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Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale

"I may be shy, but fight me and I'll kick your ass"

0 · 304 views · located in The New York Insitute

a character in “The Salient Decendants”, originally authored by Annathevampire, as played by RolePlayGateway



Gender: female
Birthday: June 23
Star Sign: Cancer
Age: 16
Race: Shadowhunter
Theme song: Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams

If you ever hear Celine speak, you are one of the privileged few. Celine hardly ever talks and when she does, she speaks so quietly you may not even notice. The only people she opens up to are her mother, father and Uncle Alec. Although she is shy, Celine is incredibly smart and creative, she is full of amazing ideas and inventions and likes to read and sketch plans for her inventions.

Celine tends to hide in the shadows and watch from a distance, not letting her opinions be heard. She finds other people her age frighteningly loud and can’t stand arrogance. When she trains, she never talks to anybody and pretends that he is the only one in the room. Celine is an amazing fighter, she is ambidextrous so her weapons of choice are two seraph blades, one in each hand.

When Celine was younger she was very talkative and always had something to add to a conversation, but eventually she got the impression that her voice was not valued and even though this was because she was six, it shattered her confidence. In her opinion, it is better to not speak at all than to speak and be rejected.

Skilled fighter
Very intelligent

Very, VERY shy
Has no confidence
Takes criticism too seriously
Worries about what people think too much
Really quiet and reserved

Intricate Machines
Being left alone (but not too alone)
Practising fighting alone
Reading alone
Eating alone

Social events
Green cordial
Isabelle Lovelace

Being abandoned
Hazel Bane

Celine has waist length golden blonde hair that she keeps braided back in a plait. Her eyes are an emerald green and her nose is spotted with light freckles. Celine never wears makeup in fear that she'll look ridiculous, she almost always wears jeans and a t-shirt but on the rare occasion that she leaves the Institute, she wears something a bit prettier. Celine has no piercings but she has an angelic power rune on each wrist.

Celine was born into a Shadowhunter family at the New York Institute. She has lived with the same people her entire life and hasn't met many other Shadowhunters or downworlders although she finds them fascinating. Celine hasn't ever had many friends except for characters in books that she finds. She learnt to read when she was very young and has done ever since.

Clarissa Fairchild - Mother
Jace Herondale - Father

To be brave
To find a Parabatai
Find love
Find a friend(that isn't a direct relative)

Face claim:
Natalie Dormer

So begins...

Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale's Story

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Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Celine awoke suddenly from a strange dream. Her dreams usually had something to do with the real world or the future. But every now and then she'd dream about something totally random like her mum riding a pony. She tried to recall what the dream was about but her mind went blank.
Celine sat up slowly, her wavy blonde hair falling in front of her sleepy eyes. Her neck was stiff and sore and as she looked around, she realised why. Somewhere in her sleep she'd tumbled off her bed and onto the hard wooden floor of her bedroom.
"Ugh" she moaned as she sat up and rubbed her neck. That was going to be a pain in the ass to train with.
Celine stood up and rubbed her eyes. She brushed dust from the floor off her striped blue pyjama pants and headed to the door that lead into a maze of corridors.
She swung the door open and ran straight into someone.
Celine let out a tiny squeal of surprise and jumped back, "Dad! You startled me!"
Jace grinned mischievously, "Sorry kiddo," he chuckled, "I was just coming to wake you up. It's nine o' clock."
Celine's eyes widened, "What?! Nine already!? I haven't even had breakfast yet!"
Jace darted out of the way as Celine dashed out of the bedroom door, heading for the kitchen.
Wait! she thought suddenly.
Celine ran back to Jace as quickly as she could. She wrapped her arms around him, "Love you dad." She mumbled.
Jace ruffled Celine's golden hair, "Go eat something before you starve." he joked.
Celine jumped away and made a second attempt at running to the kitchen.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazel Bane Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Hazel had finished her cornflakes. She slid her chair out with a screech and said bye to her dads who were bickering about the pulp in orange juice. She walked into the kitchen. "Oh hey Celine," she said rinsing her bowl "sleep well?". Hazel always found it hard to talk to Celine because she was so quiet. Even though they had grown up together, she had never been able to get close to her. "What are you up to today?" She said trying to make conversation.

