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"Forget what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you."

0 · 682 views · located in Japan

a character in “The Saviors of Legend”, as played by Cornflower



Argyos Amagawa
"Follow your heart, but always take your brain with you." -Unknown

[url=YOUTUBE LINK HERE]Song || Artist[/url]

Dialogue Colour || #FF6600
Thought Colour || #990000


      Argyos Amagawa

N I C K N A M E ( S )
      Argy || A name that he tells others to use often, seeing that his one is often tricky to pronounce and remember. Rarely does anyone use it, seeing that being a prince demands some form of respect, but Argyos takes no offence if one should.
      Demon Eye || Stemming from the odd symbol on his forehead, looking like he had a third eye. It had been there since he was born, and Argyos has gradually gotten fond of it to start using it as a symbol for himself.

      The Crown Prince




      Single, Argyos doesn't consider this the best of times to be in a relationship, not when the list of people he can trust is limited as it is.



"There are three ways to act wisely. First, by thinking, that's the noblest. Second, by imitating, that's the easiest. And third, from experience. This is the bitterest." -Unknown


      His hair is a silvery white color, coming in little tufts that feel as soft and smooth as feathers to the touch. Having a fluffy quality, it often looks unruly, but that fact doesn't bother Argyos the slightest. He simply uses a long scarf to keep his hair out of his eyes most of the time, not finding the trouble to tame his spiky hair worth it.

      A metallic gold, his eyes are much like a reflective surface, changing in shade and tone from the angles of light.

      5'5 ft. It's not very tall, but not too short either. Argos isn't very bothered about his height either way.

      100 pounds exactly.

      He is a Japanese demon.

      His demon physique allows some of his more serious wounds to heal with little to no scars, but he has more of those than you would expect from a pampered prince. These came from the many assassinations that had been attacking him since he was only a child, where the announcement of his succession came. Many didn't want him to have existed in the first place, especially those who sought a seat on the throne if a heir had not been born. As a result of that, there are several scars on his back, the most prominent one close to his heart where they had almost succeeded.

      Of course, it's hard to miss the huge eye on the top of his forehead, with golden symbol around it, accenting its presence and framing it perfectly. Many had mistaken his eye for a headband, though on closer sight it is imprinted onto his forehead permanently. Apart from that, Argyos has a has a strange mark on top of his stomach, the mark curving around his abdomen in the shape of a black snake coiling around his body.



"Quote Here" -Author



xxxโœฆ Serious โœง Mischievous โœฆ Lethargic โœง Distrustful โœฆ Aloof โœฆ

      Argyros is usually an aloof and quiet individual on first sight, staying silent unless he feels unnaturally defiant about a certain matter. Ironically from what you would expect of the crown prince, Argyos is never one to lead, always following what's expected of him obediently and accurately. He was never too enthusiastic about responsibility in the first place, completely happy with staying quiet despite the eloquent speeches he had been taught to deliver since he was small. In all honesty, being what he was wasn't a choice of his, he had no say in the matter of his birth but this responsilbity was one that had been set in stone ever since he was born. Was it fair? No, but he would have to live with it.

      Still, that fact had given him an air of lethargy around him as he goes about in his duties, taking no pleasure in the prospect of being king at all. With the assassination attempts and the weight of the country on his shoulders at his tender age, it's not hard to feel tired or stressed over it. Even so, Argyos truly wants only the best for his country. If it meant giving up his life for someone better to take over, he would've done so without a second thought. However, it's getting harder and harder to trust someone these days, especially with the stake of the country at hand. Argyos has developed a distrustful nature, though that is usually concealed out of courtesy. He doesn't trust anyone outright, always needing proof that he could count on them not to stab him in the back. He had trusted before and failed in that miserably, the result was yet another light scar on his back. From experience he learned that perhaps trusting people wasn't the best thing to do, especially as the plans to overthrow the Royal family grows.

      That said, if you truly get to know him and earn his friendship, Argyos is more childish beneath the solemn exterior. Having a sharp tongue behind the niceties woven by his words, he is not opposed to mockery and teasing, his sarcasm showing when he feels upset or angry. Extremely childish, Argyos hardly acts like his age outside of his duties, seeming to treat life like one grand board game. He loves to give nicknames to others, upon meeting them he will determine one for that person, customised to fit his image of them even if it would probably get him killed. From then on, he will always call them by that nickname, and hardly anything can get him to stop. There are only a handful of people Argyos really refers to by their birth given name, those he highly respects, and those he highly detests. That being said, it's hard to tell which is which from his aloof nature, seeming to treat everyone with the same attitude, except for those he knew for a long time.


"Quote Here" -Author


      โœฆAnimals -Perhaps even more than humans, animals Attack only with aggravation after all, and Argyos could only wish humans were the same.
      โœงBooks - Argyos reads ancient texts with a passion, often spending most of his time in the library of the castle. The legend of the four gods was always a source of his fascination, and Argyos awaits the day when it will actually come true so his kingdom might be saved.
      โœฆExploratiom -Despite what he had been told about the perils of the outside world and how people might try to kill him, Argyos still sneaks out multiple times to go on rides through the forest. The outdoors invigorate him, and he finds it a pity that he can't go out that often.
      โœงNaps - They are getting rarer and rarer because people seem to creep up on him while he sleeps. Regardless, Argyos takes short naps whenever hew can, dropping down asleep at anytime.
      โœฆThe kingdom -The place he was born in wasn't perfect, but Argyos loves it all the same, willing to go to great lengths for the people even if he himself detests the idea of responsibility.
      โœงIsolation - He could be by himself for hours, peacefully curled up in a corner with a book. It's one of the few times away from putting up appearances and pretending to be polite when inside he wanted to bite someone's head off, and he appreciates the moments when he could be alone.
      โœฆSilence -When the world was quiet, there must be so much more understanding of things that cannot be expressed with words. Argyos is a listener most of the time, but he appreciates the sound of silence that speaks for itself.
      โœงSoft things - His head scarf is like a safety blanket of sorts, and soft things never fail to calm him down when he panics, simply burying his face into a cushion and forcing himself to breathe.
      โœฆFamily -Family is deeply important to him and Argyos loves both his parents deeply.


      โœฆRules -He does have the understanding that they were important to keep a country running properly, but he finds that they are too easy to break as of yet.
      โœงResponsibility - Never did he want to rule, but it wasn't a subject he had much choice in. Argyos shirks responsibility and is ironically a follower all the time. Though he is an effective leader, often charismatic and reasonable, he is rather hesitant to take on the stress of leading.
      โœฆStrangers -He is rather jumpy and distrustful around them, since he never had a very good experience with the people he doesn't know, they usually ended up trying to kill him one way or another.
      โœงCorruption - It is the very thing that caused his kingdom to fall into such a state, and if there was one thing he outright hates it is corruption and betrayal.
      โœฆWork -Everyone deserves to have fun once in a while, a royal duties tire him out. Especially when he's supposed to act civil and polite to everyone he sees, it is often frustrating when one cannot speak out your own thoughts, but Argyos developed his apathetic front after a while.
      โœงHeat - He doesn't like extreme heat, it makes him feel sluggish and uncomfortable. It's one of the reasons why he wears clothing that reveals his stomach and most of his back, letting him cool down easily.
      โœฆDarkness -It's too easy to be taken advantage of, Argyos finds himself too helpless in darkness and unable to see where the attacks might be coming from. It is something he tries to avoid.
      โœงCloseness - There is a small bubble of personal space around him, one that he doesn't allow just anyone to enter. It's uncomfortable and awkward if someone he doesn't know that well stays too close to him.
      โœฆSurprises -He gets startled too easily, and whenever that happens the one that surprised him out of the blue usually ends up with a knife at their neck. It was almost a reflex action on his part.



