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Adion Volf

I'm only alpha because no one can beat me.

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a character in “The Savage Lands”, as played by unseenshadow2


Name: Adion Volf
Age: 20
Race: Elemental Werewolf (Fire and Darkness)
Gender: Male
Height: Human - 6'3" Beast Form (Fire) - 5' 3" Beast form (Darkness) - 7' 8"
Role: Fox packs alpha male
Sexuality: Straight

Fire form - Immunity to all temperature ranges, fire, and ice. Control of fire. Extreme amounts of speed and energy. Become fire.

Darkness form - Night-vision, teleportation, ability to become a black mist and reform, create dark areas, change the lunar cycle

Human form - Invisibility, extreme strength, extreme speed, ability to coat arms in elements (fire on the right, darkness on the left)

Fire form - In fire form, Adion is a bright red. His fur is hot to the touch and he yields no scars. He is smaller than both of his other forms, and has a very aerodynamic look to him. His eyes are a bright yellow. Long teeth and short claws.

Darkness form - His fur is a pure black, and his body bulky and muscular, with deep, dark green eyes. He has a scar that goes from his nose back, along the bridge of his nose, to his eyebrows. Long claws and short teeth.

Human form - Adion is pale with one red eye and one black eye. His frame is thin and tall, but also very defined. He wears countless scars across his chest and back, and surprisingly no others. His hair is a short cut blonde, which makes him look bald in certain lights.

While loyal and kind, Adion is lazy. The only thing he seems to care about are his friends, family, and hunting. He does not do much as alpha, simply letting Fox lead and doing what she tells him to do, with the occasional complaint. He never stops a fight until he is dead, or his enemy is dead or has given in. Adion also meditates quite a bit, showing his slowness of when he is not hunting or fighting.

Adion has been in the pack since his birth. He has also been the laziest of the pack since his birth. For many years, the others of the pack did not even bother to challenge him to combat. This changed five years ago when Adion was sleeping in the middle of a path from the dens after a hunt. The alpha of the pack, at the time, ordered Adion to move. Needless to say, the most the werewolf did was snort at the alpha, who then challenged Adion to combat. Within moments of the alpha saying that he challenged Adion, he was limping back and Adion was back to sleeping. He has been alpha male since, mainly because no one has been able to even come close to his ability in combat.

So begins...

Adion Volf's Story


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Fox silently watched as her brothers and sisters did as she asked, nodding when Adion said he would be back. Her thoughts twisting and turning over each and every idea that was popping up in her mind, but knew that most of them wouldn't work. 'So it would have to be something unexpected and only that which they could do. As she stood there an idea was beginning to form, causing her to grin.

Brought out of her thoughts Fox looked over at Adion and smiled slightly. "They are still packing. Adion, for this to work I need you to stay with me. I will not risk any of the others. But you...your a true warrior and right now this is a battle for all our lives." she stated watching him, as her left fingers toyed with the single bracelet on her right wrist. It held a deep blood red ruby that seemed to pulse with a life of it's own. Minus the pale green stone between her eyes that seemed to pulse as well.


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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"Well, the only two places I belong are in a bed and on a battlefield." Adion replied.


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Fox snorted as she looked over at Adion a brow cocked. "Your place is with your family and with me as the Alpha male." she stated watching him as the ruby pulsed like a heart beat. "I will send our Pack somewhere safe while we take care of these 'things'!" she said watching him, her ears twitching as she listened to those packing while pups whined softly.


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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"We will need to find these things weaknesses and ways to detect them. These are what I think to be the priority, but you handle a much broader range of duties than I. And when they are relocating, watch for footsteps with no owner." Adion replied.


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Fox chuckled softly as she looked over at Adion, the grin curving her lips seem. "Oh we will look into all of that. And where the Pack is going, not even one of them will be allowed in." she stated cryptically. An odd glint in her eye. "I didn't bind the Pack to me for nothing." she stated turning her attention back to those just returning.


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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"This is going to be interesting." Adion said in reply. He knew that she was going to use some kind of magic, or take the pack to some kind of magic place that only a few were allowed to go. Anything not bound to one of those few people would always die, or go through extreme suffering, or not even be able to enter.


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Silently Fox watched as each member of her pack returned and smiled softly at them and twisted her wrist to catch the now unattached round ruby in the palm of her while the pale green stone between her eyes flared slightly. "We I took over the Pack, I swore I would protect each and everyone of you. Both those to the first pack and those I brought into the pack. Now the time has come to protect you not just from the hunters the humans have made and sent after us, or the Rogues~ But also a new threat."