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Character Portrait: Hazel Bane Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Celine skidded into the kitchen and stopped in her tracks. Hazel had beat her to the kitchen which was hardly surprising considering the time.
"Oh hey Celine," she said, "Sleep well?"
Celine didn't answer. She just stood quietly with her hands tucked behind her back. Waiting for Hazel to leave.
"What are you up to today?" Hazel asked.
Celine spoke in no more than a whisper, "Oh... training, I guess?" She could tell Hazel was trying to make conversation but frankly, Celine didn't want to speak with her. She found Hazel the loudest and most terrifying of all the people in the entire institute. Her nose piercing freaked Celine out.
Celine loved her uncles Magnus and Alec but she was truly frightened that Hazel might attack her at a moments notice.
Celine shuffled away from Hazel, heading to the table, if only so she had something to shield herself with.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazel Bane Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Hazel looks for some headache tablets in the cupboards. She looks at Celine's runes, how Hazel would kill to have some of those as she downed the tablets. Hazel could tell that Celine was dodging her. Celine always looked like a deer caught in the headlights when Hazel tried talking to her. Almost like she was scared that Hazel would slap her at any moment. Hazel had seen Celine fight, no way she had to worry about somebody attacking her. Hazel decided that she didn't want to put up with people to shy to even try to get to know. "Great. Good chat!" Hazel says sarcastically rolling her eyes as she grabs a handful of cashews and walks out into one of the sitting rooms. Maybe she would find some more interesting conversations there.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Christopher had been sitting on the roof with Church for about half an hour when he saw four people in red robes coming towards the Institute. He could tell by the way everyone around them ignored them that the mundanes couldn't see them.
Christopher quickly reached for his stele in his bag and drew a sight enhancement rune on his forearm. When he looked again, Christopher could see that the robes that the figures were wearing were wearing red council robes. He quickly stood up and leapt back through the window. What was the council doing here? And where were the downworlder members?
Christopher ran to the library and burst through the doors. His mother, Clary, and his father, Jace, were standing behind the huge desk in the center of the room, reading through some brown-tinged papers. They looked up at him as he entered the room.
Clary stepped out from behind the desk, "Kit, you look concerned."
Ugh, Christopher hated it when his parents called him Kit. And he never looked concerned.
Christopher let his features become blank and sincere, "There are four members of the council here." he explained.
Clary's green eyes widened and Jace stepped to her side, "Is the Inquisitor - Jia - here?" he asked.
Christopher shook his head, "I don't believe so."
His parents exchanged a concerned look.
There was a small knock on the door, "Come in," called Clary, breaking Jace's stare.
The doors cracked open a bit and Celine stepped in, "Mum, Dad," she said quietly, "There are some strange people here."
Jace looked to Christopher, "Kit, go get Alec."
Christopher nodded and made a move for the door.
Suddenly, Celine spoke again, "No." She said, shaking her head, "They want to see Magnus and Hazel."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Magnus Bane Character Portrait: Alec Lightwood Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Celine's parents and brother had rushed out of the library to the front door of the Institute and she let out a sigh of relief.
She crept out the giant oak door and tip-toed to the front door. There were the council members in their crimson robes with their hard, unyielding faces. There were two dark haired men and two women, one with brown and one with blonde hair. All of them were intimidatingly tall except for the blonde woman who was only about five and a half feet high. Celine recognised some of them as Tomas Rosales, from Mexico City, Senhor and Senhora, from Lisbon. The fourth, Celine didn't know. There had been no news of newly appointed council representatives.
Jace spoke, "Tomas, Senhor, Senhora..." he raised his eyebrows at the other representative.
She gave him a cold smile, "Ebony. Ebony Ashthorn. Consul."
"No," Clary stepped forward, "Jia Penhallow is the Consul."
Ebony's eyes narrowed, "Jia Penhallow has been... relieved of her position"
Magnus scowled, "What buisness do you have here, Ashthorn?"
"Funny you should ask, Magnus Bane, High Warlock Of Brooklyn. We are here on behalf of the Clave to command that you and your adoptive warlock child leave the New York Institute. Immediately."
At that moment, Alec and Isabelle burst into the room.
"What've we missed?" Isabelle asked, flustered.
Ebony looked amused, "Isabelle, Alexander. All warlocks residing in this residence must be evicted immediatley, along with any other downworlders you are housing here."
Alec marched forward, "As the owner of the New York Institute, I have allowed that-"
"We are well aware of what you have 'allowed' Alexander." Ebony Ashthorn snarled, "We are also well aware of your...realationship with Mr Bane."
Magnus scowled at the Consul, his slitted eyes narrowing.
"So," smiled Ebony, "You have twenty four hours until we evict you by force." The Consul spun around and the three other shadowhunters followed her out of the Institute, their red robes trailing in the ground behind them.
Everyone turned to Alec and he said uncertainly "What are we going to do?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazel Bane Character Portrait: Magnus Bane Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Alec Lightwood Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Christopher watched as the Council members left, their red cloaks trailing along the street. Everyone just stared at each other. Before they could say anything, Hazel strode into the room.
She looked around, puzzled, "Um...What is going on?"
Magnus looked at her, "Well...the thing is..." He trailed off. No one said a thing.
Oh for Raziel's sake... Christopher stepped forward, "The Clave has ordered that you and Magnus leave the Institute within the next twenty four hours or you will be evicted by force."
Everyone glared at him, "Christopher!" Clary hissed.
"Well no one else was going to say it!"
"You should have let her parents tell her!"
