
Too much pride

Beating the literal shit out of demons
Being the center of attention
Has a thing for brunettes and raven-haired people

Being left behind
Being ignored
Being underestimated

Never being good enough

Christopher has curly auburn hair that reaches the tips of his ears. If it was straightened it would touch his shoulders. His eyes are golden with flecks of brown through them and he has long, brown eyelashes. He always wears black clothes with the exception of the occasional very dark grey and has the Morgenstern ring on a chain around his neck constantly. He is fairly tall and strong so he can look intimidating-which is exactly what he wants. Christopher also has a large angelic power rune over his heart and both ears pierced with tiny gold hoops.

Christopher Herondale was born in the New York Institute, he was the first child of Clary Fairchild and Jace Herondale and was not planned. Although Christopher was an "accident", Clary and Jace were very glad to have him. Christopher has never known he was unplanned and his parents wish to keep it that way.
Christopher was not born with the sight and had to be trained to see the Shadow World, this fueled his need to be the best at everything. Christopher had to work hard to get where he is today and he's not about to let that position drop.

Clary Fairchild - mother
Jace Herondale - father
Celine Herondale -sister

So begins...

Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale's Story

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Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale
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Christopher was sitting on the Institute roof, hanging his legs over the eaves. He had climbed out a broken window he'd smashed years before, but hadn't told anyone. Christopher knew he could get to the roof from it so he'd kept it a secret. When he was younger he used to practised balancing up here, knowing that the pressure of falling to his death would push him to do better. Christopher had stumbled and almost fallen many times but he's always managed to scramble back up to his feet and keep going.
No fear he'd thought to himself, looking down at the overgrown grass and concrete far below.
Now that Christopher was the very best at balancing in the entire Institute, he had no need for this place except for throwing pebbles at the unsuspecting mundanes passing by. Which he quite enjoyed. They couldn't see him so he liked to watch them look around wildly for the scoundrel who was pelting things at them. Today, Christopher had brought a backpack full of stone fruit and stale bread roles from the kitchen up onto to roof. He was eating a peach and throwing bread rolls at the mundanes when there was a soft thud from the window behind him. Christopher turned his head to see Church, the fluffy fat cat that lived at the Institute, standing on the roof behind him. The cat approached Christopher's backpack with curiosity and sniffed at the open pocket.
"It's just fruit, kitty"
Church scowled at him.
Christopher raised his eyebrows, "Sorry, Your Lord Churchness"
Church looked unimpressed and went back to sniffing at the bag. He stuck his head into the pocket and pulled out a plum with his pointy little teeth.
"Don't eat that," Christopher said sternly, "You'll get sick. Cat's can't eat plums"
Church didn't seem to care and started biting at the purple fruit.
Christopher rolled his eyes and spat the peach stone at a mundane girl with died green hair. She spun around and stared at the Institute. To her it looked like an old, abandoned church. The girl shook her head and scurried off, green hair swaying in the wind.
Christopher turned to Church, "Ugly green haired monster," he mumbled, reaching for an apricot out of the backpack, "I've always preferred brunettes."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Christopher had been sitting on the roof with Church for about half an hour when he saw four people in red robes coming towards the Institute. He could tell by the way everyone around them ignored them that the mundanes couldn't see them.
Christopher quickly reached for his stele in his bag and drew a sight enhancement rune on his forearm. When he looked again, Christopher could see that the robes that the figures were wearing were wearing red council robes. He quickly stood up and leapt back through the window. What was the council doing here? And where were the downworlder members?
Christopher ran to the library and burst through the doors. His mother, Clary, and his father, Jace, were standing behind the huge desk in the center of the room, reading through some brown-tinged papers. They looked up at him as he entered the room.
Clary stepped out from behind the desk, "Kit, you look concerned."
Ugh, Christopher hated it when his parents called him Kit. And he never looked concerned.