      โœฆPrediction -His observation skills are strong, to the point where he can accurately predict what the opponent might do next.
      โœงDodging - Argyos isn't the best at fighting, but he is good at dodging attacks. His usual approach is to make small damages while dodging, tiring out the enemy slowly until his victory is confirmed.
      โœฆMemory -He has a photographic memory, used to remember all the books and knowledge he can get his hands on. There is hardly a detail that escapes his mind, and throughout all his years Agryos finds it near impossible to forget something, good or not.
      โœงEndurance - As skinny as he might seem, Agryos can put up with quite a bit of pain. As Long as it's not completely fatal, he just keeps on going until the fight is done or his body collapses.
      โœฆEmpathetic -It's one of the skills that he had picked up, along with his aloof and apathetic nature. Agryos reads the mood well, sensing emotions easily and resolving conflicts when the negative ones get too strong. This has also allowed him to be a rather compelling speaker.

      โœฆPicky -It's a bad habit, but he is often quite fussy about everything. If there is something he doesn't like, Agryos wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole, though he doesn't mean any offense if he does that.
      โœงStubborn - Once he fixes his sights on something, there is no getting him to stop no matter how impossible the goal is to achieve. He is a prince after all, and after years of getting your way it's hard to learn to settle for anything less.
      โœฆImpulsive -Argyos jumps into things without much thought sometimes, always ending up regretting it later. It is something he tries not to do due to his responsibility, but it's a bad habit that's hard to quit completely.
      โœงCrying - It's surprisingly easy to make him cry over trivial things. Perhaps it's simply a way of helping him cope with his supressed emotions from darker and heavier subjects, but regardless he seems to burst into tears over the smallest things but stay strong in the midst of much heavier incidents.
      โœฆDistrustful -It takes a lot for Argyos to get friendly with someone so much that he'd tell them what he really feels, much less trust them easily.

      โœฆDetached -Argyos speaks with a polite yet detached tone, addressing everyone cooly and professionally when he doesn't know them that well. It was something he had learned from his royal duties, and it has helped him greatly.
      โœงPanic Attacks - His cooly crafted composure can fall apart at any given moment, triggered easily when one of the people close to him get hurt or threatened. It has been a condition present since he was younger, but they got progressively worse when his Father fell ill, to the point that he could barely breathe sometimes.
      โœฆFlinching -Whenever someone raises their hand close to him, Argyos couldn't help but flinch instinctively and cover his head with his arms as if he was expecting them to hurt him.



Quote Here" -Author



      Agryos was born the Long awaited Royal heir to the king and queen, an only child. The king was already becoming ill then, and his birth threw a spanner into the plans of several that are planning to take over the throne once the old King had died. The king and queen knew of plans like those, of course, but they could hardly imagine the magnitude of them, or the corruption that had been slowly taking its toll on the country. Since he could remember, Agryos had always been protected by Guards and servants, hardly having a moment alone without someone keeping an eye on him.

      Still, that didn't completely defeat the plans for assassination and harming the young prince. Agryos never learned to trust someone completely apart from his parents, the servants had a chance of being bought by money, and it wasn't the first time when Agryos had someone try to kill him when his back was turned. Then again, he never understood it completely when he was a child, thinking that it was normal and treating it as if it was a game. The distrustful nature stayed however, though it was only when he was older did he realise that it wasn't completely ordinary to have a childhood like that.

      From the moment he could read, Agryos had always been taught about the royal duties and laws of the country. How to set them and how to meet people with a smile, those lessons were taught to him and he learned them well. He was blindly obedient when he was younger, like a perfect little doll following the things expected of him. Like any child, he wished to please his parents, and as his father was ill it was all he could do to lessen the worry on his mother's end. He never liked the responsibility put on him however, and often read the legends when he had time, putting his faith into it that the four gods would come to save the kingdom from ruin, even perhaps freeing him of his position. All Agryos wanted to be when he was younger was one of the other children that he had only seen from the windows to his palace, those that could run free and laugh with others without the fear of betrayal.

      Surprisingly however, his attitude became more childishly mischievous the more he grew, and once he snuck outside of the castle there was no going back. In a way, he was compensating for the fun he had lost in his younger years, escaping his lessons and instead exploring the lands in disguise. That was how he learned of the state of his country, and how the corruption within the ranks were doing nothing to help the situation it is in. Now, as his father's illness was progressively getting worse, he knows that the time for him to step up is coming sooner than expected, but the plans of overthrowing the royal family are coming into view as well. Right now is a rather stressful time for him, more than he'd care to admit.



Theme Song
"Quote Here" -Author


[url=song url here]SONG TITLE /|\ ARTIST[/url]

      From morning til midnight I cant find a reason
      This world keeps on turning without a single motive
      The value of this life results to nothing much
      Even if I were to die nothing would change

      If it didnโ€™t matter either way then I would stay
      Iโ€™d choose life and I would die another day
      Because I know right now if I were to die
      I would rather leave a bit of me behind

      And Iโ€™m terrified, the future is unclear
      In my own eyes, the past is dark
      โ€œWhy wont you go? It hurts so much.โ€
      Wish my feelings would all be thrown all away

      If it didnโ€™t matter either way then both the same
      I would laugh so I could cry another day
      And because of that I know if Iโ€™m alone
      I would rather laugh my time all away

      I wont love myself unless I am
      Flawless in every single thing I do
      Hesitating only shows how weakly you are
      Feelings only just get in the way
      So then maybe your in pain because you cant get back up now
      And you cant seem to be taking anymore

      Although emotions seem unnecessary
      Can you not feel something warm inside the tears
      Something way too hard to see, and always wobbly
      I think we all call it something like a โ€œheartโ€

      If it didnโ€™t matter either way, Iโ€™d never stray
      So I โ€˜d see if it worth was my while to stay
      Whether not I would cry today or maybe Iโ€™d laugh it all away
      I know Iโ€™d love that small life of mine the same

      And even you
      Never need to try and be someone else
      Just be you

      โ€œItโ€™s all fine.โ€ โ€œAm I fine?โ€ โ€œYouโ€™re just fine.โ€
      โ€œAnd in time, you will find, youโ€™re just fine.โ€


F A C E C L A I M: FC here


Character Sheet By : Ameliaisghostly
Inspired By : The Toxic Cereus
Filled Out By : CORNFLOWER


So begins...

Argyos's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kozakura Asai Character Portrait: Argyos Character Portrait: Hayami Akiyama Character Portrait: Atomu
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#, as written by Airy




Kozakura Asai


Every day that passes and every action you take is another step closer to accomplishing whatever it is you were meant to do in the world.

That's was Kozakura's mother always told her anyways. Currently, Koza was kicking a rock across the dirt path on her way home from school, scuffing her already worn shoes even more. She wasn't entirely sure how kicking a rock from boredom and only a little pent up frustration was getting her closer to whatever end goal her mother always told her fate was going to present to her one day. Maybe she was going to kick it at a passing car and hit their windshield, and she'd discover she was supposed to be a windshield and glass repair person for the rest of her life. Maybe she would kick it down a sewer drain and hit a kids head who'd fallen down there, and she would get them help. Then again, her fate probably wasn't going to come about from a dirty old rock. At least, she hoped it wouldn't.

The idea of fate always seemed illogical to Kozakura. Yeah, she believes everything happens for a reason, but not that there is a strange magic force that has everything planned out from the start, everything coming together the way it was always meant to turn out. Things just happen. That's it. It could be accidental, planned out, impulsive, but she had a hard time believing every single action, or at least some choice actions or situations, are dictated by the universe's plan for every individual that had ever lived or is ever to live.

Kozakura honestly believed she wasn't meant to do anything. She just would on her own accord, or by the influence of otherโ€™s actions.