"Mother. What is the most absolute law of Shadowhunters?" Chrstopher didn't wait for her answer, "'Sed Lex, Dura Lex' The law is hard but it is the law."
Suddenly, everyone around Christopher started discussing the situation and what should happen. It was a storm of voices whipping around him. Alec and Magnus were in a corner talking with each other and Hazel was still standing in the doorway, mouth open, shocked.
A wave of guilt washed over Christopher. Deep down, he admired Hazel for her strength in situations like this but now she was speechless and confused.
Christopher went to leave the commotion when a voice rang out amongst the battling voices.
Everyone fell silent and looked to the source of the shout.
"I think Hazel and Magnus should stay." Mumbled Celine.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazel Bane Character Portrait: Magnus Bane Character Portrait: Alec Lightwood Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Hazel tapped her foot expectantly waiting for somebody to say something. She looked at everybody expectantly. "Um hello?" she said waiting for anybody to tell her. Finally Christopher stepped forward "Has ordered that you and Magnus leave the institute within the next 24 hours or you will be evicted by force" he said. Hazel had to admit that it was not what Hazel was expecting. Then Hazel watched everybody argue about her future. She made eye contact with Magnus and he just shrugged at her. "STOP!" a voice echoed through the madness. To Hazel's surprise the voice came from Celine. "What the-" Hazel begun to mutter under her breathe, smirking, until Celine continued "I think Hazel and Magnus should stay"
this whole discussion was ridiculous to Hazel. "Well of course I'm fucking staying" Hazel said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Spinning to walk out, but smiling at Celine before she left. It was nice to have somebody standing up for her, especially when it came from somebody who only spoke when they thought it was very important. Hazel was so used to standing up for herself.
"Well her highness has spoken" Magus says after Hazel left.
"But how?" Alec said clasping Magnus's hand addressing the group.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Celine saw the smile that Hazel threw at her before storming out. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all. But the questions on everyone's minds now were, How? How were Magnus and Hazel going to stay? And what had happened to the Consul? Where was Jia Penhallow?
Isabelle spoke first, "Something is very wrong here."
Jace looked to her and raised his eyebows, "Oh no everything is fine. Having the Consul replaced without any news from Idris is totally normal."
Isabelle scowled at him.
"We all have to remain calm." Clary said, stepping to Jace's side, "Magnus, we're not throwing you out."
"I think we've established that, Clarissa" Magnus replied
Clary ignored him, "We need to find out what has happened to Jia and why this...eviction has happened so suddenly."
Jace put his arm around Clary's waist, "I agree."
Isabelle took a step forward, "Someone needs to go to Idris and find out what's going on."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazel Bane Character Portrait: Magnus Bane Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Celine was sitting in the kitchen talking with Magnus and Alec. Apparently Hazel hadn't left her room all day but Celine thought that she'd probably left the Institute to go do... whatever she does.
Suddenly, Celine heard someone shouting her name, "CELINE!!!!!!"
What does he want now?
Finn rushed into the kitchen, "Savannah just kissed Christopher and he broke her heart!"
Celine's mouth fell open. She had nothing to say.
Magnus took a sip of his coffee, "Well," he said, "This is awkward."
Celine snapped out of her dazed state, "Why- How- When-" She took a deep breath. "I need to talk to him." She muttered, sliding off her chair and heading for the bedrooms.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Christopher had been sitting in his room, head buried in his blue pillow. He felt strange. Not guilty but just... strange. The only thing that made Christopher upset was not knowing himself inside and out, and this new...feeling had completely jumbled his thoughts.
There was a sudden knock at the door.
"Whoever it is, I don't want to talk." Christopher called. The door opened anyway.
Celine quietly walked in and stood uncomfortably in the doorway.
"I said go away." Moaned Christopher.
Celine slowly closed the door and walked toward Christopher's bed. She stood in front of him with her hands tucked behind her back, staring at the floor.
"What do you want?"
"I don't want anything." mumbled Celine.
"Well why are you here?"
"Finn told me what happened."
"He's such a fucking traitor." Christopher said into his pillow, "What did he say?"
There was a moment of silence.
"Well..." Celine began, "He said something about Savannah bursting into the training room and..."
"Okay yep he told you everything then."
Celine was silent.
Christopher looked at her, Celine's eyes were looking right back at him.
"So... What are you going to do?" She asked.
"Never leave this room ever again and if I do leave this room, I'm never talking to her ever again."
Celine nodded slowly, "When you're ready," she whispered slowly, "You should apologise."
Christopher began to protest but Celine put a hand over his mouth. "Shut up." She said bluntly, "I know that she should be the one apologising but you need to tell her how you feel." She took her hand away from Christopher's mouth and stood up.
"I'm going to leave. I'm ninety nine percent sure that Finn is listening outside the door." There was a sudden bang as someone outside the door made a run for it. Christopher felt the corners of his mouth twitch.
"Bye." Celine went to the door and left the room. As she left, Christopher could here her calling after Finn, "Finn! Come back here! I know you were listening."
Christopher smiled and sat up. Celine was right. He had to talk to Savannah.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Celine watched Christopher silently from the shadows in the hallway.
Celine knew Christopher better than anyone, maybe even himself, and she knew that this sort of thing was going to crush him. She considered going to his room but, seeing what good her last bit of advice had done, decided against it. Celine could tell that Christopher was about to cry. He had a certain way he hung his head, just shadowing his eyes. He only cried when something seriously bad happened, like when he shattered his arm while fighting a shax demon. Though this didn't look that bad to someone else, Celine knew that this was one of the worst things to happen to her brother.