At this there were several murmurs and low whines of fear as they listened and looked at each other. Mothers drew their pups close while fathers wrapped their arms or bodies close to their mates and families as they watched and listened to their Leader.

"This new threat is able to get close to us. So close that they could be standing beside us even now." she raised a hand when cries went up and they huddled closer fear rising in the home cave. "But they do not know me so they have underestimated me and the lengths I will go to, to help keep my Pack alive." she stated loudly, even as a low deep growl rumbled through her, easing those around them slowly. "I will be sending each of you to a Place that is safe. A place that only MY blood can go." she stated recalling the small ceremony she had done to bind the old Pack and those who joined to her. "I swore on my word I would protect you and now that time has come."

With that Fox shifted and stomped her left bare foot to the ground and whispered Rock Clone.

Silence rose in the cave as every eye turned and watched as form slowly rose up out of the stone floor beside their leader and Alpha female, while the Alpha male stood to her other side. They watched as the stone formed and shifted to look just like their leader, clothes and all. Fox smiled softly as she reached out and brushed back the black braids from her clones face and looks back towards her pack. "Tiko will watch over you where you are going so that I can do what needs to be done. Where you are going you will be safe and well taken care of. Now follow Tiko and do what she does." With that said, Fox held out her right palm, where the orb rested and watched as it slowly grew tell the small orb covered her whole hand. She nodded at Tiko who stepped forward and laid her palm on the orb and vanished.

Looking out at her pack as several cried out she smiled softly love in her red eyes. "She waits for your inside the orb. There you will have a place to sleep, food to hunt and water both to drink, bath and cook with. It is safe. You have my word as both a Savage and as Your Alpha." she stated softly and smiled. Slowly bit by bit each member of the pack stepped forward, hesitant hands reaching out and pulling back before reaching again.


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Adion looked as his pack slowly reacted to the news. Some were quicker to enter the ball than others. Some still remained. Adion knew that it was his time to show that he had some value.

He looked to the remaining members, scared of where they will go. "Your hope is not here. Our ancestral home is no longer safe. Fear not, for the orb will take you where you will be safe till we can say the same of our home."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Fox stood silently and watched her eyes never leaving her people as they moved forward, noting those that held back with fear and uncertainty evident on their faces. Only to smile when she heard Adion speak. "When it is safe for you from this new threat, I will bring you back." she stated. Only to react quit viciously when the orb flared a blood red color and a form slammed into the wall before her. "ADION!!" she shouted, as several cries of fear echoed through the cave and human and wolf like members scrambled from the fritzing form.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Adion took no pause to flare his powers, his right arm ablaze with fire, his left black with pure darkness. "What was that?!"


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Fox snarled as the entrance to the cave sealed off, as did every other opening leaving the area they were in in half darkness that suddenly began to glow as several pale blue orbs glowed higher up in the air even as several shields popped up around each clump of her people as they clustered together.

"Seems the one in the hot springs cave isn't the only one in here." snarled Fox as the orb in her palm shrunk than reattached to the bracelet about her wrist, even as she leaped forward and slammed her fist into...the cave wall up past her wrist as the glitching form rolled away.

"It can't get out Adion nor can it get to those left here unless it can Kill me." she stated coldly as she yanked her fist from the cave wall, leaving behind a hole as she straightened up. "So we can take out time to where it out. The glitching...well that's the thing bout elemental energy. It'll continue to coarse through that thing until it is DEAD!" she snarled stalking towards the glitching form.

{{OOC: hope it's okay to use one of your idea's about the invisible beings}}


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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As darkness flooded the room, Adion felt his element surround him, but not by his will. Something seemed to disturb it. Something other than the one that was near Fox. But the others moved without a glich. They could hold the spell better, but no spell can make you non-physical.