Christopher let his features become blank and sincere, "There are four members of the council here." he explained.
Clary's green eyes widened and Jace stepped to her side, "Is the Inquisitor - Jia - here?" he asked.
Christopher shook his head, "I don't believe so."
His parents exchanged a concerned look.
There was a small knock on the door, "Come in," called Clary, breaking Jace's stare.
The doors cracked open a bit and Celine stepped in, "Mum, Dad," she said quietly, "There are some strange people here."
Jace looked to Christopher, "Kit, go get Alec."
Christopher nodded and made a move for the door.
Suddenly, Celine spoke again, "No." She said, shaking her head, "They want to see Magnus and Hazel."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazel Bane Character Portrait: Magnus Bane Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Alec Lightwood Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Christopher watched as the Council members left, their red cloaks trailing along the street. Everyone just stared at each other. Before they could say anything, Hazel strode into the room.
She looked around, puzzled, "Um...What is going on?"
Magnus looked at her, "Well...the thing is..." He trailed off. No one said a thing.
Oh for Raziel's sake... Christopher stepped forward, "The Clave has ordered that you and Magnus leave the Institute within the next twenty four hours or you will be evicted by force."
Everyone glared at him, "Christopher!" Clary hissed.
"Well no one else was going to say it!"
"You should have let her parents tell her!"
"Mother. What is the most absolute law of Shadowhunters?" Chrstopher didn't wait for her answer, "'Sed Lex, Dura Lex' The law is hard but it is the law."
Suddenly, everyone around Christopher started discussing the situation and what should happen. It was a storm of voices whipping around him. Alec and Magnus were in a corner talking with each other and Hazel was still standing in the doorway, mouth open, shocked.
A wave of guilt washed over Christopher. Deep down, he admired Hazel for her strength in situations like this but now she was speechless and confused.
Christopher went to leave the commotion when a voice rang out amongst the battling voices.
Everyone fell silent and looked to the source of the shout.
"I think Hazel and Magnus should stay." Mumbled Celine.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace
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Everyone walked away from the door, mildly disgusted, Christopher felt as if he might be sick. He hated love. Hated it more than any other emotion. It was what made people weak and vulnerable. He rolled his eyes and headed to the elevator. All he wanted was to get some training done. The elevator lead away from the bedrooms and living room so he probably wouldn't run into anyone on his way to the training area.
Christopher walked silently to the old rattling elevator when he heard a sudden sobbing. He pressed himself against the wall and peered into the elevator. There was Savannah, kneeling on the floor balling her eyes out.
"Savannah?" he asked uncertainly, "Are you...okay?" As much as Christopher hated feelings of any kind, after love sadness was his least favourite.
Suddenly, Savannah jumped up and wrapped her arms around Christopher. He stumbled backwards from the force of her hug.
"No. No I am not." Savannah sobbed through the tears.
Christopher gingerly wrapped his arms around Savannah, "Uh... What hap-"
Before he could finish. Savannah blurted out the whole entire story.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace
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Christopher had been training with Finn for only twenty minutes after his... meeting with Savannah when she burst in the doors calling his name.
"Christopher!" she called, her eyes brightening as she saw him. Savannah bounded over to Christopher and threw herself upon him, knocking him backwards again. She clearly had no idea what she was doing. Savannah kissed Christopher so ferociously that it hurt his mouth. He heard Finn drop his bow from the other side of the room.
Christopher shoved Savannah off him and she fell to the ground. "What in Raziel's name are you doing?"
She sat there, dazed.
"Savannah." Christopher explained, "I don't like you! And I never will. You're so weak to feel love like that. Get out."
Savannah slowly rose to her feet, hurt shining behind her green eyes. She walked out.
"Woah, man. That was harsh." Finn said from across the room
"You didn't see any of that. Clear?"
Finn said nothing but Christopher heard an arrow hit the target.
Christopher picked up a throwing knife and threw it at the target beside him. Bullseye.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace Character Portrait: Isabelle(Izzy) Lightwood
