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Camille Rickards

"Math became my bestie when I was a kid. I just learned how to make the computer my bitch."

0 · 864 views · located in Boston, Ma

a character in “The Santoro Family Mob”, as played by Sly_Mafia


“I know that's what people say-- you'll get over it. I'd say it, too. But I know it's not true. Oh, you'll be happy again, never fear. But you won't forget. Every time you fall in love it will be because something in the man reminds you of him.”
~ Betty Smith

Theme Songs:And You Let Him Go| Birdy (Cover)
I Was Here| Beyoncé
She's A Genius| Jet


Camille Lydia Rickards

Cammie {Most common}, Cam {Common}, Millie {Tolerated}, Kitten {Only by Evan & her best friend},Hacker {If you know what she's really doing at the office}, Dia {Only by her mother; disliked}

"Seriously? Don't make me shoot you."



40% French|| 25% Romanian|| 35% English

"No, seriously. Just sexual. None of that romance shit."


April 14th


Slim and petite with surprising long legs

☩Skin Tone☩
Fair// Sometimes mistaken for ivory

☩Hair Color☩
Camille has gone through several varying shades of brown and even dyed her tips back in college. However, in the last three years, she has returned to the milk chocolate brown she came into this world with.

☩Eye Color☩
Forest Green

There's a scar on the right side of her head at the hairline from where she hit her head after fainting three years ago.|| Standard ear piercing children get because of their parents.|| Chinese symbol for fun sexy tattooed on her lower back.

☩Full Description☩
If her intelligence or maturity has ever been doubted, it is then Camille's beauty that has never suffered the same fate. In fact, her mother used to joke that Cam would make the perfect call girl if she chose. Her skin always seemed to be blemish-free and soft to the touch, her green eyes her most stunning feature as they held all of her emotions, a beauty mark gracing her left cheek, full lips, and her long and silky chocolate covered hair. Camille's style has always depended upon her mood; now, it's all about her career. She favors suits now or looking business-casual with a dash of sweet or sexy. At this current moment, she has her hair cut to shoulder length.

"It's enough to keep me busy. Boring sometimes, but I get paid."


She refuses to sleep on Evan's side of the bed and changes the sheets if anyone else does.|| Exclusively uses a Linux-based operating system on all of her computers.|| Runs a scanning program on her computer at the start of her day and end.|| She hums when she is cooking.|| She does this little dance whenever she plays music in her apartment because she dislikes the silence.|| Her car is named Moriarty (from Sherlock), but she has nicknamed him Morie.|| She solves mathematical equations in her head when she is feeling overwhelmed.|| In anger, she tends to throw things or knock something over.|| Her right eyebrow kinks instinctively when her thoughts are naughty, she's attracted to someone, or if she feels insulted.

☩Known Languages☩
English|| French|| Italian {Still learning; Basics}

Computer Coding|| Hacking|| Jogging|| Flexible|| Reading|| Sex|| Gunnery|| Writing|| Muay Thai|| Seduction|| Cooking|| Barista

Florence & The Machine|| Children|| Dr. Pepper|| Hard Liquor|| Punching Something|| Rough Sex|| Kissing|| Cuddling|| Strawberries|| Rocky Road Ice Cream|| Google Chrome|| Comic Books & Their Film Adaptions|| Caramel Macchiato|| New Recipes|| Clubs|| The Idea of Love|| Spicy Food|| Chinese Take-Out|| Eating With Chopsticks|| Red Wine|| Long Baths|| Swings|| People|| Math|| The Smell of Freshly Ground Coffee Beans

Seeing Other Couples|| Romantic Relationships|| Clingy Lovers|| Her Parents|| Unnecessary Spending|| Black Coffee|| Strict Rules or Morals|| Making Love|| Horseradish|| Oreo Cookies|| Reality TV Shows|| Walking Alone At Night|| Being Alone|| Crying in Front of People|| Cemeteries|| Death|| Hot Tea|| Hard Cookies|| Bright Light in the Morning|| Thunder & Lightning|| Loneliness|| Silence|| Internet Explorer|| The "Blue Screen of Death"


{Emotional, Vindictive, Fierce, Loving, Seductive, Insecure}
It was a brand new take on a classic romance. The spoiled rich girl who only wanted her Daddy to love her fell for the bad boy who had to work his entire life to provide for his family, even if it meant going on the wrong side of the tracks. The only difference was that the rich girl had been dancing on the thin line between what was morally right and her own desires for almost as long as it took for her to grow accustomed to the burn of vodka sliding down her throat. They were a match made in hell and heaven and she loved it. And then he died and while parts of her still cling on hoping for some sense of closure or happy every after, the rest of her just doesn't want to feel anymore.

