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Elsa Fox

The wicked are always suprised to find that the good can be clever, too.

0 · 364 views · located in Olaalaash

a character in “The Salvation has risen!”, as played by Fiery-Temper


Elsa Valencia Fox

Gender: Female
Age: 21

Appearance:Elsa has red hair, that is slightly strawberry blonde. She has green gemstone eyes. She is 5'2 and is quite skinny and slender, and has a small build. She is stronger than she looks and her light weight makes her quite fast. She wouldn't be described as tan, though not pale either. She burns easily instead of tanning. Her shift is a bald eagle, as they are called - though she isn't bald, as an eagle or otherwise.

Personality: She would be described as a fighter, and will do what ever it takes to survive. She is skilled in all types of combat, from years of training. Sh tends to have an advantage because of her shift, an eagle, because if things get tough, she can leave and come back without being followed. She is not very good at defensive skills, and though she is good with throwing knives, her aim with bows and slingshots are terrible.

Equipment: She carries around a backpack at all times, carrying:
~ Tracksuit Bottoms (2)
~Tank Top (2)
~Heat Absorbant Jacket (1)
~Bottle Of Water (1)
~Empty Bottle (1)
~ Dagger (1) LOST
~ Half A Loaf Of Bread (1)
~ Piece Of String (1)
~ 5 metre bandage (2)
~ Sharpened Stick (1)

Elsa was born on January 19th to Hillary and Paul Fox. She grew up in a small town along-side other Salvations. When she was three years old, her mother killed her father, who happened to be a Demon, though Elsa did not know this. Her mother constantly warned people of a terrible being that would destroy civilization, but no-one took any notice. Whether her mother predicted this because of some strange power or somehing else is unknown. Because her mother believed this, her mother trained Jack, her brother, and her to fight in all types of combat, as well as learn asic survival skills; Starting a Fire, Edible Plants, Fishing etc, from an early age.

So begins...

Elsa Fox's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Karau Nyx Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
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Karau was staring at the two. When Elsa asked Kyra if she wanted water, Karau poked her head down, and grinned wickedly. She seemed like a Salvation - Only a slightly psycopathic one. Whatever the girls though apart from demon - They were wrong. "Is it so hot you need to share water? Tut. Tut." Karau said, playfully. When she next spoke, her voice was more psycopathic - More demon like. "I'm afraid you'll have to dehydrate!" She screamed, whisking the bottle of water out of her hand and she let it disintegrate with the sheer heat of her body.

She dropped down infront of them, and unsheathed her sword - a Ring of Hellfire surrounding her. "Well then, Girls.." She murmured, pointing the blade at them. "Care to dance with me?"

(( How is Karau's intro? She likes to stalk and attack - So uh.. Yeah. ))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley Character Portrait: Karau Nyx Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
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0.00 INK

Alastair was watching, obscured by darkness and trees. "Ooh, a fight. Interesting. Well, it would be stupid for me to barge right in like that." He muttered to himself. Suddenly, he conjured a wolf, a tiger, a lion, and a cheetah, who were all black colored, with glowing red eyes. Salvation he had killed. "Go, my pets. I'll follow soon. Just make my presence known." He whispered to them. The shadowy beasts ran out of the forest, and surrounded Kyra and Elsa, growling.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley Character Portrait: Karau Nyx Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
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Alastair stared blankly. "Are you serious? She's not scared? She's unaffected? Bullshit!" he shouted. "You know, I was honestly hoping to stay hidden. But screw that idea." He chuckled as he emerged from the shadows, the skull on his eyepatch glistened. "Ah, Lady Karau. Nice to see you. How's your father doing? Does he know you took it upon yourself to cause trouble like this?" He laughed. Even though him and Karau were around the same age, he still loved to tease her, being six months older than her.
"And on a hot day like this. You people really need better timing."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley Character Portrait: Karau Nyx Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
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"Wow, you haven't even attacked anyone yet. God, if the rest of the Salvation is like you, the kingdom will be conquered easily! God damn!" He laughed. "Now, I'm wondering. If I invade, what will I do with all the inhabitants? Should I forcibly corrupt their souls, transforming them into demons? Or should I kill them all and make them my eternal slaves? Decisions, decisions." he chuckled as he paced back and forth. "Like my beast friends here. Or this one". Suddenly, another dark Salvation appeared.

"Or this one". Another one appeared.

"Oooh, I don't even remember this guy". Another one.

