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The Salient Decendants

The New York Insitute


a part of The Salient Decendants, by Axolotled.

The home of Shadowhunters in New York.

Axolotled holds sovereignty over The New York Insitute, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

630 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


The home of Shadowhunters in New York.
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The New York Insitute

The home of Shadowhunters in New York.


The New York Insitute is a part of New York.

5 Characters Here

Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale [26] "I may be shy, but fight me and I'll kick your ass"
Hazel Bane [16] "Don't you dare underestimate me"
Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace [13] "that was nothing........ I didn???t.... save..... your life?"
Magnus Bane [12] Glittery sonic the hedgehog

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Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace
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Celine pushed me in through the doors to the sitting room. I heard the soft click of the doors locking behind me.
What the hell?
I looked around and saw her. She was sitting on the couch hugging her knees to her chest and rocking back in forth as if she was having a panic attack.
She hasn't noticed me yet. I don't know if i actually want her to notice me. It'd probably be best if I just leave but Celine locked the doors on me. Runes don't work on the Institute doors anyway.
For once in my life, I don't know what to do. Should I talk to her? Should I just stand here? Should I scream and yell at her for being such a fucking bitch to me?
I just stand there. Frozen.
Suddenly she looks up, not at me but out the window on the other side of the room. I look too. The sun is setting and the orange and pink light is spilling through the window, lighting up her hair and making her eyes glow.
She looks like a painting or photograph. I don't paint but looking at her like this makes me wish I could.
"I know you're there Christopher." she says all of a sudden. Her voice is surprisingly steady considering how she looked a minute ago, "What do you want?"
I blink. I don't think i was expecting her to talk to me.
Savannah stands up and faces me, golden light glistening on her dark hair, "I said, what do you want?" she says slightly louder.
I know what happens when I don't answer. She's about to start yelling me riiiiiiiight about-"
I was expecting the yelling but it feels as if I've been punched in the stomach. I can't breathe and all I can do is stand there and try not to show it.
"I DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" She's making a strange face, almost squinting but... different.
I butt in, "Why are you making a weird face?" I blurt out.
"Savannah that's not going to-"
"I AM NOT WEAK OKAY?!" she screams, not seeming to hear me.
Now it's my turn to yell, "YOU ARE SO WEAK TO LET FEELINGS GET TO YOU LIKE THAT! YOU'RE A DEAD WEIGHT TO SHADOWHUNTERS! A DISGRACE!' The words hurt like fire coming out of my mouth and as soon as I've said them, I immediately regret it.
I can tell Savannah is trying so hard to hold back tears. I can see in her eyes that I've just shattered something inside her. All of a sudden a wave of emotions comes crashing over me. I want to run to her. To hug her and say I'm sorry. To tell her all the things I wish I could. I don't want to stay mad at you. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I'm so, so sorry Savannah.
I miss you.
But I don't. Because...
Because I don't know.
Because I'm afraid.
Afraid she'll push me away and scream at me to leave. Afraid she'll do what I did to her and push me to the ground and look at me, disgusted.
"What are you thinking?" She says in a choked voice.
I turn away as I feel tears pricking the back of my eyes. I haven't cried for so long.
I walk to the other set of doors, "It doesn't matter." I whisper and walk out.

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Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale
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I rush out of the living room and pull my black hood over my head, shielding my face. I think about going back tot my room but that'd be the first place anyone would look for me so I head out of the Institute via the Sanctuary. I can feel salty tears steaming down my face and I wiped the back of my hand furiously at them. This is ridiculous! I need to pull myself together.
Get a grip Christopher
My feet are taking me somewhere, I don't know where exactly but instead of doing what I'd usually do - tell myself to shut up and go back to the Institute - I just let them take me wherever I'm going.
I walk through Central Park and it starts to rain. Typical. Just like the movies.
My eyes are still flowing with tears but I've given up trying to wipe them away. I see a huge tree rising up in front of me and I walk straight over to it, turn around and slide down the trunk. I sit with my knees bent and my head in my hands.
I'm trying to suppress this feeling but it is near impossible.
Forget it.
I put curl my body up tighter, the rain is pouring down now. I don't know how long I'll stay here but no way I'm going bck with my eyes all puffed up like red balloons. I just sit under the tree and cry for what feels like hours.