Stopping after having walked thirty minutes, she kicked the rock hard enough that it went into the field beside her, lost and never to be found. Stretching her arms up high, her too long cardigan sleeves of her bright red cardigan that she'd slipped over her school uniform fell down her arms in a pool of soft warm fabric. Kozakura let out a long sigh. She noticed the night sky shifting into a mirage of red, pink, and orange hues. The sun was setting, and Kozakura would need to be inside before it got dark. Shifting her wide eyes back down from the sky, she gazed down the empty dirt road before her. Letting her hands drop back to her side, she readjusted her black leather backpack and continued on the walk, knowing it would only be a little less than ten minutes before she could get home to her brother and grandfather. It was her night to make dinner before her father got home from work. She just hoped he didn't bring another animal home again. As much as she loved them, the family shrine was getting overcrowded and she feared the bunnies were going to breed even more and outnumber the cats, starting a revolt against the unsuspecting felines.

Soon enough, the pretty, but slightly run-down, shrine came into view. She gave the tiniest of smiles. This place had always been her favourite place in the world to her. Even before she moved out to permanently live with her grandfather, she'd love going in the summer's to visit the shrine, it was calm and uncrowded. She only wished one day it could return to it's once more vivacious state. With her and her brother in school, her father working full time and on call, and her Grandfather's ailing health, no one had that much time to do the necessary upkeep. That had always been her mother's duty when she was still alive.

Walking up the steps and to the entrance, she was greeted by a tortoiseshell kitten that her father had only taken in two weeks ago. Her brother had named him Speckles, and Koza sarcastically complimented his creativity, although she thought it was kind of cute. She wouldn't admit it, though.

The kitten wrapped itself around her legs, meowing like it was trying to get her attention. Koza bent down and scratched her head. "What is it?" Koza asked curiously, smiling at the cat. "You need some water?" She knew very well the cat wouldn't be able to reply, but she thought maybe it would lead her to whatever it was trying to get her attention for. After it gave a funny sounding squeak of a meow, it ran off in the direction to the side of the house. Koza assumed the kitten wanted her to follow, she she gripped the straps of her bag tightly and chased after it.

The kitten was small, so it was hard to see exactly where it had gone, but finally she thought she saw the shadow of Speckles race into the old gazebo, that the long dried up well sat in. Mostly they used the gazebo as a storage shed for her granddadโ€™s old knickknacks and souvenirs, so she didnโ€™t often venture in there. She couldnโ€™t image what the kitten would need her in there for. Maybe it was just some mice.

Peeking around the corner into the dark gazebo, the only light that reached within itโ€™s depths was through the entrance and through the few splits the wood the walls were made of bore from old age. She didnโ€™t exactly know how long the well had been there for. Her Granddad said even longer then when he was a young boy. It looked like a great antique. Stepping into the gazebo, the wooden planks beneath her feet creaked with every step she took. โ€œSpeckles?โ€ she called out, not able to see the small kitten anywhere. Making a whole loop around the well that was centered in the room, she sighed, unable to find the kitten anywhere. She was so certain it had come into the gazebo as well. Maybe Speckles had jumped into the well.

Fear overtook her in that moment, concerned that the cat was an adrenaline junky. Scurrying over to the well, she bent over to look inside of it, but it was too dark to see the bottom. She couldnโ€™t even tell how deep it was. Quickly grabbing the black hair tie on her wrist, she put her extremely long hair up into a ponytail before climbing on the wellโ€™s narrow ledge. Gripping it tightly, she leaned her head in more to see if she could hear anything or see better, but alas, it was no help.

Kozakura was about to get off the wells ledge and find a ladder so she could climb down, but her plans changed as soon as she heard a soft mewing come from one of the dusty shelves that were only recently added. It sent quick a shock through Kozakura, enough so that she completely lost her grip and tumbled into the well herself. Shutting her eyes as tightly as she could, she let out a yelp and braced for the forceful impact she knew was coming. That was until it didnโ€™t. Letting out the sharp intake of breath she instinctively sucked in on her way down, after a solid minute of keeping herself in a tense little ball, she opened her eyes expecting it to have all been a bad dream. She always woke up before the impacts in nightmares, so she thought it must have just been one of those.

She wasnโ€™t prepared though for the fact she was at the bottom of a well, most especially for the fact It wasnโ€™t the same well as the one she had fallen into. At least, it wasnโ€™t in the same place as it once had been before. No, this well was clearly outdoors and not hunkered down in a gazebo built around it, as light shone through it and was not covered by a poorly made roof. Standing up, she brushed the dirt off her black skirt, and looked up, clearly dazed and confused. The well wasnโ€™t too deep, maybe ten feet in depth, but it was deep enough that she would struggle tog et out on her own. She would worry about what happened later, but for right now, she wanted out.

Trying to get a grip on the loose mossy cobbles to climb up in a valiant attempt, Kozakura couldnโ€™t quite brace her feet enough in the crevices to get leverage to climb her way out, so she resorted to the only thing she could think of to do. She called out, โ€œHello, is anyone up there? Akira? Granddad?โ€


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kozakura Asai Character Portrait: Argyos Character Portrait: Hayami Akiyama Character Portrait: Atomu
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Atomu sighed as he slowed his gait to a walk. He didn't need to run anymore after all. He had managed to leave the priestesses far behind him and he doubted they would still be chasing his tail this far into the woods. They had a village and a shrine to protect from the naughty nogitsune, after all. For all they knew, he could have been the bait to lure them away from their precious charges. It was stupid, in his opinion, but such was the way of the world and peoples' superstitions. Not every fox was trying to lie and cheat and weasel their ways into peoples bedrooms. People just never wanted to give him the time of day to explain what he wanted from them. It was always the first impression that mattered.

Atomu looked down at the cloth on his arm where one of the priestesses had managed to hit him with an arrow infused with banishing incense. Since he was half kitsune, the blasted thing did burn and his skin had taken on an unflattering red. He looked like a lobster! And she had singed his clothing to. He had to mend that now. Atomu gave a pout before he tried to lick his wound and ease the ache. Unfortunately, his tongue couldn't quite reach the inflicted area and he probably looked like quite the scene as he tried to get at it. With an exasperated sigh, Atomu gave up on trying to tend to his wound for now. He'd just have to visit river or a stream he passed by and wash it off the 'proper' way. That was for later however. He had something else on his mind.

Atomu grinned as he pulled out a little bag that contained two onigiri (rice balls) filled with plums. He soooooo loved onigiri. All kinds of them really. Plum filled, salmon filled, pork filled, tuna filled... the list went on.They were best thing humans ever invented. And he always made sure he grabbed a couple no matter where he went. Most of the time he could pay for these yummy treats but other times, like this time, he had to make use of his other talents. Okay so maybe the priestesses did have a reason for chasing him out of the town this time. It wasn't his fault the cook wouldn't lower his prices. Atomu knew for a fact he was overpricing his food but again, such was the bane of his appearance. Sometimes you had to do what you had to do, regardless of what others may think. At least he made up for his tiny bits of thievery here and there by paying back the stalls when he came around again or took odd jobs for those he met on the roads who were willing to offer him a bit of work.

The young half-breed hummed in his joy as he brought the first onigiri to his lips. He took the smallest nibble, just to taste the rice and savor it for a moment. He couldn't lug around rice himself and he found the idea of having a horse do it for him as inhumane so he only brought what he could carry and that usually included very little rice or none at all. "Mmmm little piece of heaven," he mused to himself. He continued his little nibbles until he finally found a tree that seemed suitable for rest. The grass in this area was lush and vibrant and this particular tree was large enough to cover the entire 'sitting' area with its generous shade. The light breeze in the air cooled the sunk-kissed skin and it did help relieve some of the itch from the wound as well. "Perfect," he crooned.