Suddenly, they all started popping up, and as Alastair snapped his fingers, they lunged at Kyra.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley Character Portrait: Karau Nyx Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
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Karau smiled when Alastair showed up. "About time, Lord Alastair. Hey - Father knows i'm here. Don't tease me about that you ass! He sent me here!" She growled, still smiling. She turned her attention to the whip, and kicked herself out of it. Karau stood up and a more demonic like appearance started to come over her. Flame-like patterns started to cover her, and her eye whites turned Black, and the Blue became Red.

"Haha! This is Yisol's sister? He never spoke fondly of her, but man - She's so TINY!" She cackled. "Now then, back to business i suppose." And with that, Karau was behind Elsa. "Child, if you move - I will not hesitate to decapitate you." She grunted, her blade rising to the girls throat. "Be a good little girl, stay here and when they're finished - I'll show you pain." Karau said in a sing song voice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley Character Portrait: Karau Nyx Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
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Alastair chuckled at Karau's greeting. "Aw. You still consider me to be of a high rank even though I resigned. How sweet. Thank you." he told her. "Ah, yes. Back to business."

He cast an illusion over Elsa. She suddenly found herself in a dark, silent, swamp. Then, out of nowhere, groups of snakes appeared from out of the darkness and wrapped themselves around her.

"Don't even try to snap her out of it. Her senses are under my control now. She doesn't know the difference between fantasy and reality now." Alastair laughed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley Character Portrait: Karau Nyx Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
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Karau groaned, the blade in her stomach. The dark energy pouring out. Suddenly, every piece of her skin cracked, and fell off. Leaving a different person in it's place. She stood up, her sword turning into a ring blade.

She looked up, and screamed in rage, her energy pouring everywhere, most of it charged at Kyra and Elsa.

Karau looked at Kyra, spinning the ring blade, and grinned evily. Her eyes reflecting her personality - Insane, Evil and Murderous. She raised her head and spoke these words so darkly, the whole of Olaalaash heard her. "Genocide!" She yelled, charging at Kyra.

(( In Folklore here, some Demons change appearance when they decide to Resign from being a Demon of high ranking.. In this case, Karau has turned into the insane her she always had. This is her now, i'll edit her Sheet. Image


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley Character Portrait: Karau Nyx Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
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0.00 INK

Alastair laughed. "I thought I told you. Elsa can't hear you. She can't see you. She can't even touch you." He told her. "That being said, I'm not gonna stand here and get myself, and Karau, killed by a mangy mutt like yourself." he said. "However, I thank you for the energy boost, my dear." He chuckled, drawing energy particles from Kyra and Karau into himself. He then dashed behind Kyra at high speeds, grabbing her in midair, electrocuting her with even more demonic energy, then throwing her on the ground, dusting off his hands and turning back. "I'm usually not one to abuse animals. I'd rather the animal kingdom solve its problems on it's own." he chuckled, snapping his fingers, as dozens of shadowy beasts surrounded Kyra and Elsa.

"What? How dare you shift without my consent! For that, I'm punishing you!" the demonic voice inside Kyra yelled at her. Suddenly, still inside her mind, the voice took the form of a darkly colored, ghostly wolf, inside a dimly lit forest, facing off against what appeared to be a ghostly version of Kyra's wolf form. The evil wolf spirit charged towards Kyra's.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley Character Portrait: Karau Nyx Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
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0.00 INK

"Quite frankly, Karau, I don't care if the girl decides to join us or not. I just want to see how long her soul can withstand all of the demonic energy before it starts to decay." Alastair chuckled. He then glanced in Elsa's direction. "Hm?" He hummed with a tiny hint of surprise in his voice, before moving at high speeds at her, in front of her in the blink of an eye. This was no doubt a side effect that the immense amount of demonic energy in the atmosphere had on him. He then jabbed her, and put his hand around her neck, lifting her above is head slightly. "Well, I'm surprised you broke my illusion. You must have some strong willpower. However, that won't matter much after you're dead." He said slyly with a little cackle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley Character Portrait: Karau Nyx Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
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0.00 INK

The explosion from the bomb knocked Alastair to the ground, as he was caught off guard. He groaned in pain and slowly got back up, brushing himself off "One hundred percent agreed." he said, coughing. "Say, Karau, aren't you getting bored yet? It's quite obvious they can't hold out much longer, so let's stop toying with them as much. What do you say?" He chuckled with a sigh.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
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0.00 INK

Elsa caught the bottle of water. "Oh. I'm sorry," she said awkwardly. She had never been very good at comforting people. She unscrewed the bottle cap and cautiously put the bottle to her lips. The water was so good. She almost gulped down the whole bottle before remembering to save it. She vaguely wondered where Jack was right now. She put the remaining water into her bag and lay down on the grass. God, it was hot.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley Character Portrait: Karau Nyx Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
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0.00 INK

"Right. Till we meet again." He chuckled, bowing to the girls with his fedora in his hand, then putting it back on. He followed Karau, then they teleported afterwards.

