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"I'm strong. Brave. Deadly and true to my word." grins fangs flashing. "Just so you know I don't roll over for anyone!"

0 · 293 views · located in Pack Den

a character in “The Savage Lands”, as played by Black Fox



While human Fox has hip length black and red braids with blood red eyes. Pale green stone between her eyes. 5 ft even and muscled. When she shifts to werewolf she stands a 6ft with blood red eyes and black fur tinted red, and yes the pale green stone is still between her eyes. Being short Fox is mistaken for a child but she is actually 118 years old.


Strong willed. Brave and loyal. Sticks to her word. Blunt. Strong will and inner fire that burns with a strength and a fierceness that comes from having to fight to stay alive and prove that she had what it takes to be on top.

Fox is a brawler, black leather gloves and slivers of glass at the tip of her braids.

Being born the runt of a litter of 6, Fox was the only one to survive. She out lived her siblings but continued to fight for her life with in her fathers pack. Born to a low level Alpha male and his mate, Fox had to prove herself to everyone, specially her father. Humans destroyed her pack and left her for dead but she survived. That was when she was only 88 years old. Even then she never found her mate, most males not wanting a female fighter. Fox is very competitive but loyal and true, kind hearted and tender. Once you have her trust and loyalty she will fight whole heartedly for it, and who ever holds her trust.

So begins...

BlackFox's Story


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From the darkest shadows of the Pack Den, two burning red eyes slowly came into focus and moved closer, into the early morning light that flooded the den. The large, 6ft she wolf stepped halfway out of the shadows before stopping and bending to nuzzle several rambunctious pups that romped about the den, before turning to nuzzle the young mother of the pups.

*You are looking good Clover. I'm please that you have recovered.* she sent and smiled a wolfish smile when the young she wolf bowed her head.
*Thank you Alpha.* came her soft reply soaked with pleasure and happiness at her Alpha not only speaking to her but stating her actual concern for her health.
*Your pups are strong and healthy as well as quit active.* remarked the she wolf as she nudged one that was gnawing on her tail, soft laughter echoing in her mind as Clover fluttered an apology as she tried to gather up the pups. *Do not fret so Clover. They are a delight.* sent Fox as she nuzzled Clover's shoulder before stepping over the pups and headed for the woods, her thoughts on Glendale...Clover's mate. Who had been killed by a human poacher. If she hadn't been out scouting, Clover too would have died along with the pups she carried. Being a true wolf, nether had been able to hide from the hunter nor his dog which had cornered them.

""Even now thinking of that day and answering to the howls for help, I'd gotten there to late to save Glendale. But thankfully I was able to save Clover."" she thought with a sigh as she stepped out of the den and paused to lift her head up and sniff the air before huffing slightly and stretched. Her shiny black fur glinting in the sun light as her red eyes roamed over the open plains before her, just down the incline that lead up to their den and grinned, fangs flashing as she moved forward into a trot. ""Breakfast time"" she thought as excitement grew in her at the feel dirt turning to grass under her huge paws and moved from a slight trot into a loop as she moved quicker.

The setting changes from Pack Den to OOC for SAVAGE LANDS

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Ok so that you know i cant seem to edit my characters so i cant fix BlackFox. her wolf bio that is. it was done for a rp group that has ignored me since i got on. Anyway what it says if so that she wouldn't be cast out from the other wolves and the pack because she is from a whole new world and not of theirs. bare with her and the rp character bio. thank you. Plus its the only pick that i have of a wolf with red eyes.

The setting changes from OOC for SAVAGE LANDS to Hunting Grounds&Forest

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Her senses on high alert Fox moved swiftly yet silently through the tall grasses of the Hunting Grounds, her ears erect and twitching even as she paused briefly before turning left and short forward through the grass, jaws open and leaped. Clamping her jaws shut with bout the juggler of the large deer. With a mighty jerk and yank of her head the sound of snapping bones echoed.

""Perfect. Large enough to feed!"" she thought with a grin and headed back towards the pack den, her senses once again on high alert as she moved carefully but swiftly back to the den.

The setting changes from Hunting Grounds&Forest to Pack Den


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Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: BlackFox
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Back at the den Fox dragged the large buck over to another large deer and dropped it before moving into the Den back towards the back nuzzling the cubs licking their muzzle as she did. *Clover start on the bucks while I shift and dress. Than I'll be out to help." with that said Fox vanished into the shadows.

Smiling Clover herded her cubs over towards the two large bucks and smiled as she grabbed one buck by a hind leg and pulled, straightening it out onto its back, all the while keeping an eye on her cubs which were gnawing on one of the horns. Even now after so many months with Fox's Pack, it still surprised her that the Alpha she wolf would not only help hunt for them but would also help skin and prepare the meat and dinner.

A few minutes later Fox stepped into the large den, wearing black leather with her black hair in braids atop her head as she stretched her arms up over her head and popped her neck as she moved towards the she wolf, a smile curving her lips as her 5 foot even yet muscular frame moved towards the bucks and pups. "Thank you Clover." replied Fox as she crouched down and pulled a very sharp dagger from the holster on her left hip and preceded to skin the two bucks, tossing small chunks towards the pups, while placing larger ones on slabs of smooth clean rocks used just for this purpose. "Who brought the other buck?"

*Adion, Alpha.* came Clover's mental reply.

Fox nodded as she finished her buck and started to prepare the buck Adion had brought in. Even now she was still leery of the odd yet powerful male. An odd one since he was more werewolf than shifter or garu. ""Yet he is a powerful Alpha in his own right!"" she thought, her red eyes drifting round the den before returning back to the buck and task at hand. Her hip length black braids, though in a top knot drifted down her back as she continued to toss her head, just to keep them from the blood and meat of the buck she was prepping.