Atomu sat down and got himself comfortable, spreading out his deep purple robes with the frilly flower print down its center with splashes of white and pink. It was quite the contrast to his naturally pale skin. Atomu's pointed fox ears flickered atop his head as he listened to the chirping and buzzing of the area around and gobbled up his second treat a little more impatiently than the first. When he was done, he leaned his head back against the bark of the trees, his silky hair framing his face in strands colored like freshly fallen snow. His amber colored eyes matched the sunset in the distance and even took on a slight pink hue thanks to the lighting. Atomu smiled softly and picked up a foxtail weed and placed the tip in his mouth to chew the stem. He closed his eyes with the full intention of napping.

It wasn't long before his rest was interrupted by a little chirping beside him. He opened a single eye and spotted the tiny fox kit that was bobbing its head as it looked at him. The silly thing didn't know what to make of him. He grinned at his fox brother and slowly pulled the weed out of his mouth and extended it towards the animal. He dangled the fuzzy bit in the air to get its attention and then started to drag it across the grass. He was awarded with a louder 'yip' as the four-legged creature hurried after it and attacked the fuzzy tip. The fox even swallowed the fuzzy and Atomu couldn't help but laugh. "You are not supposed to eat it," he told the fox. The kit just stared at him and tilted its head to the side. Atomu indulged the baby by waving his own tail at the kit and watched as it tried to jump up after the appendage when Atomu lifted it. He continued to play with the little one even when the tyke eventually managed to bite down on the tail. Hard. "Oi! Quite the bite you've got there," he winced.

Unfortunately, the game didn't last much longer. A woman's voice called out in the distance then. Atomu lifted his head as his ears pointed forward. The little kit rushed away, calling for its mother in fright. Atomu tilted his head to the side as he judged the distance of where the call had come from. He couldn't quite make out what the woman was saying but the tenor seemed quite stressed. The kitsune got to his feet as he hurried after the sound. He wasn't going to abandon someone in distress after all. He quickly found himself in front of an old well lined with vines and weeds sticking out if its creases. Had someone fallen into the well? He cautiously moved closer and peered down into the hole. The sun was making it difficult to see into the darker area but he could see there was someone at the bottom.

"Are you all right?" he called. "Did you break something?" His gaze had already lifted looking for something he could use to help pull the woman out. It wouldn't do if she broke her arm or something though. She wouldn't be able to climb out. He may have to tie something out here with whatever he found and go in after her and pull her out. He really hoped he didn't have to do that.


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Character Portrait: Kozakura Asai Character Portrait: Argyos Character Portrait: Hayami Akiyama Character Portrait: Atomu
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"There once was an old man,
He wore a shroud of light,
His beard was long,
His coat was white-"

Hayami was singing softly to herself as she was kneeling in the soft rich earth of the forest. She had a small basket next to her that was already filled with an assortment of herbs and flowers she had been picking. She had left the palace quite early in the morning, before the sun rose, and had taken her time wandering the forest and countryside. She was searching for a whole host of herbs to replenish her depleted stock. It had been quite a while since she had been able to leave her chores to go searching. She had missed this.

She paused her humming as a large yellow butterfly fluttered into her line of vision. It bounced up and down in the air as it flapped it's glamorous wings. She watched it quietly as it came closer. It hover in front of her for a brief moment before it landed on her nose. Her amber eyes crossed as she peered down her nose at the curious creature. She smiled as it stretched its wings against her face.

After a moment it took off again and soon disappeared from sight. Hayami was pleased with the bug. She loved the quiet atmosphere of the woods. Even still, the quiet was deceiving. The forest was teeming with life and she could almost feel the pulse of the plants as they grew in the earth.

She snipped a few sprigs off of the small bush she was kneeling in front of and placed them delicately in her basket. She put the small pair of shears in the basket next to her collection and stood. She brushed the dirt that clung to her knees. She heard a cry in the distance and turned. It wasn't often she met people when she was out. Not many liked to explore around.

She picked her way through the trees until she had broken through the line. She saw a rather interesting creature peering down into an old abandoned well. He was saying something but she couldn't understand his words. She was prepared to turn and leave whatever scene she had stumbled upon. There was something that drew her in. Without much thought she stepped towards the creature and realized it was a kitsune.

The closer she got she finally realized someone must be inside the well. She felt concern flush through her body. If someone had fallen down the well they were probably injured. She moved more quickly this time until she stood only a few feet away from the kitsune and the well.

"Is everything all right?" her voice was barely above a whisper and would've been carried away if there had been a breeze.


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Character Portrait: Kozakura Asai Character Portrait: Argyos Character Portrait: Hayami Akiyama Character Portrait: Atomu
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His majesty is missing!"

"Not exactly." Agryos muttered under his breath as he dangled precariously just above the servant's head. Funny how people don't usually look up, it was a good idea to hand his scarf over the chandelier on the celling after all, despite how it teetered precariously. The escapes were getting harder and harder now that they knew all the right places to look, though nothing could stump him for long.

The man didn't seem to be leaving anytime soon however, and any more time wasted the chandelier was going to topple. Agryos wasn't in the mood for another lecture, not when he could've gotten away with it. Taking a deep breath, the prince considered his chances and began to swing. The chandelier tilted more and more, until...

Crash! Agryos used to momentum to fling himself feet first out of the glass window, shattered glass and his Long striped scarf trailing after him as he landed on the ground gracefully. Another window destroyed, but it shouldn't take them that long to fix it according to his experience. It wasn't his most daring escape, but this definitely makes it on the list of amazing yet understandably risky things he had his life. What matter was that he escaped mostly unscathed, the scratches on his hands inflicted by the glass shards were already healing.

As shouts rang out in the room behind him, he took off with a run, stifling a giggle as adrenaline ran through his veins. Running was quite refreshing when one spent all day being cooped up in a building. There was hardly any time to waste however. Agryos was sure that the Guards would catch up sooner or later if he dawdled like this. He did appreciate his parents for trying to keep him safe, but that could be overbearing sometimes. Bringing two fingers swiftly to his lips, he blew a shrill whistle and heard with some satisfaction at the sound of hooves that were gradually getting louder.

"Shiroyasha!" A white stallion galloped toward him, stopping obediently before him to allow Agryos to climb on, throwing himself onto the horse with practiced ease. He was already dressed in his 'outdoor' clothes, a dark cloak hiding his white royal attire. A satchel was over his shoulder, filled with provisions that he had sneaked from the table and a single book of legends. Pulling the hood firmly above his head to hide his silver hair and gold eyes, Agryos wrapped his scarf around his neck to cover most of his face. A necessary act even if he was only going for a walk in the forest. He could never be too sure that there weren't people looking to kill him lurking around. "Let's go, Shiro." He gave the horse's neck a light pat and they took off in a flash toward the woods.

The woods were peaceful and quiet, sunlight filtering through the leaves to form green shadows on the ground. Agryos found a tall tree, its branches stretching out toward the heavens and dismounted, reaching into his bag and pulled out an Apple, offering it to his steed and taking a second to brush its mane.

Sliding down against the tree, he rested his head against the trunk and started to read. It was a popular children's tale that had been read to him since he was young, the legend of the four gods. Sometimes he wished they would just come already. Surely the situation was bad enough for them to interfere. Agryos half heartedly wondered if he could leave the throne and let the God of their land take over, to live an ordinary life away from the dangers and responsibilities that seemed to plague him. Wishful thinking, but it didn't stop him from wishing anyway.

He was barely halfway in when he heard the cry for help. Did someone fall into the well? The sound seemed to have some echoes coming along with it, and Agryos had always expected that it was only a matter of time before someone fell into it. It was usually none of his business, but he was curious and he never resisted an opportunity to explore. "Come here, Shiro." Agryos whistled to get its attention once again, climbing onto it swiftly before riding it to the destination. He knew the entire layout of the forest well enough to ride directly to the place, but even then it seemed that more people had already arrived. Adjusting his scarf once again so he was certain that it hid his face, he too peered over the side of the well with his golden eyes. The girl trapped didn't look too injured, though she didn't look like any yokai he had seen.