Which sucks for her because all Camille has ever done was feel. Even now as she drowns herself in meaningless (but safe!) hook-ups and pushes away those who want more than she's willing to give, she feels everything. That was probably what made her and Evan so damn compatible. Not only could she meet him shout for shout, she was just as delicate and loving and passionate. While prone to violently lashing out or cursing someone to the fiery pits of hell, she could also love them with all of her being; even if she wanted to hate them, she couldn't. It was never written in the cards for her. Cammie has always been the girl who wore her heart on her sleeve; no matter how many times she winded up disappointed or betrayed in the end, she came back for more always with the hope that it can get better. It is because of that hope that she hasn't thrown everything away. However, at the same time, she never has taken betrayal or a wrongdoing against herself or someone she knows well. In fact, Camille believes firmly in an eye-for-an-eye and this is the girl who can hack all of your accounts in her sleep and leave you bankrupt.

And despite being able to get a man to fall to his knees to either get a taste of her fire or because she kicked him where the sun don't shine, a part of Camille is the same girl she showed Evan five years ago; the same girl from her youth. A young girl who never thought she was good enough, who spent her entire life trying to gain the love, approval, and respect of parents who would rather soak up their splendor and money than pay attention to their own child. Camille has acknowledged her attractiveness. Hell, she has used it to her advantage several times. However, there's always that lingering doubt: can she really do this? Will she wind up failing everyone? What if she's still not pretty enough? Not strong enough. Not...enough. And with the loss of the only one who silenced those fears, that little girl has come back.

But Cam has always been the happy-go-lucky one; the playful one. Always winking, always having a mischievous glint in her eye followed by a suggestive smirk that only spells trouble for whomever happens to be the sorry bloke that becomes involved. So, as long as she keeps smirking; as long as she coquettishly giggles at Gio or smile when necessary, no one will have to see how lonely she truly feels.


☩Relationship Status☩
"Not interested in loving you - just fucking you. If you can't live with that, there's the door."

Single and not looking

☩Immediate Family☩
"If you really want to know, we're kinda estranged at the moment. Not that it's really anyone's business."

Father|| Quentin Rickards|| 53|| Alive
Mother|| Victoria Rickards-Bennet|| 48|| Alive

To be completely honest, Camille had one of the greatest childhoods one could ask for. Well, she wasn't royalty or anything and if you ask her, some things could be better. But when it comes to those materialistic desires one has...she never had want for anything. Being the daughter of a senator and a fashion designer (how that worked Camille will never know) had its perks and Cammie reaped the benefits of those perks. However, as a child, she was always cursed by them as well. She had all the clothes, cars, and trinkets that money could buy.

But she didn't have parents.

However, when she became a teenager, that loneliness faded into the background. She was growing up. She had men - men that had watched her grow up - giving her catcalls and winks and boys her age trying to buy her a milkshake or take her to the movies. The attention was splendid. She was the co-captain on the cheerleading team. She was the treasurer for the Student Government Association and she was a member of the National Honor Society. Her life was great, if you saw it from the outside. But she was prone to relationships that never lasted more than three weeks and she had been cheated on three times. At the end of the day, she was called a whore. And worst of all, she came home every night to an empty home.

So, Camille worked her ass off to get as far away from North Carolina as she could. She was able to graduate a year earlier than her classmates and attended Cambridge College on a full scholarship. It was the start of a new life for her. She was confident; too confident for college men to take advantage of or handle. From a young age, when she would spend her time lonely because her parents chose to be more invested in their careers than her, Camille fell in love with computers. She learned how to take them apart and put them together. She was fascinated with the way things worked. But she also became a math whiz back in high school, so when she majored in finance with a minor in computer science, it didn't even become that much of a surprise to anyone. What was surprising was that by her junior year she had an internship with Santoro Incorporated and had her first job with them as soon as she graduated.

It was during her first few months working with the Santoro family company that she met Evan Parker. Camille had seen Gio around and while she had no real interaction with him prior, she knew enough about him to respect him. So, when she saw a strange blonde male standing outside the building when she first entered and went out for lunch, she was cautious. And snappy. And for some odd reason, he didn't back down from her and, although it would have been the logical thing, she didn't back down in retaliation. Somehow, from that one encounter, Evan began visiting more. Of course, being herself, she didn't give in that easily. No, it was rather a game of sorts. A conversation here and there equipped with some careful banter; one time he actually pissed her off to a point where she broke a cup at a café. But before long, she was dating him and somehow or another, she had fallen in love.

And it was the very last thing her mother needed to hear. During these years, Camille had just become a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority as a legacy member and it was all that her mother needed to want to pay attention. And pay attention she did! There was never a day that Victoria had something to say about Evan. It was no secret that he wasn't exactly the ideal man, especially for a girl with Cammie's upbringing. But the fact that she had introduced him to her mother - seeing how she had never done that before - said something. It led to countless arguments and even worse, Camille ignoring her mother when she subsequently lost Evan. Nothing said "I love you" more than being happy that the love of your daughter's life was dead. He had literally left her thirty minutes prior with a promise to be back because he had a surprise. He never got the chance to show her the engagement ring himself.