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Christopher had been sitting in his room, head buried in his blue pillow. He felt strange. Not guilty but just... strange. The only thing that made Christopher upset was not knowing himself inside and out, and this new...feeling had completely jumbled his thoughts.
There was a sudden knock at the door.
"Whoever it is, I don't want to talk." Christopher called. The door opened anyway.
Celine quietly walked in and stood uncomfortably in the doorway.
"I said go away." Moaned Christopher.
Celine slowly closed the door and walked toward Christopher's bed. She stood in front of him with her hands tucked behind her back, staring at the floor.
"What do you want?"
"I don't want anything." mumbled Celine.
"Well why are you here?"
"Finn told me what happened."
"He's such a fucking traitor." Christopher said into his pillow, "What did he say?"
There was a moment of silence.
"Well..." Celine began, "He said something about Savannah bursting into the training room and..."
"Okay yep he told you everything then."
Celine was silent.
Christopher looked at her, Celine's eyes were looking right back at him.
"So... What are you going to do?" She asked.
"Never leave this room ever again and if I do leave this room, I'm never talking to her ever again."
Celine nodded slowly, "When you're ready," she whispered slowly, "You should apologise."
Christopher began to protest but Celine put a hand over his mouth. "Shut up." She said bluntly, "I know that she should be the one apologising but you need to tell her how you feel." She took her hand away from Christopher's mouth and stood up.
"I'm going to leave. I'm ninety nine percent sure that Finn is listening outside the door." There was a sudden bang as someone outside the door made a run for it. Christopher felt the corners of his mouth twitch.
"Bye." Celine went to the door and left the room. As she left, Christopher could here her calling after Finn, "Finn! Come back here! I know you were listening."
Christopher smiled and sat up. Celine was right. He had to talk to Savannah.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazel Bane Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace
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"ok talk to ya later Alice" i say and i hang up the phone
i walk over to my cuboard and strip off completely what should i wear i slip on my purple and black undies and my black jeans when i hear a knock on the door i turn around and then i realise i have no top on
but its to late Christopher walks in
i throw my pillow at him his eyes are locked on my boobs he slowly backs out of my room but then hazel walks in the room
"whats going o........" i can feel her eyes on my boobs i lift my hands up and turn around so im covering them.
"hazel? what are you doing"
she raises her eyebrows
"nothing sorry.............. nice tits by the way"
she walkes out and my face goes red i grab a black coat and walk up to christopher who is bright red he stands up
"what do YOU want?" i ask
"urrghhh ummmm"
i slap him in the face
"that's for the traning room"
i slap him again
"that's for ogling my boobs"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale
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Christopher watched Savannah's dark purple door slam in his face. He put his hand against his cheek where Savannah had hit him. By the Angel she was strong. Christopher stood there, stunned for a moment before walking away, head hanging. Just as he thought he could open up to someone, they pushed him away. He hadn't meant to... do that.
This was why Christopher hated feelings. Just as he found something to feel, it blew up in his face like dynamite.
Feelings were like a bomb, he thought, always waiting to explode and shatter you.
Christopher shook his head, trying to keep it together but his eyes stung and he didn't know how much longer the tears would hold back.
There was one problem with never feeling anything. When you did, it hurt so much more than it would if you had ever felt it before.
Christopher walked faster, down the stairs to his own room. He ran in and slammed the door behind him. He fell onto his bed and buried himself in the covers.
That was the moment that Christopher Herondale vowed to never feel anything for anyone. Ever.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Celine watched Christopher silently from the shadows in the hallway.
Celine knew Christopher better than anyone, maybe even himself, and she knew that this sort of thing was going to crush him. She considered going to his room but, seeing what good her last bit of advice had done, decided against it. Celine could tell that Christopher was about to cry. He had a certain way he hung his head, just shadowing his eyes. He only cried when something seriously bad happened, like when he shattered his arm while fighting a shax demon. Though this didn't look that bad to someone else, Celine knew that this was one of the worst things to happen to her brother.