""What compelled you to enter this well in the first place? This is no place for a child to play around. Do you require any assistance?" He called down, temporarily ignoring the other two. He will get to addressing them soon, but one looked like a servant girl from his castle and the other a kitsune. None of whom he trusted, and the one in the well was the only one he could be certain not to Attack him suddenly.


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Character Portrait: Kozakura Asai Character Portrait: Argyos Character Portrait: Hayami Akiyama Character Portrait: Atomu
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#, as written by Airy




Kozakura Asai


Kozakura let out a long sigh as she stared defeatedly up at the sky that seemed too far away for her liking. Resting her hands on either side of her face, she paced back and forth in the small well trying to come up with an alternative plan, concidering neither her granddad or brother had heard her calls for help. She didn't even want to think about where the gazebo had gone in the first place or how long she could have possibley blacked out for. Maybe there was a hole in the ceiling and that's why she could see the sky? However, she couldn't remember there being a hole before. If there was someone would have patched it up pretty quick.

Shaking her head distractedly, she quickly gathered her thoughts back to the problem at hand. She needed to get out of the well first, then worry later. "Alright!" she stated to herself as she gained a new found determination. She would try climbing up the wall time and time again until she was successfully out, even getting scraped, bruised, and cut if she had too.

As Koza braced her foot in one of the notches between the stones once more, a voice called out, "Are you alright?" and "Did you break something?" It surprised her so much that she lost her footing once again and fell, landing on her butt. Putting her head in her hands, she let out a frustrated groan before two more voices echoed down, one clearly a girl's tone asking her if everything was alright, and another that annoyingly said that this wasn't a place for a child to play around. "I'm not a child!" She yelled back, looking up at the three silhouetted faces that peered over the well's edge. Koza was clearly frustrated. Although, this comment only served to add more fuel to the fire and with even more determination, she tried getting herself out once again, not wanting help. She tried her best to be independent in everything she did. Best not learn to depend on people and be disappointed when the next time you need their help they are gone.

As she still couldn't get up on that second try, she knew she needed to come up with another plan. Looking around all sides of the small encircled space, she quickly noticed a root from a tree that had jutted out from the cracked stone. Kozakura quickly took out the thick hair tie that had been holding her wavy long hair in place and scurried over to the side. She wasn't quite tall enough to reach the root, so she began climbing once again, just to get herself up a few more inches. Reaching up, she hooked her hopefully sturdy hair elastic onto the root. Using it to pull herself up, she quickly and easily scrambled up the wall with that leverage and got herself perched upon the root. She heard it snapping under her weight, so in a quick instant, she reached up and hooked fingers onto the ledge of the well. Quickly the root snapped and Kozakura was left dangling. With as much effort as her strength would let her, she hoisted herself up and over the edge of the well successfully. Sitting on the ledge, she hopped off onto the grassy ground and into the fresh air. She didn't even have time to process where she was, because the first thing she did was look at the strange boy who'd called her a child and said, "Nothing compelled me to go in the well; I fell in!" Instantaneously, a rush of rosy colour swarmed to her cheeks. Saying that she fell in probably didn't sound much better. Crossing her arms, she turned her head in a different direction and muttered with a calmer, yet still slightly aggravated edge, "who are you calling child anyways, we're probably the same age..." It was more a statement to herself in an attempt to heal her ego than to him. She wasn't even sure he heard it.

Turning a heal to the boy wearing a scarf altogether, she looked over to the other two that had surrounded the well. Kozakura dipped her head in a small bow to them and her long hair fell over her shoulders, covering her face. "I'm sorry for the trouble I have caused, I'm really fine." And that was true. She didn't show any signs of falling into the well at all, which was peculiar in itself. To any normal passerby, it would only look like she fell to the ground; her hands had dirt under the fingernails and minor scraps, and her red cardigan and black skirt had patches of dirt covering them. Lifting her head back up, she asked, "Do you think you could tell me where I am?"But quickly getting distracted as she looked at the two strangers fully for the first time.

The girl's hair was a strange colour Kozakura had never seen before. It wasn't dyed either. Koza herself had peculiar reddish hair, but nothing quite like the starry colour hers was. She also wore a more formal and historical attire. Even the boy behind her whom she sort of gotten huffy with had a peculiar look himself. The other guy, however, wore a kimono-style garb that was really beautiful and served to make her school uniform look like the one out of place. His hair was almost so naturally light in colour that in stunned her, but it was the animal ears that really threw her off. Distracted by her own curiosity, Kozakura approached him and reached up on her tippy toes in order to touch them, saying wide-eyed, "Wow, these look so real."


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Character Portrait: Kozakura Asai Character Portrait: Argyos Character Portrait: Hayami Akiyama Character Portrait: Atomu
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Atomu's ears jolted forward when he heard another woman's voice behind him. He turned his head to see a woman coming up a bit nervously though it was obvious she was worried for whoever had fallen into the well. He watched her a bit wary, unsure how to interact with her at the moment considering his... differences. Some people didn't mind him after all, and others wanted to chase him away. Did she perhaps think that he had pushed the woman into the well? He would never do such a thing but who would believe him if he denied it? He didn't really want to turn his back to her, but the hesitant female stopped a good distance away from him and he didn't think she'd come closer.

Before he could direct his attention back to the woman in need, another stranger approached. This time it was another male and based on his attire and the way he walked, he knew that the stranger was formidable. He had the gait of a warrior and heir of someone who looked down on people. Or at least that was the impression that Atomu got from him. He felt much more uneasy around this individual than he did the other female. He seemed rather rude as well. Hopefully after the woman below was aided they could all go on their way and he'd never have to worry about any of these strangers. He still wanted his nap.

And it appeared the woman didn't want any of their help anyway. His ears twitched as he watched the woman struggle all by herself. She was determined, wasn't she? He had to commend her for that. Not many people would force themselves to use their own devices to get out of trouble. It was easier accept aid after all. She had a strong heart if anything. He hoped she didn't hurt herself worse though, the way she was trying to climb and swing herself up. When it looked like she might fall again, Atomu moved closer and got his hands ready to snatch her arm but he hadn't need to. Within moments, the woman was finally crawling over the edge of the well and she didn't look worse for ware. In fact, she didn't look like she had fallen at all. There were no injuries and she was just a bit ruffled from her climb. How strange...

And her clothing! What was she wearing? Her dress was so short! What was she doing with something so short? Actually, everything she was wearing was strange. He couldn't identify the style. He couldn't imagine a girl wanting to wear something so short. It was like an invitation! He only saw kimono that short in tea rooms, not that he frequented those very often. Did she work there maybe? She was a long way away from the city though. Ah well. She was out of the well. That was all that mattered. Now he could take his leave of these three strangers. The young man was about to turn and walk away, but the woman from the well began to approach him. He tensed lightly, a bit uneasy as she walked straight up to him and reached up to touch his ears.

Atomu's eyes widened at the forward action but he didn't have time to worry about that. As soon as her fingers brushed his delicate ears, a surge of energy zapped through the fox. He gasped as he pulled away from her, shocked and a bit unnerved. The energy was swirling through him and it didn't feel anything like his fox fire. What was this? Did she do something to him? Had she somehow done something to the fox part of himself? He heard about banishing spells and the like that would try and cage someone like him. Was this what it felt like? All of it was a confusing mess.

That wasn't the only change that took place however. Slowly an inky blackness began to spread out from the center of his back. Like the strokes of a paintbrush, the midnight lines curved and extended over his body. The lines had formed an intricate image of a turtle that occupied most of his back. The lines continued to leave traces on his chest and right arm. On his left cheek, the symbol for Black Warrior, ็Ž„ๆญฆ, was printed as clear as day. Atomu looked down at his marked arm baffled. What was all of this? What did it mean?