As Fox hit her attacker, the rest of the light in the room disappeared into a pure darkness. Soon, pulses of heat rippled through the darkness, along with the sounds of screaming.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Snarling viciously as the orbs of light disappeared and the hair on the nap of her neck stood up and instinct swelled inside her as she twisted and slapped her palm against the cave wall. "Stone Shell." she snarled knowing it would surround and secure her people as she popped her neck and let loose a howl that rang with rage and defiance through out the large cavern of her home. The pale green stone between her eyes glowing even as her black hair began to glow as did her body. Her blood red eyes seemed to glow as well as she turned and looked at Adion. From the corner of her eye she watched as the Stone Shell grew up around those she had shielded. "Keep these fuckers busy while I send the rest of our People to safety." she growled just before she began to sink into the ground.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Adion simply kept up his fighting, using fire to kill and disturbances in the darkness to see. He could tell who was not his enemy, mainly because he could smell them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Rising up out of the ground inside the Stone Shell, Fox swiftly stepped forward and gripped the closest arm to her and gave a low whine of comfort, soothing them. "I'm going to send you to the others. This way I do not have to worry about you, let alone those things finding a way in here." she said softly nuzzling the female whose arm she held. Than seconds later she gripped the ruby orb and touched the female with it and a soft pop they disappeared, the orb giving a pulse of light indicating that it worked. Than with a low rumbling growl Fox stepped forward through the Stone Shell which than faded back into the ground from which it came from.

"Alright you sorry excuses of piss, lets get this over with." she snarled as she popped both wrists, causing the bracers she wore to flare brightly before fading to allow a rapid motion of electricity to ripple over her hands which were clenched into fists and leaped forward, her glowing red eyes allowing to see the odd glitched form as well as the ripples from the others when they moved.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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"I have grown bored of this game." Stated Adion loudly. He knew that the others of the pack were safe, but Fox would be exposed to his next move.

All the darkness of the room sucked back to Adion, creating a black armor with the sheen of metal. As the armor finished, fire coated the armor, beginning to grow bigger and bigger around Adion. Soon the room would fill with the fire he controlled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Her head snapped towards the bright light of fire and blinked as she arched a brow as the darkness faded and a grin curved her lips. "Adion do as you please." she stated as she once again sank into the ground, taking the glitching form she gripped with her. "Just call out when your done." With that she was gone with out a ripple into the ground.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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When Fox would come back up, all that would be left was Adion, the remaining packmates, and ash. What stone didn't have ash covering it had been turned black from the blast of fire.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Rising back up, her breath hitching ever so slightly at the heat she felt from the cave floor and looked about the area before looking back at Adion and grinned. "You remind me of Ki. Fire is his elemental." she stated as she turned and moved towards the wall, the glitching form struggling in her grip, slammed it against the cave wall.

"You will give me answers. Either on your own or with painful pressure." she stated as she pressed her free palm against the wall and murmured "Rock Fists." With in seconds five different fists of rock grew out of the rock wall to wrap about both arms, both legs and the beings waist before she rummaged in the pouch at her hip and pulled out a pale yellow looking four inch thorn and grinned. Than without a word she slammed it into the beings chest right into its heart.

"The thing about that little beauty is that it is something Alcy and Tula made. Once imbedded into a beings body, preferably close to the heart, it keeps that being alive. Not from just the pain of being interrogated by someone like me or Adion, but also from the beings own special way of killing its self. Either by natural or unnatural ways." she stated grinning as she stepped back as a pale yellow glow spread through the beings body until it pulsed with a yellow light as the glitching became erratic.

"Adion, why don't you go. The more pain the more of the being we will see." she stated grinning at the male behind her as she stepped away and turned just enough to see both Adion and the glitching being.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox
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Adion walked up to the form, its spell now seeming to wear out. "Oh boy, Fox brought me a training dummy that won't die?! This will be fun." Said Adion as he drove a fist covered in fire right into the beings chest.

It then shot out of its spell, now visible. Whatever happened to it, it was obviously once human. The blood red eyes seemed to cover what was once green, guessing by the specks of color. Its pail white hair, long as an arm, was tipped with brown. It then let out an animistic snarl, only to be hit again with the flaming fist. "You will die. There is nothing you can do to stop us." The being muttered as Adion hit him again. "Look around you. You were spared. You were luck. Your kind are not as invisible as they may seem or think." Adion said with a smile of a predator spanning his face.

"You can't stop us. For each of us you kill, two more are made."

"All the more for me to play with."

"Your flesh will be their trophy." A hit.

"Look at me. Look around you. The more your kind sends at me, the more bodies go missing. They enter my game, but they don't leave it."

"Soon that will change as you are overwhelmed." A hit.

"Just remember that even the invisible cannot defend against darkness, for it will always consume the light. And it is my friend."