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Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Celine had to get out of the Institute. She needed some space.
She picked up her stele and applied a glamour rune, making he invisible to mundanes. Celine grabbed a shoulder bag from her bed and stuffed her sketch pad, pencils, seraph daggers and some mundane money into it. She crept out of her room and went towards the Sanctuary at the back of the Institute. There was a door there that lead out of the building. Celine came to the giant iron doors that lead to the Sanctuary and drew the unlock rune on them. There was a giant groan as the doors unhinged and opened to let her in. Celine glanced around - she couldn't see anyone following her. She stepped inside and the doors swung shut behind her.
The Sanctuary was a massive room that was attached to the Institute through a single, narrow corridor. It was stone-bound and pillared and it had huge gouges in the marble floor, suggesting that whatever had been here last hadn't enjoyed it much.
Celine stepped as quietly as possible across the white marble, avoiding the chunks that had been taken out of it. She came to the downworlder entrance on the other side of the room and unlocked the doors that lead outside.
Celine stepped out and breathed in the smell of New York - petrol, people and...
Celine took out her seraph daggers out and palmed them. There was a certain reek to demons, like rotting flesh, that she could identify. She crept towards the alley way that the smell was coming from.
The alley was dark and cold with mildew sprouting from the walls. Celine could just make out the dark hunched shape at the end of the alley. The demon was huge, probably a vermithrall demon. Basically a giant lump of stuff that looked like rotting intestines,, and smelt like it too.
Suddenly, another dark shape appeared, different sized, almost oblong and another with tentacles.
Behemoth and raum demons? They never come to New York.
Celine knew she was going to need backup. She snuck out of the alley and back through the Sanctuary. Her mum and dad would know what to do.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale Character Portrait: Jace Herondale Character Portrait: Clary Fairchild
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Jace was sitting on the leathery couch in the sitting room, his right arm wrapped around Clary who was curled up next to him. They were watching some movie she liked that was only in Japanese with English subtitles. Jace had no idea what was happening but he didn't mind, anything he did with Clary was fine by his standards.
Suddenly, Celine rushed in.
Jace smiled at her, "Hey," he said.
Celine came over to them and spoke in her sweet, but serious, little voice, "Mum, Dad, I was outside and I found three demons, raum, behemoth and vermithrall, in an alleyway not fr from the Institute."
Clary's head snapped up, "You didn't try and kill them did you?"
"She could've handled it." Jace said, but he could feel worry coming across in his words.
"No," Celine replied, "I couldn't. They were unusually large and I didn't know if there were anymore so I came back for backup."
"Good girl," Clary praised.
"We need to eliminate them." Jace said in response,"Clary, go and get your gear on. We're gonna kick some demon ass."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazel Bane Character Portrait: Magnus Bane Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Hazel came out of her room just in time to catch Magnus heading out to his party at the Pandemonium.
"Walk with me possum" He said gesturing with his hand
"Okay. What is going on?" Hazel asked walking fast to keep pace with Magnus
"Well your father is going to Idris to see what he can do." Magnus explained
"And there is nothing we can do!" Hazel exclaimed groaning
"Well there is something... it could make thing much better, or much, much worse" Magnus said grinning
"Do tell. We have no other hope anyway." She complained
"Don't say that. Well, you and one or two of your shadowhunter friends could 'turn up' at Idris to help him out a little" Magnus said winking then walking out the front door.
Hazel jumped into action. She would not just sit around doing nothing while other people decided her fate. So she ran, looking for somebody to tell about this. Finn, Savannah or Celine preferably. Christopher would just dob on her to Clary and Jace. So Hazel ran until she practically crashed into Celine.
"Celine! Magnus said," Hazel realized that her voice was loud so she lowered it, "Magnus said that he could get us and maybe some others to Idris to help out Alec and keep Magnus and I here! Please can you come Hazel finished talking, only then noticing Celine's flustered look. "What's the matter?" Hazel said frowning