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Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace
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My eyes sting from the tears urgh christopher is urghh. I get up and head out the lounge room finn is standing there
"Hey did we help you hook up with christopher you were in there for a while....wait did you..."
"WHAT THE HELL FINN NO! AND YOU DID THAT YOU PUT HIM IN THERE HOW COULD YOU DO TTHAT TTO MME" I say crying so much my head hurts finn goes to hug me but i push him away
"No finn you've done....enough"
I walk up to my room but i realise everyone will look for me there i go to the place where no one goes
The mundane world
I head out the door and walk and walk when i hear someone crying thats when i see his face i go to leave
"Savannah wait..." i turn back around i can see the hurt in his eyes and i know he can see the hurt in mine i want to cry but ii cant i just cant.
"Savannah..... back in the living room there was so much i wanted to say to you but i just couldent.....II..I'm......sor..."
But before he finishes he runs up and kisses me ot wasent loving it was painful but warm it was like it was killing me to kiss him but....... urgh he pulles of of me and i rest my head on him he hugs me.
"Im sorry Savannah"

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Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace
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I'm still crying alone in the rain when I see Savannah come out from the Sanctuary. Her eyes are puffy and her cheeks are wet from tears. She's looking right at me. I know she's seen me crying. She goes to turn back inside but I jump up, not really sure what I'm doing.
"Savannah wait..." I call.
She turns around and it shatters my unbreakable heart to see her look like that. The hurt in her eyes is unbearable but I'm sure she can see it in mine too.
"Savannah..." I start, "Back in the living room, there was so much I wanted to say but I just couldn't....I..." I've never said the words 'I'm sorry' before in my life, "I'm sor..." Before I even finish saying it I don't even know what's happening but suddenly she's right there in front of me and my lips are on hers. It feels....strange but.....almost normal. I know she doesn't want to kiss me by the way she just stands there so I stop and pull off her. For a moment we just stand there in the rain and then she rests her head against my chest. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tightly.
"I'm sorry Savannah." I whisper. I really mean it too.
She slowly puts her arms around my waist and hugs me back but doesn't say anything. I put my lips against her rain-soaked hair. For the first time in my life I've actually felt something. I don't really know what it is yet but....
It doesn't matter.
Because I know that she feels it too.

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I didnt want to kiss him i dont think i did but i missed him and.... what am i saying. Me and Christopher start to head back to the institute not saying a word he grabs my hand in his it its tough and strong.
"Christopher youre hurting me" he lookes at me not saying anything i wonder what he's thinking you can never tell with him he loosened his grip on my hand i thought he would say sorry but....... he didnt
Im so confused right now Christopher doesn't know what he's doing to my head arghh
"Christopher, what the hell are we doing...... one minute you hate me the next your kissing me in the pouring rain do you know what your doing to my head arrrrrr" i guess i caught him by surprise because he let go of my hand and took a step back pulled his hoodie over his head looked at me and smiled
"That's what i lo.." but he doesnt finish the last word like he cant say it
"Ii llove yyou Savannah Mayrse Lovelace but i need some time"
he comes up and kisses me like he never has before with passion and
"Christopher I...."
"Shhhhhhhh" he says putting his finger on my mouth he goes to walk off in the rain but i didnt let him Christopher you cant go again i wont let you go he goes to walk away again but i pull him to the ground in a playful way he smiles and me and flips me over so im now on the ground in a wet muddy puddle he smiles at me in a cheeky way
"Christopher let me go" i say squirming around in the puddle he stands up and offers me his hand i accept he pulles me up
"Come on i want to show you something" and he pulles me of into the distance