"What... what did you do?!" he called out to the woman and looked up at her to see that she to was beginning to have markings displayed on her form. He glanced at the other two strangers and was surprised to see that they were also gaining these strange marks. So it wasn't directed at him but that didn't explain what this was. He hated to admit it, but he was growing a bit anxious. Maybe he should have been selfish and stayed away when he heard the woman cry out for help. He wouldn't be in this mess if he hadn't.


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Character Portrait: Kozakura Asai Character Portrait: Argyos Character Portrait: Hayami Akiyama Character Portrait: Atomu
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Uncomfortable. That was how Hayami felt as she recognized the crown prince as he approached. It made her stomach twist over. She didn't interact with him very much, but it was still intimidating to be in his presence. She was distracted from the kitsune and tried to retreat into the peaceful place in her soul. She was ready to turn away.

The girl in the well had quite the temper and refused help. She forced her way up the wall of the well, grasping at rough stones and gripping the roots. Her curiosity overrode her sense of propriety and she waited. First hands came out, followed by a head of peculiar hair with a reddish tone to it. If that wasn't odd enough, she hopped out wearing the most scandalous outfit Hayami had ever seen on a girl. She felt her own face flush and the tips of her ears redden in embarrassment for the girl. What possibly possessed her to wear something so revealing in public?

The strange girl, with the strange clothes, and the wild hair moved quickly to the kitsune. It was then that Hayami felt the emotions rolling off of the furry eared boy. He was uncomfortable. She read the panic in his gestures as he twisted away but the girl tugged at his ears anyway. She seemed awestruck like a child. Had she not ever seen a kitsune before?

A very odd thing happened after that. Hayami felt something hot on the top of her head. In a fright she dropped her basket, the contents bouncing out and scattering across the grass, and quickly touched the top of her head. It was hot, and heavy. She searched her hair with her lithe fingers but only felt her silky strands. Why did she feel heavy and on fire? The weight was smooth and fluid as it dripped down her face and onto her shoulders. She cried out as the invisible force was not to be deterred. She twisted and squirmed. She didn't understand what was happening to her. She was too distracted to notice that the other three were also in a similar situation.

She felt the hot lead slide against her skin. Her body was being encased in it. She gasped as the heat--now extremely uncomfortable as it was bordering burning--wrapped around her stomach and a portion of her back. She felt something being branded into her side and it caused her to drop to the ground. Her elbows shook as she had her hands firmly planted in the soft grass.

The sensation began to dim as it traveled down the rest of her body. The heat began to pulse and vibrate in her body. Her kimono felt stifling and sticky against her skin. She closed her eyes. What demon magic was this?

Nausea swirled in her stomach like a cyclone. She swallowed shook her head. Her mouth had a bitter taste in it. It was as though she had been sucking on a gold coin. The distinct metallic taste nearly made her gag.

Then it was gone.

Her body pushed out whatever enchantment had fallen upon her, or so she thought. As she recovered she moved back to her feet. Her cheeks were flushed as she felt awkward for having lost her composure in front of them. It was then that she realized they had changed, and then she noticed she had changed.

She didn't know what to say and was speechless as the kitsune spoke in mortification.


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Character Portrait: Kozakura Asai Character Portrait: Argyos Character Portrait: Hayami Akiyama Character Portrait: Atomu
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ImageThe girl was a feisty one. It was hard to say that Agryos enjoyed her attitude, but after what seemed like ages of people unquestioningly supporting whatever he says, it was refreshing to say the least. If he was surprised by her attire he didn't show it, Agryos had seen enough odd outfits for himself to be surprised, but it was unusual to see such a short one on a girl her age. He vaguely wondered which country she belonged to when she reached out for the kitsune's ears.

She looked curious, to say the least. Weren't there kitsune from where she came? They were found quite commonly last he checked, there were several shrines for them. That said, it was another queer fact that this one was wandering around. As he was wondering why this one in particular was quite a distance away from the shrine, the girl touched the kitsuneโ€™s ears.

One second everything was normal, the next a searing pain shot up his arm like someone was pressing a burning iron to his flesh. Biting back a cry of pain, Agryos gripped his arm and tried to steady himself. To make matters worse, a wave of panic washed over it, his lungs constricting. Breathe. For a split second, Agryos felt like he was drowning as he gasped for breath, clutching at his throat. Then it was gone. There was only the feeling of lingering discomfort, like something had changed that he couldnโ€™t quite put his finger on.

It was only when he looked at the others did he start realising what might have gone wrong. The fox already had markings, and without looking down Agryos knew that those were forming on his own body, trailing down to his palms. It was what looked like a blue scaled dragon, gaping maw open at his hand, the rest of itโ€™s body twining up his arm as if it was a bracelet.

A blue dragon, the one that his kingdom was named after. Instantly he remembered the well known legend and groaned internally. Please, not this. Anything but this. Curse his curiosity, if he had never came there in the first place none of this would have happened.


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Character Portrait: Kozakura Asai Character Portrait: Argyos Character Portrait: Hayami Akiyama Character Portrait: Atomu
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#, as written by Airy




Kozakura Asai


Kozakura was stunned when he so rapidly pulled away; she hoped she hadn't offended him by overstepping any boundaries, that was the last thing she wanted to do in this already odd situation.

But when that initial buzzing pain centered in the midst of her back started and spread like wildfire, any concern Ko had over offending anyone went rapidly out the proverbial door. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before. It felt like the portal to hells gates had opened right on her back and that every bad creature that had ever lived was about to come out and create unimaginable havoc, like Kozakura's body was some reincarnated version of Pandora's Box. Okay, maybe that was a little dramatic but Kozakura only knew that she did not like whatever the feeling was and that it was the most unusual pain or surge she'd felt in her lifetime thus far. And when she finally looked up after the first initial shock of the pain passed, it seemed she wasn't the only one feeling it.

Her feet when numb, her fingers got the odd tingly feeling, and it felt like spiders were creeping across her back, spreading in a wave in intricate-like patterns. This electric feeling was buzzing through her body, and though the weather was a little more on the nice breezy side before, she felt like every part of her body would be hot to the touch. The only thing that brought her attention away from the unknown was the accusations of the animal-eared boy asking her what the hell she'd done. If her temper hadn't already been spiked before, it sure was now.

"What kind of idiot are you!?" she fired back at him, taking off her backpack and swinging it towards the animal eared boy, whacking his arm. "How could I have done something by touching those fake ears of yours! I don't even know what this is!" Ko huffed, waving her arms to the two others in reference to them feeling whatever the hell had happened as well. Crossing her arms over her chest after she slipped her backpack back on, she slightly mumbled a bickering sentence to herself before noticing the oddly inked tattoo appear on animal ears and scarf boy. Ko's eyebrows furrowed in clear confusion as her previous clear expression of exasperation shifted into a look of muddled perplexity. Looking down at her own slightly revealed shoulder from where her too big shirt slipped, she noticed odd red inky lines had appeared on her previous clear skin. She thought for a moment she had simply been scratched by something when she was down in the well, but on further inspection she noticed the lines seemed to go further down her back. Kozakura sounded out an audible "huh?" before twisting around trying to get a better look at her back. Quickly she scrambled off her red cardigan to see if anything was on her arms, yet thankfully they appeared clear on first glance. After lifting up the back of her shirt slightly, she saw a tattoo of sorts had formed there as well. She couldn't particularly see what it was, and didn't want to rip off her shirt in front of complete strangers to check, but the knowledge that there was some marking there that hadn't been before worried her enough that any more curiosity as to what it could have been could wait until later.

Looking back up at the three, first at animal ears, then to starry haired girl, then to scarf boy, she couldn't exactly work out what was happening, so instead she figured she'd go with the most obviously logical explanation her head could come up with.

It must be a dream.