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazel Bane Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Celine was just turning around a corner, looking for Finn when Hazel smacked into her.
She practically shouted Celine's name and then whispered something about Idris and Alec and Magnus but Celine wasn't really listening.
"What's the matter?" Asked Hazel.
"Oh my goodness where to start. Well, my brother is in his bedroom crying because he can't deal with feelings, Savannah's so pissed at him that she won't even mention his damn name and now there are at least three demons, lurking in an alleyway doing Raziel knows what, possibly killing people and I can't find Finn and we need to go and kill them now before they reveal the shadow world to THE WHOLE OF NEW YORK!" Celine took a deep breath and ran her fingers through her knotty hair.
"I can't find Finn, will you come instead?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazel Bane Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Hazel was shocked when Celine burst into this huge story as elaborate as Hazel's own. Celine barely even spoke and she looked she looked extremely flustered.
"Oh my goodness where to start. Well, my brother is in his bedroom crying because he can't deal with feelings, Savannah's so pissed at him that she won't even mention his damn name and now there are at least three demons, lurking in an alleyway doing Raziel knows what, possibly killing people and I can't find Finn and we need to go and kill them now before they reveal the shadow world to THE WHOLE OF NEW YORK!" Celine took breathe then continued "I can't find Finn, will you come instead?"
"Um, yeah sure." Hazel said, feeling a little ignored.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazel Bane Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale Character Portrait: Scorpio
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#, as written by Zara717