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the last thing i saw before i passed out was savannah screaming her head off with Finn dragging her down stairs there was never a bat but there was blackness when i woke up i was in a familiar place but yet different i hear a voice coming that i recognise i go to move to find I'm chained to the ground I manage to move my hands i go to grab my stele but i look at my arms
"where are my runes" i whisper to myself savannah was right my runes are fading i need help i hear footsteps coming round the corner loud and yet soft and small there must be two of them.
"Master she is waiting for you she is probable awake now"
"Tirian....leave you are no longer needed"
"yes master"

Then i hear a chocking sound and then nothing i see it come round the corner he has black eyes with nothing and then i passed out again i really need some help. when i wake up im back in the institute with a strange mark on my arm i see a stele on the ground its... different though i've never seen one like it it's weird i pick it up it sends a magical jolt up my arm
argh that scared me i never felt power like it i pick it up again and as i do something starts to apper on its side
Alice oh my that’s my name. i think. whatever it is i cant seem to look away from it. i hear someone walking up to the door i hide the item that i think is a stele because i feel like this belongs to me and no one else. i get up and open the door to see Isabelle walking up the corridor
"Savannah? Finn? where are you?" she sounds like she is crying but she seems angry
"Isabelle" I say
"Alice thank god" have you seen Savannah
"yeah i think no um im not quite sure why what happened is she ok?"
"i dont know there was an attack people killed my mother Maryse....." she bursts into tears collapsing on the ground crying into her hands
"I just need my children" she sniffed

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"i just need my children" i say crying into my hands i hate crying in front of people can you blame me there was an attack I lost my own mother and i cant find my Children
"Alice please have you seen Savannah" she stutters
"no sorry the last i saw of her was Finn dragging her to the living room and her screaming bat and then..." it looked like she wanted to say something but she didn’t
"thank you Alice i say picking my self of the floor" i run as fast as i can down the sstairs to the point that i almost trip but someone catches me
i look up
"Simon?" i ask
"Izzy you think i look anything like that mundane"
"Jace!" I say
"now your there"
"ok first off he's not a mundane he's a shadowhunter..."
"i know but its so fun to wind you up" he says smirking i punch his arm but that just makes him smirk more and then i remember what im doing
"Jace this is important have you seen savannah there was an attack and shes missing maryse is dead..... i need savannah" he looked at me trying to figure out what i ust said.
"no Isabelle im sorry i knew about the attack Christopher’s missing to"
"Savannah went out" whisperers a voice i turn around to see a girl with Blonde hair short standing next to...
"FINN! thank god where have you been" i say giving him a hug i take a step bac looking at Celine then him god what is it about Clarys kids that mine love so much i dont say anything about it though
"where’s you’re sister" he doesn’t answer but what takes me by surprise Celine does
"she left crying and so did Christopher they didn’t go out together though which may be our fault." she says with her head down low staring at the ground
"no its my fault their gone" Says Finn

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Christopher and I walk for a while him holding my hand occasionally stoping to make out eventually we reach this cute little cottage.
"This use to belong to my dad before he gave it to me"he says fiddling in his pockets for somthing he pulles out a key and puts it in the door. Its the most beautiful thing ive ever seen white window frames lined with flowers of some kind. But the bed white red and black with clear cloth hanging over the top covering the sides he pulles me in.
"Do you need anything?" He asked
"A shower would be nice" I answer honestly im not quite sure why but i just felt dirty and cold
After a while i finish my shower i see Christopher sitting on the bed resting it was a long walk i walk over to the window i dont know what im doing here Christopher comes up behind me and puts his arms around me and kisses my forehead i turn around and kiss him he pulls me over to the bed he lowers me down slowly pressing his body on top of mine i feel his hands pull the straps of my top down his hands cupping my breasts i pull his top over his head his skin pressed against mine i think at one point we snapped one of the posts on the side of the bed but Christopher didnt seem to care afterwards he collapsed on the side of the bed both of us gadping for breath.
In the morning i get up to feel my leg aking
"Oww" i say i look down my leg is bruised
Christopher looks up
"Did i do that?" He asks but he doesnt sound apoplectic he sounds happy i give him a cheeky smile and lie back down my hand around his bare chest he kisses my cheek
"Love you Savannah"he says