She must have knocked her head on some rock on the ground when she had fallen into the well and completely blacked out. Clearly she realized she was not in the same place as the original well, so it had to have been some wild dream her mind had come up with. She was shocked at her own subconscious, it was so random that she couldn't pinpoint the meaning of the dream, and hoped then when she woke she wasn't bleeding out her her head or something. There must be only one way to get out of the dream, and she figured she knew what it was so in a final flurry of conclusion, she said thinking out loud, "Iโ€™ll just go back in the well, everything will be normal!โ€ and like a tiny tornado, she wiped back around in determination and climbed on the ledge of the well once more, trying to climb back in as careful as she can. She always hated those dreams where you fall off a cliff or something and suddenly wake up before impact, so she figured sheโ€™d try to make it down as safety as she could even if it was a dream.


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Character Portrait: Kozakura Asai Character Portrait: Argyos Character Portrait: Hayami Akiyama Character Portrait: Atomu
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"H-hey!" Atomu cried out as the woman insulted his ears and then proceeded to whack at him with her bag. He had managed to lift his arm a bit to protect his face but it seemed she was aiming or his arm anyway. What was in that bag? It hurt! She was such a rude person! Here he was minding his own business when she had to go and fall in a well and now all of this was happening. Maybe he was wrong for outright accusing the girl but the pain and the markings had appeared after she touched him so what else was he supposed to think? Though he did find it odd that the other two people got markings as well even though they hadn't had physical contact. It was the strangest thing. And the markings all looked different and they were different colors to. What did all of this mean? He huffed to himself and crossed his arms in more defiance than anything. "And my ears are not fake! How can you say my ears are fake?" he grumbled and reached a hand up to touch the appendages in question. They twitched at the light touch he provided. No one had ever called his ears fake before. Would she try and tug on her tail next?

Atomu watched the woman warily as she observed the markings that had appeared on her own body. She looked incredulous as well. Maybe... maybe she didn't do it after all. But then, how did all of this happen? None of this was making much sense. And then the strange woman started to walk back towards the well saying how all of this was a dream and she needed to go back down the well. His eyes widened in alarm and his ears jolted forward. She was going to go back into the well? She couldn't! Well, she could, but then she'd be stuck at the bottom again! That vine she had used earlier to help her up had snapped beneath her weight. She wouldn't be able to get out without help and he didn't think she'd accept it. And worse, what if she hurt herself and they had to go in after her? This woman was crazy! He couldn't let her hurt herself though.

"Are you trying to hurt yourself?" he called out to her and quickly hurried to stop her. He grabbed her arm to pull her back away from the well. "Didn't you learn your lesson the first time? You are going to get hurt and you'll get stuck down there again. This isn't a dream. You felt that pain, didn't you? Dreams aren't painful."He didn't know what else he could say to get the woman to stop. "We can figure out what this is without you jumping back down there." He sighed then. "Look, I am sorry I accused you but it seemed like the only logical explanation since this happened after you touched me. Now since we are all being civil-like, my name is Atomu. Who are you? Where did you come from?" he asked. The first question was geared to all those present but his last question was fully intended for this strange woman. He wanted to get to the bottom of this.


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Character Portrait: Kozakura Asai Character Portrait: Argyos Character Portrait: Hayami Akiyama Character Portrait: Atomu
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Image What an odd girl this was. She first accused this poor kitsune to be false and then declared this was all some sort of crazy dream and the only solution was to dive back into the well. Hayami had never met a girl like this. She was quite bizarre. Her choice of clothes was a statement by itself, but her mannerisms and accent were foreign. Even though she spoke the same language she pronounced the words differently.

The kitsune quickly grabbed the girls arm and reeled her back away from the well. Surely the girl would cause serious bodily damage if she went back into the well. Hayami couldn't deny her curiosity and side stepped to peer into the well. There was nothing unusual about the well except perhaps it was dried up. Had this stranger really come from inside the well?

Her attention was drawn back to the others as the kitsune had continued to speak and then introduced himself. He then question who they all were. Did he not recognize the prince? She supposed that that wasn't too hard to believe.

"I am Hayami, I am a servant and healer in the palace." Her voice was soft and quiet and would easily be drowned out if other sounds competed with her. She shifted back to her previous position and picked up her basket full of herbs and medicinal plants. She bowed to those in front of her. She straightened but did not look towards Argyos out of respect. She was a bit unnerved to be in his presence.

She waited and turned her eyes to the girl waiting for her introduction.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kozakura Asai Character Portrait: Argyos Character Portrait: Hayami Akiyama Character Portrait: Atomu
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The girl's behaviour was as though she had never seen anything like them before. Argyos didn't know much about the people in other kingdoms, but this girl in particular seems as though she came from a completely separate world. Things would go back to normal if she went into the well? Was the well a portal of some kind? This situation was getting more curious the more he thought about it, so Agryos decided to leave it as such. Sometimes it was the best for mysteries to stay mysteries, especially if there were more pressing matters at hand.

The fox spoke then, after stopping the strange girl from climbing back in the well. Atomu and Hayami... He still didn't know much, but it was a start. Dipping his head slightly, Argyos gave them the same faux polite smile he often used to address the ambassadors he had to meet as part of his duties. "Greetings. My name is A-" He was about to speak, but paused at the last moment. They were mostly strangers, and he was alone with no protection. Even if Hayami worked in the palace, that didn't warrant any of them his trust. Being the only crown prince, it would be troublesome if they decided to Attack him.

Since two of them didn't know him at all, this might be the perfect opportunity to forget about his status. Moreover, wouldn't it be absolutely delightful to see the expressions on their faces when they find out?

Argyos collected himself quickly, the smile hardly faltering. "My name is Akemi. It's a pleasure." Inclining his head at Hayami, he caught her eye before pressing a finger to his lips briefly, hoping it was signal enough for her not to give out his identity. She seems awfully uncomfortable around him, but Argyos does give off such an impression sometimes. It always mystified him, but once again it wasn't very important.

Not compared to the reason why markings formed on their bodies. If his hypothesis was correct, it was going to be enough to give him a headache.

A small crease formed between his brows before being smoothened out as quickly as it appeared. "Would you mind if I take a look, kitsune?" Argyos asked politely, gesturing toward the marking on his cheek. The other markings seemed to be on their backs, and as much as Argyros was curious he wasn't about to ask them to strip.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kozakura Asai Character Portrait: Argyos Character Portrait: Hayami Akiyama Character Portrait: Atomu
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#, as written by Airy




Kozakura Asai


Koza let out a small yelp of surprise as the animal eared boy yanked her back unexpectedly. She lost her footing quickly and fell on her back on the thankfully soft grass.

"Nothing about this is logical!" Koza huffed in an irritated reply, quickly standing up from the ground and brushing her skirt off. She felt the need to run to the well again, but decided to wait and see. She didn't want to get yanked down again.

Looking from person to person as they made their brief introductions, all that was running through Koโ€™s head was how bizarre this was. She still wasnโ€™t entirely sure this wasnโ€™t a dream, because unlike animal boy said, she knew for a fact dreams could hurt. Sheโ€™d had her fair share of painful dreams after her mother had passed, and although they werenโ€™t exactly painful in a physical sense, they did leave their hurtful mark.

โ€œMy name is Kozakura,โ€ she introduced herself, a little reluctantly. Shifting her amber eyes to animal ears who said his name was Atomu, she addressed his second question. โ€œIโ€™m from Numazu in Japan. I was at my familyโ€™s shrine when I was chasing this cat and fell into a well. Next thing I know, Iโ€™m here with a weird mark on me while you try and convince me that those ears are real.โ€ Glancing over to the Starry Haired girl, Hayami, she questioned, โ€œand what do you mean youโ€™re a servant at a palace? What palace? You arenโ€™t owned or anything, right? Because if there are people around here living in a bloody palace thinking they can own and boss people around do to their beck and call just because they have money, they got another thing coming.โ€ Now, she looked at scarf boy. "And you," she started, not caring that she was asking so many questions, "what do you mean by kitsune? Those aren't real, just some fairy tale stuff."