Scorpio approached the front door of the institute. This was the first time he'd ever come here. Ever since his parents died, he's always wondered what it would look like. Now that he is here, he was quite shocked. He goes to knock on the door when all of a sudden the door is flung in his face. Out ran 2 girls. One with blonde hair and another with brown. They look at him. " Oh. Its a new guy. Hi im Hazel and this is Celine. Wish we could help but we have to kill some demons." With that they headed down the street and then disappeared. He was left standing on the front doorstep. He headed on inside.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Magnus Bane Character Portrait: Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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It has been really quiet around the institute lately probably because half the people in it aren’t talking to each other oh well at-least I have Celine
I stick on my dark blue jeans and my favourite light grey top its my favourite because it says...
Shadowhunters looking better in black than the widows of our enemy’s
its a bit faded but i still love it.
I open my bedroom door and what do you know no one is there and the insitute is dead silent
Where is everybody?
I wonder, i head towards the kitchen and grab a handful of what i think are cashews?Probaly Magnus's. Magnus has some weird food but it usually tastes good. speak of the Devil
"Hey Maguns where is everybody?"
"well I do believe Savannah is at a cafΓ© with her Friend and........ oh yes Celine and Hazel.........Jace and possibly Clary are out fighting demons"
"thanks..... do you happen to know where they are fighting demons"
"no but you will find them.......oh and Finn"
"yes" I say
"don't touch my Brazil nuts"
"I won't"
I watch Magnus walk off down the corridor i go grab my seraph blades and my stele and head out the door it shouldn’t be to hard to find them me and Celine have always had a sense of knowing where each other are it's kinda strange now that I think about it never mind that though.
I walk round a few corners and eventually I can hear people fighting
ha i found them
I see Celine battling a demon gosh she's a good fighter possibly the best out of us. suddenly I hear something behind me i grab my seraph blades and stab it right through the centre it disintegrates I forgot how much fun this is. theres another I hear Celine scream she's surrounded by demons everyone else is busy in combat I run up and slice the heads of a couple of them Celine is on the ground she must be injured I kill the other few demons before I go to her side.
"Celine are you ok"
"yeah its just my ankle I’ll be fine......." there was a short pause before either of us said something
"hey Finn... thanks for saving my life back there" she says as she carves a healing rune into her skin
"that was nothing........ I didn’t.... save..... your life?"
she laughs "thanks Finn she stands up and kisses me on the cheek i look around and everyone else is gone.
"hey you want to head back now" I ask
"yeah" she says i notices she's blushing slightly
she puts her arm around my shoulder and I carry her back to the institute.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazel Bane Character Portrait: Magnus Bane Character Portrait: Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Celine and Hazel were beating the shit out of the demons in the alley way but before she knew it, she was surrounded by demons. Celine swiped her seraph blade round wildly, slicing at the demons but one of them lashed out and tore at her ankle, her flesh ripping and bleeding. She screamed as the ichor and venom seeped into her wound and she fell to the ground, still clutching her blade. They surrounded her like she was a mouse in a circle of starving cats. Celine squeezed her eyes shut. She didn't want to see her own death. Suddenly there was a flash of light as two of the demons disintegrated and the rest scurried back, temporarily blinded by the flash. And there was Finn. He was holding a long seraph blade and the glow from it illuminated his blond hair and fierce eyes.
He looked like an angel.
Celine's vision blurred as Finn disposed of the other three or four demons. The venom was starting to effect her. She could almost feel it pulsing through her veins. Finn moved to Celine's side, ichor staining his blade, "Celine," he asked, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, it's just my ankle." Celine said, shaking the vision of 'angel-Finn' from her mind, "I'll be fine."
Celine got to her feet, pain searing through her ankle. She gritted her teeth and took her stele out from her back pocket. "Hey Finn...Thanks for saving my life back there." She drew an iratze into her forearm.
Finn looked flustered, "That was nothing...I didn' life?" He said, almost confused.
Celine chuckled, "Thanks Finn." she said and kissed him on the cheek.
Finn looked around, bright red exploding across his cheeks. Celine could feel her own blush creeping up her face.
"Do you want to head back now?" Finn asks suddenly
Celine put her arm around Finn's shoulder and he held her up, walking her back to the Institute.

They'd only just stumbled through the doors of the Institute when Celine fell to the ground.
"Celine!" yelled Finn in alarm, kneeling on the ground beside her.
Celine coughed and she felt the tang of metallic blood in her mouth.
"By the Angel....Clary! Jace! Someone!" Finn called desperately.
No one came.
"Celine! Celine look at me!"
Celine's eyes rolled to Finn, he was blurry and wavering but it was still Finn.
"Finn..." Celine choked out, "Demon-Demon venom..."
"Oh god no." His voice sounded like he was underwater, "Magnus! Magnus please, come here!"
Celine tried to move but pain shot up her leg from her ankle. She screamed and choked again, tears streaming from her eyes. Finn's face fell in and out of focus but she couldn't hear him anymore, there was just a constant buzzing in her ears.
There was a faint thud as someone entered the room.
And then nothing. Black. No noise. No colour.
No Finn.