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Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale
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Christopher had locked himself in his room all day, only clambering out the window once to sit on the roof. He happened to have a secret supply of cake in his room, stashed in the cupboard in a mini fridge he'd stolen at one of Magnus's parties. So he sat and ate an entire caramel mud cake, silently cursing Savannah for being so..... whatever she was.
Christopher shook his head, his mind felt all scrambled and messed up. This, he did not enjoy.
He'd tried to apologize and she wouldn't listen to him. He was done with her.
Never again he thought to himself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Celine and Finn headed to the only room in the Institute with two doorways - the sitting room. There was one that lead from the kitchen and one from the main entrance hall.
"Ready?" Finn asked.
"Ready." Celine answered.
They split up, Celine went to Christopher's room and Finn to Savannah's.
Celine didn't bother to knock , she just burst in Christopher's door looking as frightened as possible.
"Christopher!" She cried, "Christopher there are geese in the living room!"
"What?" He looked startled.
"Get rid of them!!!!"
Christopher stormed out of his room mumbling something about 'ridiculous fears'
Celine followed behind, still pretending to cry.
They heard an ear piercing scream from downstairs. Finn's part of the plan must be working then.
Christopher ignored it and kept walking. They made it to the doors of the living room and he walked in.
"Hey, there are no-"
Celine slammed the doors closed and locked them before he could finish.
Finn came racing around the corner and grinned at Celine.
"Now what?" She asked
"Now, we wait."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace
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Celine pushed me in through the doors to the sitting room. I heard the soft click of the doors locking behind me.
What the hell?
I looked around and saw her. She was sitting on the couch hugging her knees to her chest and rocking back in forth as if she was having a panic attack.
She hasn't noticed me yet. I don't know if i actually want her to notice me. It'd probably be best if I just leave but Celine locked the doors on me. Runes don't work on the Institute doors anyway.
For once in my life, I don't know what to do. Should I talk to her? Should I just stand here? Should I scream and yell at her for being such a fucking bitch to me?
I just stand there. Frozen.
Suddenly she looks up, not at me but out the window on the other side of the room. I look too. The sun is setting and the orange and pink light is spilling through the window, lighting up her hair and making her eyes glow.
She looks like a painting or photograph. I don't paint but looking at her like this makes me wish I could.
"I know you're there Christopher." she says all of a sudden. Her voice is surprisingly steady considering how she looked a minute ago, "What do you want?"
I blink. I don't think i was expecting her to talk to me.
Savannah stands up and faces me, golden light glistening on her dark hair, "I said, what do you want?" she says slightly louder.
I know what happens when I don't answer. She's about to start yelling me riiiiiiiight about-"
I was expecting the yelling but it feels as if I've been punched in the stomach. I can't breathe and all I can do is stand there and try not to show it.
"I DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" She's making a strange face, almost squinting but... different.
I butt in, "Why are you making a weird face?" I blurt out.
"Savannah that's not going to-"
"I AM NOT WEAK OKAY?!" she screams, not seeming to hear me.
Now it's my turn to yell, "YOU ARE SO WEAK TO LET FEELINGS GET TO YOU LIKE THAT! YOU'RE A DEAD WEIGHT TO SHADOWHUNTERS! A DISGRACE!' The words hurt like fire coming out of my mouth and as soon as I've said them, I immediately regret it.
I can tell Savannah is trying so hard to hold back tears. I can see in her eyes that I've just shattered something inside her. All of a sudden a wave of emotions comes crashing over me. I want to run to her. To hug her and say I'm sorry. To tell her all the things I wish I could. I don't want to stay mad at you. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I'm so, so sorry Savannah.
I miss you.
But I don't. Because...
Because I don't know.
Because I'm afraid.
Afraid she'll push me away and scream at me to leave. Afraid she'll do what I did to her and push me to the ground and look at me, disgusted.
"What are you thinking?" She says in a choked voice.
I turn away as I feel tears pricking the back of my eyes. I haven't cried for so long.
I walk to the other set of doors, "It doesn't matter." I whisper and walk out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale
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I rush out of the living room and pull my black hood over my head, shielding my face. I think about going back tot my room but that'd be the first place anyone would look for me so I head out of the Institute via the Sanctuary. I can feel salty tears steaming down my face and I wiped the back of my hand furiously at them. This is ridiculous! I need to pull myself together.
Get a grip Christopher
My feet are taking me somewhere, I don't know where exactly but instead of doing what I'd usually do - tell myself to shut up and go back to the Institute - I just let them take me wherever I'm going.
I walk through Central Park and it starts to rain. Typical. Just like the movies.
My eyes are still flowing with tears but I've given up trying to wipe them away. I see a huge tree rising up in front of me and I walk straight over to it, turn around and slide down the trunk. I sit with my knees bent and my head in my hands.
I'm trying to suppress this feeling but it is near impossible.
Forget it.
I put curl my body up tighter, the rain is pouring down now. I don't know how long I'll stay here but no way I'm going bck with my eyes all puffed up like red balloons. I just sit under the tree and cry for what feels like hours.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace
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My eyes sting from the tears urgh christopher is urghh. I get up and head out the lounge room finn is standing there
"Hey did we help you hook up with christopher you were in there for a while....wait did you..."
"WHAT THE HELL FINN NO! AND YOU DID THAT YOU PUT HIM IN THERE HOW COULD YOU DO TTHAT TTO MME" I say crying so much my head hurts finn goes to hug me but i push him away
"No finn you've done....enough"
I walk up to my room but i realise everyone will look for me there i go to the place where no one goes
The mundane world
I head out the door and walk and walk when i hear someone crying thats when i see his face i go to leave
"Savannah wait..." i turn back around i can see the hurt in his eyes and i know he can see the hurt in mine i want to cry but ii cant i just cant.
"Savannah..... back in the living room there was so much i wanted to say to you but i just couldent.....II..I'm......sor..."
But before he finishes he runs up and kisses me ot wasent loving it was painful but warm it was like it was killing me to kiss him but....... urgh he pulles of of me and i rest my head on him he hugs me.
"Im sorry Savannah"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace
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I'm still crying alone in the rain when I see Savannah come out from the Sanctuary. Her eyes are puffy and her cheeks are wet from tears. She's looking right at me. I know she's seen me crying. She goes to turn back inside but I jump up, not really sure what I'm doing.
"Savannah wait..." I call.
She turns around and it shatters my unbreakable heart to see her look like that. The hurt in her eyes is unbearable but I'm sure she can see it in mine too.
"Savannah..." I start, "Back in the living room, there was so much I wanted to say but I just couldn't....I..." I've never said the words 'I'm sorry' before in my life, "I'm sor..." Before I even finish saying it I don't even know what's happening but suddenly she's right there in front of me and my lips are on hers. It feels....strange but.....almost normal. I know she doesn't want to kiss me by the way she just stands there so I stop and pull off her. For a moment we just stand there in the rain and then she rests her head against my chest. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tightly.
"I'm sorry Savannah." I whisper. I really mean it too.
She slowly puts her arms around my waist and hugs me back but doesn't say anything. I put my lips against her rain-soaked hair. For the first time in my life I've actually felt something. I don't really know what it is yet but....
It doesn't matter.
Because I know that she feels it too.