These people were crazy, and this most definitely was a dream.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kozakura Asai Character Portrait: Argyos Character Portrait: Hayami Akiyama Character Portrait: Atomu
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Atomu gave a sigh of relief when the strange girl stopped trying to leap into the well again. One problem solved. He didn't need to deal with someone trying to rush in with suicidal thoughts. Now that the immediate danger was dealt with, he could focus on what the other three were saying. His ears twitched as he took note of each voice. The girl with the pink hair was a healer at the palace, Hayami. She was a long way from home. He supposed she did need to come this far if she was trying to find all of the herbs that she would need to create her healing salves. Then there was the man who had stuttered on his name. He said it was Akemi but he wasn't sure if he believed him. Why would one stutter over their name if they didn't have to think about it? So it was obvious to him he was hiding something. Then this suicidal girl was Kozakura. From Numazu. He had never heard of a place called Numazu. It must be very far away; a place he hadn't traveled to.

He scoffed at the stranger and let her go. He crossed his arms over his chest while his tail flickered behind him in agitation with this situation. "My ears are real and your insinuation that they aren't is quite annoying," he answered her. "I am not wearing them because I like being chased about." he answered her. She was rather rude. Thus far, only the healer was someone he felt like he could really relate to. He didn't trust the scandalously clad female and the shifty male. Speaking of, the man was talking to him. He blinked at him a moment before he touched his cheek. If Akemi was pointing at his cheek, that meant he must have one of the marks on his face. Wonderful. Now he had another reason for people to criticize him.

"Go ahead," he said then, giving Akemi permission to take a look at the mark. "You can look at the ones on my arm as well. I have no qualms about it. Do you know what they are?" he asked him then. While Akemi did that, the kitsune turned his gaze back to Kozakura and Hayami. My, Kozakura was quite the opinionated little thing, wasn't she? Now she was calling the healer a slave? What was this Numazu like if she jumped to conclusions like that? Did they not have royalty and lords and servants and such? He couldn't quite make sense of her. And just when he thought her attention was no longer on his person, Kozakura had to make the comment that 'kitsune' are not real. He had to live through a lot of grief because of what he was and it was all he had left so he took pride in himself and his dealings.

"You know... for a guest here around people who came to save you, you are really quite rude. I am standing right here. Couldn't you wait to discount my existence until you are out of ear shot? But, I digress. This is pointless. What matters now is that the four of us have these strange markings. What do we do from this point forward, is the true question. When we all return to where we belong, people will be asking questions. I can only assume that will matter more for the three of you than to me. We need to find a way to get rid of them."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kozakura Asai Character Portrait: Argyos Character Portrait: Hayami Akiyama Character Portrait: Atomu
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Hayami waited patiently as Argyos spoke up. She was prepared to bow to him out of the respect that his station demanded but she faltered. He pressed his finger to his lips so quickly she would have missed it if she had blinked. He also introduced himself as Akemi and it only puzzled her further. It was evident she was the only one here who knew of his status and she realized that perhaps it was best that he kept his identity a secret since these two strangers could be anyone. It was obvious Kozakura was unstable, but what of the kitsune?

Hayami was getting increasingly uncomfortable with the situation that she found herself in. Kozakura was rude and loud and seemed to have quite the hot temper. She felt sympathy for Atomu as the girl denied his very existence. Then she went on to imply that Hayami must be some kind of slave and that whoever owned the palace was out of place for having servants. She felt ruffled by the impudent girl and shook her head. "You are mistaken. I am no slave, and you should show more respect since you are in the lands of those very people you seem all too willing to attack." Her words had more meaning in them as Kozakura had no idea she was disrespecting the crown prince of that palace. They were also cold and had an edge to them. They were firm and it was the loudest she had spoken so far.

Atomu spoke up and he had a valid point. Questions would come to light with the new markings. Hayami would have to inspect her body more closely, but it seemed as if most of her markings were covered by her kimono and she was grateful for that. Argyos on the other had had markings more prominent and it made her stomach churn over to think what those in the palace might say in regards to him.

"I do not think it will be so easy Atomu-san." She had attached the suffix as a quick sign of respect in an attempt to add some friendly element to the conversation. Kozakura did not seem at all abashed by treating everyone as rude as she did. Hayami believed Atomu at least deserved a little respect since he was trying so hard to mediate with this impossible girl. "Magic is not easily undone." Part of her healer training was also in the depths of magic. The only explanation for what happened to them could be explained by magic and even now she wasn't sure what kind of magic it was. This particular incident was alien to her and she had no understanding of it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kozakura Asai Character Portrait: Argyos Character Portrait: Hayami Akiyama Character Portrait: Atomu
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Agyros brushed his fingers lightly across the words and frowned. Black warrior. Could it be...? His mind thought back to the legend of the four gods. The black tortoise God of the Genbu Kingdom was a calm and steady individual, much like the rational Fox. A God? His golden eyes moved back to the golden dragon still coiled on his arm. It was impossibly detailed, golden flecks on sunlight sparkling on its blue-and-green scales when he moved his arm to the slightest degree. There were markings on his torso as well, a light translucent sky blue that resembled scales closely. The blue dragon God of the Seiryลซ kingdom. Of course. The clues and puzzle pieces clicked into place in his mind, but something was missing. They couldn't possibly be the gods. Though he cannot speak for the others, he himself was rather ordinary from birth if you disregarded his royal blood. He might be more physically inclined, but definitely not a God of such mighty proportions in the legends.

The problem, perhaps, is how those markings would be perceived by others. He could already imagine the reactions if he returned with the markings of a blue dragon. Would his life be in more risk than it was before, now that he might be a god as well as the crown prince? And if so, what else can he do? His fingers clenched into a tight fist. He wasn't safe any longer, not that he was in the first place. None of them were if his hypothesis was correct. How then? With his father's health getting worse and his kind hearted Mother, how could his family avoid danger? This was a journey he never should've taken. He bit his lip and frowned, making a pained expression for a brief moment, before it subsided and was replaced with yet another blank face. He nodded to Atomu as a indication of his thanks for allowing him to inspect those markings, before his attention was caught by Kozakura's questions.

That girl was reckless. Insulting both the Royal family and the stranger in front of her at the same time? It was simply asking for negative opinions. As expected, Atomu and Hayami were both quite opposed to her rude way of addressing the questions. If he felt any offence toward her questions, Agyros didn't say it out loud. He frowned at the comment about the royalty keeping 'slaves', however. As far as he knew, it wasn't so much a form of slavery as it was providing jobs for the poor. There are far worse ways to end up out there, and serving the royal family isn't such a bad paying job. His parents were both kind to their subjects in his opinion, and he himself rarely 'bosses' anyone around or made them do things against their will. Then again, he might not know for sure what the servants say behind his back. To some degree, he was reassured when Hayami denied her accusations, but that might as well have been for his sake. Regardless, he offered her a small yet genuine smile, before turning back to the strange girl. The mood was souring, and he needed some way to lighten it while moving on with the discussion.

"Now, now." The tips of his mouth turned upward in a friendly smile. "She is a guest in this country, after all. Perhaps there were no kitsune from whence she came from. Regardless, it wasn't quite respectful, but considering the circumstances she's been through it is quite understandable that she might be in a degree of shock." To say the truth, the well intrigued him now that she mentioned travelling to this location from the old well. He would have to get some of the guards to investigate this matter if he ever got the chance. "But what Hayami-sama said is true. I doubt that there is any way to remove the binds of magic, especially ones such as these." He sighed softly, pulling his scarf back over his neck and the hood down to cover his silver hair. It gave him no joy to deliver that particular piece of information, but he had to anyway. "Have any of you ever heard of the saviours of legend?"