Since then, Camille has done nothing but throw herself into meaningless flings and work. Constant work. Nothing but work. She had not been that into the other side of the Santoro business, but she needed to keep busy, and while she caught onto the flaws in the financial work earlier, any qualms she might have had prior disappeared. Any morals - any part of her that might have rejected a mafia family and their drama - died. A part of her died. But as long as she keeps smiling, no one sees her falling apart still. She didn't have a family like Gio. She had herself and now, that's all she has.

So begins...

Camille Rickards's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandra Santoro Character Portrait: Roxanne Fox Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Santoro Character Portrait: Camille Rickards Character Portrait: Eleonora Santoro Character Portrait: Louis "Fast Louie" Coppola Sr.
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Jaqueline pulled off her glasses and removed her dark red leather jacket as she sighed slightly. Well this probably didn't go as planned. You could cut the tension with the knife. With that thought she walked slowly from her leaning place against the door, to a seat near to the matriarch on the other side of Martin and Jude next to an empty seat. Hopefully Cami will be here soon to fill it. There was a silence now, especially after Adrianna's outburst.
Jaqueline slid into the leather office chair and placed her hands on the table and looked towards everyone, finally getting a chance to meet everyone face to face. And eyes to eyes. The family was first to grab her attention of course. The Don and his wife were the power couple to rival all power couples, but despite the violence and crime, their love was pure and unconditional and Jackie couldn't help but envy them. The same was for Giovanni and his wife, but Jackie was no fool. It took one not to see how unsure he was, not only up to this moment, but especially now that his sister had returned. But, like his parents, not even the apocalypse could tear them apart, a sister should hardly cause much of a stir. And yet...Jackie knew how powerful she was, and how far she was willing to go to get what she wanted. IT was an admirable trait on a general level, but Jackie would probably never take any chances to get to know her. With her reputation, it wasn't worth it, not yet anyway. The youngest Santoro, Alexandra, was never in any time of buisness with the crime syndicate so they had never met. But, Jackie could say she got all of her good looks from her mother of course.
Martin and Jude were connected at the hip, as always, but something told her they were more like brothers than friends, or even anything in the opposite direction. Jude was a killer, he knew how to do it and how to handle it. They definitely had more in common than he knew but he always seemed to almost take pleasure in it, whereas Jackie only numbs herself and forgets. No matter how you are raised, or taught, or who your parents are, it's hard for a woman to take a life. Martin was the opposite he was gentle, sympathetic. He was all of the things she had so desperately tried to reclaim after her retirement, but hasn't been easy. Both, of course, are attractive males with alot to offer a mate, something Jackie always appreciated. The lawyer, Leslie sat not too far from them and was someone almost everyone in the family was in aquaintence with, despite his handicap, he is a very powerful man in the courtroom and Jackie always respected that quality in him.
Jackie turned now to the girl she saw at the door and Dickie. She was a lady of the night and he ran the place, so it made sense that they would meet frequently. He always made Jackie laugh those rare times when she consumed alcohol and he always knew what to say, even if he had no idea what was really bothering her. Jackie's favorite part about him was that he never demanded her attention and that went a long way when they first met. The escort sat rather demurely and quietly, which both surprised her and pleased her. She was not in the business of "work is work" and everything else is separate, an admirable quality she would have to inquire about...after she learned her name. Lou sat two seats down and Jackie smiled ever so slightly at him. He was her favorite street man. He was witty and smart, two very different things, so when they all come in one mature and sarcastic package she couldn't help but be drawn. She though of him as the father she wished she had, but she wouldn't dare say it. Kato sat to his right and there honestly wasn't much she knew about him or his background, something she wished was untrue but wouldn't push. She knew what it was like to get a fresh start and most who attempt to ruin that meet a very untimely end.
She looked around now and finally spotted Giovanni and Alaura's bodyguard, Aryan. He was exotic, to say the least and always appeared to be at his strongest, which was a desirable trait in a bodyguard she supposed. Most of her dealings were with street men, so most of the guards of the family and the higher-ups who did little work outside of the corporation stayed unknown to her.
I should probably want to change that if I'm not interested in being kicked to the curb.
Behind Arayan, finally, was Max and he was a tad worse for wear. A bloody nose and a severely split lip marred his boyish face. With Jude as the culprit. She wanted t roll her eyes when she heard the reason, but she somehow managed to restrain herself for the time being. It was time for business.
So Jackie looked at everyone again. It had been so long since she had addressed that many strangers at one time so she tried her hardest to enunciate through her French.
" She is right. The sooner this meeting is over the sooner we can discuss other matters."