The setting changes from The New York Insitute to New York


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Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Scorpio
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#, as written by Zara717

Turns out it was just a dream. I woke up and chucked on my hoodie. It was quite cold outside. I walked through the empty hallways with the occasional squeak of the floorboard. With that I tread quietly and head outside where I try find a bench to sit down. Turns out that it had decided to rain so I chucked the hoodie over my head. I found a bench and sat down. I was sitting there for a few minutes when I heard some shuffling coming from the tree right next to me. I move the branches around the tree and I see a red head and then he jumps out. I move back on the bench. The red head gets up and plops down next to me." What you looking at?" he asks me. With that I turn my head and look the other way." I was just sitting here, thinking to myself when I heard the branches move so I checked" I explain. He looks and says" I was thinking to myself as well" I turn and look at his face. It looked like he was crying and was angry at the same time.. "Really what about?" I ask. We sit there for the next few hours, explaining our stories to each other. " I'm Scorpio. Everyone thinks I'm bad and evil by my name. I'm not though don't worry." I was babbling. " Nice to meet you Scorpio, I'm Christopher. Christopher Herondale"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace Character Portrait: Isabelle(Izzy) Lightwood Character Portrait: Scorpio
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#, as written by Zara717

β€œHey you ok?” it was a while since he had spoken. β€œI don’t know” he answers. I don't know what to say to him. I'm not a very helpful person. " Umm have yo tried talking to her?" I ask im. He shakes his head" The last I saw of her was at the cottage and from what I've heard she hasn't come back yet" I am so confused. Glad my social life is more like a friendless person." well I wish I could be more help". With that I get up and wave bye. I head back inside and I see people. I move along the wall. I creep to my room. I sleep. I can look out the window and I see Christopher just sitting there by himself. What he'd done to Savannah was pretty horrible, I have to say. He should go talk to her himself. I hear footsteps moving around outside and the sounded if they were running. I hear a knock on my door. I open it and I see Isabelle Lightwood. How on earth did she know I live here." Where is she?" She yells at me.