They reappeared in the demon realm, where Alastair slouched on a rock and sighed.

"Well, Karau, that was fun, wasn't it? They sort of annoyed me, but they were still amusing." He chuckled. "Do you think they'll ever be a threat to us?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley Character Portrait: Karau Nyx Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
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0.00 INK

"Yes.. I do." Karau muttered, her usual expression changed to one of a Demonic Scryer - Blank faced. "She is Yisol's brother.. Yisol is destined to fight her. I must sadly say, that yes, i think they will be a threat. Yisol will be our Death Bringer, and if he is unable to.." She continued, looking at Alastair when her eyes flashed Yellow.

"..I will take over as Death Bringer.. I will crush Olaalaash."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
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0.00 INK

Elsa stood up and went to sit down beside Kyra. She clutched at her hand-made spear, looking around the park. You never knew when some-one was going to attack. She heard her stomach grumble and dug into her backpack, taking out a loaf of bread and ripping a piece off. She handed another piece to Kyra, and put the loaf back in. She put down her spear and lay down. She knew she shouldn't relax, but she hadn't slept in days -- She couldn't help it, she was exhausted. "Wake me if any demons come," she muttered, before dozing off into a light sleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Elsa Fox Character Portrait: Kasumi
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0.00 INK

Elsa Fox

Elsa was awoken by the sound of running footsteps.
Even in her sleepy-just-woken-up state, her first instinct was to grab the makeshift spear beside her and leap to her feet, making sure no one was attacking. As soon as she fully adjusted to the light, she could clearly tell that the footsteps had been running away from her, not to her.

Her next instinct was to check her bag. Everything was there, except for the dagger she had lost in dream world. Her stomach growled and she nibbled at the bread, desperately trying to trick her stomach into thinking she had eaten. She then grabbed one of the bottles of water that the demon had thrown at her and Kyra and took a massive gulp- Kyra!

She screwed the lid back on and looked around. There was clearly no sign of the girl. The footsteps, Elsa though. Of course. She must have gotten tired of waiting for the girl. The sky indicated that it was definitely a different time of day than when she had drifted into sleep. She should have woken me up, she grumbled. It was then she spotted the dagger lying on the other side of the clearing. She picked it up and stuffed it in her backpack, along with the bread, spear, bandages, clothes, strong and water bottles before placing it on her back and shifting. She could find the girl easier in eagle form.

She spread out her wings and soared into the air, trying to get high enough to see around the area. Another reason she loved being an eagle - their eyesight was absolutely amazing. She soon noticed the girl talking to someone else - hopefully a friend, not foe - and swooped down behind a tree before shifting. Knowing that the girls would be cautious, she quickly called out, "It's me, Elsa," before taking out her spear and walking around the corner.

"Ohhhh... okay," she said, noticing that the woman was naked. "Sorry, I just wasn't, uh, expecting.." she trailed off, blushing. "So, I'm Elsa," she said awkwardly, glancing at Kyra to make sure everything was alright. She didn't seem to be expecting a fight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Elsa Fox Character Portrait: Kasumi
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0.25 INK


Kasumi stands staring at the creature above them. Whatever it is could be circling, looking for an opportunity to strike or it could be a spy for Yisol. Kasumi relaxes when Kyra squeals her excitement when the creature lands.
"Sorry." Kasumi blushes when she's introduced and realizes her nakedness has caught the girl a little dumb. "My... uhhhh... my clothes got... uhhh wet. Sorry." She laughs. The laughter is more from relief than anything being really funny. It's been a really long and tiring time for Kasumi and finding two Salvations is like a dream come true.
"We're multiplying." Kasumi mutters under her laughter. "At this rate there'll be a thousand of us before a week has past. Yisol will be no match foir us" Kaumi turns to check on her clothes, "I promise I'll be dressed when when that day comes too." Her clothes are pretty dry. She'd normally let them sit a while longer to get really dry. She hates wearing damp things, but she doesn't want to make her new friends any more uncomfortable than they are. Kasumi dresses quickly and grabs her things.
She's glad to have companions to travel and fight with. It's better that it's girls and not boys. She's run across boys in her travels and it usually ended badly; especially for them
"There. All ready."